Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1935, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 29, 1935 > - 4 Tv *â- â-  LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS ROCK MILLS Mr. E. Rutherford of Proton was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betta. Mr. and Mi-s. Goi-don Warliiig: and youngest daughter Doris of Bart- ©nville motored up Thursday and vis- ited at the homes of Mr, and Mrs. Ned Croft and '^X- and Mrs. Sam Croft, returning home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tucker of Toronto spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. W. Driffill, sawyer at the mill here visited over the holiday and week «nd at his home at Hepworth. Misses Julia and Marguerite Croft of Toronto were holiday visitors at their parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoi ley of Mark- dale were visitors on Satui-day at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore and Aiuighter, Emily, and Mr. Goodchild of Durham called on friends Saturday evening. Mrs. Thos. Monaghan of Feversham spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Ned Croft. Miss E. M. Oliver, teacher here for the past four years has tendered her resignation to the l>oard of trustees to take effect at the end of the present school term. Mr. and M s. E. C. Pedlar and Dolly of Singhampton were callers on this line on Thursday last. A goodly number weiie present at the prayer meeting on Tuesday night, held at the home of Mrs. Lome Atkin- son. Miss Alice Armstrong preach- ed and delivered a fine message. Mr. Sam Croft had the misfortune to have one of his fingers smashed while working at the mill here and was laid off work for a few days. We are vei-y pleased to see Mrs. Jim Russell out again after being confined to her home for several weeks with a broken leg. Mr. and iMts. Elmer Warling and Mr. Broadbent of Hamilton called on *he Croft families here on Sunday. Remember the social evening to be held in the church on Friday, May 31st. Programme and lunch. Admis- sion 15c and 10c. KI.VIBERLEY Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hutcliinson were: Mr. and Mrs. James McMillen of Dundalk. Mr. John Duncan and childi-en of Inistioge, Mi-, and Mrs. H. Hutchinson and Mr. and Mrs. Wright and little (laughter of Swinton Park. FEVERSHAM A very large number of people friends and neighbors gathered to pay their last nespects to the late Mr. Joseph Bariber who passed away on Monday, iMby 20th and the remains were laid to rest in Bethel cemetery on Wednesday, a short service was held at the house conducted by the Rev. F. Dean. The funeral of the late Mrs. James Speer who passed away on Saturday May 25th to Buckingham cemetery when a large crowd of friends and neighbors assembled to pay their last respects to one who was highly res- pected. Revs. Cutter and Dean of- ficiated, Rev, Cuttler preached a very impi'essive sermon from St, J'ohn', 10th chapter, 26 and 27th verses. Rev, F. and Mrs. Dean sang a duet "Where the gates swing outward never large.'' Mr. Thomas Perigo, Ray, Delhert, and Winifred Perigo and Miss Elsie Alton of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. HI AJeSander over the holiday. Mir. and Mrs.' E. Croft and Mrs. Croft Sr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osbonie. Rev. A. Armstrong of Meaford will conduct special services in the Gospel Sunday, June second at 11 o'clock a.m. and 7.30> o'clock p.m. every one wel- come. A splendid rain over this locality on Monday, May 27th with warm south west winds and rapid growth has made every body wear a smile. Visitors with friends in this village over the holiday and week end were Mss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto at home, Miss Grace Hoi-ton of Long Branch with her grandparents Mr, and IMhrs. Colquette, Miss Edith Heit- man of Toronto Nomwl school with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Heit- man, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell of Tor- onto with Mr. and Mrs. Heitman. Miss Betty Colquette of Owen Sound with her grandpiarents, Ale.xandiers and Colquettes, lM!i-. Hugh Davidson ana Miss May Wliiteoak of Toronto with the Davidson families. Mr. Ivan Alex- ander of Owen Sound with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. Mr. and iM(r-s. H. Lawler of London with the latter's mother, Mrs. Joseph Barber Mrs. Johl) Smalley of Collingwood with her mother Mrs. J. Baiber. Mrs. James Speer a resident of our village passed away on Saturday May 2.5 aftei- sDnie inonths of illness, lier hiisban<l. the late James Speer prcflcceased her years ago. PRICEVILLE EUGENIA SAUGEEN JUNCTION A heading says "Hollywood Cat Given Burial.V Ah! what do they! fonner's parental home here. 