Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1935, p. 5

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i THE FLESHfiRtyOW ADVANCE WllDNJBSDAY, EBRUAHY 27, 19M ^ LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS KIMBERLEY The heaviest snow fall of the season occurred Monday mominjf, making car traffic- almost impossible. Mon- day evening Mr. P. J. Weber cam* along: with his "snow plow" and x:leai«d the zoadg out very well. Our local jauiorA and young people have been enjoyioff themselves at the hydro skatins> rink at the "plant.' Through the energetic efforts of the staff and ladlei, they have a very worth-while rink. We are g-Iad to report Mr. R. D. Carruthers able to be home agrain â- after spending: almost three months in the Markdale hospital. Miss Elsie Graham visited a day «r two with her aunt, Mrs. F. Davis. The church young people visited the New England young people at the home of Mrs. E. Clark and all •report a good time. A Wedding of interest took place â- en Wednesday, February 20th, when J4r. Wellington Fawcett and Miss Ethel McMillan were united by marriage. Mr. Fawcett is one ol our respected local young men and Miss McMillan has been amongst us long enough to earn our best respects, ^e wish both much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett have taken i-ooms from Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ellis, and Mr. Fawcett will assist Mr. Ellis with the farm work. Jean Proctor and Artie "ski-ed" from their home in Eugenia and visit- •ed over the week end with Mrs. Geo. Proctor. Mr. D. L. Weber will soon have his mill yard full of saw logs. We congratulate Mr. V. Ellis on his promotion to the Owen Sound head office by his insurance company. CEYLON Mr. Earl McLeod visited In Oshawa over the week end. Mr. Will Bentham of Thomhill. Man., is visiting Mrs. Catherine Wilcock. Miss Dor» Stewart of Markdale was a visitor last week with her par- ents, M!r. and Mrs. Archie Stewart. Miss Mafole Haw of Dundalk visitad with her grandmother, Mrs. Knox, over the week end- Miss Bessie Cairns, Mr. Geo. Dun- das and Mr. Harry Bumside of Mark- dale viaited Mr. and Mrs. Geo Cairns the first of the week. Misa Helen Hurdt spent the week end with her parents at Topcliffe. Miss Dorothy Fisher visited ovei the week end in Mt. Forest. She was accompanied to Durham by Mrs. Percy Hunt, who visited with friends there. Messrs. Jack Torrie and Jackson Stewart of Lauriston spent Sunday at Mr. Roy Piper's and J. Stewart's. Mr. Norman Hutchinson and Miss Tena Hutchinson of 'Kimberley were visitors with their brother, Mr. Mad- den Hutchinson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Murd Raney and Jean and Miss Dorothy Snell of South- EUGENIA We are hoping that Friday evening will be a fine night for the concert given under the auspices of the Ladiei: Aid, in the L. 0. L. Hall. Mr. Alex Carruthers accompanied by his brother, Ben., who is on a visit from the West visited one day recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Mrs. Sloan and daughter Miss Don- alda visited on Saturday with the former's brother Mr. Will Gorley who is quite ill in Markdale, we hope Mr Gorley soon recovers. Mr. ThoB. Fenwick spent a few days last week in Toronto. We are pleased to report those on the sick list on the road to recovery. Mr. Argyle Mlartin of Flesberton spent the week end at his parental home. Mr. Roy McMillan received the sad news of the death of his aunt, Mrs. P. MacMillan of CoUingwood. We ex- tend our sympathy to the MacMillan family. We aao extend our profound sympathy to Mrs. Wm. Kaitting and other relatives in their sad bereave- ment caused by the death of her mother, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, of Fev- ersham, which occurred on Sunday. The regular weekly meeting of the Y.P^. was hel4 on Wednesday of ampton were week end visitors with ' '"^^ week. Owing to the absence ROCK MILLS â€" «.â€" ^â€" / Miss Nathalie Patton is assisting in household duties at the home of Mr. Joyce Porteous. MSss Stella Young of Maxwell vis- ited recently at her home here. Miss Edna Croft spent the week end with the Pedlar family. Mrs. Harry Patton is spending a few days in Toronto with her daught- er. Miss Marguerite who underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell and Miss Hilda Betts visited the first of the week with Mr. W. J. Newell wife and family. A number form here attended the auction sale of Mrs. Wm. Moore in Flesherton Saturday afternoon. We understand Mr. Albert Wilkin- son and family intend moving to Kim- berley in March. Mr. Wilkinson has been working the farm for his sister Mrs, E. Russel for the past few years. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Tom. Fisher on Wed. Feb. 20 th. A pleasant afternoon was spent quilting after which the meeting o- pened by singing "Blessed Assurance" The third chapter of Acts was read, followed by the Lords Prayer repeated m unison. Roll call was answered by verse containing the J, i,,,t; word "Love" ~~b" Collection *2.5fl. The meetliig closed* *'^° ^'*'* ^^^^^' f"«nds by singing "There is a fountain filled^ with blood" after which lunch wa- served. Girl Priendl-"What do you mean I have got one of those extemporaneous faces?" Boy Friendâ€" "You make it up a? you «o." Mrs. D. Macphail and MSr. and Mrs George Snell. Mrs. Duncan Muir of Port Arthui visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs A. McFadyen. Mr. Vernon Stewart left on Friday for Toronto. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLean was the scene of a jolly crowd on Wednesday evening, when the friends and neighbors of the com- munity took possession of the home and presented them with a purse of money. Mr. Dan Campbell made the presentation and Mr. Francis Black read the address, to which Mr. Mc Lean replied on behalf of his virife and family. Previous to the presen tation a program was enjoyed and dancing followed. Lunch was serv ed at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. McLean and family moved to Flesher ton on Monday and will be greatly missed from here, where they have made a host of friends. LADY BANK stormy and bad roads at time of writing. Will March come in like a lion? Friday will tell. The family of the late Mrs. Emily McKenzie of Peversham, formerly ol this neighborhood, who passed away Sunday, have the sincere sympathy of a host of friends in their hour ol sadness. Mrs. Wm. Semple received the sad new.s on MIonday of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Peter McMillan of Col- lingwood, who passed away at hei home on Sunday morning. The fun- eral is to take place Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Semple spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. D. C McMillan, near Singhampton, and MARRIED Bowes - James â€" On February 7 19^, by Rev. W. F. Roach, at the residence of the bride's father, Mtr. C. C. James, Priceville, Mr. W. Bowes of Markdale to Miss F. E. James of Priceville. AlLittle PAINT \ A LirrLE PAINT MAKES THINGS LOOK LIKE I VTTAT THEY "AI^'T". | MARNO is a product of Murpthy quality made to j, meet the needs of present day conditions. | Ready for in.stant use on floors, furniture, wood- | work, wickerwork, baby carriages, canoes, automobiles, |; linoleums, rustic benches, verandahs, etc., as it comes | from the can. | Has no odor, pleasant to use, brushes easily, sets slow ^ enough so that anyone can get satisfactory results, yet dries dust free in a few hours. May be used on new or old surface's over paint, var- nish or lacquer, on metal, plaster or fibre-board sur- faces and requires no skill or e-xperience for absolutely satisfactory results. The price same as any ordinary paint. QUEEN OE ROSES ELOUR Per bag $2 35 PURE CLOXT.R HONEY 5 Pound Pail 49c BL^LK SHORTENING 2 Pound for 23c | RO\VXTKh:KS COCOA J/^,Pound Tin 15c | BRANSTOX SAUCE 19c | Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | FLESHERTON ? of Mr. Ted Campbell, the Citizenship Convenor, the discussion period was taken by Mrs. C. Martin and the worship period by Miss Belva Genoe. Miss Phyllis Graham read a short poem and the Scripture passages were read by Winneta Martin and Ida Benson. Miss Evelyn Campbell pre- sided and led in prayer. The recrea- tion period consisted of contests and games, and the meeting closed in the usual manner. Mrs. C. Martin and Winneta visited on Sunday in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hopps, who have spent the past few months in CoUing- wood, have returned to the village again. PRICEVILLE A presentation was held at the homt of Mr. and .Mlrs. Chas. McLean oi, Wednesday night before leaving for Flesherton, when a most enjoyable time was sent in music, dancing and social chat and songs. At an appropriate time Mr. and Mrs. McLean were asked to come forward whe an address was read