Flesherton Advance, 28 Dec 1932, p. 2

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Voice of the Press Canada, The Empire and The World at Large CANADA. N*al Of Horns R««tor«l. Notwilhstanding the aeprosKlon, .vUh rauch consequent dUtreas, th« C«urt of General Sessions In at least Vwo counties of this province had nolh- Ing of a criminal character before it. Huron County was saved th<' expenses of a Jury when a clean criminal ahe«t was presented to JudK» Coslello. .There were no Jury civil cases and only eight non-Jury, la Vytoria and Hallburton tUere was no woik either criminal or civil for the court. Judge Ponton complimented both the cltl- eens, who constitute a law-abiding V^ouimunity, and also the members of ihe legal profesainu for curbing liti- gation and settling disputes by the Sive and take method.-- Toronto Mall •nd Empire. World On Parade. iUuk of England Janitor ctiaiiglng a ticket, on bank's gold stcrc:; , paying England's war debt Krance refus- ing to change tickets on gold reserves 'i>t the Bank of Franco Premier Bennett dining with Rudyard Kipling, describing him as "Po«t Laureate of Empire." Helgium and France for- unluR new GovernraenLs The Po- lish Minister to Washington e.xplalning .why Poland can't pay .'Vmy John- son falling to make a record on a South Africa to London flight ,|aussollni threatening Jugoslavia Sir Georgi Perley offering New South ^'alf^s Canadian buffalo Kngland Jknrounclng that her birth rate has dfi- jpllncd A New York geophyslclst discovering a new method to detect fclnp^als Canadian wheat export* uching a new high Manafact- brers announcing an increase In Uie prico of shoes Three new mines In Ontario producing gold Bur teaii of Statistics announcing wo have 1^4 radio sets per 1,000 people. All jhis In a day. â€" Ottawa Journal. Naturalization Record. The substantial number of persons ipplylng at county centre.? for Cana- Han naturalization is such as to at jact general notice, but probably few lltlzons realize the increase which has Ictually taken place iu the past few rears. In the flscal year ending last hiarch, 32,&17 aliens obtained naturali- fatlon in Canada. This total is a 60 ^r cent, increase over that for the preceding year, which was only 21,392 n 1929-30 it was about the same at il,22l and in the preceding year was Jnly 13,090. In all the years mentlon- a great majority obtained natural!- atlon through the county courts; In ct, the number dealt with under ther sections of the Act has been de- easlng from year to year, and in 931-32 waa only 933.â€" Woodstock Sen- Inel-Uevlew. In London sibi* and sufflclentljr varied, books to help them to lacrMSS their knowledge and to while away thsir leisure hours? It is an important problem and will have to be settled b*tore we can reach an end of our present dltUcultles.â€" La Pressc, Montreal. THE EMPIRE. Australian Loan The moat hopeful prediction did not contemplate that the New South < Wales £12,360,000 conversion loan | would be underwritten at less than 4 j per cent. But Id happy fact, Mr. Bruce has succeeded in getting the , loan underwritten at SVi per cent., i with an issue price of £97 10s, whicii | works out at 4% per cent. Even the wisest of the wiseacres will have to admit that so striking a practical ex- pression of confidence In Australia, in that sensitive centre wl >8 nerves ra- diate from Threadneedle street, is worth more to us than even the saving In interest of £1,137,500 during the five years' currency of the converted loan. â€" Melbourne Australian. Small Profits and Quick Returns. The Egyptian State Railways .\d- ministratiou has at last reaped the re- ward of enterprise. It has made dras- tic reductions in fares and freightage along various routes, and the resultlus revenue has produced startling figures. In lowering the freightage between Suez and Cairo from 140 piastres to 75 piastres per ton, a forty-day period of receipts Jumped from £ E 265 to £ E. 2,819.â€" Cairo Sphinx. Tommy's New Kit. The new equipment is lighter and better arranged than the old, so that a soldier in full marching order may feel less like a human furniture van. But his looks. Gone is "spit and polish," gone sartorial harmony and the appeal to the young female heart. The comments of the editor of the Tailor and Cutter, which we have seen, are coustlc. Those of the adjutunto and sergeant-majors of the old school, which we have heard, are unprintable. â€" New Statesman and Nation (Lon- don). On the Gold Standard. The farmer with a ton-acre wuodlot ^nd a couple of husky boys has a gold pilne these <lays.