THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, August 7, 1935 i f.4 * I.-* * tmi â- ^ Ti •â- â- * . -I â- t • • ''â- » > 4- . 1 â- » LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS FE>'ERSHAM VANDELEUR EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Tudor have re- turned to their home in Detroit, Mich. after spending the past weelc with Mr. and Mrs. James Fawcett. Reeve Frank and Mrs. Hi^genson of Angus spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Fawcett. Mr. Ross Lcng and Mr. Harvey of Toronto were visitors with the form- er'.s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Long here over the week end" and holiday. Dorothy Robinson of Toronto was at her home here over the week end ^ind holiday. Mr. Price and Miss Grace Horton of Torontj were callers at Calquette's on Saturday last. Mr. Le.-=lie Smithof the Coirinsfwoodi'T"''""'^"' N'agara and other places. Gravel road i;? having to use crutches *"^ ^^'^ District is honored indeed by on acount of having a sore knee,' he ^avinj? a vi.^it from these disting- is laid up in a busv time for the ""-^hed persons, fa'-niers. -^''â- - ^"d Mrs. Walter Dunning and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braclcenboro and 'â- '""Rhter of .Aurora and Mrs. Doan of Bud and Gwen of Owen Sound were Newmarket were the guests of Mr. visitors with friends here over the =*'"'' ^^''^- ^^'- ''• ^"^ Hutchin.«on. week end. ' Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Toronto Mrs. Goldsmith of Stajner was a ''"'• ^''- Arthur Gough :d Rochester visitor with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alex- N. Y. were week end visitors with Mr. ander last. week. »"'' ^^^'^- ^^°- '^'"fflit. Mrs. H. B. Morton of Toronto spent '^'-'^'"^ ^"^'*^ ^"'^ ^"^^'^'^ Stewart the week end with her parents Mr. '"^ Shriprley spent a couple of days and Mrs. Colquette here. "'"'h Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham. Mrs. Moisoii of Collingwood visited i ^''-^'^ Florence Davis visited iriend.s with her si â- .-r. Miss Madden jast | '" ^t. Marys recently. '^eek. I Mrs. Russell Byers of Paisley is Mr. and Mrs. McLeOand (nee Miss "'s""*^ ^^"^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Violetta Davidson) of Toronto are i*r'' I Sons of Temperance picnic | Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright and son, The annual basket picnic and public ^ also Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Armstrong gathering under the auspices of the | of Long Branch visited over the week Sons of Tempei-ance will be held in " Vandeleur Cormunity park on Monday afternoon and evening, Aug. 12th. The Most Worthy Patriarch of Great Britain and Ireland, the Past Meat Worthy Patriarch of North Am- erica, and The Grand Worthy Pat- riarch of Ontario, will be guests of honor. It is hoped to make this a real district rally. Everybody is invited to come and meet the vis- ' itors and hear the program. Bring > our basket and have a good time. Civic recentions are being tenderen end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Hornsby of Windsor visited recently with the lattur's sister Mrs. Cha.s. Hopps and husband. Mr. and Mrs. R. Neville andVlaugn- ter of Markdale, also Miss Margaret Newman of Toronto, visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams ar.d Mr. a;-.d .Mrs. Thos. Crowe and Hilda of Toront.) visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr;;. .Albert Sloan, Douglas and Ford Executives Bold Dealer Meetings visiting at Mrs. MiLelland's parental home here. PORTLAW Mr. Geo. Blak«y and bride of Tor- onto are spending their honeymoon with friends in this part. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Watson and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker visited friends in Toronto last week. Mr. E. K. Jamieson of Toronto fs visiting with his brother here. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker. Mrs.' Metcalfe and Alvin McKenzie visited ' with friends at Collingwood over the week end. ' Mr. and Mrs. McLean and throe ' children of Toronto are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamie- son. Rev. R. Dingwall called at W. .A. McN'ally's while on their way to at- tend the funeral of the former's fath- er, Mr. .