Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1935, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1936 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS FEVERSHAM PORTLAW (Last Week's Items) Ml-. W. A. Morton was in a critical state the past week, but prompt at- tention by Dr. Milne brought relief. We are pleased to .see him out again. "Mrs. W. S. Inkster of Flesheiton spent two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Inkster. The stork broutjht a fine little girl last week to the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mc Mullen. Mr. J. H. Walker is recovering from quite a severe illness. Mr. E^rl Plummer visited last week with relatives at Ravenna. Mrs. J. Thompson of Collingwood is on an extended visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert Blackburn. We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Thompson has not been enjoying the best of health lately. Word has been received from To- ronto that Mr D. L. Davidson was to undergo an operation on Monday at the Westorn hospital. D. L. is a nephew of T. R. McKenzie, and has visited frequently! here, where he is well known. We hope for his com- plete recovery. Mrs. Fred Plantt has been quite ill •during the past week, but it is pleas- ing to hear that she is considerably improved. Since last wn-iting your correspond- ent has ben in a very critical state, bttt a rush call from a doctor has broi:?ht, at least, temporary relief and he has been resting easier for some davs. Mrs. Laurie Pedlar visited with friends in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson ol Heathcote visited with the former's sister, Mrs. Plummer. Miss Mjrrtle Croft has been visit- ing her mother at Toronto General Hospital. She expects to stay for a couple of weeks to give her mother a blood transfusion. Miss Dorothy Badgerow returned home on Thui-sday evening from Mr. O. Turner's, where she was assis- ting in household duties, with a very sore throat. We are sorry to report it has turned fi-oni tonsilitis into quinsy, but under the care of Dr. Milne is getti.ng along fine, but will be unable to return to work for at least six weeks. LADY BANK Beautiful winter weather with ea ough snow for good sleighing. On the main highwa/.s cai-s and trucks are running without any trouble. Mr. and Mi-s. Lloyd Moore of Fev- er- ham spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gyrus Short. Mr. Geo. Dobson spent a few days last week in Toronto on business. The Ladies" Aid held their Febru- ary meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary Ottewell, when there was a good at- tendance of members, along with two visitors, Miss Marguerite McMullen of Cherry Grove and Mrs. Bun-el Mc- Connell of Kimberley. The meeting was opened in the usual manner by the new president, Mrs. Isaac Otte- well. The March meeting will bt held at the home of Mrs. Frank Short on the 13th. Mrs. Elizabeth Dobson, an elderly lady of this neighborhood, has been busily occupied with her spinning wheel and has spun 16 pounds oi wool into yarn and knit nearly the half of it into mitts and socks. Who, in these days, can beat this record or will dare say that Mrs. Dobson has been idle? Mh-s. Wm. Semple spent a few day* over the week end with her daughter, Mrs. B. McConnell at Kimberley. Mrs. McConnell and little daughter, Vera, returned with her mother for a few days' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benson and daughter of Eugenia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wiliard Benson Our worthy township assessor, Mr. Fred Boland of V'andeleur, made his annual call to this north-east comei of the township of Artemesia one day last week. EUGENIA CEYLON VICTORIA CORNERS Mii-s. Hugh Hodgins of Proton Sta- tion is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Awde, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coon and Helen Badgerow of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. A. Stinson. Messrs. Wm. and Dave Talbot and Chas. Moore spent Monday in Toronto. Miss Winnifred Talbot accompanied them and will remain for a time. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mrs. Walter Acheson in whose fam- ily death has been such a frequent visitor lately. In October Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Acheson's mother, died. In the same week a brother died and about Christmas a second brother diet!. On Thursday last a third brother passed away and a sister on Sunday morning, the two lattei- after only a week's illness each. That is, Mrs. Acheson has lost her mother, three uncles and an aunt inside of four months. Miss Maud Acheson is visiting in Toronto. Mlrs. Will Beaton has returned from visiting her sister in Owen Sound Miss Eloise Mathews, Toronto, who has been visiting Miss Gladys Pat- terson returned to her home Sunday. Miss JDell Stephenson and nephew, Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs John Densmore. Mr. and Miis. Clarence Watson, Portlaw visited Monday wth Mr. Sangster Hemphill and Miss. Maud Hemphill. Mr. and Hrs Hugh Bailey and fam- ily Shrigley spent Sunday with Mrs. D. McPhail. Mrs. Earl McLeod accompanied Mr. anl Mrs. Harry Huston and fam- ily to Oshawa Sunday. Miss Mary McCuaig is visting her sister Mrs. Henry Tucker. Miss Blanche Genoe Owen Sound, spent the week end at her home here. Miss Elizabeth Harding, Durham, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir, Monday . The Ladies Aid meets Wednesday, Feb. 27th at Mrs. Knox' home. Lunch committee is as follows: cake Mrs. Jimmy McMullen, Mrs. Smellie, sandwiches, Mrs. Densmore, Mrs White. -Mr. Charles Boyce was taken to the Markdale hospital Sunday. -HAVE YOU RENEWED? Soldiers in China have been told they must marry women with straight hair and that brings pro- test from those with permanent waves. The soldiers declare it means they will have to live in straightened circumstances. A Little PAINT I A I.ITTIJC I'ALXT M.