Flesherton Advance, 30 Aug 1933, p. 8

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"WKDNFSDAY. AUGUST M. 19SJ THK FLESH KRTOX ADVANCE H Prepare for the holiday! lATIGlE 4.50x20 $5.85 4.50x21 $5.90 4.75x19 $6.65 4.40x21- $5.25 9 lW6rftH»i. â-  â- '. .-'-â- â- â- â- :^;lâ€" . deists tth^ Take advantage of thesu low prices on genuine Goodyear Tires with Speedway tread . . . made with Supertwist cords and guaranteed. Come in and let us put one or more of these tires on your rims. Remember: you not only get the tire, but you get complete service with it. &9iSDt0imea^ These prices do not include excise tax Specials on Used Cars 1932 Chev. Coupe $525.00 1927 Ford Tudor .... $ 75.00 1931 Chev. Coach $425.00 1927 Dodge Coupe $175.00 1928 Pontiac Sedan $225.00 D. McTavish & Son Goodyear Distributors FLESHERTON .«1X IN ONK U.ATHINC; SLIT Six .Swinlon Park boys wanted to KG in swimminK lint they had only ono bathinij suit amonj; them and there were ladies on the river bank nearby. The boys solved this diffi- culty by >roin>r into the water one at a time, then throwing the suit back to the waiting list. In thi.-; way all reached the- protoc-linj; rover of tht water and swam to their heart's con- tent. It was (luite an inRenious way ol (lettinpr into the water under the cir- cumstances.â€" iMt. Korc.n Confederate Barber: "Haven't I shaved you be- fore, sir?" Customer: "No, I got that scar ir France." Read the Small Advertisements AlthouKh there are many contribut- i ingr factors to inefficiency, there is no"!; more potent than the failure of individuals to lix'e within the boundaries of natural la'W's. This is particularly tru? as regards failure to secure ude(|Uate j'est. The human body stands only a cer- tain amount of abufu,-. It says "Thus far you may jro, but no further." Ur.les.s rest is obtained and the pro- ducts of fatinue Kot rid of, there is danger ahead. There is a limited reserve beyond which it is injurious to po if trouble is to be avoided. This marpin cf safety varies with each individnaJ. It Ib well-known that what one person can accomplish with ease is .apt to cau.ne jihysical discom- fort in ar.other. One individual is able to carry on with but little rest or sleep for a period without obviou? ill effect on either apiiearance or efficiency, while another so deprived shows the characteristic drawn and tired look, and apr>roac1ies the days' work mentally dulled and physically fati.'rued. Apart from the lowcri.ip; of the accepted standards of efficiency, it is also well-established that many injuries and accidents are directly at- tributable to fatigue. In formei] il-iys, when industries were less care- fully supervised and the industrial worker lacked the jruidance of the plant physician, it was noteworthy that tlie majority of accidents oc- curred at a time of day when fatigue was at a maximum. .\ brief rest from a monotonous task and the re movnl of conditions which contributed to fatigue resulted in a marked re- duction in the number of accidents. Accidents due to falipue are, how- ever, not confined to the workshop or factory. The tired motorist not only jeopardizes his own life but also the lives of other motorislr and those of the people on the road. With increase in years, the capac- ity for i)hysical activity is lessened. This is Nature's remrnder that, with age, we tire more readily as a result of physical effort. The hill that once was climbed with ease is Ttow approached with difficulty and the ascent caU3es shortness of breath. Over-fatigue should naturally lead to a.-i investigation into its cause. A periodic health examination will determine between what is normal fo: age and what the beginning of dis ease. Local and Personal Mr. «nd yi\A. Fred I'iruler motored to Toivnto and Ilamilton on Sunday. Mr. Jack Cairnj of Barric wai a visitor in town last week. Feversham Won From Kimberley Ose of the best football games, of the .season wan played at Feversham It !t Saturday night when Kiml>erley Valley lost 1-0 to the Feversham Maple Leafs when they met in an Mr. Ed. Ottewell spent a few days exhibition game. j.i Toronto last week'. The Markdaiti Standard and Shcl- burna Free Fre.