Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1935, p. 5

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r. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 15, 1935 i js â-  â- * * â- â- * 4 * * * * â- *â-  <*â-  â- * *-" -♦ 4 ♦ X % LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PROTON STATION Mothers Day was fitingly observed in the United Church here last Sunday night. The Sunday school taking an important part in the service. We are thankful that many of the elderly mothers of Proton Station are spared to pass the milestone of another Moth- ers Day. Mrs. Sherson Sr. ninety three years of age is able to be about in her home and still keeps house for her son. Oh! these dauntless old Irish women. Old did we say? they are never old. Mrs. Corbett Sr. spent the winter with members of her family but returned as soon as the weather was warmer to her ovm home in the â-  iilage. There are those in the village and community who are lonely because of the loss of a loved mother during the past year. We sympathize with them. The United church Sunday school will be held during summer months at 10.30 A. M. instead of 2.30 as it has been during thewinter. Miss Viola Cole of Wareham is stay- ing at the home of Mr. R. G. Acheson. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Gregg, Miss Ida Drap- ier and Miss Irene Nicholson of Tor- onto were visitors over the week eud with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Arnold Hutchin- son and daughter Miss E. Hutchenson near here. Ml). H. McK|ee visited in Owen Sound on Satui-day and Mrs' M<?Kee returned home with them after a weeks visit with her sister Mrs. W. R Colquette and family.. Glad to report that Mr. J. A. Kern- ahan has so far recovered from a ser- ious sick spell as to be able to go a- round again. Mr. and Mrs. John Stonehouse and family attended the funeral of the former's mother- ;at Priceville last week. Good rains have come but there is *low growth as it turns cool after the rains. The farmers are well along with seeding and we hear of a few who are through. , PRICEVILLE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ramage and family are celebrating their golden wedding on May a4th, when they will be at their home to their friends from :! to 5 p. m. on that date. Please omit presents. HONOURS MRS. WM. MCKBE There was a large attendance at the "Mothers" Day Service on Sunday in the Presbyterian Church. The form of service was followed w^ith the choir contributing appropriate music. A special feature Vfaa the presentation of a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Wm. McKee (Sr.) who Is the oldest moth- er in the congregation. Mrs. McKee has been a faithful member and is still very interested in the work of the church. CEYLON EUGENIA The funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Reid took place on Sunday to McNeil cemetery, Rev. N. McDonald was the officiating clergyman. Mr. Earl Brown is back to his old section of the C. P. R. here, after the winter spent on a section near Toronto. A trip is planned to be taken to r.ome place of interest by the Y. P. MES. W, J. RIED PASSES Death brought relief from suffering borine with heroic fortitude early Friday morning, May 10th, when Nell- ie Patterson wife of Mr. Wm. J. Reid died at her home on the Old Durham Road. Although Mrs. Ried's health had been faling for the past three years iier condition becam* very grave dur- ing the last three weeks. Every care was given by Dr. Milne and Mrs. Alex Whyte but death came with quite a shock to her sorrowing husband and frienJa. Mrs. Reid was 59 years of age and was married nineteen years ago, coming then to their home on the 0. D. R. She had a bright cheerful disposition and her death b greatly mourned by a wide circle of friends. The funeral was held Sunday after- noon to McNeil Cemetery Priceville, Rev. McDonald, Priceville being in charge of the service. The pall- bearers were Messrs. Bob, John and James Oliver, William and John Meads .Mfred Watters and Walter William- son. Relatives from a distance vfho attended were deceased's half brother Mr. Jas. Patterson, his wife, Mrs, and Mrs. Fred Turner and two child "Mothers Doy" was appropriately celebrated in the United Church here on Sunday, when .every one wore flowers in tribute to their loved