Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1935, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 31 1935 * i â- â€¢â-º> LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PRICEVILLE The Sacrawent of the Lord's Supper EUGENIA Haying- an<l berry-picking are the VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Akins of Dundalk visited her chum, Florence Batchelor. Miss Myrtle McTaggart was also a recent visitor at Jas. Batchelor's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Acheson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walton at Hopeville. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Richardson FEVERS HAM EDW,ARD MADDEN PASSES CEYLON was di-^pensod in St. Coluraba church ,' order , of the day in our vicinity, on Sunday last to a fine attentive! Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCawell and congregation. The choir contributing'; Miss Joan Pouiter of Toronto and Mr. Mr. Edward Madden passed away, on Thursday, July 25th, after some- months of ill health from heart trouble and other complications, at ! the rge of 73 years. | Mr. Madden was the =on of an old Miss Agnes .Macphai!, M.P., was a' speaker at the convention held at Port Elgin crt" Saturday, when Mr. Wm. Nicholson of Underwood was elected' as a Fanner-Labor candidate for the' Bruce riding in the coming Federal oc- entertained a number of relatives anu Pioneer family, who settled on a farm; neighbors to a reception on Friday J °" ^he 8th Line, a mile and a half evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Carl ' ^^est of thus village, the late Mr. and Bradley of Toronto. Mr. and Mr^s. ^^r^- James Madden, and built ip ;; Bradley (nee Cora Richardson I were ^^"^^ o"<^ "^ ^^^ forest. After then married on - Saturday, July 20th in <^eath Ed. carried on at the Toronto. After a honeymoon they s^^ad «'t*i his sister as >ou.=;ekeeper. returned on Friday. The evening | Ed. war. one of the most highly re was spent in dancing and cards . and â-  5P<^t«« citizens pleasant conversation. Mr. and Mrs. i '^'t'l his kindly disposition and was Bradley will reside in Toronto. '"-l^^ys ready to do a kind act for a Mr. Walter Acheson was quite "«^ghbcr. He ^v^H be greatly missed badly injured last Friday when a team '" *^he neighborhood, ran away, knocking him downi, and^ Interment took place in the Melanc- the wagon v.heel passing over his an appropriate anthem for the casion. ''The Voice >f Jesus." Miss .Anna McLean left Saturday for a two weeiis' visit in Toronto. The affable winsome Miss i^Iarion Muir, teacher at Oro, is now home on election. Mrs. Macpbail vi'^ited with '^*'' ^'^'-'^'ays after a visit with friends Mr. and Mrs. Raney at Southampton.' ^' O.hawa and Peterbor-o. Mi&s Isobel Irish of Toronto and' **'' *"** ^"- ^- Shackleton are at brother. Freddie, are visiting their. 5»"e*«"t^»'- a visit to the Misses James ga.-.dfather, Mr. S. HemphilL "" ""' " ' ' Miss Annie Harrow of Owen Sound , is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. h^"** j Beaton. I Miss Sadie Honking visited at Cor- body. Fortunately no bones were broken, but he was considerably shaken up. Mrs. Latimer and Mrs. Rogers of Dundalk visited their friend, Mrs. Wm. Ludlow, last Thursday. Carl Atkinson and .\lma spent a couple of days at Midland and visited the Shriiier's Temple. Myitle and Helen Moore and Gordon Ward of Toronto are holidaying at the home of -rhas. Moore. Mrs. Herb LjSavigny of Weyburn, Sask,, visited her cousin, Chas. Moore, a couple of days last week. s of the neighborhood!''*"''" oyer the week end. .nrs. J. C. Adams is visiting hei- f:on in Toronto. Mr. Ross McCreary of Toronto was a visitor the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair. Mi-s. P. Hunt ami Melville are heme -"â- """•â- ' ^"*^*^ afternoon at Mr. Kee- from Muskoka, where they visited the i '^"''^ "vimming pool on 40 sidej-oad, where an enjoyable aftenioon was spent, in the water, bm t'v---- vho mv i.u ij • v,j, â-  in the village for several davs last ' '""'^'''^ '^^'^^^ enough to tage to it, r^cjs The pallbearers were old neighbor*; . •"«»s<^ j.