-s & Ecjnomi.-'.t are taking their annual holiday this week. ?lr. ad -Mrj. Ed. Perny and daugh- tZi of Mt. Dennis are the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. F. VV. Duncan. MLsses Mildred Sharp of Toronto and Vida Sinclair of Dundas wore visitors in town on Monday while on thciii' .holidays. The W. I. will meet at the home of Miss .JIcM^illan on Wednesday, at 'i p.m. Every- Scptember Gth, body welcome. Mrs. J. W. Henderson returned to The i-'lay wa:^ fast from the start but the Maple Leafs heavy kicking and their fast forwards gave them a ! large margin of the pame. There was no score in the first i)eriod and only luck daved the Kimberley goal : on half a dozen occasions as Fever- sham carried the play to the Valley I ;boys in hard well-planned rushes. In the first few n'.inutes of the last period Henderson scujed for Fever- •iham in a hard swift shot. Kim- berley tried to rally but the heavy kicking of the Feversham defence and the fast combination of theii forwards completely disorganized any of their plays. We understand this is Kimberleys first real trimming this year, but which asks all hunters and tourist* finding banded birds to report a dtscription of the band to the Depart- ment of the Interior, Ottawa. lanover after spending the past five j ,-.v:i( Ic F'eversham plajied on their -HAVE YOU RENEWED? «r<K iirroKK WITH raiRvica F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN 8TORB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER lATBa TOU A LOT or HONBT 4 _ ^^ ^^ Mid-summer Sale of Men's Shirts WE HAVE REGBCUPED OUR SHIRT STOCK AND IN THIS WAY WE ARE CLEARING OUT MANY BROKEN SIZES FROM OUR HIGHER PRICED RANGE AT PRICES WHICH WILL MEAN A BIG SAVINGTO EVERYBODY COME EARLY AND BUY SEVERAL Men's Fine Shirts Men's Work Shirts Assciiihlcd from many diftcrcnt trs ranj^ing- in price up to $.V()(). niak- sizes in the lot and mostly all with two separate collars $1.5C I i:;iil and dark hliie. and well nr'de. M ti> 17 >iu rooniv sizes . 49c Men's Fine Shirts X'oliies tij) to $2.00. All };o()(l patterns and all sizes 14 to 17 in the lot .... $L0O Men's Fine Shirts vSeparte collars. X'ahies np to $2.50. These shirts are sli^,ditly counter soiled, hnt i)crfect in every other way. All sizes to clear 67c M Al Size- en's Fine Collar Attached Shirts la.^t , GROCERIES SPECIAL WEEK END VALUES 5 11), Nature's Health P.ran 15c 1 U). Cook's friend Bakinj; Powder .. 20c 1 i)k.u;-. Princess vSoaj) I'lakes 15c 6 pk^s. Jelly Powders 25c () Ih. Wheatlets 25c 2 II). Pitied Dates 19c S ,)z, liMitli' \"anilla 2 for 29c new pattern II to 17 and coloi in^<. $1.00 1 11). l'",tii;h\h i'.reakfast Cofh 29c .veeks v>'ith her brother, Mr. W. J. 3ellaniy. Mrs. Jas. Ferris and three young- est children, who have been the guests ^f Mr. and Mi's. W. J. Meads, will leturn home this week. Mr. Clurence Ale.\ander last week had the misfortu.ne to have the end of one of his fintcers taken off in the jointer machine at ihe planing mill. Teddy, the 8 months old son of Mr., and Mrs. Ted McDonald of Pick- ering, was the second prize winner in a baby contest at the Oshawa fair last week. - > t S Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., visited a couple of days last week with the former'-s cousins, Mrs. Kate Paton, Miss Mary McMillan aaad Mr. J. S. MaMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moody of iMt. Diiinis visited the first of the week with M;. ji.-.d Mrs. Alex. McEachnie. Ml J. McEachnie and Mrs. E. Tremp returned with them on Tuesday. The County Road Committee is ereitinji a large shed on its property on Durham street, purchased from the village last spring. It will house all the machinery used on county road ecnstrnction and maintenance. Mrs. Fred Burton, (Mary and Bunny and granddaughter. Shirley, of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. A. .'