'Mv. and Mrs. Everett White and son of Toronto .-ipent Friday at th( usually do with them down there? Optometrist and EYE SPECIALIST R. M. McKay R. 0. of Kincardine at Wm. F. Potter's Jewellery Store FLESHERTON for con.sultati()n - on - Mon., June 10th from 10 o'clock a.m. and monthly thereafter. Com- plete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please make your appointment. Mrs. Lloy<i Cooper and son and dau.chter of Guelph al.so Mrs. TC. Larz- well of Hillsburgh spent a couple of days at Mrs. Sam Batchelor's. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Jot Sewell recently were Mr. and Mrs Williams of Maxwell, %\\ and Mss Patton Durham, Mrs. J. 0. Patton Flesherton, Miss Mabel Binnie Tlor- onto and Mrs. E. Robinson and Miss Short of Feversham. Mr. and |M!rs. Joe Lee of Orange- ville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Batchelor. Mrs. Robl. White attended the fun- eral of an aunt in Owen Sound, Sat- urday, Mr. Tom Wliite has purchased the former Hogarth farm above the Junction. Mi-s. Charlie Doupe returned home from Eugenia after spending a couple of weeks there. Not Prohibition But you can replace the bars on your farm with STRONG WIRE GATES in either 12 ft. or 13 ft. leingths. Your choicie, each $5.25 We sell Barb Wire, Brace Wire, Fence Wire, Fence Staples and Nails A FEW SPECIALS Bulk Baking Soda 2 lbs. for 9c Bulk Black Tea, the better class Tea 49c lb. Bulk Shortening 2 lbs. for 23c Bulk Peanut Butter 2 lbs. for 25c Bulk Macaroni 2 lbs. for 9c Princess Soap Flakes 2 pkgs. for 19c Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | FLESHERTON | % The golden wedding celebration of Mr. W. W. and Mrs. Ramage was observed on the 24th, amid glorious weather and kind, loving friends. Nothing need he said by us, suffice it to say that the good wishes given and appreciation shown in the con- gratulations by the callers, was gratefully received with warm hearts by the honored neclpients. Worthy of special mention, it may be, was the \:isit of Rev, A. N. and Mrs. Cooper of Hanover, the latter an old-time friend of the family. Others pres- ent from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groat and Mr. and (Mrs, Harvey Groat and family of Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ramage and little son of Gorrie. These were among the 86 who signed their names on the attendance i-eglster. There were also present Mesdames Thos. E. Brown and John Burgess ot Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lennox of Vamey, who, in his fine car, was able to bring their son, Reggie Ramage, who is just recover- ing from a severe illness, with them, which, in itself, was gratifying to the parents to have him with them on the occasion of their celebration. Many thanks ^o all. [The senior editor was pleased to attend and convey his good wishes to this highly respected couple, who were able to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. May their remaining years be full to overflow- ing with the good things of life.] Lantern slides will be give i in the school room of the church by the Y.P. S. of St. C-olumba United Church on Tuesday evening. June 4th, by M-r. T. Stewart Cooper of Markdale. A small admission charge will be made. The dance held in the agricultui-al hall on Wednesday last proved to be an en.ioyable affair, after a certain disturban>'e was ."iettled. Lea e it tn Mr. McBride, floor manager, to A,.>nu'e decency and good order; he will have it, and gets it. Dr. Scott of Toronto, who was here some weeks ago in his kilts, \i'as again on a visit with his friend, Rev. X. McDonald, in the .^aiue attire. He had with him .Mr, George Sim, a low- lander from Tranent and Edinburgh, Scotland. They took a trip to Tober- mory on Friday, returning the next day. Rev. McDonald acconipanieil iheni on the short vacation. J .Sunday there wa.-s anoUici- celebra-' li.m when W. W. Ramage observed] the completion of his .')7th year of continuous leadership in the sen'ice of prai.se. Nearly a full choir was present to do honor to the occasion.. The leadei- took the tenor solo i)art in | the anthem "One Day Nearer Home,"! also the Doxology anthem (well mem- 1 orized) with its halleu.iah amen,' amen, finale â€" a beautiful piece. j Mr. and IMts. E. Shantz spent the; ,, - ' .' holiday with the latter's parents. Mr. â- "'-'^-^''"'â-  Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell, Tor- onto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. 1 IMlr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto spent the holiday and week end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Mrs. Len Latimer wks brought home from Markdale hospital on Sat- urday last. She is slowly improving and we sincerely hope that she wall soon regain her health again. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley and Miss Irene Martin visited on Sunday with Mir. and Mrs. John Parson, 8th Line. Miss Selena MacDonald was home from Markdale over the week end. We are sorry to report Mr. Percy Magee ill again, but wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mander and baby son also Mr. and Mrs. Hayter of Toronto visited on the a4th and week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Fawcett and fr.mily. Ml", and Mi-s. George Williams and son Harold and Mr. Ernie Williams of Toronto spent the week enu \..i,h Mr, and Mrs. Jnot.> WiUianiB, ,!dioe and Clarence. ,.Mir. Thos. Crowe accompan- ied them and visited his wife and daughter here. Mrs. Thos. Fenwick accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams to Toronto on Sunday to visit friends. Mrs. William Benson was taken to Dm-ham hospital the fii'st of last week and underwent an operation. We understand she is progressing favourably at time of writing. Mrs. Fred Duckett was taken to the hospital in Markdale on Monday, where she will i-eceive treatment. We wish her a complete recovery. Mr. Lestie Ferris of FPesherton visited in the village recently. The Y. P, S. met on Wednesday evening of last week. Rev. Bushell presiding and taking the worship period. Scripture passages were read by Carmel Miartin and Jean Tudor, Mr. Willie Fenwick took th|e |dis- cussion topic "Wliy do nations go to War?" Tlie remainder of the even- ing wa.s spent in contests and games Mr. .John Gibson and Miss K. Clock of Orange Valley visited on the 24th with Mr. Jas Shei-wood and Mr. John Magee, Mr. and -Mrs. Jas. Russell and fam- ily of Rock iM'ills visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, Williams anc family. Messrs, Jim and Eddie Hargrave ai Toionto vLsited over the week end with the Park family. Mrs. Chas Park and .sister-in-law Mi.ss Margie Pai-k are visiting friends j in Toronto I'oi- a few days this weeK. I .Mr.s. Kellar spent a day at Ma.Nwell j the past week. i.VIh-, Haiold Turner of Oiangevillc and Miss Evelyn Turner of Sing- hampton were home over the week end. Mr. Fred Pedlar has rotui'iied honio after .spending the pa.st two weeks in * % S I DANCE IN FRATERNITY HALL FLESHERTON Mon., June 3rd Music by PARKER -ST. JOHN ORCHESTRA OF OWEN SOUND Commencing' at 9 p.m. Admission: 45c. Tax extra I Lunch free i and useful gifts as birthday me- mentos. We join in wishing Margaret and her grandmother "Many happy returns of the day." PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kirkwood and Miss Ruby Lyons of Toronto spent the 24th at the home of their father, Mr. Chas. Lyons. Mr. and iMlrs. Russell Jackson and children of Holland township Sun- dayed with friends here. iMel Anderson of Owen Sound was at the home of Mr. John Hodgins for the holiday and week end. Mrs. James Vause is vWting Ket