>-r se^erdi uays ia»t thon R. C. cemetery, where the re- mains were laid to rest beside his father and mother who were placed there some years ago. He and a young lad Ross Truemnar j are having a fine holiday cutting; a j winters supply of wood. j A meeting of the ratepayers of the j town, held on Friday evening to elect a trustee (P. V.) in place of Colin U. I McLean who resigned, was thinly ] attended, all afraid thsy may be pu* ! in some office. A. J. McViear was elected. , St. Columba S. S. had their annual Meiers. Thos. Bemrose, Peter Someis. John Haley. Fred Hale, John Hale and Morton Sayers. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved ones, especially for his sister who kept house for him. past two weeks. Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist of Portlaw wa la week. 1 Mr. Jas. Pattison has returned to I Toronto after visiting Mrs. Pattison â-  and Mrs. Gordon Stuart. j Mrs. Knox and Mrs. Howitt have I returned from Bowmanville. Harry Legard of Flesherton were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Magee and family. Miss Chris- tena Magee accompanied them ta Toronto for a visit. Mn-s. Geoi-ge Williama and sons Jack and Harold and daughter Dorti and girl friend, Mi.ss Florence Gra- ham and Mr. Th-as. McKaye of Tor- onto spent the week end with Mr. j and Mrs. Jo.seph Williams. DorL<^ and Florence remained for a eoup!. i ^ * * * * ' of weeks vacation. ^* Mhp Doris Magee has refurned home after spending a couple ol weeks holidays with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Page and Mr. J. Elliott of Markdale v^silted on Sunday with Mrs. W. C. Hanley and y... and Mrs. Chas. Hanley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeGard and son Hilliard and Miss Helen Paterson of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. We understand Mr. Xormar iams has purchased a car. spending a few holidays with Missea Doris and Laura Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betta took their baby to Toronto on Monday for medical treat'ner't. Mrs. Geo. Newell of Durham, Mrs. Allan McKinnon and Mr. Archie Mc- j Kinnon and bride of Port .Arthur, who I are on their honeymoon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newel! and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell and family. The sawing was finished at the mill here on Tuesday. This year the com pany had a large stock of logs in the yard and the mill has been operating since the last week in .\pril. Letters To The | I Editor - I Dear Mr. Editorâ€": During the past few days we have been hearing quite a lot about girls wearing shorts. We understand that there was even some mention mad.j oi the subject at a recent public meeting. j I have seen the much criticised short? ^yj]]_ ! about town, and really. Mr. Editor, I fail to see anything so very "dis- graceful" about them. It seems strange to me how it is ! that some folk appear to judge the character of a man or a woman by Mr. W. H London were week end visitors friends here. Mrs. Lawlor, who has been visiting with her mother. Mrs. Jos. Barber, for a month, returned home with them. Miss Verdun Kidd of Markdale 1 for the different ages, ball games. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Short and child- fancy eats, etc. etc. filled in the time. I '^i ^ company with the Essland Mr. Wm. Nichol took a big load in his family of Rob Roy spent Sunday at i truck, ?!! unloaded in passing over Brevr=ter's Lake. , Mr. Dan Sloane and Miss Lillian i 'he clothing he or she wears. How i:c:.:urray have returned home to : <^haracters mu.st change. In the wm- iative of the Weir family at' ^'^^nto after spending the past twr 1 ter when they are wrapped up in th^ck ' weeks at the home of Mr. Jos. Will- j ''arm dresses they are m no danger stedt got out of control and smashed ' ''^^-â-  Archie Sinclair at- ! f^-" POsts on the highway, -n^ it. I -^J"- ^»"l Benson and a shaky bridge. On returning from a visit with re- I VVe wish the »ick folk, Mrs. Anna Lawlor and children ot^^*^^^'"^" ^'''^ «"â-  Wh"e. a speedy j "^'""ton. the car of Mr. F. G. Kai- with;''«=°^^'^- Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Sinclair at- ! tour posts on the highway, and it tournament at ' (Last Week's Items') Mrs. Hopkins, (formerly Miss Eliza Porter) arivred from Portage, Man- spe"t Sunday with friends here itoba to visit her sister. Mrs. Wm. ^^r. E. Robinson Scott just before the latter died and 1 and sister, spent Sunday with friends with his mother is remaining awhile with her niece, t '" Meaford Miss Mina Scott. Alma .\tkinson had her tonsils and adenoids removed in Markdale hos- pital a couple of weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey and niece, Mrs. Custer of .Atwood paid their niece. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow a short visit one day this week on their way to Wasaga Beach. The ladies of the W. A.! held their July meeting at the church on Wed. and are planning a social in the near future. tended the bowling Dundalk la^t week. The Ladies' Aid held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Collinson, with a good attendar.e of members and visitors. Mrs. McMuJ- len. the president, presided. .Aiter many in possession of the langua the opening devotional exercises tJie attended. self in the conflict. Query, what! is the result when an immovable ob- jc-.-t is struck hy an irresistible force? i''o:tJnately no one was injured. A service in Gaelic was held in St. -Andrew's Church, Sunday, at which -Ailene spent a few week with Mr. and Mrs. Wjllard Ben- son. Pro'/idence (near Feversham). -At the regular weekly meeting of the Y. P. S. on Wednesday evening of last week. Miss Phyllis Graham j of eternal darkness, but in the sum- < r.ughter I "'<^r when they resort to lighter days the past I clothing, it is assumed that they have suddienly become very "wiSi" and "brazen" and all that. I am certain, Mr. Editor that a good suit of shorts on an athletic girl looks fine. To my mind it is not was in cha-ge of the discussion period \ so m^ch the shorts that are objection- .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudson of "'^''"'y appointe<i secretar>-. Mrs. Wm. : Ne.xt Sunday, Rev. N. McDonald be- Collingwood were visitors with the i ^*^'"'- ''^^ »he minutes of the pre- | ing on his holidays. Rev. J. W. John former's niece, Mrs. Mary Whiteoak, j "'"'"^ meeting and the roll call was ston will take the service, recently. the topic of which was. Reading which makes a vacation worth while. Scrip- ture passages were read by Marjorie Benson, .\nnieta and Hazel Turner answered by-Sick room suggestions i dre«V church, and ,,,-j„ %^^.J; ^I>^- ^^^--^in took the worship perio... Mrs. Mary Henderson of Colling- wood called on friends in the village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Briddlecomb and three daughters and Mr. Vern Ross of P«''«"t therein Woodstock were visitors with Mr. and '"a'fess with a or first aid hints." Mrs. Wm. Beaton was the speaker of the afternoon and demonstrated bandages, slings, and also the changing of a bed with a The changing of a sick {jerson thereon was also demonstrated, requiring two people to effect the change. .A heart.v vote of thanks was tendered and the next again in his -After a few games in the basement CENTRE LINE Master Garfield Lyons has returned home after spending a month in Mea- ford. Mr. Edwin Little and Mr. Kenneth Feighen accompanied by Miss Nora Bi-owii. and Missf Helen Dinsmore of Carksibuxg spent Sunday w.ith the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mi-s. Fred Tyler last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Heron of Swift Currentv Sask.. have been visiting , -.u r • J u„ „ *„_ „ „,^„fV, Uoi-.. I Mrs. Beaton for her very interesting with friends here for a month, ha\e , , , ; , . uncendieiti ,. • â- ,. .