Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1935, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 1985 THE FI.IvSIIKRTON ADVANCE ;i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Publisked on Colli n^rwood street, Fle&herton, Wednesday of eacn week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada |2.0U per year, when paid in advance |1.6U. In U. S. A. 12.60 per year, when paid in advance |2.00. to form." When tiy-^ scheme feel it if they lit on their head. ThiUicing here with Babe Ruth starring, j* W. H. TUURSTON, r. J. TUURSTON, - - Editor A&soc Editoi away with this bowhiskered old CJerryiiiauder, he ''would be acting trUf fully sinks into the brain.s of hi.^ ] drive down the eust coast i.; on the cabinet ministers and its immense poh" ' .Atlantic Ocean which is lovely to sibilities are fully realised, we fancy j look at. While in Miami we visited We can hear every last one of them i the llealeah race track, 1 believe the shouting robustly, "Hep, Hep j most btautiful on the Americuu con- Hurrah!" j tinent, we also visited doj,' race.!, (so the lloudejis have gone to the dogi KUITUUIAL NOTKS i already,) which were very thrilling We also visitud many beautiful new homes, which my husband wa.s inter- have fallen aij ijone through the 1 Canadian afternoon in the park. At <K"X»<"W"X":"X«'X"X"5":' top of u car, so no doubt one would | present the Boston Braves are prac- •I»W»>W' ..:..:..;.,«,^m:..>.^.x><"X«<><><*<»:« I'OST OFKUK XEKDS No deatli sentences have been car- ried out in Finland for one hundred years, and there is now speculation m to whether or not the prisoners, re- cently sentenced to death, will be reprieved. I.s (Jermany, with hei In a recent speech the Postmaster- General of Great Britain announced recent beheading of two women spies that he hoped before ll>37, with the to sot the fashion in this, too? co-operation of the Dominions, that • • • letters could be sent halfway around The siiialler the Opposition in the the world by air mail for three cents, Ontario Legislature, the greater the taking a week, in.stead of a month, | din. Such has been the record in the to reach their destination. Thus a | past, and the new Legislature, at its correspondent in Canada would .be' larliesl opportunity, is apparently de- able to obtain a reply from .Australia! terniincd not to be behind, in le.-fs than a week, and India and surely is not statesmanship. Australia would be brought nearer Whether or not the nations of the earth are foolish enough to permit their rulers to be hurrahed into war there can be no doubt that the present Boss of Germany is detei mined to have the Facists keyed up for contingen- cies. Hitler appeal's not to have been idle when indoors recently with the "cold." His expressed determin- ation to keep on smashing the pro- visions of the Versailles Treaty can have but one interpretation, no matter how much the German dictator pro- tests. Time was when the "defy" would have meant nearly hostilities but now than continental European centres in point of postal convenience. • This is all very well for the mail users who arc In a great hurry, but the wayfaring corresjiondent who is not ever "on the rush" would be belter pleased if the postal managers would again think of the common people â€" the great majority â€" and establish uni- versal penny postage, and again let us have the one cent post card, plain and pictorial. .Such a reform, we feel assured, would not only result in greatly increa.sing the revenues of the Post Office, but would be of great convenience to the general public and by an enormous increase in the pic- ture cards w(>uld stimulate manufac- ture, promote and popularize geo- graphy. Sir William Mulock, when | Postmaster-General of C'"">''.a„ and there were deficits in revenue from the department, courageously estab- lished penny postage with Britain and the world and at the same time so in- creased the postal business that deficits ceased to bo. Could not some of our Canadian statesmen take a leaf out of the revered Sir William's book and once more give Us a postal refuiin that will l)enefit the common people. The speed mongers should not have it all their own way, when it is invariably costly, while the Mulock plan was a revenue producer from the start. Holidaying In South St. Petersburg, Floi-ida March !