Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1933, p. 1

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"*'. I' Vol. 53; No. 17 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors •4 ♦ i CEYLON to her position in Owen Sound. 1 Miss Gertrude and grandson, Master Mr. Thos. Gilchrist of Maxwell was Argyle Martin visited on Thanksgiv- The church was the scene of a large gathering last Friday evening when the people of the village anc community gathered to honor Miss Millie Cook. Miss Cook has been a life-long resident of the village, "where she has conducted a general store established by her late parents, Mr and Mrs. Robt. Cook. She has a;- ways taken a keen interest in the affairs of the community, particularly the church and Sunday School, where she was seldom absent on the Sabbath day. She is leaving shortly to take up residence in Toronto. Rev. W. J. Scott acted as chairman for a fine program of duets, recitations, song and violin selections. At the close of the program he spoke with great feeling of the loss occasioned by Miss Cook's departure. He called upon Mrs. Sinclair, who read an address while Laura White and Edna Mar- shall presented Miss Cook with an electric lamp and bed lamp. Mrs. CoU- inson read a poem composed by a for- mer member of her clas=. Although deeply touched Miss Cook made an ,able reply, expressing: her apprecia- tion of the gifts and extending a warm invitation to all to visit her in her new home. Candy was pass- ed at the close of the evening. Dear Miss Cook:- We cannot let this evening close, without expressing to you, our sincere regret, at your departure from our midst. You have always been so faithful and untiring in your devotion to the Sunday school and church, and not only here, but in the community as well. You are leaving a place which will be very difficult to fill with both the grown-ups and the children, also on behalf of Ceylon and the commun- ity we ask you to accept these gifts. May you long be spared to enjoy them and as you do so, we trust you'll remember your old frieilds with happy memories. â€" Signed on behalf of Community. MRS. KNOX, MRS. WHITE. MRS. SINCLAIR. To Miss M. Cook, Ceylon, Septem- ber 29, 1933. Bygone days of your Sunday school class, 1902 to lyiO, written by a member of class. A little maiden, with dark brown hair. To a Sunday school class. She paid great caie, every Sunday at 2 p.m. Those two long seats in the old Orange Hall, Were filled with maidens, both short and tall. All were eager, as their countenance told. To hear Miss Cook the lesson unfold. unfold Many were the prizes, the girls did win. And a Sunday missed, was considered a sin. In Millie's heart, a great pride arose. From seeing twelve young o-irls all in those rows, The lessons she taught, we are sure to this day. Has helped one and all, on life's rugged way. And we all, with one great voice proclaim. That Millie was ever, and always the same. â€"Signed on behalf of your old Sunday school class, 1902 to 1910. Zella McLeod "Patteraon", May Adams "Brown",, Ina McMullen, "Hawke", Sybel E. CoUinson, May Stewart. Beatrice Lawrence, Eva Lawrence. Vera McMullen "Buckley", Laura Piper "Torrey", May Sproat "Lawrence", Mary McMullen "Mar- shall", Nessa Collinson "Cairns", Mary Seaman "Hancey", Irene Legate "Gray". Deceased:- Margaret Rut- ledge "Jaynes", Ida Jones "Irwin" Ida Rutledge "Daley", Emma Taylor ROCK MILLS 'Miss M. Cook spent the past week end with friends at Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe of "Ccdarview Farm" entertained a host of their friends on Friday evening to a corn and weiner roast when a most enjoyable time was spent. Mr. Percy Hemphill, w^ho has beei at Cheltenham, has returned home. Mr. D. Stewart spent a few days with his sister at Paisley. Mrs. A. B. Balfour and son of St. Catharines spent over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Collinson. Mrs. Tedlow of Hamilton is visiting with Mrs. Robt. Campbell for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibsoi spent the week end with Toronto friend-.^. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt and iwo .sons, Stanley and Melville, spent Thanksgiving with Brampton friends Miss D. Fisher motored to Toronto for the week end.. Wc are pleased to report Mr Lyness slightly improved. Mis-3 Margaret Sinclair, who is at tending Toronto Normal, spent tht holiday with her parents Mr. Albert and Miss May Cook Mr. and Mrs. Pofhl of Hano\cv at in the village on Friday. -Miss Margaret Sinclair of Toronto Normal spc-nt the holiday with her parents. Miss Agnes Maephail and Miss Marjory Duckett have returned from Markdale hospital. Miss Macphai; was enjoying a much needed rest while Marjory underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis. Wfc are son-y to report Mr. J. J. Lyness a patient in the hospital, suff- ering from a fractured hip. Mr. and Mx-s. Jack Gibson, Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson, Oakville, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith ana Mrs. Wine and babe of Toronto were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. .Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fisher and children of Toronto spent the wec-k end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper. Mrs. Coleman of O^ven Sound, Mr. and Mrs. R. Coleman and three child- ren of London spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mro. J. F. Collinson. Mrs. (Dr.) Patterson and son Beatty, of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod. Misses Allie and Edith Grant ol Toronto spent the holidays with Mr and Mrs. Allie Muir and while here, in company with Mrs. Muir and Grant visited at Durham. Mi3s Doris Bonnycastle of Peter- boro spent the Thanksgiving holidays witlj Miss Jeanette McLeod. Dr. Ferguson Grant and family ol Durham and Mr. Brock Grant ol Welland were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. 'Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and fam- ily of Shrigley and Mr. and Mrs Rennie and Jean of Southamptor holidayed with Mrs. Maephail. Miss Marion Muir of Oro Station, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Muir of Owen Sound, Mrs. McFarland and daughter of New Lisktard and Mr. Han-y Houston of Peterboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir over the week end. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. John Nuhn and family of Flesherton in their bereavement. Mrs. Nuhn is Mrs. Haddon Hutchinson's mother. Miss Blanche Genoe has returned to Owen Sound. Mrs. Will. Gibson Is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Melville Boyce spent the week end at his home near Maxwell. Miss Dorothy Fisher holidayed in Toronto. Miss Gladys Sellars of Toronto vis- ing with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr. Thos. Ftnwick has burned an- other kiln of lime. This is the third kiln he has burned this year. Mrs. C. Martin and Miss M. Camp- bell are candidates from this locality for the New York-Bermuda trip giv- en by the Owen Sound Sun-Times. Mrs. Robt. Meldrum and son, Mr Cecil Meldrum of Portlaw visited a day the past week with the Pedlai families. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Lyons of To- ronto spent the week end and holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts. Mrs. Susan Doupe of Saugeen Junction is spending a few days at These ladies will be grateful to those' ^'le home of her brother, Mr. Wm. who will nsed vote coupons from the! Hawkins. papers to them or to the Sun-Times I A goodly number turned out to the for them. prayer meeting at the home of Mr Mr. and Mi-s. Clarence Biggar and j Thos. Betts, Friday evening, when Miss D. Fenwick of Owen Sound and I ^^- ^^'' ^^^n had charge of the ser- Mrs. Russell Linton and daughter I ^'i'^^ ^""^ delivered a good message Peggy, of Victoria Corners were 'â-  ^'"""^ ^^'^ ^-"'^ Psalm. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and! Mrs. John Vesde of Rocky Saugeen Mrs. T. Fenwick and family. ; ^P'-'"'^ ^ '^^^ '""'^h her cousin, Mr. C. "Rally Day" in our church here on >«'ewell, and wife. Sunday at 11 a.m. was well attended. Miss Ita Pedlar of Markdale soent Rev. Mr. Metcalfe of Ravenna con- ducted the service. The church was decorated very prettily in autumn col- ors: leaves, fruit and flowers were ;n profusion. The electric lights wert turned on, which gave an autumn glow to the scene. The iSunday school children occupied the platform and gave several musical numbers and readings as specified by the Rally Day program. During the hour prev- ious to the service some of 3Ii-s. Mar- tin's Sunday school class, wrote their examination on the July-Septembei course. We are pleased to see Miss Hilda Gordon back in our midst again, aftei being away for four years. She i- now the picture of health and we wish her continued good health and happi- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and daugh- ter, Agnes, and Mr. and Mrs. Las- celles and Jack and Mr. Jack Jamie- son of Toronto visited over the weeK end and Thanksgiving v.ith Mrs. Wil- son and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and family. Mr. Roy MacMillan, who is work- ing with the King Paving Co. spent a few days with his wife and daugh- ters here. Major and Mrs. Snively, Mr. Small- piece and Mr. Cliff of Toronto spent the week end at the Club House. Mrs. Mitchell and sons, Jim and Douglas, and Mis the week end at the parental home A number from here are planning to attend the plowing match. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens and family of Kimberley visited recently at the Pedlar home. Messrs. Nelson Frewing Sr. and Ralph Holley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson and on Monday enjoyed a successful rabbit hunt, taking twelve rabbits home with them. Mr. and M:s. .Allan Cameron and three children of Toronto visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson. PROTON STATION Thanksgiving visitors in this local- ity from Toronto were: Mr. and Mrs. T. McCuIlough at the Sherson homes; Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and children at Mr. T. Wyvill's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner Jr., at Mr Lome Hodgins; Mr. and Mrs. Thos Kirkwood a.nd Miss Gertrude Lyons at Mr. Chas. Lyons. The Misses Ache-son and Miss Lill- ian Hemphill at Mr. R. G. .A,cheson"s. : Miss Marie Cook at Mr. Walter .