AW'clnosday, July 17, 1935 TIIK FLESHERTON ADVANCE t Local ad Personal Mrs. T. J. Fisher is visiting with friends at CoUingwood. Miss Lois Wilson of Durham is visiting in town. Rev. Robt. Paton of Bethany is holidaying in tcwn. Mrs. Ern. Armstrong of Cobalt was the guest of Mrs. F. H. W. Hicklinj? the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Watson of Bala- clava spent the week end with the lalter's sister, Mrs. Jim Dargavel. Mr. Thos Brady .spent a cnuplo of liays the last of the week with his wife in t<>wn. Mr. W. E. Topoliff of Odessa is spending a month or so with his daughter, Mrs. J. Dargavel. Miss Aleda .Mitchell attonde.) the Martin-Bunt nuptials at Toronto on Friday. Mrs. D. Redding and son, Harold of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLean for a few days. The Ficsherton Bowling Club intend holding its opening bowling tourna- >u'nt on the local greens on Thursday, July .18th. Mrs. A. • McRae, and Mrs. A Gil- christ accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart of Ceylon on ' a visit with Caledon relations. Mr. and V.s. .Stsuiley Brown, Mrs. Neil Graham and son, Jinimie, of Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander and family. The Advance had a pleasant call on M<)n<liiy from Mr. W. N. Hemphill of Toronto, who was on a week end tour if the (leoririan Bay district, accom* panied by his good wife and daugh- .e;.s, Kik'ii and Jean. Annual meeting of the South (Jrey Liberal .-XsKociatinn will he held in the town hall Durham, on Wednesday, luly ITth at 2 p.m. Tlie speakers will l)e Dr. J. A. Faulkner, Minister if Health in the Ontario Government, Pres., Dr. T. H. Sneath, act. Sec, Walter E. Harris. SOWING SLKDS OF J'ERKNNIAL FLOWERS Successfyl Osprey Entrance Students Those students with A following their name were promoted on their year's work while those marked B were succssful in passing the exam- inations set; II indicates honor.-. The "following list of succeissful Entrance candidates wa.s received on Monday evening at this office. Betty Mcl.aclin A, Annie Mclntyre B, Mary Mills A, Sheldon "Mills A, Austin Muirhead B, Ral)erl JbKn Thompson A, .Norman A. Jackson A, Cieitrude Louise Little A, Thelma Long A, Murray Lepard A, jBilly Stephens A, Kathleen Hawton B, ' Stanley Short H. Marion Adair B, I William Essland (aegrotat), Ilt'ieii I Lougheed (aegrotat), Robert Alison B Seymour Londry B, J. A. Lougheed I B, Gordon Cameron H, Lloyd Freethy I B, Jimmie Hawton B. Mervin Hawrton I B, Florence Stonohouse B, Gertie j Mitchell B, Cecil Blakey A, Hazel I Young A, George Ball B, Kathleen Gillies A. Trip up Saguenay Acheson Re-Union Seeds of perennial flowers may be sown now. The seedbed should be I made in a position where it is shaded ' from the afternoon sun. The surface soil should be raked very fine and the seeds sown in drills, the depth of sewing depending on the size of the :ecds. The larger ones should be Misses Eileen and Jean Johnston of well covered i)ut the small ones need Phelburne accompanied by Mr. .Mac- 1 practically no covering. The beds Don'mg'i called on Mr. and Mrs. W. need careful watering and weeding [formal School Results Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Abraham and .^on. Duncan, of St. Catherines were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Heard on Sunday. and when the seedlings are large enough they should be transplanted so as to make good plants to put into permanent beds \r, the fall. Thurston on the 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott of Han- over were week end visitors of Mr. W. J. Bellamv, Mrs. Scott is a sister I of Miss Katie and W. J. | I Another tras well just completed Mr. and Mrs. A. Stilwill, who have at HcDworth liy the .N'ottawa tias been spending a short vacation with and Oil co., is measuring uii to the relatives and friends of the vicinity, hi)fhest anticipations and (li-illing returned to their home in Verona, X.j c [)erations have alroa<^' Ijegun on ^ J., this week. two weili. I Results of the Normal School exam- ! inations were announced by the De- I partment of Education this Wednes- ' (lay morning and show that all the I former P^lesherlon hiirh school pupils i were successful, as follow-s: Dori.