• 1935 Mr. F. J. Thurston, Flesherton, Ontario. Dear F'riend: I thought the account of oui trip to Florida this winter might bt of interest to the editor of the ".Advance" and to my good Flesher- ton friends so yoy can use all or part of it if you so desire. We have en- joyed it .so much we wish all there could have shared it with us but a letter might do. Leaving Torofnto the mjdidle of January, and bidding ice, and cold goodbye , we crossetl at Niagara Falls, heading for sunny Florida. Tliiougli New York state and jiart of Penn-sylvanja, roads good, and Osprey, Mr. .lohn A. Kernahan has j „„ „„o^v but second day out we ran been forced to relinquish his position Kj^ j,„„^^,^ bj,^,^^ higher than the cat due to ill health, which he has recent- L,^^.y„gjj Maryland and Di-^lrict of I ('(liumbia, more snow than we had I seen in Toronto for many ye,ai',s. ! In Washington snow everywhere GAVE VALLED SERVICE After M years of continuous act- ivity as treasurer of the Township of ly suffered. Mr. Kernahan, in his long service to the township has held the esteem and confidence of all with whom he had l)usiness dealings and his conduct as treasurer of the town- ship has l>een beyond reproach. Mr. Kernahan was also secretary-treas- urer of the Osprey Agricultural Soc- ciety for many years, but gave it into younger hands a fe^v years ago. His many friends are soiry to know he has been forced to give up the work of treasurer, to which he has given such splendid service and the hope is expressed that with the worries of office removed his health will improve to fiuch an extent that he may enjoy many more years of comfort during the sunset of life. HEI' hep: h( ri{ ah: The mail an<l Empire says that if Mr. Hei)burii accepts our suggestion that he enter the lists of birth control advocates thus preventing the mar- riages of Con.servatives in Ontario by i<pecial Act of the Legislature and do they say Washington is a beautiful place, everything v.-hilc. It certainly wa.- white with snow, it looked as though there were no garages, as cars i>arked along tlic streets were just covered. We drove on ice foi two days but had no trouble. They don't need to tell me that all the snow i.s in Canada and "oh it must be ter- ribly cold up there," just as cold in othifi- State.s. Ttii'ough Virginnia North and South Carolina, the weath- er was improving, so when we arrived in Georgia we could see a change, then as we neared Florida, what a difference! We drove jlown the east coast, through Jacksonville, Daytona Beach, West Palm Beach. Fort Laud- erdale to Miami and what a beaut- iful drive! The royal palm trees, with their cement like trunks, .â- â€¢o stately and the cocoanut palms all over, i<oadsid|eK, Tawnis, evcrywlieiic*. Tlie nuts are heavy and we are told they I OPENING APRIL 1st I in priniiscs lornicrly .H-ciipicd hy W. A. .Xniistronfr Wm. F. Potter Watchmaker and Jeweller FLESHERTON W'f will cuny a stock <»f Watches - Clocks - Diamonds - Silverware Jewellery and Gift Lines Kc[)airinpr of Watches. Clocks. Jewellery and optical ^joods a .specialty. All Watch and Clock repairs p:uarantee«l 1 year. SPECIAL 1st quality Mainsprings $1, guaranteed 1 year Over 20 years experience in all hranches of the trade, j Arrang'enients arc heinj.;: made for ;i ^irâ- ^t class cijitiiian to he at tny store once each nionlh. YOUR PATROXAC.K ?(^IJCT'l7'.n k,;..;..;..;..;..;..:..:~;..; .;..;..;..;..;.•: •j'^<M">^»>«t":";":":":":"X":"M":":";";":":":.v.;";";-;.>;">4> ested in. There is so much to see, the beautiful white sand beaches with tide out or in. There are so many flowers and hedges that .sometimes I would iiinch myself to see if I were awake, it seemed too wonderful to bt ti ue. From Miami we crossed on Tam- iami Trail to the weat coast end up to St. Petei-sburg, where wc' have spent most of our time. We were greatly taken with the large play- But it ground. It seems increditable that just 1«00 miles from Toronto, there should be a climate with temperature 70 to S.5 above ,and sunshine every day. There is a newspaper jiublishcd here called the "Independent," also called the sunshine paper, every day the sun does not shine, they give away a copy to everyone. During the 21 ' 1 years the paper has been published there has been 162 days the sun has not shone; so you see St. Petersburg is well named the "Sun- shine city". On arriving we were glad to hear that our good friend. Will Hemphill, wife and daughter, Ellen, were holi- daying at Coldwater Beach. We spent an afternoon with them, as they were leaving the next day, rather hard to pull away when you know it is not 85 in Toronto. In spite of the fact that hotel and cottage rates have increased, living is still <iilite iva^n.able. Auto traffic is very