® ()ie /k0i)jetrt0tt %hmtttt Vol. 52. No. 29 Flesherton, Ontario, December 28, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietois EUGENU \ A Happy New Year to the editor staff and readers of the Advance. Mr. John McDonald of Codrington and Mr. Sam MacDonald of Toronto are spending the holidays at their home, 8th line. Mr. John K. Jamieson of Toronto visited over Christmas with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar, Miss Muriel Fenwick, Mr. Harold Cook ana Miss Delmar Fenwick of Owen Sound visited over the week end with Mc and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. Miss Muriel and Mrs. Biggar remained for the Christmas vacation. ) Mrs. Will. Can-pbell and son, Bill, of Toronto are spending this week with relatives here. -) Miss Alma Essland is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Shortt. ,.^ Miss Christena Magee and Miss r Irene Martin are home from Toronto n Normal school. ♦ Mr. Robt. Plantt visited- over Christ- ^ mas with his sons near Wareham. The Misses Mary and Isobel McKee spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKee. Mr. Russel Purdy of Ceylon visited at Mr. A. F. Pedlar's. • Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Simmons of m Drayton spent Christmas with Mr. • and Mis. Garnet Magee. .^ Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and family spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. T. Lever, Flesherton. Pleased to report little Miss Elean- or Proctor recovering from her ill- J * <* Rev. McNeil preached an excellent sermon on Sunday, very appropriate for Christmas. The Sunday school children sang a beautiful hymn "Un- * der the Stars." The children apprec- iated very much the treat of candies < and oranges from Rev. McNeil and ^ Miss G. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams spent .3» Monday with Flesherton relatives. \^ Mr. and Mrs. H. Falconer snd daughter, Josie, of Proton visited â- * over the week end with their son, ^ Harold, wife and family. The school concert was held on ^ Thursday evening last. The child- ^ ren and their teacher. Miss Sloan, had a good program of songs, recita- * tions. drills, etc. Santa Claus was ^ present and distributed the gifts from J the tree. The proceeds amount- /^ ed to about ?15,00. A number from here attended the r _school concert given by Miss Sinclair •'sind her pupils, 8th line. A good .j,,^ time was reported and the program ^ 1 was enjoyed. Very sorry to report the death of * Mi-. Joseph Alexander Penwick of â- VTurtleford, Saskatchewan. He had • DPen ailing for some time and passed * away in Tnrtleford hospital last week. J He was bom 62 years ago in Adjala. We extend our sympathy to the sor- , rowing relatires. Mrs, Jos. .Williams 4 of the village is a sister and Mr. T. Fenvv-ick, 8th line, and Mr. W. Fen- wick, Toronto, are brothers. Pleased to report Mr. .AJex. Car- ruthers able to take his place in the , choir again after his illness. Mr. Robt. Purvis and Mr. Jos. Will iams Jr., visited over Christmas in ' Toronto. A number from this vicinity at- tended the dance in Flesherton Mon- day evening. There w-as a dance in i the hall liere also and a good crowd attended. We understand there will be another next Monday night. » Mr. Russel Cameron B..\. M.A., oi Toronto is holidaying at his parental home. We extend our sympathy to the J relatives of the late Mr. J. Sled whose funeral took place on Saturday ^ last at Stayner. Mr. Sled is a Irother- , in-law of Mrs. Wm. J. Magee. He w-as quite an old man and had been ailing for some time. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Ashley Pawcett, Powassan and ^ Mrs. M. Ferguson of Kimberley wish * to thank their many friends for as- * sistance and sympathy in their loss » of their wife and daughter. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere irratitttde and appreciation to the many frienis iinJ neighbors for kind- ness and sympathy extended to us in our recent bereavement. â€"THE CULLEN FAMILY. ..s A man in .