V S \ WKDNKSDAV. M.MU'H 27. luaS TIIK FI.KSTII'.RTrrC ADVAXCK ROCK MILLS I Viv ai'c >oiry lo icpoii ihut Moi- vyn Johnson is slill in a very .nev- ious coiutitiui) thfie liviiitf very little chaitKO, Nursf Irish is in ntti-rxluiice attd Nunso Miliu* vrns uUo aMitiHtiiiK for a few «<«y«. Wo hope thiie will l>e a rbaiy;'j #ov the bettur very goon MrM. St*nl«fy Camplxfll of KiKtenia va-j a leci'iit vi.Hitoi with htr si«tei Mcs. Laurii! Bctts. Mr. B. Fivld has ))ui\-lii4si(l ii N. w Koitl V8 from Dov.-ii unH Ricbard^. Fle«h«rton.. Mr. J. P. Sewell visited Wh mothct in T'lronto oii Tucstlay^. - *'" Mlsfi Kl.si.- j.MeMulleii ami fili;..; â- .I'd the first v^tho \ve<»k with hc-i ^i,•v».â- ^ Mrs. Frank Belts. A number from here attended tht .sale at the farm of Win. I'. McCabe near Proton on Friday. Mr. Louib >iew<»ll, Uurham, visited hiH brother. Mr. Chas. Newell and wife on Sat ui day. PORTLAW TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr« C. Moore and little gmnd- (laurhler of Brampton are vl.>.itlne Mr and Mrb. (!eo. Stewart. The home of Mr. and Mrs. John BadKi'''*'W 1""* het-n briKhtened by thi arrival of a baby girl. The latest newt, that we have hearct from M).s. Murrin Croft, who is in a Toronto hospiUl, is that she is sliKhtly iniproved. Mr. W'm. Cameron of Uie Centra Line ha.s been in a erltieal st^te with an infection of his throat. i)r. Mar tin i.s in utteiniancii and j^ood hopes Local and Personal Mr. and Mr.s, Harold Kii hardson andj «,• now entetM»«'*<5 ^"i- ''"^ reeovery. â- " â- jd Mr. Jrfti'n .Seek-y of Ht. Maryg visit "''fd at the home of hia sistef-, Mrs ehildivn -IK 111 Slindav will) Bari'he^d friend: . Stewart V ulijiitite and U'an AJe-xnndcr .^ »ali M-. an-i Mrs. were: Mr. and Mrs daujflitars and Mr of Owen Sound, Mr •-<and .Mr«. Alexander «jf Feversham Mr. .Sum Fisher m%-ed. bi*-ftftnily ! vi,, and Mr.s. Uo^vden" (who menlly tn h.^ father-, farm la.st week nndj ,,^„,„^.,, f.^^^ pji,rida), Miss < Mary Mr. VValte,' RuMcll's b»%f moved in- ; Ho^vdon oX-T^Monto and MrS. Guv to the hou..e at Jhe >UH rarated by .M„,.i„.:jr Kindersley .Saskatchewan. Mr. Fisher. Mr«. W. J. Nowell and three child â- -•â- »! «p.<.,if a day with her parew*'''- « ^-- '''J'""' Botta. 4r. and .Mfs. -v.,^^ ^ ,,„..v.i..i.. ._..: We want peace, hut Iet'.s ajpn up ani)ll<«!i- ten thousand .soldiersi and Syjup making and .wood bee.« are n full .swinjjr in this vicinity. ,. K ^xn.â- Ml^'f Markdaie and Mis.A Kuby ^Mute-»^ â- t iVi vmily visited oth. r member.* of ^\} ,^,,^ .. oth tn-"' brother Eddie niother .â- rt'hite tend of laflt week. I first. build another half dozen warHhin-? â- t»»!»«!».r.<.»i*«i»*t.<.*j..i.«'..*.. ..:..:..>.>.>.:.^..>:..:..:..Xm>^^ ♦ I t I t I \ t •> I AP AND SYRUP SUPPLIES GALVANIZED and TIN SAP BUCKETS No. 12, No. 14 and No. 16 GALVANIZED PAILS Syrup Cans, Sap Spouts, Dippers, Auger Bits, Braces, Axes, etc This is the time to give your stock a spring tonic: Royal Purple Stock Specific, Hog Tonic, Calf Meal, Poultry Specific, Lice Killer, Coopers' Dri-Kill Roup Cure, Zenoleum, Cough Powders BUCKERE BROODERS AND SUPPLIES How about doing a little inside painting before the Spring Work starts? Sherwin-Williams Paints, Varnishes and Enamels Turpentine, Paint Oil, Wax and Polishes ROGERS MYSTERY TUBE RADIOS Special Prices. Frank W. Duncan ARE -:- Phone 54, Flesherton FLESHERTON Tho8. Phillips, , - Mr.s. Wm. WarrOn of -Toronto was a visitor recently with her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm; H. Blakey. Mr. and Mrs.' Densmore \Vittsi)n intend to nwe to a farm in the vicin- ity of Corljctton. We .wish them success and happiness in their new home. A happy ffatherinir of nei({hbor.s and friends met at flic home of Mr. W. ". McXally on Wednesday oveii: ill); last, the purpose bein^ t« <Io honor to Mr. and Mr-". Wilfred Mc- N'ally, recently married. The com- pany indulged in games, instrumental mu.'iic and singing of old favorites. The bride and groom were the recip- ieiii.s of a geiierou.s shower of useful h lusehold articles. Mr. and Mrs. Mc.Vally, in gracious words, each tliaiiked the donor.s for their gifts and tlie kind sentiments cxpres.sed and invited all to visit them in their new lionie. Mr. Densmore Watson had a nar- row escape from .seripus injui-y Ia.st night near Corbetton, vvlien his l<uggy wa.s struck on Highway 10, by a car driven by a Toronto man. Al- though apparently not srciously injur- ed Mr. Watson i.s feeling the effects of the collision. The buggy was badly smashed. HARD *♦<»<•<•«•:- ^•^••••"♦••••••*^**S**i**I**.