Wednt'sday. July 24. 1035 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHEItTQN ADVANCE Poblisked on CoUin^wood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of eacn > week. Cuvalation over lUOO. ' Price in Canada f2.00 per year, when paid in advance |1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance |2.00. W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor f. J. THURSTON. - A1.S0C Editor .ANOTUKK WOMAN SENATOK llcp. <'aii:ric Wilson, Canada's sole wuu.aii Senator, has been ciaiitt-d a ^'â- lasLivativc malt in thf Hed Cham tx-i, Mrs. Ilowaril T. FuUis, I'eter- I.M.rn. havinjc hccn selcctoti for the (h^tinclion. Mrs. Kallis is a tall<cr of note. Now. what of fcniiniiic roprcsentalion in the new House of (Onitiions? I- our Grey County M. T". to leniain. as it were, a pelican in the wi!iliTiie>- '.' \ anous ladiis a:(.> a- iisua). he:tiir nominated. l)iit to tcet eiioukrh votes is the Ihinir. Uniiallaiit men, and even womkii. are not always to he relied upon. ABOUT WATCHES I outlook in iM)t a few conntitueneie.-t will bfc uncertain. Never before. 1 .since Confederation, have conditions jbeon so complicated. They may,! '" ''*'•' J'^'"'" '''"'^ '" 'â- ^['*''''*"'' " ^"^ I however, clear up before election day. j was imposed by Act of I'arlianuiit :in One Ihintf is certain: there will be ' the possession and use of watches and many new faces in the Parliament [ clock.s. The following is an extract which will be selected. It is up toj <f the Act and ordained that: For and the electors to make the choice. May ! they decide with wisdom, unmoved by ! prejiwlice. SlIOl LI) BK MAIMi TO WORK upon every clock or timekeeper, by whatever name the same shall be cal- led, which shall be used for the pur- pose of a clock and placed in or upon any dwellinfr house, or any office Hill-MacMillan A quiet but pretty wedding was .solemnized on Saturday afternoon at â- 1 o'clock in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church Priceville, Ontario, when Cath- erine Kupheniia MacMillaii, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hector R. McLean became the bride of Wni. Drury Hill, son of the late Thomas A. and Mrs. Hill of Ferjru.s, Ont. Rev. Norman MacDonald of Pricc- We notice that in several munic- (luet of iiink roses ami Lily of the vaiiev. , The maid of honor was Miss Eva Hill sister of the proom and was pret- j tily attired in flowered Chiffon and ! wore a corsage of .sweet peas. ; The ni'oonisman was Ivir. Murray l.KAVlNt. Ilorsi: OF ((»\1M<)NS building, thereunto belonjrlnK, or j ville performed the wedding ceremonv dny <7ther buildinj; whatever, whether j The bride looked charming in a shell palities there are men who have been ' private or public, ijelonging to any | pink triple sheer gown, fashioned on on relief who refuse work when it isj person or persons, or company of per- 1 simple lines and ware a corsage bou- availablf for them. Premier Hepbut n , sons, or any Body Corporate, or Pub- has stated that those who do not I lie or Collegiate, or which shall be work arc to be refu.sed relief when |1. ;-^ and iiu'd by any person or per- the time to aguin dispejise! sons ir. (ireat Britain, these shall b* that boon to the man out of a job. .^t| charged an annuail duty of five shill- this time of the year there arc hun-jings and foi- upon every gold watch (beds of fanners in need of help for : or wat;h enamelled o!i gold or gold the haying and the harvest v.ho would, timekcepr u.-^ed fsr the piirpo.-e of a' Mac.Milhui, biother of the bride, .\fter lie pleased l>) provide empb'yment for watch by whatever namt the same | the signing of the register and con- rr.any <if those who are not working, shall be called, which shall be kept | ffiatulalions. a dainty wedding suppei- but many have been unable to secure^ and worn or used by any person ml was served to the immediate members help in their task. The hunger mar- '• (Jienl Biitain there shill be charged of the family at the Park Hotel. Flesh- chers travelling to Ottawa l>y foot i an annual duty of ten shillings. And| f"'-""' would be better occupied in looking for and upon every silver oi metal: The bride's travelling outfit was a for honest toil in place of agitating ! watch or of whatever material the : «uit- <'f boucle delphinium blue and ifor