Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1935, p. 8

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Wednesday, Muy 1, 1935 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE ! SPRING SALE | I NECESSITIES FOR THE HOME AND GARDEN I Wallpaper cleaner pkg^. 15c Stick fasi paste pkj;. 15c Mop sticks , each 15c \\'el-Mi'-\\'rt window cleaner 10c Silvo-Silvcr i)olish 15c Cocoa Mats 59c 50 It. dotlu-s lines 15c Sherwin Williams: I'aiiits, X'arnishes and Knaniels Steel wool ])kg'. 15c Paint brnshes 15c Mop cloth each 15c Scrub brushes 15c lirasso polish 15c Cialvanized pails 21c & i5c Clothes line pulleys each 15e Lawn rakes 25c T<awn seed : jK'r lb. 35v SPECIAL â€" (In ipiarts only) Gloss Paint, Flat Paint, Porch and Floor Enamel. Colors â€" Green, White, Cream, Ivory, Brown. Per (piart DoC. MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS and REPAIRS. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton, Ontario •:~X"<K»<~:~;"M«%'vw*.* <KK";»<~:~;~;*<;«-;";K*<~;*':»*;~;"><":";«vv*;*v**c>**.><MyM:.<.<>^<.*^<.^M5.<.^ School Reports EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4th â€" Ida Beuson 84, Frank Ci-aham 81. Jr. 4th â€" Mablo Duckctt 7,5, Eve- lyn Campbell 75, Elward Campbell 68, Winetta -Martin 64, Rcgfrie Faw- cctt 58, Carmel Martin 51, Jean Tudor 40 Leone Ducket (absent). Sr. 3rd â€" Jean Proctor 76, Doris Fawcett 71. Sr. 2nd â€" Dorothy Falconer i(3, Darland Campbell 81, Gladys Duckett 79, Murray Williams 71. Jr. 2nd â€" Arlene Benson 81, Mar- Mraret Mc.Millian 78, Arthur Proctor 77, Nora Turner 72, Blanche Will- iams 54. Sr. Ist â€" Ruth Graham 78. Jr. l8t â€" Burton Cami)bell 87, Sal- ens Duckett 44. Pr. â€" Dougla.s Falconer 89. Joyce Genoe 81, Lois Williams 80, Alice Tu- dor 66. (Honours 75). D. P. SLOAN Teacher 1 :^ " ROCK .MILLS SCHOOL ."^r. 2tul â€" Mansell Atkin.son 74 Hilda Betts 72, Amantla Fisher 42 Harry Fisher 34, Gordon Shier 28. Jr. 2nd â€" Evelyn Phillips 93, Jean Phillips 81, Lillian Fi.sher 8li Helen Betts 80, Vernon Atkinson 72, Harold Belts G3, Jack Porteous 59, Russell Shier 50. Sr. l.st â€" Edna Shier 74, Ed^ar Betts 51. Sr. Pr. â€" Marie Phillips 88, Betty White 80, Mabel Chard 75. E. M. OLIVER Teacher Sr. 4th â€" Russell Phillips 78, Roy Fisher 54. Jr. 4th â€" Fred Betts 72. Sr. 3rd â€" Loreen English 71, Laura Pedlar 71, Orval Russel 65, Ted Croft 56, Glenard Croft. Jr. 3rd â€" Laura Porteous 67, Har- old Clark 57, Eleanor Russell 43, Edna Partridge 40, Edna Ci-oft 38, Chestei Shier 37. S. S. NO. 4, ARTEMESIA Sr. 4 â€" - Marjorie Stevens 80, Beth Stinson 80. Sr. 3 â€" Lucille Goetz 78, R. J. Mc- Nalty 73, Jack Bannon 70, Muriel Talbot 66. , . * 2nd â€" Alma Atkinson 81, Eusrene Goetz 80, Fred Bannon 78, Winnie Awde 76,. Laurene Talbot 71. Sr. 1 â€" Russell Lee 83, Olive Mc- Millan 60. J,.. 1 _ Mallean McNalty, Marie Stinson, Christina Duncan, Helen .A.wdo. J,., p,,. _ June McNalty. Beginn<|-s â€" Anne Stinson, Loi:.e McMillan. â€" H. M. HENDERSON, Teacher. The Modern Farmer BORN BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMaster of Echo Place on Saturday April 27th the gift of a son. There is no (lue.stion that the fann- er's occupation is a skilled one. Many city dwellers have little idea of the amount of skill and detailed know- ledge necessary for success in farm- ing. This skill must take .several forms. There is thf manual dex- terity of mechanical sense needed for operating both ordinary and modern farm machinery, and the knowledge required in dealing with horses and stock. And above all there is the judgement which decides the right moment to carry out this or that operation on any particular area of soil, and the managerial capacity to arrange operations and material ef- ficiently. The degree of forethought and skill demanded is much higher Ihan is expected of the ordinary re- cipient of the basic wage for unskilled labour. Local and Personal .A patent medicine ad says "She coudn't sow a button on." .Many of them can but don't. Mrs. Dick Croslcy of Owen Sound were visitors on Sunday with their parelns, .Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferris. Miss Donalda .McDonald of Toronto spent the week end at her parental home. .Miss Marion Beecroft of Owen Sound was the guest last week of her cousin, MisB Marion Wickens. Mr. R. B. Neilson of Owen Sound called on his sister, Mis. John Mc- Donald on Monday. Miss .Audrey Neilson, Owen Sound, -spent Tuesday of this week with her aunt, Mrs. John McDonald. Mrs. Thos Brady of Lions Head ar rived on Saturday to spend the sum- mer with her mother, Mrs. J. Wright. Miss Mhry McMuIlen of Hamilton was a guest of Mr. and Mis, F. H. W. Hickling over the vveek end: •Miss Dorothy Lee of Markdale silent a few days with her friend, .Miss Verdon McMaster. Mrs. Leslie Smith and children ol Singhampton visited over the week end with the former's mother, Mi-s. J. E. McFadden. â- Mo-s. R. W. Shaw and two children, Uetii and Allan, of Lions Head, visited a few days last week with Mr. and -Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MiU-hell of 'J'hombury spent Sunday with the tatter's brother and sister, George and Alice Armstrong. Master Billie Thurston of Thorn- bury spent a couple of days last week with his grandparents , aiding over on hi.-' bicycle. Mr. and Mr.--. Glen McDonald of Chatsworth .-pent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. W. E. Morgan. ^Misses Irene, Donalda, and Kath- leen McDonald and Mr. Tom Thau- burn of Toronto spent Easter at the home of Mr. John McDonald. Mis> Jean McDonald of Durham and Lottie Wickens of Kimberley visited last week wth Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. S. A- Swift and Plotholders' Meeting The annual meeting of the plot- holders of the Flesherton Cemetery will bo held in the. town hall on Fri., .May 3rd, at 8 o'clock p.m. It is urged that there be a large attendance of jyjr. Wm. Bentham of Toronto also â€"HAVE YOU RENEWED? plotholders, as some very important (luestions are to be discussed. â€" F. J. Thurston, Sec.-Tieas. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN 8TDRBS Markdale, 0*ntario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special May Sale Special May Sale of Outing Shoes for Men, Women and Children REAL QUALITY SHOES FOR ALL AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE MONEY CHILDREN'S T-STRAP SANDALS n J i 117 n >j. ,„ ^^,„^,, ,„, ,,,.,,, ,,,,, ,,,, , ,, Ready to Wear Dep t 10; a real .sturdy sIkh' that will ^ivc ^ootl ladies' High Grade Tweed Coats wear. -Mav Si)cc-ial. p.iir 59c .- r i- - i • i i ' ' Spfcial .May salt- ol I,;i'hcs hi^h >;radc MISSES T-STRAP SANDALS '''^^'••^•^1 C(iats,'2U in the lot to choose f r< mi colons are blue, .suntan, brokn and j^reys. Same (|iiality a.s chil(lren'>, sizes 11 to J.^xtra vSpecial May Sale $7.95 2 in suntan and brown duck. Special 75c ^^^^,^^ ^__^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^.^^^ ^,^^.^^^ .^^ ,^^_^^^,_. WOMEN'S OUTING SHOES quality than above; a real assortment TWi *^ to choo.sc from. May vSpecial $10.95 .\ larue ranire to choose from, all sizes . • ci. • d u /- n 2yl to « in T strap, single strap and o.x • Special Showing Rough Crepe Dresses ford styles. Rou can }.jet a real assort- JQO only, fine rouj^h Crepe Dresses in juent here to cboo.se from. Special May ;iU tin- newest shades and desif,ms â€" a t^-il^. 99c and $L25 dress that will i;:\\c excei)tional wear. sizes 14 to 20, also 36 to 42. Special $2.95 Men's Brown Canvass Running Shoes GROCERY SPECIALS F-xtra heavy (iualitv runniuK^ shoes in ,^^^,^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ 3 „^^ ,-,,,. 25^ sizes f) to 10; a shoe- that will j^ive excep- ,,.,,, . 1 ik- f .,- 7«:^ , M..„ ci,„.,.:..i qi;r Custard iN)wdCr 4 lbs. tot Z5c tional wear. May Speti.il 93c r.nik Coco.T 2 lbs. tor 25c Hoys', same as above 1 to .i 85c j^.„^. p,,^^,,,., (, ,„,. 25c Youths', same as above 11 1.^ 75c CookiuR; Onions IH lbs. iov 25c 2 S(|uat Tomatoes 5 for 25c Men's Brown Calf Sport Oxfords K,.iin^-j.\s Corn l-lakes 3 for 23c .\n extra j^ood quality sport oxford, Clark's Pork & I'eans 2's 2 for 19c C.oodyear welt, crepe soles, sizes' d to lo. \„o-)or Salmon tall tin each He .\ real dress shoe -May Special .... $2.95 Su^ar H) lbs. 51c (Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quip.t: of Har riston spent Saturday with relatives in town. Mrs. Robt Phillips and son, Albert accompanied by Miss (iladys Phillips and Harold Tracy, of Toronto visited last week with the former's parents, Mr. and .M.rs. R. Hoy. The pupils and teachers have re- turned to their various schools for the spring term and the final si)rint to tho summer e.xaminatijns. Many who have done consisent work during the year will not have to write exams. Mr. Burton Field, encrsctic secre- tary of the Flesherton Old Boys' and Girls' .