by Francis Black and the presentation of a purse of money was made by Dan Campbell Jr.. Both Mr. and Mrs. McLean made suitable replies. Lunch was served at midnight. Mrs. Alex Carson and Bernice are visiting in Toronto. On Thursday night a large crowd attended the dance at the home of Mr. John Burnett before leaving his home, when a most enjoyable time was spent in music and dancing. Mrs. Henry Tuckeri and family have been sick with the flue and we are glad to report they are improving M5ss Donalda Niehol has resigned as teacher from the O. D. R. school. Mr. Walter Neun, Toronto, is spend- ing a few days with his brother, Elmer here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hay of Swinton Park visited Sunday at the home ol A. L. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLean and Mrs Jno. MfcFarlane of Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and M!rs. I. Smith of Flesherton visited Sunday at Mr. Allie McLean's PROTON STATION On Thursday night of last week the Proton Station hockey team suf- fered a humiliating det^eat in the third game of the final series of the JSemii-Pro Leatjivue with Flesherton, with the worthless end of a 4-0 score Monday night the tables were turned and Proton won 4-1, thereby winning the coveted cup in three games out ol four, with eight scoring points tc the good. A fine team spirit exists among the Proton Station boys and we feel sure they are sports worthy of the trophy. Congratulations. The Proton boys report that the Flesherton boys were good losers. Saturday afternoon an enthusiastic hockey team came from Dundalk to Proton Station for a game with the local team on their open air rink. But alas for outside ice, where Feb- ruary sun is doing its best, the ice just went to piece*. However, the two truck loads of players went to Flesherton and secured an entrance into the skating rink there. The game resulted in a 11-10 score in favor of Dundalk. Mr. Frank Mc- Intyre was referee. The February meeting of the W. M.S. of the United Church was held in the church on Wednesday of last week, with Mrs. Acheson in the chair. .Mlrs. Sherson took the study book chapter and Miss Ruth Sherson sang a solo. The March meeting will take the form of a quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean and Mrs. W. G. Prosser of Toronto were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mi-s. R. G. Acheson. Mr. Eddie Hlemphill of Dundalk visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hemphill. Mrs. Vause is improving slowly from her severe illness. Mr. Robert White, who has been ill for weeks, is able to be about the house again. The veteran mail carrier, Mr. Thos. WyviUi, ha<5 l^eeni coitfined to the house for ten days, but we notice that he is on the job again. Dever Bros, unloaded a car of salt at the end of the week. PORTLAW Mrs. Pearce McMullen very ill with pneumonia, has been but it is pleasing to hear that she has passed the crucial stage and good hopes are now entertained for her early re- covery. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Hany Thompson, a daughter. Congratu- lations. Inspector Pentland paid our school un official visit last week. Mr. J. H. Walker received last week the news of the death of his uncle, Mr. David Rutherford of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mm. S. Holmes are mov- ing t« a farm near Hatherton. We will miss these good neighbors. Mi's. Earl Plummer visited last week with her parents at Red Wing. Mrs. Florence Lyons had the mis- fortime to have her driver badly in- jured in an accident recently, but it is hoped that the animal will recover. The W. A. held their regulai monthly meeting at the home of Mi-s. C. D. Meldrum, when there was a splendid attendance of members and visitors. Your correspondent wa* the reeip-* ient recently from the W. A. of a box filled with dainty treats. A like surprise came from the foui-teen big boys of his Sunday School class. Words fail to express our apprecia- tion of these gifts, and the kind sent- iments accompanying them, also all the kindness shown by neighbors and friends, while laid aside by illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfi-ed Inkster ai-e i-ejoicing in the arrival of a fine new boy at their home. Mrs. Wm. Fisher was taken to tke Markdale hospital last week, where .