Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1933, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 193M THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE PoblUtMd on ColKngwood street, , Flesherton, Wednesday of each 1 «e«k. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance |1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, r. J. THURSTON, â-  â-  Editor Aasoc Editor KUITOHIAL NOTES A cheerful heart often improvee one's healt-h more effectively than the most praised medicine. * • • No matter what vocation a modern inaid reaches after, she can ever roly that helping mother with the house- work alway.s promotes the school girl complexion which is invariably an Asset of value. * • • Lady Astor, the British M.P., who is a dauphtcr of Virginia, declares she never .saw a place so hungry for epeakera as her native land. Yea our neighbors appear all hungering for advice. -They get it. But how seldom do they follow it! The same in Canada. * • • Amid the grabbing of privileges by legislative and municipal representa- tives the new mayor of Pittsburg â€" ont of the Millac'p, Wni. N. Mc.Vair â€" stands out as an example to all pat- riots who refuse to profit by the u.se of a free municipal automobile. How different it has Ix-en in .-^uch centre.' of petty graft as Toronto city hall for example. * • • Taxpayers generally owe it to them- selves to attend the annual municipal j?athorings. It is not in the l>est interests of any municipality to have the nomination gatherings regarded as mere mutual admiration confabs to be followed by carking criticism.'- after council has l)een chosen, when no effective remedy can be applied earlier than next election. Clear up matters on nomination day, and give whoever is elected cheerful co-opera- tion. Nomination Rumors Artemesia and Flesherton nomina- tions are being held this Friday in the Flesherton town hall, the formci in the afternoon and the- latter in the evening. There has not been very much talk on what is going to occur with the township council, but it is likely that Councillor K. VVarling will op])0.se Deputy-RecA-e C. D. Meldrum for that office. Both are good men and the result will not be known until election right. It uppeavs as though Reeve John A. Davis will re- ceive an acclamation for his second term. It is also rumored that Messrs. F. J. Reillcy of Pricovillo and Frank Belts of RcK-k Mills will try for the Council l)oard. The Flesherton voters appear to be satisfied with the work of the pro»< ent council and an acclamation for the whole council is almost a cer- tainty. Other municipalities in Grey hold- ing nominations on Friday are: Ben- tinck, Colllng\vood, Euphrasia, Glen- olg, KopiM-l and .Sullivan townships; towns of Mcaford and Hanover and the vil!aire of Markdalo. Insurance of all Sorts Phone «7, Thornhury, and I'll call Stan. THURSTON St. Columba W.M.S. and Women's Assoc. The Woman's Missionary Society and Women's Association of St. Columba United church, Priceville, held their regular meeting on Novem- .')er 15th at the home of Mrs. D. G. .McLean. The election of officers for the W.M.S. took place. After faithful service for many years Mrs. .â- Mlie Muir resigned as president and Mi.><s Moir was elected to take her place for the coming yep.r. l.st vice- pres., Mise Bertha James; 2nd vice pres., Miss Belle Weir; sec, Mrs. F. G. Karstedt; treas., Misa Martha Wat- ton; Press sec., .Miss Jewel Mac. Alrthur; sifpply sec, (Miss (Lizzie Mather; envelope sec, Mrs. H. B. .McLean; Missionary monthly sec, Misfi Annie Shortreed; Temperance sec, Mrs. F. McKinnon; strangers sec, Mrs. D. G. McLean; Mission Band leaders. Miss Lizzie Mather and Miss Belle AVier. Miss Lizzie 'Mathei^'s group were in jharge of the program. Miss Moir gave a reading on the 23rd Psalm Headings were also given by Miss Jewel MacArthur, Mrs. Garfield White and Miss Bertha James. At the conclusion of the W.M.S., the Women's .'