THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, PEBRUABY 9. 1986 i 4.- LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS ROCK MILLS Wedding bells are loudly ringingr. Miss Nathalie Patton of Flesherton -visited the past week at the home ot her uncle, Mir. Thos. FLsher. Mrs. L. Badgerow of the 8th line spent the week end with her daugrh- ter, Mrs. Laurie Bette. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will meet on Wednesday .February 20th at the liom« of Mrs. Thoe. Fisher. Lunch Com.; cake, Mrs. Field and Mrs. Earl Croft; sandwich, Mrs. H. Patton and Mr*. A. English. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Chas. Mosier ou ,Wedaesday afternoon of last week. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Mosier in her bereavement. Wee Hilda Bette of the 4th line ^)ent the wedc end with her ucicle and aunt, Mr. and Mm. C. Newell. A numiber from here attended the auction sale held by Mr. Thos. Stew- art. Ceylon, on Friday. Mrs. Taylor of Oxfoid, N.Y., at- tended the funeral of the ate Chas. Moeier. Her mother, Mrs. Mosier, returned home with her on Saturday and will remain for a time. FEVER5HAM MAXWELL R«v. anri Mrs. Bushel entertained the Dramatic Club on Thursday evenmg of last week, when a very enjoyable time was spent by all. The Dramatic Clulb made a very generous donation to the churches of Maxwell the United and Anglican, and also to the public library. Mr. Fred Ross spent the week end in Toronto. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Bushell on Thurs- day, February 14th. Mrs. Ed. Seeley is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Ross is attending the con- vention of the Fairs Association being held in Toronto this week. Much sympathy is expressed for the family of the late Robt. Whiteoak, who passed away last week. A large gathering of friends at- tended the funeral of the late R. J, Whiteoak on Saturday afternoon, he having paased away on Wednes day, January 30th. The service was conducted by the Rev. J. Young ol Toronto, assisted by the Revs. Cuttler and Dean, resident mlnifiters. Mr, Whiteoak had been in poor health for some time, having lost his eyesight some months ago. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Whiteoak and two little grirls and also hie sisters. Miss Mae of Toronto, Mrs. ThomBon Davidson, Mrs. Em. Davidson, Mrs Chester Long and M». Jaa. Davidtsoa The remaina were laid to rest in thi Presbyterian cemetery here. Mr. Verne Ireland, teller in th« Bank of Toronto here, has gone on his holidays. Mrs. Milton Nichol haa returned from the hospital at Collingwood much improved in health. Mr. John Tuplin has returned to this locality and will resume farming on the townline. Mr. Mitchell, who has farmed on the R. J. Morrison place, west of Maxwell for two years, has rented Mr. Chas. Hawton's farm near Rob Roy and is moving his implements now. Mr. Samuel Park, uncle ot Mrs. Hawton, will retire and move into town. Mrs. (Rev.) F. Dean went to Toron- to on Monday morning, having re- ceived word that her sister, residing in the Queen city, was very ill. Rev. J. Young of Toronto occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday evening. Mr. Torrance Williams is recover- ing from a severe illness. As the teacher was ill school was not held on Friday last. Mr. George Cooper is around again after having a severe sick spoil. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith of Flesh- ei-ton and Mrs. Leslie McMuIlen and two children of Kimberley were week end visitors with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. M. McMullen. on the 12th line. VAWDELEUR CEYLON Mrs. A. C. McDonald and Miss Isobel of Weston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., was home from Ottawa for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. A. E Haw and son, Billy, Swinton Park were visitorslast Thursday with Mrs. lELnox. Miss Dorothy Fisher spent the week end in Mount Forest. Mrs. A. C. McDonald and Isobel Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr! and Mrs. Frank Cairns and Mrs. Don. aid McLeod, attended the Diamond Wedding celebration Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan near Priceville. MARKET FOR BARLEY IN BACON AND BEEF SKATING AT PROTON STATION Outdoor skating rink is now ready at Proton Station, across from R. J. McNulty's barber shop. Skating ev- ery Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evening. Admission 10c and 5c. There is practically no limit to the production of