« I Bannon. (iraham Beaid. Isobel Mc- Mullen, Eleanor Mather, Kathleen ' Moriison, William .Somers. (Continued From Pa^e 1) deepest river, rimmed by a palisad? of rock on either side, mile after mile. Ihese walls were a changing pan- orama of greens, browns and distant puiple, simply breath-taking in its vastness and rough beauty. Fretiuent. ly lacy veils streamed down the pre- cipitous lock, where small streams descended in a lather of foam. Frequently small farm buildings could be discerned nestled among the hills, or perched on their tops. But they appeared to be I'arms that would be deserted if located in CoUingwood township. Occasionally there was a breath of pine .scent that floated out over the water, from a riverside sawmill at The ! mouth of the huge valleys that swept down to the tidewater. Entering a laige basin where the river broadened a bit, the boat's sir- en let out a blast, and echoes roared and answered so long that one won- dered if they would ever It was the famous Echo Bay. But the high moment of the tiip was when the two boats circled and turned around the foot of the great Cape Trinity and Eternity, set among the towering mountains of rock in one i McQuay favoured the gathering with of the finest theatres of nature to be a song entitled, "chums." The prize' found anywhere. This great rock for the oldest couple went to Mr. and rises 2n00 feet sheer out of the water Mrs. .las. Acheson, of Dundalk. The and is said to go down 1000 feet three youngest were children of Mr.' Turner Gathering Joy-time picnic was celebrated on the lawn of the lovely home of Mr. and .Mrs. James Johnson, Scarboro Junction, on Saturday, July 6. There In spite of the wet weather, about 150 members and guests of the Ache, son clan gathered at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Christie Johnston (Fairview Farm), Shelburne, on Saturday, July | were one hundred and seventeen rc- R, where a very pleasant afternooTi gistered from d/^ft'erent pfjints re- was spent and plans made to hold an presenting New Jersy city, Toronto, annual re-union. Mr. Robt. Acheson ' Streetsville, Paisley, Flesherton, Cey- of Pioton, was elected president ' Icn, Orangeville Eugenia, Lady Bank, This gathering included four gener- ! Rock .Mills, Proton Station Thom- ations of the descendants of Mr. and ' bury, Heathcote, Redwing, Ravenna, Mrs. Wm. Acheson, (Christina Fallis) ' and Markdale. A lovely dinner was who originally came from Ireland. Mr ' prepared after which a business meet- and Mrs. McQuay, of Elsa, Texas, j j^g was held those holding offices were among the guests, Mr. McCjuay | were re-electe'i. The sports conmiittec being a school chum of Mr. Johnston had a good entertaining program ar- whom he had not seen for ;57 years. Mr. Will Johnston of Marchand, Man., a brother of Mr. C. Johnston, was also present. Other men-l."