â- . * â- ♦ ♦ â- ^ 'I' THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 17. 1935 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS EUGENIA PORTLAW (Last Week's Items) Mr. J. A. Thompson sustained the loss of a fine young horse through indigestion. About a year ago Mr. Thompson lost four good liorses all within two or three days. The mal- ady being somewhat niystt'riou.s the loss now i:; therefore felt more keenly. Miss Lillian Morton R.N. (if the Hospital â- for sick children, Toronto visitjd with lh>' home folk on centre line over the week end. VANDELEUR Master Fred Ready, and Misses PRICEVILLE A social was recently held St. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman'.s .â- ^.ssociatioii will l)e held on Thursday afternoon, July 18ih, af: ' 2 p.m. in the church. V isitors are 1 cordially welcome. | Quite a number from this locality Reggie and Catherine Ready and Mi.ss;Columbu Church and Mr. and Mrs- attended the Glorious Twelfth cele- Patricia McKee of St. Mary's are holidaying with the former's aunt.s, Mrs. L. .Johnston and Mrs. Geo. Buch- anan. Br. and Mrs. Shepherd of Toronto were recent visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Mrs. Topping and son, Teddy, of Toronto are the guests of Mr, and thei â- ''''â- â- ^- Lundy Johnston. Mr. Albert Buchanan of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee of ! ^Pe'it the week end at his parental Sandy Stonehouse and family, v.-ho • , . lost their home by fire, were present- ' ed with a get of dishes and many other useful articles. Born â€" On Wednesday, July 10th. to Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKecknie, a daughter, Mis.s Catlierine Milne is In attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson had Uieir little daughter, Lulubelle Yvonne 'captized at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McArthur by Rev. Toronto, visited with relatives on the i ^'^^^^ Misses Ivj' Sayers anj M. Buck- ingham of Ffversham, visited last week with Misses Jeiin and Beth Hincks. Mrs. .\ngus .McKechnie of Toronto Xorr.ian MatDonald, Mr. and Mi-s. fourth line. i Mr- and Mrs. Roy Oke of Toronto! •â- ^nsus McArthur and family and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McNally , Mr. and 1 ^P^"^ the week end with Mr. and Mrs. ! ^"'^ ^rs. D. L. McArthur wert pre:- Mra. G. T. McNally of Toronto, and I '^^^''g''' Buchanan. ! tnt. Lunch was served to all. Miss Mary Lowell of Detroit, visited ^^'- ^"'' ^'' -â- -'â- L Graham and May at W. H. McNaliy's. '"d Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Graham visited Mr. Joseph McKee of Southern Al. ''''«'"'^ at Honeywood and Shrigley. berta vi--.ited lately with his brother ^'*'tois with .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. here and other relatives. It is many I ^°'*"'^ recently were: Miss Marion ycais since Mr. .VIcKee went west and ^'^'^"'' of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beyers of Paisley and Mrs, Lambkin and children of Owen Sound. The following children from this , school passed the Entrance examina- ' '"P^"' ^^'^ "''•''^ ''"'' ^' Mr. Colin Mo- tions: Evelyn McGee. Pat Weber, 1 ^^''"'*- * Laurene Baker, Billie Bowles, Hugh'j Miss Marjorie Meuser of Owen Wyville. The first two received | S*^"'"' '" -"Pending a week with her honors. Mr. Jack Stewart and son. Douglas, of Toronto, Mrs. J. R. Stewart and I t.iui.iuii ai. Flesherton on Friday. ' ', {The Eugenia L.O.L. was in attend- ! , ance. They purchased a new banner j I recently. Maxwell football team played a ; friendly game with the Kugenii nine ] I on Thursday evening of last week, ' I which resulted in a o-O score in favor ' iof Eugenia.' Congratulations, boys- After the game a dance was held in the Park paviilion. Mrs. Morgan and Douglas of Flesli- ertor, also Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc- Donald o." Chatsworth, were recent visitors v.ith Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and other relatives. I Mrs. Will Camiihe:! and -'â- "., Biih-. i of Toronto are spending t.heir summer â- j vacation at their cottage in the vill- age. Mr. Camiibell ha.s returned to Clothes of Quality Special Diicounts for month of July i>L'rtier "â- Clotlics "i (jualiiy niadc unci tail<jred to vour in(livi<lr.al nica:-ure troiii the lincst wooilen.s an<I worsted.