Jhje fk&\)tti0n %hmMe. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1935 W. H. Thurston & Son, Pruprietort Its :o 74 :o Bi) •ench NICHOLJE-UNION Plotholders Request I Fine House Burned ge Council To The Nichol homestead, now owned ; by Mr. David Nichol, was the scene ' of a ve-union when the nine surviv- ! ing members of the family of the late j Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol, with their j descendants, enjoyed a pleasant time ' together. | Fire destroyed the line large bi ick residence on the farm of Mr. Roder- ick ilcKenzie, Toronto Line North, en P'riday afternoon last and was a com plete loss. Most of the contents of A special _meetin? of the plothold- . ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^,^^,^ ^^^.^j^ althoue Tax Rates Are Set By Af tcmesia Council Operate Cemetery Tn,. „ foKi „, f .u I l^*"' °^ ^^^ Fl'^h^'''"" Cemetery was ^f j^ ^as badly damaged when thrown i j . rw Laden tables were -set on the lawn I held in the town hal on Monday even 'â- '^^ *-'*' I Arteniesia township council met at I the council chambers in P.esherton I on Monday, .^uifusl Tith, wiien all the some I members were present and l!ie Reeve. is. occapymir the chair. The for some forty guests. A three-story ! j^j, ^hen it was the decision of the p. C, I cake, the gift of Mr. W. A. Leggett adorned the centre of the table. The top layer topped by eight candles was dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol and iheir family one of whom was the late Mr. John Nichol, who came to Canada in I8o0. The second layer which was trimmed with nine candles, was dedicated to the nine brothers and sisters of the present family. The third layer adorned by out an upstairs window. There wa- ,„j„m,eg jf t[,e last meetiiiir were no insurance on the house or contents. ^ ^^j^j ^,,j y,j i„oti..n adopted. Mod. C; tt. C, Fr. Eng. S- ^â- t. 11, Fr. St. 1. present to request the Municipality ^^^ j;^.^ ^^ ^^j^ ^„ ^^.^,^ ^,^^.,,,, f^.„^ Commu.nicatioins received from of the Vdlage of Fleshertou to take ^ ^^^^^ ^.^^ ^^„„^,,, ^^e roof becom- County Clerk, re rates for 11.3.5: On over the active managmcnt ci the â- „ v,,,^ .^„,, ,..,f,.i,:„„ ,,„ *v,„ jiiin<rl*.« ' â- » j- ^r â- â- â- •»• -T.I. TL ,. Tj 1 11 '"S^ hot and catchmg on tne .-^nmgie.s. , ^jj,.,„ Association ot Municipalities, ceretery. The Trustee Board will „,. ^„j ^j,.^ barman Stoddart and ; ,.^ j^^, „f netting: Crops, Seed and meet the council at the next meetinir 1 j^,^^.,^ ^^^ ^j,. ^^^^ ^e^.^,. ^.^,.^ .e- , ^oods Branch. Department of Agri- and place the decision of the plot-i^i^i^^ j„ .^e house at the time of ^^i.^.-e, re threshers" licenses; T. S holders before that body. The new^, -. W.vhhnvs .n<covered the'^ •• . ^ \t i i i .,, . , , . ,. , â- tiie tue. iveignoois aiscoverea i-ne (-(j^jpgj. requesting tri-ant t- Markdalc ijlan will retiuu-e the election at three' ,?:,.„ ,.,,,;no- .in thu i-ni-if ami p-»vp thp' » i i - â- . c i,i"- ' . /= tire raging on tne looi ana gave tne Agricultural societv for 1'J.".t. members of the Board who will be „i„,.„, t„ ^i,„ „^p„nnnr< ' .-i • r i. ' i n i u i . . , ^. , . ^. lalaim to the occupant.-,. ^ Claims for sheep killed by dogs: .'-.omuiated at the regular nominating i c- â- r â- i £•<•â-¡. t â- , ^, -„ . »- , : Fred Irwnn, one sheep *0; Bert Irwin. m-.l.rT of the village in November twenty candles, was dedicated to the and li more than the required number twenty surviving grandchildren of the are nominated the election will be held late Mr and Mrs. John N'chol, all along with the village election, thej of whom were present except the five members to serve for three years. â- Following the resolution which wa.s '• "^- 1 children of Rev. and Mrs. Walter 1 Rock Covered With , Fossils is Found J ;• C.' Lat. I ip- C.j t. 11,1 m. C. I Mod.1 hp. C to be pre.-enited t > the Nichol. Another grandchild, Eleanor â- passed Legget passed away nine years ago. council: -WTiereas it has been deemed | There were also five great-grand expedient to change the managmenti children present. i of the present Cemetery Board, we! Those from a distance were: Misses the plotholders of the Flesheitonj Rebecca. Ena and Gretta Nichol from Cemetery, at a properly called meet- London. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Leggat ing, request the Municipal Council of and daughter Jhristine from Buf-| the Village of Fleshertou to repeal one sheer 51i^. Xhos. Hughes, one sheep S4..i0. A. .Sparks, one killed and one ir.jured S~; G. Magce. one sheei? S4; Geo. Blackburn, one sheep S*5: J. tewart. one sh..'eD S-'>; J. Porteous. i ^^^j,. jj ^.o,,tly lire two sheep SI'J; John Hargrave. .ine sheep $S. Valuers â€" .V. Blackburn SI: J. Campbell S2, R. Piper $1. By-law 'JT2. appointing .\. B. Chard i of town while on a motor trip and j tax collector, was passed. By-law' upon it was indented the forms of 873, to levy rates for I'Jo.i. was intro- ' scores of small animals that inhab-' duced. levying the following rates: Car Took Fire One day recently a Feversham gentleman had a most unusual exper- :ence with !iis car. One evea.ng after using ii he placed it in the gar- age as usual. He did not use it the next day. but on the evening after do- ing the chc.-es and while passing the garage noticed smoke rising there- from. Investigation showed that the car was on fire under the hood. .V iiail of water and piece of matting s'.:.'ceedt-d in quenching the blaze before a great deal of damage was done, except to the wii-ing. The question that amateur electricians wish answered is what caused that fire" No persjii had been near the car for 21 hours. If a short circuit, why did it not break out immediately after being placed in the garage? The cwner is perfectly satisfied with the delay, however, and that it did not wait any longer, say until he had gore to bed. In such event it would have .A rock aboht a foot s luare was found on the shore of Bay last week by Mr. the Georgian â- â- \Vm. Caswell ' I WEDDINGS ,) , omp t falo N. v., Mr. and Mrs. James Ken-' I nedy and family of Hanover, and Rev, 1 Walter Nichcl from Plymouth, Mich-' igaii. Three brothers, Tlios. John and David Nichol live i-i the vicinity of Prieeville. -^ • all by-laws of the present Cemetery Board and pass new by-laws as- suming the control of the cemetery. That the care and managment of the cemetery be placed in the hands of a Commission, which shall be knov/n I In the evening approximately one as -The Board of Cemetei-y Commis- I hundred friends 9nd n.i.^i.ibors at- |). Ill Mod. r 111: omp. t. C, np. 11 tended the gatheiing. Election October 14 sioners," which shall consist of (•')1 five menibei's, three of whom shall be elected by ballot, each of whom shall in dotation, hold office for three years and until his successor has been elec- ted or appointLHi. TJie additional ' two members shall be the Reeve and ited the country at that time. The! rock is made up of layers, and each layer has the small animals moulded therein. It is a very interesting relic of the middle ages in this count- ry and shows minutely the construc- 1 ton of animal life in the waters that covered the county many thousan<K ; of years ago. One conjecture of how the animals appear on the rock is that the silt deposited at the bot- I tom (f the ocean and with the passage j of time when the waters recede<l torn- ! ed to rock and the smal lanimals were imprisoned in the hardening silt, and the , Fr. 11. ig. 11. C. Fr. After waiting for some time before 1"" "-â€" - ,"""'.',"" "'"; "r"","" """ the impressions of the skeleton of the' making the announcement of the ^^J l^easur^v .t the y\\^e oi Fle.henon ^^^^^ ^^^,,^^1^ inhabiting the water, act date of the pending Fe.]eral elec-' ""^;- l^x-Officio. '.^^ ^j^^^ ^.^^^^. ^.^,^^. ,^j.^ ^^^ ^j^^ ^^^ tion. Premier R B Rennpft mnio nut- The new board will inaugurate a _^. .