\ssociation held their meeting. The election of officers was left over till next month. Af- ter the business Mrs. S. McDcrmld's gioup served a dainty lunch. YOUNG PEOPLE'S .MEETING The weekly meeting of the Y.P.S. of St. Columba United church was well attended. It opened with fifteen minutes of song service. Miss Anna McLean was organist for the evening. Miss Alice Reiley had charge of the worship period. The literary group under the leadership of Mr. J. D. Mc- Arthur suppled the program. Miss Edith James read a chapter from one of Ralph Connor's books, "The Man from Glengarry." Miss Evelyn Mc- Dermid sang a solo. After a hymn the Mispah benediction was repeated in unison. Next week the Mission- ary group will have charge of the program. Important Notice FAMILEX To everyone with whom I have been doing business, during the past year, has been revised a plan, whereby you can secure the best products on the market at a reduction from the reg- ular price as stated in the Catalogue, which I have to offer at your request. I will agree to discount 10'/'' on every product that you may have to purchase, which, I think is a splemlid idea; I have arranged for every- one, who wishes to get the best, and to enable my patrons, and others, who would like to take advantage of this offer, and also save money in this time of depression when money is needed so much. Please ask for the premium card f have already given to a number ol people, where if they buy a certain amount of products, a certain portion of their buying will be given to them absolutely free in whatever products you are in need of. Think of these special inducement.^ that I am offering to all those who want to save money. So those of you who are out of town, or in the village, who would like to give my products a fair trial under this new plan that I have arranged for your lunefit, I will appreciate your kind- n<'ss very much. I have a number of catalogues here in stock and they are yours, if you will ask for them. I CREAM •? I'\ir the convenience of our patrons; those that our icks or teams cannot at the following .stores. 2 f ti licks or teams cannot reach, may leave your cream DEVER BROS. STORE, PROTON KENNEDY'S STORE, FLESHERTON JAS. STEWART STORE, FLESHERTON HERON'S STORE, MAXWELL SEELEY'S STORE, MAXWELL CAIRN'S STORE, EUGENIA CHARD'S STORE, KIMBERLEY ELI ROBINSON, FEVERSHAM « > Our present jiricc's for cream delivered to our Cream- erics arc: Special 23c, l.st 2lc, 2n(l 19c. Only Ic less % for cream left at store and rouk*s. MARRDALE & DUNDALR CREAMERIES •Phones:- Mnrkdale 66; Dundalk 66 Record Number of Birds at Poultry Show One of the most succeaiiful poultry exhibitions in the history of the Kim berley Poultry Show was held last week, when over 250 birds, besides water fowl, were in competition. Wm. Billings of St. Marys acted as judge and awarded the cup for the best bird in the show to Bellerby Bros, of Shelburne with' a Ught Brahma cock- erel, last year won by W. H. Thurs- ton of Flesherton with a Jersey Black (iiant cock. Eollowing are the winn ers in the various classes :- LlKdl Brahma â€" 1st cokerel and 1st pullet F. and J. Bellerby, Shelburne. l-)ark Brahma â€" 1st cock and 1st hen F. and J. Bellerby. Barred Rocks â€" 1st and 2nd cock Mark Wilson, Durham; l.st hen, Wil. â- ;o.-, Bellerby; cockerel, Wilson, Bell- erby; Pullet, Bellerby, Wilson. 