moth- ers, a gayly colored flower was the symbol for the living mother, while white was the color in memory of the mothers gone on before, but were not forgotten. The pastor, Rev. iMr. I ^ Bushell spoke on the wonderful de- ' ♦ votion of a mother and how family I •:• life was through her linked to spirit- , .:, ual things. He spoke on how many ;•* farm women were situated. He said! •> it was well known that stock and the ] 'S bam came first, then LE there is any money left it may go for the house. In many instances a man has all con- voaiences to work with in and around the barn while the women have to work under the same conditions their grandmothers did. In many cases the isolation and monotony of fami life for women was almost unendur- oble. For Scripture reading the min- ister i-ead. Proverbs, Chapter .'31. "The praise and properties of a good wo- DANCE I IN FRATERNITY HALL FLESHERTON THUR., MAY 16th Music by PARKER â€" ST. JOHN ORCHESTRA t OF OWEN SOUND Commencing at 9 p.m. Lunch Extra - - Admission: 35c I man." '.rhe choir which was I'omposed;^ of mothers sanjj a beautiful :»uhem,; *|^ , ,^.,^j^j,.j,^^.„j^^j.j„5..;..xK">>->'>«>->->->X~:~:">«>->>-:~^ "Mothers Face." Miss Muripl Carruth- ' "^ '*'â- *'* S. of St. Columba United church somep-en Toronto, also Mrs. Tuck Holstein I ship period ei-s accompanied on the organ, for the ' ^ "^ mothers. The Mothers Day service { ^^^-^^^ ,11 at present proved an inspiring event as there was a large attendance at church. On Wednesday evening of last week the Y. P. S, met as usual, Rev. Bush- ell pi-esiding and conducted the w-or- time in the future. The recent dance in the agricultural Hall, on Fridoy night last, proved to be an agreeable one again, with good music and friendly intercourse. aunt of Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Sewell and Mrs. Patton, Flesherton, and Mr. Jas. Reid, Conn. Sincere sympathy is ex- tended Mr. Reid in his lonely bereave- ment. ROCK MILLS The Mill hasn't been ronning for a few days owing to some repairs be- ing made. Miss Ita Pedlar returned home Sat- urday after spending the past week with friends in Meaford. Mesi-s Cyril Prwtor and Laujrie ' Russell spent a couple of days in Owen Sound the past week . We are pleased to report Mr. Thos Betts able to be up around again. Mr. Thos. Gilliland, Eugenia visited one day last week with his sister, Mrs. Thos. Betts. Mr. and Mrs. B. Field were in Owen Sound Saturday. We are pleased to report Mrs. J. Foster feeing much better and able to ride out in the car. We trust she will continue to gain strength. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited the first of the week with friends at Maxwell. Messrs. J. A. Foster and Ned Croft made a business trip to Mount Forest to get some repairing done on a shaft for the saw mill. Mr. Bob Osborne of Wareham hasj been in the neighborhood clipping 1 sheep for a number of the farmers. | Rock Mills Ladies .\id will hold a| social evening in the Baptist church on Friday, May ."ist, come and enjoy a good pi'ogramme and lunch. Ad- mission 15 and 10c. The W. M. S. and Willing Helpers, will hold their monthly meeting onj Tues., May 21. Roll call â€" Scripture: word of Grace. Topic to be t.aken by Mrs. Thos. Nichol, on the "Origin of Mother's Doy." Lunch Committee; sandwichs, Mrs. .A.ngus Hooper; Cake, Mrs. Jno. Mc- Meekin Jr. Keep in mind the play this Friday night. May iTth, entitled. "My Grand- ma", given by the Durham people in the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Stephenson returned Saturday to Markdale after spending the past two weeks with her daughter, M!i-s. W. J. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Thompson of Mt. Ali>ert and Mr. Albert Hooper of Toronto were recent visitors at Wilfred Watson's. Mr. and Mrs. Heckie Ibbitson. Tor- onto, were recent visitors at Mi-s. A. McLean's. Mr. Donnie .M^cLean and Miss Mary Dundas, Toronto, spent week end at**''*''^ Patterson, the former's home. ; Mr. .A.b. Hincks is recuperating after on aicack of pleui-sy.. FUNERAL OF WILLA PAT! vRSON The funeral of the ate Willa Patter- I ? )!! took place last Wednesday after ! a short seiwice at the home of her I parents, Mr. and Mis. Henry Patter- son the ';ortege proceeded to Pticeville United church where Re-s. Warren^ " of MarkdaU and Scott of Fleshe.ijn I and Johnston, Priceville took part in the service. During the service Mrs. McLean rendered "Some time w-e"ll understand". Pupils of Miss Patterson's class, Markdale acted as flower carriers, for the beautiful tributes and the pallbearers were Messrs. W. J. .Mes- senger, M. Henry, C. Foster, J Richards. E. Gibson. S. Hunt. J. Mc- Millan and S. J. Edgerton. The deceased is survived by her parents, one sister. Mrs. .