Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1933, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WtUNESDAY, JUNE 28, I9JJ ^1 • li *"• â- Â»â- â-  â- â- â-  9 k' t t t r Hooked Trout Revive GILL INJURIES NOT FATAL IF SMALL FISH ARE PROMPTLY RETURNED TO STREAM Small trout which have be^n injured about the gills by the angler's hook will soon recover, in many eases at least, if they are promptly freed and put back into the water. That statement may be contrary to a belief which is perhaps widely held but tests made by a Canadian investi- gator have indicated that it is true, and sportsmen who happen to land small trout whtn fishing for the big fellows should make it a point to get them back into the water at once so that they may have a chance to re- cover and mature and help to ensure good sport for anglers later on. In some cases, of course, the fisheries regrulations provide that trout under certain sizes must be returned to the â- stream or lake but, regulations set aside, it is good sportsmanship to put the small fish back in the water, so that they may help to maintain the angling resources. The investigation as to the effect of hook injuries on small brook trout was Meeting For Anglers [RedoclioD of Mill And Half io County Rate A meetmg of anglers of Grey Coun- ty lias been called at Flesherton on Friday, July 7th, at 8 p.m. in the Fraternal Hall for the purpose of disjussing angling problems and the keeping of streams stocked with speckled trout for the benefit of all. Dr. Arthur B. James, President ol the Anglers' Federation will address the meeting, together with F. R. Oliv- er, M.P.P., T. H. Bell. M.P.P., D. J. Taylor, M.P.P. and others. The pub- lic; is cordially invited to attend thi? meeting. No Picoic This Year Despite a petition from the citizens of Flesherton the executive of the Old Boys' and Girls' Association have decided to adhere to their former decis- ion of not intending to hold the picnic in Flesherton on Civic Holiday. In a letter from Mr. John Latimer, pub- licity director of the Association three reasons were given for this decision: (1) The fact that the picnic was cancelled being known to our mem- bers a good many are making ar- carried out last year under the Bio-1 langements to go elsewhere on Civic logical Board of Canada, which is the federal fisheries research body and operates under the control of the Minister of Fisheries. A number of troutv.ith hook injuries in their gills several grill arches â€" were under ob- servation in the tests being placed in a trough where they could easily be watched. Their injuries made them sluggish and, to quote from the report Of the investigator, they "did not respond readily to tactile stimuli for several hours," but after twenty-four hours most of them seemed quite nor- mal again. Only a small percentage â€" less than ten per cent â€" failed to survive and, to quote again from the report, "the experiment indicates that a high percentage of hooked trout, which are injured, even to the extent of severing a gill arch, may be ex- pected to live if returned to the water •when released from the hook." SPORT REVIEWS Holiday. (2) The Executive did not deem it advisable to call a meeting of the Association as it was thought there was not now sufficient time to have such a meeting and make all necessary arrangements to hold a picnic on Civic Holiday in Flesherton. (3) In view of the Flesherton out- ing being cancelled, before receipt of your request, the Executive had ex- pended considerably more money foi prizes for Saturday's event, than would have been done had we been going to the Old Home Town on Civic Holiday and the state of our funds at the present time does not warrant us making any further- drain on the treasury. There are scores here who will be disappointed in not having the picnic, as intended, but maybe next year we will be able to stage one bigger and better than ever with features that w^ill be a real drawing card. Dundalk is now leading the Centre rey League and Vandekur and Kim- viei' -are tied for second place by virtue of a sensational win of Vande- leur over Kimberley on