-^sssociation, has been elected president of the Toronto Customs Brokers' Asssociation. We congi-at- uato Burt on his appointment. Flesherton merchants this Thurs- day will comence the observance of the weekly half holiday which ha.^^ been in vo^ue for a number of years. In order to accommodate the buying public the stores will remain opoTi each Wednesday niKht throughout the summer. Wednesday night, .May the Ist, will be the first open night and ITiursday afternoon. May 2nd, will be tha first half holiday. .M/Out fourty members of St John's Y. P. S. journeyed to Owen Sound on Monday night last and were enter- tained by the First Church. A fine programme of spiritual inspiration and recreation in the finest sense was presented and a warm fellowship of young people having a high ideal of life was experienced. .Such gather ing confirm one's confidence in the youth of today and reveal that the h^^art of youth is sound. HELP TO MAKE CANADA MORE BEAUTIFUL The unlovely and unattractive places in Canada that displease the eye are made by man. It ia time he set out to undo some ot the damage that has been done. There are prim- rose paths for all to tread who care \o make them. Ar. ainaz:ng bmourkt hose paths in a bright spring after- noon. Since Adam tilled the first garden many pastimes have come to claim their thousands but have passed out of the picture while gardening has stood through the centuries. There must he something in it. Buy some flower seeds, plant some flowers nr shrubs this coming spring. Help to make Canada more beautiful. CARD OF THANKS For all th^> kiiidn.es.>< and express- ions of sympathy, during our recent bereavement we wish to express our heart felt thanks and and gratitude. We wish to especially thank Mrs. R. Carter foj- her kind miniatrationf -luring the time of most severe trial. â€" ^Louis Pedlar and family CARP OF THANKS I wish ti take this opportunity tc thank all friends for any act of kind- ness shown during my recent illnesr>, also for flowers from: Proton Hockey Club, Rock Mills Ladies' .\id and groups of friends from Flesherton. â€" Mei-vyn Jjhnson CARD OF THANKS Taxes Are Felt If you are one of those who don't think Federal taxes are of great con- cern to you as you don't pay income tax or never imjwrt stuff from other counties, it might come as a sur- prise to earn that more than. $1M,000,- COO has been collected from the spec- ial tax on sugar, which came into force at two cents a pound in 1933 and has since been reduced to one cent a pound. The increased tax on tea has also brought in $5,658,000 since it was intro<iuced in 1931. Statements of facts such as these do not make us feel good. We like sugar in our tea, and it pains us every time we think cf these figures while sipping a cup cf tea. Mrs. G. C. Graham wishes to ex- press her thanks for the many acts of kindness shown in her recent ber- eavement also for the beautiful floral tokens and to the kind friends who offered and loaned cai-s for the fun- eral. CARD OF THANKS Radio is being tried in Toronto Schools for the teaching of certain subjects. Wouldn't it be fine to have all subjects taught by spccialist.s from a central station, and all the local staffs dispensed with, except the care- taker. FARM FOR SALE I desire to express my gratitude to the residents of Ceylon, Flesherton | and Priceville districts for the many ! expressions of sympathy extended to ' my family and myself in the passing . of our beloved wife and mother. i â€".Albert E. Haw. I IN MEMORIAM Lots, 36 and 37, south of the Dur- ham Road, Artemesia, containing one hundred and 34 acres, some 65 acres cleared, balance wooded and pasture land, comfortable house, and small barn; Two mile from the Highway, close to railway, daily mail delivery, must be sold to wind up estate, apply, HERB CORBETT, Proton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS DL'NCAX â€" In loving memory of Wm. Duncan, who passed away at Armstrong, B. C, April I7th, 19.32. Gone from our home, oh, how we miss him. Loving him deeply, Ws memory we'll keep, Not till life ends, shall we forget him. Sacred to us is the place where he sleeps. â€" Sadly missed by wife and family. Walkerton will discontinue the grant to their band as nothing is be- ing shown for the money already spent. When Chicago meat market heard of more dust storms in the west the price of wheat moved ap two cents per bushel. Dust storms destroy grain crops, destroyed ^grain crop."