\ppleton •rf Gait visited on Wednesday of last veek with their cousin, Mrs. M. Mc- Donald. Holiday vi'.;itors at Jack Stewart's u-ero Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nixon, Cale- inn Fast; Mr. and Mr^. Russel Nixon, .\Ir.-. Bella Thibaudeau and daughter, Mabel and Edna, Miss Irene and Mr. l'>ank Stewart, all of Toronto. On Wednesday of last week C. J. Crossley entertained his father and mother, also Janet Crossley and 'Jack r-.'irni to a picnic at Wasaga Beach on the occasion of his birthday. They returned by way of Owen Sound. Miss Pearl Wilson who nas been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt for the past three weeks, re- turned to her home in St. Ciii'.harines on .SaturtUiy, accompanied by Mr. Bob Phillips, who spent the week end there. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Scott and fam- ily returned homo on Morday from their vacation in the Kawartha Lakes district. Mr. and Mrs. Scott left this Wednesday to visit the tatter's mother, who is seriously ill at hei home in Goderich. Messrs. Akitt and Bellamy deposit- ee! 10,000 small fish from two to three irch.es in length in their new {'â- .'\\ pond whi.h they have been build- ing. The fish were purchased from the Caledon Fishing Club and wcrt brought up Monday evening. Mr. and Miv.. Wm. Hembruff and daughter, Jennie, of Manitowaning, Manitoulin Island, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley last week. They wore only nine hours motoring from their home to Flesh- erton. iMr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson and children of Toronto were in town on Monday. Mr.s. Jamieson and child- ren were returning from their â- sum- mer hi'nie at (Jravenhurst and spent a few days with fricds in this vicin- ity- got;! all the time Kimberley only made two ruihes past the Feversham half backs. Feversham Maple Leafs have improved wonderfully this sum- mer and having all young players, should in the future do well in this popular sport. Interest in football is growing fast a-j the crowd of fans for both teams clearly showed on .Saturday night. Dundalk Ties Kimberley Dundalk eliminated Vandelc-ur from a play-off po-iition in the Centre Grey League on Thursday afternoon last at Vandeleur by the score of 15 to 9. Dundalk scored in only three innings, but they made these count with five runs in the first, six runs in the fourth and four in the eighth. Van- deleur kept pecking away at Moun- tain, the Dundalk hurler and in only three innings failed to shove a run over. Boland started for Vandeleur butjhe immediately vacated the mound to Reg. Hutton. Douglas finished the last inr.ing for Dundalk. BANDING OF BIRDS ISEFLL I^.' RESEARCH The banding of young birds, which is carried on as a joint effort by the governments of Canada and the Unit- ed Statcj under -the provisions of the Migratory Birds Convention is re- sulting in the compilation of valu- able data. Last fall a resident of Bradore Bay in north-eastern Queibec, shot a drake pintail which bore a small aluminum band on one of its wings. This band was stamped with a Danish name and address which he sent to a member of the migratory bird staff of the Department of the Interior Ottawa, Ont. An investigation by that department proved that the bird had been banded as a duckling or. June 30, 1U30, in Aldaldal, northeir Iceland. In its investigations the gov?'i; ment i-s being assisted by all nnjcr organizations interested in game pro- tection, among the most active being the Pish and Game Department ci the Canadian National Railways Dundalk is now in a tie with Kim- Lcrley for League leadership, biit a pcstponed g<i.''.-! betv/een the.-: two clubs will be piayed at K:mherley this Tnursday afternoon. Either of these ;wo teams will meet Flesherton in the semi-fi.