Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1935, p. 8

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mm WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1936 THE FLEvSHERTCTN ADVANCE THE BEST YET! Mildmay Nite Owls wii.i, sriM'i.v Ml si<- FOR Tin; DANCE in Fraternal Hall FLESHERTON Friday, March 15th TORONTO LINE NORTH I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar of Eugenia uIko Mr. uiul Mrs. ficaiiley Pattoii of M'dxwell were rewn' visitora with Mr. and Mif. E. Wicitens. MrK. Albert Stewart returned home after visiting friends in Toronto and Delhi Mrs. Earl Sniarc and children of ii'.'Hr Markdale vi.sitod her sister, Mrs. Harold Kichardson for a few day* last week. Miss Marjoric Podlar of Maxwell visited with her cousin Marion Wick- ens. Coiniucncin^ at 9 p.m. Lunch Extra Admission: 35c ' 1 1 1 1 .^11 â- 1^ TO ^^y\^ ir' w When it's their anniversary . . . and you've been away a long time . . . and you can't be there in person to congratulate them . . . Send your voice instead, by Long Distance. # Nothing but your voice can give just the right touch. And as the rates in the front pages of your directory show, you can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. Young man in IJamilton who wai? convicted for thofl told the court he took the money so he could make a better showing in courting a young lady in that city The other lads will have a bettor chance now as this competitors has been eliminated for a year. NOTICE TO CREDITOR* III the matter of the Estate of Charles Mosier, late of the Village of Fleshertoii, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all those having claims or accounts a- gainst the above-named are re(iuired to send full particulai-s thereof to the undersigned solicitor to the E.xecutoi on or before the Twenty-third day of March; after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received. DATED this Fifth day of March, 1935. C. C. MIDDLEBRC City Hall. Owen Sound, Solicitor to the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Annie McCauley, late of the Village of Flesherton. County of Grey Widow, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all those hav- ing claim or accounts against the above-named deceased are required, on or before the Sixteenth day ol March 1935, to file full particulars thereof with the undernamed Solici- tor to the Administrator. After that date the Estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims of which notice at that time shall have been received. DATED this Twentieth day of February, 1935. C. C. MIDDLEBRO' Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CKAXM nOBBS Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY March Shoe and Rubber Sale Up to date styles and values away below the market. Children's Rubber Boots for $1.09 A heavy fine ([uality Children's Rubber, guar- anteofi first quality, size C to 10. Sale Price .$1.0<J Boys' and Girls' Rubber Boots Sizes U to 2. First quality in bright and duel finish and the price, per pair %\A'i Women's Rubber Boots Fine quality made by C;ulta I'ercha Ku>bf)er Co., sizes 3 to 7, Sale Price, per pair SI. 89 Boys' Rubber Boots Sizes 1 to 6. Made by Miner Rubber Co., guar- luiieed first quality. Sale Price iSl.89 Children's Fine Quality Shoe Rubbers ("anailian-made by N'ortbein Rubber Co., sizes tj-10. per pair 53c Girls' Plain Overshoe Rubber <^"ana(lian made first quality, sizes 11-2. Sale Price, per pair 55c Women's Shoe Rubbefrs '"uban and low heel .sizes .'i to 8, pair 59c Men's Plain Overshoe Rubbers In<'luding rolleil edge \\\ the l(yt, sizes C to 11, Sale Price, per pair 75c Boys' Plain Overs iSize» 1 to 5. Sale Price, pair 59c Ladies' High Grade Shoes Empress and Arch Support makes, extra special Values up to ^.75, sizes 3 to 7. Sale Price .... $3.95 Ladies' Fine Quality Calf and Kid Ties [..adies Fine (juality Calf and Kid ties, size.s 3 to 7, values up to *2.