I ®()je /k0l)^t:t0n %hmnu^ Vol. 52; Xo. 45 FLESHERTON, APRIL 19, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Mr. Stanley Hunt is spending a few days this week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson and fam- ily of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs. Jas. W. McMullen and family. Mr. Roy Piper,- son Laverne, and Mr. George Cairns motored to To- ronto Monday to attend the O. E. A. Mr. \Vm. Ramage spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mc- Leod, leaving Tuesday as a delegate to the 0. E. A. in Toronto. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mi^;. Maephail on April 26th. Mrs. Earl McLeod and Mrs. Snell will have charge of the programme. Lunch, cake, Mrs. Haw and Mrs. Knox. Sand- wich, Mrs. W. H. Patterson and Mrs. Donald McLeod. Mrs. A. C. Muir spent the week end with her mother at Berkeley, who is ill. Miss Agnes Maephail, M. P., of Ot- tawa spent the week end at her home here, leaving Monday for Toronto, where she will give an address at the O. E. A. Mrs. Marshall, son Alex., and daughter, Barbara, spent Easter with her son, Dalton, at Roderick. Mr. Alex. Knox of Toronto spent Easter with his mother. Mrs. Cecil Archibald and son, Lloyd, of Proton, spent Good Friday with her parer.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Whinney. Miss Willa Patterson and nephew, Master Goldwin, of Markdale, apent Easter week with her parents here. Mr. Jack Gibson of Shelburne spent the w^eek end with his wife and par- ents here. Mrs. J. D. McLeod and little grand- daughter, who have been visiting in Toronto have returned home. Mr. Jack White, teacher at Toronto, is spending Easter week with his mother. Miss D. Fisher is spending her , Easter vacation with her parents at Paisley. .Miss Bonnycastle of Stone's Line schcol is spending Easter at her home in Campbellford. Power House and Vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Jerick of the Power House spent the week end in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wickens, Odessa and Delbert, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. Camack. Miss Iva Wickens has returned KiMBERLiiV Miss Bessie Stafford of Barrie and ?.Iis3 Alberta .Weber of Toronto are holidaying at their homes here. Holiday visitors and family re- unions whiv'h make the dark days brighter at their homes are: Miss Evelyn Saul and friend of Toronto; Miss Tena Hutchinson and Master Calvin, of Priceville; Miss Jean Car- ruthers, Misses lola and Elsie Gra- ham, Miss Opal Weber, Mr. Dalton Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor, Verda and Merelda of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lawrence of Sudbury, are all home visitors. Mrs. G. Proctor and Marjory visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Proctor. Miss Almeda Weber and Mi'. Ken Betts visited a few days in Toronto. We are sorry to report that sad news came to the Lawrence families from. Barrie in the death of Stanley, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lawrence, after a very few days ill- ness fn in brain hemorrhage. Stan- ley was a clever, clean lad, 18 years of age. Our sympathies go out to the parents and only sister, also the friends of the bright young man. The roads these last few days are in a very bad condition. Mr. Gordon is doing all he can to keep them ir the best repair possible. The road; through the valley are not so bad as reported in many other places. The Graham children of Flesherton are holidaying with their grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt. The church services were: In the morning Rev. McAuslan exchanged with New England giving them an evening service. The W. M. "S. took the evening service, which was very beautiful. The singing was much enjoyed. VICTORIA CORNERS The roads are heaving very badly around Inistioge at present. The open winter allows so iriuch frost to get into the ground and it makes the road heave vifhen the frost is coming out. Teams are stationed at tlie bad places to help cars through. Mr. and Mrs. Awde and Winnie and Helen of Toronto have moved into the house lately vacated by Albert Stinson. Myi-tle Moore of Toronto visited during the vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore. Marguerite Stinson and Mr. Wm Coon of Toronto visited at Mr. Albert Stinson's. I Mn^SJas. Best had a very successful home,_af_ter spending a month with.