\che- son's; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corbett at Mrs. Corbett's Sr.; Miss Lena Park of Georgetown at 'Mr. Jos. Park's; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wauchope and PORTLAW The sympathy of the entire com- munity goes out in full measure to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips and family in their deep sorrow by the passing of their daughter and sfster at the early age of sixteen years. Word has been received that Mr. Wm. McLcn.nan of Toronto had under- gone a serious operation in hospital and wa-3 doing as well as might be expected. Mr. Robt. Osborne is spending this week in Owen Sound with his brother, who is suffering from the after af- fects of the war. Mr. Spurgeon McXevin underwent an operation for goitre in .Markdale hospital, which, we understand wels successful. Mrs. D. Jamieson is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. T. W. Walker and son of To- ronto were week end visitors with the former's brother here. Mr. and Mrs. Jordon and Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nuen. Bert Hopps is assisting friends at Dohbinton with fall work. Mou.-.t Zion church was favored with fine weather for anniversary and the large hall was filled to capac- ity at both niorni.Tg and evening ser- vicei. The pastor, Rev. Mr. McNeil, preached able sermons on both oc- jasion.-:. Maxwell choir had charge jf the musical part and their services were very much appreciated. On the following Monday night an em- tertainmer.t was provided which con- sisted 01 selections by the Fourth Line orchestra, reading;- by Mrs. Mc- Neil, Mrs. L. Pedlar and Mrs. Mc- Donald of Flesherton, followed by moving pictures given by representa- tives of the Agricultural Department, Markdale. Rev. Mr. McNeil conducted anni- versary services at his former charge, Ravenna, last Sunday; and Rev. Mr. Metcalfe of that place took the pas- tor's work on this field, and hi.s mess- age was well appreciated. -Mrs. Benning, Mr. Cecil Benning and lady friend, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth McKee and Florence Boyce, all of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Blackburn of Nottawa visited over the holiday *ith Mr. and Mrs. John McKee, and other friends. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John Nuhn and family wish to thank all their friends for kindness and sympathy extended to them on the death of their husband and fath- er, and to those who loaned their cars for the occasion. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. Sunday, October 22nd will be ob- served as Children's and Family Daj with Sunday school at 10 a.m. and divine service at 11 a.m. The child- ren are asked to attend service on this Sunday. TRINITY CHURCH PROTON STAT. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1933 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible class. 3 p.m. â€" Evening prayer, Holy Baptism and sermon. Sunday school scholars asked to attend service. â- 'Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man, and fear thy God. I am the Lord." Leviticus 19: 32. McCrow of To- 1 babe of Flesherton at Mr. Lloyd ronto were week end visitors with Wauchope's. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Magee and fam- Some of those from here visiting j]^ abroad are Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dever "Mr. John MacDonald of Codringtffn' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. White and Mr. and Mr. Sam MacDonald of Toronto' Russell White at Dundas; Mrs. Russell Normal school and Miss Davis ot: Irwin at Toronto;. , Forest Hill school were week end vis-j -^IJss Jean McCannell and Mr. Ar- ited Mrs. A. MacMillan over the week j .j.^^^ ^^. ^^^, MacDonald home, Sth| thur NcCannel_l_ have gone to Toronto end. BATES BURIAL CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTR-E FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PBICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAY- Klngsdale 4344-^456 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager Formerly of Flesherton Mr. Ross McMullen visited his par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown, Miss Delia White and friend of Toronto were visitors at Mrs. White's. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mi-s. Gold- wi-i Mi-'Mullen and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson and family, all of Toronto were week end visitors of Mr. ani. Mrs. Jas. McMullen. Miss Erb of Moorefield spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs. Jas. L. McMullen, and Mr. McMullen. M". and Mrs. Percy Hunt and sons spent Thanksgiving at Brampton. Mrs. Tedlow of Hamilton is spend- ig a couple of weeks with Mis. Robt. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald and Miss Isobel of Weston were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr. Ross McMullen of Toronto was the guest of his parents.-for the holi- day. Mr. Chas. Irish of Toronto and Mrs. Stewart of Osprey spent the week end at the home of S. HeniphilL Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart and son, Franklin, Miss Irene Stew- art. Mr. Jackson Stewart and Mr. Harper, all of Toronto. Misses Parslow and Schisskr and Catharine Cairns of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns ovei the holiday. Mrs. Harry Piper has presented the village with the old Orange Hall and the work of remodelling it into a community hall has already com- menced. EUGENIA We -were pleased to see Mr. Win. Large, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lewis of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with the latterV sister, Mrs. Chas. Hanley and family. ! Line. Mr. John MacDonald remain- ed for a fortnight's visit. We are very sorry to chronicle the death of another resident of our vill- age, that of Mrs. Peter Sherwood (nee Mrs. Mary Hillier) whose death occurred last Tuesday night in a hospital in Toronto. The late Mrs SherA'co<i had been ailing for some we.'ks with glandular trouble, but we did not think her death so near. She was sixty-nine years of age; a woman of a very pleasing personality an J loved by those who knew her. She was married last spring to her now sorrowing husband. Some prttty floral tokens of sympathy and devo- tion rested upon the casket. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon from the residence of Mr. Jos. Sherwood. The funeral service wa; conducted at the house and grave by Rev. Mr. McNeill, who deliveroJ a very comforting message. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Thos. McKee, Robt. Plantt, Richard Park Stanley Campbell. Leonard Latimei and Jos. Williams Sr. We extend our deepest sympathy to her -sorrow- ing husband and other friends in their sad bereavement. Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on his tender breast. There by his love o'trshaded. Sweetly her soul shall rest. Mr. Harry Burk. Mr. Jack Foster of Harriston, also Miss Dorothy Fos- ter visited last Sunday with the Kaitting family. Messrs. Sterling and Newham from Humber Bay were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Court. Smith. The Hammond family of Toronto were Thanksgiving visitors with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Shortreed of Price- vilie and family spent Sunday with^t Mrs. Park and family. ^ Colonel and Mrs. Mclntyre of Owen . S Sound called at the Club House rec " ently. Mr. Wm. McNally of Portlaw vio- terded the funeral of the late Mr jted recently with Mr. and Mrs. T. McWhinney. Fenwick. Miss Blanche Genoe has returnca Jtrs. Thos. Lever and daughter Mr. Nelson Frewing and Mr. Ralph Holley visited at Thos. White's, and enjoyed r:%'>bit hunting in this dis- trict on Saturday. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dawes. Mrs. .\. Hanson and Mrs. W. Sweers ot Burfoid were week end visitors with Mr. and M.'s. Colquette. The ladies were M'*s. Colquette's nieces. Mr. and Mrs. Will, -eolquette and children of Owen Sound were visit- ors here over the week end. R. J. t?olquette is able to be around again after a month on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. 11. .\lexander and son, Ivan, of Owen Sound attended the wedding of Mrs. Ailexander's nephew in Toronto recently. Miss Mae Whiteoak and Miss Dor- othy Robinson of Toronto spent the week end and holiday at their home? here. Toronto propo.es to make single unemployed men, who are givei's re- lief, work for what they get. " The House ol Quality " Specials This Week -WI.MER TOMATOE JUICE, 2 TINS 15c SHREDDED WHE.\T. 2 PKGS 23c ROSE BAKING POWDER, PER TIN 18c EIXE S.VLT, 3l2 LB. BAG, 2 for 15c DOX'T EORGET SAVE YOUR BUCKINGHAM WRAPPERS AND LE.VVE IN THE BUCKINGHAM BALLOT BOX : JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON ^ I I Prairie Rose Fleur $2.25 Bag I Carbolic Soap 5c BAR Baking Powder 1 Tin Bkg. Pwdr and 1 Glass Dish «dl for 25c 3 Bars of Palmolive Feminist leader predicts that some day women will be getting men's wag- es. We thought they were doing that every Saturday night. A Soap auid one 10c pkg. â- ^ Princess Flakes, all for 21c Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? try Kennedy's and be convinced Men's Wear WCM^K SHIRTS 75c up 0\ERALLS $1.00 up C-\PS 69c up SOCKS 19c up Some Real Good Sweaters. CHEAP! Ken Kennedy Phone 37 We Deliver in Town P-Nut Butter 2 LB. JAR 29c Tea (Black) 29c LB. Cookinsr Onions 10 LBS. 25c Meats Fresh and Cured ? f^*<'***V*****<P*^''^"P^*<'***VW*'P<r'P*'PV"P*S>'^<'W*VV^M»V^ ,;^.;.^,gM;..^.^.2><<>^<9^>^^Mp^>t>9^ P

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