more relief and forcing the guv- ; same shall be made, which shall bei«bi-^mp with matching accessories, ernment to pay out larger amounts | kept and w;.rn or used, by any person The happy couple left amid showers ' to aid them in their idlonesi. There | there shall be charged an annual duty [ "f confetti and good wishes, on a are many men, no doubt, who have j of two shillings and sixpence. Among ! honeymoon trip to Muskoka and othe- A HEALTH SERVICE Or THE CANADIAN MEDICAU ASSOCIATION ANO LIFE ^SURANCE COMPANiet IN CANADA ADOI.KSCKNT (aRLS Practically twice asi many girls be- tween their fifteenth and twentieth Voter's List 1935 MLNKIPALITY OF FLESHERTON Notice is liereby given that i have complied with Section Seven of the Voters' List Act and have posted up at my office at Flesherton on the 13th day of .Iu!y, 1935, the list of all per- sons untitled to vote in said municipal- ity at Municipal Election.s and such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to hav€ I anv errors or omi.ssions corrected ac- years die from tuberc ilosis as do hoys i ^.^^.^n^^ j^ j^w, the last day for appeal of the same age. I; is only among . ^^^.^^ ^^^ second day of August, 1936. the young women of the country that | y^,^^ we are not making satisfactory pro- | ^^'^^^^ j^j^ ^ ^^^ â€" W. J. BELLAMY, .\niong those who are .. 't running [n-n out of employment for so long 'other provisions of th for seats in tiie I'arlianient of Canada soon t" b? electe<l are lion. Hugh (luthrie, Minister id' .Justice, of Cuelph, wh'i is slated for the chair- tnan.ship of the Dominion Railway Commission; Hon. R. C. Matthew*, •who has l)ccn .Minister of Revenue; Hon. Edgar Ithodes, who takes a e act was one 'â- poi'it!*. The young couple have the best wishes for a long and happy wedded life, from a host of friends. Previous to her marriage a recep- tion was held at the home of Miss ) Coleman of Dunnville, where a chick- I thai they have no intention of lojkiiig that in certain sections of England for work if the government can be | every watch or clockmaker or dealer forced to aid them. Relief has made' in siuh was also required to pay an for gieater idleness and has taken annual duty of two shillings and six- iway from men the initiative to work ' pence. i u and help support his family: that it' Under these cnnditions the demand ''" '"""<='' ^'^'^ ^<'"*''^- | weight, and by far too much dieting IS the diitv of the countrv to keep for watches and clocks had decreased! ^ complementary address was read among them. At this age, overweight them' while they go around the coun- to such and extent, that in than i ^'V »"'' "^ ^he nurses. The bride who I up to a point is desirable, beyond gress in stamping out tuberculosis. This, in itself, is serious, but it is all the more so if we consder tuber- culosis to be an indicator of general health conditions. It points to a prevalent unsatisfactory health status of the adolescent girls and young women of Canada. There are certain fairly cominon faults in the living habits of this age group which appear to be responsible. at least in part, for their lack of good I health. It must be remembered that 1 the results of faulty habits of living i are seldom promiit or spectacular. ] Rather do these had habits lead to a j gradual undermining of health, to physical inferiority and fatigue, and ' to inability to recuperate from fatigue \ or infections. Too many girls are poor eater.'?. There is too much attention given to Clerk of Flesherton. Senatorship; H<m. Alfred nuianleau. t,.j. i.oa^tj,,;, of the fact that they ! a year thou.sands of per.sons employed ' ''a^ ''«" "m the hospital for four years | which it should be overcome by exer- Optometrist and EYE SPECIALIST R. M. McKay R. 0. uf Kincinline at Wm. F. Potter's Jewellery Store FLESHERTON for consultation - on - Mon., Aug. S from 10 o'clock a.m. and monthly thereafter. Com- plete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please make your appointment. Minister of Marine, and Hon. Arthu Bauve, Postmaster Ceneral, tjuebec Ministers, who take refuge in the Senate. Other members of the House uffaji-s (.