Friday last by the score of 22-lii. The game was a he.ivy hitting affair and four pitchers were used by the two teams. Russell Graha^n of Vandeleur walked the first batter to face him and Reg. Hutton then tcok over the mound duties and while hit hard managed to have twelve strike-outs to hiv- credit. Lawrence and Bowles pitches for Kiiuberley. • • • Dundalk defeated the Valley Buck- aroos (Ravenna) on Tlrursday last 14-4. At the 7th inning the Buckar- 00 were leading- 4-3, but their pitch- ers weakened and Dundallc counte three in the 7th and 7 in the Sth inning. • • * Flesherton plays in Dundalk this Thursday. The League has not made W. M. S. Meetmg The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the school room of St. John's church on Thursday of last week. Mrs. H. Down occupied the chair, and opened the meeting by sirsring, "Al! hail the power of Jesus' name" and offering the prayer by Evangeline Booth, in which she says. •'Then if poverty comes we shall not be poor, and if sorrow comes we shall not be sad, and if death comes we shall not be afraid"; a part of chapter 15 of St. John's Gospel was read and Ivlesdames Scon. Cargoe and Down led in prayer. In the absence ol JViiss Jfacmillan, througth illness, Mrs. Cargoe acted as secretary. Mrs W. Moore read, ''The Society Woman â€" Lot's Wife." Hymn 95, "We have heard the joyful sound" was sung. Mrs. Murray gave a synopsis of a half century of missions taken from the study book, His Dominion of Canada. It seemed a pity that so few were present for it was a won- A reduction of a mill and a half in the County Rate was ordered by Grey County council in session last week. The rate for 1932 was 9 mills and the 1033 rate will therefore be 7Vi mills. The rate is made up of 5^^ mills for current expenses, one mill for county roads and ^4 of a mill for provincial highways. Following is a list of the muni- cipalities in the county with th/L' amount levied under the rate of 7Vi mills: Artt-mesia |14, 175.00 Bentinck 14,700.00 Collingwood 16,875.00 Derby 11,250.00 Egremont 18,300.00 Euphrasia 16,875.00 Glenelg 9,750.00 Holland 11,437.00 Keppel 10,125.00 Normanby 20,250.00 Osprey 13,875.00 Proton 16,500.00 Sarawak 2,362.50 St. Vincent 17,250.00 Sullivan 18,000.00 Sydenham 18,750.00 Durham 4,050.00 Hanover 8,250.00 Meaford 7,500.00 Thornbury 2,175.00 Chatsworth ' 1,412.50 Dundalk 2,137.40 Flesherton 1,237.50 uMarkdale 2,512.50 Neustadt 1,275.00 Shallow Lak« 750.00 Flesherton High Schaol Promotion Examinations Total ?261,375.00 A new departure is to be made in the paying of the County Rate by the municipality. In place of paying the 1931 levy in one lump sum in Jtanu- ary, half the payment will be made by January 15th, 1934, and the re- mainder on April 15th, 1934. Ernest D. Bonnell of Owen Sound has been appointed Treasurer of Grey County, succeeding Mr. John Parker, who has held that position for the past 15 years. Mr. Parker was fore ed to relinquish his office through ill health, although he will act in an ad- visory capacity. Mr. Bonnell has been assistant treasurer for a num- ber of years. He- v>-ill receive a'sal- ary of §1700 and Mr. Parker will bt paid S700 per ye:>.r. This w-ill mean a saving of S200, as Mr. Parker wa5 receivi.ng S2400 and Mr. Bonnell $200. FORM 1 (Bracket indicates a subject in which no credit is given) Sherman Piper, Margaret Collinson, Florence Clark, Florence Kinsman, Mack Duncan, Harvey Archibald, Elsie White, .Mabel Haw, Olive Marshall, Douglas Scott, Wm. Cairns (Lat. and French), Georgena Blackburn, Nellic GeEX>e, Winnis Graham ( .\lgebra, Lat- in French), Donald MacMillan (•â- Alg- ebra, .^rt, Latin, French). The following have obtained stand- ing in the subjects indicated: Ruby Akitt â€" Geog., Latin, French; Georgena MacDorrald â€" Art; Marjorie Ostrandfr â€" Geog., Art, Botany; Percy Smith â€" Geog.; Nellie Thistlethwaite â€" Geog., Art, Botany, English; Lillian Magee â€" British History; Edward Dix- on â€" French; Opal Weber â€" Geog.; Beatrice Schramm â€" Art; Ruth Wol- stencroft â€" Geog., .