WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1935 Poultry Returns Up Roturrvs from ptiultry-raisinK in iy34 showed a sliirht improvement over the pivvious year, according to the Department's survey. The ;>ri(v of ejfgM averajrecl 3 cents per dozen hiKher <iurinK the first eleven nioHths of 1934 than durinj? the sanu- period in r,»33. November prices, however, Were about 7 cents (x-r (loZ«Mi less than the previous year, accounted for by ihv milder weather and larger pro- duction tts hompare<i with very cold weather and limited pixnluclion in 1933. THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE LIQL'OR EARNS $5,000,000 The sum of $5,170,000 was j)aid into Ontario treasury by the Liquor Con- trol Board in the fiscal year ly33-34 A total of $-130,000 was also received by the treasury in permit receipti-tht Li<luor Control Act re<iuirintr that all jH-rmit sale revenue Ko direct to tht province. Two and a half of the fivt million were traivsferriHl in the tliive months of the year, after the change of administration and procla- mation of the beer law. Wlien you reacft that "dainty re freshments were .served," you know that the men wvnt hungry, declare the Kitchene-'-Rooord. Auction Sale F.\R.M STOCK & I.MI'LEMENTS at the farm of MRS. AGNES BOWLES Lot 23, Con. 11, .^rleincsia, FRIDAY, JAN. 25, 1935 when the follo\vin;j will be offered: HOR.SES â€" Bay team of geldings The Bulk Sales Act NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF JAMES A. STEWART 8 and 12 years old; Aged Clydesdale having •se I ...i.:„i TAKE NOTICE THAT James A. Stewart of Fle.sherton, Grocer, ha.s sold hi.s .stock-in-tra<lc and business and ha.s appointed me Trustee under the Bulk Sales Act and all persons having claims against him are re- ijuested to send me full particulai-a of the amount and nature of their claim on or before the 9th day of February, 1935. AND TAKE NOT- ICE THAT I shall make distribution (if the purchase price after that date Man's Days Are Few And Full Of Trouble Man's life is of few days and fuJl of trouble. He laboreth all the days of his youth to pay for a gasolint chariot, and when at last the task i.^ fini.srhed, lo, the article is junk and he needeth another. He planteth corn in the earth and tilleth it dili- gently, he and his man servant, and when the harvest is gathered into the barns, he oweth the landlord eight dollars and forty cents more than the crop is worth. He borroweth money of the lendei-s to buy pork and molass- es aij gasoline and' the interetit eat- cth u<) all he hath. Local and Personal He begets sons and daughters and Ja,. button for 44 The condition of Mr. W. W. Trimble, veteran postmaster, remains critical. Thf W. M. S. will be held in St, Johns United Chuixh on Thursday tomorrow, at 3 P.M. Mr. Mark Wilson has been laid up ir the house with an attack of sciatica. A tli:ctor says all heels waste en- ergy. Does he call the things some women walk around on, "heels?" A man boasts wearing a gift col- educateth them to smoke cigarettes and wear white collars, and lo, they have soft hands and neither labor in the field nor anywhere else. The years. Sure, but has it always been up against a clean neck? Mrs. Wm. Meldrum of Gimli is vis- Shower For Bride The people of F'lesherton held a mi I ellaneous shower for the nevi biide, Mrs. John Nuhn(nee Mamie McTavish) at the home of Mr. Geo. Mitchell on Wednesday evening of last week. Many articles of houaehold use were presented to the popular young lady, who had a busy evening openin.:? ths various pack.ages> and viewj'g the surprises they held. All those who attende<i had a most en- joyable evening. Read the Small Adverti'sements Enjoyed Valley Scenes Prominent Toronto residents enjoy- ed the week end at the club house in the valley, the guests of Mr. and Mm, Wm. Kaitting. Included in the party were Professor and Mj-s. Duncan Gra- ham. professor of medicine in Toronto University. Dr. and Mrs. Roscee Gra- ham, surgeon-ir.