^n not continue. of Commons who go to the Senate __ â€" . â€" are: James Arthurs of Parry Sound, F. P. Quinn of Halifax, Th .s. Cantley of Pictou and Hon. Geo, P. Jones of New Brunswick are "putting it over" the govern-! in the various branches of the trade i ^'^ ment. The time has come when they within the kingdom wove deprived of should be shown that this state of employment. TTie paralizing effect was such that EDITORIAL NOTES \ it had the effect of creating a new : kind of tinu'kee|)er solely for tavern 1 keepers which were known as "Act of remarks Parliament ('locks." presented with a lovely walnut | cise and by the elimination of candy occasional chair from the hospital land pastry, but never by any dieting staff. .Miss MacMillan thanked all j except under regular medical super- kindly and invited one and all to visit • vision. her in her new home. ST. JOHN'S W.M.S. 'Hie Durham Chronicle Then Hon. Donald that a walk around the back streets These clocks had a large dial of' â- - â- Sutherland of Ingersoll, a former |„i- the town makeg one think that the' wood [lainted block, and with gilt fig- | 'J'he Woman's Mis.sionary Society Minister, joins the procession to the to^-n council will soon have to com- ' urcs, not covere<l by glass and had a ' met in the school room of St. John's Senate, while Hon. T. C. Murphy, „„.n(^^i, haying. Flesherton's street trunk of sufficient length to allow i United Church on Wednesday of last Ministtr of the Interior, gives up the h^y ^.,.(,p ^vas gathered in by a local : of a second, pendulum. \ few of week. .Mrs. Mitchell's group had Parliamenlary contest and joiius him. ' j.iij;,,,,, for feeding without ' these clocks may still be seen in the chaige of the progruni. but owing to As (.the r Senators are yet to Im? .select- .,„ J ^.^,^^ to the town. ! country inns. home conditions she was obliged lo ed, there is still a to take the . • • â- The act was repealed in April 17118, pass the honor of presidin^r over to life .iob and give up the uncertain We are pleased to know that the 'the nroduce being far from reaching' another member. After the opening competition for permanent. i veteran editor of the Chesley Enter-' the estimated yiehi. " i exercises, Mrs. 0. Phillips read the 'prise has so far recovered from his' \ series of articles dealing with ifi'"^*'''""*! leaflet and Mrs. W. Thurs- slroke a yeai- or so ago that he has the history of watches and clix'ks and t"" '''^''"' ^ short account of the work Jl'.ST IN P.VSSINO I been able to be down town in a wheel nflier items of interest in connection' '" Trinidad which was begun by Rev. . I chair. We hope he continues to im- therewith, also a brief history of hall "l"hn and Mrs. Morton in ISTti. !The It may not have occurred to all, but in-ove and will gain the full use of marking applying to the English hall â- ^^'- ^'- •^- f"'"'^ ""' work there as ' 'lis limbs. ' ' P'lesherton has undoubtedly the best swimming pool between Toronto and the Ceorgian Bay? Why cannot we make more of it '.' Hundreds of tour- ists pass through the village every week with no knowledge of it» ex- istence. It would be a boon lo many a travelling party on a hot summer ''ill <lay. It is unfortunate that this local asset has not been more widely her aided. How would the f(dlowing up at all service stations an ces to the village do â€" : , T(H HISTS F^I^SHKRION HAS THE FINEST SWI.MMI.Nti P(»()I, IN (;REV. Wr. iNvirrr-: voi ro i se it. phere LS NO (IIARCE lUINEH TRADE "What are you in jail for?" "Competition." "What do you mean, competition "I made the same kind of ten dollar the (•â- ovirniiii'nt dues." mark, by which the date the articles ' '~"<-'^'''''**''"' *''' '^ '''" was maile may be ascertaV.'d. will i *"''''''""'*''*"''^*'- -More be under the workers, which appear in this paper. \\. V. POTTEi:. KlesliHton' TORONTO L][NE~NORTKi .Ml Wi -ign .set I eiitran If the tourist party (ocdi: liinc In swim here it is Muite probable thai they might eat here and buy things here. <>1' course ii would be necessary to /lo a little fixing \\\i. i'iie door- would have to be in theii proper idaces in llic dressing rooms and not on the floor, .Signs distinguishing Ihe room... would hav<' to be tacked up, and a less dangerous diving ar- rangement w iiibl have lo be con- structed. This is something for the iiiercliantis and seivi<>e station people to think about. We feel cer- tain that the gentleman who own." the properly would be glad to cf </peratc. You Can Have Mirror Floors CO.MINti (;ENKKAI- ELECTION Premier Bennett has taken a holi- day trip, after partially distributing a portion of the vacant Senatorships and judicial plums, but will, it i.s re- ported from Ottawa, return .soon and â- complete the distribution of jobs and then announce tlie dissolution of Tar] lament and the date of the Gener- al Election. .Mayhap the date of the fateful contest has already bften' fjelected, but the public is respectfully j requested to keep guessing whili the Premier di.sports himself by the*.sea. For ourselves, we hold to our prog- no.sticaiion of a few weeks siiK'e. The General Election may be expected before two months have elapsed, and the date will bt- between rh<> middle and the end of September Tlie likelihood, therefore, thai the country will be in the heat of the campaign while the crops are being harvested. All will be glad to sec it ever, and lo have normal conditions re-estalrtished. â- With at least four parties looking foi ' support on this occasion, many of th" Ministers and meml>er», either enter- ing the .Senate, taking refuge in ethevi offii-«s, or i-etir>ng to private life, lh« m. lUirnett is visiting with ft iends ill Dui-ham. .Masters Clarence Wiley and Fred Hazen of Owen Sound are spending a holiday with their grandfather, .Mr. ''red Mathewson. Mrs. Randalls of Orangevill,. and i daughter, .Mrs. Whaler and son. Don- ald (f Sanlt Ste. Marie visited with .Mr. and .Mis. Fred Brown last week. .â- VIi-, W. Lever si)ent a few days with them at Owen Sound and Cidpov's IJ-iy. .Mrs. .J. A. l.ever and son, Wilfred, and daughter, Mrs. (iordon "Long, ,-pent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. (ierald Morgan at Moorefiekl Mrs. Fred .Mathewson is visiting friends in T;)roiito at present. \'isitors at the home of Mr. Wm. Burnett recently were: Mr. and Mrs. f nundalk, Mr. and son of Cal- gary, Mrs. McKinnon and Mrs. Jos. McKee <if Priceville, Mr. and Mrs. Will Murdock Sr. and Miss M. Little of Caledon. Mr. Frank Tovi-nley and Miss Fargo have returnej to Toronto after visit- ing the former's mother, Mrs. Fred Mathewson. Mrs. (Dr'. I Roszell, Murray and Eleanor of Caledonia were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert .Stewart. Mr. E. Perry and Mr. Howden of j Toronto visited the of the week ^j; at A. Stewart's. means more nuiney, are needed to do all that should be done. Mrs, W. I. Henry, in the ab^vnce of the president took the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. J, Heard, who is acting secretary for Mrs. C Chappie during her absence. Ar- rangements were maile for the church service on July 2S. Roll was called, collection received, a hyrtin was sung and Mrs. J. J. Thompson dismissed the meeting liy prayer and the bene- diction. A good practical method is to state that if these girls will use one pint of milk a day, and once a day, take .servings of some gicen vegetable, a salad and some fresh fruit, after that, they may eat whatever they desire. Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDEKS adress-J to the undersigned and endorsed "TTen- der for Revetment Wall, Owen Sound, Ont. " will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wednesday, July 31, 1935. for the eon.stiuction of an extension to the Revetment wall and dredging in front thereof at Oweu Milk is essential to supply the min- j Sound, Grey County, Ont. eral, calcium, and the vegetables and , pi^^j^ fo^n of contract and spec- fruit will ensure an adequate supply ifj^-ation can be seen and forms of of vitamins. ^^^^^^^, obtained at the office of the ,."! u!";!'' .;! '*''~^'''"," .^"' ^"^ I chief Engineer, Department of Pub- lic Works, Ottawa, at the offices of IN MEMORIAM eleven hours â€" taken regularly are re()uiied. A noon rest i.s desirable but unfortunately is not often pracH- cal. Many schools make the serious error of having a short noon reces.a with the idea of closing earlier in the afternoon. This leads to fatigue which shows itself in the twitching, nail-biting and stammering which the school teacher .sees only too often. Poor posture grows out of a lack of sleep and rest, insufficient exercise and iniproner foods. It may be too that the girl feels overgrown, or, as an adolescent, be too conscious of her maturing figure, and