| gaig ^n Friday. Mr. Carl Atkinson has rented Mr. Best's farm for the' a visitor at her home here over the Mrs. F. Chard, who has been ill Mr. Angus Bowles had the mis- fortune to break several ribs when a tree he was cutting fell on him. Leota and Mervyn Gilbert are spending the holidays with the grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wickens. Miss Bessie Stafford visited over the holiday with her father, Mr. R. Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wickens. Miss Lottie returned with them for a few days. Miss June Belfrey, who has been ill, is able to be out again. MAXWELL Special service was held in the United church, Sunday evening. Rev. McNeill chosing for his text, "The Empty Tomb," a sermon most inter- esting and inspiring. The ladies in the choir were gowned in white; all membei's wore a lily. The prelude was given by the choir "Christ is Risen, also a selection "Low in the Grave He Lay." The male quartette' rendered "The Old Rugged Cross.' The church was suitably dejorated with Easter and Calla lilies and ever- greens and a good attendance was present. The McN'eill family of Toronto were guests of their parents. Rev. and Mrs. McNeill, over the holiday. We very much regret to report Mrs. Wilbert Poole not so well. She is taking treatmc-nt at the G. and M. hospital, CoUingwood, at present. Mr. Norman Cairns intends re- modelling his garage on Main Street. Mr. Robt. Priestley's butcher shop is nearing completion. Miss Merlie Buckingham of Dun- dalk is holidaying with her parents here. Miss Kathleen Morrison is spending the holidays with Shelburne relatives. The Women's Association held their monthly meeting at ohe home of Mrs. Geo. Ross. The May meeting will be a quilting held in the church hall. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. James Eby and babe> of Collin'^wood visited with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby, last week. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto was a visitor at her home here over tho week end. Mr. Harry Burk of Barrie spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. James Conn of Oakville was a visitor with her daughter. Miss Belva Conn last week. Miss Conn returned to Oakville with her mother for the holiday. Miss Smith is visiting with her sister. Mrs. Harry Bristow, at Roi) Roy at present. Mr. and Mrs. .Whiteoak visited with friends in CoUingwood over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perigoe and family of Toronto were visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. H. Alexand er last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Colquette and family of Owen Sound visited with friends here over Sunday. Miss Verna Hudson of Toronto was Weed Bill Tremendous Weeds co-st the Ontario farmer 15 to 18 million dollars yearly in loss of crops, extra labor, and depreciation of property. This was the recent statement of Arthur H. Martin, De- partmental official. EYE SPECIALIST COMING summer. EUGENIA Mr. Jack Jamieson of Toronto ac- companied by Master Jack Lascellos, visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F;jd Jamieson. M:!ss Christena Mag'ee and Miss Irene Martin are home from Toronto Norma! school for their Easter vaca- tion. Mr. Sam Ma^Donald, teacher ^n Toronto, is holidaying at home. Mr. A. F. Pedlar is atte-nding the 0. E. A. in Toronto this week. Miss Delmar Fenwick of Owen Sound and friend, Mr. Harold Cook, visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fen^vick. Miss Muriel Fenwick, who is attending Collegiate in Owen Sound is home for the Easter vacation. Mrs. Proctor and grandaughter. Miss Marjory Proctor of Kimberley are spending Easter tide with the former's son, Mr. Ernie Proctor, and family. Mi-s. Well. Graham and daughter, Miss Phyllis, Flesherton, are visiting friends in the village during the Easter holidays. Mrs. Jacob Williams was brought home from Owen Sound on Monday. We are glad to