barley in Canada and recent tests show that it produces better bacon and beef tlian any other grain. It is proving fully the equal of corn when fed with suitable sup- plements in the form of home-grown leguminous roughages. Barley can be used in almost any proportion ot the grain ration up to one hundred per cent. As a hog feed it develops an entirely satisfactory class of bacon, which is more thas can be said for corn fed in equal proportions, and as a feed for beef cattle barley is un- doubtedly one of the best of our Can- adian-grown coarse grains. The in- creased use of barley and other coarse grains at their present low levels will make for much better quality in the beef being marketed, and this, in turn, will help create a demand for more beef. Farmers in British Columbia have been rowing in boats from the house A man in Lon<)on left all his «s- 1 to milk the cows in the barn. There tate to his lawyer. There ought not is something rather suggestive about to be any court over that, j that bit of information, •2* February Cash Stretchers RENOWN FLOUR 50 lb. paper ba-s 2 bags for $2.39 PRAIRIE ROSE FLOUR per ba- $2.40 PURE GOLD FLOUR per bag $2.50 BLOSSOM OF CANADA FLOUR per ha- $2.75 GUEST JELLY 6 pkgs. JFor 25c PRUNES, lar-e size 2 lbs. for 25c SAUER KRAUT 3 tins for 25c LOMBARD PLUMS per tin 10c PEANUT BUTTER 2 lbs. for 25c BULK SHORTENING 2 lbs. for 23c or bring a pail along: and get 9 lbs. for $1.00 EVAPORATED APPLES, 1 lb. makes filling for 4 . pies per Hb. 15c ROWNTREE*S COCOA VJh. tin 17c Don't Forget We Have a Fine Stock of GIvviM, Mitte, Boots and Rdbfcari, SUrts aad Overdit, Cattle Mkiend Bone Meal, Feediag MolaMes Big 5f Concentrate for Hene Osprejft ArtoMsii Ct-operati?e Co., Ltd. :| FLESHERTON .»»». H i»»»»^»»»»»i|i »»»»â- >».>â- »»â- >»»»»<»â- »»» »»»»»»»»»»»fr».).^.j,^^ The Annual Congregational meet- ing for Vandeleur Church was held in the church on Jan. 28th. Good reports were received from the board ol stewards, the Ladies' Aid and the Sunday Sihool. Mr. Jos. Buchanan re-elected elder, and Messrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson, Will Johnston, H. I. Gra- ham, Geo. Buchanan, D. McGee and E. Warling, stewards. Hearty votes of thanks were tendered to the pastor. Bev. H. S. Warren and the organist Mrs. Geo. Buchanan for their very efficient services during the past year. Electric lighU have been installed in the skating rink and a host ol young people from the surrounding district are nightly enjoying the healthy winter pastime. Skating nights are Tuesdays and Saturdays, with hockey on' the other nights. A goodly number of the ladies here attended the Januaiy meeting of the W. I. which was held at the home of Mrs. P. J. Thompson of Markdale one afternoon recently. 'Mdss M. K. Graham of Listowel is visiting at her home here. Miss Wise Reg. Nurse of Orange- ville is visiting friends in this com- mumity. Mr. Dave Graham who has been on Hydro construction work in Northern Ontario during the past summer is visiting friends here. A fast and friendly game of hockey was played on the rink here Monday evening between the local boys and Wodehouse, which resulted in a vic- tory for the home team. VICTORIA CORNERS News is acaixe, some sickness and much bad weather makes us feel like staying in close quarters like the bear does. I guess he'd see his shadow on Saturday if he were up in time and its too bad he had to miss this nice day, (Mon.). Its a pet for 19a5. Sometimes when we are at home and know the new.s we feel that the local papers do not mean so much, but we think if we'd all help a bit we would enjoy them better. You know so«iething we have put part of our- .selves in we enjoy the outcome so much better. But here is a boost for local paper. Lately there came to our notice a lady from these parts who lives in Toronto came home from an appointment with her dentist one day recently and in a few moments re- laxaton picked up the Dundalk Herald and noticed the announcement ol the same dentist's wedding. As he was not a local boy she wa.s rather surprised and thought if she wanted Toronto news she's better take the Dundalk Herald. Hope the Editor will not consider this too much like advertising to print it. Miss Hazel Hodg^ns who is at Mr. J. Best's was not very well last week. Her mother was with her for a couple of days. Mrs. Jas. Best is about the same. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walton and Tom- my of Hopeville visited at Will Ache- son . Miss Florence Batchelor and Elva Wiltshire have been staying with their aunt Mrs. Wilfred Gallaghar, who sprained her ankle getting out of a sleigh. Mrs. Elmo Stevens visited her sistei in Toronto for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Akins and Joan visited at Chas. Moore's. PRICEVILLE PROTON STATION The new open air skating rink was announced ready for use last Saturday afternoon and was opened by a hockey game amongst the local puck chasers and skating at night. Messi-s. Geoi-ge Moore and Robert -McNalty have work, ed diligently for a month or more to make .skating ice on bare ground but it has proved to be a rather discour- aging undertaking and although it is not yet what they would like it to oe they are continuing to flood it. (We hope they may receive some profi* for their labor. The Proton Bears find thenselves sorely in need of practice for they were defeated in a score of 4 â€" 2 by the Flesherton semi Pro. team on the Flesherton rink on Thursday night of Ifwt veiic. The Proton Junitor Hockey team travelled acroM to Swinton Park for a game with the Park Bcrubj but th« latt«r came out bset by a 2 â€" I score nothing dauntej they we.:t back a^iu to the Swinton Park ice and met â- Dromore team and suffered a second defeated but if the Proton >. â- ; ; could only have ice and caoching they will held their own, i\ number arounl oor village are under the doctor's care. Mr. Robert White has been quite ill, his daughter Miss Florence White has been study- ing in Toronto is home because of not feeling well. Mrs. Vaiise is poorly and Mr. .Joseph Park is sick with a cold Mr. Firman Irish is feeling' better, his son Charles of Toronto is visiting him at present. Mr. Dan. Dezell of Cranbi'ooke B. C. visited his cousin Mi-s. Jos. Park for a few days last week. BORN â€" • To Mr. and Mrs. A. Bakei a son, congratulations. Maxwell L.O.L. Officers Maxwell L.O.L. No. 66G, held the annual installation of officers on Friday, February 1st, when P.M. Bro. R. J. Priestly presided and the follow- ing officers were duly installed: I.P.M.â€" Bro. H. W. Kernahan. W.M.â€" Bro. N. 0. Cainis. D.M. â€" ^Bro. Lewis Kerton. Chaplain â€" Bro. Wm. Kerton. Ree. Sec. â€" Bro. John Lougheed. Fin. Sec. â€" Bro. Geo Priestly. Treas. â€" Bro. Geo. Morrison. 1st Lect. â€" Bro. Chas. Brodie. 2nd Lect. â€" Bro. A. B. Sornberger. Marshall â€" Bro. E. Radley. Tylerâ€" Bro. A. Priestly. 1st Com. â€" Bro. Leonard Seeley. Com. â€" Bros. Garfield McLeod, iWm. Robertson, R. J. Priestly, P. J. Seeley. At the close of tlie installation a few .short speeches were indulged in. EUGENIA The L. O. L. of Eugenia held a special meeting on Wednesday even- ing of last week for the ol taking a number of new members into the lodge. A number of orangemen from Flesherton and Orangevalley were present. The Y. P. S. met on Wednesday last in the basement of the church with Miss Phyllis Gratiam Literary con- vener presiding. Scripture passages were read by Miss Belva Genoe and a short poem by Miss Bernice Campbell. Phyllis took the worship and dis- cussion period. Reci-eation con- sisted of a couple of contests and some gramee. This Wednesday even- ing's meeting will be in charge of Miss Annieta Turner. On next Wednesday evening, Feb. 18th the Y. P. S, will have a Valentine Social evening. Little Misft Jean Lyons of the centre line is risitin^ her cousin Miss. Hazel Magee. A continuation class has been com- menced at the 8th line school under the dii-ections of Mr. Ross Smith who is the teacher. Miss Irva Magee has discontinued her studies at Flesherton High School and is attending the 8th line .school. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith have taken apurtmenta in part of Mr. Coun Smith's residence. Miss Kathleen Pedlar of Markdale .spent the week at her parental home. We are pleased to report Mi-s. L. Latimei- gradually recovering, as is also Miss Christina Miagee, who has been ill the past week. THE NAME DID IT THURSTON PHILLIPS The marriage of Thelma Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Phillips, Westmount, Que., to Mr. Kenneth McLean Thurston, second son of Mt. anl Mrs. Alfred Thurston, of Montreal West, took place at St. Stephen's Anglican Church West- mount on Saturday, February 2nd at 3 p. m., the Rev. Harold S. Laws of- ficiating. The bride was assisted by Miss Ruth Thurston, sister of the groom, and the groom was supported by his brother Bruce. After the cer- emony a reception was held for a few intimate friends and relatives at the home of the bride's