(»5. Sale Price $1.95 ^Growing Girls' and Women's Shoes Growing- Girls' and Women's wide-fitting shoes some have arch support, water damaged, calf and dongola leathers, values up to $2.75, every pair guaranteed by us, sizes 3 to 7. Sale Price .... $1.29 Women's & Girls' Calf and Dongola V\1>men's an<i (.Jrowing Girls' calf and dongola Shoe.", lK)UKht frf)m Insurance Co., water damaged, every pair guaranteed by us, values utj to $2..')0 •Sale Price •'• '** Children's Cnxhion Sole for LittV Tot For the lltUo tot, sizes 2 to 5, principally strap slippers. On sole, i>air Children's Cushion Sole Boots, Oxfords and Slippers llurlbut made, values up to ?1.35, sizes 3 to TVi Sale Price, pair 94c Children's Calf and Patent Leather Oxfords and Slippers Values up to Sl.itS, sizes 6-2. Sale Price $1.19 Men's Fine Quality Oxfords A good Sunday shop, sizes IJ to 10. .Sale $1.98 Boys' Fine QueJity Oxfords Fizea 1 to ,5 Sale Price $1.79 Youths' Fine Quality Oxfords Sizes 11 to 1.'!. Sale Price $1.59 Hardware Special Victor Paints, a reliable qoality, all the leading colors. This week, per quart •'j7c ROOM SPECIALS For SUN-TESTjED WALL PAPERS LOT 1 â€" 10 Single Rolls and 18 yards border, enough paper for a i-oom 10x12x8 feet, in three dif- ferent colorings. Special for the room $1.20 Ceiling paper 10c single i-oll extra. I>OT 2 â€" Same quantity as above in different design.s â€" a shade better grade of paper. Room Kpecial $1.4!t Ceiling extra at 10c per single i-oll. See window display of the better grades of paper at room prices of $1j65, $1.85, S2.05. $2.35 Ceilings can he had at different prices to match â- with room snecials. Dress Special Pine Quality Linen Dresse.^, printed designs guaranteed to wash â€" 8 new styles to select from. This week â- ' ^'-fi^ GROCERY SPECIALS CInrke's Pork and Beans large size 2 for li'c ."Sod.T Bis<>uits, 1 lb. bag K^c Ornng.> Marmalade, 32 oz. jar for "i^' 3 Ibo, Natural Figs for 23c ;r tins T.->Tnalo<'s and .String Beans 2Bc .3 Boxes Matches 23c 4 gtrin<r Brooms, real quality 29n Pearl Soap « for If e 4«c io 1 „,.„ r-. tile Roan K'"motc Flcur, in jute hags, per hag SBC S2.20 Sorry to report Mrs. E. C. MuiTay on the sick list. Sorry to report Dr. E. C. Murray is confined lo his bed. Mr. Will. iStewart is ill at his home in town. Mr. Ted McDonald of Toionto .spent the week end with his mother. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong of Toronto is visiting at present with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Goodchild cl Durliani are visiting with Mr, ancj Mrs. Geo. Phillips. Mr. D. McKillop has returned home from Markdale hospital much im- proved ia health. Mr. and Mi-s. George Mitchell and daughter Aleda, have left for Toronto where they intend remaining for a few weeks. Flesherton public school boys play- ed a hockey game with the. Markdale lads on Tuesday afternoon but were defeated 2â€"0. .Mrs. E. C. Murray, president of the tirey Prebyterial of the Women's Missionary Society, attended the Provincial Convention in Toronto last week returning home on Saturday. Good sleighing is past for thLs sea- son. The main roads are practically bare, but on the sideroads many drifts are to be seen, making wheel traffic impossible. Little Gloria Ball, the 3-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ball of town, was taken to Markdale hospital, where she was operated on last week for appendicitis and has made a rapid recovery. Last Wednesday Mr. Thos. Taylor of town brought a pansy to this office that had grown in his garden during the winter. It was blooming under the snow and came to view during the thaw. ITie Advance was veiy pleased tc have a call last week fi-oni Messrs Fi-ed and Les. Norris, the former from Edmonton, Alberta, and the lat- I ter from Hamilton. It is 18 years j since Fred last visited Flesherton, the place of his childhood and youth. Tliere appears to be quite a colony of F'lesherton Ex-residient.': in Ed- monton and many of them have m-.^'^- pered and made an enviable name f ( r themselves in the "Golden West.' .â- ^gain the "Small Advt." column has produced results. Mr. J. K. McLeod of Ceylon in a letter states: "Please discontinue my ad. of furniture for the present. I sold the wicker set and had three write about the piano, so it pays to advertise." The Ad- vance is the best medium by which to let the people know that you have .'i.iniething to sell. The cost is small and the results are sure; everybody roads the small advertisements. Mrs. Emily McGruther of Orange, N.J., sent her renewal to The Advance last Week and states: "I always look forward to Friday, as that is the day I I'cceive your valuable paper. We have had about four inches of snow in this part of Jersey, quite a differ- ence to Ai-temosia. 