\ndrew Dingwall of South Lipo. I Mr. Gordon Jamieson of Toronto, ' visited with his uncle Mr. W. G. â- Jamieson. ' j the visitors from Great Britain in Ileen of Chatham are visitors at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan. Miss Dorothy Jamieson visited ? day the past week with Miss Irene .Martin. Mr. an<l Mrs. Gordon Dixon ot Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wil Benson on Sunday. Together they vi.'iited at Brewster's Lake. Mrs. Chas. Hopps received the sad news of the death of her brother. Mr Pinnell of Victoria. B. C. last week We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Hopps in her bereavement. Visitors at -A. Cameron's on Sun- day were. Dr. Russell Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Graham Helen and Dorothy of Clarksburg. Mrs. Plaxton, Don.ild and Nancy of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children end and holiday with Mr. andMrs. Robt. Purvis. Mr. and -Mrs. Whitefield and little son of Detroit spent a few days the past week with Mrs. \Miitefield's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hopps. Miss Muriel Fenwick of Owen .Sound is visiting at her narental home. Mr. Thss Tudor of Toronto is vis- iting his brother, Mr. Henry Tudor, wife and family. Mr. Fred Winfield spent a few days in Owen Sound, the past week. The Misses Mary and Isobel MeKee and friends of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho.~. McKee. M i4 B> 4 li Executives of the F~-: "'olor Company wiio are R. .M. t-wi.. .ia.sistant gpncrul maniiger. Windsor; conducting a scries of ;;;-.i.. :ii and dealer meetings G. R. Eaton. Toroiii^ brimch service manager and tbrougijout Ontario. The party, from left to right ' E. F. Millard, advertising manager. Windsor. Ford ^eludes : W. Murdoch, manager of the Toronto ] sales to date this year are al^jads ahead of those* JSranch; C. C. Harvie, Toronto branch sales manager; ! for the whole of 1934 according to Mr. Sttft B. Bolpnd. Miss Pauline Hutchinson is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Devins of Emery. I Mrs. Jimmie Stewart of Toronto Is | visiting his aunt, Mrs. Howard Gra- 1 ham. I Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and son | Clare of Meaford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Shanon enter- tained the Mai'Kiiale division of the Sons of Temperance in their home on Wednesday evening of '?st week I for the regular July meetinj;. The j meeting was well attended aii;' the business consisted largely of making arrangements for the basket picnic to !5e held in Vandeleur Community Park on Monday afternoon and evening. SL MMER TRAGEDIES LXpo.sed to greater danger than the motorist, when one considers that ;h('"e are thousands more people rid- , ing in cars in a whole year than ther-j ' ai c oeople on or in tlie water. .Accord- : ing to figures issued by the Ontario (Burk-i Falls Arrow) Drowning accidents are now occu- pying a too prominent space in the press. Boaters and bathers beware! of Toronto spent the week ; One is apt to regard motor accidents Safety League, of a total of 521 fatal I as the most orolific cause of death, , accidents in Ontario in VXJ4. swim- I but while the automobile continues to ming. boating and diving fauilities 'lead the list of fatal accidents, it number "J-K!. Now is the time to j must be bjrne in mind that drownings warn non-.-'wimmers to never venture are limited almost entirely to four, into deeo water, to warn swimmers months of the year. There ai-e fig- to beware of water holes and under- ures to show that the swimmer, the tows, and to warn those who like and the boaters, are boating to be ever careful of changing wiii(i.s and above all, learn properly manage a canoe, we s'av to bathers and boater 1"S how to -Again l>eware! non-swimmer. Singhampton Field Day .N. feild day will be held at Sing- hampton on Tliursday, .August I5th, at 2 p.m. Ball tournament between six teams of the Bad.ieros District Softball League. Otlier sports will also be held. Dance at night with Ted .Swain's oi-chestra in Hamniill's hall. See posters for particulars. I Mr. Clarence Williams has secured Aug. 12th. The Most Worthy Pat-|a position in Toronto with his uncle, riarch of Great Britain and Ireland , Mr. W'ill Fenwick. and his wife. The Past Most Worthy! .Vliss Beth Large and â- â- hum of Patriarch of North .America and othe,-, Xiagara Falls are visitors with the j distinguished visitors. Everybody is | former's grandfather. Mr. P c t e r | invited to come and meet them, hear ; Munshaw. the address and have a good time. FIELI>â€" BARNBY 'the Ethicnian may prove a ger in the wood-pile for Italy. nig- Optometrist and EYE SPECIALIST R. M. McKay R. 0. of KiiK";iruiiH' at Wm. F. Potter's Jewellery Store FLESHERTON ior ci.)n.