"WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 1935 THE FLESHF.RTON ADVANCE VANDELEUR 11)0 St. Patrick's Day social which wag held in the Imscment of Van- deleur Church on Friday eveiiing of i »naweied by a '•proverb.' tliice viiiitors present. The meet- ing opened by sinKini; "Home Sweet IloMie," after which the Creed was repeated in unison. Hull call was Bulletin last week, March 15th was an enjoy- able affair. A (rood crowd was in attendance and a fin© program was ivn^Wred consuiitintf (if c<miniuriity liinjrinK, instrupnontal mu«lc by (luestioiis WMre taken up and Mrs. Rol>ertson jfave a very interesting anj helpful pap<-r on "Interior Decorat- ing," which was followed by discus- sion. Books from the travelling Messrs. Will. HuU-hinson and Harold, library were exchanged. Lunch was Thompson, readings by Mr. W. H, served. The April meeting will be Fitzpatrick, solo by Geo. Buchanan ! '»*''! «t th^' home of Mrs. Beaton. an<l throe interesting contests led by i Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Ki-n r<H-t*,.r and ' VAl.lKD AS.SISTANCE Mrs. H. I. Graham. This was fol- | lowed by a debate oti the Rubinct. ' There is nothing that is more wel- Rosolvcd that the world is getting •^"""' '" " newspaper office than the better." The affirmative was taken ; f'i<?"dly soibscriber who .sends in a bit by H. I. Cniham and Mrs. Frank ' "^ news, either by phoning, by letter, Davis and the ncfrative was supported *'' ^y <lroppiiig in at the office. Doz. Iiy Harold Thompson and .Mrs. F, R. ! 'â- '"•'^ "'^ incidents occur in the district Boland. Strong and interesting tl*"* are noteworthy and of gereral arguments were brought out by all â- interest, but these may not reach the speakers. The judges were' "k' paper until long after occurancc Me.vsrs. W. H. Fit7-patrick, Geo. ' or maybe not at all. People come and Buchanan and Otto Baker and they g<> throughout the community, l>ring- A !i'"*^ '" ^^^''^^'^ °^ "'*-' nffirniatlve. ing pleasant little ripples in social dainty luncheon was then served life, but too often no one troubles to by the ladies. Mr. E. Warling wa.« ' notify the local newspaper. Yet the chairman. HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. I Holdfast U.F.W.O. met at the home! of Mrs. Thompson on Wednesday, j _. March 1.3th, with nine members and I .iown." these little items are appreciatetl by the office, and they are read by ev- erybody. A NOVEL IDEA The citizeius of Coldwater have bit on a novel idea. They are tendering a comi)limentary baniiuet to the Muni- cipal council and the School Board as a gesture of appreciation for serv- ices rendered. Mr. Howard Gover is the chairman of the Citizen's Com- mittee sponsoring the event and with such leadership the success of the function is absured. This is one of the finest suggestions we have noted for numy niooius. We have always contended that it was truly a brave man who offered his services on the official bodies that direct the activ- ities of a municipality. One of the reasons for this i-eluctance, we sur- mise, is the apparent lack of appre- ciation. A man in public life can- not possibly please everybody. He is forced to give decisions which will plea.se some and offend others. This leads to di.ssalisfaction. The dis- Kiuntled party starts out to wage a complaint against the official and toe often finds ears to hear. "The mattei of sliowing apjireciation for services faitlifully rendered Ls overlooked and many splendid administrators Mr. Walter Akitt spent the first of the week at Stratford and Toronto. Mrs. W. C. Hanley is visiting hei daughter, Mrs. Walter Akitt. Mr. Geo. Bank« has purchased the late John Bellamy residence and ex- pects to move there May l.st. Mr. and Mi-s. R. J. Phillip.s and son Albert, of Toronto spent the week end with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Roydeii McDonald r.jx-iit Sunday with Mr. and Mi-s. Willard McDonald at Hepworth. Miss Dorothy Mann tf Markdalc sjiont the week end with Mrs. Cecil McTavish. Miss Jean Smith of Owen Sound, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. D. MtTavish. could name have passed to oblivion! Why <lo they say you are "laid up" with the flu. instead of "laid ..