!s came from Toronto, Angus, Markdale, Proton, Dundalk and vicinity. An interest- ing program of snorts and races was arranged, running races for the child- ren and games of ba.seball, horseshoe and quoits were suddenly halted by rain. This did not dampen the en- eulhusiasm as contests were carried out in Mr. Johnston's roomy barn. Some of the amusing events were honeymoon race, cup and water race, steppping race, and ball tossing. Mr. Engagement ranged and participation In the var- ious features provided much enjoy- ment, prizes were given to the wfti- ners, A prize was also given to the largest family present at the re- union which went to Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson, Redwing, also to the oldest member, it going to Mrs. J, H. Turner, and, also to the youngest grandmother, wlvich went to Mrs. G. Benson, Markdale. A snappy ball game was played and as the night was aproaching a dainty supper, was prepared, the ladies then packed up their goods, on which they had their claims and the cars and trucks rolled out for their homes each said there couldn't be a better way for this famiy to re- unite. under the water in a straight drop. T'ho boats were dwarfed by the grandeur of this vast cape, jutting out into the water, like a great hand Mr, and Mrs. ITcctor .MacLean of Priceville announce the engagment of their daughter, Catherine MacMillan to Mr. William Drury Hill; the niar- liago will take idace shortly. Try a "Small Advt." and Mrs. Chas. Foster, of Honeywood,; Mr. and .Mrs. Morris Small of Toron-' to, and Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Inkster of Wareham. An enjoyable after-' • ising out of the timeless depths of , noon was bi-ought to a climax by the river, and pointing heavenward, | supper, old Sol shining forth to make defying times change, destruction â- it possible to carry out thi.'s function P"^'""' > . â-º and decay. This great rock, geo- on the lawn. I â- legists tell us in of the oldest for- i Minister (who was filling out the nuition in the world. It was formed ^ ~ ^ marriage certificate and was uncertain when time was first in the making, | We've often wondered how old a as to the date â€"Let me see, this is the A thief tossed a brick througn a store window in Toronto and stole a wi-istwatch and two wedding rings, so now every person who gets mar- ried there is going to be under sus- TIIE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd CUAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING I'OWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY / EXTRA VALUES IN ALL LINES OF SUMMER MERCHANDISE MUCH CElOW the regular MARKET FRICEâ€" BUY AT HIIL'S and SAVE Ladies' White Kid Shoes Special Clearance of Lacles' and Misses' Voile Dresses 50 «nil\ line \ nik' l>^L-^^^â- s in dilkTiiit (U'S!t4ns, sizes 14 \m 20 an<l M^ t<t44 ; valiK-.> in tlK' \<>\ U]) to i^Z.')':'. Sale I'riee 95c Lot 2 â€" Ladies' Voii& Dresses lU doz. Ladies' \ uilc l)ie>.ses, all tlie .Micucst desi}4:ns, real smart tor siimnier wear ; all sizes re^^ $2.23 to $2.<AS. Si)ec- ial July Sale I'lice $L45 Ladies' Organdiei Dresses at Extra Values (i) onlv in llu' Kd in plain colors and some with dois. wii. $2.95 to .S3.45 valu..- July Sate Trice $1-89 Ladies' Hats at Half Price and Less Tabic Xi". 1 â€" lOU 1 lats in si^rin^ and snniiner styles, values up to ^2})5. July Sale Price 89c I ,,t 2 â€" 4 Doz. only Ladies' Snninu-r Crepe TIals in w liito and colors â€" the kind vou pav S1.9.S to S2..^0. f<.r Sale Price 98c BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT Women's Canvass Shoes ]_,,, 1 â€" 50 i)rs. Wiinifiis Canvas Shoes leather soles, Cnhan ht-els: a real smart shoe in white, blue and .sand colors; sizes 3 to 8. made to sell al .<1.40. Jnlv Sale 98c -â€" M) iKurs .adie.V White Ki<I 1 strap ami tie>, all sizes ^ to 7. $L89 Shoe->. fine (luality, in extr;t nne (luality kid JuIn Sale Price Ladies' White Kid Shoes in Stake Heel l.dl S â€" '»0 l)airs fine While Kid Shoes, e.Mi.i fine (pialitw made to sell as hii;h as $3.'>5; sizes 4 to 8. July Sale Price $2.49 Children's Trekkers at a Big Saving Ml \Ki\v>, only Children's Trekkers. size.