heavy, but highways and streets are very wide. There is a constant coming and going of tour- ists. This year the registrations have gone over the top, the highest was 192,030, bnt this is tne peak year Green benches in front of the stores and on all streets, for which St. Petersburg is noted are vei-y popular and it is here many friendships are formed, especially among widows and widowers, so you see they had no attraction for me. They are always occupied, .some kniting, sewing, cro- cheting, reading or resting, and watching the passing throngs of peo- ple. One of the many .stories of the green benches is told of a man from the north who brought his wife down for her health, they had only been here a short time when his wife died He did not want to go back nortii in the cold so had her body put in the vault, in the spring he started back his wife's body in the baggage cai and his new wife with him in fhi parlor car. .So you see how ()uickf7 they can get another down here. Bok Tower is one of the highest spot*! of Florida, situated on one of the highest points -72.5 feet high, it is a safiotuary built by the late Edward Bok. «in.strtu:ted of pink marble and granite, .'surrounded by little lakes flowers Mrds, ducks, pink flamingoes and citrus grove.s. A drinking fount- ain, donaCfd by the school children of that CMJTitry, has the following verse inscribed. "The kiss of the sun for pardon. The song of the birds for mirth, Vou are neaiw God's heart in a garden Than anywheri' else on earth. Tarpon Spring, which is a sponge industry, is also interesting. There a fleet of boats are tinloading at all hours, the siKvngea are scraped squeezed out and hung tii> to dry It is not the sweetest smelling place in the world. Hotels seem to vfe with each other in palatial elegance and ni-p outstand- ing, with highly c(ilc>i-*'il stucco. The "I>()w-Ce-.Sar" about .seven miles out at Pass-a Grille i^ perhaps the most outstanding. We had the pleasure ol enjoying the view from the roof, with the Gulf of Mexico on the west with its white sand bench and wide stret- ches of water, brrely wide highways stretching north nnd south and cast numerous small lakea of blue water beautiful homes nesting among green foliage, flowers* palms and pines with pleasivre boats on the little lakes, a i^oal picture. The fruit groves an a sight, oranges, grapefruit tanger- ines and many others. I had never even heard of. Packing hou.<ies are interesting. Here the fruit is wa.nhcd and scrnbbc<l before packing to pre- vent shrinkage, and from there it i« shipped to all points. St Petersburg is a tourist city and every hing possible is done for tour- ists of all ages, band concerts held every day, bowling on greens, shuffle- board with a membership of almost •WOO, the million dollar pier where hundreds are bathing or sunning them" selves every day. We have had the pK.-i ure of at' vHng two Canadian Anyone can watch them morning or afternoon, and also the Three-quarter ; ? Centuery Club, with all members 75 .j! years or over. They have a softball 'i] club with men 75 years; one young ! y man, 85, made a home run Tuesday, j <• They play twice a week. One old j .*! man who used to play and never mis- ses a game is 104 yeai-s old. They call them the "Kids" and the "Kubs" they are as nimble and can run like child- ren. Florida, to me, is a revelation; so many places to go, so much to do and so much to see with never a dull mom- ent. Sincerely, â€"Alva (Petch) Hoiiden TAX NOTICE Municipality of Flesherton I Chcer for the Chicken-hoarted "I'm afraid of my wife," the timid citizen complained to his lawyer, "Why she's even threatened to attack me with an axe." "Huh! Wliy worry. Did you evei see a womon try to chop a stick of wood?" Spring seems to be looked on with some suspicion when she arrives too early. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Trus- tee Boards and Ratepayers of the Township of Artemesia will be held in the town hall, Flesherton, on Satur- day afternoon of this week, March 23 at 2 o'clock p.m. Mr. M. A. Camp- bell, Provincial Secretary of the O.E. A., will address the meeting;, along with other speakers. Everybody welcome. â€"J. A. DAVIS, Chairman. CONCERT The Wareham young people will present a play entitled '•SAl'F.'P^' FIRST" - in - '' " Mount Zion Church Tuesday, March 26. 1935 .Music will be supplied by the Fourth F^ine Orchestra. Admission: 10 and 15c Ratepayers are reminded thai the final instalment .