Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1935, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1935 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PRIGEVILLE Mr. Gilvray |MlcLean of Kitchener was a recent visitor at his home here. Mrs. Meuser and daugliter Mar- jorie of Owen Sound, spent Easter at Mr. Archie Cuaig's. Mr. and |MVs John McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLean of Toronto, i.s spendiiif? Ea.ster vacation here. BORNâ€" on Thursday, April 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison (nee Gladys Ilincks), a daujfhter, Mi.s."! Sadie McKinnon, Toronto, spent the week end at her parental home. --tlk' 'Messrs Walter Aldcorn and Wm. Nichol and Miss Eliki Frock and Margaret Niehol motored to Owen Sound Saturday. Mr. Clifford Hincks had his tonsils removed in Durham Hospital on Sat- urday. Mrs. Dav>j Niehol and Marpraret visisted one day last week at the home of .\ngus Hooper. Mi-s. Stanley Maltby of Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, ^'Mlrs. Buckham. Mx- and Mrs. George McLellan of Niagara Falls spent the week end â- with friends here. Mr. McLellan returned Sunday and his wife remain- ed for a longer visit. Mrs. Jim Sturrock and Gordon is spending tVls week with her mother, Mrs. Archie Ferguson Hopeville. !>?•. and Mrs. Malcolm Mclnnis and Mr. and Mrs. Allie Mclnnis of Pal- grave, visited Sunday at 'Mr. Allie McLean's., $ Easter holiday visitors were: .Msr. â- and Mrs Alex McLean, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Mclnnis, (a recent bride), Palgrave, Miss Sadie McKin- non, 'Miss Mary Belle McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson (Shanty, of Tor- onto, Miss Mable Pai-slow, Mr. and Mi's. John McFarlane, Mrs. J. Maltby, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shortreed, Keswick and Eleron Mather. Mw. H. B. jMcLean and daughter Anna returned to Toronto for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Shanty, (nee Doris McLean). The choii- of St. Columba was en- hanced by the addition of four new members, Mr. and Mrs. Mc'B;-ide, John Ritchie and Alex Weir and con- tributed a couple of anthems of J. Lincoln Hall, "Come we Neath the Shi-ouded Skies", followed by the stirring chorus of "Up from the Grave He Arose", and "Awake Thou that Sleepest". The choir was still fur- ther enriched by tiie fine voice of J^Irs. H. B. McLean, (the first since her recovery from a broken ankle), and her daughtei Anna. Mr. Thos. Spicer had the misfortune to have some ribg broken when pit- ched oft the jigrger, caused by ninning over an objecting "dors". Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDougal! and their families, together with their daughter-in-law, Mrs Reggie Rainafie, spent Easter with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pengally Glen- cairn, and their nephew, Donald Mc- "Kechnie of Gloversville, N. Y. State, were visitors on Thursday at tho home of W. G. Watson. The service on Sunday evening at ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft, Ted and Bob and Mr. Meryn Croft motored to Bartonville and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Warling and finiily. They also visited Mrs. Meryn Croft, who is a patient in a hospital in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell and fam- ily visited on Ea.ster with relati/eb i;i Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard, Tor- onto spent the week end with re- latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Osborne and fam- ily of Markdale spent Easter with the former's sister, Mrs Walter Russell and family. We are very sorry to report Mr. William Pedlar quite ill and confin- ed to his bed, we hope to hear of some improvement soon.. Master George Osborne of Fever- sham is spending the Easter vacation with his cousins, Ted and Glen Croft. Mr. George Pedlar, Durham, visited over the week end with his brother Mr. Wm. Pedlar who is ill. We were very sorry to hear of the sudden passing of Mr. Cardwell Gra- ham of Eugenia, and extend our sin- cere sympathy to the bereaved re- latives. The Baptist Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark on Wednes- day, April 17th. with eight members and three visitoi-s present. The meeting opened by reading the lUh chapter of Matthew, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Roll call was answer- ed by a verse of Scripture containing the word faith. Arrangements were made for a social to be held in the church on May 24th. The meeting closed with the singing of "Blest be the Tie That Binds," after which lunch was served. EUGENIA MAXWELL PROTON STATION VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Jno. Robinson of Hamilton visited at Milton Bannon's. ,>ri-. Ash of Toronto visited at the hon^\e of his couBin, Mr. Everette Awde over the week end. Everette Awde spent a couple oi days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Paplow and son Edwin and Margaret Moore R.N. ol Buffalo, Gordon Killins of Smithville Gordon Word, Myrtle and Helen Moore of Toronto visited at the home of Chas Moore. The W. A. held their monthly meet- in? at the chui-ch on Wednesday. ♦ ^ I The neighborhood was shocked to hear of the untimely death of Mr. Cardwell Graham, after a week's illness. He passed away, Monday. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, sei-vice at the church at 2 o'clock p. m. Particulars next week. We extend our profound sympathy to his son-owing wife and brothers and sisters. BORNâ€" In Markdale HospiUl on Thui-sday, April 18, to Mr. and ,Mrs. Ross Smith (nee Miss Jeannette Mc- Mullen) a son. Congratulations. About 10 o'clock p.m fire of un- known origin, broke out in a drive shed on the farm of Mr. Andrew G'-aham, where his son, John, resides. With assistance from the power house vicinity, Kimberley, Eugenia and Flesherton the fire was extinguished before it could reach the barn. The roof was completely burned off the drive shed and only a few of the smal- ler contents were demolished in the flames. The car and implements were taken out. It is not known whether or not Mr. A. Graham carries any insurance on the building. W sympathize with them in their loss. There wa.<? a fair sized attendance at church on Sunday to hear the Easter service. Rev. Mr. Bushell delivered a fine sermon, taking as his text the last part of the Lord's Prayer: "For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever." Tlie choir rendered a beauti- ful anthem. We were pleased to see Miss Muriel Carruthers able to be back in tiie choir on Sunday. Mr. Cecil Magee, who has been ill the past week, is almost well again. Miss Evelyn Turner of Singhamp- ton and Mr. Harold Turner of Oranga- ville are holidaying at their home on the 10th line. The regular meeting of the YP.S. was held on Wednesday evening of last week. Rev. Bushell presiding. Scripture passages were read by Miss Edith Fenwick. while the minister took the worship and discussion per- iods. Recreation consisted of a con- test and' a game. This Wednesday evening a social program will be given. Mr. Chas. Park is at present in the Markdale hospital, having undergone an orieration on Saturday last. Wc are glad to he.ar he is improving very fav n'ably. Mr. Robert Plantt is spending a few Weeks at the home of his brother-in- ,law, Mr. Leonard Latimer. He in- tends to reside in the village (luring the summer. Mr. Clarence Williams and friend. Mr. Dan Sloan, of Toronto visited a day or so with the former's parent.?. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mrs. Morgan and son, Douglas, ol Flesherton spent Easter Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .\. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. -Alb. Sloan. Dougla.s and Hone of Chatham visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan and sister. Miss Donalda. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams and sen, Harold, also Mr. Ernie Williams of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph William.-^ and Joey. Mr. Thos. Crowe accom- panied them back to the city and will spend a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caswell and children of Owen Sound were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Martin on Suiulay. Mr. and Mi-s. Lascelles. Jack and Madelir/j of Toronto spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Janiicson. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnston and Agnes of Toronto the former's nephew, Mr. Tommy John ton, who is attending Toronto University, alsc Mr. John Jamieson of .'Alexandria visited over Easter Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Mrs. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan. Billy Jamieson of Owen Sour. 1 is holidaying with Wesley Jamieson. Argyle Martin of Flesherton spe.nt a couple of days at his parental home. Mr. Sam MacDonald of Toronto is spending the Easter vacation at his home on the Sth line. Miss Delmar Fenwiek and Mr. Har- old Cook of Owen Sound visited over Easter Sunday with the formei's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead ami daughters. Doix)thy and Mary, of Orange Valley spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Edgar Belts, the gi'.''s re- I maining for a weeks holiday. , Mrs. Jos. McCa'ade is very ill at j present. VVo hope she is soon well A , again. i I Mr. Ed. Madden is recoverini,' aftci Y' his illness the oast week or so. Master Jim Morrison of Walkerton isited over th© week end wilh Mr. and Mrs. Edgar BelU? and N"or-al. 