Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1935, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wfdtiesday. August 28, 1935 Tl â- Â» * LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS EUGENIA KIMBERLEY FEVERS HAM A number of people from here at- tended the service in Maple Grove Baptist church on the townline on Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid and daugh- 1 Our sjrmpathy this weeli are ex- ter, Gladys, of Singhampton were : tended to Mrs. Wm. Cark in that her Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. | husband Mr. Wm. Clark passed awey Fred Jamieson and family. ion Aug-ust li), at their home in Kim- i t'liday night last and listened to an Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gillespie and 1 berleJ'- Mi"- Clark was in his 81sl j interesting discourse by Rev. Dr. Mrs. Hollinger of Toronto spent the ! ytai' and had only been ill about a | Shields of Jarvis Sti-eet Baptist church weeic end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred | '^^* • Death came quietly and j in Toronto, where he has preached for Jamieson. Mrs. Gillespie remained suddenly, Monday, near noon. He 125 years. His text was found for a week's visit. Mrs. Hahn and friends from Not- tawa visited ^ with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee. PORTLAW (Intended for last week) This community extends sympatJiy to Mr. and Mrs. McCannel of Proton in the death of their daughter Jean, .Vli.'is McCannel was a former teacher in our school and highly regarded by the people of this section. i^he little child of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Watson was brought home latives was called upon and brought greetings from her home society and made some helpful remarks. A dainty lunch was served, when the nieeting was brought to a close by singing, ".\11 Hail the Power of Jes- us Name", and the benediction. CENTRE LINE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ru.ssell. LuJtj leaves to mourn the loss, Mrs. Clark Hebrews 10: 10-12, the complete sac. and one brother, Mr. M. Clark, Coll-l"''ce of Jesus. Mr. Hall of Epping ingwood He was always of a quiet 1 sang a solo which was highly disposition and will be much missed : appreciated. Master Jack Lascelles has returned Mr. and Mrs. Herb Clark of Colling- 1 Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound to Toronto after holidaying with ''"'^o ^^re present and was a comfort I spent the^ holiday with his parents, Mastei- Wesley Jamieson. We ac- '^o Mrs. Clark. The service was eon- â-º companied him to Toronto to spend ducted in the church by Rev. McAus- ; a week. ' â- ^^" Interment took place in Colling- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher and son '^'^^ cemetery. and Mrs. W. Wright of Stone's Line | Donald Harold and Betty Graham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. j have been holidying with their aunt, trhos. McKee. Miss Annie Burret at the home of Mrs. Thos. Hazard and two little Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDermid, Price- "Sons of Stone's Line is visiting with j ville. Miss Winnis visited a day with â-  her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fawcett. ; Miss Hilda Gordon. Messrs. Jim and Eddie Hargrave of | Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lawrence and "Toronto are holidaying at the home i children are guests of the Lawrence of Postmatser Park. j families. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carruthers and Misses Verda and Muriel Taylor and t , t> ^ t, u j , • 60ns, George and Russell, also Miss i Lois Weber spent a week with friends i M""- ^<"'^ ^'^. f ^^'^, ^"^ ^ P^**"" Catherine Grigor of Toronto visited ; at Rocklyn ! »"* holiday with Jack s uncle «nd With Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers The Thompson sisters spent a week ! ^"";: ^^-^^nd M.^. W ilbert Poole. end with their aunt, Mrs. T. Fergus-! ^iss Myrtle Lougheed of Toronto Qjj I and Miss Helen Lougheed of Sing- Miss Tena Hutchinson had her ton- Hampton were visitors with Miss sils removed at Markdale hospital rec-l J^^^'^ Lougheed here last week. 1 Mr. Kendal Hawkins met with a from the hospital for sick children |^^j ^^^^.