^ of Taxes for 1934 is payable not later than April 1st f next to the Treasurer, F. H. W. Hickling. X Amounts not so paid will be returned to the ^ County Trejuurer to be registered against the proper- X ties assessed. X ^.•^iS»*t^t**»******Z**Z**Z*^*^**l**l^****^^t*» SAP AND SYRUP SUPPLIES AUCTION SALE GALVANIZED and TIN SAP BUCKETS No. 12, No. 14 and No. 16 GALVANIZED PAILS Syrup Cans, Sap Spouts, Dippers, Auger Bits, Braces, Axes, etc This is the time to give your stock a spring tonic: Royal Purple Stock Specific, Hog Tionic, Calf Meal, Poultry Specific, Lice Killer, Coopers' Dri-Kill Roup Cure, Zenoleum, Cough Powders BUCKERE BROODERS AND SUPPLIES How about doing a little inside painting before the Spring Work starts? Shetwin- Williams Paints, Varnishes and Enamels Turpentine, Paint Oil, Wax and Polishes . ROGERS MYSTERY TUBE RADIOS Special Prices. Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE -:- Phone 54, Flesherton FLESHERTON ^M' | Credit auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., will be held by Densmore Watson on Lots 75-76, Con 1, S.D.R., Artemesin, on Tuesday, March 2r,th. See posters for list.â€" Geo. F'. Duncan, auctioneer. Auction Sale Farm Stock. Imp(«a):cnf.s, Etc. Wed., March 27 Comnuncing at one o'riix-k sharp Jos. H. Dowsett l.ot Il.-J-IKJ, Range .i, Aitemesia West of Highway and tbv^e miles soiuth of Maikdale has instructed tht undersigned Auctioneer to -tell by puliiJc auction the following: HORSES â€" Bay mare, Bay horse. CATOLE â€" Red tow, C years old, due March 28th; white cow 4 years old, caif at foot; red cow 5 yearn old, due S«pt 30th; grey heifer .1 years old, dui May 2nd; giey heifer 2 years old, due April 21st; white heifer 3 years old, due April 24th. (All above cows and heifers supposed in calf.) CJrey steer rising 3 years old. grey steer rising 2 years old; roan heifer rising 2 years old; 2 calves rising one year old. FOWL â€" 23 Barred Rock Hens. IMPLE-MDNTS, ETjC. â€" Massey- Harris binder, 5 ft. cut, nearly new; McCormick mower, 5 ft. cut, nearly new; International Cultivator, 13 tooth; Massey-llarris seed drill, 10- hoe; Turnip sower; Scuffler; Set Iron Harrows; Set Spring Tooth Harrows; single plow; turnip pulper; fanning mill; Melotte cream separator; set 2000 lb. scales; .^toneboat; grindstone: 2 McLaughlin buggies; cutter, wagon; set sleighs; wagon; wagon box; hay rack; sot team harness; set plow har- ness; 2 sets single harness; goat skin robe; forks; shovels; chains and other articles too numerous to mention. JIAY, PRAIN, ETC. â€" About 70 tons good hay; about 300 btiahels oats; about 10 bushels buckwheat; a- bout 30 bags potatoes. FURNITURE, ETC. â€" Bell organ; cook stove; 2 heating stoves; coal oil stove; daisy chum; sewing machine; bed room and kitchen furniture; par- lor suite. TER.Mfi OF SALE:â€" Hay, Grain, Potatoes, Fowl and all suras of flO.OO and under, ca.sh; on larger amounts eight months' credit will be given on joint notes, approved by the Bank of Montreal and l>earing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. The farm, consisting of 100 acres, will be offered for sale or rent at the same time and place. Terms made known at sale. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. Property For Sale FRAMl-: flOL'SE AND COOD T.OT FOR SALE IN FLKSIM-RTOX: FIRST REASONABLE CASLI OFFER WILL HE ACCEPTED TO WTND UP THE ICSTATE. XUMl-.ROUS PIECES OF FURXri]URE FOR PRIXVIT, SALE:â€" APPLY 'IX) H. A. McCAULEY, Administer of Estate. i March Specialties House Dresses New Prints An entireh- ik-w latigc tor ? .si)rin^': all sizes up to 50. I 98c, $L19, $1.29, $1.49 Yard wide, tiibfast and .suiifast; all now sprinf^ pat- tersn. yard 19c, 25c, 29c "Sparva'* Broadc'th | Guaranteed fadeless and x tubfast : vard wide. k Plain colors 37c 'X Printed Patterns 49c t Rtabber Goloshes for wet days. Women's Sizes $1.19 Mjsse.s' Sizes , $1.10 RUBBER BOOTS Men's, Boys',. Women's and Children's sizes. PULLOVER AND V-NECK SWEATERS New desipis in all-wool X garments. Specially priced FLANNELErm BLANKETS. SHEE'PrNGS. PILLOW COTHDNS. GREY COT- WNS.WniTr^roTrr ONS. plain nROADCLO'ms, New stock at popnlar prices. NEW WAlIp^ The new Spring Selection is now in stock and includes the best range of W«U Papers we have ever shown. "Sunworthy" qualities from 12»/,c per aingle roll • > iiw odd lots ot last season's patterns still available at Bargain Prices. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO nights at Ti Ce. al so one «>^•M^•!"^^M^'*»*'J"9'^^^â- ^*• •t'^'^'^^^^^X^.. »HX..>.X.<..><..}^>.j..^.%.^.j^v^.^^^j,,v.j^s.j,^^,^^^,,^^

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