\rt. Bot.; Doris McRae â€" Latin; Dougln-i Stuart â€" Lat. FORM indicates a subject not (Bracket credited). Susie MacKinnon, Betty Murray, Leslie Seeley, Beatri.e Schram;n. Merle Allen (.\rith), Velma Fishjr (Latin, French), Douglas Stuart. Ed- ward Dixon, .4.ngus Turney (English Grammar), Marie Chard (Physiog.. Arith.), Mary Sheardown (Phy?:og), .A.rgyle Martin (Latin, French). The following have obtained stand- ing in the subject named: Ruby .A.kitt â€" Zoology; George Boyd â€" Eng. Gram., Arith, English, French; Cecil Chardâ€" Latin, Fr.; Elsie Gra- ham â€" Geom., French; Wallace Mac- Dermid â€" French; Anna MacLean â€" French; Catherine MacVicar â€" French; Johrj MacVicar â€" French; Jim Mc- Cormack â€" Latin, French; Doris Mc- Rae' â€" English Gram.; Lillian Mageeâ€" Zoology, .A.rith.; Martha Ostranderâ€" Oeom.. Fi'ench; Delbert Smith â€" Zoo- logy, Cath'ine Stewart â€" .\rith., Geom Latin; Everett Talbot â€" Arith., Geom. French, Latin. WE ARE OFFERING A SPECIAL PRICE ON BARBED WIRE 80 rod spools, 4 barbes spaced 4 in. apart, reg". S3. 75 N;ew and bright. Per spool $3.40 SHEEP DIP AND DISINFECTANTS We have Cooper's sheep dip in large and small pkgs. Kerol and Zenoleum farm disinfectants in pint and quart tins BINDER TWINE AND ROPE -â- \ ten-ton carload of twine will arrive at an early date and we want to sell the very last pound of it. Watch for our prices. GROCERIES AND FLOUR Our regular prices look like specials ( nuff said) Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON any decision as regards the eligibility! 'i^^'''^"! address touching upon the work of Vn: Harold Mountain, who has ap- peared in all the Dundalk games. Flesherton claims the player as his residence is reported to be closer to this village. « • • Thursday, July 6th, will see the Flesherton club entertaining the Owen Sound junior baseball nine. Be pre- pared to attend this fixture; further announcement next week. « • • Rev. W. J. S.ott and Miss Aleda Mitchell were the winners of a local tennis tournament on the club court Thursday afternoon last. Their op- ponents were Dr. Bryce and Mrs. Kennedy. A successful tea was held in the evening. • * * Holstein w-on the first game in the W. F. A. Junior schedule from Price- ville, Saturday evening by the high score of S-1. It appears as if the Holstein team will go a long way in the W. F. .\. junior race, as their team play is excellent. • • • We hear that the Onwards are tryir.'g to sign up Mervyn Johnson, heavy batter, who played for Flesher- ton last year. He made a real show- ing the other night when he made a home run the first time at bat in a game against Ceylon. Here's luck Merv. • • • Mr. George Sled (Danny) has signed up with the Ceylon softball club for the summer. He is practic- ing reg'ularly at McLeod's diamond. ♦ * * In one of the final play-off games of lacrosse held in Durham on Tues- day night, th^ hom3jti;s trimmed Alliston 12-5. Alliston r^reived many peraltics. which â- was the mala cause of their defe.it. The Council at the Friday meeting decided to petition the Department of Highways not to undertake any paving in the county during: 1033. This decision was made on a motion of Reeve J. A. Davis and seconded by Deputy-Reeve, C. D. Meldrum. both ci .A.rtcmesia township. .â- \ grant of S125.C0 was made to each of the .\griculturi;l Societies in Grey and $60 to the Grey County branch of the Ontario Educational -A.s. .<:o,.'iaticr!. of the three churches, begun over 50 years ago. Three streams which flowed over Canada and now navy joined to do better and greater work than ever before. Dr. Oliver says, 'Than the Home Missionary Society â€" there is no better builder of tht n;Uion." Mrs. Scott took the chair, minutes v.-ere read ar.d adopted. .A.r- rc.ngements â- were made to celebrate the fortieth birthday on July 21st; the following; were named a committee: Ah-s. Phillips, Mrs. Mooi-e, Mrs. J. .Macmillan and Mrs. Cargoe. Hymn, '•-More Love to Thee, Oh Christ More Love to Thee"' was sung and the meet- ing closed by the president pronounc- ing the Benediction. Siqteen answ- ered to the roll call. .