-; 8 ti) H)|/j, a lew pairs 11 to 2. panco sole with tati top. Kej;-. values to $1.P). July Sale Pi iei'. pair 75c MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT Men's P.oater Straw Mats, regular up to $1.25. July Sale Price 50c 'rice Men's Khaki Pants, pfood ([itality. Jnly Sale Price $L35 Men's Shorts in broadcloth, pair 35c Men's Silk Polo Shirts in sport style, tan blue, and white, all sizes 75c .Men's Work Shirts, special, worth Uj) to $1.00 for 59c Men's Wool Work Socks. pr.l8c; 2 ior 35 Men'< Pine Cotton Socks, rei;-. 25c. i)air. Jnlv .Special, 2 p;urs for 25c BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTER WANTS NOW AND SAVE. SPECIAL SALE OF WOOL BLANKETS AT A REAL SAVING, Pure Wool Plaid Blankets 50 prs. Pure Wool Plaid lUankels, size 64x84, extra fine (|uaUty. Special $7.95 Hudson Bay Red Blankets A limited qnanlity only, a real (|uality blanket, size fiOxSO, S])ecia! pr ....$6.75 Pure Wool Blanket* at Real Saving GROCERY SPECIALS Rose I iakinj>- Powder, 1 lb. tin 15c P.ulk 'Ilea al 35c, 44c and 59c Kaisins 2 lbs. for 23c Comfort Soap 5 for 19c Sweet and Chocolate Coated Hiscuils 2 lbs. for 29c S(i(la Pisciiits 1 lb. for 13c; 2 lbs. 25c Kcllo^Rs Corn Flakes ?> for 23c Pouitts and Spencers, pure wool, extra w;,,,.^ , j^. Matches 3 for 23 fine (jualilv white blankets with white oi blue borders. Julv Special. i)air .... $5.95 Colored Bed Spreads, Less than Mill Cost ?>6 onlv, fancy coIr)rod Bed Spre.ids in heavy cotton, re},^ $2.25 value. July Special $1.59 Pitied Dates 2 for 19c t y. v.~:">x~:~:-:":~:"M~: ;..X":~;"X..:":"X~:..:..:..>.x~x~:'<~i~x~x~>»x~>* PLAY SAFE SHIP vocR CATTLE, CALVES, LAMBS and HOGS DUNN & LEVACK Ltd. CANAILVS LKADING LIVK .STOCK SALESMEN Union Stock Yards â€" Toronto CONSTANT UNEQUALLED SERVICE Established \S'J:', It Pavs'to Send Them to L's .MKK~:"M'<KK~:«<«<"KKKK">«X"K~;~XK"XK~:">M":"><":~;~:~:":":~;'^ Small Advts. FOR .SALE Dry softwood, also haidwood, 12 to 16 in. long. â€" Down Ac Boyd, Flesherton FRESH LLME Fresh kiln of lime for sale. â€" Thos. Fenwick. Eugenia, phone Feversham line 5, vinpr 3. FOR SALE Man's bicyce for sale.â€" Frank Gra- ham, Eugenia. , before the Creator had made primal ; '"^" .should be before it's all right fifth, isn't it? man, and stands firm and un.shakon f"'' *^''" '" s't down when they sing' Bride (indiffnant'y) t(i-day. 1 ^^'^ ^y"'"=* '" fhurch. | is only my second. High DM its side has been erected ,. . a snow-white image of the Virgin j Mary, giving visible ex])iession to the i : pirit ( f worship engendered by this j great piece of handiwork of the Great Architect. Here in the heart of old Canada, thi' great Capes, Trinity and Eternity have become famous the world over. Their settiiii>' beside a brooding, sul- len lake, rimmed by rocky ramparts. fai- from the sign boards, motor high- ways, cities and roar and racket of modern life, is one of surpassing, •ivid natural grandeur. And the loat's siicn scemed to stir the spirits ', that might haunt such a i-endezvous. i The echoe became a roaring, bellow- ing tumult, sweeping and rbcberating about the bay, and, finally sinking to â- a sullen muttering, and dying out after several minuter. The cackle I of the folk on board never permitted I u.s to hear the end of this echo. j And so, we again turned our bow I up the St. LawTencjs on the vast I waterway which laps the shore it Thornbury saying farewell to the chip-strewn Saguenay. Those chips were very interesting. At first we took them for leaves, but closer scrutiny revealed them to be peelings from the isolated nulpwood camps along tl^e shore, which the rising tide had claimed. Gradually the rugged grandeur of t'le .St. Lawrence shore subsided, and the boat passed through more and moie fertile country, until we were passing through as fine farmlands as ono could dcsii'eâ€" but through it all the atmosphere of quaint Quebec; a land of soaring church spires, outdoor ovens, quaint wells, whitewashed buildings, and