â- Vutralia had his auto re punctured by a gold nugget worth 125. Wc may do better in future but so far we haven't piolted up any- thing better than a spike. PRICEVILLE ROGK MILLS A lengthy program of some 3a item-s^waa given by the Sunday school of St. Columba United Church on Thursday evening, December 22. The program was good throughout, in its choruses, dialogues, plays, pantomi.mes sonjrs and duets. The debut of a new orchestra of three violins, guitar, castinets and piano was a pleasing feature. The choir of the church al.so contributed "Rejoice, Rejoice, Exalt His Name." Near the con- clusion of the program occasion was taken to present the medal donated by Mr. C. A. Fleming of the North- ern Business College of Owen Sound for the best specimen of penmanship exhibited at the fall fair here. The secretary of the society, W. W. Ra.m- age, conveyed the congratulations andj best wishes of Mr. Fleming, the soc- ! iety and himself, to the winner, Miss' Dorothy Lawrence, and also to Miss ' Frances Smith, who was a good sec-' ond, and to Miss Jessie Nichol, the teacher of both. Miss Lawrence ex- pressed her thanks in a few fitting words. Santa Claus' arrival has the cause of much merriment in conver- sation with the chairman. .A. Happy New Year to all. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane andi -Messrs. Innis and •â- X.lex. McLean, To-' onto, spent Christmas at their home here. . Mr. Reginald Peers spent Christ- mas at his home in Toronto. Mr. and Mr. Harry Pedlar, Misses ^va, and Sadie Carson, Toronto, spent ' Zhristmas at their parental homes. Miss Jean McLean, Toronto, spent Christmas at her home. .A.11 the teachers and pupils are en- joying the holidays at their different Aomes. On Friday night the Sunday school entertainment was held in the hall and despite the wet disagreeable weather a good crowd was present â- ir.d listened to a splendid program with Mr. Thos. Nichol acting as chair- man. Mr. and Mrs. AUie McLean spent Chiistmas with her parents in Flesh- erton. Miss Delbia Macphail, Toronto, spent Christmas at her aunt s, Mrs. .UcMeekin's. Mrs. D. G. McLean has gone to To- ronto to spend the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Rich- ardson. Mrs. Pedlar, Toronto, spent Christ- mas at her daughter, Mrs. George Fisher. The regular monthly meeting ol the Women's Missionary society oi the Priceville Presbyterian church was held December 16th, with Mrs. A. Sutherland presiding. The meet- ing opened by singing a hymn follow- ed by i-esponsive Bible reading. Dr. W. J. Mclvor led in Prayer. The minutes were read and the treasur- er's report of the year's work given. This beiag the final meeting of the year the election of officers took place with Dr. Mclvor presiding, as follows: president, Mrs. W. J. Mc- lvor; vice-pres.. Mrs. .â- \. Sutherland' sec-, Mrs. Stuart Boyce; treas., Mis- Neili? McLean; supply sec, Mrs. J McMeekin; home helpers se... Mrs Hector McDonald; Glad Tidings sec. Mrs. W. .Watson. The Willing Helpers society ther held their meeting. Mrs. W. Wat son presided. .\fter singing a hymn Mrs. A. Sutherland led in prayer The report of the year's work was ijiven by the sec. -treas.. which showed a good balance on hand. It svas de lided at this meeting to put a memorial window in the new chnrch, in memory of the soldiers. -^ com mittee was appointed to look after same: convenor. Mrs. David McDon- ald. Dr. W. J. Mclvor and Miss May Stewart. Dr. Mclvor presided over the elec- tion of officers: pres.. .urs. Wilfred Watson; vice-pres.. Mrs. John Nicdol; sec. -treas., Mr*. Wm. McBride; asst.- treas.. Miss Irma McLean; Mission Band leader. Miss Mary McEachren; assistant, Mrs. Stuart B(f>-ce. The business of the meeting con- sisted of the payment of bills and arrangements for the parlor social at the manse, January 6th. The National Anthem was sung and a novelty lunch served. The next meet- ing on January nth at 2 p.m. All ladies cordially invited. Happy New Year to aU. Beautiful weather at time of writ- ing and roads in good condition for wiieeling. Those who spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foatei were, Mr. Jack Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .A.l(i:orn and Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Dowell and son. Garth, all of To- ronto. Mrs. Lewis Pedlar received the sad news on Monday of the death of her uncle, the late George Julian, of Coll- ingwood. The funeral took place on Tuesday. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones. The Christmas tree entertainment which was held in the school on W.;d. evening, Dec. 21st, was a decide,! success. A large crowd was pr-i-;- ent and enjoyed the program of music songs, recitations, dialogues and a beautiful pantomime, "Little Town ol Bethelhem."' Santa Claus appean;! at the close and gave each ch'ld u gift, and a generous treat of nut' and candy from the well laden tree The teacher. Miss Oliver, receivtd a French Ivory toilet set from the pup- ils. The proceeds amounted to $10. 