• n • . i . j tiuii, jT ii-m.ei IV. D. Dennett came out "• " erations rollowmg tj wonder at and, of retirement last week and stated that s.vstem of permanent maintenace ''or |^„„jg^tm.p ^,. ^^ their habits. Mr. Ca-=well brought the peace of rock hool the election would be held on Monday. th« cemetery, the amount of which October 14th, with nomination day '^"^ "°' >''^'^ '"^'" ^iecided. They will on October 7th. the writs to be re- *'^" inaugurate a system by which turnable on October 9th. Tliis de- **" plots will be newly serveyed and cision has brought to a close consider-' the names of all those buried within able conjecture as to the probable date' "'" ^'^ placed in a card index system L, Alg. ' many having thought that the election that will allow instant location of I, Lat. I would be held the last week in Septem- "^""^h. Many of the plots have not [ ber. I paid maintenance for years and oth- Credit' In conjunction with the annouice-! ers have not had burial in them for n- ment of the date of the election Pre-| some time. lliese will be located mier Bennett announced tTie appoint- i and resold, the money secured there- ment of five senatoi-s, eight julges of | from to be used for permanent main- varying importance and throe mem-' tenance. An immense amount of bers of the new wheat board and the. work will be required to place the ! stud- 1 advisory committee of seven, two cemetery in mH>pcr shaper shape but imina- deputy ministers and the tariff board, the Board will face the task with con- uation , The date of Thanksgiving Day had , f idente. num- to be changed in order to allow the' ; first , the election on the above date and has means ' been set for October 24th. /<â- ); 3, j Col. G. R. Geary of Toronto was ); and appointed Minister of Justice, suc- ceeding Hon. Hugh Guthrie, who was istory, api>ointed chairman of the Board of s. 1st; ; Railway Commission a week ago. J. iithors, I '''• Lawson. Toronto, suceeds Hon. R. C. Matthews as Minister of National Revenue, the latter retiring form Pol- itics. -Another candidate is expected to enter the election in South Grey with the Reconstruction Party as the fourth party to enter the contest. Mayo: distance when be became il! an! im- M. G. Portei"field of Chesley will or-. me;liately returned home. He was ganize the riding of Grey-Bruce in; just entering the house when he col- the interests cf the new party and willi lapsed and died. start imemdiately to get his worki He was for many ,;ears one of the started. It is expected that a party, most highly regarded convention will be called shortly and Flesherton and the selection of a candidate made.' where ho lived Mayor Porterfield will have the ass- istance of a Walkertcn man in carry- ing on his work of organization. home with him and it is now on dis-j play at the .Advance office. The fossils are well worth seeing. F. Cairns Sr. Dies Suddenly Comp., n His- ,-, 2nd: i., 2nd. h. Lit. Comp. Comp. Uicient [istory, nthors, French Mr. Frank Cairns, one of Fle-^her- ton's most highly esteemed residents died at the home of his sister. Mrs. Robert Ruthven at Clarksburg on Sunday afternoon qute suddenly. Mr. Cairns who had been visiting his .-sister, left for Flesherton during the afternoon but had gone but a short . a drenchin Regiment Home I Late Friday evening the Grey Regi- ment returned from the annual niili-' tary camp, held this year Huntsville.l '"D" Company detrained at Stayner I and motored home by truck, while tht j two Owen Sound Companies went tc I Meaford and thence by motor, home. I They were a healthy looking lot of i boys, tanned by the sun and wind. I The camp this year was very success- ful and the site at Hujitsville was on the farm of Col. Lalor. O.C of the .Vorthern Pioneers. .\dva!^cpd ♦raining was held for the non-cjmmissione: officers and men together with tactivf in open warfare. The Brigi».;'e was inspected or Thursday by the D.O.C. from Toronto General Elton, a-sisted by Crl. Go xl- eve and Ma.ior llolmos. Tho weather was ideal for training, although or Tuesday the troops were greeted with rain storm whik' out on County rate Sl"i.5 mills. Township rate 4 mills. Genei-al school rate 'i.o mills. These were laid over until next meeting for completion. .Account.- ordered naid weie: Muni- cipal W.n-ld. Ontario statutes S2: the .â- \ssessor, postage and supplies -$2.14: Treasurer of Grev. hospital accoimt to date •?:J22.12: Grant to Markdale .Agricultuial Society S.'i: Judge Morlev fees attending Cuurt of .Ap- peal SU.OO. Pay sheets for road work were passed as follows: Division I â€" :^"!tj.'