\ petition was made for a chang'- of location of Road Xo. 14, through St. Vincent, Euphrasia and .A.rtemesia townships, the Meaford Road through Vandeleur to Flesherton, but no action was taken. Dust layer is to be plac- ed on the countv road through Max- well. STANDING OF TEA.MS Try a "Small Advt." Dundalk ... Vandekur Kimberley Flesherton Ravenna ... Thursday - Friday â€" Won- Lost 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 - Flesherton at Dur.dalk Ki.nberley at Ravenna Holiday On Saturday Dominion Day comes on Saturday this year ar.d the merchants of Flesh erton are observing that day as the usual holiday. The stores will !)« open as usual on Friday evening tc enable the residents to lay in supplies for the long week end holiday. Many citizens will be lea\i'ng to-wn on- Sat- iiiday to attend celebrations in var- ious towns around. Had Birthday Party Carnation Lodge No. 545, L.O.B.A. observed their 10th birthday by a special event in their lodge room in the Frateraal Hall on Friday evening last. Visitors were present fron. Lady Carson and Unity Lodges ol Owen Sound and Dundalk L.O.B.A and a most enjoyahle evening was spent. A fine program was given with Rev. W. J. Scott acting as chair- mand and leading the community sing- ing and the following numbers were given: Mouth organ selection by .•V.Ian Chappie, piano solo by Miss Bessie Cairns, reading by Mrs. H. Down, the first worthy mistress of the Lodge, who also gave the address of welcome, solos by Mr. H. Baltus and Miss D. Barrett of Owen Sound. Short ad- dresses of congratulation â- were given by visitors from the above lodges. Mr. J. Jackson of Owen Sound, Deputy Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ontario West delivered a splendid address. Mrs. H. Alexander â- was the winner of the lucky ticket on a quilt which was raising money for the lodge. During lunch, which was held in the reception hall, Mr. Baltus sang by request "When its Lamp Lighting Time in the Valley." Union Church Services -\t the evening service at St. John's United church last Sunday it â- ivas an- nounced that union services would be held with the Baptist church during '.he next two months. The arrange- ments are for the two congregations to unite for the morning services in St. John's United church at 10.30 1 o'clock. Service at Ceylon at 2.30. The evening service will be withdrawn at Flesherton while the service at Rock Mills will be in the evening at the Uijual time. X\\ who are accustom- ed to come to the evening service at Flesherton are asked to try to come to the morning service. The Sunday schools will meet a? at present. Mr. Scott will have charge during July and Mr. Wolstencroft durinp .\ugust. CELEBRATE Dominion Day Saturday, July 1st. Victoria Park OWEN SOUND Commencing at 7.45 p.m. Two outstanding speakers of the C. C. F. Miss Agnes Macphai), M.P. Capt. Elmore Philpott, M.C. BAND CONCERT By tPie Owen Sound City Band Gor«:eous Display of Aerial FIREWORKS ••••>«>«>*-**-*.-**-**>*><:»*-i Admission: 25c - Grand Stand: 10c ChilcJren Free Under .\uspices of the Ca'.iadian Legion The greatest trouble with the world is that a great majority of people are trying to make something for them- selves instead of making something of themselves. Used Furniture We have purchased the entire House F^urnishing^.s of MRS. -\LF. THISTLETHWAITE and are offering it for sale at Real Bargain Prices. ^ Solid Oak Buffet, Table and Six Chairs, Beds, Springs, Dressers, Couches, nearly new Wringer, Tubs, Boilerr Dishes, Kitchen Tables, Chairs Cook Stove, Etc In fact the entire contents of the house Act quickly to get in on these great bargains Emerson J. Bennett Summer Celanese Dresses White and Pastel Shades $2.49, $2.95, $3.49, $3.95 White Footwear Pumos. Ties. Oxtords $2.25 $2.95, $3.95 Holeproof Hosiery Canvas Footwear ChiiTon and Service weights.: all size.'* Men's- Women's and Children's sizes; in wanted colors. 79c and 98c a full range of styles for outdoor sports. Tennis Anklets and Socklets Women's. Misses and Childreji's sizes; white and colors. 25c and 35c FINAL CLE-\R.\XCE THIS WEEK OF REMNANTS OF ALL DESCRIP- TIONS AND ODDMENDTS REMAINING FROM OUR 15 DAY SALE. R H. W. HICKLING v= i)

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