50. Mr. Wm. Pedlar. Mrs. H. Wiison and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis PeuUir and family enjoyed Christmas fe-tivities at the home of the former's U3u,?hter. Mrs. Cecil Meldrum. Portia .v. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavell and fa:iiily oi Flesherton ate Christmas JT'K-Si a* the home of the former's son, Mr. Dick Clark and family. CEYLON Miss Jeanette McLeod is spending the holiday in Toronto. Mr. Joe Snell of Weston is sp3-.d- ing two days with his brothe.', Jir. Geo. SnelL " .A. splendid school concert was giv^r: on Tli&fcsday evening; by Miss D. Fi-»h- er and pupils to a crowded houst. Mr. Thos. Gilchrist acted as cfauirman jn his usual happy manner. The first number was a march and son^ by the school with Master Goldwyt Kennedy being accompanist for the school sele.tions. Little Barbara Marshall sang very sweetly, ".Away i:iniily spent iChristmas with jMrs. Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Master, Portlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Raney and daughter, Jean, of Toronto, .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baiiey and two uaughlers of Shrigley and Miss .Agncs Macphail M.P., who returned on Saturday from her trip to Dallas, Texas, spent Christmas with their motlier, Mi-s. Macphail. Miss D. Fisher, teacher, is .-ipend- ing the Christmas holidays at her home at Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish and children of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. S. Hemphill, and family. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall were Mrs. Dell KIMBERLEY in a Manger". The Ceylon orchestra gtewart and three children of Bolton, gave a number of much^ enjoyed m- : jj^gg y^^^ MariEall, H.N., of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Woods and family strumencal numbers. Miss Hilda and Miss Doris Duckett ga'-'e a duet, accompanied by Miss Marjoi»ie (Oa organ. There were recitations, dia- logues, drills, marches and Miss Mabel -Adams played on the mouth org.in for these. The dialogue "The Train To-morrow" and play, "King and Princess" were especially go'^d. Every I boy and girl rendered their part well. The last number wai a play given by Mr. and Mrs. A. S;n-!air, Mrs. A. C. Muir. Mrs. Haw. Mr. R. Piper, Miss Olive Marshall and Mr. J. McWill- iams entitled' "Kidnapping Betty" which was well presented. T'nen FCWRTLAW Mr. W. H. McNally is around again after his thrilling experience \vhei7 his horses ran away. Messrs. Densmore Watson and Laurie Fedlar were at Owen Sound last week attending County Court as jurors. We are sorry to hear that Mr. John Winters is seriously ill. His daugh- ter. Mrs. M^'Donald of Mclntyre is waiting upon him. The Women's .Association held their annual meeting at the home ot | the president. Mrs. R. J. Taylor, on Tuesday of last week. There was a good representation present, and among other items of business trans- acted was the election of officers foi the ensuing year, as follows:- Pres.. Mrs. Florence Lyons; Treas.. Mrs. Harry Fisher; Sec. Mrs. J. H. Walker. Committees were also appointed, the names of those being appointed are not at hand. Reports of the activ- ities for the year showed that much had been accomplished. -A dainty lunch was se'rved and the meeting closed in the regular way. BORN CAMPBELL â€" At Priceville on W^ednesday, December 28th, 1932. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell, the gift of a daughter. CROFT â€" To .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft, on December 25, 1932. the gift of a daughter, Isabella Marie. B-ARKER â€" In Artemesia on .Wed- nesday, December 2Sth. 1932, to Mr and Mi^. .Albert Barker, a son. We hope that at this Christmas tide the joy bells may be cheerily ringing within each home and heart. Mr. J. W. Lyons, who has been in poor health for some time, took a ser- ious turn last week and Dr. Carr- Harris is in attendance. We all hope for his early recovery. Mr'^.; Waufhope. who is making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Sheardown. has been quite ill of late and under the doctor's care. -All will be pleased to hear of her im- provement. Mr. David