.t8: Division 2â€" $23.49: Division -i â€" $33.28 Division 4 â€" $72.81. Bridge account â€" Proton townline $18.81 and $25. S4.t>o. $4.70 and a special grant on Love's sideroad ot $65.00. The claim for sheep killed of John Porteous and John Hargrave were ordered to be returned to the valuer for his considerati >ii. The Council adjourned. BE.Srrâ€" FISHEB A quiet, pretty wedding look place at the Presbyterian manse. Prieeville, at six o'clock on Sat. evening. Aug. W when Velma Alita. younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher â- f Fle.h- erton was married to Mr. Hai-ol* Edwin Best of Piclcering. Ont.. s^on of Mrs. Geo. Johnson and the late Edwin Best of Flesherton. Rev. J. W. John- ston officiated. The bride wore a charming frock of cornflower blue crepe with white hat and accessories. Miss Lelia Clark, bridesmaid, wore a becoming frock of ruby-stone satia with white. Mr. Mervyn acted as groomsman.. Johnson Whittaker-Kew GEXOEâ€" FISHER A quiet weding took place at the Presbyterian manse Markdale. Thurs. afternoon. .A.ug. 1. when Margaret .\lmeda elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fisher. Flesherton was mar- red to Mr. Francis Lloyd Geiioe. son of Mr. and Mi-s. Lewis Genoe. Eugen- I ia. Rev. T. O. Miller officiated. The I bride who was unattended, wore a graceful gown of royal blue crepe. ' with blue hat and matching access- ories. The young couple will reside on the grooms farm at Eugenia. .p.. C; Ancient 1st. Comp- i, 3rd: rtridge rs and f sym- receiit rtridge. HOOT, MCN! tactics and the boys were v/el! soaked They took this wetting with good jrrai't and thought of it more as bei:ig in the game than as a dis •cmfort. A fine church parade was held the residents of i Sunday the b )ys were in camp, the .\rteniesia township troops marching two miles to Mem- throughout his life'orial Park, when t'le service was in Until the death of his wife some two charg,< cf .Major Sherring and Capt. years ago he had lived retired in : Bfll. the latter nreaching the sermon. Flcshert.m but since that time had A sh^rt march-past the Brigadier. Col spent his winters in Weston with hisj Macdonell. was then held and the daughter and visited in and about; troops marched back to camp and en In the Mclntyre-Southampton sudden-dc«th game at Matile Val- ley last Thursday the name of every player on the Mclntyre line-up. with one exception, started with "Mc the team were four Mclntyres. two Mclnnis boys, a McDonald, and a Mc- Kenzie. Wes. Douglas was the only player who didn't come under a "Mc." cognomen: he has been playing in re- cent games in place of another, "Mc". Hector McDonald, who has been tak- ing a summer course in Fl?sherton during the summer, joyed rereatioin the remainder of the months. j day. Mr. Cairns was born 82 years ago,' Besides the bu-le band of tho Al- a son of the late Archibald and Chris- (gonquin Regiment present at the camp tena Cairns, on the farm about a miNJ was the bra.-s band )f the Northern " On'""'' " quarter north of Flesherton in , Pioneers from Rama. This band was Edith .Mary. .>niy daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Thomas Kew, of Wingham. was married lo I. B. Luvas Whittak- er. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard WTiittakcr of Ceylon in the United Church. Wingham. The church was decorated with pink and white t>hlox and ferns and the cere- mony v,as performed by Rev. D. E. Foster of Stratford. The brides cousin. Mr. Ernest Sparling, was at the organ and .Miss Mildred Whit- taker, sister of the groom sang Love Vou Truly." tiiveii in mar- riage by her father, the bride wa.