Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1935, p. 5

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<r^ f"; «> THE FLESHERTON ADVANtcE Wednesday, Auffust, 21, 1935 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PROTON STATION VICTORIA CORNERS EUGENIA Mr. Arthur McCannel, Mr. T. Wy- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgins and Joe Stainsby spent Sunday in iToronto. 'Mrs. Hodgins and Joe re- manied for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Sinclair, Miss Vida Sinclair and Mr. Nelson Claytoi, of Dundas and Miss Mildred Sharp Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. Wes. Dever. -Miss Lillian Hemphill, Toronto is holidaying with her cousin, Miss Ber- tha Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins spent i the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. Stainsby is working in Orange- ville. Miss Marjorie Bates is visiting In Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cussick, Guelph spent Sunday at Mr. Hugh Hodgin's. .Mrs. J. C. Wright and daughter, Betty, Hamilton and Miss Laura Boyd, Flesherton renewed acquaint- ances in the village one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey White, Toron- Jim Bannon spent a few days in, A Narrow Escape from Drowning Toronto recently. Donald* Robinson I Mr. Harold Benson got into deep of Dundalk is visiting Milton Ban- 1 water near the dam at the Hydro non's, also Mr. and Mrs. Les. Brooks; Lake here op Sunlay. .Mr. Teddy and family of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hawe and daughter Mary of Bright are visiting at «he home of Mr. Albert Stinson. Campbell went to his assistance to rescue him from drowning but Harolt* grabbed Teddy by the neck and took him ujlder water. Mr. Roy Mac- Ernest Stinson and Anne visited : Millan, Mr. Earl Gordon and Mr. Ken to called on the former's while on their honeymoon. Congrat ulations Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Park spent the week end in Bolton. Miss Joyce Patterson, Dundalk, is holidaying at the home of her grand- parents, Mr. "and Mrs. R. G. Acheson. Miss Eileen Baker, Shrigley was home for the week end. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Jack Corbett, grandson of Mrs. James Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Corbett and Mrs. Jos. Corbett were in Toronto attending the funeral. Mr. Art Watson, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Watson. Mr. Hahn who has been teaching the high school work at the Bible College fir the past Six years has retuiTied to Kentucky. He will be missed by the community. Mr. Jack Irish. Toronto, is holiday ing with his i^arents here. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson, Mr. j nii<i Mrs. Alex McLean asconipanieo at Laurel. Anne remained for a week. Ina Acheson is visiting her sister Mrs. Earl Walton of Hopeville. The ladies of the W. A. held a quilting at the home of Mrs. Jas. Patterson of Thursday afternoon. We extend our sympathy to our post master and his wife, Mr. apd Mrs. Neil McCannel. In seeding time they laid to rest their oldest son, Dave and now in harvest time their young* est daughter. Jean, after a trying and lingering illness, died last Saturday morning. (Intended for Last Week) Recent visitors at the Bannon home Kaitting went to the assistance and brought them to shoi-e. Artifical respiration was practised on Harold for a few minutes and he soon re- gained consciousness. The boys are feeling no worse after their exper- ience in the water but it was indeed a narrow escape. CENTRE LINE The Mt. Zion Women's .â- \ssociation CEYLON Miss Millie Cook of Toronto is vis- SWINTON PARK met at the home of Mrs, McKenzie iting Mrs. Henry Piper and calling on Aug. 13. There were 17 members , on all her old friends in her native and 8 visitors present. Tht meeting] village. was thoroughly enjoyed by all pres- 1 .Mrs. Macphail and daughter. Miss ent. The Ladies were very sorry j Agnes, spent Fniday with Mrs. M. that Mr. -McKenzie met with a painful Raney in Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. He-inphill and son, Ronald, of Touonto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Mr, Fred Hemphill who has been holiday ing here returned home with them. Miss Irene Martin visited friends in Toronto last week. Miss Pearl Wilson of St. Catherines and Miss Ruby Akitt of Flesherton 1-!!!!.