Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1935, p. 5

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a. » * THE FLESHERTON ADVAxVCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1985 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PROTON STATION PORTLAW (Last We«k'B Items) An interesting: event occured at Proton Station on Wednesday of ImI when Mr. Wilfred McNally of tliia place and Miss McLennan of Proton Station were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The Ki'oom who is a Bon of Mr. W, H, MuNally and the late M'rs. McNally h one of our moat worthy and exemplary young man and to him and his youna: partner in life we extend best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. Mr. Robert Hill, who underwent a serious operation in Markdale hospita; arrived home last Saturday and ap- pears in a fair way to complete re- covery. Mrs. (Rev.) R. Dingwell of Massey Station visited with her father and sister, and attended the McNally â€" MIcLennan nuptials. BORNâ€" At Pittsburg Pa., to Doctoi and Mrs. R. Morton a son. visiting with former, neighbors here Mr. Walter Neun of Toronto is We are sorry to hear that our es- teemed friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Watson who removed to Proton Sta- tion some time ago are both confined to the house through illness. Theit many friends here wish for them a speedy recovery. EUGENIA KIMBERLEY FEVERSHAM Miss Beatrice Hutchison of Toronto, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Hutchison on the twelfth line. There was an error in my report of the debate here in the school last week, Miss Marian Hawton and Mr William Burk upheld the afirmative and Miss Jean Short and Mr. Harold Mills the negative and Rev. Mr. Gutt- ler, Mrs. Somers and Mr. John Halt were the judges. Tlhere is an epidemic of Influenza in this locality at present. Mrs. Ross and Mable of Maxwell spent Sunday with Mrs. Nichol here. Mrs. Wiibert Poole is at Rev. F. Dean's. Mrs. Dean is taking care of her as she has had a severe sick spell. « Mr. John Smith has had his snow car out on trial, but it is not very satisfactory yet. It is driven by a propeller like an aeroplane, but John -says "Yes sir. she will go." We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. George Campbell Park in the Markdale hospital on Monday. Par- ticulars later. Mr. Miervyn Johnson, Rock Mill^ ^:p;jnt a weeic or so assisting Mr. Bert Magee. We are sorry to report that Mis'- Delsa Kaitting was seized with an- other attack vt appendicitis. She was taken to a Toronto hospital on Monday. Her cousin. Miss Minerva (.'onn, R.N., accompanied her. We hope she has a successful operation and a speedy recovei-y. M'r. and Mrs. Joshua Dobson of 14th Line, Artemeeia, visited on Sunday with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Solomon Turner. There was a very large crowd at the dance in the L.O.L. hall. Friday night last. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and Mrs. Thos. Hoggard of Thornbury visited over the week end with their father, Mr. Geo. Graham, who is quite ill. Mrs. Thos. MdKee visited the past couple of weeks in Toronto. Rev. Bushell preached a fine ser- mon on Sunday, taking as his text, "Our Father who art in Heaven." Next Sunday his address will be based on the second petition of the Lord's PrJiy.ji, "Hallowed be Thy name.' Esch Sunday throughout the Lenten S<.ason the sermons will be on a part ol the Lord's Prayer. We hope there a e good attendances as these sermons '.re vei-y interesting. The Y.P.S. met on Wednesday evening of last week. Owing to the absence of Mass Annietta Turner, de- votional convener, Mr. Ted Campbell presided and took the discussion per- iod. Scripture passages were read by Rowena Magee, Phyllis Graham, Ida Benson and Evelyn Campbell. Mrs. C. Martin took the worship per. | iod. Miss Rowena Magee acted as I organist, owing to the absence ot ; Miss Hazel Turner. The topic for discussion at this week's Y.P.S. meeting will be "The Land of the Humming Bird." There will be a St. Patrick social evening this Wednesday. EARLY SOWING OF TOMATOES The Dominion Horticulturist recom- mends early sowing of tomatoes and WHO WINSâ€" AND DOES IT MATfER? How do you rate the various occu- pations and professions from social standpoint? You never figured it out? The i-oads are in a very icy con dition. Several minor accidents have taken place, but We are glad none of them are very serious. Almost every home has been visit- ed by the flu. Mr. Frank Chard met with a ser- ious accident last week, when a young beast he was leading struck hiin in the side of the mouth, cutting into the flesh until the teeth were visible. Dr. McKee put in three stitches. On Wednesday evening in the com- munity hall, the community leathered and presented .Mr. and Mrs. Wellie' Fawcett, recent bride and groom, with a breakfast table and chairs to match, a kitchen clock and a pair of blankets The evening was spent in cards and dancing, followed by lunch. Mr Fawcett made a neat little speech. thanking ever>x)ne on behalf of Mrs. Fawcett and himself. Mr. Art. Wardraan and Miss Gerald- ine Weber of Toronto and Mrs. Ken Betts of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. W«ber. Mr. Ted Myles spent the week end with Miss Ruth Myles in Toronto. Mrs. G. Mundle, Cecil and Ada, left for Minnesota on Sunday night from Midhurst to spend the summer with other members of their family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor and family spent the week end with Mrs. G. Proctor and Miss Marjory. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dillon, the boys and Mrs. L. Lawrence visited a day with Thornbury friends. Mr. W. C. Harris has his buzz saw outfit ready to start cutting wood for Mr. D. L. Weber. There was no service or Sunday school in the church Sunday on ac- count of repairs being done on the furnace. Mrs. Chas. Thompson of Orange- ville spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burritt. The Libraiy Board met for business at the home of Mr. D. R. Carruther's and election of officers took place: Mr. Jas. Kirkpatrick, sec.; Mrs. B. j Carruthers. treas. New librarian j cards were ordered, also a number of new books. A drive for more funds was undertaken. Other members of ; the board are Messrs. Earl Dillon, i C. Saul, A. .A-ndrew -and Myre Weber | Mrs. Myles and Miss Jean Carruthers. i Mrs. S. S. Burritt will be the librar- I ian. In the Orange Hall, on Wednesday evening of la^t week Ihe McDougall Trophy was officially presented to the Proton Station hockey team. A large audience was present in honor of the event and in a neat speech the presentation was made by Mr. John McVicar of Priceville, president of the Semi-Pro Hockey League. Mr. Arn- old Hergott, the new manager of the Bears, made a fitting reply in theii behalf and at hi.s suggestion the com- 9 on Proton Station friends on Friday Miss Margaret Sims has taken a position in Ttoronto. Miss Dorothy Foster of Rock Mills was a recent guest of Mrs. .•Vrchi- bald. CEYLON Mr. Jim Stunick has moved hifc family from Swinton Park to the house on the farm of Mr. Dan Mc- Tavish. Mr. Geo. Arrow.smith leift th« first pany .stood with reverently bowed i "f the week for Dundas. heads in two minut«s of silence in re- 1 Mi.ss Jean McCormick, Toronto, via- spect for the doner of the cup, thei 'te<l her fjrandmother, Mrs. Knox, on I midnight lunch was served, after j which the gifts were presented to the 1 bride and groom, Mrs. Anna McMillan ; and Mr. .\rchie Sinclair reading aluud the witty and amusing verses. Many beautiful gifts were received and ap- preciation expressed for the same. Dancing was resumed, the music be- ing supplied by Messrs. Piper, Plas- ter and Kennedy, accompanied by Mrs. Piper and MLss Bessie Cairns. VICTORIA CORNERS late Mr. McDougall, who so sadly met his death in the train wreck on last Christmas eve. The Proton Beai-s Wednesday. Mrs. Hugh Bailey of Shrigley spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. will hold the trophy a year. Next ! D. Mlacphail. season it will be put into the Tield for another scheduled contest. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred JfcNaliy havt returned from their honeymoon and are residing in the Beulah home Proton Station. We are pleased to learn that Mist .â- Mma White is a.^ well a.s <.:•. â- â€¢ '>e ex- pected after her operation a week j ago in St. Michael's hospital, Toron to. Messrs. S. Muir and E. McLeod wtre in Oshawa over the week end. MLss Dorothy Fisher visited in Georgetown over the week end. Miss Sadie Honking spent Sunday at her home near Shrigley. Miss Bernice Campbell, Eugenia, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hyslop, at Mr â-  Geo. McKenzie's. A large crowd filled the community- hall. Ceylon, on Wednesday evening. Miss Ina .A.cheson attended the com- mencement exercises in Dundalk and visited her uncle, Mr. Thos. Ludlow, over the week end. The ladies of the W.M.S. held their March meeting at the home" of iCrs. Albert Stevens. Mr. Wm. Guest is xnaiting in Owen Sound for a few days. IN MEMORIAM when the many friends of the recent Miss Mary Runeiraan of Toronto bride and groom. Mr. and Mirs. J. R visited at Postmaster McCannell's j Sinclair, presented them with a kitch- last Thursday. | en shower. The early part of the Mr. Roy Neilson of Toronto called' evening was spent in dancing. At GENOE â€" In loving memory of our dear Father, Richard Genoe. who en- tered into eternal rest on March 14, l'J31. We tnist in God, who knew your pain, This world has lost, but heaven's gain We trust in Jesve to meet in heaven again. â€" Ever remembered by your son, .A.lf. and Daughters. the use of early maturing, good var- 1 W'ell, neither did we, but Dr. George ieties. Sowing should be done in timt ' Hartman of the L^niversity of Penn- to have stocky. w^Il grown plants in bloom and ready for planting out at the sign of settled weather. Soils ROCK MILLS with low nitrogen and high phosphoiit acid content and a medium amount of potash are essential. CARD OF THANKS Relatives of the late Mary .