'il Mr. a ad Mr.i. W. J. Wadsworth an 1 •j Mrs. Woodburn cf West Toronto and '•'"?-?>?<*<>«>»>^0'>C'>->^"<K~><><>\^>->">*:**I">'C'<'^-><'C'>'>>'>'>'><^>^'«>'>'>«><'-?«j -li^;- Jcrn PhiHip^ of New York visit A ewe owned by Mr. John Stephen gave birth to one lamb on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Stephen had her in a little pen by them.selves and on ! Thursday evening she added three moi'e little lambs to her family, nu»k- ing four good healthy lambs, all going fine now. 'Miss Shirley Buckingham, teacher in Holst/ein n-ontinuation school, is spending her holidays at her home here, as is also Merlie from Dundalk high school. Miss Kathleen Morrison from To- ronto Normal School is holidaying here. Miss Irene Parker and Mr. Orval Parker of Toronto and lady friend, Miss Keiffer. of Newmarket spent the week end at the former's home here. Ml-, and Mrs. Harold Duncan and two children and Miss Mary Duncan, Miss Betty .\nderson of Todmorde'n and Mrs. Hunter of Toronto visited on Monday with Mr. Roibert and Miss Ella Alister. Mr. Harold Spofford was home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe and Mi-, and Mrs. Wm. Stilker of Shelburne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Binnington. Harrison at the piano. Mary McKin- non with the guitar, Mrs. J. G. Whyte, Stewart Muir, John McKech- nie and John Ritchie with violins. The St. Columba W.M.S. held its Easter iThankj offering meeting on .A.pril l"th at the parsonage. Mrs. Johnson presided and led in the de- votions. A special feature was an iiispisiaiional East^er adt^ress givon by Mrs. E. C. Murray, our Presby- terial W. M. S. president. Mrs. H. B. McLean sang, "Somebody did a golden deed.'' Mrs. A. Muir led in the closing prayer. .â- Xfterward a social time was spent and tea was served St. Columba United Church was of a j by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Me- in thelConkey. Mrs. 'Karstedt and Mi strictly orchestral character Voluntaries, before and after the scr- 1 Sadie Oliver. nion with the congregation joining. The Y. P. S. next Friday evening which we are told was very pleasing, is to have Rev. Mr. Scott of Flesh- Thc orchestra consisted of. Mrs. erton speak on "Our Summer School". •^.^<^.:~^.^.>^•:••^•^•:~^•>•x•^••^•^•^•x••^•:••^•^•:••^•^•^' I SEEDS Field and Garden I TIMOTHY. ALFALFA, SWEET CLOVER, RED J and MAMMOTH, ALSIKE All at lo'west prices. DUTCH SETTS, MULTIPLIERS, GARDEN PEAS, BEANS and CORN We are showing a splendid stock of new Work Clothes, including Work Boots, Pants, Overalls, Snvocks, Shirts, Socks, and Straw Hats. A Word About Paint When you spend your time painting, you might just as well do a job that will look well. "Narvo" Paint does both and costs the sanje as any other good paint. Our Groceries Do Their Own Boosting ed over the week end with Mrs. W. C. Hanley. Mr. John Magee visited in Mark- dale over the week end with his brotiier, Mr. James Magee, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopps a''e spending a few days in Collingwood Miss Mabel Duckett celebrated the 13th anniversary of her birthday on Saturday, .April 20, and gave a party in the afternoon to a number of h^i girl friends. .All had an enjoyab'.t time. We wish Mabel many happy returns of the day. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Wm. Hislop and family in the loss oi her brother Mr. Alex. McKenZie of Eagle River, Ont., who passed away last Thursday, and also to Mrs. John Parson and relative's in the loss oi her sister. Mrs. Geo. ConneJl ot Toronto. 'Ma-, and Mrs. Will Campbell and son, also Mi.ss Melrose Campbell of Toronto and Mr. Fred Gorrel! ol Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee were Easter visitors with Mr and .Mrs. John Campbell and fanrly. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Long and soir Burton and Jfurray. and boy friend oi Toronto visited with Mr. and Mr.s. Court .Smith on Sunday. The April meeting of the W. A. ot the United Church was held on Thuis day afternoon of last week when five members were present to answer ti the roll call. Scripture reading was road alternately. It was planed to hav' a .'Grandmothers' Day" to be hel<! at the home of Mrs. Smith or Mrs Well Graham in June, if po.ssi'ile The grandmothers are to prepare tht program and the monibers of t'ne W. .