-!^ I were, Mr. and Mrs. Lin Leffler of Port j spent a few days the past week with Scott, Kansas, visited the latter's their grandmother, Mrs. W. C. Han- brother, Mr. Thos. Bannon. Mr. Jno. i ley and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley. Robinson, Hamilton visited at Milton] Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor visited Bannon's and Mr. Leslie Brocks, Irva ' recenty with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wick- Jack and Ken of Toronto. Ken re- mained a few days. Ed. Brooks had not been very well and was in the hospital, his mother remained with him. Mr. and Mrs. Herain Robinson and friends of Brampton also visited at Milton Bannon's. Mr. Lbrne Nevilles of Hamilton vis' ited at the home of Chas. Moore. Will Moore was taken quite ill while ens of Kimberley. Miss Rowena Magee spent a few days the first of the week with her friend. Mrs. Roy Lyons, fourth Line. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. C. Murdock of Regina, Sask. visitfcl one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Mrs. Willard Benson and UV'.e son Bryce from near Feversham visited by Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacLear. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lee. I on Monday with Mrs. Will Benson, and while he is around again he is still Miss Marjorie Benson and cousin, not very well. | Hazel Turner returned home with her The adies of Instioge W. A. were | to spent a few days, entertained at Wareham church by. Miss Doris Fawcett is visiting a the Wareham ladies on Wednesday, f^,,, j^y, .^^jt^ her sigter. Mrs. Thos. and they enjoyed the afternoon very Hazzard, Stone's Line. "" v-^'. . t:. . o â-  . , ,, '^'•- â- ^'"' f'ampbell spent the week Visitors at Ed. Stinson s and -Mrs. , . ,, ..,, „. .. , ,, , .,,„.„,. end in the village. His wife and son Ludlow s wei-e, Mrs. Walter Taylor. D;n ,,, i . t *. ii- i • ' „ I o'l'.V returned to Toronto with him and three sons, Edgar, Earl and Fred , ,, , ,, r, ' ^^'^'*'' spp'idiiijr several weeks in their Priceville. are on a motor trip through I " I,":"" "^ "'"* ,^, ""' f't^ f 7" ^">"â€" " home here, the Muskoka and Haliburton district, | ll^'":lZ„'''"' '''â-  ""'' '''"• â- "'" ! Mr. and Mrs. Thos Orr and children Ross and Joyce of St. Catherines, visit. 'd with .Mr. Orr's sister, Mrs. Pfi'ks, Pvoto". Ila Richardson and friend of Tor- FLA.MING GOOD JOKE l onto spent tW holiday at her home. , ,,„^ ,..,„,„ ,„ , , , , ,, , r- -a- â-  u^ f u 1^ 11 , â- â- ^•'•'< < iinit-'ron and husband, an- Don- ' -Mr. J. C. \\ right of Hamiltoti called i jij^ recently The motorist was making about CO on the neighbors on the hiirhwav on I %- x^ ,' «•• <•• > i i miles an hour on a Kansas Citv boule- Saturday. !,.â- /' 7'"f''''^l '^"'^ returned ,,. , , , .Mr,: f'"oni <rtll' ti; ihe h.ome of -Mrs. Thos. We arc pleased to report that Ri-n I i7p„...j .i, .•\cbeson. although yet not quite him-i ,, ', ,, ,,.., ... , 1 ^u ^ 1 Msv an.l M'N. Wilro\ and â- .imiiv of self. IS enough improved so that hejvr;,, :„ and his two little daiM;hters were aid accident that day. While out in the yard he tripped and fell and cat his face and received quite a shaking up. As Mr. -McKenzie has not been well for a long time this accident gave him quite a shock. We sincerely hope he will son be feeling better again. Mr. Henry Thompson has gone to Toronto General Hospital for treat- ment. Henry has not been well for some time. .Mrs. Florence Lyons and Mrs. Simmons, Jean and Betty spent the week end with Meaford fi lends. Garfield Lyons is holidaying with friends in Paisley. John Osborne and Jim Elliott oT Maybourne and Mrs. Robt Osborne 1 Hazel and Victor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badgerow, fourth