-cb'ief, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital fcnd Afr. and Mrs. Robt. Fennel cf Toronto. Dr. Graham sta- ted that he has been around in many sports centres but he thought that the Beaver Valley was equal to any for &ki-ing. chiUV/en of his loins are ornery, and. itmg her brother, Mr. H. A. McCauley, ., regard only to the claims brood mare, registered; brown horse I ..-hich I shall then have received. rising 4 years old; blark mare, 6 yrs. CATTLE, SHEEP, Etc. â€" Cow C years old, due in August; Cow 6 yrs. old, due in May; 2 Cows 4 years old due in February; 2 Cows 4 years old, due in June; Cow 9 years old, due this month; Cow 8 years old, due in June; Hereford bull, 5 years old; 8 Durham Cattle, rising 2 years; 6 Durham Calves; 10 grade Orford sheep; about liO hens. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.â€" M.-H. binder C-foot cut; Frost & Wood Mower; Hay Rake, 10-ft., nearly new; Man- ure spreader, Tudhope - Anderson neai-ly now; Cockshutt Drill, 13-disc; M.-H. Cultivator, 13 tooth; Iron Har- rows; set of Bissell Discs; Cockshutt Gang Plow; 2 Walking Plows; Tui-n- ip Pulpcr; 2 Wagons, one nearly new; iWagon Box; Hay Rack; 2 sets ot .Sleighs; W'ood Rack; Sheep Clipping Dated at Markdale this 22iid day of Januai-y, 1935. WALTER E. HARRIS, Solicitor, etc. Markdale, Ontario. Auction Sale FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS THOMAS STEWART will sell by public auction on LOT M7, 3 .S.W.T&S.R., ARTE.MESIA - on - FRIDAY, FEB. 1st, 1935 when the following will bo offered: HOR.SES â€" Gener-al Purpose horse 9 yeai-s old, General Pui-pose mare 11 years old. CATTLE â€" Durham cow 10 years old, Dur-ham cow 8 years old. Here- machine; Wheelbarrow; Buggy; 2 set f"''d cow 7 years old, Hereford cow <if Heavy Harness; 2 sets of Plow Harness; About 100 stocks of Corn in the field; About 25 tons of straw; Quantity of grain, Barley and Oats; Whiffletrees, neckyokes, forks, chain.' and numcr'ous other articses. SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK P.M. TERMS OF SALE â€" Grain, Feed and all sunus under §10, cash; Nine months' credit will be given on ap- proved joint notes with interest at G per cent, per annum on sums of ?10 and over. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. 7 years old; above cows are milking well; Herefoi-d heifer coming 3 years, Ilei-cford heifer coming 3 years, 2 Hereford heifers coming 2 years Polled Angus heifer rising 2 years, i; spring calves, fall calf. IMPLEMENTS â€" Stiff tooth Cult- ivator in gool repair-. No Reser-vo. Sale at 1.30 p.m. TERMS â€" 7 Month.s' credit will be given on approved bankable notes, bearing interest at S"^,'- per annum one becomes a lawyer and another s-ticketh up a filling station and maketh whoopee with the substance iheri'fr'ora. He goeth forth in the morning on the road that leadeth to the town and is smitten by a jitney so that his libs project through his epidermis. Ho dr-inkcth a dram of whoopee juice to forget his sorrows and it burneth out the lining of his liver-. All the ('lys of his life he findeth no parking place and is tormented by traffic cops from his going to his coming back. An enemy stealeth his car; phy- sicians remove his intestines and his teeth and his bank roll; his arteries after attending the funeral of her mother. The junior Flesherton hockey gamy with the Durham High School was postponed till a future date which is not at pr-iesent known. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Moore sj>ent the week end with the fonner's par- ents in Detroit. Mr. Moore is ser- lou.ily ill at the home cf his son, Mr. Hugh Moor-e, and his condition is serious. Chief , of police Jos. Field has registered ten revolvers owned by residents in this locality. Among har-den in the evening of his life and! ^^'3 -^^i^bw- were old "gats" brought home by some of the boys from France as souvenir's, and' others are his heart goes broke trying to keep the furious pace. Sorrow ard bill ccUectors follow him all the days ot his life and when he is gat'nered, to his fathciTl, the neighbors sayeth: 'llov; much did ho leave?" Lo he- hath left it all. And his window mak- eth rejoicing in a new coo-pay and maketh eyes :;': a young sheik that fliikelh his hair and playcth a nifty rjame cf rrolf. Woe is man. And from thj day of his birth to the time wiien earth knowoth him no more he laboreth for bread and catcheth the devil. Dust he was in the begin.uing and now his name is mud. â€" Rotary Club. Happiness is like jam. You can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself. Club has formed in a high school across the bor-der to teach good men- r>eis to boys. One lesson modern youths don't have to learn is to take Her'b Corbett, Clerk. off their hats whep. speaking to GEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer, ladies. They don't wear them. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. J. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Continued January Sale! For the balance of January we are offering many lines of First Quality Merch- andise at very low prices. Buy your winter needs now and save. I MEN'S UNION UNDERWEAR .\ j^ood heavy rib, quality under- wear, 30 to 44, for 89c Men's Pure Wool Ribbed Underwear 20 doz. Pure Wool Heavy Rib LJnder- wear, repfiilarly sold at $l.v?9 to $1.50. in size.s 36 tu 44, special, ^-arinent 98c Men's Heavy Fleece Underwear ^0 doz. Men's Heavy b'leece' L'lider- wear, in i)Iain and mottled ct)l()rs, all sizes, si)ecial 69c Special Showing New Spring Prints 2,(M) yards M> ineb iCn^lisb and Canad- ian Prints; a real .i^sortmeiit of patterns from which to choose, all fast coU)rs, per yard, special 15c LINEN TEA TOWELS 30 dozen only Linen Tea Towels in red, blue and ^old borders, extra heavy (|ual- ity, Special each 18c or 2 for 3Sc Children's Pure Cashmere Hose 20 <lo7.. Chiblren's pure Cashmere Hose mostly black, sizes 4 to 6, re^j. 35c f(ir. special 18c, 2 for 35c Balance of our 1934 Wallpaper Stock Going at Half Price Men's AH- Wool Work Socks 25 doz. in the lot. sold rcj;iilarly at 19c, special 2 pairs for 25c HARDWARE SPECIALS No. 12 size Galvanized Pails 18c 2 at 35 Class Tumblers 6 for 25c lUO files, diflercnt sizes 2 for 25c Heavy horse blankets 68x78, each $1.95 A ten cent table of kitchen utensils, consisting' of spoons, forks, ejjf^ beaters, j^ranile ware and many other useful art- icles. You can supi)ly your kitchen at a very low cost. Grocery Specials 10 Ih.s. Sujrar 51c 10 lb. pail Clover Honey 95c 10 11). i)ail Huckvvheat Hotu-y 78c 1 can Peas, 1 Corn, 1 Tomato, for .... 2Sc Toffee V\'r«fer Biscuit, reg^ular 2()c lb 2 lbs. for 23c Choice P>lack Tea, lb 44c Ciodd Broom for 33c () lbs. Oatmeal for 25c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 25c 15 lbs. C(K)kinpf Onions 25c T^diinhood pk^r Oats 18c, 2 for 25c Kobinh<>n<l Keynote F''lour , ba^' .... $2.45 I'obinhoiHl Moiir. bacr .S.''.6^ ones tliat have been in the family for years as curios. The color scheme on the motor cars are graually changing to the modern ra'.',?e. Yes, many arc securing their 1935 license plates of orange and black to replace the grey.s cf last season. No cars with 1934 license plates will be allowed on the road after tha close of this month. The inaugural meeting of the Ftesherton Public School Board was held on Wednesday evening of last week, v.^hei'. Mr. W. J. Bellamy was re-elected seci-etai-y - treasurer and F. J. Thurston as chairman of the Board. Mr. Bellamy has just finished 34 years as secretary-treasurer of the Boai-d, a record unique, we are sure, in school service. During that time he has also served as trustee. Again we bring to the attention of our leaders the advisability of havin;» their revolvers handed in to the police for i j-ii-ification and the i-egristering of the number of each weapon. Any person net complying with the i"eg- ulation is subject to a fine of noi exceeding $50, so if you have a i-e- volver hanging around, even thougii it has not been used for yeaVs, it would be better to have it registered at once. When the long evenings away from home get you down . . . and your favourite movie hero seems insipid . . . and the sound of a familiar voice v/ould be music . . . Make for the nearest relephcne. An inexpen- sive chat with the home folks will banish the blues. # Wherever you may be, you can join the family at a moment's notice. For as little as 30 cents you con talk lOO miles or so. *•*•>**<•<• ♦♦♦♦♦♦«>««>**««'M>«<><tH»«««*»*^<8"»«<^<M>.