**.*'I**:**»**«**.**J**S**«**»**.**.**:**»**.**»**»**»* â- '.\Ioio Rielief Funds .Xeeded" is one headline which can well be kept stan<ling in newspaper offices. In her new outfit n lady passed out of the tenement. ".She's lucky," commented Mrs. Muffins. I can't get a new coat, a fashionable hat â€" " '"Now, now," broke in Mrs. Joysby. "don't, talk like that. You never know what you can do till you cry." Newly married couple in the west received a large gift of canned goods from friends, but found that all the label.s had been lemoved from the containers. .So they may open a can hoping for peas for dinner only to find it is the pineapple they should • have had the day before for supper, .Mr. Harold Best of Pickering was home over the week end. Miss N'elTin Fisher of Toronto sP^'Ut the week end at her home in town. MiHs Marguerite Croft is visitinM her friend, Mi«s Iluby Akitt. .^liss Jean Smith of Owen Sound '., spending a week .with Mrs, John, Nuhn. Ml- Wm. ilcore moved la.st week i to Mrs. A. Thistiethwaite's residence ( on Spring stfcet. ] Mr.- Ci*20> Jamieson of Timml^ ! speht the p«st week in town w-ith his ! mother. ^, The amount of $43 was realized by ( : ,St. John's United Church in their ; recent St. Patrick supper. ) Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Finder arrived < home Monday night after a most en- ; joyable trip to England. I I Mrs. Geo. Johnston Sr. of town is â- seriously ill at her residence from a 1 stroke which occurred on Monday. I Mr, and Mr.s. Robt. Down and fam- ily of Tara spent .Sunday \Vith the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H Down. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston and -Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. .\rnold Shaw near Tara on Sunday. MR.S. KOOT Trouble and Misery left town since Cres.s Corn and Bunion Salves are sold by â€" C. N. Richard- .son, flesherton. Mrs. John Wicken.s and Mi-s. Frank Weber of Kiiuberley spent the past few days with the former's daughter, Mrs. Royden McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McDonald ol Chatsworth spent the week end with the latter's niother Mrs. W. E. Mor- gan. The Women's In.stitute will meet at the home of Mrs. J. R. Wolstcncroft on Wednesday, .^pril 3rd at 3 p.m. Visitors welcome. A travelling motion picture show gave a splendid evening's perform- ance in the town hall on Wednesday of last week to a well-filled house. ^ THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHACN STORB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY March Shoe and Rubber Sale Up to date styles and values away below the market. Children 8 Rubber Boots for $1.09 A heav.v fine (jualiLy C'lul<lrcn's Kubl)er, guar- anteed fir.n quality, size G to 10. Sale Price Sl.Oi) Boys' and Girls' Rubber Boots Size.s W U-, 'I. l-^'rst iiualily in bright and duel finish and the price, per i>air .Sl.l!) Women's Rubber Boots Fine qualify made by Gutta Porcha Rubber Co., sizes 3 to 7, Sale Priir. per pair .St. 89 Boys' Rubber Boots Sizes 1 to ft. Made by Miner Rubber Co., guar- anteed first quality. S;i|i' Pi ice .Sl.S'J Children's Fine Quality Shoe Rubbers (.'anadian-niado by Northern RulJier Co., sizes 0-10. per pair ."iSc Girls' Plain Overshoe Rubber Canadian made first iiuality, sizes ll-L'. Sale Price, per pair • '. ."ijc Women's Shoe Rubbcfrs Cubnii and low hiil .--izes -i to S. )iair TiOc Men's Plain Overshoe Rubbers Including rolled edge in the lot, sizes G to 11, Sale Price, per pair 7.'