Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1933, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JUNE Uth, 193S j . 9 ♦ 1 » % * ( 1 t % • < I, / Another Hickiing Suit Sale I Clearing $16.95 Suits^These $14.95 Suits Formerly 11.95 to 16.95 In men's sizes 35 to 39. Made of good stout tweeds, but the trousers are not aa large as are worn today. So out they go, each A limited number of good suits in worsteds and tweeds for men. Good style throughout and values up to 14.95. A good opportunity in this sale $8.95 Boys' Suits Young men's and students' suits with long pants. Sizes 33 to 35. Grey, sand and brown tweed. 13.50 to 17.50 values. Only â€" $6.95 These Suits are Priced to tlear Out Early in the Sale $3.98 Youths' Suits Light and dark tweeds in sizes 28 to 35. Bloomer style pants. Much less than half price at onjy â€" $2.98 This Group of Tailored Worsted Suits 18.95 Suitsâ€" Fine wool worsteds with neat stripes. Brown, blue and black. The very smartest (tyles, men â€" 12.95 Suitsâ€" Young men's tailor made fine worsted suits In the very latest styles. Splendid quaUtyâ€" Tennis Shoes - New Low Prices Extra Reinforced â€" Come Early A wonderful new style, extra reinforced tennis and outing shoe. Strong canvas with new heavy rugby toe and high rubber reinforcing. Come early for yours â€" Boys' Bals 89c Child's Running 59c Men's Bals 98c Youths' Bals 79c Youth^s Oxfords F"'-^ :.tout leath- er a .J soles, with rubber heels. Size 11 to 13. 2,25 value for â€" J 1.95 Men's Oxfords A few brown ox- fords. Clearing lines of 3.95 value. You can stain them if you wish 98c Ladies' Oxfords, Etc. Oxfords and strap slippers for wo- men. Black, tan and brcwn. Al- most half price at, only â€" $1.95 Strap Slippers, Etc. New style fancy ties, straps, pumps and oxfords. Choice of kid, pat- ent or calf. Worth much more -» $2.95 Big Sale of Boys' & Youths' Boots Some of these were as high as 3.75 I MEN'S Topcoats SpMial food atrie floe twe«d topcoiUa for men. Jot limited I'np''^ of them. Regvlar 15.00 cMh. Tbeae an flaely teOoKd aad half-lined. Splendid for 0% and style. CIâ€" ring at only â€" A A Rsl good money-saTlnc sale as the Talnea imagod â- p to XTS. Sims for boys and yoathi. 8«aw leather and some paaeo selea. Wa |It* tk« Tory best Alt tat stgtM «»d MliS fMd qoaUty leathen. 2.19 Alaminiim and Graniteware All our stock of oluminmn and granite wareâ€" Including pots, roasters, teapots, pails. psrcolaton, kneading pans, stew pots, etc. The whole comidete stock Is to go in this salft to make a real clearance. Choose 3rour needs early for best choice â€" HALF-PRICE and Less Take Full Advantage of The Upstairs Bargain Bazaar Clear-Up Clarks' Crochet Cottons All si«es of white crochet cottonâ€" for man; ^m ttses. 80 buy all you need at only, each â€" %^ ^ Wide Ail-Over Laces AThite. cream and black. All over laces and nets up to 2.00. For trimmings, blouses, etc. Only â€" Women's Black Silk Hose Sizes 8% and 9 only, black silk hose. Reg- ^ ^•^ ular 59e value. If you wear blackâ€" only, | ^7 Embroideries and Braids Ic Embroideries and insertions in many good widths. Also fancy trimming braids up to 75c a yard â€" Footwear Clean-Up You remember our 2Sc sale last Pall? Well, here's an- other one. Not the latest styles, but will give extra good wear. Canvas shoes, rubbers, bedroom slippers, strap slippers, high top shoes, etc. Better hurry first day for these. Sale of Chinaivare Cups and saucers, all :izes plates, soup plates, ^ |e^ cream and sugars, etc. Alfred Meakin Bng- â-  J^C llah seml-porcelaln. Each â€" ^ ^^ ^ Open Stoclc Clilnaware 15% Off All best open stock chlnawareâ€" In- cluding the famous Limoges makes in the sate at â€" Old Style Small Corsets Old styte and smallâ€" not much good you ^ ^m can say about them. So out they go â€" X <3 C Good Left Over Hats 2.95 and 3.95 braid, straw, crepe, summer felts, etc., including light shades. Clearing at, only â€" WALLPAPER Splendid range of good wall papers wUl go on sale at a redaction. We have chosen many good patterns for yoa. Brighten up your home at mue cost â€" ; 15c Papers for 10c 20c Papers for 15c Girls' Dresses For girls 7 to 14 years. Mad.i of good prints in blue, pink, rose, red, mauve, etc. Nicely trimmed. Buy the summer's seeds â€" •» SOc of SILKS We will not recommend these for wear or style â€" but bellevo that the value is most re- markable. Plain crepes, fancy brocades, printed silks, etc. Some will make very good dresses and blouses. Values in the lot up to 2.50 a yard* Clearing, a yard â€" 69c ^lendid dresses for women for house, porch, beach and street wear. Well made and nicely trimmed Only, each â€" Women's Dresses 69c Come Thursday Morning Stor« Closes Sharp at Noon TIm^ Specials Thurstlay momins only Golden Bantam CORN Choice 1 /\ Reg. 13c lUC Tin Extra Quality PORK and BEANS O tins XUC 16 oz. f Canned Sweet CttrD Limit â€" 3 tins to each customer 3 for 19c Blue Berries , Good for Pies 2 Tins 21c Red Sockeye Salmon Large tall tin 31c Peariiine Washing Compound Reg. 3 for 25c 3 for 15c SPECIAL SALE S23c ^ 45c Best Eddy MATCHES 3 p*^«s.25c GoU Medal COFFEE 39c Pound Tins Select White BEANS 10 ms 25c Special BLACK TEA Limited OK^ quantity ^tJV 11). Tomato or Vegetable SOUPS Ayhner Q 9Q/» brand O for ^OV Extra Pure LARD lOCm Very choice CHAMPION Guaranteed PAINT 75c °""* All best colors Special quality 40c Pint Remnant Sale Remnants of all kind^â€"silks, dress gooda, drap>' eries. cottons, sheetings, towellings, prints, chambrays, draperies, etc. Some are In very good lengths Indeed. AT PRACTICALLY HALF Fancy Tea Pots A good range of plain and fancy decorated teapots thac sold at much higher prices. Some have gilt and floral effects and all sizes in the lot. You can afford to buy several at chese low pricesâ€" 75c Tea Pots - 39c $2.00 Tea Pots • $1.29 SalezStamped Goods Summer is a good time to do a lit-. „g,„ â€" ,|> » «» tie fancy work, and we give you I kSS I HAN a golden opportunity to purchase •'"»^'; *"***' any of our complete stock in this H AI F sale at a verj' great saving. H/*Ij1 Saturday Sale These Specials for Saturday and Saturday Night Only Redpath Granula'd Sugar s^^^^y 10 lbs, for 69c Sale of P. & G. Soap lH'ot^ 8 Bars 25c Graniteware, Tinware, etc. Needs Saturday Values up to SOc 15c , Buy all Your Values up to 25c 9c Pie Plates, Cake Tins, Can Openers Potato Mashers. Preserving Spoon etc.. etc. Basins. Tea Pots, Potato pots, large - Wash Pans, Ric- ers. Galvanized Pails, etc. FRW mCKLING â-  FLESHERTON

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