\ime Hopper Eugenia wish to express theii sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors fot the many acts of kind- ness shown them in their recent sad bereavement. The driver of an auto had his car pushed 1000 feet along the tracks by a railway engine at St. Thomas before the engrine stopped. St. Thomas once became famoi^ b|ecause somiething like that happened to Jumbo. ylvania recently did some research on j the subject, and here's the result in j Older to their rating: doctors, sen- ators, professors, lawyers, civil en- school teachers factoi-y managers merchants, salesmen, nui-ses, actors mail earriei-s, etc.. with miners, bar- bers, cook.s and fishermen at the bot- tom. . People in these occupations ranked them just about the same socially as did those outside. .Assum- ing that in this instance the word society mseanst *the more [cultured portion of any community in its soc- ial relations and influence" (pro Web- ster>. what's your social selection? Holder of $36,000,000 worth of city of Vancouver debentures have caused it to be known they are opposed to cutting the interest rates in two. Even on a didl day that could hardly qualify as a bit of news. Winter Is Notj Q uiteOvcr Yet } I We are selling Molasses, Salt, Bran, Shorts, Crushed ? % Oats, Oyster Shell, Big 50 Concentrate, Hellibore, | â- % Sulphur Salts, Cooper's Dri Kill and Cooper's ^ Warbl«f Fly Powder will be here any time. § PIE TIMBER MERIT, CALA LILY & C.\N.\DI.\X BEAUTY PASTRY FLOUR ;: EASIFIRST SHORTENING PURE LARD : : EVAPORATED APPLES EVAPORATED PEACHES PRUNES RAISINS DATES PU\LPKIN \ Osprey & Arlemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd I FLESHERTON Mr. asd Mrs. Tlios. Fisher moved to Flesherton last week and have tak- en an apartment in Mr. .Austin Shackleford's house. Before leaving a presentation was held for Mr. and Mrs. Fisher at the home of Mr. Alex. English, when a large crowd was pres- ent and presented them with two beautiful chairs, accompanied by an address. We join in wishing this es- teemed couple many years of happi- ness in their new home. Mrs. Robt. McMullen is spending a few days at the home of her son Mr. Gordon M«Mullen. East Moun- tain. Mr. F. R. Boland, assessor, made his annual trip on this line last week. Miss Dorothy Foster was in Proton on Wednesday night of last week, playing for a dance and visited friends while there. Miss Lulu Russell, who has been working in Toronto for a time re- turned home on Friday. .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard of To- ronto motored up Saturday and vis- ited with relatives here. Thpy were accompanied by Miss Marguerite Croft, who recently undervent an op- eration for appendicitis. .Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge vis- ited the first of the week with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Jos. Williams, Eugenia. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Russell on Wed.. March 20. Roll call to be ans- wered by paying one cent for each letter in your first name. ' Lunch com., cake. Mrs. Ned Croft, Mrs. Sam Fisher: sandwich, Mrs. B. Field, Mrs Thos. Fisher. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear moth- er, Mi-9. James Milne, who passed away March 9, 1931. Four years have passed since that sad day, When one we loved was called away, Ck>d took her home, it was His will, Within our hearts she liveth still. Beyond the waves of earthly strife. Beyond the pain and cares of life Where all is peaceful, bright and fair. ?k>me day. dear Mother, we'll meet you there. â€" Lovingly remembered by Husband and Daughters. T^er Brand SALMON large tins 19c ?I PEA 2 tins 21c OXYDOL larg-e pkg. 21c SAVE YOUR MC Men's Rubbers Men's Kntie Rubber boois .. ♦*,.„., Genuine 8 oz. OVERALLS and SMOCKS, each $L49 Caps $L00 Work Shirts 79c W. G. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 .li 31c I PEARL SOAP 4 bars 15c TOMATOES No. 2 tins 5c 1935 Chevrolets Master and Standard Announced BKAITY, New 1935 Master and Standard models have just been announced by Chevrolet. The Master models de- part distinctly from previous Chev- rolets in body design and the solid- ste«i Turret-Top body by Fisher is one of the striking improvements. STYXE .OiD PERFOR.M ANCE EMPUAiilZED .\bove is shown, the Chevrolet Master 2-passenger conpe. Centre panels show, on the right, the be. u- ti fully streamlined rear quarter of the new bodies; and on the left, a v-cw of the solid-steel Turret-Top roof. Below is shown, Che\Tolet Standard Coach, which achieves virtually the same performance as the Ma."iter. There are six models in the Standard line and ten in the Ma.iter line.

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