^ ^„^ ^-^^ j,^,^^ Partridge, and appears somewhat improved. j ^p^^^ sy^jay at Mrs. Margaret Lit- Mrs. Earl Plummer was called t" u-i^'j Redwing to wait on her mother. Mrs.! ^; Emerson Simmons .spent Sunday Wilkinson, who has been suffering from a badly sprained ankle. Mary, daughter of Mr. and R. J Mrs. at Mrs. Lyon's. Mrs. Simmons ana Miss Betty returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. Miss Betty Colquette of Owen Sound returned to her home after spending a couple of weeks with her grandparents here. Miss McFarlane of Mclntyre has purchased the James Speer cottage and is moving into the village this week. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto and Miss Kidd of Markdale were holi- daying at Dorothy's home here last week. Miss Jean Short of Feversham and _ , . , Delbert Magee, a few days with his Fisher has been in poor health: ^^^ y^^^ Lyons. for some time. She now appears toj jj^ ^^^.^ p^^^.^^^, ^.j daughter. be some better, and we hope to see, jj^j,,^ ,^^^„^j ^^ .^^^^ j,.,^^ ^^ p^,. her fully restored soon and able to „„ ,„ . „, ,. can last week. attend school at the ooening. i vr r- al .._ e t„.„-4.» .„„„(. - " I Mrs. C. Brown of loronto spent Mr. Gordon Jamieson of Toronto .., , , .., , j u^ < > the week end with her daughter, .Auii- and family for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eagles and three children, Nina, Robert and Locoe of Irish Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and family during Sunday, ently. Miss Phyllis Graham spent a few boj^ ha^e returned home to Toronto Mrs. Flavin, Miss Mary and the | ^^^ accident last week while riding on ^ .â„¢ u,„„ «.f„.„^ v,„^„ .. T ..I the running board of a car. He was -l^esday ot last week. Uh, spent a week with his uncle here. He had his band instrument along and treated us to a long list of old fav- ourites. Marvin and Earl Conron of Toronto are visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. G. Jamieson. Mr. and Mv. .\. Horn and .'- i are spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mi-s. D. Jamieson. Miss Betty Walker of Blackwater is visiting with her aunt. Mrs. J. H. Walker. YouT correspondent was shocked to learn of the sudden passing of our esteemed lifelong friend. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Everett* White of Frank Cairns. : Toronto visited over the week end at The W. A. held their last meeting Mr. Robt. White's Miss .\lma return- in the home of Mrs. McKenzie, onjing with them. rey and other friends here. Mrs. Lockhart is spending a week with Mrs. Florence Lyons. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Lewis Sheardown is ill, and hope she will soon be up a^ain. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Osborne and Freddie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ell!» and Babe and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell were callers at Robt. Os- ! home's one day recently.. SAUGEEN JUNCTION days with her friend, Mrs. Allen Short (nee Belva Genoe) 12th line. Mr. Argyle Martin of Flesherton is spending a few days at his parental home. Mr. Ted Campbell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Bert Magee. Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon Dixon of Flesherton and Mrs, Parker of Max- well visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Benson and family on Sunday. .The Misses Winneta and Carmel Martin visited one day last week with • their cousin. Miss Irene Martin. Mr. Jack Williams, who has spent the past week with his grandparents after spending 6 weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. "Red" Foster and babe visited a week with Mrs. Fos- ter's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Geo, Hut- chinson. Miss lola Graham spent a week with Mrs. Good and other relatives in Toronto. Rev. Stotesbury and Douglas visited friends in Kimberley on Wednesday. We were very pleased to receive a call from them, especially Mrs. Stotes- bury. who is so much improved in health. Miss Viola Fawcett. R.X.. has treat- ung pushed off when the door of the car came open and fell, striking a post He is now in Markdale hospital with a broken leg. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Dean visited with friends in Toronto last week. Miss Vema Hudson of Toronto spent holidays at her parental home. I Mr. Jack Davidson and son, Doug- las, of Toronto and Mr. Geo.. Hunter of Collingwootl were visitors with Mr. i and Mrs. Howard McKee recently. ' Mr. H. Bewell of Toronto is visiting j with Mr; and Mrs. W. H. Bewell on ! the townline and called on old acquaintances of many years ago. Mrs. Chas. McElwain and son. William, and daughter. Margaret, of Fordwich spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Mrs. Thos. Stephens of Collingwood is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Ernie Hawton, here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davidson and Mr. j topic "Th. Quest for Rom.