â€" Eieter Times- Ad vo- Cate. Family Settlement, So far, very few families liave been aken from relief ilne.i in the city •nl placed on farms where they have ,n opportunity to become selt-support- ng. It is necessary to go to Manitoba p got a better view of what can be one. Alberta will do well If its au- horitles expand the back to the land chomo here also, as a part of the 933 relief program. Kvery family Irmly on Ita own and permanently off elief is a real advance toward the Inal elimination of unemployment. â€" Cdmonton Journal. A Difficult Question. .'^ property owner in this city has loen compelled to ask niunicli>al relief ecause he can find no work aud can- ,ot pay his taxes and mortgage iuter- et. lie ham five houses, including his Syvn, but bis tenants are in the same light as himself. Rather than evict hem and Install new tenants who 'ould pay bim. he has asked for tern- .-ary help from the city. Will those ho object to granting it tell the city !i8t they would do in such a case? â€" ndon Advertiser. Transportation by Areoplane. ', The manner In which are machine* re coBunencing to Invade not only RsseDger travel, but also mail servic* r&s recently made manifest In the •Id Land. From Croydon aviation field giant liner left en route for India 'ith 24 peuplo, some freight and let- irs having a total weight of nearly a }n. The Incident passed almojit with- it comment, but It was nevertheless »ry ilgniflcant. â€" Hrantford Expositor. Rural Libraris*. It »lll not be enough to seud back ^a unemployed to cultirate the soil; must take steps to keep tham ore, to mftke them contented with ^elr new situation, aud to put an and tht Idea of returning to urban cen- ts soon as the present crisis U fished. TbU is here the rural llt»- tj comes in to Oil an Important role, jry many of those who have left the fira (o go back to the farm have ao- ired the habit of reading, and wilt Jt* naturally want to go on satisfy- ^t habit. How are they going to so If they have not. vastly acres- British Films In Trinidad Now that British film makers seem to have abandoned that insular outlook which made their pictures too foreign for the tastes of other countries, there is every chance, provided other fac- tors of box office success remain pre- sent, of their capturing a great and constantly expanding market in the Caribbean, Just as they have expanded it in other parts of the Empire. Next year they are promised a quota to aid them In this Colony. Perhaps a quota is not necessary. At least, it can be looked upon rather as a reward for their efforts, than as a protection for their films.â€" Trinidad Guardian. AMERICAN. Gandhi's Contribution. It was Gandhi, however, witli his ascetic posturing, his quaint dishabille and his goat, that led the world to a better understanding of the Indian pro- blem. That was what he said he wish- ed to do; but the understanding is lit- tle to his liking. The world now under- stands that British rule in India Is more nearly right. Just and tolerant, than had been supposed before Gan- dhi staged his show-off. â€" Seattle Time? Austraiian Meat Industry Ha* Improved, Say Leader Melbourne, Australia. â€" Leaders of the meat Industry in Australia said last week their firms were busier than at any time in the past 14 years and attributed increased activity to operation of the Australian-United Kingdom trade pact, signed last sum- mer at the Ottawa Economic Confer- ence. They said iuiprovemeut of prices in their British market was worth £900,000 annually to them and that increase In home prices waa worth an additional £6,776,000. The capital value of all Australiaa cattle and oheep, they estimated, was £30,000,000 greater now than before the trade agreement was signed. N. ('. Kelkar oC Pooua. India, ar- rives at Buckingham palace, Lon- don, as the king receives the In- dian round table conference de- legates. •> Accurate Prediction Of Weather Conditions? Toronto. â€" Possibility that within the near future the weatherman in Canada may bo able to forecast rain at four p.m. tomorrow instepd of pos- sible showers during the latter part of the day was brought to the atten- tion of the Eoyal Astronomical So- ciety of Canada here last week. The speaker, Andrew Thomson of the Meteorological Service of Canada reported on "polar front" theory of the Norwegian physicist, Bjerkness. According to Mr. Thomson, investi- gations in Europe of th.is "polar front" system are proving si.ccessfu!. "It may soon be possible to predict tlie hours at which the weather will change." he said. Tobacco Surplus Reduced Toronto. â€" Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Min- ister of Agriculture for Ontario, re- turning from an all-day motor tour of the tobacco-growing districts of the province, reports that the alarming crop-surplus situation of a few weeks ago is now largely dissipated. No more than 1,000,000 pounds of