>.>^.»«M;.<.«^.*.»*^ Local Hockey Flesherton seniors play in Durham this Thi'i-sday night for their third game of the season. If the locals win they will be sitting on top of the group, but if they lo.;c will be tied with Durham. Anyv.-ay, the game Small Advts. o X o o GRAIN WANTED POTATOES FOR SALE Highest market prices paid. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. OVERCOAT FOR SALE Worth $9.00, will sell for $4.00; to fit a boy 10 or 12 years. Can be seen at The Advance Office. FOR SALE House and lots for sale in Flesher- ton, the estate of the late Mrs. M. will be a real one, as Durham lost in! Philips.â€" O. W. Phillips, Flesherton. the former ga-c. Next Monday WOOD WANTED mght Chatsworth and F..sherton w. 1 , play the last group game on Markdale •' j' -^ s ice and a large ci-owd will likely ac company the team. A New Jersey enthusiast scours the country for snails. If two-legg cd ones would diJ, proba )ly he could -•^ave a lot of travelling expenses. Elinstoin lH>lievc^i he has pix)ved that mass and energy are the same Bet he couldn't prove it by some of the fat people we have known. When a man claims he is never studk for an answer to a question, you can be sure of one thing: There are no youngsters around his house. Just one mon was nominated for mayor of Bothwcll a:'d he did not pualify. .What's the tivuble? there no cushion on the chair? Is Simile: A.s dumb as the girl wiw cleaned out the sausage when her ma told her to cook it the same as fish. or Krcen body wood, maple. â€" F. G. iWright, Flesherton, or phone 18w. FOR SALE For salo or exchange good cwt straw for young cattle. â€" John Parker Proton Station, R. R. 3. COAT FOR SALE Medium weight overcoat for boy ot about 14, in first class condition; cheap; can be seen at Advance office. Irish Cobbler and Roxborough pota- to ?s. also carrots and beets for sale. â€" Thos. Taylor, Flesherton phone 10. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. nOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog', purebred and government inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged $1.00. -iWES. SMITH, Rock Mills. FOR SALE 2 year old heifer in calf and one cow due Feb. 1, also horse collars, heavy harness and set of horse covei^. Ellwood Moore, Proton SU., R.R. 3. HOUSE FOR SALE One solid brick house in good condi- tion; hardwood floors throughout; good garage and drilled well. For full particulars see W. G. Keiinedy. CATTLE STRAYED BOAR FOR SERVICE Reiristered Yorkshirt Boar for aer- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clnhi, the property of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham . 'Phone 17 r3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 p.m. Came to Lot 10, Con. 13, Osprey about Nov. 1st, 1934, Jersey steer and Durham steer. Owner prove property and pay espenses. â€" J, Robinson, Feversham. It is definitely decided that there is noibody on Mars. Those who re- ceive messages from here are now uniiir Eusp' ion of l> ventrib- qulsta. A fellow was saved from being kileif by bullet which pierced 13 o:ic dollar hills in his ,«hirt pocket ili> w.n.-i iwii-.' lui-ky -huky to havf the money and that there were 13 of them. LOST â€" Likely in Flesherton on Saturday. Jan. 5th, pair of glasses in case with the Armstrong name on case. Finder please leave at Advance office or •**ith Wm. Haines, R. R. 4, Flesherton. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at residence in Flesherton. Extraction and plate work. Prom 10.30 a.m. to 4.80 p.m. AUCTIONEER FOR SALE OR RF-NT Blacksmith shop, stable and frame hou«e, together with small orchard, for sale or rent at Vandeleur. .\p- ply to Robt. Richardson, Flesherton. phone 33 r 4. Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for fanft and stock sales a speciality, terma: 1 per cent, with small sales at cor> respondintr low prices according tt size. Make dates by phoning 4S r 11 or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. A A.M.. meets in the Fraternal Halt Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W. M., R. W. Piper, Secretary, H. A. UcCaoIey.