-ance" was' Mr. Stuart Ellis of Collingwood , W. H. Davidson of Collingwood were taken by >h: Willie Fenwick. assisted i made a short visit with Kimberley visitors with Mrs. A. J. Conron here| by Mr. Will Hanley. Recreation i f '''ends last week, before entering on Sunday. consisted of a game, after which the I •^â- ''••'•'sre '" Toronto. Stuart has been meeting closed in the usual manner. 1 working in the Hammond drug store Mr. Herb Genoe and two daughters '"^ Colling\vood for the past four years visited friends in this locality the and now will finish his course at the past week. College of Pharmacy in Toronto. Mrs. ElwDod Genoa and family of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham spent TM-onto visited relatives here the past' a day with friends in Collingwood. ere was I Mr .and Mrs. M. Wilson and son a large attendance of members and al.'^o Mr. and Miss Brown of Markdale a very interesting meeting was lield.' visited Sunday at Mr. Bert Bad^ei Rev. Mr. Bushell ga%'e an address ow's. which .should arouse thougtful inter- 1 Mr. William Halliday Sr. was kicked est. A duette by Mr. and Mrs. Ion the leg by a horse on Sunday. We Bushell was thoroughly enjoyed by hope for a speedy recovery. all. M'.-s. .1. Metcalfe of Nesbett. Mr. Edd Batchelor and Robt. Coul- Manitoba. who is visiting with her ter of Badgeroes were Sunday visitors aunt, Mrs. McKenzie and other re- [at Sam Bat'chelors. TORONTO LINE NORTH Rev. and Mrs. I. Wilson of Oshawa spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richai"dson. Mrs. W. Murdock of Caledon East is spending a time with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Burnett. Messrs. Clarence and Eric Stafford and sister, Marion, of Toronto visited recently with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Stafford. Miss Marion Wickens holidayed with Owen Sound relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gregg of GaH and cousin. Miss Ritchie, of Palmers- ton visited their cousin, Mrs. T. Lever, on Thursday last. Mrs. E. Smart and Miss Anna Wil- son spent a day with their sister, Mrs, Harold Richardson. Home Curing of Pork In the home curing of pork either the "dry salt" or the "brine" method n-.ay be employed, but whchever pro- cess is adopted common salt is the curing agent. Such other ingredients as sugar, salt-petre, and baking soda are also used. As a rule, the old fashioned brown sugar is preferred to the white granulated kind as it is be- lived to give a slightly better fla- vour to the meat. A small quantity of salt-petre has a preservative effect and gives a reddish colour to the meat. Baking soda is used principally with the brine cure. Curing pork should be cut up into convenient sizes, and it is important on the one hand, that all animal heat has ben coled out of the feat, and, on the other hand that the meat is not frozen when the curing is com- menced. .A. oool, well-ventilated cel- lar is a desirable place for both brine and dry curing. The curing Is more easily controlled in cold, or at least cool, weather, so that thick- pieces may not have a chance to spoil before the salt has penetrated. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams, has re- 1 ed herself to a nicenew car. turned to his home in Toronto. j Mrs. Earl Dillon and boys and Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. Summerby of Cargil! ^ Arnold Lawience visited a day in spent a few holidays in the v''.'..iKe. ! Banie with Mrs. L. Lawrence. At the Y.P.S. meeting last Wednes. ' Mr. R. (Buster) Marshall uf Barrie day evenin.ff 26 were in attendance, visited on Sunday evening with his Rev. Bushel! presided and took the "n<^'e and aunt, Mr and Mrs worship period, while the discu'ssion Burritt. S. S. week. The Misses Edna and Eva Doupe of Saugeen .let., spent a few holidays with their grandparents. Mr, and Mi-s. Robt, Haney, Mr. Roy MuMillan has left to work with the King Paving Company near Barrie. M.ARRIED â€" On Saturday 24th. 1035, at the home of the bride's parents, Miss Delniar Marie Fenwick to Mr. Harold Cjok of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Kenwell and babe of Collingwood and John Healy and daughter. Hilda of Glen Huron were visitors with Mrs. Fred Tyler last I wt-ek. R. J. Colquette was a visitor in I Flesherton for a day last week. ] .A, great many of our boys and girls, j who are enjoying themselves this ! warm weather in the mill pond here i will, in later years, remember the fun Mrs. Fi-ed Field and son. George, of ' they used to have in the old swinun- Toronto visited over the week end with ing hole at Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bennington. ' Miss Jean Fletcher of Gibraltar was Rev. and Mrs Bushell and Jean are . a caller in the village on Wednesday. Aueu't ' '^I'^n'^ns this w:^ek in Toronto. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Davidson of Col- MAXWELL lingwood and Mr. and Mrs. H. Alex- ander of Feversham spent the holiday with the latters' daughter, Mrs. Will Miss Delmar Soeley is visiting this week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Yarley and daughter. Belle, of Toronto visited with Mrs. Colquette. in Owen Sound. •Thos. Guy over the week end. ^ Miss Mae WHiiteoak of Toronto is The W. A. will meet at the home of : visiting her sisters, the Davidson Mrs. Ray Pedlar on September 5th. [ ladies, at present. The Dramatic Club is busy prepar- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Long of Toronto and Mr, â€" "Johnny," said his mother severe^ ly, "someone has taken a big piece et ginger cake out of the pantry." John- ny blushed guiltily. "Oh, Johnny," ing another play for the fall. she exclaimed. "I did not think it was \ Mr. Henry Bewell of Toronto visited and Mrs. Harry Montgomery of Dun- in you." "It ain't all." replied Johnny, a few days last week with Mr. Robert dalk spent Sunday here with Mr. and "Part of it's in Elsie. ' and Miss Ella Alister. : Mrs. James Long and the former's . I mother, Mrs. John Paul. S Free, to Users of Comfort Soap 1 r.\CK.\GE01'^ HANDY AMMOXI.\ FREE WITftl with 10 .Bars of Comfort Soap for 39c Red Rtxse Tea 53c per: lb. Rose t>r ?^Ia|)lc l.cat l>abiti,t;" rowxicr 15c Velvet Hand Cleant-r Reg. 25c for 15c Carnation Milk 2 for 19c Iodized Salt Sz New Currents 15c lb: Gem l.ye 10c Piulk .'^horteninsf Easifir.st or Jewel 2 lbs; for 27c MENS WORK BOOTS, SOME WITH LEATHER SOLES AND SOME WITH PANCO SOLES $1 85 pr. ROCK MILLS I Osprey & Arfemesia Co-operative Co., hi. FLESHERTON Many of the farmers in this vicinity have finished harvest. Miss Helen Betts holidayed ln;;t week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMuU-'n. Pi-a.ver mectin.a: was held at the home of Mr. Sam Phillips, conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Dean of Feversham. A goodly number attended. Mr. Fred Hargrave visited recently with Wareham friends. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newell were: Mrs. J McEachnie of Regina. Mrs. Allan McKinnDii of Port .'Vrthur, Mrs. Geo. Newell Sr., Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Whitmore and son, Louis of Durham. The Ladies' .-\i(l met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Hanley on Wednesday^ afternoon, with 14 present. A good program was given. Mrs. Ehvood Genoe and family of Toronto art; holidaying at the home of Mr. Harry Genoe. Mr. H. C. Dietz has returned home, after spending a couple of months with his daughter Mrs. Carl Morrow, of Cleveland. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Morrow accompanied him home and .*)>ent a Week at Wasaga Beach. TET your own comparisons convince â- " you that the new Master Chevrolet is awray out in tront â€" in features â€" m quality â€" in value for the money! Look at the Turret Top roof. Tfiere's not another car in Chevrolet's low-priced class that offers you this vital, over-your-head protection of solid, seamless steel ! Look at Knee-Action â€" now in its second successfal year â€" combined with balanced weight in these new models for the ultimate in the "glidiag ride" . . . the ultimate in safety! Delivered. luUy equipped at lactory. Oshan'a, Coyernaient Ro^is'Tation Fee only extra. Ses the new Standard Series nicds-s priced?? !nw as 5/i2 ,^.^ Look ai the Fisher Ventilationâ€"' the Cable-Controlled .Brakes â€" and the Blue Flame Engine. They're all exclu- sive to Chevrolet ! We invite yoa â€" come for a ride in tlie Master Chevrolet. All that we could ever tell you isn't one-fwo- three with what you learn by driving the car your- self! Easy GMAC terms. C-I55C ^. CHEyROLET â- 1 CHEVROLET MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY The i>i»«lii4ie age haswi't produced zr.y substitute f»r jrood fertile land. D. McTAVlSH & SON, FLESHERTON, CNTARIO

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