Jamieson received word from Toronto that his brother. Mr of Chatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. WilL Gibson motored to Toronto for Christmas. Mr. Hergo»t and two sons, Mrs. .Archibald and son, Lloyd, of Proton Those home for t'ne holiday arc : Miss Tena Hutchinsoo, Miss Joa i Carruthers, Misses .Almeda and Op:-i Weber, lola and Eisie Graham, Edna aid -Annie Burritt, .Alberta Webe; , Bessie Stafford and M:ss Margart. Fawcett. Mr. D. -A. Graham and children spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Death broKe into the home of Mrs. Ferguson taking away a beloveu daughter, wife and sister in the per- son of Mrs. .Ashley Fawcett (ae -Alaieda Ferguson.) She passed away in the hospital in Toronto after an illness of almost two months dil- ation. The funeral took place froir- the home of her mother on December 20. Revs. .Wilkinson of Temple Hili and Mc.Auslan, both speaking words of comfort to the bereaveU ones. The floral tributes were many and spent Christmas \vith Mr. and Mrs. ' beautiful: From her home town. Po- McWhinney. i wassan, Masonic Lodge No. 443 Po- Mr. and Mrs. McCormack and fam- i wassan. also Ladies' .Aid United ily of Swinton Park spent Christmas I church. Capt. Henry, McKay Chapt. with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw and, I.O.D.E., Mr. and Mrs. .A. Wilton anl family. j Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. F. .Ashley, Mr. Mr Milton L. Fowler of Belleville i and Mrs. E. Baker, Vandeleur, Mr. soent the first of the week with Mr.' and Mrs. D. L. Weber and Ladies' .Aid and Mrs. J. J. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart, Miss of Kimberley, also several by the fam- ily and relatives. Those left to mourn her loss are her sorrowing husband, mother, two sisters. Mrs. M. Cook, Walters Falls, Mrs. Otto Baker, Van- deleur, and brothers. Dalton, .Alian and Thomson of Kimberle/. Interment took place in Markdale The Holdfast U.F.W.O. Club met on j The whole community and a large pent Christmas with their parents. | pec. 14. at the Park House, Flesher- circle of friends join in sympathy. Santa Claus in the person oi Mr. A. ; ij.^^^ Stewart, Mr. Harper and WiU. E. Haw unloaded the tree. A hearty g^ewart of Toronto spent Christmas vote of thanks was tendered each one I ^,-^j. yi^. j^„j y^.^ j^^n Stewart. who assisted to make the concert such j The proceeds a"«»"»ted I jjQj^pp.^j..j. ^ ^ y,y ^) ^^-llb MET a success, to $14.25. Messrs. Ross and J. C. McMullen Mr. and Mrs. .Ai-chie McMullen. | ton, Mrs. Donald Stewart being the Mrs. Shaw and children spent Sat. ! hostess. .After the opening exercises The annual Sunday school Christ- mas tree on Dec. 22, put on by th-' at her parental home near Markdale. ! and the routine business had been at- i public school teachers and pupils wa ^ Miss Marion Muir, teacher at Pet- erboro. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rewston and place. tended to an excellent program took j a great success. There was not -A reading by Mrs. -Archie poor number on the whole program c " Children of Peterboro spent Christ- \ Stewart. "The Rubber Tree." A â- numerous recitations in groups b • mas with -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. j paper by Mrs. Tucker. "Things you j the juniors, songs, carols, dfll.i an 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Snell enter- I can not buy." Mrs. Peter Muir and a play each by the junior and senic- tained neighbors and friends to a i Mrs. John Mao.Williams gave a duet, party on Monday evening, where a accompanied by Miss .Alice Muir. "Ye most enjoyable time was spent in j Banks and Braes." .A reading by cards and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin and Miss Katherine Cairns of Toronto rooms. Miss Marjory Proctor spent Chris - mas with her uncle and aunt, Mr. anJ I -Miss May Stewart and also one by Mrs. Ernie Proctor, Eugenia. Mrs. J. Nichol. The Christmas ex- 1 Mr. S. Lawrence of t?ie H.E.P. .- change proved delightful to all. spent Christmas with Mr. ad Mr. G. Cairns and family. Mr. D. D. McLauchlan. accompan- ied his son. J. C, to Toronto on Sat. John Jamieson, had been crushed be- ''^^ "^i" ^^^""^ '^"^ ^1^^' "°'^^'^* *^^^ tween the truck he was operating ar.d ' members of his famdy. a building. He received a broker: arm and other injuries. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. D. Macphail. LuTich conima'ttee. sBnl.i^\ich, Mrs. MacKenzie. Mrs. Beaton; cake, Mrs. J. K. McLeod. Mrs. Peter Muir, Mrs. Thomson. The meeting closed by spent Christmas with Mrs. Jas. Law- rence. Mrs. S. S. Burritt received a go ;,i letter from her friend. Miss He:.- Hurd of Ueda, Japan. Since Ma:-'T :J0 Miss Hurd has been the only Ca-i- adian except a young man n thj c.;y MAXWELL Those that spent the holidays at home were Miss Shirley Buckingham of Toronto am) Miss Merle Bucking ham.Dundalk, Mr. J. McNeill. Toronto. Mr. W. Kerton. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Yearley and daughter. Belle, of Toronto. The school concert held last Ti>es- lay night was a decided success and i'reat credit is due to their teacher. -Miss Ingles. We congratulate Mr. Chas. Brodie on winning a prize in the Bulova watch contest, which took place dur- ing the past year. Service in the United church here last Sunday was well attended. Spec- ial music was rendered by the choir. The service commenced with singing a few of the old Christmas carols. Mr. and Mrs. Renford .Acheson and daughter. Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevens of Victoria Corners spijnt Christmas with Mrs. Acheson's par- ents. The young people will meet on Thursday evening at 8 p.m.. when a debate will b-e g on. "JResolved that the Scotch race is superior to Irish race." Mr. Gilchrist will give a talk on antiques. Mi.^s Bonnycastle left on Thursday or her home at Campbellford for the Christmas holiday. Miss Margaret Sinclair spent Sat- urday at Owen Sound. Miss Blanche Genoe of Owen Sound s visiting at her home here. Misses -Alice and Edith Grants of Toronto spent Christmas with their sister, Mrs. .Alex. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wherin of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Don McLeod and daughter of Detroit were Christmas visitors with their parents, Mr. ana Mrs. J. D. McLeod. Mr. J. .A. Knox of Toronto spetw Christmas with his mother here. Mr. and Mi-s. Robt. Brown. Mr. and ?<Irs. Stanley White anJ daughter. â- And Miss Delia White of Torontc- spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. W. C. White, and Miss Laura. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. Miss W. Patterson. Miss D. and Masters Jim and Goldwyn Patterson and Mrs. Morwood of Markdale spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patter- son. Mrs. -Anna McMillan and son. John, spent Christmas with her sister. Mrs. j H. Holmes, of Owen Sound. j Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauriston spent Christ- mas with Mrs. H. Piper. Miss Mildred .Whittaker of Toron- to is a Christmas visitor at her homo. Mrs. J. Kennedy visited with friena- i in Dundalk en Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart and ' singing the National -Anthem. Lunch of Ueda, whom she has see.> but on • was served and a social half hour' of Usda, whom she has seen but on.s was soent. The man who "views with alarni" • going over-time these days. "My dear sir. I have no objecti.;:i to your coming here and sitting m ^ half the night with my daughter. The Palmerston Spectator which ; even to your standing on the do - has been published in Guelph for the i step for two hours saying good-ni.:^ past few months has ceased publica- 1 but out of consideration for the vo- tion and another paper will take its place sponsored by the Palmerston Board of Trade. of the household, who wish to go t > sleep, will you kindly take your el- bow off the electric bell?'' BATES BURIAL CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE -AT RE-ASONA"LE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR D-AYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€" .1456 Modern Private Chacel *- J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager ^ Fornierlv of Flesherton « 4b, Uncle Sam: "When your payments arc overdue I'm left holding the bag "\ John Bull: ".And while your troops were long ovenlue we were left hold- ing the line." New Years E?c DANCE IN THE FRATERNITY HALL j FLESHERTON | Saturday, December 31 ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING 1 MUSIC BY DOROTHY FOSTER « ORCHFitTR.V , From !< to 12 p.m. .Admission 25c * The House oi Quality '^ WE WISH TO EXTEND Happy New Year Greetings to Everyone MAY 1933 BE A PROSPEROUS ONE P JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON " ^^^^MAA^^W^CifMMVtt^^N''