unsold tobacco now remalnp in the farmers' hands, he said. A surplus estimated at 5,000,000 lbs. created a serious situation a month ago. In co-operation with the grow- ers, the Government took steps to av- oid flooding the market and causing a drastic decline in prices. PhilateluU Protest Profusion of Stamp* Paris -Profesbional and amateur stamp collectors from all parts of the world are sending protests to the In- ternattonal I>ostal Union against the printing of too many commemorative stamps. They point out tuat to be of any value collections must be complete snd must contain each of a series. Stamp.i, In fact, are a source o( con- siderable revenue for Governments since there are millions of collectors. Some of the commemorative Issues are on sale only for a day and jtamp collectors pay an annual tribute of about £1,000000 to the various Gov- ertimenis In Europe alone. Next year, for example, the Russian Government will publish nine commemorative Is- sues. The stamps will be Issued to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Karl Marx, tlie murder of the 2G Communists at Baku, the murder of Urltsky, the foun- dation of the Order of the Red Ban- ner, and so on. This sort of thing coals collectors money. Italy, too, has been guilty of keep- ing the stamp printing presses running and has followed the series of 20 stamps to commemorate the tenth an- niversary of the march on Rome. Another attractive issue Is a series Issued in Latvia illustrating the con- quest of the air from mythology to the present day flying liners. The United States, with the Wash- ington bi-centennial series and the Olympic Games Stamps, has also tak- en toll of the collectors' pockets. Gt. Britain, however, has issued no new stamps since 1920. It2Jians To Follow Northern Route in Spring Berlin.â€" General Italo Balbo, Italian Minister of Aviation, disclosed in a recent Interview that the mass flight of twenty Italian planes to Chicago next spring will follow the northern air route taken by Captain Wolfgang von Gronau, German round-the-world flyer. Captain von Gronau, who had a long conference with General Balbo, a visi- tor here, made stops la Iceland, Green- land, Labrador, and at the cities of Montreal, Ottawa, Detroit and Chicago when he began his world flight which ended last month. The newspaper "Zwoelfuhr Blatt", said General Balbo, who led an Italian air squadron across the South Atlantic two years ago, would "start" the 20 planes off from luly aud that General Aldo Pellegrini would be in command. The Chicago flight was expected to take two months, with eleven stops en route. «. To Make Own Shoes Winnipeg.â€" Finding that cattU liiilo.s could not even In- |;iv> » away, a Ukrainian settlement In Alberta plans to establish a tannery and * aho* factory in the near future, O. W. SIkeTloh told an audience her* In the course of hit report on a tour of tlie prairie provinces, speaking on emigration. The process of manufao- turtng shoM from raw hides la on* with which Ukrainians are thoroughly familiar In their homeland. Regent of Manchukuo Has Eight Expert Cooks Pelpiug, China, â€" Henry Pu-YI, Re- gent of the State of Manchukuo, and once the "Boy Emperor" of China, is to have the best Chinese cookery in his extensive mansion at Changchun. It was disclosed when eight cooks and a number of assistants left for the new capital. All of the cooks were in the em- ploy of the former Chinese Imperial household. Princess' Playhouse Fitted With Appliances London. â€" Princess Elizabeth's play- house, whicli the people of Wales gave to her, has been fitted with water and electricity. It is on the grounds of the Royal Lodge at Windsor Great Park, the new ountry home of the Duke and Dnchess of York, her par- ents. Rail Line Shows Profit After Employees Buy It Sydney, N.S.â€" The value of co-op- eration was emphasized when Cape Breton Tramways, Ltd., announced a 10 per cent, salary increase effective immediately. Owned by its employees, the system is one of the few tram lines on the continent showing a profit But it was not always outstanding. For years It kept up with the bestâ€" or worst â€" of them in the money-losing business. It was Just about a year ago that the employees, facing unemployment when the Cape Breton Electric Com- pany wi-ent into liquidation, pooled their savings and bought the rolling stock and operating rights of the com- pany. There were thirty-three in the group. Indians Study Modern Farming M'Curtala, Okla.