contented habitants. Back again to the great city of Montreal, with its beautiful mountain, its encircling rivers, bathing beaches. boating, and winding highwaysâ€" in the midst of enjoying Dominion Day, even as the home folk were doing in Meaford at the same time. A day in Toronto, and then the greatest "kick" of all: back home in the squeaking, writhing, out-of-date cars as the uneven tracks twisted this way and thatâ€" back to Thorn- bury, and good old Grey county, where one finds friends and work; where Earl Shaw grins at one as he comes up the platform, and Ralph I'ulfer accepts both check and stub which we have familiarly removed from our own baggage; back home again to where even the dog wiggles r.i ecstatic welcome. Folks, it's mine to have a holiday, but the bests part of it all is just: "Comin' home again!" -No sif! This •:k~:":~X";»<":»<~:~:k~:«<~;":-;~> WANTED Good prices jmid for horses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" .Jimmie Sin- clair. Ceylon, Phone 38 i-. 2. TEAMS WANTED Team.s for roadwork. Sixty cents per hour for team, man and harness. Phone Cookstown 28 r 2 or 28 r 3, or write Box 47, Thornton, Out. CAME ASTRAY Came to my premises on or about June 20th, lim, two-year-old cattle beast. Owner prove property and Pay expenses.â€" C. S. Monaghaii, Flesher- ton. FOR SALE Ontario wheat 90c bu'.; buckwheat and barley 50c bu.; also unloading another car of shingles this week. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38r3. FOR SALE 1929 Plymouth Coupe, 4 new tire.s top and engine in first class shape will guoi-antce motor. Priva. tely owned. Apply at this office. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice fo' cash.â€" Thomas Owler 40 Doel Ave. Toronto. BINDER TWINE - HAY FORK ROPE Binder Twine Pricesâ€" ^i.SO ft. twine, 5 and <S Ih. halls, per cut. S8.75; CM) ft. twine. 5 and 8 lb. balls, per cwt. $8.00. The teacher was explaining to the class the meaning of the word "re- cuperate." "Now, Tommy," she said to a small boy. "When your father has worked hard all day, he is tired and worn out, isn't he?" "Yea, ma'am." "Then, when night comes, and his work is over for tli» «lay, what does he do?" "That's what iioUier wants to kYiow." Tom»iy expljiiied. .SHOP IN FLESHER'PON. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton t! room house, brick vcn«er, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a large b:\rn with cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. HOUSE FOR SALE OR KENT Good seven roomed house with sep- arate garage, all mo<lei-n conveniences, special wiriiig for electric stove. Further information from C. J. Cros- sley, 55 S«arlett Bd. Toijosto or R. J. Boyd, Fleshertan. | HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time |2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cask 75c.; charged $1.00. -^WES. SMITH, Rock MilU. BOAR FOR SERVICE \ Registered Yorkshire Boar for set- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clnfc^ the property of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. ' BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 p.m. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at residence in Flesherton. Extraction and plate work. F. M. EAGL ESON ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR Registered, Professional Engineer, Surveys, Reports, Estimates. Plans. Telephone, 31, ORANGEVILLE, Ont. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 388, A.F. &A.M., tneeta in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, e^ety Friday on or before the full moon. W. M., R. W. Piper, Secret-^ry, H. A. MeCanlay. , ... < 4 1 4 • 1; * â- T' ' • K * * B'- ^ « H *' * H * * H ♦ m * â- » > 1 ^ • 1 i * 1 ^ ! * H. « â- ;- ^ # i '> ^K' ^^4 H'f"" ^a . W ' ^ I â- ' > H . 1 « B- « E . • k « L y 1- «, â- Li