Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1935, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON PN'CE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27. 1936 t -I LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS EUGENIA FEVERSHAM MBS. JOHN ROBINSON HAS PASSED HER 91st BIRTHDAY Mrs. John Robinson of Feversham pa-ssed her Olst birthday at the home of her son. Mr. Eli Robinson, on Mon- KIMBERLEY Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanies on W^ediiesday, March 13th, lySo, a son. Mr. J. Kirlcpatrick and Mjs. Corn- field attended the wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hicks at day, March 25th. Mrs. Robinson i* I Collinffwood. enjoyinj? fairly good health and i able to rt-att and sew without glasses. She wa.s a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RcJ^rt Brown and was born in Eng- Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber and Mr John Weber spent two or three days during the past week in Toronto. The roads in the valley are won- derfully dry, with the dust flying on the highway. Mr. Elzar McConnell spent part ol the week with his father and othei being a blacksmith, worked' friends here, ti-ade and cleared a farm.l' Mr. Harold Fergiison spent Sunday land[ coming to Canada with her par- ents when about eight yeai-s old, in the early days of Osprey. They settled on the 10th Brown at hi Line and Mr. PRICEVILLE When a young woman she was united j with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burritt. in marriage to Mr. John Robinson,! The Ladies' Aid held a successful who predeceased her by some years. | quilting at the home of Mrs. R. Chard. To them were born three children., Mr. Stanley LawTence and babe, Mr. Eli Robinson, Miss L. Robinson, j Onalea of Thombiiry and Mr. and •who died a few years ago, and Miss i Mrs. Laurie Lawrence of Flesherton Amelia who is with her mother. On j visited the Lawrence families and Mr. the occasion of her birthday she re- i and Mrs. Earl Dillon this week end ceived many kind wishes by telephone Miss Mina Fawcett returned to and mail and by friends and neighbor villagers, who called at her home and presented her w^ith lovely roses and other presents, wishing the highly esteemed lady many returns of her birthday. The evening was spent with music and singing. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of CoUing- "wood and M-. and Mrs. Forsythe ol ©wen Sound spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. G. Eby and family. Mr. and ifrs. Harry Montgomery ol i Proctor at Eugenia Markdale to spend the summer with Mrs. Lucas Sf. Mr. W. Cargoe and Mr. Allan. Fer- guson spent a few days in Toronto, and visited Mrs. Cargoe, who is in the hospital at Weston. We are soiTy to report little change in the health of Mr. Mervyn Johnston, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F. Chard We extend our sympathies. Mrs. Proctor and Marjory spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dundalk spent Sunday with Mrs Montgomery's parents, Mr. and Mrs James Long'. Mr. and Mrs. Springgay, Shirley Thei-e have only been the "baker's dozen" wood bees in the valley in two weeks and more are to follow. Mr. T. MeCullough and Mr. B. McConnell and Doris, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'are doing the sawing Mrs. E. Hawton. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette and Betty and Alaii, and Mr. Ivan Alex- ander of Owen Sound motored over and spent the week end at theii homes here. Mrs. Thos. Stephens of Collingwood is visiting with her daughter. Mrs E. Hawton. Mr. Fred Tyler is moving into the late Mrs. McKenzie's residence and Mr. Ed. Mullin is mo\-ing into pajt of Mr. Geo. Myers' hon.'^e. Mr. Harry Heathcote will move to the Pallister place, next the school which he has piu'chased. Mr. G. Eby spent last week with friends in Owen Sound. PROTON STATION The ladies of the United Church congi-ep-ation, assisted by a number of the Anglican ladies, met at the church and quilted two nice quilts for the W.M.S. bale. .A friendly social afternoon wa.s enjoyed by all present. Mi.<s Winnifred Coutts of Melanc- thon Station was a week end guest of her friend, Miss Maude .\cheson. The March lions have been unusu- ally tame this year. People making maple syrup am «?mplaining of the weather being too mild. Mr. Dalton Ferguson returned home after spending the winter in the north camps. He was accompanied by several others boy.s who were also there. Mrs. Dalton Daris and little son visited part of the week with her parents. Mr. Daris was accompan- ied by Miss G. Weber and Mr. .A.rt Wardman, who spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weber. Mrs. A. E. Myles and Mr. Ted Myles spent the week end in Toronto.- ROCK MILLS LADIES' AID IN MEMORIAM JAMIESOX â€" In loving memory J. H. Jamieson, who departed this life on March 31st, 1930. Not 'till the loom is silent. And the shuttle ceases to fly. Will God unroll the pattern And explain the reason why. Ever remembered by lo\-ing wife. The Ladies' Aid of Rock Mills Baptist Church met at the home ol Mrs. E. Russell on Wednesday, March 20th, with ten members and six visitors present. Tlie meeting opened by singing "Down in the Valley with my Saviour I would go," followed by reading 1st Peter. 