-.als to decide who will play for the final League champion- ship games. Flesherton has won their last four League fixtures and are playing good baseball. They should make either Dundalk or Kimberley step to defeat them. It is likely that the first game in the play-off series will be held on Thursday of next week. While Kimberley defeated Dundalk on the latter's grounds it is expected that the Dundalk team will turn the tables and take first place. The game should be a real one and no doubt a large crowd of fans will be on hand. Kimberley Dundalk . Flesherton Vandeleur W 6 6 4 3 L 1 1 4 5 8 P.C. .857 .857 .5oa .375 Ravenna . .000 Engagement The engagement is announced of Margaret Eileen, elder daughter of Mrs. Albert Armstrong and the late Albert Armstrong of Dundalk, to Wil- fred Cornett Lockhart, younger son of Mrs. Tho'3. Lockhart, and the late Thomas Lockhart, also of Dundalk. The man-iage will take place In Wymilwood, Toronto the end of Sep- tember. Soup strained through a cloth will have all fat removed. i Small Advts. Lost or Strayed ^\ny\ and house for sale FOUND â€" 2 little pigs came astrav tt„„ , , ^ â-  „ , *„ Wo„i ti • ' r. House for sale or rent in Cey on; to Ward Harrison s. Owner provt ,v.r.i.i,i ..„„(â-  t .., t^ ^ would rent for summer months. Farm property and pay expenses. f^,. ,a,p ^^ Portlaw, 100 acres. â€" THOS. FLETCHER, Ceylon. LOST â€" On Saturday, knee boot for horse, between race track and D. Adam's farm. Finder please leave at The Advance office. CAME ASTRAY â€" Two yearlings came to my premises on or about July 2Gth. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" Geo. Stewart, Flesherton. HOUSE FOR SALE For Sale WANTED â€" High school roomers. â€" Jlrs. Parker, Flesherton. LU'FNSES â€" Get your deer, moo-se and gun licenses from Geo. Mitchell. FOR SALE â€" Plums and tomatoes in any quantity at W. H. Bell's, Dun Iroon. Six-roomed bungalow for sale in Flesherton, or would exchange for farm if prices can be agreed upon. â€" Mrs. H. Patton, Flesherton. FOR SERVICE Reg. Berkshire Boar: Reg. Tarns- worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. Jersey Bull $1.00 cash. â€"JOS. RAPLEY, Flesherton HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE â€" A 16 foot skiff.â€" Apply to Mrs. Morgan. Eugenia, 'phone 43 r 12. HIGH SCHOOL ROOMERS â€" Stu- dents wantetl as roomers, near high school.â€" Mrs. F. J. Thurston, Flesh- cvton. Bungalow residence in Flesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks good garage, possession can be taken at once.â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesher- ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshire Boar for service. Ternil fl.OO. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., Art* mesia. FOR SALE â€" Set of canvasses and other new repairs for McCormack right hand binder; about 1200 feet of first class dry spruce lumber; 20 pig•.^, „. , , , . , weight about 60 to 90 lbs. â€" Alex. R.d the ch.mney of soot by burning Cameron. Eugenia, phone Fever. 5 r 21 potatoe peelings in stove or furnace This simple method will be found useful in stoves in which soft coal is burn«d. If pi.nfcathers arc trou'blesome when picking chickens or birds take a cloth and .^onie siftings of corn meal and rub S'c birds well with this. The pinfonthers will come off easily. . . FOR SALE â€" Young pigs for :ale â€" some weaned and some not ready '.0 woan. â€" LcOie Chard. NOTICE â€" Brackenbury's garage will now be open for 24 hour cut- j-ate service. We will appreciate youi patronage.â€" Gibson and White, Flesh- erton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Rejristered Yorkshirt Boar for tn^ vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart^ ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART, CareUker. GU^• LICENStlS â€" Every person is required to purchase a Gun licence for hunting on other than their own property. These can be purchased for SI. 00 from J. O. Dargavol, issuer of hunting, trapping and deer lecens- I BUSINESS CARDS GEO. E. DUNCAN DUNDALK ^ LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terrat 1 pei" cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333. \.F. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W.JL, Geo. Long Sr, Secretary, H. A. lIcCau:'y. i'

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