Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1935, p. 4

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Wcdiu'sday. .\uuust. 21. l')35 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I PnblUhed on Colli ngwood street. I F1esh«rton, Wednesday of each j week. Circulation over 1000, I Price in Canada $2.00 per year, ' when paid in advance |1.50. In ' V. S. A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. FEVERSHAJS1 W. H. THURSTON, r. J. THURSTON, I .Mis. Alvin Colpitis and three dauKhters, Misses Bernice, Lillian I and Myrtle of Fort William visitca I with the fol•mer'^5 cousin, Mr.<. W. J. I ('onn and family near here recently Mrs. Colpetts is a daujihler of b noinhbor here who was raised here and is well remberetl by some of us Bditort ''^'">f here yet her maiden name be- Postmaster Ndt [ Yet Appointed MAXWELL Ai>sac Editor Dyre, deceased some i VAk MAY DOOM ( IVII.IZATION In a new book "The .Air is Qui t'oncem," just issued in Great Britair Prince Bibesco and a dozen othei experts write on the promise â€" and threat air development holds foi j Will Coliiuettc the Motherland. "P^ither aviation Sound for a w>ek iiitr Miss Mary .years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Colquetto, Betty and .Mian, of Owen Sound and Miss Ciiate Morton of Tor'onto are holid- dayinK with the former's parents, and the latter with her (rraiulpareiits, Mr. and Mrs. Col(|uette here. Miss Morton has been with her uncle, Mr. and family in Owen Saturday ovenini; rumours were L-urrent about town that the post- niaslei for Fleshi'rton had at last been decided and that Mr. (k'orKe Banks of town had received the appointmeat. j Mr. Banks has not received any noti- will kill war, or the war fr:>m the aii will kill civilisation." declares the Prince. The trouble, which peace- loving peoi'les must have constantly in mind, is that so many of the war- minded people an' read.v and \Wllin;; to back up the warrior class in pro- motlntf the belief that there must he one more great conflict to satisfy the world â€" a war to prove the efficacy or futility of the new and increasingly destructive agencies as means of settling international dis- putes, before the enemy class will be satisfied. We were told this before the last great war was entered on. Then it was the subnjarine and the increasingly powerful explosives that were the deciding agencies, and very many people, who had no faith in mutual bloo(Uett;ing and whole.-^e destruction of life and propeity as a means of settling international dif- ferences laid "the flattering unction to their souls." thai i)crhaps they could find excuse for the carnage because, after all their side was really warring to end war. .-Vnd so they foo-ght on to reach victory and peace â€" pei-fect peace. There were many who hoped that for once the triumnhant nations would really profit. We liavi- ali .Miss Jean Perigo and friend of Tor- onto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. .Alexander here recently. .A number of members of Black Petceptory No. ;U:5 B.K. of Ireland located here attended the celebration at Georgtown on Aug 12. Wo are glad to report that oui young ladies who passed their normal exams, have been lucky enough tc J get schjols. Miss Edith Heitman' goes to a .school west of C'ollingwood. Miss Kathleen Morrison near Berkeley I ficalion :>f the appointment and had nothing to say about the rumour. 