-ihe had a growth removed from ker arm. She is reported as doing well. Mr. Robert Hill was taken .suddenly ill last Thursday and was taken to Markdale hospital, where ho underwent a serious operation. The operation was successful and he is said to be progressing as well a.H might be expected. We are glad to hear that Mabel Blackburn and her grandmother are both coniderably improved. New York had Dr. Dafoe and Chi- cago has the Dionne parents. But the ^real pfafinU is whes^i will tko quints first be sho^vn. MISS MACPHAIL'S LETTER SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mr. and Mrs. Earl Best visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom White. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badgerow visited one evening last week r.t Mr Bert Cuthbertson's. Miss Mary Johnson of Abby Saak visited recently at Dalton Corbetts. Billie Haliday is improving aftoi an attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. Norman Hostrawser has re- turned home from Markdale hospital Robt. White has returned home from Toronto after visiting Harvey Ev- eret and Alma. Mrs. Joe Sewell visited her mother in Flesherton last week. ' IN MEMORIAM Turner â€" In loving memory of our dear Janie, who entered into eternal life,Feto. 35. 1926. Oh! could we hear her voice once more And see hei- loving smile, The one that would our hearts still cheer But we must wait awhile. Some time, some day, our eyes shall .<iee The face we loved so well. Some time, .â- some day, we'l clasp hei hand And never say farewell. Sfl<lly rr'issed hy her loved ones. (Wiarton Echo) Several of our readers remarked to us last week tliat they were glad that Agnes MacPhail's lettei-s were in the Echo again. We are not in Misi MacPhails riding and so are not en- titled to her weekly letters, but we read them in some of our exchanges and wrote asking that we might be favored with them, and she very kind- ly complied, and now we are on her regulai- mailing list. We find it much easier to read her summary of the week's news than to peruse Hansard. We may»not always agree wth her, but at least her summary of the Fed- eral members is refreshing. Likt many other she cannot swallow the sudden activity of the Prime Minister, who has made such a right about face in the principles of the Conservative Party. It savors too much of before- the-election propaganda. On the other hand, it has certainly been a bombshell to MacKenzie King, who believed that his party was sitting pretty and ready to step up without much effort. No wonder Agnes is enjoying the situation. THE VARIETY STORE IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The former owner, S. L. Stauffer, wishes to thank the people for their patronage in the past and hopes that they will continue' to patronize the new owners, Mis.s Alve Dixon and Mrs. Gordon Dixon of town, who will continue to serve the people of this community with the proper goods ^d at the proper prices. â€" S. L. STAUFFER We Solicit Your Patronage We^ having purchased the Variety Stjore business from Mr. S. L. Stauffer, beg to sohcit the continued patronage of the people of Flesherton and vicinity and will, in due course, add those line's which are most nec- essary tc omplete the present stock and will specialize in children's and ladies' apparel. Watch this paper fur further ne'ws of new goods. "DIXONS' " VARIETY STORE Alve and Viulet Dixon ._ Flesherton, Ont. IS Apparently the pepper pool in England' is making it hot for some of the operators. Man from Toronto faces a charge that he induced a fai-mer to cash in- surance policies in order to pm-chase mining stock. We must be moving ahead a little because there was a , time when a man could do that and ^ be regarded as being pi-etty smart. â- â€¢>♦•:-X~^•^•^•^♦♦:~:♦•K••:♦•:â-  DANCE I will be held in the % Fraternal Hall FLESHERTON Thur., Feb. 28th Commencing at 9 p.m. Don Cameron's 6 Piece Orchestra OfO wen Sound Lunch Extra - - Admission: 35c ~t~:«>«><'<"K»«:~x«<»<'"WK~XKK'<«'XK~KK~:"><"K»>X'* tk;er ^ CATSUP 15c bottle A real good tea TEA 37c lb. 3ib. fu r SUM) PRUNES '.-â- t of all failures; are thont who can never fail because they nevei Jib. tor BEEF CHOICI-: ROASTS \?c. lb. BALANCE YOUR BUDGET WITH OU R SPECL\LS. SPECIAL PRICES SODAS in Men's SUITS And OVERCOATS To Clear While They Last W. G. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 4 lb. 19c. 25c. 2 lb. pkgs. 23c. dorn 3 tins 25c. APRICOTS 23c. lb. JELLV POWDER /

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