Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1935, p. 8

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Wednesday, June 12, 1935 THE FI.ESIIKRTON ADVANCE ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Pi'iftry Keyes of Toronto spent the wook end with Miss Jean Dewav. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor attended the funeral of the late J. J. Johnston at Mcaford on Tuesday. St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Priccvillo, will hold a garden party on July the Sth, 1935. A good pro- gram and sports. Admission: 3Bc and 15c. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling are this Wednesday altendinj? the wedding (if their nephew, Ernest Armstrong !-econd son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ArmstiKing of Toronto, to Miss Renec Soden Horrell, the marriage to take place in the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto. > > convoiition held at Winnipeg last week. Miss Armstrong is a student of nursing in a Toronto hospital and has visited her aunt, Mrs. Henry, at various times. EUGENIA •I OLK SCHOOL SOFTBALL The following scores in the Softball names in llio Public School League were for games played up to Tuesday night, and leaves Flesherton at the head of the group with three wins: Priceville 26, 8th Line 3 Flesherton 15, Vaiideleur 13 Flesherton 27, 8th Lino 13 Piiceville 25, Vandeleur 20 Flesherton 20, Priceville 17 on Thursday afternoon of this week, and will be in charge of Dr, Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto was in town over the week end. Mr. Harold Best of Pickering was home over the week end. Mr. Geo. MeFadden of Orangeville .spent Sunday in town with his mother- Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCauley spent the week end at Lucknow. Miss Mary Paton of Owen Sound is spending a few weeks in town. Mr. George Patton of Owen Sound was in town on Wednesday last. Inquesi On Thursday . j One thing school children are in The inquest into the death of little i complete agreement 'about is that Miss Melba Armstrong, niece of' ^'"'i'' Sti"-''"", killed last Thursday at June is a very trying jiionth Mrs. W. 1. Henry of town, wa« th«j Victoria Corners, will be held at Dun proud winner of the grand prize of a' ''""^ diamond-studded medal through her, talents in elocution, at a temperance Frank Martin, coroner, of Dundalk, •:~:~:~:~:":~:~:~;-:":~:«<5"> I Seasonable Hardware Mr. ajid Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto spent the week end with the former's mother, ..Mrs*. T. S. Sproule of Markdale spent a day last week with Mrs. Jos. Blackburn). I GARDEN TOOLS SHOVELS HOES RAKES SPADES CULTIVATORS FISHING TACKLE HOOKS SINKERS FLIES RODS REELS BAMBOO POLES >CRi:i-:x nnoRs wixdow sckekxs SCKl'.KN' WIK!' I'ori.TKV Xl-T'lMXC i-i-xci-. i;.\Ri'> wiRic sT.\nj-:s i; WIRK I'.l.ACK and r..\I AAXIZFj:» W Rev. Hubert and .Mrs. Dingwall of Massic Station, Ont., were in to over the week end. 1 of Dwn I WIKI' ;k.\ci" This is a good time to PAINT UP and CLEAN UP. I We have everything in â€" Paint, Varnish or Enamel, j^ Brushes, Oil and Turpentine. i PKICFS TO SriT KVKRYBODY i Massey- Harris Imprtements and Repairs '^ CA\v us a call. Wf will do our best to i)lcast' you. I FRANK W. DUNCAN I 'Phone 54 -:- FLESHERTON, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. George Akins nf To- ronto spent the week end at the for- mer's paiental home. Mr. W. G. Kennedy is moving his family and hou.sehold effects this Thursday to their new home at Dundalk. The District Annual meeting of the C<.'ntre Grey Women's Institute will be held in Williamsford on Tuesday .June 18th at lOJiO and 2 p.m. Hev. W. J. Scott attended the Con- ference of the United Church held in Toronto the jiast week. Mrs. Scott accompanied him to the city Sunday evening. NOTICE â€" Hairdressing and finger waving, new electric drying equip- ment. â€" â-  Velma Fisher, Flesherton, telephone .'>!) for appointment. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Stoddard "f Markdale and. iMr. and -Mi's. Pr-.-d St<iddard and family of Port Elgin were week end visitois with Mr. and Mrs. Norman .Stoddard in town. Mr. iiad .Mrs. W. J. Frizzell (nee Clara Latimer) and son Arnold of liognor and Mrs. .1. Sutherland called on .Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 'Hiurston last week. ^T, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and child i"en of Toronto were week end iVisitors w!ith iMv. and Mrs. Rabt. Purvis. Mr. Geo. Williarrus and brother Toronto spent the week end with their parents. Mi', and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mrs. Crowe and Hilda returned to tht city with them also taking along with them some of their household effects. We will miss Mr. and Mrs. Crowe fi-om our community. Mrs. Lawrence Lyons and two i children and Miss Florence Tuohy oi Mt. Zion also Mr. Stanley Magee of Stone's Line spent .Sunday with tlie latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. .Mrs. .Albert McWhinney (nee Miss Dora Hazzard) of Windsor is visiting with Mrs. J. Fawcett. Congratulations to Mr. RuBsell Cameron who is now a doctor. We understand that he i.s going to practis* jki Ma^rkdale IHiospdtal fio" a /flew weeks. .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods and fam- ily of Markdale were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and family. This Wednesday afternoon the memter.s of the Women's Association of the United Church intend to visit the Wareham Ladies Association. .Mis.s Uuby Allison of Markdale i-i visiting %vith her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacMillan. Mrs. Thos. Lever ami daughter Miss (iertriido a!;: > grandson Argyle Mar- tin of Flesherton visited on Sunday with the lattcrs parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. .Martin. Mrs. .Adam Smith spent the week I end with her daughter, Mrs K. Mor- SHIP YOUR LIVESTOCK TO y X DUNN &LEVACK Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Established 1893 • CATTLE - CALVES - SHEEP - HOGS LET US CONVINCE YOU THAT IT P.\YS TO SHIP WITH US. TEST US â€" BY TRYING US Let us convince yoii that is pay.s to ship them to us. I I I Union Stock Yards Toronto Write to U3 for Dependable information *V<^»<«*<K'><'<~><*<'^~^**«~»~«**>*«~5**«~«~»~»**»*'«^^ also to Mr. John Magee in the loss of his brother. We extend our heartiest congratu- lations to Miss Belva Genoe, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Genoe and Mr. Allan Short, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Short of Feversham, who w^re married on Saturday. WAR ON STARLINGS (Gravenhurst Banner) THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HlLL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORBB Markdal«, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVi:S YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special June Sale SHOWING THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IN GREY COUNTY. COME TO HILL'S FOR UP-TO-DAT/E MERCHANDISE AT SPECIAL PRICES. SPECIAL JUNE SALE OF DRESSES LADIES' FINE SILK CREPE HOSE At Prices that will Astonish You dtcssL'^, the sou- many styles to $2.95 and $3.95 Ladies smart cn-pe son's smartest drsses; choose Iruin. Special . EXTRA SPECIAL 25 only f.:ulies' Crepe Dresses picked from (nir re>?tilar stock, values up to ^^-^^^ Extra Special ^^-^^ LADIES' SPRING COATS, Half Price }liu'. black, 10 do/All only, I'iut' Silk Crepe Hose in the newest siinnner shades 69c; 2 lor $1.35 Misses and Children's Sodkees at Bargain Prices I'ine ipialily lisle in all newest shades Children's V''-' to (^'^ ..-. ISc Misses 7 to 'r^ 19c Dnti GROCERY SPECIALS 's Ptne Lard 2 lbs, 25c Z.I 111 only. Sl)rin>,^ Coats fawn and hrown shades; all silk lined, extra well made, rc«. $12.95 value. Spec- ial Jnne Sale ^^'^^ WHITE CREPE HATS At a hig saving. 25 only white- crepe hats in extra pood quality. Sale .... $1.49 25 only White Crepe Hats in a good (puility,re{r.$l.ri9 value. Sale 98c ...Extra Special White Piiptc ITats. just tre thi.njf for the girls this summer. June Special 49c Dalton's l-rench Drip Coffee lb. 38c Matches 3 for 22c 4-tsring Broom, good quality 29c We.ston's vSweet Biscuits 2 lbs. 19c Com Starch 3 for 23c Maple' Leaf or Ro.se Baking i'owder .. 15c Good Black Tea, at 35c; 3 for $1.00 Bananas, choice ripe do/.. 