'The position has been vacant since the first of January last, through the illness and subsequent death of the late W. W. Trimble, and Miss Gert- I ude Lever has been acting post- niLstress since that time. About a score of applications for the position were received by the Post Office De- partment, several of them being re- tiiied soldiers qualified for the posi- tion and the selection has been diffi- cult to make. The position of a successor to the late Mr. Trimble is regarded as a real politic-al plum and th'e appointment of a successor is awaited with cageniess by the public. Miss Jean Bushell visited last week with relatives in Toi-onto. Miss Mable Ross visited in Toronto for tho past two weeks. Miss Betty Dunston of Tononto visitffd with her friend, Miss Delmor Seeley, last week. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Keriiahan took a motor trip last week through northern Ontario and the States. PRICEVILLE All is in readiness for the big mem- orial service to be held Aug. 25th Sunday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.. The I I I \'^ back throu-gh ^> ,} Mr. and Mrs. Turner and family of V Toionto visited last week with Mr. iy I t X i X t. .«. A X Specials LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES kr-.s2:0U $1.39 MEN'S TIES kc<^": 35c to 50c 25c and .VIr.s. Angus Morri.son. Mrs. Robt. f'riestly and .lewel and FIcra Morrison visited the past week i;i Owen Sound. Miss Thelma Morri.s.in vLsited a few days this week at the home of Mr. Herb Poole. LADIES' SILK BLOOMERS 29r EAST MOUNTAIN 'T. S. Wright of Winnipeg a few days with his cousins. Mrs. visited Samuel and Thomas Smart, We are glad to report .Mrs. H. Thompson, who has been in Markdale hospital for tho past week, improvingl|^ nicely. 1 4 Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Vancouver I £ WORK SHIRTS Men's Uiy- r> Ur.iiul 69c MEN'S SILK SOX 19c GALVANIZED PAILS 19c FLY COILS 3 for 5c FLY SWATTERS 10c Full Line of TOILET ARTICLES VARIETY STORE .\. D. McIXTYRE. Prop: FLESHERTON | ans MLss Hawton to â€" . Then our pub , lie and continuation school staffs have! """• ^'- '^""*'^* McFarland, a Mark- been engaged for another year. Mis. i ''^''^ ^'"^^ ^'- ^^'- °^ ^^^' ^'^'^^^ ove^â- seB!^ Shouldice as. principal of the contin- uation school, Mr. A. E. Armstrong of Meaford assistant and Miss Gordon le-engaged for the public .school. R. J. Colquette of Fcversham, Will Cohiuette and wife of Chven Sound, and Mrs. McKee of Feversham spent a few ihiys with friends in Toronto last week. I (;ia(l to see Mr. Ren .Acheson of .Maxwell able to get out again after j having had a tussel for some weeks I with fever. i .Ml. Harrv Bell of Toronto was a visitor ovei- the week end at M man's. leit- long since learned, ho'.vevii. tliat th> winner, as well as t!u- Ios.t profit- i -Mi-.> Queenie Kaitting who is teach- not by the.so <lestru;tivf ronfli.ts atil''"~ -^'''^""^l "P '" Oerby Townsh',. jusi that the civilized woild lia , snffere<l from the confic! and w:ll no doubl cfintinU(. t'^ suffer in "mind, bxly ami ostate " ."Purely w\- d i r>ot rf(|Uir€ â-  f Owen the fifth same Jiiiulher big wai- to '.lovi' the fut;iit> <if these d(-st.-,„.t ,v(.- i iit'ircaks a.':cl i tiy nut the :.(-\v tciri- r,:' tlic air Ibi- avowcij inli-ntii !.-^ 'â- { \hi- inv it- ors beini' U< \A ' ••' v.!, •! nvm,!. "i'ies ..I' i'io!fi''i ivi- fii:ii(-';i;;.i;i . ::â-  well as \n lay |..\v lonK ndi'u: aMni.-- â- I' â- â€¢â-  ^vlr H it ih.. Mali inisjiy preoaiin-' for Jiis' fying, r-;:-.-. ui.Si rs an.i. i â-  â- â- - 'â- â- !' a'1. >Li>' I , nil V ;i; til,- ..'iic.-- .,r ihc out it t y(-ai s. •'dr. Ml. II Ilainliii ii' :.Vili';- Willi his â- ;:il!. ound has been engaged year iiaving tausrht in ho<d for th'.