•x~>->X"X-:.-:~>.> Introducting New Merchandise Since taking over the Variety Store business from Mr. Stauffer, we have re-arranged the interior of the store to better accommodate our larger and more var- ied tock of merchandise. We are now in a positi'^n to offer you a good selection of â€" ^I MEN'S new Spring Caps. Dress and Work Shirts. Trousers. Socks ^ Ties, Belts and Suspenders. BOYS' Caps, Blouses.V-neck Pullovers, Knickers; Knee Pants; Cover- alls; socks and Suspenders. AVOMEN'S House and Daytime Dresses, Aprons, Vests, Bloomers; Brassieres and Hosiery. ^ GIRLS' Dresses, Pullovers, Blousesf Hose; Bloomers and Berets. j; BABIES' Dresses, Gowns, nol>es. Sweaters; Blankets; Veste- Hose- ' .Shoes and Rubber Pants. We have also added a full line of Children's Oxfords I and Strap Slippers. EVERYTIHNG FOR THE SPRING HOUSE CLEANING AND EVERYTHING AT THE RIGHT PRICE without any recognition. A member of a council or a .school hoard neces.sarily gives freely of his time in the interest of the ratepay- ers. The position may carry a certain degree of preferment but this is more than overshadowed by many little unpleasantries. The citizens of Coldwater are to be ci.iipratulated for being motivated by a desire to show some slight evidence <jf appreciation toward the official bodies laboring on their behalf. We like the idea of banquets to the living more than flowers after they are dead. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .Mr. ami Mrs. C. R. Chappie and we I Alan spent the week end at their parental homes at Meaford. I I I We cordially invite you to come in and look around. Dixon's Variety Store Flesherton, Ont. FULL LINE OF RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS IN STOCK -:-x-:••^'X•<:•^~x••^•x•.X"^•^•x•♦♦x~x••^•x•x••^•:••:"^.^.x••x••^• In the estate of Annie McCauley, late" of the Village of Flesherton, County of Grey Widow, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all those hav- ing claim or accounts against the above-named deceased are required, on or before the Sixteenth day ot March 19^.5, to file fuJl particulars thereof with the undernamed Solici- tor to the Administrator. After that date the Estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims of which notice at that time shall have been received. DATED this Twentieth day ot February, 1035. C. C. MIDDLEBRO' Owen Soijnd, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator il THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CMAIM STORBS Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY March Shoe and Rubber Sale Up to date styles and values away below the market. Children's Rubber Boots for $1.09 A heavy fine .|uality Children's Kul.I.er gmir- anteed fust (|uality, si;:e <i to 10. .Sale Price 51.09 Boys* and Girls' Rubber Boots .Sizes 11 to 2. First quality i„ bri.ijiit and duel linish and the price, per pair <il.J9 Women's Rubber Boots Fine quality made by (aitta I'ereha Ru'l>ber Co. sizes :( to 7, Sale Price, per pair $1.89 Boys' Rubber Boots Sizes 1 to 5. .Made by Miner Rubber Co., guar- anteed first (piality. .Sale Price si.89 Children's Fine Quality Shoe Rubbers Canadian-made by Northern Rubber Co.. .sizes C-10. per jiair g;}^ Girls' Plain Overshoe Rubber Canadian made first quality, sizes 11-2. Sale I'rice. per iiair r,.