1 White Uocks â€" 1st and 2nd cock McDonald, Durham; 1st and 2nd hen, McDonald; 1st and 2nd cockerel, Mc- Donald, 1st and 2nd pullet, McDonald (>\d pen, F. J. Weber; young pen, F. J. Weber. Buff Wyandotte â€" Hen and cockerel Wilson; White Wyandotte, cock and hen, Bellerby. Golden Wyandotte â€" Cock and 1st and 2nd pullet, iWilson. Partridge Wyandotte â€" Hen and pullet, Bellerby. S. C. Rhode Island Red â€" 1st and 2n(l cock, 1st and 2nd hen, 1st and 2nd cockerel, 1st and 2nd pullet, Wilson. R. C. Rhode Island Red â€" Pullet Bellerby. Black Java â€" 1st Cockerel and 1st pullet, Bellerby. Jersey Black Giant â€" Cock, Milton Hutchinson; 1st cockerel, 1st hen and 1st pullet, W. H. Thur)5ton. Jersey White Giant â€" 1st and 2nd cockerel, 1st and 2nd pullet, 1st per young, Morris Welsh. Buff Orpington S. C. â€" Cock, 1st '!rd and 4th, Herrington, Durham; 2nd cock, Bellerby; hen 1, 2, .3 and 4, Her- rington; same on cockerel and pullet. White Orpington S. C. â€" 1st cock 1st and 2nd hen and 1st young pen Mrs. S. S. Burritt, 1st and 2nd cock- .-^rel and 1st and 2nd pullet, Russell Ellis. Blue Orpington â€" Ist hen and 1st pullet, Bellerby. Speckled .Sussex â€" 1st cock, hen jnekerel and pullet, Bellerby. Red .Sussex â€" 1st hen Bellerby. Light .Sussex â€" 1st cock, Carman Lawrence; 1st pullet, Bellerby. Dark Cornish â€" Hen, Bellerby. S. C. White Leghorn â€" l.st Cock, John Abercrombie; 2nd cock, Russell Kllis; 1st and 2nd hen, 1st and 2nd i^'ockerel, Aberci'ombie; 1st pullet. ,WiI- son. S. C. Buff Leghorn â€" 1st hen, 1st and 2nd cockerel, 1st and 2nd pullet Herrington. S. C. Brown Leghorn â€" 1st cix-k, Saul Fawcett; 1st hen, Fawcett, 2nd hen Bellerby; 1st cockerel and 1st pullet, Fawcett. Black Leghorn â€" lat hen Bellerby, 1st cockerel and 1st pullet, Bellerby, 2nd hen, Wilson. S. C. Black Minorca â€" 1st cock, 1st and 2nd hen, 1st and 2nd cockerel, 1st and 2nd pullet, Herrington. S. C. iWhite Minorca â€" Hen, Law- rence. S. C. Ancona â€" 1st cock, Bellerby; hen, 1st and 2nd, Hutchinson; 1st and 2nd cockerel, Isl and 2nd pullet, all to Herrinsrton. Blue Andalusian â€" Hen, Fawcett. Silver ("anipigne â€" Hen, Fawcytt. Black Hamburg â€" All to Bellerby. Golden Hamburg â€" All to Bellerby. White Poli.<hâ€" â-  1st Hen, 1st pullet Bellerby. Lackenvelder ~ 1st cock, 1st hen 1st cockerel, 1st pullet, Bellerby. Salmon Faverolles â€" 1st hen and 1st cockerel, Bellerby. Game.s A.O.V. â€" 1st CK)ck, Bellerby 2nd cock, Wilson; 1st and 2nd hen, Wilsos; Ist cockerel and 1st and 2nd pullet, Bellerby. Bnmze Turkey â€" Coek and hen, F. J. Weber. Pekin Ouck-.^ â€" All prizes to ,Webcr. Buff Ducks -â€" Young drake, Wil- Khaki C4implH>ll Duck â€" Wilson. Guinea â€" Cock, hen, C. Mundle. Rouen Ducks â€" .iil to Bellei^y. White Runners â€" 1st old duck, 1st old drake, 1st young drake, Ist young duck, Bellerby, 2nd young drake, 2nd young duck, M. Hutchinson. Fawn and White Runners â€" Ist young drake and duck, .Wilson. Muscovy Ducks â€" Old drake, old duck, young drake, Milton Hutchinson young duck, 2nd old duck, 2nd young duck, Bellerby. BRED-TO-LAY Barre<l Rock â€" 1st hen, Haines: ,l«t cockerel, Hnines; 2nd hen, Law- rence, .2nd cockerel, Haines; pulle* 1st F. J. Weber. 2nd Mundlr: oil \h â-  \ Haines; youn? pen, Weber. i White Rocks - A'l to Weber. { r. C. Rhode Island Red - Cockerel â- I li 1 -t and 2nd pulle\% A. Lawrence. ; High School Concert Attracts Large Crowd The high school auditorium was filled to capacity at the annual con- cert presented by the scholars on Friday evening last. The program was of excellent quality and delight- ed the large audience and was com- |)o.scd of selections by the school or- chestra, sailor's hornpipe by several girls, Scotch dances, square dances. The phy.'