\KHS THIXC^S l.CH^K I.IKK WH.Vr THKV "AIX'T". MARNO is a product of Murphy quality made to meet the needs of present day conditions. Ri'udy lor instant ii.sc vn floors, turniture. wood- work, w iokcrwork. baby carriaj^cs. canoes, autoinobik's, linoleums, rustic^ benches, verandahs, etc., as it comes from the can. Has no odor, pleasant to use, brushes easily, sets slow- enough St) that anyone can gvt satisfactory results, vet dries dust free in a few hours. May be used on new or old surfaces over paint, var- nish or lacquer, on metal, plaster or fibre-board sur- faces and requires no skill or experience for absolutely satisfactory results. The price same as any t)rdinary paint. gCEEN OF ROSKS KLOUR Per bag $2 35 PURE CLOVER HOXE<:\ 5 Pound Pail 49c r.l'I.K SHORTEMXG 2 Pound for 23c RcnVXTREICS C(XX)A J^.Pound Tin 15c r.R.WSTOX SAUCE Vk- Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON The Women's Association of tht United Church will not hold theii meeting this month, owing to pi-ac- tice for the concert to be held in the hall on March 1st. The program wih be given entirely by the women folk of the community. Rev. Mr. Bushel! preached a fine sermon on Sunday, taking for his te.xt "Thou shalt love thyself." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons of Port- law visited on Sunday at the home ol Mr. Bert Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard, 4th line. We are sorry to report that Mr. Peter Munshaw is not enjoying very good health at present. We hope he will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Linton at Victoria Corners. We are sorry to state that Mrs. L. Latimer is not improving very fast. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Jamieson is still with her. We wish her a more speedy recovery. Ice cutting commenced last week and quite a number are storing their ice supply now. The Y.P.S. met last Wednesday evening when a very enjoyable time was spent, it being Valentine social evening. Mrs. C. Martin, mission- ary convenor, presided. Scripture passages were read by Mr. Ted Campbell and Mrs. Martin took the worship and discussion periods. The topic was "Present day conditons and outlook." which was very interesting She read a poem "Yes, I'm Guilty." The Y.P.S. appreciated the donation of a collection plate by Miss Edith Fenwick. The remainder of the pro- gram was given over to a committee. Miss Phyllis Graham, Miss' Evelyn Campljell, Miss Belva Genoe and Miss Edith Fenwick. These girl? put on a number of pleasing items which con- .sisted of a duet by the Misses Don- alHa Sloan and Marjorie Park, com- munity singing, a recitation by little Miss Blanche Walker, a solo by Miss Doris Magee, accompanied at the organ by her sister. Rowena, a tree contest and an alphabet contest .A.fter the program lunch was served Collection taken amounted to $2.41. which goes to the M. and M. Fund of the church. Mrs. Bert Magee and son, Cecil visited on Stone's Line on Sunday, with the former's daughter. Miss Christina. Miss Irene Martin of Oi-ange Valley spent the week end with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gorley. X number from here attended tht dance at Kimberley on Friday even- ing last and report an enjoyable time. Mr. Elwood partridge and two daughters of Rock Mills visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams Sunday. Mrs. Partridge and little daughter, who spent a few days with her par- ents, returned home with them. Congratulations to Mr. John Har- grave of Rock Mills, who was married recently toJVIrs. Lily Milne. We wish them a prosperous and happy wedded life. Miss Kathleen Pedlar of Markdale spent the week end at her parental home. Mrs. B. Short and little son have returned home from Rob Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee spent Sunday with .Mrs. Florence Lyons Centre Line. Miss Fern returned home with them, after spending a few days with her aunt. Mr. Henry Tudor had the misfor- tune to have his foot bruised by ;i heavy weight falling on it. He way- laid up for a few days. Miss Mary Hopper, Mr. Thos. Genoe. Mrs. Dave Genoe and Mr. Geo. Graham are all on the sl.'k list. Mi-s. .A.. Cameron is not enjoying the best of health at present. Mr, Card Graham is recovering from hi.i illness the past week. Colds are also ni-evalent. Miss Rosie McGirr, R.N., is holiday- ing with her mother, Mrs. R. S. Mc- Girr, at her home here. Miss Edith Heitman and Miss .