-„. Women's Shoe Rubbefrs Cuban and low heel .sizes .i to H, pair ."iac Men's Plain Overshoe Rubbers InclmliiiK lolle.l edge lu the lot, .sizes 6 to II *'"""'!'' '?'"''" f*"" «^,«>"';' '^'-'J^ ^'â- " Sale Price, per pair . t-J ferent colorings. Special for the ro n » r»i . ^ Ceiling pajK-r 10c single roll extra. Boys Plam Overt Sizes 1 to .'). Sale Piiee, pair 59c Ladies' High Grade Shoes Kmpre.sH and Arch Sup|H)rt makes, extra special Values up to $0.75, sizes 3 to 7. Sale Price .... $3.9.5 Ladies' Fine Quality Calf and Kid Ties Ladies Fine <|uality Calf and Kid ties, sizes 3 to 7, values up to |2.96. Sale Price $1.9.'» Xsrowing Girls' and Women's Shoes Growing (Jirls' and Women's wide-fitting shoes some have arch support, water damaged, calf and dnngola leathers, values up to $2.7.'S, every pair gUBniiit<'c<| by us. sizes .'1 to 7. Sale I'rice . . $1.29 Women's & Girls' Calf and Dongola Wiimen's and Growing Girls' calf and dongola Shoes, bought from Insurance Co., water danmged. every pair guaranteed by us, value* ir)) to S2..">0 Sale I'riie 9Sr Children's Cushion Sole for Little Tot For the little tot, nixes 2 to 6, principaJIy strap rIIpP't-i. On ;.r,!r, p-i'r iHc Children's Cushion Sole Boots, Oxfords and Slippers Ilurlbut made, values up to ?1.35, sizes 3 to 7"i! Sale Price, pair 94c Children's Calf and Patent Leather Oxfords and Slippers \alues up to $!.;•.'â- ), sizes C-2. Sale Price $1.19 Men's Fine Quality Oxfords .\ good Sunday .shoe, sizes (> to 10. Sale $J.9S Boys' Fine Quality Oxfords •Sizes I to ..'â- ) .Sale I'rice SI. 79 Youths' Fine Quality Oxfords Sizes 11 to 13. .Sale Price $1.59 Hardware Special Victor Paints, a reliable qoality, all the leading colors. This week, per quart r)7c ROOM SPECIALS For SUN-TESTJED WALL PAPERS LOT 1 â€" 10 Single Rolls an<l IS .vards bonier, enough paper for a room l:J6(12x8 feet, in three dif- room $1.2(1 I/)T 2 â€" Same quantity as above in different designs â€" a shade 1)etter grade of i>aper. Room Special $l.li> Ceiling extra at KV' per single i-oll. See window display of the better grades of paper at room prices of $1.65, $1.8.5, $2.05, $2..'1.5 Ceilings can be had at different prices to match with room specials. Dress Special Pino Quality Linen Dresses, printed designs guaranteed to washâ€"* new styles to select from. This week , $l.fi9 GROCERY SPECIALS Clarke's Pork and Beans, large size 2 for I'.'c Soda nisouits, 1 lb. bag 10c Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. Jar for 25c 3 lbs. Natui-al Figs for 2.10 2 tins Tomatoes ami String BcanH - Sfip 3 Boxes MaUhe? 23c 4 strine' Brooms, real qiwlity .. 29c PiBi! Soup 6 for 10- ^9. tijis C:\Kii!e Scan 2r>- Vevnole Flour, in jute haf«, per bac R2.2"> The first wild geese of the season flew north on Monday in search ol their annual breeding grounds. Mr. Richard Allen informs us that he saw a blue bird, also many robins while on his way to town Monday morning. Spring must surely be here. Mr. MeiA'yn Johnston is critically ill at his home near Rock Mills and this Wednesday morning his condition remains about the same as Tuesday. -Mrs. Jas.Russel off Rock Mills had the misfortune to break her ankle on Thursday last She slipped on an icy floor and snapped the bone off I just above the ankle. A sale of homemade baking will be held in McTavish's Service Station on Saturday, March 23rd, at 2 p.m., under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St. John's United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McRac and little son of Heathcote and Mr. Geo. Richardson of Redwing visited on Monday with Mrs. S. L. McRae and family. The Women's Missionary Society will hold the regular meeting on Thursday at 3 p.m. As this is the last meeting in the quarter, it is hoped there will be a large attendance. The heavy thaw on Thursday, Fri- day and .Saturday, levelled down the snow banks and cleared many of the roads for motor ti-affic. Monday niorii- in;,' the Kimberley mail came through by car for the first this year. Mr. R. B. Heard returned on Thurs- day of last week to his duties in the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr. Heard had an eye damaged when hit by a badminton bird, but the injured optic has improved through treatment. The Ladies' Aid Irish Supper at- tracted a large crowd on Thursday evening last. A short pay "Mrs. Martin's Sewing Circle," brought gales of laughter and was presented ill the usual Ladies' Aid stylo. The proceeds amounted to $13. This week will see the maple syrup harvest in full swing. .