- last f our 11^ ^ rio \ :t<.-'".s Cra,, â- â€¢;»â-  -.J . b.:i. i:;v (â- I'll!; tbr K â- <- 1 : li.a .t-\'," . Ih. !•: I'l'.,' â-  '.â- i''|'( tNII "f war on risti-ii- iijition i.-. of i-r:,'ini-s fir-t ( in Africa, whr.-c tciiiloiy i- mvi-tedi by ;ts c ititcniolated c .iviiicror. I It is ii|,parci:t that many ipcoploj hav.- vaiHioied far from the path.'' of peace and that the fli.ld.n Rule con- 1 tinues to be ignoicd. ! <â- â€¢â-  Tui coi.i^in licrc, M:. -.rui .Mr... Har-y 'M.I M â- :,:,v ,.f T. !â- ( 'â- â- !â-  'llv-' . Ml... [(, â- â€¢â€¢ '• 1 1'! \\\-'-k <-!id, •â- ^ii" bad I, -,.11 hojid-iv -'â- â€¢ aid :-:iii,,lv ,.; (I- 'â- â- â- ' '.T;;'. iiiMi.-j,. -. ;â- â€ž,.. |. ' 'I'o'i.nl.i with the- , â- \'' :.:..! Ml Sii.j., ,, ; li,( I '<â- 'â- <â-  â- -"â- â- â-  â- â€¢â- â- â- â- â- ' :â- â-  'h f -•â-  . I \oiKi-; 1, ic all 111 t: lb, : i-b \'u T :« 1, - O is h,d- r. Will , !!-ii-,,! ! -,, v.villi I' :m-h1 /. Ibirton. â- â€¢â- â€¢I'l bi'i- '•"'d ami ollU battalion, will deliver the chief address of the day, for further details see bills. The fine band heard on the 12th at Flcsherton will be on hand to dis- course even sweeter mu.'^ic. Misses Ellen Bolwell ani Elsie Ty- rell of Toronto visiteii Miss Belle Weir f jr a few days last week. Mrs. Ramsdell of New York is a pleasant visitor again witb u.s. and at her brother's, John Sloddart. The llalliday family of Letter Breen visited at the home of Mrs. D. G. Mc- Lean's and H. B. McLean's, Sunday. .Mi.s.; Anna McLean, after a short visit in Toronto returned to her home here on Friday witli her brother-in law, .Mr. Emerson Shantd, to whom ami his charming wife warm con- , giati:!ati<ns are due- on the birth ol ' a fine baby jriil (Ann I.vniu-) on the' lltb ipst. 1 Thf sloic „f Ml-. K. (;. Karstedt '- "â- '"'' a model of tidiness, in-' ' ''liii,;: III" fa'i- youin.: clerks. Thi- :• -â-  '-b,-!',-: ;.- I;-i.< j.ll |„,,.„ |-,.|„o,l(.ll,.:! t.yi i.aj.ed i,v !hat n;as;er workman,' "' - ''I'lx.- Wat.-on, Kverylhin;,' is â-  ^>''- ". hii) -.'â- ..iiK- , Tlii den B. C. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith of Wis- consin, U.S.A. are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thomp- son and family and Mrs. H. Smith. Misses Lois and Bessie Thompson are spending a few days with their auntie, Mrs. T. Ferguson at 'Kimber- ley. Miss Lillian Smart spent the week end with friends in Kimberley. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MeCuJIough and family visited with friends at Red- wing recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Knox and family of Duncan spent Sunday with friends here. * TORONTO LINE NORTH •'.11 IK-, I 1 si . ^v 1^ „.,!.,. Willi iJi,. . :i . ' . , "t ^ â- -. 1 W.l, h •11 csi- .-in. I •;â-  , I'd iiuilc il.lc t 1 1 in Nee|iiiiii of the lad;,- ,.f tho ..r f I'f'.- !n',iul;, I 10'! f,,oiilv •â- â- ; ••..â-  ilui-,. \\ h-, ai>|ii'-c:.,: ive h'-:i!-, ''"â- â- s ami U( aui V i Mr. and Mrs. Rus.sell Wilson ol i Detroit, Mich., visited last week with I foimer's i^ister. .Mrs. IL Richardson. j .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson and son. 