\uldU Hawton, who are attending Normal in Toronto, spent a week end at their homes here recently. Mrs. Bert Hullingshead is seriously ill just now. Dr. Lindsay is in at- tendance and Miss Margaret Hawton R.N., is nursing her. Her many friends hope for her quick recovery. -Mrs. G. Eby visited with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Thos. Forsythe, in Owen Sound laat week. Mi-s. Wm. McKenzie has been mov- ed to the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Conn, on the 10th line. Mrs. (Rev.) F. Dean has i-etui-ned home from Toronto, where she was attending her sister, who is ill in a hospital. Mrs. Dean is a graduate nurse. Mr. Jas. Conn has recovered from a sickness and is now finishing Mr. Harold Fenwick's residence. Mr. Mervin Davidson took the last of hs baled hay to Diindalk last week. He has sold about 2.5 ton -. The price at Dundalk is said to hu e been $12 per ton. Mr. Torrence is still laid up with rheumatic fever and is suffei-ing considerably. Mr. Milton Nichol has returned home from the hospital much im- proved in health. We occasionally get a reminder of summer, when a snow car from Flesh- erton rolls into the village. The roads have been blocked for car traf- fic into the village for some weeks. The mild weather and rain of last week has had another change to cold, after a two or three days' thaw. It is still nice winter weather. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery of Dundalk spent Suiiday with Mrs. Montgomery's parents, Mr. and Mi-s James Long. PRICEVILLE .A. fine union of the two branches ol the agricultural classes was held by Mr. Cooper of Markdale and Mrs. Shearer of the domesrtic science and culinary department. In the com- munity singing Mi-s. Shearer was later constrained to i-emark that she had not heard such hearty singing for some time. In her remarks she lamented the fact of the poor attend- ance of the young men in comparison to that of the ladies' classes, and pre- dicted that in the future the gentler sex would supersede them. Tea and sandwiches were served at the close. .\gain on Friday afternoon the men were invited to a progi-am given by the litei-ary section. Miss Sadie Oliver presided and called upon an orchestra of Mrs. G. Whyte with violin Miss Mary McKinnon with guitar and Mrs. Jos. Harrison at the piano. Mis; Mather gave a reading, Jas. Hill a lecitation "Courting by Pro.xy Xot .Advisable." Community singing was also held and at the close Mrs. Shearer gave a fine, friendly criticism of the various offerings, looking to improve- ment and leadership in the future. Mr. Andrew Ford is feeling better at times and able to be up occasionally. Mr. John Williamson of the O.D.R. is able to be around and is on the road to improvement. Mr. Wm. Meads Sr. is not making much iniprovement, but we hope foi the better. It is stated that Canadian banks are preparing to dose more of their smaller branches, which may be un- desirable, or again it may be evi- dence that they o))ened too many of theni in the first place. HORSES WANTED We will be at the PARK HOUSE FLESHtRTON, Tuesday, Feb 26 The REVERE HOUSE MARKDALE, Wednesday, Feb. 27 MRS. HENDERSON'S at Holland Centre, Thursday, Feb. 28 ED. GALBRAITH'S HOTEL Chatsworth, Friday, March 1 to purchase horses weighing 1200 to 1600 lbs., 5 years and over, and in good condition; also a few aged fat horses. Bring along your horses. Good prices for good horses. CHAIAT, WRAGG & MIDDAUGH SEMI-PRO FINALS HOCKEY in Flesherton Arena Thur., Feb. 21st PROTON BEARS ♦ t •> V a I FLESHERTON TIGERS I FLESHERTON HAS ANOTHER CHANCE FOR THE CLP AND ♦ YOIR SUPPORT WILL HELP CONSIDERABLY IN THEIR TASK. V I Game called 8 p. m. Admission: 10 & 15 t J. t ♦ t DANCE will be held in the Fraternal Hall FLESHERTON Thur., Feb. 28th Commencing at 9 p.m. Don Cameron's 6 Piece Orchestra Of Owen Sound Lunch Extra ' - Admission: 35c t ♦ t t ♦ X I ,;..;..;..;».x~t~:~x~x~^<~x~X"X•♦♦•J~x~^^"><~t~M~^♦♦•^<":~^•:"X~^•WK'♦^^ VANDELEUR The February meeting of the Ladies Aid was held at the home of Mrs. W I .1. F. Hutchinson and was larcrely at-| tendeii. .Miss Tiilie Buchanan jcavc a fine address on childi-en's mission work in Toronto. Mi-s.. L. Johnston was the winner of a contest. A com- mittee was appointed to ari-aiige for a St. Patrick's social to be held in tho church on Friday. March I5th. At the close lunch was served by the hostess. Mi.^s Lillian Buchanan is home from Toi-onto. Miss Scott of Flesherton was the Kuest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan over the week end. The communitji- skating: rink i.; provinjBT a source of srveat enjoyment to the young people these fine winter eveninsrs. Several fast and furioi-.s hockey sanies have been played. Read the Small Advertisements Right in your community, at your SUPERIOR STORE, you can obtain the utmost in Quality, Value and Service, when it conies to purchasing your food products. Why shop elsewhere, SUPERIOR STORES are individually owned by local merchants. Iodized Sifto Salt 2 for 15c OLD DUTCH Cleanser 2 tins 19c lars^e pkg. Rinso 22c Choice Pitied Cherries 15c tin MEN'S WEAR Just Arrived OUR NEW SPRING SAMPLES l*.i:TTi:K THAN IW KR Priced from $22.50 up C'MiK- in and pick yourself a nice Suit or Tup Coat W. G. KENNEDY "Phone 37 iarii'o tnis Tomatoes 2 for 15c CHEF Pork & Bean$ " 1 lb. tins 6c Sockeye Salmon Halves 19c 'art::c lar '^ Marmalade 25c

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