\ number of farmers have already tapped, maying a small amount of syrup, but the main run is just commencing. .Mr. Waltei Akitt. the maple syrup king of Grej County will not have his bush pro- ducing this year as ho decided to givi it a needed rest. Each .sea.son for the past thirteen years he has tapped around 2(»0 trees and gained the name of bne of Ontario's largest producers, making fixnn 400 to 800 gallons of syrup each .sea.son, accord- ing to the run of sap. Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIETUi: of the Powers of Sale contained in a cer- tain Mortgage which will be produc- ed at the time of sale, ther-j will be oilered for sale by (;i;OKGE W. PATTERSON at PUBLIC AUCTION on FRIDAY the Twenty-second day ol March, 19;i,">, at the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon, at thi farm of WILLIA.M P. .McCAHE R. K. No. 3, I'roton. the following property namely: ALL AND SINGULAR those cer- tain parcels or tmcts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the County of Grey and Township ot Artemesia, containing by admeasure- ment one huud. ed and fifty acres, miore or less, and being coini)osed of Lots 165, IGG and ICT, in the Third Range or Concession South west of the Toronto and Sydenham Road in the said Township, Excepting there- out, those parts heretofore sold and conveyed to the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company. At the same time and place undei the authority of a chattel mortgagi there will be offered for sale tht- following chattels: 1 dark horse, years; 1 dark horse 19 years. Ginger. Cow, red with white face; cow. roan, part Hereford with white face; 1 heifer calf, red, white star on fore- head. 1 sow, Yorkshire; 2 pigrs, chunks, Yorkshire. 1 goose, 5 ducks, 70 hens. 1 Massey-Harris binder, 1 hoe drill, 1 mower, Brantford; 1 Cockshutt walking plow; 1 cultivator. Internat- ional; 1 buggy; 1 set drag harrows â- 1 section; 1 cutter; 1 wagon; 1 haj rack; 1 stone boat; 1 set hea\-y team sleighs; 1 set heavy team harness; 1 hay fork and 1 set sling ropes; 2 car*. and 1 ix<i)e; 1 litter carrier and tracks; 1 set single harness. About 7 tons hay in mow and 8 tons of pressed hay. On the said farm there is said tc be erected a dwelling house with suit- able farm buildings. The lands will b« sold subject to • reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE OF LAND: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. TERMS OF SALE OF CHATTELS: â€"Cash. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to HARRY W. PAGE, Sol'r to the Agricultural Develop- ment, Board, East Block, Parliament Buildings. TORONTO, Ontario. D.A.TED at Toronto this 1st day ot March, 1935. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Charles Mosier, late of the Village of Flesherton, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all those having claims or accounts a- gainst the above-named are refjuired to send full particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitor to the Executor on or before the Twenty-third day of March; after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received. DATED this Fifth day of March, 1935. C. C. MIDDLEBRO' City Hall, Owen Sound, Solicitor to the Executor. A9 "Everybody is crazy over me." said the inmate of the first floor of the insane asylum. Small Advts. ♦»o»»»»-»«>o»»»»»»»< PLOW FOR SALE Two-furrow walking plow in g^ood repair. â€" Ray Pedlar, R.R. 1, Maxwell. FOR SALE Team of work horses, cheap, in good condition, good feeders and workers. â€" H. E. Karstedt, Priceville. FOR SALE Brood sows due to farrow in March and April; also quantity seed oats and seed barley. â€" Cecil Monaghan, R. R. 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Heavy work horse for sale, or will trade for young cattle. â€" Jas. Russell K. R. 1 Flesherton. BULL FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, 10 months old, elig ible for registration. Apply J. A. Level-, Flesherton, Ont. F10R SALE Seed barley, seed oats and feed oats.â€" Fred W. Smith, R. R. No. 2 Kleshortoii. FOR SALE Five bags of good Dooley potatoes, apply to John Stewart, Ceylon, or at The Advance office. FOR SALE House and lots for sale in Flesher- ton, the estate of the late Mj-s. M, Philips.