'Ihomas, of New Toronto spent Sun- day with the hitter's umle, Robert RicIiaKlson, and family. -Mrs. M.. Doville of Rochester, .V.Y. and .Miss .Annie Richardson of Owen Sound are spending a few weeks witb their brother, Robt. Kichardson. -Mr. Win. Aberci'iniibie of Ban-ie called on his niece .Mrs. R. Richard- <in. uho has been ill and under the doet.ii's care. .Mrs. 11. Richardson and two .sons p< :U a<!;'y last week at Coliinp-wood and Was.iL;a Beach. Airs. Thi s. Lever aii,l daughter, rliude. s;,i.t Sunday with .Mr. ainl «":«-K~:~:~:~>':~x~:~M«<":~w~>«:-:~x~W"X~:~:~X"X-x-:~>':~:~:~K"X~:~x~:~X":-* PRODUCING NEW GUEEN BEES A method of producing new queen be.s is to place a full sheet of founda- tion, or a new tomb, in the centre of the broodnest of a desirable queen and to watch this comb daily. As soon as eggs are found in its brush the bees from the comb and place them in a colony that was made queenless and brodless an hour previously. El- leven or twelve days later ripe queen cells will be found on this comb. TJiia method ensures that larvae of the right age are used and that the re- sultant queens are from good stock. A local chap says the biggest fam- ily at Wasage Beach this summer is the Spooners. He .says that up there at night you .see some of them whereever you go. â€" Shelburne Econ- omist, t i.M .b)--. ROCK MiL.I.S Berkeley. I . .'Vlaihewson of! .'11 the home iifi l.-.,„ i-ird o! til,- I br.niiiiii Tiii-tc(.s „| nit,-,i Clmi ar I'arasitci, of I'dullry Lice and inites are otfcii the causi of poor e^'g production during hot weather. Body lice can be coiilndle,! by the use of blue njntnieiil applied beneath the wings and around the vent. .Miles fi-cding off the bird at night, and livintr in cracks ami ircv ices during llie day, have to be treat- ed difefrenty Ordinarly coal-.il >\ill kill the miles, but as it evai)orales quickly the effects are not lasting. An excellent "paint" to apply to the roosts and nest boxes is composed of one t)art crude carbolic or, possibly better still, nicotine sulphate, t.i threi- or four parts of coal-oil or a mixture of coal-oil and crank ca.<e oil. : I ii-, |...,v I CI -liaiii I hat ~ini,- i,.,, i 1 known have iiiidei niinci I post iif ibe i-i-iiK-tciy fc I i-at grav'i-l and have , -'>' that tb,. fence at that lb.- road may fall down and leave the r, inetery exposed t., aiiiinai,-. Th* Irii.-tce board decided |., :,s|< 'ill,- saill Pill-ties w|„, ,|uj,. ^^y.^y ,1^^. U'l-avi-l t 1 fdl lip the bole bef.ire they to lake ;u-tioii l,y law Ibe n,. I be ,-, Hi II, I- - uli tin- eoiiiei- eiH-e by fligging oosened the post coiner of ,M K.-ib, vvi fa Mil! .\|, li M and .M, r T >,-oiit hi .Ml-- Tlvs, AMr,„n lii'liliiV( il for a w I. V. F(>,.-tel M. May wcel- Kishci- e-1,! a! 111- lorr,- liere. M . and .Mis I'liroo;,! M.eiii I la' iv.-s ill ihi S,,,ii â-  , f t and Oakv-ll P.l|-("lt;i! ibr< Melville IMe.Master of t!ie wi-ck end wiili vicinity. lanni'i-s here are slook Ml have them. against at By order of the Trustee Hoard Erif^ageiTjent -Mr. and .Mrs. T. E, Kenwick. Eug- <nia, Ont,, wish to announce the en- gagement of ther daughter, Delmer Marie to Harold, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. fhas. Cook, 12.") TUi St. East Owen Sound. The marriage to take |ilace the latter part of August. ♦•X"X~> ~;..><..; ♦♦♦♦♦•M~'X'*x~x*'X«*;";*^«x*<"X"X";'";»»X"X»»x*»5' PRESERVING SEASON Preserving Kettles, Enamel and Aluminum Canninv Radks Zinc Rings and Rubbers Cattle Fly Spray Household Fly Spray ^ Sprayers Fly Coils Screen Doors * Screen Windows Fly Screens, etc* HARVEST SUPPLIES Jl^ jt, Rope Twine Hay Cars Hay Forks Slings c.\R OF ci-:mi<:nt just .vrrtmcd FRANK W. DUNCAN •Phone 54 -:. FLESHERTON, Ont. •♦♦•X'<":'<"><">'><'<'O'0'O'0">«X":":";";":":";*»!««X"!"!'»t''j~X'»!»>!>«:»';"X"X«'t"X bill,;- this week. - and Mrs, Laurie Retts and Mr, -ind .Mr,s. Kenneth IleKs sjient a day tbr- past weed; with relntivi-s Walkerton. .Mr. Dick Carter ,f Manilla visile! at the home of .Mr, Lewis Pedlar, A presentation was held at the borne of ivir. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson tor the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best when they were present- ed witb many beautiful nifts from their neiji-hboiv and friends. A Inrge crowd w^as present and all siient a ve'-y en ioyable evening. A host of friends j.-)in in wishing this esteem- :'d counle many years of hr and prosperity. Miss Doris Pedlar has hueii ill and under the doctor's care. We trust that she will soon he well again. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft visited recently with relatives at Holland Con Ire. iippiPesj \N'ice, ii.iar M:. ao 1 M,-.^. k- (cxlo,-! â- .jieiit .-^unilay -^!i-. !•', Maihewson, .Mi.s.s Doris W i.;,ds .,f ,Mark,la!e si.e-it a lew days last woi-k with her grand- Lover. riot her, .Mrs. Thos. ANOTIIKR KXCTKSION O.N (P. S. S. "KFEW ATIN" Tb;- li;ii!\- Siin-'rimes excursion to .Midland on C.P.R. S.S. "Keewatin", one of the largest passenger boats on the Lakes, will be repeated Tuesilay, .August 27th at the reciuost of hund- reds unable to obtain tickets for tin first trip. Ten hours' cruising on the (ieorgian Bay. I'l! hours at Midland., Leaves Owen Sound at S a.m., back at I WMi p,m. Return fare §2, children' half fare. No crow-ding. Niimbert of tickets limited. Secure yours now, by remitting Daily Sun-Times, Owen' Sound. W'lILN accident r.r strikes, it is then you the full value of jour tele- phone. It puts yuu in instant touch with the doctor. \<hilc j'ou wait for bin;, you call the drug store for first aid siip- plic-,. Your telephone stands guard, day and night, for just such emergencies. Between times it smoothes your p.ith in a thousand ways and r!i.akes life fuller and happier. l/aiue THE â-  /UUMJl of your TELEPHONE f !S JUST WHAT YOU MAKZ; ST It Has Started Even if we had no other means of telling, the n\ail box of the F\ P. & E. can nowdays show by its contents that there is an election at hand. FVom some mysterious ( ?) source (s-) every day comes prepared political propaganda from the majority of the parties now established in Canada. The funny part of it all is that (1) Writers are hired to write it, (2> stenographers are hired to type it, (3) men are hired to print or mim- eograph it, (4) the machinery, ink, paper ami postage is paid for and (5) the men whom it boosts expect to gain handsome salaries as a result â€" BLT, It i« sw»etly and seronly sent alv>ng t« the weekly nowsptyier to pub- liaii FREE. Can you beat it? â€" Frci- Press and E«oiuiniist. Makf SL'ri':RI()lv ,ST(.)REv^ yt)ur headquarters U)r l\)otl and be assured of qiial- itv, V. dues and satisfaction: 'Phis weekend features another Hst ,of SPKClAiLS J C:hoioe Red SALMON i/ztb tint 2 for25c KKT-LOr.C'S Corn Flakes 2 for 15c Toilet Paper .qodd iiu;dit\' 10 for ' 29c PICKLING SEASON YH.S we have host prices on Ceal- ers,Zinc Rings, . Rubebr , Rings, Parwax, spices, in fact everything- for niakinji;- pickk's : ry us for a now low price on VINEGARS G. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 •:">0»>>->':'*<'<'.K">«>'> >v : : :• ;• ;'v*'X««>«>%k«vo-^>«<..."><.4k.vo<~>'>'W>>.:..>.><K">'>m .:»x. NlvW, CLOVER HONEY Well is it sood? at vnly, Stb 45c ' BLACK TEA Special Sat: only 3tb $1:00 COFFEE Our Speci?»<itv .WHY? We tjrind it fresh as Vou Wait 39 â€" 49 and 59 clfe t I â-  > i> I > 1 > â-  > â-  > â-  > â-  • ' > I > : i : I?/:-' » ,.J^-... ^ 1 ^

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