! bring agony to thousands of faioti- ers, but agony is the price to be paid for a better wheat future. IN T(HE MATTER of- the estate of Mary WatsoPj late of the Tbwnship of .\rtemesia, in the County of Grey, Widow, deceas^. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Watson, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on or about the Fourth day of April, A.D. 1935, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned 'Executor to the Es- tate, on or before the twenty third day of Mqy, A.D. 1935, full particu- lars of their claims. After the last mentioned date the assets will be - distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard oply to .tbe claims of which I shall haye had. notice. Dated .at Pcoton, this 29th day of April, A.D. 1935. HERB CORBErrtr Executor of the Estate Read the Small Advertisements ^^^»» » «o*»»«' » »«coo»»»»»»»»< Hi.»^ »»» Small Advts. FOR SALE Quantity of seed barley. â€" Sam, Fitzsimmons, R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. $12.00 â€" Electric Rogers radio, table model, separate speaker. â€" S. L. Stauffer, Flesherton. FOR SALE A few tons of good timothy hay. â€" Fred Brown, R.R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE Several bushels of seed. Banner oats grown from registered seed. â€" Huddy Brothers, Priceville. FOR SALE OR TRADE Buick se<ian; stake tjody truck, sell cheap or trade for stock. â€" Joseph Radlcy, Flesherton, phone 4-45. FOR SALE Yorkshires, both sex, nearly ready to bi-eed; also several bushels of early Alaska oats.â€" Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell FOR SALE Registered Jersey Cow, 5 yeai-s old, to freshen in June. Enquire at The Advance office. FOR SALE Marquis spring wheat for sale, also a quantity of small see<l peas. â€" J. A. J^ver, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE Young cattle for sale, yearlings and two-year-olds; also three cows almost ready to freshen. Seed malting bar- ley also for sale. â€" W. J. McFadden. R. R. 5, Markdale, PROPERTY FOR SALE In Fleshert.-^" 8 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a largt barn with cement .stabling and garage Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Prktville. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Ciood seven roomed house with sep- arate garage, all modern conveniences special wiring for electric stove. Further information from C. J. Cro^- sley, 55 Scarlett Rd. Toronto or R. J. Boyd, Flesherton. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms fl.OO if paid within 2 months, over that time f2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOUSE EOR SALE One solid brick house in good condi- tion; hardwood floors throui(hoat; good garage and drilled well. For full particulars see W. G. Kennedy. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred an* government inspected; terms: cask 75c.; charged 11.00. -,WES. SMITH, Rock Milta. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, from culled breeders that have been blood tested and approved by Government inspectors from the O.A.C., Guelph.â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 21 r 3. FOR RENT Brick farm house with land undet orchard â€" being a part of Lot 18, 2nd Con. S. D. R. . Privelege of cutting fuel in bush for own use. â€" Apply to Mary F. Paton, 95&â€" 4th Ave. West Owen Sound. BOAR FOR SERVICB Registered Torkshirt Boar for m^ rice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Chik. tha property of the Ontario Depu^ mtnt of Agrkoltore. â€" G. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Fevertham - *Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 |>.ai. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at residence in Flesherton. Extraction and plate work. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 8SS, A.P AA.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall Flesherton, e^ery Friday on or before the full moon. W- M., R. W. Piper, Secr««^fjr. n. A. lieCauley.

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