>c Boys' Plain Overs Sizes I tn f). .Sab' Price, jiaii- 59c Ladies' High Grade Shoes Empress and Arch .Support makes, extra special Values up to SC.7r), -lizes .3 to 7. Sale Price .... $3.95 Ladies' Fine Quality Calf and Kid Ties Ladies Fine iiualiiy Ciilf and Kid ties, .sizes 'i to 7, values up to f'i.W. 8»le Price $1.95 /^rowing CirIfr'-«Twl Women's Shoes Growing Girt-' '.<! '^'''nien's wide-fitting siloes some have arch ^nter damaged, calf and dongoln leather.'^ Jf' to W.75. every pair fruaranteed by uk J. 3*1? Price ..:. $1.2!) Women's & GirJr Calf nnrl Doi-nT-; Wiiir,.'n'- !!>>d flivi.v. .» •,. , Shoe.J, T^iuirht fri'i ' pair jcuavi Children's Cushion Sole Boots, Oxfords and Slippers Ihirlbut made, values ui) to ?1.35, sizes 3 to 7'i! Sale I'lico, pair 94c Children's Calf and Patent Leather Oxfords and Slippers Values up to Sl.ii.-), size.< G-;i. Sale Piiee .St. 19 Men's Fine Quality Oxfords A good Sunday shoe, sizes 6 to 10. Sale $1.9S Boys' Fine Quality Oxfords .Sizes 1 to .5 Sale Priic $1.79 Youths' Fine Quality Oxfords Size.s 11 to 13. Sale Price §1.39 Hardware Special Victor Paints, a reliable qoality, all the leadiiiK colors. This week, per ipiart ."J7C ROOM SPECIALS For SUN-TESTpD WALL PAPERS LOT 1 â€" H) Sin»rle Rolls mvd 18 yards border, enough paper for a room li!M2x8 feet. In three dif- ferent colnrinprs. Special for the room $1.20 Ceiling paiK'r tOc single roll extra. LOT 2 â€" Same quantity as above in different designs â€" a shade iH'Uer prade of paper. Roopi Special $1.41^ Ceiling extra at 10c per single roll. See window display of the better grades of paper at room prices of $1.65, $1.83, $2.05, $2.35 Ceilings can ho had at different prices to match with room specials. Dress Special Fine Quality Linen Drciseii, printed designs guaranteed to washâ€" H new styles to select from. This week *1-G9 GROCERY SPECIALS Clarke's Pork and Beans, larjre size 2 frr 10c "-'â- iiLi TliicllitP, 1 H>. U'lif 1'1<' M>,ma1«d> -•'«" , .^I p;.- ... 28c - «c Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barker, Owen Sound, were callei-s on their daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Little on Wednesday. Rev A. L. Atton, Owen Sound, visited with i Dr. Little early last week. We enjoye<I a pleasant call Satur- day from Mr. Frank Irwin, editor of the Durham Chronicle. P'rank is improving nicely from the operation he underwent last fall. Miss Helen Heard is recovering from ^ip auto accident which occurred at nifrham Sunday .ifternoon in which she suffered facial and other injuries. Mi-. Reuben Spence, Mrs. Burton Field and Son, Bruce, and Mrs. Spence Sr. spent the week end with Mrs. Robt Best of Springhill. The latter re inained to visit with .Mrs. Best. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Potter of Han- over are ai-riving this week to take up residence in the village Mr. Potter is opening up a jewellery store, the advertisement of which appeai-a in this issue. Tliis has lieen a record spring; for the amount of sickness throughout this district. Almot every home ha.s been hit at some time through the winter and spring with colds and other ailments. .Vn interesting letter was received by The .Advance last week from Mr. John A. Boyd of .North Battleford Sask., in whieh he renewed for his weekly letter from home. Mr. Boyo states ihat he would not be without The Advance for love or money. "1 am sure I have received value seven- fold," ho said. Outside of a month of real cold weather the w'inter has been a very pleasant one at North Battleford. W. J. Miller of Bognor was elected Deputy Grand Master of the Loyal Orange As.sociation of Ontario West, at the annual convocation held at St Catharines last week. The Deputy Cran<l Master is well known through- out this entire district, where he has visited most of the Orange Lodges. Cirey County is honored in having Mr. Miller in such a high office of the greatest Protestant organization. \Xn?en a bit of hustling has shortened your trip . . . and you'll be home well ahead of schedule .... Share the pleasure with the folks at home. Call them on Long Distance. •Long Dist.ince takes care of little thing* as well as big. The cost is uifUng. You can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. See the rates in the front pages of your directory. »»»<,»»»^»^^»»»»{.»»» ft »»»»♦»»»♦» ».»»»»».»»»»»»».