>ical culture exercises given by a number of the boys was excell- ent and compared very favorably with performances given by Y. M. C. A. members in large centres. Miss Catherine McVicar gave the sword dance, and Miss Georgina Blackburn the Highland Fling, both young lad- ies being called back for encores. Two plays were presented by the scholars, entitled: "A Nephew in the House'' and "The C/Ourtship of Miles Stand- ish." The players in the formei were Doris Bannon, taking the part of the nephew, Stella Marshall, Ver- dun McMaster and Mable Haw, as the old maids and Christina McKinnon as the housekeeper. Miss McDonald supervised the training. In The Court- ship of Miles Standish the following took their parts well: Anna McLean IS Priscilla, Evelyn Brown as Dame Madley, Vernon Stewart as Miles .Standish and George McMaster as John Alden. Mr. Wright, the prin- ciple, acted as supervisor. The orchestra consisted of Misses Lsobel McMuUen, as pianist and con- ductor, Beatrice and May Schramm Ruth and Jean Wolstencroft, Ruby Akitt, Messrs. George Akitt, Delbert Smith, Bob Bellamy, Laverne, Milford and Sherman Piper. Miss Dewar had charge of the instruction for the Sailor's Hornpipe and Dutch dance, while Mr. Wright instructed for the s(|uare dances and Mr. Eubank the physical exercises. SHIPPING AT CEYLON Notice is hereby given tBat I will be at the stock yards at Ceylon every Tuo.sday until further notice to receive stock for shipment. â€"FRANK TAYLOR, Shipper S. C. iWTiitc Orpington â€" Cockerel, 1st and 2nd pullet, Ellis. S. C. Black Minorca â€" All prizes to Arnold I..a\\Tence. Toulouse Geese â€" All to Weber. Brown Chinese Geesee â€" All prizes to Belllerby. Black African Geese â€" All prizes to Bcllei-by. The J. E. Eckhardt silver dessert set was won by C. E. Herrington of J)urhani on a nice pen of his Buff Orpingtons. F. J. Weber won S. S. Burritt't prize of S2 for Euohrasia to^vnship. -HAVE YOU RENEWED? Santa Glaus is due to arrive in just a few ucek.s. It would be wi.sc to secure your Christmas pres- ents early, in order to secure llio clu)ice of our wide ranj^c of articles specially chosen to suit Christmas reciuireincius. Toy, Dolls, Teddy Bear and Bunnies, Games, Sleighs Christmas Cards, Candies, Cigarettes, Tobacco, etc. There is soniethinj:;- for every- one at Hills Variety Store Flesherton 22 Deer Taken By District Hunters The open season for deer in Grey county last week was, to the hunter, a most successful event, as 22 deer are officially accounted for as captur- ed by the hunters. About half ol the number were taken on Wednes- day, the first day, Thursday was a fair hunting day, while Friday a blizz- ard blew all day. Sacurday was an- other splendid hunting day and quite a number of deer were secured. Quite a number of deer were shot in the swamps north of Kimberley, others in the valley further south and on the east mountain while several were secured near the south line, Arte- mesia west. Several were secured, also, on the 3rd line of Osprey. Be- tween issuers at Kimberley and Flesh- erton 37 licen.ses were issued to hunt- ers, so their record in bagging the elusive deer was fairly high. Dogs were not allowed in running the de«i and it was therefore difficult in many places to bring them out in the open for the hunters to have a clear view. At the fii-st of the season it was reporte<I that the farmers were up in arms about the shooting of their pets, the deer, but it is an interesting fact that out sf the 22 deer shot that we know of 73 per cent, of them were secured by farmers and will thus be a great assistance to them this win- ter in providing meat for their fam- ilies. Hunters from distant centres did not flock in to secure their num- ber and the shooting was almost en- tirely confined, in this section, to residents of Grey County. It also appears that the hunters were very careful in their shooting and no one was injured, neither did any farmei have any cattle or other stock shot by the hunters prowling over tht countryside. A list of those coming to our not- ice ;vho secured their deer are: Lloyd and Ernie Lyons and Art Badgerow of Proton, Bob Parslow and Jas. Oliv- er of the Old Durham Road, Wilbert Poole, Stan Smith, Fred Brown, Wm McQuay of Osprey, Earl Gordon and Elgin Graham of Eugenia, Ira Harris, Leslie McMullem, Allan FerguJBon, Elmer and Russell Ellis of Kimber- ley, Clifford Hewgill and Russell Thompson of E^st Mountain, Ed. Fisher and, Fred McMullen of Flesh- erton and two by Collingwood resi- dents. Artemesia Council Thie Council of the Township of Artemesia met at the council cham- bers in the town hall, Flesherton, on Mor.day, the 13th inst. All members were present with the Reeve in the chair. Communicationa presented were: from the Clerk of the Peace, a certificate of selection of Jurors for 1934; Mr. Ramage, secretary of th« Pricev:!!e Agricultural Society, re- questing the usual grant of |5, wer* granted. Accounts ordered paid were; C. C. .Middlebro, legal servces, $7.70; The Advance, printing tax bills, envelopes, etc., $21; Treasurer of Grey County, maintenance of patients in hospitals, half cost, 160.75; School Attendanc« Officer's report to date. Claims for sheep killed by dogfs, duly valued: G. E. Warling $5; Burt Taylor |5; F«d Brown $5; Robert Gorley $5; E. Stewart $4; and sheep valuers J. Campbell $1; James Oliver $3; R. Piper 75c; W. Gibson |1; H. Baker |2; L. Love $1. By-law No. 947, appointing the fol- lowing Deputy RetumiTig Officers and Poll Clerks was introduced and pass- ed, appointing in Division 1, W. G. Bowles and W. J. Beatty; Div. 2, Ward Harrison and E. Wickens; Div. 3, E. Stinson and Geo. Ludlow; Div. 4, Wm. Gibson and Jas. McMullen Jr. Div. .^, W. R. Meads and Herman Mc- Lean; Div. 6, Louis Teeter and Wm. Ratcliffe; Div. 7, A. Carruthers and Lewis Genoe; Div. 8, Walter Nuhn and D. Jamiesow. Accounts for gravel ordered paid were: A. McLacrlan $5, W. Campbell 40c, J. D. McLeod $3.30, Jos. Oliver f2.10, Jos. Whyte 80c, R. Allen $8.50, H. Fisher $2.40, F. Duckett $2.40. Mr. Hamilton Jackson waited on Council in regard to taxes on his property, known as the shelter. The Reeve and Deputy-Reeve were ap- pointed to ask legal opinion as to the Councl's position in the matter. The Council adjourned to meet on the 15th of December prox. VANDELEUR PUBLIC SCHOOL Marks shown below indicate the av- erage in all the examinations during' the month of October. Sr. 4 â€" Jean Wright 67, Hilliard Fitzsimmons 67, Laurene Baker 39, Willie Bowles 39. Jr. 4 â€" Evelyn McGee 65, Pat Weber 60, Hughie Wyvill 50, Ernie Shepperd 39. Sr. 3 â€" Doreen Boland 62, Jean Cargoe 46, Pauline Hutchinson 34. Jr. 3 â€" Isabel Weber 61, Melville Buchanan and Joyce McGee 55, Billie Johnston 48, Ralph Fitzsimmons 37. Laverne Baker 32, Mac Ratcliffe 31. Jr. 2 â€" Fi-anklin Warling 70, Verda Cargoe 58, Freddie Boland 41. Jr. 1 â€" -A.leda Ratcliffe 100, Beth Warling 92, Dorothy Johnston 60. Primer â€" Kathleen Ratcliffe, Betty Baker, Francis Buchanan, Muriel Mc- Gee, Raymond Warling, Marie Johns- ton. â€"Harold J. Thompson, Teacher. Jewellery Store COMMENCING ON Monday, Nov. 27th I am opening up the jewellery store to suppSy the wants of the public in their Christmas shopp- ing. Watch and clock repairing will receive spec- ial attention and all work guaranteed. ♦<•♦♦♦♦♦<•♦•;•<•♦ W. J. W. Armstrong Watch and Clock Rcpairuis.:; Flesherton, Ont. t Dates 3 LBS. 25c Rowntrees Cocoa 16c TIN Cauliflour lOo EACH 3 Bars of Palmolive I Soao arid one 1 (k Pkg. Princess Flakes I for 21c Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? try Kennedy's and be convinced SEE OUR NEW WINTER OVERCOATS Nice Assortment of Pidlover • Sweaters $1.95 UNDERWEAR Special prices in Men's Winter Underwear Look our work shirts over it will pay you Ken Kennedy Phone 3/ We Deliver in Town Clothes Pins 6 Doz. 19c Iodized Salt 8c EACH Piak Salmon :: 9c TIN WE BUY Fowl X ilS^Ke&^ii:

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