\. the lunch. The report of the work of each unit was given and a let'ei was read from Mrs. Kaitting appie- ciatin.g tlie letter of sympathy <eiit her. The secretary was asked to write several more letters of symp.T- thy to recently bereaved fiimilies. The roll call next month will be answered by each one payintf the membership fee. Tlie fviend.s and neighbors of Mr ::nd Mrs. Charles Goddard, voccni'y married, gathered at the L.O.L. hall on Thursda.v evening of last week and oresented them with some u::efoi household articles. An onj vvabla time was spent in dancing. Lunch was served at midnight and the party broke up in the wee sma' hour.^ of the morning. We wish the young fiuiile many happy years of wedded life. The friends of Mrs. Frai'l:-; (nee Gladys Batchelor) sincerely wish fcr her a speedy i-ecovery from the re- sults of the accident, which surely might have cost her her life. The lantei-n slide program in the United Church Friday night, under the auspices of the Sunday School, was both interesting and instructive. The attendance at the Sunday School throughout the winter has been very satisfactory. Forty were present last Sunday. The congregation en- joyed special music by the .';hoir. Mr. G. Littlejohns i.s spending the Easter vacation at his home near Markdale. Misses Gladys and Florer.ce White and Misfi Mary Wyville -.p-.;:.; a few- days in Toronto. Afr. Alexander Stewart is vi-iting his daughter, Mrs. Copeland, a. Bethel. Mr. McWhinnie.' son an 1 da^aghtei of Iri.sh Lake and Mrs. "Knox. Ceylon were visitors with Mrs. .Arciribald and her mother, Mrs. McWhin .io. Miss Margaret McMullen of Ceylon was a guest at the home of Mr. Thos. Wyville. Mr. Clark Wyville is waiting f >â- : his notice to join the crew of the frei'-':'it- er 'Tl. B. Hanna," which has wintered in Collingwood harbor. The Hanna sails the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River route. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and Miss Mildred Sharpe of Toronto spent tho week end at the home of Dever Bro.i. !Mr. Jack Hanley of Hamilton ate his Easter eggs at the home of hi? uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ab.- Sherson. Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. McLean and Mrs. W. G. Prosser of Toronto, Miss Emily .\cheson of St. Thomas and |Miss Betty .Moore of Newbui-y were holiday guests at the home of Mr. R. G. i\.cheson. Misses Delia and Ruby Vsnse vfsit- ed their grandmother, Mrs. J. Vause. Miss Gertnwie Lyons and Mrs. D. MdNichol of Toronto spent the holi- J day at the home of their father, M.-. j J. Lyons. j ;.VIr. and Mrs. Alva Henderson ot Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. George Akins of Toronto were recent callers at the Acheson home. CEYLON SCHOOL Sr. 4th â€" Jim Kennedy, Irene Matbewson, Jack .\dams, Doris Mar- shall. Jr. -Jth â€" Emerson Blester, Doris Duckett, Laurie Genoe, Charlie Mc- William. Sr. ."ird â€" .Mai-jorie Stewart, Verna Kennedy. Jr. ;!rd â€" Marian Collinson, Mary McMullen, Gordon Niehol, Hilda Duckett, Keith Cairns. Form 2 â€" Joe .Mr.William, Edna Marshall, Ena .Adams, Jack McMullen, George Stewart, Margaret Smellie. Form 1 â€" Delbert Plester, Dorothy Plester, Jean -McMullen, Wallace Shaw. Primer â€" Nancy McWilliam, Gor- don Stewart, Billie Shaw. Helen Duckett. DOROTHY FISHER Teacher, IN MODERN TONGUE Teacher â€" Repeat in your own words "I see the cow. The cow can run. The. cow is pretty." Tough Mike â€" Lamp de cow. Ain't she a beaut. An' say, baby, .she sure can step. DANCE will be held in the Orange Hall PROTON STATION Friday, April 26th under tho anapices of the Hockey Club Dance to commence at p.m. Dorothy Foster and « Kackbum Orchestra ADMISSION: Gentlemen 25c; Ladies 15c Ladies with lunch admitted free. 4>^^.>.>.><,4h>.:i.>^><).h»x**>^>^»xs*<>*><>>H'<~x*<~k«*K'SK~:*^^ X EASTER i We have heard it said that an open confession is good for the soul, but it scmetimes interferes with making a <:\U'. t DANCE IN FRATERNITY HALL FLESHERTON Wed., April 24th Music by PARKER ST. JOHN'S ORCHESTRA OF OWEN SOUND Special "prizes. Commencing at 9 p.m. Lunch Extra • - Admission: 35c Old Time Dance THURSDAY, MAY 2 1935 DOROTHY FOSTER, BLACKBURN AND DOUGLAS BROS. ORCHESTRAS .VDMISSIOX: 25 I 3? t t ♦> 5: V ♦ c, I, unci! (.-xlra .> ♦> f I Osprey& Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. |l: § FLESHERTON SALMON Suckcyc /_>.s 16c Kellogg's Corn Flakes .3 pkgs. 23c COFFEE ("•round while I' wait 39c a:,. I 49c lb. SAVE YOU MONEY OVERALLS (V'nuinc 8 ox. CAPS $1.00 WORK SOCKS 20c up WORK SHIRTS 79c up FINE SOCKS 20c up W. G. KRNNRDV 'Phone 37 Floor Wax Castle. 1 lb. tin 19c Raspberry or Strawberry JAM with pectin 'T 29c SUGAR 10 lbs. 51c V.= ^' *

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