know that she is gradually improving. She has a nurse in atteni lance. Her daughter. Mis. W. Davies, of Toronto is also with her. There was a good attendance at church on Sunday to listen to the fine Easter sermon, which Rev. Mr. McNeill delivered. The Sunday school attendance was 43 and the collection 95 cents. I In publishing the item re the Mis- sionary meeting in last week's issue I of The .A.dva.i;e the date was omitt- 1 ed. We hope there was no one dis- 1 PRICEVILLE Mr. Gilvray McLean and friend of Tiverton and Mis.i Jean McLean of Toronto were Easter visitors at Mr. Hector M.'Lean's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and baby, Donald, of Trenton and Miss Sadie Carson of Toronto were visitors for Easter at the home of Mr. Alex. Car- son. Mrs. Fred Ruo.ciman and daughter, Mary, of Toronto are visiting at Mr. Colin McLean's. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlarie, To- ronto, are visitors at their, homes here. Teachers home tor the holidays are: Misses Marion Muir, Peterboro; Beth Hi.icks, Hampden; Kathleen Mc- Lean, .-^beriieen; Jessie Nichol, near Durham; Anna McEachern, Top Cliff; MuiTay Nichol, Stella; .\llan Mclnnis, Palgi-ave; C. E. Hincks. Clifford; Alex. McLean, Toronto; Arthur Hutton, from the north; Alf- red Hincks, Toronto. The young people of Priceville pre- sented their play "Civil Service" in the Presbyterian church, Markdale, recently, and there was a good crowd present. <" Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLean spent Easter with Shelburne friends. Mrs. Dobson, Toronto, is visiting her bxother. Mr. .\rchie McArthur. Mrs. Meuser and daughter, Miss Marjorie, of CKven Sound spent the Easter vacation with Mr. , and Mrs. Archie McCuaig. Messrs. Alroy and Donnie McLean of Toronto were home over the holi- day. PROTON STATION Fertilizer Experiments Three interesting pamphlets spon- appointed and came last Friday after- noon. This meeting is to be held sored by the Department of Chem- on Friday aftei-noon, April 28th. | 'stry, at Guelph, are just off the Miss Patricia Morgan from Osprey Press. They deal with, respectively is spending the Easter vacation with | ^^^ effects of artificial manure on alfalfa, potatoes, and celery. Each crop is given a separate pamphlet. Tht_so neat little essays well illus- trated, report the results "of experi- ment conducted by the O. A. C. on the crops in question, through demon- stration experiments carried on. on farms in various parts of the prov- ince under the soil conditions of the farms. In the past four years the department has experimented with fertilizers on -more than 4,000 piots. .Written for easy reading, replete her mother and brothor here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt and child- ren visited on Sunday with friends near Feversham. Mr. Dave Jamieson of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. Will. Magee and fam ily the past week. Mr. Tom Skinner was a caller in this locality last week. Mr. John Parson had the misfor- tune to have his nose injured at his buzz saw bee last week. He was hit in the face 'oy a block of wood. A bone in his nose was broken. We' wish him a speedy recovery. The back lines and sideroads are in a deplorable condition and .so :» the highway. Rev. Mr. Oldham held an appropr- iate Good Friday service in the Ang- lican church, which was worthy ot being better attended than it was. A religious service is a very fitting event for the day. Mr. Bannister conducted Easter services at Proton Station last Sun- day. Miss JIuriel Wibon or Toronto was a guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Consley. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood and Miss Oartrude Lyons of Toronto sp^enti the Easter holidays at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lyons. The Mijses Acheson are holidaying at their home here. Mr. John Hanley of Hamilton is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sher- son's. Mr. Herbert Corbett is in Toronto attending the 0. E. A. Mr. Hergott and sons and Mi-s» Archibald motored to Brampton to- visit Mr. Arnold Hergott in the hos- pital there. They report him doing as well as can be expected and keep- ing cheerful and optimistic. Miss Emily Acheson, B. A., is in Toronto attending the high school section of the 0. E. A. RiHaC MUXS Mr. and Mrs. Louie Sheltrough ot Chesley, Mrs. J. Vessie and daugh- ter. Reba, of Durham were recent visitors with Mr. and I'^rs. Dougald Clark and family. Miss Ita Pedlar of Markdale spent Easter at her parental home here. Our teacher, Miss E. M. Oliver, is spending the Easter vacation at Brantford and Toronto. Misses Florence and Marjory New- ell spent the Easter holidays at the home of their uncle, Mr. Chas. Newell. Rock Mills Ladies' .A.id are having a birth-Jay party at the home of Mrs Badgerow on Wednesday afternoon, .April 26th. Ladies to bring lunch. Admission 10 and 5 cents. Every- body welcome. Mrs. H. Wilson and grandson, Mr. Jim Pedlar, are visiting relatives at .Woodbridge. Rev. Mr. Mills and Mrs. Mills of vith figures and records of the ex- 1 Markdale were callers on Saturday PCMITLAW Dr. J. G. Russell. R. 0., will be at Armstrong's Jewellery store. May 29, 30, 31. Anyone wish- ing to have their eyes examined, lenses changed, or new frames fitted be sure to come in and see Dr. Russell. StMary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY, APRIL 23. 1933 10 a.m. â€" Sunday school. 11 a.m. â€" Morning prayer service and sermon. TRINITY CHURCH. PROTON STA 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible class. Mrs. ,Wm. Fisher had the misfor- thne to fall in her barn last Saturday and sustained a fracture of one of her legs just below the knee. Dr. Milne was called and his patient was taken to Markdale hospital, where an -X-ray revealed a very bad frac- ture. Everybody is sorry to hear of Mrs. Fisher's painful accident and hope for her complete recovery. Mr. Albei-t Blackburn has been off work for several daj-?, the result of falling while at a wood cutting bee and striking his chest on a log. Dr. Milne made examinations and found no bones broken and it is hoped he will soon recover from the injury. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs Ray Pedlar and the Phillips family in the death of the former's mothei and the latter's sister, Mrs. McDowell. At the meeting of the official board of Maxwell United church circuit held last week at Eugenia, the pastor, Rev. McNeill was invited to remain for an- other year. This will meet with the hearty approval of Mount Zion people. Mr. Fred Plantt has been laid up the past week the result of a relapse after an attack of mumps. The Women's Association held theii last regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Stanley Patton. There was a fair attendance and among other items of business was the granting of a substantial sum toward the pas- tor's salary. week end. Mr, and Mrs. Francis were visitors with friends in CoUingwood over the week end.. Miss Queenie Kaitting of GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SERVICES periments, these three little treatise are well worth every farmer's at- tention. They are available free, or application to the department oi chemistry, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph, Ontario, The pamphlet on potatoes is knowr as extension circular. No, 21; that on alfalfa. No. 22; that on celery, No 23. In Trinity church at Proton Station I there was a service held on Good Owen Friday at 10:30 a.m. The Rector Sound is visiting with her sister, Mrs.' preached an appropriate sermon on Geo. Burk. | St. John 19: 17-lS, basing his re- ^^^ Messrs. E. Robinson and son have marks on "The Seven Words from j ' ' completed the wood cutting on their the Cross." The service was suit- ♦♦♦*'* <^*f f ttff >f »t t » M ? tf J »»» j».o .Ol farm on the CoUingwood Townline| able for Good Friday, ard have several hundred cords ofl In St. Mary's church. Maxwell, a^ wood to pile up now. ! Good Friday service was held at 3| Mr. Fred Weldrick was taken to the' p.m. Rev. M. F. Oldham conducte-dj G. and M. hospital, CoUingwood, fori the service and Rev. A. M. Shannon treatment last week and is reported, of Feversham delivered a splendid to be in a serious condition at pros- sermon on St. John 12: 23. ent. An Easter Sunday service was held at Trinity church. Proton Station, at 1 p,ni. There was a good attend- ance and Miss Gertrude Lyons sang' The April meeting of the Holdfast =»" appropriate sermon. The Rector U. F. W. 0. was held at the home of Pleached on St. John 20: 1. .