^. Sati.sfactfon j.ruarantc(.M!. JULY PRICES Rc;4:ukir S24.5l> rv;;!^ Rcivuhr S2<>.50 S;:il^ Rc!4-u!ar-:'^32.5''' Si;i; , ^22.00 1 $23.73 X $29.2.S •> <• Men's Summer Specials fortune has favoured him to a fairly libe-al extent. -Mr. and Mrs. Horn and son of Tor- onto visited lately at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamiesoii, Miss Gladys Jamieson returned with her for a holiday in the city. Rev. R. Dingwall and wife have moved to their new charge at Hom- ings Mills. and Mrs. John McFariano of loronto, Mr. and Mrs. Eari Plumnier attend- ^^'^^ Sylvia Stewart of Shrigley were ed the Wilkinson re-union near Toron- â„¢""* visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. to last Satur.Iay. ^- Graham. Rev. W. J. Scott. Mrs. Scott, Mr. "'^ children's service will be held in W. J. Bellamy. Mr. Holland. Mr. A *'"^ church here next Sunday after- E. Bellamy ami Master B. Bellamy "°°."' Children will compose the of Flesherton brought cheer to the ! '^^°''^' hearts of some shut-in friends last '^^^ J"'*' meeting of the Ladies' Aid week by a sunshine visit of .some ''^* ^^^^ ^^ ^^'^ ^°^'^ °^ Mrs. C. B. hours. » I Boland Tuesday afternoon of last Mrs. James Hill. Mrs. Geo. Young j !*'*^'* *"** ^'** largely attended. An Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill motored to Tor- i '"'*'"*®*'"^ program was provided, onto lately and visited with Mrs. M. | Conron whom we are sorry to herfi | ROCK MILLS continues in a low state of health. ! I Misses Mabel, Doris and Delia Black of Orangeville visited during the past i week with their uncle and aunt. Mr. Mr. Jim Pritchard is attending thei^"^ Mrs. Walter Russell, funeral of his brother, Joe at .â- V.lcove, | ^ large number from here attended Que., who died Friday evening. | the 12th of July etiebration in Flesh- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. White visited in e^ton and report a good time. .,,.,. ,. ,.1, u f u- I '"'â- """" ""''?!â- -spending a coupli- of IS holidaying at the home of his son, .^ . _. ' Archie. - i >t- i i^ i . . ,, 1 IT M >. T 1 At 1 Miss Louise Falconer â- Miss Mr. and Mrs. .-\lex .McI.lv.!! and Mr. r , â- , • Lyia Harrison n-o'^v near i^ . v;l!e visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and family. Mr. and iMrs. Will Walker ami' j Blanche visited rn .Sunday with friends near Wiarton. o Mr. and Mrs. (Jaylord Kaitting of Detroit were recent visitors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W'ni Kaitting ami family. Mr. Newton Train of Elmvale vis- ited with his friend. Mr. Chas. Park, a few viays recently. Mr. -Argyle Martin of Flesherton vi.=;ited on Saturday at his parental hi me here. .A number of citizens here viewed the total eclipe of the moon which ^'i:i rt Si'.i>e.-; \\'..m! Pullovers i.vallv HcUs Sweat Shirt.-; ;-^]n .rt l^";I)-^ Silk Tlii.-^icry Sw ill ."^i:!;- aii'l Tr'. Si'k Si:-r; - a'i'l Si:i --::••! T'r.'ii >crs v.'..:.\a^ S':.c- ^i:•llnl(.â- : l^i; -i-v-ndcr A -•'â- '. \(.';k\\\a" s'ster, Mrs. .\rchie MacCuaig. .Mr. Elmore Neun, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neun and daughter, Beryl, of B-averton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hincks. Congratulations to Mr. and ."M-s. Vic Scheuiman on the arrival i f a Laby girl. Miss Beth Hincks is visiti-.'^c her I ssters, Mrs. Chas. Tucker ard M:s. ! ::tanley Harrison. j Mr. and .Mrs. W. G. McBride and I family are on their holidays and Mr .\!.!, \I-;W C.ooI^S KF,ASn\.\!;i.V PR!Ci-:i) F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO SAUGEEN JUNCTION Owen Sound on Sunday. Miss Shirley Semple of Markdale is visiting her aunt, Mrs. B. Badgerow. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Watson visited over the week end in Brampton. Mr. Harvey White, Toronto, visited over the week end at his parental Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woods and fam- ily of Oakville have been visiting relatives in this vicinity. The farmers are busy at the hay- ing which is a good crop this year. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore and Emily of Durham wj^re visitors "" home. Miss Alma returned with him i P"''''lay with Mr. and Mrs. Charle for a visit. Mr. Ed. Batchelor and Glen Lee of Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tucker of To- Shrigley visited on Sunday at the i""to spent the week end at the home D u un V ^ , â- , .occurred Monday night at 10.12 p.m. Percy Hemphill of Ceylon is th-.' rc-l-j-^. '^ lioving agent at the station. e moon remained covered, yet was \T.. Rill, u- • 1 . f T . â- -I ^"'sible for an hour and 41 minutes. Mr. Billy Wright of Toronto 's v:s «. w.., vi v ii j â- ;f; . f 1. t f^ ^- , ^^- " "'• McNally and daughter iting at tne home of Ge.>. Fisher. ' «;»= i.... «f r. .i Kmer, vf- „ c-»i, IT, i. u-, , Miss Iva of Portiaw were visitors at .Vliss tthel Tavlor of F esV.crto-i Lu u <• >. . â- u , ,. "^^ I the homes of Mr. Jos. W ams and returned home after spending the past ' m^. Jiobt Hanev two weeks with hep aunt, Mrs. Allie .McLean. Friends here uf Mr. .\. B. .McDonald of Owen Sound are sorry to heai of his illness and all hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Will Davies and daughter. Miss i Dorothy of Toronto are spending a j few holidays with Mr. Jalie Williams. Mr. Ronald Wreck from neat- Mea- ford is assisting Mr. .Albert Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Heatherinc-ton and two daughters and Mr. Gordon Magee of Orillia were visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. Miss .Myrtle .\cheson and gentleman were visitors on Sunday at the home of Postmaster "-as fine. Park. -hough and the speeches were good., j,,-. ,john Fenwick of Toronto has Mi.ss Macrhails three liberties being , pent the past coi:plo of weeks with ,,.,1,1,. -npreciated. As for the "walk" on the 12th, or should I call it "march", you kno-.v all about itâ€" big crowd, big noise, some five or si.x thousand present. It's puzzling how a man can play and ' fnenlof wllt'^rs Fall .lot kci'p step to his own music. The band from Honevwood \ICTORIA CORNERS Who Are The Happiest? home of Mr. .'^am Batcheor. MAXWELL cf .Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson, re- j turning to Toronto on Sunday. I Rev. F. Dean of Feversham will I hold prayer meeting this Friday I night, July 19th. at the home of Mr. S. Hemphill. Everybody welcome. 1 Mr and Mrs. Nas.sau Whitmore and family and Mr. Louis Whitmore of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKane and son of Riverdale. California, and Mr*. Frar.cis McTCane and dauirhter. Vaima of Ravenna visited with Mv. Rubt. and '< ^"'"^'a'" visited on Friday with Mr. Ella Alister on Monday. I ^"'^ Mrs. W. J. Newell. Mr. Fred Field and son. George, j ^^' ^"^ •^''â- ^- '*^'*"' Osborne and Mr. called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Binningtonr"'"' ^^^'^- M- Osborne and family of on Saturday. | Nottawa were callers on Sunday at Mi.-ses Mary and Dorothy W'hite-|"^^ ^°"'p "f -Mr. and Mrs. John head are visiting their aunt. Mrs. I ''obertson. Edgar Betts. | Mr. and Mrs. H. Pacey and son of Miss Jewel Partridge is visiting i„ Windsor were recent visitors at hc:- ,Toronto for a couple of weeks. parental home here. Wo are pleased to report Mr. Ren. ] '' ^'^ Clarksburg young people's Acheson much improved in health, jiivhestra will be at the Gospel Work- .Mrs. Chesta- Cameron and Miss M.,-''eis' church at Feversham on Sunday Linly of Owen Sound are visiting with evening, July 21st, for the evening Relatives here for a week. j '-ci'vice at 7.30. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Holdswnrth and Mrs. Holdsworth Sr. visited with the "^^^^ '^ where a teacher of Latin itrhlv Mi-;-. Jane Karstedt. 7 year old diiughter of Ml-, aiifl Mrs. ^^ G. KaiUeiit. is deserving of all credit and congratulations in passing, with lionors, her introductory piano music. .Miss Lucas of Markdale was teacher. The examinations were held in Owen Sound by the Toronto Conservatory of Mi'sic. Meetings this week:â€" Bible Soc- iety Wednesday ev his sister. Mrs. Jos. Williams, and i brother. Mr. Thus. Fenwick, and i othpr friends. I Miss .Millie McMullen of Toronto is' spendin.g the summer vacation with her mother. Misses I'oriithy Monk and Dorothy Slater of Gall are on a fortnight's! holidays at the home of Mr. Thos. | Fetnvi'-k. j Mr. Burton Long and sister. Mrs. i There passed away at her home on No. 10 Highway, after a linrering illness. .Martha (Porter) Scott, wife of Mr, Wni. Scott. Saturday morning. The funeral was held today, Monday. Obituary next week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clayton of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Owst lately from England, visited at the home '<f Milton Bannon. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow attended the Ludlow reunion at .\lliston and visiteii fo"- a fpw days. Mr. Ernest Stinson celebrated the Glorious Twelfth at Toronto and spent the week end at St. Catharines. Born â€" To Mr. and Mr-;. Lome Nicol. a daughter. Conirratuiatioins to our new neig'^- bors. .Mr. and Mrs. J. Gowanlock. who were married last week at Barrie. We wish them a happy so.iouni in our midst. Ml-, and Mrs. Joe McClue visited the lalter's <lster and othor r'rieiul: a few day-! last week. Who are the happiest people on e-arth .' This question was asked by an Engrlish newspaper, and pri'zes were offered for the best answer. There were four prize-winning an- swers; â€" "X ci-aftsman or artist whistling over a job well done." ".A. little child building sand cast- les." ".\ mother after a bu5r 8ay, t>:;t?i- ing her baby. ' "\ doctor who has finished a dif- ficult und dangerous operation and saved a human life." No millionaire among these one notices. No kings or emperors. Riches and ranks, no matter how 'â- hs world strives for them do not make happy lives. • .X sand castle does that far better than a palace. It would be a sad day on earth if only the great could be happy. But happiness is for everybody, not for a few. â€" Sunshine magazine. •â- ''"'"'-' ''-V a Mr. Gaily of Toronto were Sunday visitors Brender on the "Romance of the ,vith Mr. and Mrs. Cuurt Smith. Bible : Otficial Board of St. Columba , Mrs. Bristow of Saskatchewan Lpited Church r.n Thiirsdav visit- ^•'^â- ''"i"-: o<i with her granddaughter. Mrs. Ben on Iriday the ;,^reat garden party and ] Short, over the week end. play ni connection with St. Colum'o-s i Mr. and Mrs. Llovd McKe church will be held on the ground-: adjoining the agricultural hall. „..'.'.. ~.' ; .â- ";' 'J Rev. N. McDonald will take in and on. Edward, of California, also Mrs. f"d. McKean and daughter, \olnia. of „ „ , . Ravenna, visited with Mr. and Mrs. ervices at St. Columba on Sunday in Court Smith on Mondav. Rev. J. W. Johnston. the absence of who is on holidays. Kxchani;es will be made in .\ugust in brotherly spirit. If nothing intervenes to iirevent Priestley family over the week end./^'^'"l'l have the advanftge because - ['^'' """""' '"^''""^â- i"' service will be Their son. George, remained for a few "^^ person in supposed to have to holidays. speak the language. THE ^ f i I QUALITY CF SAL AD A TEA â€"GRANDMOTHER USED IT AND SAID IT WAS GOOD. NO QUESTION ABOUT THE SALADA Brown Label Tea, rci;. (>5c., for 61c lb SALADA Yellow Label rtu. 5.=^o. for 51c lb. held on August 25th. We wore pleased to meet with the winsome, merry Miss May Belle Mc- Arthur. home from Toronto on holi- days. She is the picture of health. The July meeting of St. Columba At the Y.P.S. meeting Wednesday evening of last .veek there were •HJ in attendance. Mrs. Martin took the worship period, also the discussion, the topic of which was "Opening Doors for Womanhood in Trinidad." Scripture passages were road by Ida Benson. Evelyn Camobell. Eileen Russol. Recreation c-nsistetl of n ball game before the program and a geography match following. The W.M.S. and W.A." was held at the '"eating closed in the usual manner. home of .Mrs. Malcolm ; .-Iiinis. and was well attended. In the absence of the president, Mrs. .A. Muir pre- sided and led in the devotional e.xer- ciscs. The roll call was answered by a text about some women of Bible times. Chapter 1 of the study l>ook X| was well taken by .Miss .â- \nnaMcLean, 1 1 dealing with the story of the early English missionary to India, Win. Carey. Queen of Roses Flour ''S lb ba.q: $2.25 I FRUIT PECTIN for Jelies and Jams, pktr 15c i CERTO, Suz. l.uttks 30c ^. Canada Matches, 3 boxes fi>r 23c t MoLnren's JELLY 6 iik--;. 