â- Vubiey Fos- ter, Markdale, three nieces and two nephews the children of the deceased brother the late Mr. and Mrs. Cover- Scripture passages were read by Miss Phyllis Graham and Miss j Edith Fenwick. Mrs. C. Martin took i the topic, which was on the mission- 1 ary in Tiinidad and his daily work, i It was decided to continue the Y. P. S. ; i until the end of June. Recreation | j ccnsist.d of a contest "Old Sayings. 'â-  I I On Monday evening a visit from the i Y. P. S. of Flesherton was very much ; I enjoyed. The Flesherton Y. P. S. j I conducte<i the program, Miss Tl. Inkster presiding, Rev. Bushell led in Miss Alice Armstrong took \ Hamilton alderman is advocating We are pleased to report Miss Ber- i that elections be held every two The trouble with tliat is if a person gets licked the iirft time he has to wait a long time to get anotlMr We extend our sympathy to Mrs. i W. Gordon in the loss of her sister | Mrs. Thurston. Montreal, also to Mr. j W. Walker and family and Mrs. Wil-j son and family in their recent sad I bei-eavement. I PRICES TO END OF M.\Y We wish the editor of the .\dvance! \Miite Plymouth Rocks, each nice Campbell recovering after being , ^^^^ ill the past week or so. also Mrs. Har- 'â-  vey able to be out again after an attack of the flu. licking, GOVERNMENT APPROVED BABY CHICKS 12c the discussion period suitable for missions. selecting a topic which was list- a complete recovery after his recent operation for eye trouble. j Mr. Earl Gordon and Mr. WUi W»l- i ker attended the funeral of 4ha<r ! aunt. Mrs. .\. D. ThunrtoB, to Mon- ' neal oa Monday, retnmtag Tuesday evening. W'hite Leghorns, each 9c Custom Hatching, per egg -Ic Started Chicks and Pullets write . for pricen, "^ BEAVER VALLEY POLLTRY FAftil J, S. Harrison, Prop Phone 73 CL.A.RKSBURG, Ont ened to attentively. .A. duet by Misses '• ^J-S-M-X-^W-X-r-X-: Marion Miller and G. McDonald was'?' pleasing. A recitation by Miss â-  !|' Phyllis Graham was enjoyed. Scrip- ; '}, ture iiassages were read by different members. After the .program lunch was served by the Eugenia Y. P. S. Collection amounted to $2.01. The -:":~X"M~:~:-x~:~>«x~x~:~>'K~> VICTORIA CORNERS The Misses Marjory Stevens and Mr. .\iehie Muir was in Thorr^bury Friday, Mr. Lorne Walters. Los.A.ngeles California called on friends in the community the latter part of the week Miss Agnes McPhail M. P. address- Beth Stinson visited over the week end! «i' a meeting of the Druggists with their teacher Miss Henderson at her home at Corbetton. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gallaghar and babe of Wareham visited at Wil- fred Gallaghar's. The ladies of the W. A. met on Wed. at the church for their -April meeting. Inistoge S. S. have set the date for their garden party for the 25th of June. Watch for particulars later. IN MEMORIAM H.ANLEY â€" In Loving memory of my dear hu:)hand, Wm. C. Hanley, who pas.sod away .May 20, 1923. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. â€" Ever remembered by wife Small Advis. Bring Results Not Prohibition But yoxi can repUce the bars on your farm with STRONG WIRE GATES in either 12 ft. or 13 ft. le^ths. Your choicte, each ~$S.25 We sell BaH» Wirv, Brace Wire, Fence Wire, Fence Stmi^s and Nails , , A FEW SPECIALS Bulk Bakin« Soda 2 Ik*, for 9o Bidk Black T«a, the better class T<ia 4Sc Hx Bulk Shortening 2 Bba. for i3c Bulk Peanut Butter 2 lbs. for 25o Bulk Macaroni 2 lbs. for 9c Princess Soap Fbkes 2 pkgs. for 19c il Osprey& Arlemesia Co-operalive Co., Ltd. | FLESHERTON J I 1 1 ,1 > I > ' > 1 > I > :: >«>*»**»»'><'***<8>**<>«**<»^<?<fr'?««<?*«***«<>**«»*«><>**»*«N»^f Toronto Monday evening Miss Flora McPhail, Hopeville and Mr. oiul Mrs. Hugh Bailey. Shrigley, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mc- Phail. Those attending the funeral of the iate Willa Patterson were Mrs. Os- wald Potter and Mr. Roy Rown. Mona Mills; Mi.ss Muritl McKilvey and Mrs Cora Thompson, Oi-angeville, Mr and Mrs. .