^»» < .»»»»»»• Small Advts. >♦♦»»»< PLOW FOR SALE Two-furrow walking plow in good repair. â€" Ray Pedlar, R.Ii. 1, Maxwell. FOR SALE Good sound work horse. â€" Win. Fad- den, phone Feversham 2r41. FOR S.-VLE Team of work horses, cheap, in good condition, good feeders and workers. -IL.E.'Karstedt, Priceville. FOR SALE OR TRADE I Heavy work horse tor sale, or will trade for young cattle. â€" Jas. Russell R. K. 1 Flesherton. BULL FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, 10 mouths old, elig- ible for registration. Apply J, k. Lever, Flesherton, Out. FOR SALE Five bags of good dooley potatoes apply at the Advance office Flesher- ton. FOR SALE Hou.se and lots for sale in F"lesher- ton, the estate of the late Mrs. M. Philips.â€" O. W. Phillips, Flesherton. SOWS FOR SALE Coujile of young sows, due in June. â€" .\. .A. McLean, Priceville, phone 49 r 3, Flesherton. HOUSE FOR SALE One solid brick house in good condi- tion; hardwood floors throughout; good garage and drilled well. For full particulars sec W. G. Kennedy. FARM FOR RENT OR SALE Farm of 48 acres with small house and barn, drilled well at house, spring creek 10 ro<ls from barn. 4 miles from Fleshcrton.-F. G. Karstedt Flesherton HAY FOR SALE Ten tons of hay for sale. â€" J. L. McMullen. Ceylon. FOR SALE A few bushels of good clean tim- othy seed. â€" F. |R. Genoe, Eugenia, phone Flesherton, 74 r. 12. FX>R SALE Seed barley, seed oats and feed oats. â€" Fred W. Smith, R. R. No..? Flesherton. FOR SALE For ssile or exchange, about 76 bus. of turnips. â€" Elhvood Stevens, Flesh- erton, R. R. 3. HOG FOR SERVICE Repistered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid' within 2 months, over that time |2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. FOR SALE Heavy horse 4 years old and one driver about 1100 lbs., also quantity of mixed alfalfa and timothy hay.^ Mark Wilson, Flesherton. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: casli 75c.; charged fl.OO. -nWES. SMITH, Rock MUls. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, from culled breeders that have been blood tested and approved by Government inspectors from the 0..\.C., Guclph,â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 21 r 3. Considering how nulckly the rob- ins appear on a mild day in late win- ter, Romo of them must stay fairly ' ri>n s \LE ' "()" sedan, tidpud'd iiY in t*wr nt this FARM FOR SALE SO acre farm, first east of Flesher- ton on Collingwood gravel; for fur- ther particulars apply on premises, â€" Mrs. D. A. Clark, Flesherton. FOR SALE Cerie spring wheat for .sale, yield last year, 27 bushels to the acre. Donald McMillan, R. R, No. 8, Price- ville, idione 40 r 12, Flesherton. FOR SALE Two young cows due to freshen, March 15th, also two head of young cattle. â€" Jas. Hopps, R. R. No. S Flesherton. FOR RE.N'T Brick farm house with laird under orchard â€" being a part of Lot 18, 2nd Con. S. D. R. . Privelege of cutting fuel in bu<>h for own use. â€" .Apidy to. Mary F. Paton, 956â€" 4th .A.ve. West^ Owen Sound. BOAR FOR SERVICB Registered Torkshirt Boar for Mr^ vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clufc, tha property of the Ontario Depart ment of AgricaltUre. â€" C. STEWART, Caretakw. HATCHING EGGS Barred Rocit egg." from breeders from culleti i'oed tested and approv- ed by govenimeafc"- officials. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phcne 21 r 3. ^ROfERTV FOR SAif^ FS-ame house and 'good lot for -"aU in Flesherton; first reasonable cash nffer will be accept" \ tf ^'•ind up the :, Numerous •> '' furniture -.il,-: .', tfc'^A. Mf- of Ertate. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.* 7-H p.m. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at residence in Flesherton. Extraction and plate work. From 10.50 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. â- I « Prince Arthur Lotlge No. 333. A.F &A.M., meets in tho Fraternal Hall Flesherton, e^ery Friday »n or '.>e'?or« the full moon. W^. M., R. W, Pipn-, Secre^^ry, H, A. llcCauley. P T i % i.