-n, * -„„^ ;., iDo=>.ur I "'Ofk- Lunch was seo-ed at the cose ^P*^.'"- gone to visit w ith friends in p lesner- â-  " ton. Forest, St. Marys and Burford, i before returning to their home in the .,,.,, ^ . Sherrick of Detroit spent several days last week with his parents, Mr. and I work, of the program. Mr. Mark Stewart and Miss Helen own churcn. , j^g nieeting was brought to a close. The evening service held in the! Master Lyle Shortt spent a few old Ebenezer Church, townline. Eg- 1 days at his grandjlarents at Rob â- ^emont and Glenelg. every alternate j Roy. Sunday, is largely attended by thej Mr. and Mrs. Ayr and Mr. and Mrs. neighbors around. Servke thert i Stephens and two children from Gait, again on the 18th of .August. ' were recent visitors with Mr. and Mr^. Mr. Walter .•^.Idcorii, not feeling well \ ^'^ Jamieson. since Friday was operated upon for "M''- ^"d M""*- Hoath and Miss Mad- at Durham ho.q>itaI on ^''"^ and master Elgin were visitors morning. Latest reports, ] ^""•'^>' ^^"-th Mrs. Hiath's sister. Mrs.' Thos. Fenwick. husband and family. Sunday he l« doing well. West. Mr. and Mrs. Springgay and .-Vlan Wilfred and Shirley, are visiting with friends at Milton, Harailto;: and Wootlstock. Mr.- and .Mrs. Will Colquette. Betty , «"*™«'' and .Alan, of Owen Sound were visit- ; ors over the week end with friends ; here. There was a good attendance on Sunday at the Presbyterian church to hear the Gaelic service, which was Miss Dorothy Monk and Mis able as it is the way in which folk regard them. There is no shame in good healthy linibs. There can be a deal of shame in thought. It is a strange thing that it is quite O.K. to lie on a sunlit beach in an abbreviated bathing suit, but to walk up a street adjacent to that beach in a suit of shorts much heavier and more concealing than the aforesaid bathing suit is all wrong. It is more amusing than perplexing. Yours for healthy shorts "Shorty" Dear Sir: We think it time there was some- thing being done about the govem- Dor- ment control of liquor and beer par- Pei-sonally 1 am not afflicted Little. Master .-Mfretl Hcrne of Toronto is Masters Jim and Billy McKee are holidaying with his friend Garfield on a holiday with their cousin, -Man Lyons. j Colquette, in Owen Sound. Miss Jean Lyons is visiting with her, cousin Betty Simmons of Drayton,! ..jj^„. j^ Brown's business getting 1 Photon Station Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart accomnanied them for a. lovely tour of the Muskoka Lakes by I enjoyed. I Misses Jean .McLean and Delia Mr. and Mrs. Snowden McLeod andjMcPhail returned to Toront.i Sunday, sen. Donald, are holidaying with his j pfter spending three weeks here, parents, Mr. and Mrs. D*^nald McLeod j j,,. p^^.j^ Hi^^i., ^„j f^^j,y ^p^^. , Monday at Wa.*aga Beach and at j Midland. ] Recent visitors at the home of Mr. rthy Slater returned to Gait, Sunday j lors. after a fortnight's visit at the home by either, but would some sane mind- of Mr. Thos. Fenwick. ed person please explain the meaning Little Miss .\gnes Johnson of Tor- of these words. 'Wm I My Brothers' cnto is holidaying with her cousins i Keeper." found in Gen. 4 : 0. PROTON STATION Misses Margaret McMillan. Dorothy and Master Wesley Jamieson. Mr. Josenh Williams Jr. accompan- ied Mr. T. Fenwick and daughter. Mrs. Biggar to Toronto last week. Miss Muriel Fenwick returned home Miss Doris Taylor of Flesherton! IS Flourishing' ith them, but will spend a couple Haying is still in full swing around ; Alex. Carson were: Misses Mary and : of months in It is certainly a ' Sadie McKinnon. Edith and Bertha will take treatments. ! wonderful crop. Mr. Peter Still of Thamesford. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.j «iXo; Vm afraid that the only thing; -^'r- Peter Still of Ihamesfortt. a Fred Taylor recently. I flourishing about the business is his' former C.P.R. agent here, with Mrs. Miss Ruth Breadiier is \isiliiig with, «i„natiire " i Still and daughters. Edith. Isobel and her sister. Mrs. George Wilkinson. Mrs. Margaret Little and Mr. and Mr^. J. T. El-win visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Jas. Fawcett who is ill in Markdale hospital. We are glad to hoar Mrs. Pawcett is improv- ing nicely. Miss Ma'ole Little returned to Or- angcville on Sunday. I signature. James. M-r. and Mrs. Findlay Shackle- .We extend our synn^athy to the Part- ton of Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. .â- Mbert, ridge family of Rock Mills in their McNally. Mi-s. T. Timmins, Mr. Wm. i recent sad bereavement. Timmins and Viola Neeley of Hay- , Jean, were callers on old friends in | ward Falls, Mrs. Howat of .A.lberta,.i Sales in the Ontario liquor stores 'the village and vicinity. i -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Knox and Mrs.[ decreased $59,000 during June. The Mrs. A. Ernest of London was the; Harry Pedlar and son, Dick, of To-1 that when men get married P"*-"' "* her sister. Mrs. J. McNalty. : onto. The latter remained for a Miss Muriel Wilson of Toronto is : wee!- icason IS they generally swear off drinking visit. One of the troubles of having too Constable John Faulds of tow-nship says the strap is better for Juvenile offenders than a term in the inc"?iistrial school. He recalls when the strap w-as used there were many political parties at the one time ^ few repeaters in wrong doing. By is that there aren't enough promises the old method they used to get at to go around. the seat of the trouble at once. ♦ <• •><>«M~:-Xy>«M«*<H>.x,^.**i THE holidaying at tho home of her grand- York pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Consley. Dr. and Mrs. Milne and children of Flesltrton visited Miss Emily Ache- son at her home here on Sunday. Mrs. W. G. Prosser returned to her home in Toronto after a three weeks' visit at her p:irental home hei-e. Mrs. John Hemphill of Georgetown is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bates and family spent the week end at Georgeto\rr, ?. Cup That Ch eers NO QUESTION ABOUT THE QUALITY OF SALADA TEA â€"GRANDMOTHER USED IT AND SAID IT WAS GOOD. SALADA Brown Label Tea, rcir. foe. for 61c lb SALADA Yellow Label rou. 55o. tor 53c ib Queen of Roses-Flour <)S lb bag- $2.25 FRUIT PECTIN for Jelies and Jams, pkg 15c CERTO, 8 oz. bottles 30c Canac'a Matches, 3 boxes for 23c McLaren's JE.LLY 6 pki^s. 25c Miss Sadie McKinnon returned to i ford Partridge of New Liskeard. who Toronto after holidaying hei-e. \ was electrocuted while working with Mrs, John McFarlane of Toronto is ] a repair gang of the Northern Ontar- holidaying at her parental home. io P.iwer Company. Clifford was Mr. .Allan Melnnis. who is taking a 'horn and itiise<l here and highly re- course in Toronto at summer scho.>>, spccted. His early passing is keenly spent the week end at his home. j felt by his many friends. Tlic fun- eral took plare at New Liskeard on Wed.. July 'iUh. His mother. Mrs. .