1 am always sorry to read of so many of the older people passing on, as I know they will be greatly missed. I wish you and all Advance readers a prosperous year." We learn that certain canners are ] now going to make strawberry jam \ out of strawberries. When the bogus stuff was beings sold we suppose a customer who tried to pay for it with bogus money would have been arrested. Irish Supper The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Unit- ed church will serve a hot supper in the school room of the church. Flesh- erton, on Thursday evening, March nth, from 5.30 to 8.00 o'clock, to be followed by a play entitled, "Mrs Martin's Sewing Circle," in the church auditoriuii-. Musical selections be- tween acts. Don't miss this. Ad- mission: Adults 25c. children undei twelve years, 15c. Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUC of the Powers of Sale contamed in a cer- tain Mortgage which will be produc- ed at the time of sale, thers will be offered for sale by GEORGE W. PATTERSON at PUBLIC AUCTION on FRIDAY the Twenty-second day ol March, 1935, at the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon, at thi farm of WILLIAM P. .McCABE \ H. R. No. 3. Proton, the following property namely: ALL AND SINGULAR those cer- tain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the County of Grey and Township ol Artemesia, containing by admeasure- ment one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, and being composed of Lots 165, 166 and 167, in the Third Range or Concession South west of the Toronto and Sydenham Road in the said Township, Excepting there- out, those parts heretofore sold and conveyed to the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company. At the same time and place undei the authority of a chattel mortgagi there will Ije offered for sale tht following chattels : 1 dark horse, 9 years; 1 dark horse 19 years. Ginger. Cow, red with white face; cow roan, part Hereford with white face; 1 heifer calf, red, white star on fore- head. 1 sow, Yorkshire; 2 pigs, chunks. Yorkshire. 1 goose, 5 ducks, 70 hens. 1 Massey-Harris binder, 1 hoe drill 1 mower, Brantford; 1 Cockshutt walking plow; 1 cultivator. Internat- ional; 1 buggy; 1 set drag harrows 4 section; 1 cutter; 1 wagon,; 1 ha> rack; 1 stone boat; 1 set heavy team sleighs; 1 set heavy team harness; 1 hay fork and 1 set sling ropes; 2 cars and 1 rope; 1 litter carrier and tracks; 1 set single harness. About 7 tons hay in mow and 3 tons of pressed hay. On the said farm there is said tc be erected a dwelling house with suit- able farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE OF LAND: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. TERMS OF SALE OF CHATTELS: â€" €ash. For further pai-ticulars and con- ditions of sale apply to HARRY W. PAGE, Sol'r to the Agricultural Develop- ment, Board, East Block, Parliament Buildings TORONTO, Ontario. DATED at Toronto this Ist day ot March, 1935. Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be pioduced at the time of the sale, there will bt offered for sale by GEO. W. PATTERSON, Auctioneer at PUBUC AUCTION on Tuesday, the Nineteenth day of March, 1935, at the hour of twa o'clock in the afternoon, at the farm of Mrs. David A. White and Ernest Oliver White, R.R. No. 1, Flesherton, Ontario, the follovring property, namely: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township ot Artemesia, in the County of Grey and- Province of Ontario, and being com- posed of lot number thirty-one in the seventh concession of the said Town- ship, containing ninety-seven and one- half acres, more or less. On the said fai-m there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable- farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to s reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE â€" Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paidf down at the time of sale and the bal- ance within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to â€"HARRY W. PAGE, East Block, Parliament Bldgs. Toronto, Ontario. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. DATED at Toronto this Twentieth day of February, 1935. I Small Advts. FOR SALE Cutting box, good size, like new.â€" John Wright, Flesherton. >i»»»»»*»0»»»»< PLOW FOR SALE Two-furi-ow walking plow in good repair. â€" Ray Pedlar, R.R. 1, Maxwell. FOR SALE Brood sows due to fan-ow in March and April; also quantity seed oats anc seed barley. â€" Cecil Monaghan, R. R. 1 FERTILIZER AI'PLICATION Experiments have been conducted in Eastern and Western Canada foi several years, concerning methodj; ol application of commercial fertilizer with particular regard to the place- ment of the fertilizer in relation to the various seeds. It has been dem- oastiatcd that for wheat, oats and barley economical yield may be ob- tained i>y applying contact with, oi slightly below, the seed than by apply- ing it broadcast. In certain crops, the germination of the seed is checked and in some cases completely ruined by contact with commercial fertilizer While this does not apply to wheat oats and barley, it is not advisable to F.eed com in contact. The fertilizei should be applied about two inches to the side and slightly below or level with the seed. In the case of peas, the fertilizer should be separated .«;lightly fiom the seed, piKeijably below the -seed with one-half to one inch of soil between. Good results have been obtained with fertilizer c potatoes, both broadcast and in drill or row. It is recommended, however to apply fertilizer in hands at eith^i side of the row and level with, oi slightly below, the sets or seed. BULL FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, 10 months old, elig ible for registration. Apply J. A. Lever. Flesherton, Ont. FOR SALE Seed barley, seed oats and feed oats.â€" Fred W. Smith, R. R. No. Fleshurton. FOR SALE Durham cow, 8 years old, due to freshen Feb. 28th. Lewis Genoe Eugenia, phone 74 R.2 1. FOR SALE House and lots for sale in Flesher- ton, the estate of the late Mrs. M. Philips.â€" O. W. Phillips, Flesherton. HOUSE FOR SALE One solid brick house in good condi- tion; hardwood floors throughout; good garage and drilled well. For full particulars see W. G. Kennedy. FARM WANTED Anyone having farm to rent or share, please write to Box 79, Fever- sham, Ont. FOR SAJLE White Rock pullets, 10 months old. phone Flesherton, 73 r. 2. SOWS FOR SALE Couple of young sows, due in June. â€" A. A. McLean, Priceville, phone 49 r 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE Cerie spring wheat for sale, yield last year, 27 bushels to the acre. Donald McMillan, R. R. No. 3, Price- ville, phone 49 r 12, Flesherton. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terras $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00, â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire bog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cask 76c.; charged fl.OO. .^WES. SMITH, Rock Milliw BOAR FOR SERVICB Registered Yorkshirt Boar for â-¼ice by Flesherton Bacon Hojr Clnbt the property of the Ontario Deputi meat of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. CareUkw. FOR SALE Two young cows due to freshen, March loth, also two head of young cattle. â€" Ja*. Hopps, R. R. No. 3 Flesherton. PROPERTY FOR SALE SEED OATS FOR SALE A quantity of first class seed oats, cleaned,â€" Geo. Johnson, Rock Mills. Frame house and good lot for sale in Flesherton; first leasonable cash offer will be accepte<l to v.'ind up the e.slato. Numerous pieces of furnitur. for private sale: Apply to 11. .A. Mc- Cauley, Administrator of Estate. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.ra. 7-8 p.m. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at residence in Flesherton. Extraction and plate work. From 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall Fle.sherton, e^ery Friday on or beforf the f'.rll moon. W. M., R. W. Piper. Secre^^ry, H. A. McC^nley.

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