â€" 0. W. Phillips, Flesherton. SOWS FOR SALE Couple of young sows, due in June. â€"A. A. McLean, Priceville, phone 49 r 3, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE 80 acre farm, first east of Flesher- ton on Collingwood gravel; for fur- ther particulars apply on premises. â€" Mrs. D. A. Clark, Flesherton, FOR SALE Cerie spring wheat for sale, yield" last year, 27 bushels to the acre. Donald McMillan, R. R. No. 3, Price- ville, phone 49 r 12, Flesherton. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms ?1.00 if paid' within 2 months, over that time |2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and- government inspected; terms: cask 75c.; charged $1.00. â€" ,WES. SMITH, Rock Mills. HOW SLEEP COMES How sleep comes is still a mystery to scientists. A great many theories have been advanced to explain the riddle, but none has been acceptable One theory explains that sleep comes somewhat in the manner of pulling all the plugs out of a switchboard to stop all conversations. The con- duction pathways in the nervous sys- tem are 'broken by the refratcion of small contact point.s between the neu- rones, which are the conducting unit.' that form the nenfou.s system. Ac- tivity, according to still another the- ory, produres a fatigue poison which accumulates in the blood and "dopes" the brain, thus bringing sleep. Newspaper reading is a universal hal it. Newspaper advertising, there- fore reaches <«acl\ week virtually all who buy, giving them the merchants' news. There W9s « picture in the papei ' " the man who oi>erate3 the elec- tric chair in New- Jer«cy. Ho goes here and there n.s retjuired, on a sort of cimiit. HOUSE FOR SALE One solid brick house in good condi- tion; hardwood floors throughout; good garage and drilled well. For full particulars see W. G. Kennedy, FARM FOR RENT OR SALE Farm of 48 acres with small house and barn, drilled well at house, spring creek 10 rods from barn. 4 miles from Flesherton.-F. G. Karstedt Flesherton FARM WANTED Anyone having farm to rent or share, please write to Box 79, Fever- sham, Ont. FOR SALE William W. Belwin, the trotting- stallion, will be in Robt. Ferris' stable, Flesherton, where he can be seen. Apply to Robt. Fisher, care- taker. Flesherton, or J. T. Abercrom- bie, R. R. 3, Markdale. BOAR FOR SERVICE R«instered Yorkshirt Boar for lar- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog^ Cla^ the property of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculttire. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICE TREASURER OF OSPREY Applications for the office ot Treasurer for the Township ot Osprey will be received by the under- signed until Friday, March 29th, 1935. The duties of the office w-ill include all work required by Statute and in addition to present a staten>ent at each regular meeting of the Council of all receipts and expenditures. Fidelity bonds for an amount to be determined will be required to b« furnished by the appointed applicant. '". N. Long. Clerk, Fevcrshara FOR SALE Two young cows due to freshen, March 15th, also two head of young cattle. â€"Jas. Hoppa, R. R. No. 3 Flesherton. HATCHING EGGS Barred Rock eggs from breeders from culled, blood tested and approv- ed by government officials. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 21 r 3. PROPKRTY FOR SALE Frame house and good lot for sale in Flesherton; first reasonable cash offer will be accepted to wi;id up the estate. Xumei-ous pieces of furniture for priv.-\fe s.nlc: Apply to H. A. Mi'- Cauley. Administrator of Estate. / BUSINESS GARDg DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 p.a. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at res'dence in Flesherton. Extraction and plate work. Prom 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 39S, A.F AA.M., meets in the Fraternal SiU, Flesherton, e'ery Friday on or bcftaw the f-.ill moon- W. M., R. W. Piper, Seere'nry, H. A. lleOanley.