3rd chapter and repeating the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by paying one cent for each letter of the member's fii-st name and the col- lection amounted to $3.02. The meeting closed with the singing ot "Pass me not oh Gentle Saviour." Tile next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Clark. Lunch committee: cake. Mrs. Ned Croft and Mrs. Leslie Chard: sandwich. Mi-s. E Russell and Mrs. H.. Paton. The fandongro billed here as a circus with dogg and donkey, last week proved a disgusting farce, with vei-y improper language and behav- ior, so much so that several svent home. Tlie fine weather that prevails, has the effect of bringing daisies into light already (of the garden variety,) as for the others they are here all the time and promises of rhubarb pie is also to the fore Pre-communion service will be held on Fi-iday coming at St. Columba, after which a congregational meeting will be held. It is hoped a good turn- out will result. The choir will meet at 7 p.m. in preparation forEastei and other occasions. Miss Bertha James, on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Bowes, near Mark- dale, had the misfortune to slip on a sloping muddy spot, resulting in a severe shaldng-up. W. G. Watson's mother had a fall down the stairs, injuring her head as she fell at the bend of the stairs. A I severe laceration and shock was the t result, but fortunately no bones were broken. The stick-to-it-iveness of .A.gnes Macphail, M.P., in the matter of right and justice, is worthy of all com- mendation. South Grey may well be. and is. proud of her ability, while many of the mere men merabers there have never opened their mouths all the years they have been in the House â€" mere rubber stamps. We are pleased to hear that Mr. John Burnett was feeling muc'> better on Sunday, after his recent threat- ened attack of double pneumonia. His daughter, Mrs. Cameron Smellie. is in attendance. Mr. John Williamson has, we are pleased to see, so far recovered from his recent illness, as to be out twict to religious services on Simday. St. Columba W.M.S. and W.A. held i ^^y'^n the past few weeks, their regular meeting at the home of 1 '^'^s Delsa Kaitting has returned Miss L. Mather. Mrs. Johnston pre- I home from a Torosto hospital, aftei sided and led the devotional exercises ' ^^^" '"^ent operation for appendicitis t and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt took up the ! ^^ ^^"^ ^^^ * complete recovery, j study of chapter four of "Builders ol I '^^'^^ Verda Genoe has returned ! the Indian Church." General busin- ^°^^ from near Duncan, where she | ess was discussed by the Women's 1 '^^ ''^^^ ass lasting Mrs. Gordon Mc- j Association, with Mrs. J. C. Harrison ! ^fu'len for the past month, presiding. Tea was served and a i ^^"^ Y.P.S. met as usual last Wed- \ social time spent. ; nesday evening with a very good The Y.P.S. was heUl as usual on i attendance. Miss Amiieta Turner : Friday evening. Mr. Stewart Muir ^°^^ ^^^ discussion and worship per- i presided and also gave a splendid '°''^ =ind Scripture passages were | paper on certain phases of good '"^^''- Reci-eation consisted of games citizenship. " , and contests and the meeting closed •^♦♦•>-«-s~>-M-M-M~:~:":" -:-:-:-:•*♦♦♦*♦♦*«-»♦<-{">*♦«*♦->♦**>• Maple syrup making and house •.•leaning are the orders of the day in this locality Mrs. J. H. Seeley, who ha.s been recuperating at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parson, re- turned to her home in Dundalk last Friday. Mrs. Thos. Fenwick .visited ovei the week end in Toronto. Mr. Ernest Hopper of Oakville was a visitor for a few days with his brothers on the 8th Line. Mr. Geo. Williams and Mr. Martin McCrone of Toronto visited on Sun- clay with the former's parents. Mr and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham of Clarks- burg visited recenty with the former's father, who is still quite ill. Mr. Thos. Tudor, who has spent the past few â- weeks with his brother and family in the village, has returned ' to Toronto. , Mr. and Mrs. Clai-ence Biggar ot Owen Sound are spending a while at! the home of Mr. a.-.d Mrs. Thos. I Fenwick. I Miss Gladys Williams sp. â€" ,-i few ! days last week with Miss Ruth \ 1 Russell at Rock Mills. i V % % NOW IS THE TIME I I I t y. •5. I I f. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tudor visited with i Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell at Rock Mills ' Mr. John Williams also visited his daughter. Mrs. Russell. The Women's .Association of the United Church met on Thursday of last week at the home of Mr. J. Williams, with an attendance of six. Mrs. G. Magee president, occupied the chair and the meeting opened with ; the reading of the 1st chapter of' Matthew. Different items of bus- 1 iness were discussed. The roll call ' for next month is to be answered by the size of your shoe in money. For example. No. 5 shoe would require five cents for the roll call, No. 4, four cents, etc. Mrs. J. Campbell gave a reading. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The meeting closed with prayer. Miss Bemice Campbell visited at t I &ENUIME Sxrrd PARTS JHim NOW" is the tvitie to chanj^e the lubricants in yinir crankcase. transniis.siun and difiercn- .tial; now is the time to, have your motor tuned up for Spring: ajid Summer driving. Kill two birds with one stone. I^et us change your oil and "Listen to Your Car." Prices on Jill tune-up work are at Special Spring Rates. ( >ur inspection service i- free. Down and Richards FLESHERTCN, ONTARIO LET US LISTEN TO YOUR i^mi ♦ I % •> •XrXfi IJetter Results "Quality With a Purpose" Lower Costs Go right on selling the milk â€" feed Blatchford's Calf Meal, the only complete substitute for whole milk. 1 lb. equals 1 gal. whole milk in food ^'alue. Blatchford's Fill-the-basket Egg Mash means getting the greatesc pos- sible number of eggs from every hen at the lowest cost per egg. Keeps uu the body weight and vitality of the hens. Puts greater fertility, hatchability and livability into the eggs. Blatchford's All-in-One Mash is Blatchford's high quality Chick Mash with the scratch feed ground right into it. Correctly balanced and minexalized. E.asy to feed. No grain required. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Genoe of Ceylon announce the engagement of then eldest daughter, Hilda May. to Mr Charles Goddard of Eugenia, the marriage to take place the last ot March. Small Advts. Bring Results I When Well Begun | The Job Is j Half Done Yes! *Stamivax Chick Starter gives them the start. $2.60 per cwt Warble Fly Powder 85c lb.; 45c Vzlb. Classic Cleanser 3 for 14c Lombard Plums 2 tins for 19c Choice quality Pumpkin, largo tins 39c A Real Tea, Black, full flavored 49c lb. A Good Tea, Black 37c lb. Jam, Grange Marmalade, Syrupâ€" all at low prices. Overall Sm ocks. Pants and Work Boots Priced to sell The Priceville Willing Helpers' Soc- iety met in the basement of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. March lOth. Hymn 19 was sung and the Cree<i repeated in unison. Mrs. D. Campbell acted as secretary. After several items of business were dis- cus.sed it was decided that the Society would hold a social on March 29th in the church basement. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and lunch was served by Mrs. (Rev.) Angus Sutherland and Mrs. Stuart Boyoe. Mr. C. E. Hincks of Clifford "spent the week end at his home. Mr. Gih-i-ay McLean returned to Kitchener, after spending a few weeks at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and family are now settled in their new home, north of Priceville. A dance was held there recently when a most enjoyable time was spent in music and dancing. Music was supplied bv the Douglas brothers. Robt. Plester and Bert Watson. Lunch was served af midnight. Mrs. Neil N'orman and daughter. Ruth, of Dundalk visited last week at the home of her father. Bom â€" In Bentinck on March 2ath i 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Cuaig, a son. Mr. John Livingstone is still in Toronto, after undergoing an opera- ... tion on his eye. X Messrs. Maurice and Eilgar Mc- 5, 1 Leod of Swinton Park visited last J i Wednesday %\ Hincks. in the usual wav CEYLON F. H. W. HICKLING Phone 6v; Flesherton, Ont Mc- Mrs. Macphail visited her daughter. Mrs. M. Raney in Southampton last ! •:• week. ; ••• Miss Doris Bonnycastle of Camp- ' J) bellford. former teacher at Stone's ♦ Line school, is visiting Miss .Jeanette i a McLeod. I ♦ Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith -vvas in To- 1 •> ronto last week. j Ij _ -Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutledge and ' t. family of Holland Centre spent Sun- , \ day at their respective homes here. I 'j* Misses Willa and Donna Patterson <! of Markdale were week end visitors ' $1 h-ire. 1 1> Miss Agnes Macphail. M.P.. accom-j*!* panied by Mr. Coote. M.P., Ottawa, a and Mr. Herb Hannam of Toronto'^ were visitors over the week end at ' \ the former's home . ' % Mr. John McMillan of Owen Sound % spent Sunday with his mother. •!• Mr. Thos. Tucker of Glenelg visited ' ♦ with his son. Mr. Henry Tucker, last S week. ' I !•! Mr. and Mrs. Dave McDonald have j ♦ returned to near Priceville after'* spendmg the winter visiting friends ' t here. DANCE in Fraternity Hall FLESHERTON Friday, March 29 Music by Mildmay Nite Owls Commencing at 9 p.m. Lunch Extra - - Admission: 35c .%♦*.•*.*••*•.♦•.*•* :~K-:~X"><' ;< at the home of A. L CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting wish to thank the many friends for their niany kind expessions of sjnnpathy. especially for flowers and treats, during the illness of their daughter Delsa. Hardware Dealer: "Hi there. Rastus can't I sell you a washing machine?' Rasttis: "Why Boss, you ain't askin dis poor nigjcer to commit bigamy is you," :: A golf professional, hii-ed by a big department store to jrive golt lessons, was approached by two women. "Do you wish to leani to play golf, I madam?" he asked one. i "Oh. no," she said, "it's my friend I^ j who wants to learn. I learned yester- Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Lid FLESHERTON Pearl Soap 5 Bars 18c HANDY Ammonia 5c You Ct't nitisl from COFFEE when you buy it fre.'ihlv ground. 39c and 49c lb SAVE YOU MONEY HeUd Lettuce 10c Oyster SheU, 100 lbs. $1.15 Prairie Rose Flour $2.40 Honey, 5 lb. pails 49c Blue Berries, 2 tins 2Sc Beans, 6 lbs 25c W. G. KENNEDY 'Phone > Princess Soap Flakes 2 largs pkgs. 29c Horseshoe SALMON . «i'. l»c tin "^ CHIPSO with 2 bars soap all Un 23c

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