thi.s caiisc-> her to slouch her shoulders. Bad habits of early life are apt to be carried into later life.. Good health habits are needed at all ages. IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM MAKK your floors as easy to j Wright and daughter o clean as a china plate. | and Mrs. McKinnon ai Coat them witli "I.i'xor" Clear (iloss. Then spill hot grease â€" track in mud â€" iijiset a pot of boiling coffee â€" break a bottle ol alcohol. None of these will harm 'Xwayt You can mop the "Li xou" coated floor as easily as yo" wash the dishes. Apply it tonight. You can walk on the floor tomorrow morning. • One quart at cost SI. 60 ivitl refinish your kitchen and bathroom floors, two coats. • A Luxurious Finish for Linoleum WikkI- work . Wooil FUtora . Table Tops . Front Donri YachI* <°jin<>M Toys l4iwn Furniture n«r Tops and other â- urfarra requiring n hard, durable flnl*h Inalda or ouKldc. Flesherton Plani:-.;; 'dill Flesherton, Ont. LCOâ€" â- 1111. LOCK â€" In loving memory of my dear sister, Mrs. Ed: Hillock (nee Grace Jamicson), who passed away to be with her Saviour, July 28, t!>.'i4. Sweet is your memory, dear to our hearts. The place that ymi h(dd there shall never depart; .Along through the days, be they many or few. Shall be filled Vvith nemembrance, dear sister, of you. â€"Sister Mary (Mrs. 1">. Genoe) â€"HAVE YOU RENEWED? HIN'CK.S â€" In loving meniury of Mrs. David Hincb, who departed this lif- .July 22nd, VJ2G. .Mother dear, how we have mis.sed you These long; years through; Sometimes we feel so lonely We scarce know what to do. She did not fail to do her Her heart was true and tender, She worked hard for she loved Which will always he remembered. .Some day we hope to meet her, Some day, we know not when, To clasp her hand In a better land, Never to part again. - Sadly missed by family. the District Engineer, K<)Uiity Build- ing, Toronto Builders Exchange & Construction Industries, 1104 Bay Street, Toronto .l, Ont.; also at the Post Office at Owen Sound, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. I Each tender must ba accompanied i by a certified cheiiue on a chartered i bank in Canada, payable to the order of the Honorable the Minister of Pub- lic Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount o£ tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, uncon- ditionally jcuarantecnl as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Can- ada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified chec|ue if reciuired to make up an odd amount. NOTE. â€" The department will sup- ply blue prints and specifications of the work on dcnosit of a sum of $20 - 00, in the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The de- posit will be relea.sed on return of the blue prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of tenders-. If not returned within that period the deposit will be for- feited. By order, •'- N. DESJARDINES, Secretary, husband and Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 17, 1935. Sold by: HILLOOK â€" In loving memory of our dear sister, Grace Hillock who pasesd away, July 2,3rd I'XM. Not dead; just gone a Iftle way .Ahead of us who Io\'ed you here. Though your dear face we may not .see Your .tipirit still can guide and cheer Because your life was beautiful. The lessons learned from you in youth .'\re guide-posts to a higher way Of .service, loveliness and truth. â€" Sister, »va. Card of Thanks Rbv. j, R. Wots»encroft wishes to thank ills fri«»ds and neighbors for th» »iHny acts of kindness shown him dia-iniF itia i-eoent illness. Mnny thanks. ' ! 1 i I T X X f Your nieghborhood SUPERIOR STORE is featuring high qusJity products at low ^' '* CASH pricets ending Saturday, July 28th. Clover Leaf Pink SALMON tails 2 for 25c Shakt-r SALT .Plain or li)(li/f(l 7 c. Package Cross & BJackwell's Tomato Soup 4 tins 25a. RUBBER RINGS, PAROWAX FRUIT JARS all at lowest prict-.s Dont forg-et to take huiiic a brick of the old reliable City lOairy ICE CREAM, Flij;i;i'V and P>etter bricks at only 20c. C. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 Royal York Marmalade lai-fjc jar 23c. CERTO Pc^t for preserving 29c a bottle VANILLA r.arg-o P>ottle out at 15c • • . ' - I y * J \ i ♦^^♦•^•>•^•^N^♦•^•>^^^^.^.^.>.KK••:•^•vâ- :•.>.^•>**^HV^♦^~>'^♦^^•>»^K"K"^♦^^