\lex McGillvrav. Chats- worth and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Edger- ton, Toronto. Mrs. Jack Wliiie, Priceville visited Friday with Mrs. .A.l!ie Muir. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawson and Mr. Murdock, Durham, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. George .\rrow- smith. Miss Elstelle Bridge visited over the week end at Proton. Mis. Archie Muir and Mrs. Peicy Hunt were visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Samber. Berkley. :.Mts. Jack White has returned to after visiting with Mrs. W. White. Mrs. Bella Thibaudeau. Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. John Thibaudeau, Mark- dale, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod. We are pleas- ed to report Mr. McLeod much im- proved 'but still confined to his bed. Miss Millie Whittaker is home from Toronto University. Mrs. Walker and son Ale.\, Mrs. McCabe and Mrs. Jennings, Toronto were visitors Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paterson and '.>&. and Mrs. Allie Muir. Mr. Jk>hn McMillan. Owen Sound •ttneded the funeral of Mias Willa Patterson last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gillispie and Mr. and Mrs. W. McCorrmick. Swinton Park spent Sunday with Mi-s. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson were in Owen Sound Saturday. Mr. Levi Coutts is visiting in Port- law. LMr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair visited Mr. A. E. Haw and family at Salem on Sunday and Mv. and Mrs. James Sinclair vi.ite<i the latter's parents in Dundalk. Mrs. Fred Marshall spent Saturday in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns and Mr. meeting closed in the usual way. The reguar monthly meeting of the Women's Association will be held on Thursday afternoon. May Iti at 2.30 o'clock, all members requested to be presented. The roll call to be answer- ] ed by paying membership fees. Visitors on .Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. Benson iiid family were: Mr. and Mi-s. Ckirdon Dixon and the for- ! mers sister. Miss .A.lva Dixon ol j Flesherton, Mi-. and .Mrs. Court Smith j and Jean, 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. Jack ; Lougheed, Lamtnce and Marie of j Siiighampton. Mr. and Mrs. Willard \ Ben.son and Biyce and Mrs. Dave I Roberts, I2th Line. Mr. Tempest assisted Mr. Levi Duckett of Maxwell last week in burn- ] ing a kiln of lime. We are sory to report Mrs. Fred Duckett still on the sick list. Wt hope there is some improvement soon Mrs. Latimer is slowly improving since her operation a week ago she is still in the hospital in Markdale. Miss Rowena .Magoe has been staying i ill the hospital with her. We hope, there i'' more improvement soon in i .Mrs. Latimer's condition. j Mr. Clarence VVilliams has returned j home again after spending a few days in Toronto. | Mr. John Magee spent the week end I in Markdale with his brother who is Tom Stewart visited the latters wife in Markdale, Mlonday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin and Miss Catherine Cairns, Toronto were week end visitors here for "Mothers Day." To Householders Take notice that all backyards and lawns nni.'^l be cleaned up and rubbish taken to the \illaj,^e dutnpin^i jiround botore the -?4th of Nlay. I t •> t t ♦ t V i Bv order <>t" the Constable. JOSEPH FIELD * k.«..;~>.;m;â€" ;~M~C~.~*~X~M» X i Toi-onto I I MONSTER STREET DANCE ON NEWLY PAVED TENNIS COURT at FLESHERTON V ♦ t t on Friday, May 24th. Mildmay "Royal Nite Owls" FOR ROUND DANCING BLACKBURN'S ORCHESTRA FOR THE SQUARE DANCING t '4 Jitney Dance 5c straight. Booth on Grounds Tickets .tjood tor both Siiuai e and Round Danciuii' Sockeye SALMON Orange ' '^ Marnalade lartje jar 23c Orange Pekoe TEA Rva. Afk. 43c lb. ^^.^.^.>.^.^.>.^^.>.^.>.>.>.>.^.»,;..;..;..>.^.. ;..;»(..;„:,. SAVE YOU MONEY FRESH AND CURED MEATS BEST ROAST BEEF IZolb. Best Qualitv 8 oz. ""^ OVERALLS ,, , ., - J1.49i>air A finv ;<tH?ction of ' ' "^ WORK BOOTS on hand. It will i>ay y(ni to look them over. G. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 Lar^e package RINSO 2 bar* Kirk't HanKtrater Soap 23c STRAWBET JAM ;i < > larye size, I9c. ] ', Toilet Paper 3 RoUs 10c '••%•>••.»'*-•..•- • V.V.S •».•• s.«.

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