â€" Choctaw IndUns in this vicinity have banded together to loarn the white man's modern meth- ods of farming. Thirty-eight Choctaw men and women are members of the first adult Indian farm club organized among the Five Civilized Tribes. P. B. Durant was elected president. The club's work is supervised by W. C. Smith of the Indian Bureau's farm ex- tension division, aud his assistants. This Week's Offerings of Scienoe Device That Steadies a Slap At Sea Gyro-Stabilizer Prevents Rolling â€" Aid to Seasidk Passengers â€" Electrifying Air Indoors â€" New Creaaeless Rayon The new Italian liner Coote dl Sa- voia displaces 48.000 tons. Yet thre* spinning tops or flywheels welghlnf (60 tons or a little less than 1.5 per cent, of her total displacement, con- trol her perfectly. Moreover, they do this with an expenditure of not more than 1,900 horsepower, or 1.5 per cent, of the horsepower of the main engines. These seasickness-preventing stabi- lizers are like ordinary tops In prin- ciple, except that they are mounted In bearings, which are fastened to the ship's frame. As long as It spins fast enough any top stands upright. Try to push It over and it wabbles as it slowly recovers itself. That is, its ver- tical axis describes a wide circle which grows smaller and smaller until the top stands upright again. The wabble Is called the top's precession. The Top Principle Applies. The top stands up because, like every rapidly rotating body. It resists any force that tends to disturb Its plane of rotation. Mount a top or gy- roscope on a vehicle with only two wheels arranged in tandem. The ve- hicle will stand up so long as the top Is spinning. Push the vehicle over and the spinning wheel will bring It back to an upright position. As soon as the Conte di Savola starts to roll, the plane of rotation of the gyroscopes is disturbed. Their vertical axes tip forward, or precess. The effect Is to counteract the increase in buoyancy on the side of the ap- proaching wave. It Is Just as If a weight were shifted from one side of the ship to the otherâ€" Just enough weight to offset the roll. However, In this case one nicely adjusted force is opposed to another force, to feel the wave and start to tilt, to feel the wove and start to tilt. Moreover, when it has started to tilt its inertia may keep it moving. This is one reason why efforts to use the gyroscope in Germany before the war were not a complete success. The late Elmer Sperry hit on the ingenious idea of using a small control gyroscope to tell the by gyro what to do and when. In other words, the control gy- roscope, being small, responds to the beginnings of a roll almost instantly. Through an automatically started elec- tric precession motor the response Is communicated to the big gyroscope. Hence the big gyro begins to process sooner than it would if it had first to overcome its own sluggishness. The reason why three gyroscopes with three smaller controls can steady the mighty Conte di Savola is to be found in the very nature of wave action. One wave does not make a 3.hlp roll It takes a succession of waves to do so. Hence, If the first sign of a roll can be checked there is no cumulative effect to overcome. In- stead of rocking from side to side the huge ship rises and falls slowly whllQ the waves pass under her. It wag no revolutionary proceedi-.g to equip the Conte dl Savola with gy- roscopes. Some forty vessels, most of them yachts owned by men who would never go to sea it the price of ocean luxury were illnesa produced by rol- ling, have gyro-stabilizers. The Conte dl Savola is merely the first passenger liner to be provided with stabilizers of the gyroscopic type. Breathing Electrified Air. Some air seems to b© of more bene- fit than other air, not because It Is free from smoke but because, like rad- ioactive water, it has properties pecul- iar to itself. In an address which he delivered before the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. Dr. LewU R. KoUer attributed these to ionijation. In other words, air is electrified. Some of Us atoms have an electron remov- ed. The loose electrons dash about seeking ruined atoms which they can repair, and the ruined atoms become tremendously excited until they have made good their loss. Radium, X- rays, the cosmic rays, ultraviolet light from the sun, lightning â€" these are but Kingsford Smith Answers All Questiotu 170.810 MUe Record Port Hop*.- Commenting on a roo- ent dMpatdi that a mail driver IiM tr«T»lI«4 ISI.OOO miles, William B«A^ ty, veteran driver of R.R. No. 2, Poii Hope to Bawdley, points out that tli h«« been la tha service for 19 fim and has trarslled 170,810 miles In di- ^ Ilverlng Hla Majesty's mall. Tor ft years he has driven a car and before that u«e4 • horsp-drawa vahlrJi | Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, recently knighted .