parents, on Elm Ave. Sullivan thought he had a case against his old enemy Martin, and consullted a solicitor. After hearing what Snilivan pro- posed to do th« solicitor told him not to bring the case. "Would it be any good if I were to send the judge a brace of birds?" Sullivan asked. "That," excaimed the solicitor, â- 'would cei-tainly ruin your case." "Well, I'll go on with it anyway said sullivan after some deep thought To the .solicitor's great surp.rise he won the case. "Tell me," he asked afterwax-ds. "did you send that brace of birds to the judge?" I did," smiled Sullivan proudly, but I sent them in Martin's name." Mrs. Earl Briwn Dies Very sudden and therefore unex- pected was the passin^j of one of tlie estimable members of the Banks community in the pei-son of Mrs. Earl Brown. During the past couple of weeks she has been suffering from heart and nerve trouble but her conditiom was not consddered serious by her host of friends^ indeed the late Mi's. Brown had only been in bed a few days. Not feeling so well on Friday last the doctor was summoned, and pro- noimced her critically ill, and advised getting a nurse, but her strength failed i-apidly and she passed peacs- fully away about seven o'clock, fif- teen mnuteg after the nurse arrived. Formerly Clam Seeley, she wat bom at Maxwell in 1890, her parents being the late William Seeley i«4 Mrs. Seeley. About fifteen years ago Mifi. Browa was married to her now bereave*! husband, who with her aged mother, throe sistere and two brothers are left to mourn her loss, they being: AnnJi (Mrs. Jas. Vanmeer) of Collingwood, Itla (Mrs. Ericson), Toronto^ Martha (Mi-s. E. May) of Banks, and Albert and iWalter Seeley of Mbxwell. The funeral service was held at the late home on Monday afternoon, con- ducted by Rev. Wm. MacMillan of Collingwood, and, despite the storm, was argely attended by many sor- rowing friends and relatives. The pallbearers wei-e: Donald and Russel Brown, Walter and Albert Seeley, Egbert May and James Vanmeer. Always of a pleasant disposition and ever ready to lend a helping hand in sickness or any social gathering or entertainment she will be sadly miss- ed in the community. Interment was made in Sandhill Cemetery, Collingwood. â€" Thombury Rebiew-Herald. IN MEMORIAM McDonald â€" in loving memory of our dear husband and father, Mal- colm McDonald, who departed this life on February 8th, 1928. â€" Ever remembered by wife and family. Durliani fall fair only paid out GO" ;^ of the prize woney last year. Many a man thinks he is a saint becuse he has dreams of heaven ev- ery Sunday. VALENTINE DANCE will be held in the Fraternal Hall FLESHERTON Thur., Feb. 14th Commencing at 9 p.m. Doi Caneron's 6 Piece Orchestra % Lunch Extra - Special Prizes - Admission: 35c t y y •*• X X 1 t I t i % The managers and others of the Presbyterian chuixh had a bee on Wednesday afternoon :iutting the wood in the basement, but there is more to go in yet, when another bee will be held to finish the job. At a managei-'s meeting Monday night Mr .lohn McMeekin was appointed care- taker of the church, in place of Mr. .\llan McLean, who has served the past few year.s. Mrs. Dave Nichol returned home from Toronto after spending the past month with her daughter, Mrs. John Cook. and Miss Mary visited last week at the home of Mr. Neil McLeod at Swin- ton Park. We are glad to know that Mr. McLeod is improving. Mr. C. E. Hincks of Clifford spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. F. McKinnon and daughter, Mary, Miss Nellie McLean and Mr and Mrs. H. R. McLean visited last week at the home of Alex. Carson. Mrr. and Mrs. Bill McKenzie of Dra. more visited on Sunday with the for- mer's parents here. Mrs. Wm. J. Hincks and family ra- tumed home from Markdale on Sun- day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pettis of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McArthur and Mrs, Thos. Nichol motored to Collingwood on Sunday and visited friends. ' Make SUPERIOR STORES your headquarters for food, and be assured of quality, values and satisfaction. This week end f c atures another attractive list of specials. Bulk Tea 37c lb. 3 lbs. $1.00 OXYDOL Large pkg. 21c SUGAR 10 lbs. 51c 2 & 1 Shoe Polish, tin 10c Head Lettuce, each 10c Celery, largs bunches, each 10c Tomatoes, lb 15c Maple Butter 2 Hw. 39c Pock 4k B«aM, lMr«e tins 2 for 21c Strawberry and Raspberry Jam large jar Cwtm Synp 2 lb. tin 17c Jciiy Powder* 4 pkgs. 19c W. G. KENNFOY | Ciii|er Snaps 'Phon^ < 2 lbs. 23c