\. Partridge, and three brothers, Elwcod, Kenneth and Lloyd, attended the funei-al. Our sincere sympathy Our temperance speaker said a few Sundays ago. "turn a wild beast loose and then try to control it", so with the liquor, put it where people can have all they want and then trjr to control it. We have hea>Hi of men getting drunk since the beer 0^ven Sound, where she parlor was opened in Markdale, that we had not heard of being drunk for years We used to say, "Save tho boys, oh! save the boys, save them from the curse of rum." -j^at about some of the girls? We mayXow say also, "save the girls, oh! save them from the curse of rum". Now we would like to know what some think along these lines. We might say more. We think temperance people should patronize temperance towns. Temperance" ROCK MILLS -Many friends here were sorry to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Clif- S The Stephenson re-union was held j tbo first of the week at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hincks, when over, 30 were oresent. among them being i Their daughter. Marjorie, jemained j Mr. and Mrs Bert Sunimers and fam-j ^^^ ^ .^ ^^^^.^. ^^^ for a visit with friends the â- .. \ 'ly- Mr.. and_ Mrs.. _ George ^^h'^-'^yi ^^^^.^^^.e^^^t. Mrs. Jake Holley of Vandeleur spent a week with Mr. an<l Mrs. Sam Ci-oft and favMly. Miss Irene Patton of Durham is * Mr. and Mrs. Loruf Hodslns were j and family. Mrs. Nellie Burrell and; with friends at Sunday visitors Swirton Park. j Mr. and Mrs. Tmi Redman, bride X land groom, (nee Ilah Sinclair^ called ;.ii Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vih\te last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fi-ed Rumble and. grandson of Toronto and Mrs. Bert Medaugh and daughter. Irene, spent a dav with Mr. and Mrs. Tom White. \ I family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephen-: son and family. Mrs. Mary Stephenson j and Robert, and Mr. Wes Winterburn, I all of Markdale. and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Rolort Fettis of Owen Sound. A I most enjoyable time was had by all. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hincks had their son. William David, baptized at their : home on Wednesday evening by Rev. I Of the 1.106 divorces granted in Canada last year. 758 wei-e granted at the request of wives. Ontario led the provinces with 358. .As a medium of advertising there is nothing better than the classified advertising section of the Flesherton .\dvance. Why not give it a trial.'.' Perhaps you have stored away some- where just tho very article that some- body else wants to buy. How about a "want ad'- or a For Sale item? Call The Flesherton Advance for adver- tising service. ! Norman McDonald. TORONTO LINE NORTH Recent visitors at the heme of Thos j Mr. Robt. Hogg of Chatsworth and lady friend of Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mv. and Mrs. George Littlejohns. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart are holidaying in northern Ontari-3. Mr. and Mrs. Eniorson Wickens and daughter. Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar visited a few days thc past week with Toronto friends. Mrs. Tncs. lever and daughter. Ctertrude. accompanied by Mrs. M. J::mieson, Mrs. Trimble and Misj Peggy Close visited with the former's iv„..%fVi»v Wnlter Clark, and wife ati ! Nichol were: Milligan of Jackson and Collingwood. Mi-s. Devlin and Miss Hanover. Mrs. P. A. daughter. Kathleen, of i I THREE THINGS ? Osprey & Arlemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | Barie >. sumiav ^ FLESHERTON |;hoiitteying v , .•••><!s••^•^•^*'^•><•<M>-:•-^•><><^♦•^•^•^C'^»^•^•^<?<••^^^'^•<'•>•^^^'**^<'"^'^<•*^^^ Lit'.le'ohns. i ,-ith his aunt, Mrs. Georp" Three thing.? to govern â€" temper tongue and conduct. Three things to cultivate â€" thrift industry and promptness. Three things to despise â€" cruelty arr,inga"-.-» and ingratitude. Three things to -n-ish for â€" health, contentment and friends. Tn;-ec things to admire â€" dignity, ^lacefulncss and honesty. Three things to giveâ€" aid to the needy, comfort to the sad and appi e- ci'tion to the worthy. Big Annual Open Air DANCE i 1 f I ! i at MAXWELL on Thur., Aug. 1st Music supplied by Two Good Orchestras Admission:- 25c plu;. tax I I J. I i I *«X"><'«><^>'>4'^^^^'>->'><"><''><">*>*">^^'**>">+<~>"*'>*><">*>'^^'^5''^*^''**"''^'^

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