- gowned in shell pink organza and wo-e large jictui-e hat of mohair and ribbon to match. Her flowers wc-c Butterflv roses and lily-of-the valley. The u.shers were Mr. W. E. Ktw, Richmond Hill, and Mr. Frank Field. Following the ceremony a ;cception was held at the heme oi :l"e bride's parents for the 50 guests, iere; Mr Later the bride and groom left on a Mrs. Harr tiiot-M- trip to Eastern Ontario and' -Jth Ri"k. Dundalkâ€" Mr. Todd, cc i Quebec, the bride travelling in an ( f motor oil: Mrs. Findlay. varnish: c!i.5emble suit of ashes of roses sum-j J- Bolger, lilac tonic; Mrs. J. S. Well- * BOWLING NEWS .A successful local tournament was played on Dundalk greens Thursday. Augutit Sth, and prizes wore kindly donated by Flesherton merchants, for which the club desires to .express their appreciation. The prizes were given in the fol^ow- I ing order, 1st Rinkâ€" H, Kitson, sweater: Mrs. Ritchie, table reflectors: F. Mclntyre. salt and pepper s'-akers; Mrs. Mc- lntyre, pair blankets. 2nd Rink. Shelburneâ€" Rev. Iturforl bag jf flcur: Mrs. Hemming, end table: Mr. Hemming, flour; Irene Gallagher, paid book ends. ;!rd Rink. Dundalkâ€" Mr. Harringto:> butter dish: Mrs. McAllister, jardin- McAllister, bread knife: ngton basket canned good* mer tweed, to match. reside at Ceylon. .Artcmesia and for many years farm- co:npo.<cd almost entirely of Indians ed sucessfully there. He then nu'ved and their musi-,- was a welcome addi- into Fleshirton where he resided until i tion on the parades of the Brigade. the death of his wife. Surviving i are three sons. George and Frank ol • the Weist Back Line, .Arteniesia. Jack j of -Meaford. and Pearl. Mrs. .A. C. Tbronto. The! '^'^â- "^"""''' "'' ^Veston. There are also regular team are all "Mc's.". As if'^^^'" '"'"thers and two sisters. Mrs with hat and accessoris* wood, tea ymt. On their return they wiU ; ."ith Rink. Dundalk â€" Mr. Harrison • hair tonic: Mi-s. J. Spanhouse. Borino solution: Mis. .Mc.Milan car polishinr â- outfit. * I i)th Riiik . Flesherton â€" Mystery 1 prizes to Geo. McTavish, Mrs. Me- I Tavish. Ir:. Morgan and Miss Kate ' M.'MilN". i 7th Rink. Flesheron â€" Mystery 1 prizes to W. F. Potter. Mrs. Potte • ! W. Miller and Mrs. K. Betts. MEMORIAL SERVICE on Sunda.v. .Vugust 2.'» l!i:i.'). at 2.30 p.m. ItSTlCE MCFARLAND Chief speak- er, other local sneakers. John Gia- ha'M of Durham chairman HONEY WOOD BAM). 20 STRONG Co!!"cti >" to defriv exnences 935 icstra nine "Mc's" were not enough to havel ^'^^'^*''^ Ruthven of Clarksburg. Mr. on one team in a good Scotti.sh com-i^J*"''y 'bairns of Eugenia Mr. Archie niunity. the manager of th« team is a | *•"*'•'"â- ' °f Manor, Sa^k.', "Mc" al.so, Rev. A. G. McPherson. pas- ^<'^'' Hogg of Winnipeg, tor .)f Mclntyre circuit of the United t^'"'' »i-e<le<-'<'^-''ed him. Church. The battle cry of this clan- 1 "^^'^ funeral i-, taking nish aggregation is probably "Hoot, i ^^•^''"^"f'ay afternoon w'nen a short Mon!"â€" Dundalk Herald. | swfice wil] be held at the home of his i Barber (whi!<i>ering to new help- i •^""- ^f»'- George Cairns, followed by'cr): Here comes a man for a shave Count among your blessings that | a service in St. John's United Church [ Helper: Let me practice on him. and Mrs. Two sis- place this While in Huntsville we had the pleasure of calling on Mr. H. E. Rice of the Huntsville Forrester, who is a walking encyclopedia on the summer res-^rts of his district, which i.s sur- rounded with beautiful lakes on the shores of which are situated scores of summer cottages. Mr. Rice has ac jj cepted the nomination of the Recon- struction Party in the riding of Mus- koka-Ontario. Eight million germs have been found living on a single $5.00 bill That's pretty cheap living. Ethiopia is the original home '" coffee, but it is diubtful if garii; will ever really flourish there. We refuse to become excited i- the world is ?oing to the dogs. »< ' so man,v now predict, that's some- I thing for the dogs to worry about. Bates & Maddocks Burial Co. don't live in a country tkat is [at 2.^0 n.m. Interment will be made, Barber: All right, but be careful notl^^ I'Viniici 1\ Bales Burial Co. 124 Avenue Rd., Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SKRVICE AT MODERATE COST PHONES: Night or D.-.y â€" Kl.igsdalc 4344â€"3456 Funeral Chapel W. Bates Fred Maddock.s. As.sof. Richard Maddocks, Manager Formerly of Flesherton •J liulcdi'tot all the year 'round. in Flesherton Cemetery. to cut yourself. «^♦'>•^^>â- >«♦♦•:w•♦•;••!••:••;••M•♦♦•^':~!K••^•>•^:~^•^♦^•^•>•^^^>♦<'•>♦•>!^•^•?*<•'?**•»