19c I'aslry Flour 24 lbs. 59c We are buying Wool and pay lie ca.sh or 12c 'trade for the next two weeks. i tjan, Flesherton. A number from here attonJed the service in the United Church, Flesher- ton on Sunday to hear Rev. Mr. nar- rower and Rev. Mr. VVc-lhvood former pa.stoi-s. Mr. and Mrs. E(\. Graham and fam- ily of Clarl<.sburg visited relatives in the villape on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. the Misst-s Kdith and Elnora, also Mr. F. Winficid visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ru.=sell Linton, Vic- toria Cornel's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopps spent the past week in Collinpwood re- tur.^intr Saturday accompanied "by Mrs. Hopps' mother, who is 8!) years of aiie and still enjoyinjr ifood health. The Y. P. .S. met as usual on We<l- ni'sday eveniiit; of last week. Rev. Mr. Busholl jjyesidinjr., i)<jri:itui-e passii}r<'s were read by Miss Jean Tud- or and Miss Kvelyn Campbell. Mis.s .Annieta Turner took the discussion to|)ic, "The habits of daily eonsecra tion." Mrs. r. Martin jjavn a reading entitled "Let nie walk with the man in I he Road." AnothWr iVa(/)inp, The Bridjre Builder" was (riven by Miss Phyllis Uraham. Durinjj the course of the everting Miss Belva Cenoo bride-to-be was called fonvard and asked to take the chair, then MisH Roweiia Majree road an address and a presentation on behalf of the V. P. S. was made hy Miss Phyllis Graham and MSssI Edith Pcnw-ick. The address was as follow."!; â€" Dear Belva, â€" On hearing of your sudden plunjre into the sea of .Matri- mony, we, the members of Eugenia ^'.P.S., take this opportunity to ex- tend to you our appreciation of youi hi'Jpintr hand in our Society. Soon yoii will be lookiiiK through the long vista of wedded bliss with a pleasant life companion and we trust that your future experiences will excel the happiest hours you have enjoyed and will make the years before you worth while. VVc will certainly miss your presence at our meetinKs, as well a.«! in the choir ami social functions of the community. We are glad to know that your new home will not be far distant and we will have the pleasure of meeting you occasionally. As a slight token of our e-steem, wt a.sk you to please accept thi.s combin- ation pyrex casserole and pie plate, also these custard cup,s, and as you use each gift remember your Y.P.S. friends and our pleasant associations together. Along with wedding cong.rttuations we extend a welcome to you and Allan to attend our Y.P..S,. meetings at any time convenient for you, and may God's richest blessings be bestowed upon you both and that you will live long to enjoy the deep peace and ble.ssednsss of married life. .Signed on behalf of the Y.P.S. members â€" Rowena Magee, Phyllis Graham, Edith Fenwick. Belva, who was taken by surprise, replied in a few well cho.sen words, thanking the .Society for their kind- ness and inviting all to visit her in her future home. All joined In sing- ing "For she's a jolly good fellow." Contests were indulged in after- wards and then the usual closing took place, ending a very pleasant event. We neglected to mention in a pre- vious issue to extend our sincere sympathy to the Walker and Thurston families in their sad beVeavcmcnt, The town council requests the as- sistance of all citizens in an effort tc exterminate the starling bird by lo- cating their nests and notifying the town cleik at his office. Starlings have increased rapidly during the past few yeai-s, particularly in Southern Ontario in the fruit belt, where orchard owners have suffered heavily in loss of fruit and trees from these destructive birds. By locating their nests in this vicinity it will greatly strengthen the hand of the council to rid the community of these pesta. The council has acquired the sei-vices of a man who will attend promptly to notices sent in and destroy the nests. If starlings are allowed to increase in numbers, it will take but a few years to destroy many other varie- ties of birds which are so valued for human welfare in destroying numer- ou.'* forms of insects, bugs, beetles and worms. Your assistance in this request will be apreciated. Nearly 2,000 inquiries have been received from nros7)ective tourists who want to see the Dionne children. In years to some the volume may be less, but the intensity will be greater. When we get television on the phone it will be more difficult to say "I am so bu.sy today that I cannot see you." Small Advts. •:~:-:~:~x~:-:-:-:~>-;k"; CAR FOR SALE â€" l'.):n, chevi-'olet coach, in IcondltKin.â€" Appl>! to Mrs. Wright, Flesherton. good John ~;«<~;~:~:~:~:~:":"; FOR S.ALE One heavy mare. â€" Jarvis Markdale, Ont. Htunry. FOR SALE Motor car. This car is in a good state of repair, a decided bargain at the price asked.â€" W. Sloan, Eugenia. FOR SALE Good fresh lime. Apply to Mervyn Wrght, 10th line, Osprey, phone 7 r 34 Feversham. FOR SALE Purebred Durham Bull two years old.-D. Campbell, Ceylon, phone 22r31. FOR SALE A quantity of first and second class shingles.â€" .Andrew Hincks. FOR S.A.LE 11125) Plymouth Coupe, 4 new tire? top and engine in fii-st class shape will guarantee motor. Priva. tely owned. Apply at this office. FOR SALE A quantity of first class shingles and also some second class shingles. â€"Andrew Hincks, Ceylon' phone 22 R. 12. FOUND Between Ceylon and Flesherton one car license plate. No. FS. 103 owner call at the -Advance office, Flesherton. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOUSE FOR SALE One solid brick house in good condi- tion; hardwood floors throughout; good garage and drilled well. For fuU particulars see W. G. Kennedy. FOR SALE lirey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the sam«, will sacrifice for cash. â€" ^^Thonias Owler 40 Doel Ave. Toronto. PLANTS FOR SALE \'egetables and flowering Annuals of all kinds, will resistant asters, etc. Also perennials and Rock plants, glad- ioli. â€" Mrs. Earl McLeod, Ceylon. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres cf land on which is a largt barn with cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. .T. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. * HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Good seven roomed house with sep- arate garage, all modern conveniences, special wiring for electric stove. Further information from C. J. Cros- sley, 55 Scarlett Rd. Toronto or R. J. Boyd, Flesherton. . HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred an^ government inspected; terms: cask 75c.; charged $1.06. -nWES. SMITH, Rock Milto. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, from culled breeders that have been blood tested and approved by Govtrnment inspectors from the O.A.C., Guelph. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone il r 3. FOR RENT Brick farm house with land under orchardâ€" being a part of-Lot 18, 2n(J Con. S. D. R. . Privelege of cutting fuel in bush for own use. â€" Appiy to Mary F. Paton, 95.6â€" 4th Ave. West Owen Sound. CATTLE STRAYED From lots 4 and 14, Con. 4 Osprey on or about (.May Slat, 1935, eight head of yearling cattle, three pure red and five hereforda, each having hole in BOAR FOR SERYICB Registered York.shire Boar for set- Tics by Flesherton Bacon Ho; Club^ the property of the Ontario DeparV ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. CareUker. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.in. 7-8 p.m. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at residence in Flesherton. left ear. Any person having! Extraction and plate work. information of the whereabouts of the above cattle communicate with. â€" Harry Fisher, R. R. 3, Flesherton, FARM FOR SALE Lots, 36 and 37. south of the Dur- ham Road, Artemesia, containing one hundred and 34 acres, some 65 acres cleared, balance wooded and pasture land, comfortable house, and smal' barn; Two mile from the Highway, clo.se to railway, daily mail delivery, must bo sold to wind up estate, apply, HERB CORBETT, Proton. F. M. EAGL ESON ONTARIO & I>OMINION LAND SURVEYOR Registered. Professional Engineer, Surveys, Reports, Estimates, Plans. Telephone, 31, ORANGEVILLE. Ont. Prince Arthur Lodge No. S3S, A.F. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, e^ery Friday on or befon the full moon. W. M., R. W. Piper, Seereinry, H, A. MoGkolt;. r I

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