brothers on the OJ).R. Seeding it Hearing completion this locality, and Monday evening's •showers came when they were much needed to stai-t the growth. The exceptionally high wind on Monday forenoon subsided before and damage was done. When we read of the disasters in other parts of the worid we must admit we are a fortunate people. Sudbury may try to get the use of box cars so they can be used for houses. One box car and a flat car for a verandah onght to make a good combination. Five per cent interest rate offer- ed to farmers on first mortgage un- der ijrovisiong of the Farm Loan Att should help to solve many agricul- in tural problems. a and Mr.s. H. B, .McLean, .Mrs. Donald McMillan, South Line, is feeling very ill and weak, LMb's. Donald McCormick of Con. .5, Glenelg, is also very poorly and Mr, Andy Fiord remains about the same with occasional weak spells. _^The funeral of the late Geo. Lane 17 Con. Egreniont. was largely at- tended on Thursday l;.st, intei'menl taking i>lace in McNeil Cemetery. Rev. J. W, Johnston officiated at tlie house and grave and Mr, W, G, Wat- son was the funeral director. The pallbearers were principally neigh- bors. Beautiful flowers were evid- ence of esteem. The football game played here on Saturday evening with Kimberley resulted in a 1-0 nothing victory for Priceville. The May meeting of Sf, Columba W,M,S. was held at tJ- - hospitable hon>e of Mrs. Jas, Oliver and was well attended. Mr.s. Johnston presided and led in the devotional exercises. The Watch Tower news was given by Mis.«i Jewel Mc.Arthur and Mrs. A, (Muir, while Miss Belle Weir gave a paper on chapter 5 of the study book "Builders of the Indian Church," Mrs, Hai'rison rendered a piano solo. Geiiieral business was discussed by the Women's As.sociation and tea was served by the hostess and her assistants. Dr. Reggie Prank of Toronto Mr, and Mrs. Jim Gibson and son ot Erin were week end visitors at Mr, A, B. Mc Arthur's. Miss Ethel Watson of Toronto spent the week end at Mv. Wilfred Watson's. Miss Victoria Joy of Toronto spent the week end with her sister Mrs Ray McLean. Mr. Donlnio McLdfcn and friend, Miss Ha Brown of Toronto spent thp week end at Mrs. .Archie McLean's, iMr. Arthur Pennox of Toronto spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Johnslon and little daughter Agnes of Toronto snent the week end with Mrs. Johnston's mothei Mi-s. Wilson, also with the Jamieson and MciMlillan families. Miss Kathleen Pedlai- spent Sunda.v with friends in Meaford. Mr, Arthur Williams, Mr, Clifford Williams and Mr, Charlie Al)-ige were visitors over the week end with Mr. and -Mrs, Dune. Williams. On Wednesday evening of la.st week Mi.s.s Margaret McMillan gave a party to a number of neighbor girks to com- memorate her 10th birthday which fell on May I4th she held the party Mlay 22nd, the "0th anniversary of the birth<lay of her grandmother, Mrs. Wilson. The girls si>.;nt a joll.v time in .a:anies etc. They enjoyed thy delicious supper and lovely birthday cake. Mai'garet received many nice Banks i-eport that silver dollars are much nioi-e popular than the fifty cent piece. It was hardly necessary WHEN the weather household duties keep you indoors, and there are so many things }'ou need and you simply haven't the time to go shopping , , , how handy it is to telephone. The grocer or butcher or dry goods store is always glad to deliver your order just when you want it. So, die telephone smooths your daily path and stands guard in emergency. U£ OF YOUR TELEPHONE JUST WHAT YOU MAKE IT" STAXD.VRD TOMATOES laryc .size 2 for 15c Aylmer Tomato Juice lar.s»'e size 10c Jelly Powders Assorted flavors 6 for 25c SAVE YOU MONEY BIGGER AND BETTER Assortment of PLANTS ALL VARIETIES A REAL GOOD VARIETY OF WORK BOOTS at a price to suit everyone C. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 ~-v SUGAR 10 lbs. 51o with order of $1.00 or ever _ M. EDDY % Matches 3 boxes 23c Our COFFEE is alwavs fresh. Why? ground while U wait 39c ;in(l 49c for a bank to supply that information. '^^^<''>^''^">'><^><''>'>><<'<f'><'^><f'>^^^^^^

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