•\t bt. Marv's church. Maxwell, the at the home of Mr. Thos. Betts. Miss Stella Young is assisting Mrs. Herb Betts for a time. Mr. Thos. Betts had nine of his sheep killed by dogs last week. This will mean a great loss especially at this time of the year. Misses Elsie and Doris McMullen of Flesherton spent Easter with their sister, Mrs. Frank Betts. HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. I BATES BURIAL COT 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" KIngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred :Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Manager Formerly of Flesherton »»»»»»->»>»»»»<~K»»~»<^j HftAAA *t T1TfftB >»tO l f mitt. Mrs. Duncan Muir. Owing to the. president's illness. Mrs. John Nichol hf"'*"^^ '^^ l^':^^ ^\,'^ P""" presided. The meeting opened by singina: the club song and repeating the Creed. The roll call was an- swered by your favorite tree. The minutes of the previous meeting was lead and adopted and the usual rou- tine of business transacted. Mrs. Beaton answered the bulletin que-.-- tions. The topic was taken by Mrs. Earl McLeod on "a beautiful but in- exi)ensive flower garden." Mrs. Bea- The! choir rendered the anthem "Up from ! the Grave He Arose." Holy com- munion was administered at each service on Easter Sunday. There was a good altendnnce at all services. I VANDELEUR Thieves Take Hybrid Chicks Police are investigating the theft of 42 hybrid chickens from Thomas Horton. a farmer 'vho resides near Grimsby. Tho (birds, cross bred, are part duck, part hen. The front Divine service at 3 p.m. on April' part of the body resem'oles that of SOth. I a hen and the rear part that of a Then saith He to Thomas, "Reach ^ duck. The 42 stolen were taken from hither thy fin.gcr, ard behold My a pen of US. Horton has an animal hands: and reach hither thy hand, and, cro.«sbred between a raccoon and a thrust it into my side and be notj cat. one end of it being fehne while faithless but believing," St, John the other is coon. He also has a 20: 87. cow with two heads. Mr. -•Mbert Buchanan of Toronto is holidaying at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Buchanan, ton gave a paper on why the prices Miss .Tcan Wright of Toronto is of farm products are the lowest in visitinj? with her parents, Mr. and recent history. The meeting closed Mrs. Geo. Wright. by singing the National Anthem. Lunch was then served and a social half hour spent. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mi -. William Beaton. BIGGER AND BETTER CROPS PER .VCRE 'WILL MAKE 1933 PROFITS SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer applied this spring will give better returns. It pays to Fertilize and SHUR-GAIN Fertiliier Pa.vs Best Agents? â€" J, F. .\choson, phone Dundalk 53 t 13 Stanley Patton, Maxwell P.O. The April meeting of the Ladies Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Shannon. The meeting wa.< well attended and a go«d program was nrw tided. The YounK '"eople s meeting in the basement of the church on Friday evening of last week was well attend- ed and an interesting program was provided. Miss Lillian Buchanan had charge of the meeting and gave a well prepared paper on early Christ- ian women. Mr. Lome Cottenden read the scripture lesson and gave out the hyn^ns. .A good recreational program followed. Miss June Freeman is visiting W'lh her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham. ' The House oi Quplitv ^' 4 DOZ. CI.OTHHS PL\S lOc LARGE iJOTTLH OLIVES 23c WHEA FLAKES. 5!4 LB. BAG 20c RED CLOVER MAMMOTH CLOVER ALFALFA ALSIKE TIMOTHY SWEET CLOVER AH these are No. 1 seed and our prices are right Flour and Feed BRAN SHORTS SCREEXINGS BARLEY CHOP FULL LINE PURINA CHOWS SEVERAL BRANDS HIGH GRADE FLOUR ORDERS TAKEN FOR TWEDDLES BABY CHICKS JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON r<#y^(ygiWr^» W ''a« WftJ !g • ""^^r i ' i ' i ' i ; L \ i.c~z - ir:cc)CL â- j jhru 'is-