\uatrallan airman la shown here la the T»te mentor when members of the Sydney model aeroplane club gathered about to <)uestlon him. of a few of the forms ot energy that Ionize »lr. Air in a room is less yron* tS' he Ionized Uian air In the open. Ordtnary window glass cuts eff the sUra-vletot light. Lightning, ot course, ie absent. X-rays are scattered ahottt eoly la hospitals and physicians' oflces and are then carefully enclosed %j lead- lined wells, cefliDgs and iloora. Etery possible precautiOQ seenas to be taken Indoors to prevent this loalsatloa *r electrification ot air. Dr. KoUer suc- gests that the air-conditioners awy have to electrify the artificial atoioa- -pbere that they create in order to re- produce the exhiliaratton that cobms when we take a deep breath In the open. Certainly it is not enough te supply a room with air that is merely washed and that is merely of the pro- per temperature and humidity. The air must have 'life." And it Is ionlza tion that imparts life. A foundation has been laid for the air-conditioner by Professor DesseMi of Frankfort, who has been treatins the sick with high and low concentra- tions of Ions. Striking results are said to have been obtained in cases of nen- ralgia, high biood pressure, bronchitis, neuritis and gout. Some apparatus like Dressauer's -:v'{ll probably be adopted by engineers to ionize the treated air of dwellings and auditoriums. What with ultraviolet lamps to tan us indoors, and ions to electrify the air and make it fit to breathe, indoot life becomes more complex than ever. Creaseless Cravats. From Manchester, England, comes the news that rayon is to be treated with synthetic resin and thus render ed creaseless. The resin is synthesized from carbolic acid (phenol) and for- malhehyde. We are familiar with it in the form of pipestems, table tops, handles for knives and the like. Four- teen years of laboratory research are said to lie behind creaseless rayon. From the accounts that have reach- ed this country the resin permeatee the fiber through and through. The mere coating of the fabric, la accord- ance with waterproofing principleai, will not do. How is the effect obtain- ed to be explained? Not by a stiffen- ing of the fiber. Apparently the resin enters minute pores and imparts a cer- tain resiliency, so that when bent or crushed the fiber springs back to its original shape. Natural fibers can also be treated with synthetic resin to In- crease their resistance to wrlnkinc and crushing.â€" Waldemar Kaempffert In The N.Y. Times. Increased Air Safety Seen In New Fire Preventive Berlin. â€" A chemical first preventlTe, invented by Dr. Arthur Eichgruen, the inventor of artificial silk and the In- flammation-resisting "cellon," bids fair judging from the tests, to rid aTiation of one of Its hazards. Wood and tex- tiles, even the most delicate, appear to become non-combustible on impre- gallon with the new solution. This acts in such a way that on the ap- proach of the flame it sets free gases which extinguish It. Among the test objects was a mini- ature blimp, one half of wlilch was impregnated. When the fir© was star- ted, the unprotected portion blazed away in a thrice, the impregnated half, shut off by a bulkhead, also impregnat- ed, remaining entirely unscathed and kept the whole structure afloat. New Canadian Record for Weight Lifting Kitchener.â€" A new Canadian weight lifting record, the lightweight two- hand class and Jerk lift, was made by Jack Russell of the London Y.M.C.A. in the recent Ontario weight lifting championships at the Kitchener Y'.M. C.A. Russell raised 250 pounds In this lift to surpass the previous mark of Azarl Barbeau ot Montreal, which was 244 pounds. The London boy easily won the championship in his class with a total of 600 points. Norm Mil- ler of the Toronto Central "Y." was second with 540, and Harry Moule ol •> Ten Tons Ontario Onions for Island of Martinique Montreal.â€" Ten tons ot Ontario on- ions, believed to be the first lot ever shipped from Canada to the French West Indies, will leave Halifax for Martinique on the freighter Chomody on the day before Christmas. Martin- ique Is the island on which the Em- press Josephine of Krance was bora and brought up. « Bavaria's Debt to U.S. is Postponed Six Months Munich. Germany. â€" Announoemeot was made here that payment to the United States of J7,500,000 remaining on the Bavarian state debt ot 1)27 had been postponed for another sis months, at 5 per cent, interest Pay- ment originally was due on June I, when it was postponed. _^ SWEDEN CUTS LUXURY IMPORTS Stockholm.â€" Sweden imported M per cent, less luxury articles from June to September thb year thai la the same period of 19S1. Bat Imports ot neceesittes showed an Inera^av ao cording to an analysis by the Swedish Board of Trade. e #1 ^ ^ /Tk. C « ^% •-1 i ..1

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