line. â- Miss Florence Tuohy is vi iting with her parents at Meaford. Miss Evelyn Little spent a few lays with her aunt, Mrs. Walter Croft Dundalk. Farmers are very busy cutting theii grain now, and it is proving to be a hf.rd job as the grain is down badly. Miss Edith Fawcett and friend ol Duncan called on her mother and sis- ter here recently. The sympaty of the commurtity goes out- to -Mr. and Mr.s. Neil Mc- Cannel of Proton in this their second bereavement in a few months. Mr. David McCannel died about ;) months a.n-i and now we learn. Miss Jean has passed awav. vard when the cycle officer forceti him ever to the curb. "Well," said one "where's he fire?" ''Seventy-first and Oak," ^.^aid the dniver. ''.My gro- cery store is burning down." The ot- ficcr wa<'ed him on his way. fi litt!<' nts. to visit at the home of his Mr. .Tnd Mrs. Will, .\cheson. noplu.^scd at havinir their stock sar- ,' Walter Acheson was in Toronto an c.T.sm turned asrainst thorn. Then they . lluniilton l-it<dv. asked the Fire Departnu-nt and learn- ed there was no fire. ; j, ^^ jj ^ Optcmetrisl and EVE ,SPEC?ALIS r R. M. McKay R. 0. ol" Kinc.iniinc at Wjtj. F. Potter's Jewellery Store FLESHERTON for consultalion - on - Mon., Aug. 2 6 from 10 o'clock a.m. and monthly thereafter. Com- plete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please make your appointment. Silent the ivist week with jllr. and .Mrs. T. FoMwick and f;imity. I .Mr. Crane ard .Air. Will Martin .f ' O-.vn S'l'Hid were caKers in the vlll- I ;i."r . .1 M'.'ndav. : Mr. StarJcy Cam .hell haj the niis- I I'u-lune t.: lo.~e a fine w<.rk Iv.M-se on } '-'uturda'-. j .Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mn.tree visited I) .WIS â€" .\t Toronto East General ; Paisley frienii: over the \v(â€"k -nd. Hospital on Friday. August Ifith, 1'.'.'55 We extend our sympathy to H. to Dr. and Mrs. Glen Davis, a daugh- Tudor and family in the lis,, of hih (intended for last week) Berry picking is the order of the day. Larger numbers have gone to the Huckle berry inai-sh the last week. Both huckle berries and raspberries were n bountiful crop. Mr. and Mrs. Emer.son Simmons and Miss. Betty of Drayton spent Sunday with Mrs. F'loreiice Lyons. Mrs. Simmons and -Miss Betty remain- ed fur a longer visit. Mis^ Jean Lyons returne<I home with them. Mr. Robt. Osboine Is building u cedar bock iieii pen for Emo Stevens. -Mr. Jack White is spendinir the â- '.i-iiniei- wth his cousin. Vro] Taylor. M'-. Mary Fawcett i,- at the home '•!' 'iM nnther. .Mrs. Margare' Little. i i-e'uvd'.iiy f'-.m an. npcration. .Mis:; M .i'lc i.-i W'th l!er aioiher. ' \ 't:'!- (,'.-'.)onie i- assisting h's 'II 'i'-iti-'aw. .lack Ba'lirei-'nv. with hayi-).: ;.:td liMiVv.;!. M' .. .1. T. W.MJs i-v-iinuMi : . ;.,:â-  rorc.'ilo .il'iir VL-ek^ \v;;)i i\<.'y Master Grant Muir is holidaying with his grandmother in Toronto. Mr. Bonar Balfour of St. Cathar- ines is visting -Mrs. F. D. Cairns and Mr. J. F. Collinson. Misses A. and E. Grant of Toronto are visiting iheir sister, Mrs. .A. S. Muir. -Miss Emma Oliver spent a few days last week with friends at Dromore. T)ie Misses Mather of Priceville visited the first of the week with the Misses McKiniion, South Line. -Mrs. Wilson, daughter and family of Toronto spent a week with the f rmer's sister, Mrs. Jos. Oliver. Mr. .Albert Weiger of Detroit visit- j ed .Mr. Russel Purdy the first of the; week. j Mr. and .Mrs. Hamby of London ; spent a day last week with .Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherwood. We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Boyce under the doctor's care, he having suffered the fracture of some ribs. Mr. and Mi-s._ Ted Whittaker of Vancouver, who" were Siting for some time with the former's parents .Mr. and Mi-s. Richard Whittaker. left cm Saturday for London, Toronto and Mtnt'-eal. -Mr. and Mrs. Nixon and family of Weston spent the week end with Mrs. Nixon's mother, Mrs. .A. Dingwall. It was with deep regret that we. learned of the passing of -Miss Jean McCannel. daughter of Mr. Neil Me- 1 Cannel of Proton Station. .Miss Mc- 1 Cannel was well known in this com- i munity. having been a highly esteem- j eacher of S. S. No. 7, (O.D.R.) | ecent .years. Miss Agnes Mac- ! phail was one of those who attended 1 the funeral on Monday of this week, j We extend our sympathy to the 1 bereaved family. j A number of friends of Mr. audi Mrs. I. B. Whittaker. recently mar-} ried. .e-atherod at their home on the Stone's Line last Wednesday, to ex- | press to them iheir jrood wishes and ^ t') welcome tn This eoiniiiunity the' hiide, formerly .Miss Kew of tiuderich I Aftei- s"me time -^pent in danciiKr .Mr i \'''n. .M.-Bride of Pri.-evilj,. ,-a]|,.,| the .iruevi..- lo order ai:d .Mr. .J. 'K. .M.l.i-,.. ' I'^ad an appreciative addivss ,.. -'u liiidi' .111 â-  (Intendittd for Last Week) This ..\ugust 12th tne el.)uds have blown away and everyone is busy in the harvest fied. And generally well satisfed with the crop, although it Is difficult to cut in places, on account of lodging. George Haw is overhauling the Swamp College threshing outfit, and is re(iuested to hurry up, as some would like to stook thresh very saon. George Black, Senior is run- ning a jitney bus conveying the ladies to the berry patch, whenever desired. Mr. and .Mrs. Neil .McLeod, Mr. and -Mrs. G. W. Parslow along with -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McLeod of Lambton .Mills are holidaying at the beach this week. Neil McMillan .and Neil Clark from here, snent last Friday at Eugenia and met many of their old friends. A real clan gatheiiiig was enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Jahriston of Priceville United Church conducted the service in Swinton Park Church Sunday last. Rev. Mr. McDonald being away on holidays. Next Sunday, services will he in Salem United Church. Churches like all other institutions have to econ- omize these days, only more so. -Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Littler of Toronto, are visitors at George Haw's, and are calling on ather old acquain- tances of Mrs. Littler, formerly Ettie Sackett. well known here. Mr. Bert Martin was in Toronto with a truck load of stock last Friday. Mr. Gordon McKay is out cutting grain with his binder for Eddie Fer- guson at present, then any others who require help. Some already have their eye on the Toronto exhibition, and are hoping to finish harvest iu time. KIMBERLEY â- d of iri-iuiin. wh;i( Kas 1 -i" : F'lM-ly Mes.<r^. )!â- .â- -: !'â- â-  .f ter. Four thousand people were at Callander at the week-end to see the Dionne sisters. In years to come the crowd will not be so great but proibably more insistent. Ftesherion Baptist Church ' August 2.5, 193.'> Flesherton Sunday school at at 10 ( Preaching Service at 11. K.ick Mills Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Evening Service at 7..30. clock. Free, to Users of I Comfort Soap | t 1 PACKAGE OK HANDY AMMONIA FREE WlTtl -^ with 10 Bars of Comfort Soap for 39c | Red Rose Tea -^ 53c per: lb. | Rose or Maple Leaf Babing Powder 15c Velvet Hand Cleaner Reg; 25c for I5c Carnation Milk 2 for 19c Iodized Salt 5c New Cnrrent.s 15c lb: Gem Lye 10c Bulk shorteninjr Easifirst or Jewel 2 lbs: for 27c MENS WORK BOOTS, SOME WITH LEATHER SOLES AND SOME WITH PANCO SOLES ^ $185pr. I I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | FLESHERTON | brother l^ve, who li\ed in I'. S. A.. Wf also o.xtenfl our symjiathy to the '.elatives' of the late Frank Cairn.: in their sad beioavement. The late Mr. Cairns was a froiiuent visitor in the village with his brolher, Mr. H. Cairns. The Y. P. .S. met on Wednesday evening of last week with Rev. Busli- cll inesiding. .Scripture passages were read by Miss Annieta Turner and Miss Edith Fenwick. -Mrs. Busli- ell offere<l up prayer. Rev. Bushel] took the worship period and Mrs. C. Martin the discusison period, the topic being. "Building the Church in Trin- idad," Recreation comsisted of a geography match. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Legard and little daughters, Beverley and Shh* ley of Toronto visited with Mr. and I.Mrs. Thos. Mc'Keo aiiii Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. Mrs. W. Wright (nee ^'iss Stella Pedlar) of Toronto is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar. Congratulations to Miss Dorothy Jamieson who received her entrance to normal school also to Miss Lucy MacDonald Lillian Magee and Ar- gyle Martin who were successful In a number of their examinations. Mi-s. Beseie Lav<erty of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mrs. S. Sprunt of Toronto, also Mr. Jack Williams of Toronto are vis- iting with the latter's grandparent* Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. .^Threshing has commenced in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purivs of Toronto spent the week end at the former's parental home here. Mrs. Chaa. Hopper and daughter E»id of Toronto .joined, Mr. Hopper who has been working on the Hopper homestead, 8th line for some time. Miss Enid has returned to the city again. â€" â- â-  'â- â- r*t'F "^ ijr. and Mrs. Arthur Lascclles and Ja«k of Toronto also Mr. Lawe spent the weeJt end with Mr. amd Mrs. Fred Jamieson, Jack remained for a week's â-¼L»it. . ^ . . \V. Taylor. .Mrs. \V:^^. Taylor visited ' lai:-hter, Miss Violet Taylo, still in the iiospit.al. li'iiii'.;' a :•.â- .-. Mi-s vitli her â-  will) is Mr.--. Trainer i nee -Miss .Millie Wi! son and littie son Jimmy "( Perry's ^ Siding B. C. are visiting -.vilh the' former's inothei-. .Mrs. WiNmi and sisteis. -Mrs. McMillan and .Mrs. j Jamieson. | .At the To-vu^hi]) religiaiis Edu- eational council held this summer. .Mis. I". M;'.rtiii was appoiiiied Town -•hii! inissi<.nary nei)artinent Sii,per- intendant. The w.^nicn's Association .)[' the United Church met at the church on Thuisday afterneon of last week with IC in attendance. The minutes oi the last meeting were read and a- dcjited. .A letter was read from I Mr. Alt Walker of Saskatchewan i thanking the W. .V. for their letter ol â- yinpalhy during the .sad bereavement The W. A. of .Mt. Zion church .<ent a invitation to the W. -A. here to visit them oil Sept. 1 7. The invitation was accepted. The secretary was instructed to write letters of sym- pathy to those recently bereaved. Ic was decided to have a fowl suppei in the fall. Mrs. Martin to prepare program which was to consist of a pli.y. A discussion took place in regards to the W. A., meeting in the village homes during the wintei months. Collection was taken and the meeting closed by benediction by Rev. BitshelK On Friday evening of last week a party took place in the L. 0. L. liall EKiring the eouirse of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Genoe wei-e called forward and asked to take the chairs while a suitable address on behalf ol the locality was read by Mr. Victoi Campbell an<l a presentation of a miscellaneous sliower of kitchen utensils was made by Will Scorer .Jos. Williams and Norman Williams. The groom on behalf of him.self ano wife made a veuy fitting reply thank- ing the peonle heartily for the u.seful gifts and extending an invitation to, visit them in their home, Eugenia North. "*â- * â- â- â- ^m' â- , Mrs. A. Colpitis and throe daughters of Fort Willfam spent a few days with her comsi*, Mrs, Wm. Kaittirg ai»d family. â- â- ^â- â- â- â- ^â- â- ... :â-  (I a -h. ••'IS!- i: -i ~!.:,cll.- ie^vll^hl|) â- .â- .ii'Mc::. ,i|' a ll>•â- ^â- .c)(•iâ-  -.va.-; '^h-<r, . ,). \ i.;.";.., K'ohcrt Pinvi. .i;,.i 'di.--:. .\i;ne.i M.-irlihai â-  â- â€¢.III and .-iioio/. .Ma i>.v the Hlaclii'iirn â- :i other-; and Ml-. I', â- Miss Mildre,! W'huiai oiU' .iii(! a!'i"i a:iil ' ;i ! â- â€¢ a!.-(, , - sllj.i. I>i.(.', a >id Mel..-.,! .r â- 'â-  is-yyi- a ii'a.i- uiii-h dancing- w.as ic. â-  -ned ui!i;l t!u' r-ariy in...aiii... hours. Miss Elsie Fi.sher .-pent i in- pas; Te>k ill T-rontd and JaeksonV Point Ml-, and Mrs. !.|„yd Talbot. .Mis-; .Maru-aret Sluirp of Ton..iit„ aii.l Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dcvor of rro(,)ii .