-^ult;uiLMi - on - Mon., Aug. 12 from 10 o'clock a.m. and monthly thereafter. Com- plete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please make your appointment. , A nuiet wedding took plai:e Satu> , day in Wesley United Church, London Ontario, when Mary Dorothy, daugh- ter of Rev. Dr. R. H. and Mrs. Barn- by of Windson .Avenue. London, was iiiiaiiied to Harry William Field of Fort William, son of Mr. C. M. Field, and the late Mrs. Field of Maxwell, Onl. The ceremony was conducted by the bride's father. Dr. R. H. Barn- . by, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Thomas rGi-een of Wesley Church. The b''ide , who was given in marriage by hen I brother. Dr. T. I. Barnby of Rodney. I wore a pink lace gown with matching hat of maline and carried Joanna llill roses, and sweet pea,-. The wed- ^ ; ding music was played by .Mr. W. E. C. Workman, organist of the church. 'â- I .A recention was held at the home of â- the bride's parents, the bride's mother i lerciviiig in a chiffon gown printed ini pastel shades. Later the bride and groom left for a motor trip east, ths bride wearing a navy suit with match- ing accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Field will live in Fort William. , There were over thirty in atlondanci.' at the Y.P.S. meeting on Wednesday evening of last week, with Rev. Bushell presiding. The Scriptu'e story was read by Mrs. Bushell and was followed with prayer by Mrs. C. Martin. The discussion was taken by Rev. Bu-^hell. .A duet "In the Garden of Prayer" by Miss Jean Riishel! and her cousin. Miss Ruth ' Ducker, was enjoyed. "IIow Beauti- ^ ful Heaven Must Be" was sweetly ; rendered by .Miss Jean Bushell with i ukelelee accompaniment. Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft and sons of Flesherton visited recently with Mr. ' and Mrs. C. Martin. I SAUGEEN JUNCTION I THE Cup That Cheers ^^j:>±^^^'^»-»^^-^^ NO QUESTION ABOUT THE llTlllllTTJt'l'i^ QUALITY OF SALADA TEA I pAL AUil H â€"GRANDMOTHER USED IT * * T- "^^^M iiii n'r ^ AND SAID IT WAS GOOD. SALADA Brown Label Tea, icg. 65c.. ivr 61c lb SALADA Yellow Label icir. 55c. for 53c lb Queen of Roses Flour '>S lb bag- $2.25 FRUIT PECTIN for Jelies and Jams, pkg 15c CERTO, S o/. honks 30c Canata Matches, ^^ boxes tor 23c McLaren's JELLY 6 pkgs. 25c Mr. and Mrs. Elzcr Park. Mr. and \ Mrs. Pete Peket of Toronto also Mr [ ami Mrs. Wm.Liysing of HamiltOh, | visited over the week end at the home I jI Joseiih Park. ! Miss Audrey McGlasihion vi-sited j recently at Mr. Joe Badgerow's. ] Mrs. John Canipoell of Owen Sound,] Mr. and Mrs. John G. Batchclor ol i Hillsburg visited recently at Mrs. Sam j Bntchelci's. j Mr. anti M'-s. Everette White "ndi son and Miss .Alma White of Toron- { to spent the week end and holiday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob White. Mrs. Bert Badger.iws and s(>n Bert visited recently at Markdale. Mrs. Patterson and family oi Springhill visited in our district Sun- <•. dav. Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | FLESHERTON | Congratulations to Mr. Harvey White and Miss Mary Brown of Tor- onto who were marired Saturday, in ,''oronto. Mrs. Hans Stevens of Riverview visited recently with her sister. Mrs. W>m. Halliday. Card of Thanks Mrs. A. Dingwall (>nd family wish to thank their many friends for the kind oxpressions of sympathy extend- ed to them on the death of their husband and father. TET your own comparisons convince â- *-* you that the new Master Chevrolet is av.'ay out in front â€" in features â€" in quality â€" in value for the money ! £ooit at the Turret Top roof. There's not another car in Chevrolet's low-priced class that offers you this vital, over-your-head protection of solid, seamless steel ! Look at Knee-Action â€" now in its second successfvil year â€" combined with balanced weight in these new models for the ultimate in the "gliding ride" . . . the ultimate in safety ! (for the Master 2' Pass. Coupe) Delivered, fully equipped at iactory. Oshana, Government Fee only e.vrra. t See the new Standard Series models ^. . priced as low as $712 i Xooic ai the Fisher Ventilation â€" the Cable-Controlled Brakes â€" ar.' the Blue Flame Engine. They're all exclu- sive to Chevrolet! We invite you â€" come for a ride in the Master Chevrolet. All that we could ever tell you isn't one-two-threo with what you learti by driving the car your- self! Easy GMAC terms. C-I55C Card of Thanks Miss Did);e Madden desires to thank her many friends and neijfhbors for their many acts of kindness and sj^m- pathy darinj? the recent illness and death of her brother. No liarht shines f.H* itself and man liv«s for himself. c kis^ CHEVROLET ] CHEVROLET MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO :».