Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1933, p. 1

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\* • v. • I' ®[)je /teij^ttxrn airtiunc^* \'oI. 53: Xo- 18 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER IS, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor* SAUGEEN JUNCTION CEYLON (Last Week's Items) LMr. and Mis. M. Hamitton of To- ronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. White and- Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dever spent the week end at Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Everett White and son and Mr. Harvey ^Tiite and lady friend were visitors over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. White and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Doupe of Owen Sound and son, George, of New York were recent visitors at W. J. Black- burn's. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Batehelor and children of Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Vance and daughters with Mrs. John Campbell and Mr. Robt. Camp- boll of Owen Sound and Mr. Lloyd Cooper and Miss Ila M. Batehelor of Guelph spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Batehelor. Miss Gladys Batehelor has returned home after spending the past week with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sempie uud daughter, Shirley, of Markdale vis- ited on Sunday at Mr. Bert Badger- Dw's. PRICEVILLE Over 100 men and women from Priceville and vicinity attended tht plowing match near Owen Sound last week. Sunday morning Rev. and Mrs. Sutherland had their infant daughter Priscilla Violet, christened by Rev Nortnan MacDonald in the church. Mrs. Alex. Carson returned home the first of the week. Visiting the past week in Toronto. A number from here attended anni- versary services at Swinton Park on Sunday last. They also took in the fowl supper on Monday night ana enjoyed the play given by the Flesh- erton people "Apple Blossom Time.'' Miss Bernice Farley of Holland Centre returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. G. Kirktown. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and fam- ily, Ceylon, Mr. and Mrs. Emersor Bennett, Flesherton, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. MacArthur were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. Thos. Nichol. Recent visitors at Mr. Robt. Short- reed's were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos Shortreed and Mr. and Mrs. W. Short- reed and Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Monk Dorothy and Given and Mr. and Mrs Webb, all of Gait; Mr. Neil Shortreed. Ke3wick, and Miss Fortune of To- ronto. Mr. Findlay Shackleton, with Misses Donalda and Jessie Nichol, Anna Mc- Eachern and Edna McHugh, motored to Ayton and attended the teacher's convention on Thursday and Friday. Mr. Roy Gibson of Oakville was a caller in the village Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Cairns accompanied her mother, Mrs. Wilcock and sister, Mrs. Harvey Griffin on a motor trip to Buffalo. -Mr. J. B. Cummins of Oshawa is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell and -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper. Mr. and Mrs. Woods of Chatsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge, Holland Centre, and Miss Irene Marshall of Markdale were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I. Marshall. Mr. Bert Kerr of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Owen Sound spent Sunday at G€o. Snell's. Mr. John McMillan and Mr. A Whittaker were in Toronto on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and Edna of Toror.r spent hte week end with Mrs. White Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson of Dun- dalk were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson over the week end. Miss Dorothy Fisher attended the teachers' convention at Ayton last Thursday and Friday. Owing to the anniversary service KlMBERLiiY EUGENIA Miss Geraldine Weber and Mr. Arthur Wardman or Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mr. Dalton Ferguson unilei-went an operation for appendicitis in Mark- dale hospital. We are pleased tj I know he is recovering nicely. Messrs. W. G. Hammond and 3. Heron of Toronto were in the valley on Saturday, picking the apples on the Hammond property. The Ladies' Aid are having a fowl supper on Wednesday, October 25th. with Thornbury choir giving the pro- gram. Thanksgiving services \vill be held in the church on Sunday. Rev. Mc- Pherson of Mclnyi-e will have chargt of both morning and evening services A Hydro gang are in town trimm- ing trees and are witn Mr. and Mrs A. E. Lawrence. Mrs. Ferguson is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Baker at Vandeleur. Mr. Harold Proctor of Huntsville spent a week with Mrs. Proctor and Miss Marjorie. iMr. and Mrs. Appleton of Gait vis- VK:T0R1A C0RW£RS :n Flesherton next Sunday, there will ^^^'^ ^^''^" ^^'^- ^'^'^ ^I''^- Bruce Hall be no service here. Almost every farm in the commun- ity was represented at the plowing match, near Owen Sound last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff of Brussels Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ferris and j children, also Mr. and Mrs. R. R. -Abercrombie of Barrie, Mr. Bustei ; Marshall of Barria, Mi 4s Nettie ' Abercrombie of Shelburne; Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Burnsides of Mark- 1 ^^^- Ernest Cooper of Cooper's Falls I dale visited G. and F. D. Cairn's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair spent Sunday in Harriston and were accom- panied home by Mrs. Sinclair's moth- er. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beatty of OrangY- attended the funeral of Mrs. Aber- crombie. The Poultry Association held a meeting on Saturday night. They made final arrangements for the show on Nov. 14 and 15 and also a free fowl dinner for the members Valley spent Sunday with Mr. Tom and their families. CARD OF THANKS Fletcher. Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Mrs. Martin Phil- lips, Mrs. Jack Nichol and Mrs. Had- Mrs. A. B. Andrews spent the week end vv-ith Mrs. Davis of V'andeleur. i Mr. John Wilson had the misfor- ; don Hutchinson took in the plowing' '""^ to lose one of his work iiorses| match. i on Sunday night. Mr. Ernest Boyle! Rev. Mr. McNeil of Maxwell had ^'^=5 returning home from the village; charge of the services here last Sun- day. Mr. Walter Arrowsmith, Moose Jaw Mr. Lyle Arrowsmith and Mrs. Mc- when suddenly the horse jumped in i front of his car. The Veterinary i was called, but it was found the ani- mal had its hind leg broken and had Rae and two children of Toronto to be killed. The team had been in spent the week end with Mr. and 'he oi-chard and Mr. Wilson was una- Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith. Saturday evening Miss Willa Patt- erson organized a C.G.I. T. class un- der the name the "Roshnie Group". The following officers were elected: Pres., Mabel Haw; vice pros., Marg- aret CoUinson; sec, Jean Marshall; eorr. sec, Jean Collinson; treas. Elsie Fisher. The group meets at 7.30 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. Mrs. Mewhinney accompanied Mrs. Archibald to Proton on Monday. The Ladies' Aid will meet at Mrs Tom Gilchrist's home near Maxwell on Wednesday the 25th. The roli call will be answered by Hallowe'en customs and superstitions. Mrs. W. The Abercromiie family wish to I Beaton is to give a talk on health. thank their many friends for theli , Lunch com. â€" Cake, Mrs. Mc Williams kindness and sympathy on the death; and Mrs. Snell; sandwich, Mrs. Rut- of their mother, Mrs. Thos. Aber- crombie. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Phillips wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to their neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness and sympathy pretended to them on the death of their daughter, Margaret Grace. Itdge and Mrs. Harry Piper. FEVERSHAM CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclnnes wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their inany acts of kindness dur- ing the illness and passing of Mrs. D. C. McDonald. IN MEMORIAM ware of them being on the road. Mrs. Ross Ellis and children of- Powassan have returned home after • an extended visit with the Weber and Ellis families. PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davidson ol Toronto ani Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brack- enbury of Flesherton were callere at Joseph Barber's on Sunday last. Messrs. Jokn and Bert Osborne oi Duntioon called on their brother, Wm. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horlon and Murray and Mrs. W. G. Hand were week end visitors with the ladies' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Miss Grace Horton returned home with them to Long Branch, after a month's visit with friend-s here. The farmers have nearly all finish- ed their fall plowing and are taking We had our first baptism of the "beautiful," for the season, on Friday. last. The forest trees, which have lately been garbed in all their gorg- eous grandeur, are now beginning to resign the honors of their form at the approach of winter's stormy blast. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and Mr. Neil Mclntyre attendtd the funeral at Mc- Intyre of Mrs. Catherine McDonald, one of Osprey's pioneers, who passed away at the age of ninety-t^ree years. Deceased was an aunt of Mrs. Thomp- son and Mr. Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gaudin and Stanley of Toronto, Miss .-Mice Little R.N., Hamilton, and Mervin Little ol Toronto Normal school visited rec- ently with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Littk- .md other friends. Mr. Geo. Blakey, who is convalesc- L'ning from a seriouo operation and â- lister, Mrs. Warren, of Toronto, is visiting at the parental home. Ml'. McArthur and two sisters of Toronto visited v/ith Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson returned with them to the city for a visit with her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and two children of McL^tyre vi-siteJ with their uncle and aunt here. A large number of people of this In loving memory of Muriel Edith Cameron who entered into eternal life Monday. October 13th, 1930. Day after day .we think what -she is doing In those bright realms of air, Year after year, her tender steps pursuing. Behold her grown more fair. Thus do we walk with her, and keep unbroken The bond which nature gives. Thinking that our remembrance, though unspoken. May reach her where she lives. â€" Father, Mother and Brothers up their roots. Two truck loads and about a dozen p^^.^ attended the big plowing match •ar loads of people from here attend- ^nd farm machinery demonstration i: ed the plowing match, held near Owen Sound last week. A very fine fall here this year, with just one light fall of snow about a week ago, which melted as it fell. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckctt desire to express their heartfelt appreciation of the many kindr.esses shown to them and to Marjorie, during the latter's serious illness; to thank the students of the First Form and the teachers i-i the High School and Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and the many neighbors for all their kindnesses and practical â-  .sympathy. An exchange tells of a p!g "vv-ith but two front legs." We've just Pardon our guffaws! We have been wondering if they don't all comejust seen some of the latest in fall that way. millinery. Derby last week and were much in- terested in the gilt edge v.ork <lo:i' by the plowmen and plav.-woman. MAXWELL The Women's Association will meet in the church on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. All memc>ers are requested to be present. We extend our profound sympathy to the wife and relatives of the lat» Mr. John Nuhn, whose death occurrea recently. Mrs. Kernahan and nephew, Mr. Brown of Toronto are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson at pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sproule of Mark- dale were Sunday visitors witih Mrs Wilson and .Mrs. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and Miss Irva, also Miss Melrose Camp- bell, who is visiting there, visited en Sunday at Wareham and attended anniversary services in the United church there. Mr. Roy MacMillan, who is engaged with the King Paving Co. is spending a week with his wife and daughte: here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Boyle and faiii ily of Kiniberlty visited at Mr. Gar net Magee's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron am' three sons of Toronto were recent visitors with Mi\3. Cameron's sister Mrs. Bert Magee. Mr. H. T. Cliff and luiss Kelly ol' Toronto spent the week end at th? Fishing Club with Mr. and Mrs. Kaitt- ing. . I Miss Donalda Sloan, teacher here, 1 Miss Mary Hawken, 8th Line teacher j and Miss Christina Magee, teacher at I Stone's Settlement, attended the teachers' convention at Ayton last ; week. While there Miss Sloan had the misfortune to sprain her ankle and is unable to teach school at time of â-  writing. i Mr. Peter Sherwood has moved his] household effects to Flesherton where i he will reside. j Mrs. John Campbell has returned i home after a visit with friends in To- 1 roniv. Miss Irene Saunders of Walter's] Falls is a visitor with the Latimer and Proctor families. Your correspondent, Mrs. Chas. Martin, who -.s a candidate in the con- test for a free trip to New York and Bermuda given by the Sun-Times, is very grateful for the support that she has been receiving by friends and acquaintances sending the vote cou- pons from the Sun-Times papers. She will be glad to receive further sup- port this week by new subscriptions, ronev.-als or arrears as well as cou- ion-3, sent to her or direct to the Travel Club, credited to her. Mr. Garnet Magee visited in Lindsay one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Davidson and daughter, Madge, of Feversham sp?nt ehe week end with their cousins, Mr. and Mr;. Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee and children visited the Crozier family at Orangeville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McQuirk and T.ttk son of Dundalk were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Magee and family. Mr. and Mia. Wcs. Smith and fam- ily of Rock Mills were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court. Smith. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. W. Benson and family attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Parker at Mr. Mort Sayers home, 10th Line, on Friday night. Mr. Plantt is laid up with a cold at present. We hope he will soon be well again. Miss Hilda Genoe of Ceylon is vis- iting with her grandmother, Mrs. S. Tu'-ner at present. We arc pleased to i-eport Mrs. J. Porteous still improving. Mr. and Mrs. Essland of Rob Roy visited over the week end with Mr and Mrs. Ben Shortt. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Edgar Belts of Eu- genia, accompanied by her niece. Dor- othy Whitehead, are visiting this week n Toronto. Miss Queenie Kaitting and Mr. Len. Weaver of Kilsyth spent Sunday with her brother and family. Don t forget the .sectional confer- ence to be held at Inistioge on Octob. er 23rd. BORN â€" In Markdale hospital on October 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart, a daughter. School was closed Thursday and Friday of last week on account of the teachers convention. A number from here attended the plowing match near Owen Sound last week. On Thursday especially the traffic on No. 10 Highway was heavy. (Last Week's Items) Despite the inclement weather Inis- tioge held a very successful annivers- ary Service on Sunday. Mr. Young preached in the morning and Rev Hutchinson of Shelburne, grandson ol one of Inistioge's pioneer members, preached afternoon and evening. The jhoir rendered most appropriate mus ic, assisted by Miss Lillian Hemphill. Toronto, Hiss Helen Henderson, Cor- beiton and Mrs. Earl Walton, Hope- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Hawe and babe of Bright; Marguerite Stinson anc, Wm. Coon of Toronto spent Thanks ,'iving at Mr. A. Stinson's. The ladies of the W.M.S. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. -Milton Bannon on Thursday and planned for the sectional conference to be held at Inistioge on Monday October 23rd, afternoon 2 o'clock and evening 7. .'JO. A real treat is prom- ised to all ladies who can attend (Mrs.) Dr. Reta Kilbom of China and Miss Rutherford of Africa art to be the speakers. We have no'. heard Miss Rutherford, but Mrs. Kil- born is a feast in herself. The ladies of the congregation are serving tea to any who wish to enjoy the two services (25c.) Misses Myrtle Moore and Del Ferris, Messrs Gordon Ward and Hayv.-ard Pai'sons, Toronto, visited at Chas. Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Port Rowan. Mr. Jno. Robinson. Hamilton, visited over the holiday at Milton Bannon's Mrs. Skippen Sr. of Kimberley vis- ited her son, Mr. J. Skippen, for u few day-3. A number of the local sports spent Thanksgiving at Ripley shooting jack rabbits. There were twelve in the hunt and they brought home quite a number of rabbits. Rec'^ the Small Advertisements Movies At Maxwell Moving pictures will be shown in the Orange Hall, Maxwell, on Wed- nesday. October ItSh, at 8 p.m. The proceeds are in aid of the Maxwell Library. .-Vdmission 20 and 10 cts ROCX MILLS Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foster visited the first of the week with friends at Corbetton. Rev. R. n. Jackson and son, Emmet, of Proton were callers at the home of Mr. Thos. Betts one day the past week. Miss E M. Oliver attended the teachers' convention at •â- Vyton on Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Robt. McMullen, East Mount- ain, visited a few days with hei daughter, Mrs. Cecil Betts. Rev. Mr. Dean of Feversham -will conduct the prayer meeting Friday night at the home of Mr. H. Down, Flesherton, at 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited the first of the week with relatives at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fawcett of Lind- say called on the Pedlar families Sat- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kennedy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tucker of Toronto spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo!m Robert- son. Among those who attended the plowing match were: Messrs. Thcs. Betts, Lewis and Jim Pedlar, Dick Clark, Herb and Frank Betts, Wm. Hawkins, Joe Hawkins, Bill and Keith Robert-son, Mr. Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson and Mervyn. Mrs. Thos. Betts and three daugh- ters visited on Thursday with rela- tives at Maxwell. Colors that run have a faculty of stopping in the most outlandish places. A report from Geneva says there are real signs visible the world over that the depression is gradually lift- ing. We hope that statement is not promptly denied. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1933 10 a.m. â€" Sunday school for all children. 11 a.m. â€" Morning prayer. Holy Baptism and sermon. This Sunday will be observed as children's and family day. The Sun- day school scholars are asked to re- main for service. TRINITY CHURCH PROTON STAT. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible class. Divine service at 3 p.m. on October 29th. "As -we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, and es- pecially unto them wtio are of the household of faith." Galatians 6: 10 BATES BURIAL CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAY- KIngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chapel , , J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager 5 Formerly of Flesherton A number from here attended the anniversary ser\-ices at Wareham on Sunday last. Rev. Scott of Flesher- ton was the special preacher for the day and the Maxwell choir had charge of the music. Mi?-! Margaret Hawton of Fever- .;ham spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. Miss Eyres, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Walker of Guelph were callers on Mr. and Miss Mildren McPherson, who ind Mrs. Angus Morrison on Monday has spent the summer here, returned home with them. Boer and w'.ne ha.^ nov; become more than a shadow. It emerges a* a reality. The new policy in United States has no doubt helped to bring the issue to the front in Ontario. SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match will be held at the farm of Mr. Thos. Fenwick on Thursday, October litth. commencing at 1:30 p.m., fcr ducks, geese and turkeys. Contestants supply theii own ammunition. " The House ol Quality " Specials This Week COW.WS COCOA, Vi LB. Tixs He H-\ST C\Kl-:S, PER PKlv 7c ROSE 11\K1NG POWDER, PER TL\ 15c BLUE ROSE KICE 5>4 LB 24c \VO-\DER \V.\Sn, 2 PKGS 23c DOX'T FORGET SAVE YOUR BUCKIXGILVM WR.VPPERS .\XD LE.\\'E IN THE BUCKINGHAM BALLOT BOX JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON ^ agw!» e ' gy «<»aaga^^ffi ^g ^*^p'p'*^ft '? ' - "«»> g^ ' »^tfr*if?'yo>^^^**'^ ^ ^^^*^^' " f**''i^^^^^*

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