â- <,a lion visited with .M.r. and Mi->. Cror,--, I dell on Sunilay. Miss Ceorgina Bhi(-khurn of Spiing- hili i-, visiting at F. J. (.-.liliiLson-s. FI I-:i>H!{ I'l UCH.ASE POLICY We are glad to report Mr. Wm. Clark improving after being in bed for a coouple of weeks. Dr. .McKee h.ib been in attendance. Miss Geraldine Weber and Mr. .Art Wardman of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. They will have two weeks holidays. !\li-. aad .Mrs. .Xoplctoii of Gall were gue-ts for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. Rnice llall and Mr. R. Lawreni-e. .Vlr. (has. Wagstaff has returned to Toronto after -jiending two weeks with .Mr. ami Mrs. .\, I.a-.vi-<-MCe. Mr. and Mrs. .\rc:iie .McLean are v-n;;ur t':-'eiid~ in ("I'.cc!! .'^ nmd this w--k. Mr. and .^Ir--. W. >. Risii-p. .Mis^ Klvir r .\;ii-.-ra a.iJ M -. and "Av-. Gee. Ruri-'l! -im-ii' ai: a''t . i-ni.i a with i'. iilu '• v '--!.•'. .i- di;, â- .!!!,' "hi week. ri^i' â- ;•!.' -.M-i-. I:.-" I.;-- 1-i-alcd th,' -| , ,.., •, . â-  [.' --i^ I V, . -'hi'^i- • a '^nf i V 'ii ; ': •'. tH'<;:.:yvr. and i was ra.)' ...i-.i. Th;- ma.'- :ire ni.'stl- cut ;'---. ;ii;-h 'â- â- â€¢â- â-  ''â- â- â€¢.' â- ' .-ii are I'T'iUgh al'":;>'lhi-! â- .:'•.'.â- â-  iil'-iT- Ma'.'i' \'i t tiio ,i-ci ad ci.i ..:' -.i!':r:a ' -u' . The '.rraia aiM '"a-.' â-  p-^ :.:' .'f all ..cea i;-e.-.i. The !a';- • i â- :â- > u!-! :.'ariieas III I'd ni->!-i> i-ain mow. Thr 'a-"': •-â-  a:-! 'e. t a' •'!.- 'mme of Mi>- .Mai- II. i:';.--. Thev aiv-rNTed f'lr a cion n a-^i ; lii-^ muiith. N , Mi-:. Elvic Manviioil 1-, id a ''ivthilay .pai-tv on Saf.;i-<ia.v. Her y.'iiu.LC ; y-iirst frieniW eiiiuveil -r vcrv nuich. j Mr-;. :Maville an.l -rirls nf Mavkdar.- I spent a week end w-tli M.-- Selena Kllis and Mis-- Jov al ^ x\i.!i Mr-;. , Ernii- Bovle. if o eiu-oiuage tho winKa- feeding yi'inig cattle and lainii.- In tiios- districts of Canada where feed is plentiful, the Hon. Robert Weir, no- nunion Minister of Agieulture. has announced the renewal <d" the feedpi Iiolicy which was in effect in I'.i.iJ. The policy is effective from .i^ugust 1 to December :)!, 1<»3,5, and under its terms one-way ti-ansportation and reasonable travelling expenses will he allowed to a farmei- in any par', of Canada purchasing one or more carload of young feeder cattle or feeder lambs according to the con- ditions as laid down by the Live Stock Branch, Dominion Department of -"Agriculture. In Eastern Canada, information, expense forms and so on, may be ob- tained fi'om the neare;<t Dominion Live Stock Branch i>epre8entative at the stackyard visited, or from R. S. Hamer .Vssistant Commissioner. Dominion Live Stock Branch. Ottawa. It i.>! very important that those who desire to take advantage of this pol- icy should familiarize themselves with the kerm.<! because the policy does not apply to shipments puinhased fori speculative pi-irposes and all stock- yard purchases must pass in-tspectic^ as to type and quality by the Stock Yards agent of the Dominion Live Stock Branch in order to qualify for the expense payments nnder Hie terms of the policy. Attention is also d!r- ectcd to Â¥n<i necc»sity of applicants interirjfewing the Branch agent ft the St*ck Tavds ia adTanee ol piti-chaatng. Wliilf men arc supposed to be great, for "the eats" and that <oyl of thing, in fairness t ,) them it ha- to he ad- mitted they are not the miiy ones who -eems in d)i-;!jJiten up "when lunch is served." i Talking Pictures I i row X ii.M.i, } I FLESHERTON | ••• V I Tuesday, August 27 | I ANOTHER -CAPITOL " HIT !|1 X SHOW X t THE X I CAPITOL TALKING PICTURE | I COMPANY presents , \ I "X Marks the I Spot" with LEW CODY, WALLACE FORD and SALLY BLANE A gripping murder mystery and newst>aper story replete with thrUls, action and a startling â- ' finish, ALSO | "Holland and the Dutch." "The S Strange Wedding Sign." "Songs f of the Range." "Toyland Tales." * ADMISSION: i ^ ,VDULTS 30c.... CHILDREN 15c X X )Tax included) % ^ SHOW STARTS AT 8.30 p.m. ^. i .Auspices •f L.O.L. 3855 ^ •^**♦•>♦•:•*•^>^*•^•^•MM^•^^••^^»<»•>^..M»i

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