25c \ I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. I FLESHERTON i I I I I I Mrs. E. Partridge of Rock Mill.s is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Jos. Wi!!iM'"s. Mr. anil Mrs. D. Gonoe from East Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood rind children <f Markdale visited on .'Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and family. Mr. Lloyd Hartney and son. John, of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. Purvis' cottage. His wifi- and PROTON STATION L. O. 1.. -lil celebrated the 12lh in Flesherton. Others from here spent the day at Maple Valley. Wc are sorry that Mr>. I-ish is not well. Her daughter. Mrs. Wylie aivi little son of Toronto <peiu last week with her. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner. Misses Margaret and Elva Wood and Mv. Gordon .Middleton of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mi<, Lornc Hodgin. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgin accompanied them to Laurel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and Mi-^s Mildred .Sharp of Toronto were tlv guests of Mrs. Wes Dever. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Car-^on of Toronto visited at the home of M", and Mrs. .Tohn Carson. Messrs. Hergott, Pritchan! aro Cuthber'son are attending the i'Mneial of Mr. Pritchard's brother in Ottawa. Ken Watson of Toronto is visitir.'.: his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Watson. Mrs. Duncan McNicoi and daugh- ter. Helen, are spemliiig a few days with the former's father. Mr. Chas. Lyons. Livestock Markets Stoeis lansred from .S.5..50 to $6 for medium to u'l'od. to 0i>.2.i to $0.50 ftir choice weighty kinds, on the Toronto Livestock Market Tuesday. Handy- weight butchers sold at $.') to So. 00, with a few U!) -.o S6. Common sold down to S-1. Good butcher cows brought .$4 to $4.2.'> and plain went at iS-2..-,(t. Fed bulls brou^jjht §3.25 to S.j.oO for good. Light JV.<-'kers sold i from •â- W to S-I.vi. with a feVoOO lb. feeders at $5. Tho call divi.sion held at S6.50 to â- S7 for choice and at SI for common. Crassers brought -$.•! to S.'i.50. Lambs and sheep also were steady, the for- mer at S^;..^0 to SS.jO, the latter at $1 to $2.50 cwt. Hogs settled at $8.2,") fo..b. for ba- eons, SS.iJ.'i off truck and .$!> off car. In several places in France the temperature has ranged between 105 and U'O degrees in recent days. Police recruits in East York must be bftween the ages of 22 and .'!5 and war vcteriis claim that shuts theiiioiit. It probably does as it is almots 21 years ago that the war starlod. IThe meeting of the W.A. was led i ««"' ^''^"- "'"' *'''''"* "^^ P"^*^ ^''^^'^ by Mrs. Harrison and business relat- 1 h<?i'«- returned home with jhem. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ing to the garden party on July 19th and other items discussed. At the conclusion a social half hour was si>ent and the hostess served lunch with characteristic hosnitalitv. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory \"ho passed away GILCHRIST - (f Thos. G'lchris. July 20th, 1934, Just a thought of sveet remembrancei Just a memory, fond and true. Just a token of deep affection. And a heart-ache still for you. â€".Sadly missed bv his wife. Nellie. Purvis and children of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr. Mrs. Robert Purvis. Mrs. Purvis and children remained to spend a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Woods and four friend.s were guests at the CluS House, as also were Messrs. Jim ! Davidson. Chas. Stevens. Earn David- I son and two daughters of Fevershim. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoffman and friends of Hanover visited a day la-st week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting. . •> ,% .jrt%.>.>.>,> -% ." The Germans have invented a noise- s[ I ess aireplane engine. Won't that ••:•â- ?•?•>•:••:••>•:••>♦•:••:••:••: â- »>•>•>'?•>•>•>•>•?•>•>*«â- > eneoura.sre back-seat driving. The export trade of Canadian eggs from Maritime ports to Bermuda and the W'est Indies has Increased durin.z recent weeks and hne created a fav- ourable infiuenC'V