Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1935, p. 1

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'2[J)je /toii^ttott %imnu. Vol. 55; No. 13 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1935 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprictort New Dental Offices Travelled 9,500 Miles ^"'°' ""^^i.i^. h^ On Trip This Summer! Dr. A. E. Little of town is opening np his dental office in the office va- cated by Dr. W. D. Bryce and i.s now open to receive patients. Dr. Little is well known to the resident: district. Dr. E. C. Murray, ^^^ .u»„j . - i , years dentist here is also opening up'a<la «n<J ^^^ United States we request- ; ^Ported this week. .A.n increase of 30.6 per cent, in vol- ume and 26.2 per cent in value was In talking to Mr. Sam McDonald of : ^howm in the sale of motor vehicles Attempt Made To Enter Local Bank ELECTION MACMISERY Geo. Banks Is NOW ATfULL SPEED J^^w Postmaster The machainery of election is grin.i- snts of this Toronto, formerly of Eugenia, on his ' during the seven months ended Julyi^f the Canadian Bj r for many! 9-500 mile trip throitgh Western Can-! 31, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics ^.^^ ^^^jg ^^^^ ^i r the local branch I 'i? inexorably towaid October 14. , Word was received last week of the ..I, ^f r.,.„r^<.,.,.p â-  iTon upon ton of paper will be utilized aopointment of Mr. George Banks of a dental office at his residence in town and will be ready shortly to serve many of his former patrons. Notification' .\lex GibsoH, Mr. .\n attempt to enter ,. ,. , ^ Bank of Commerce ; f <^n "P"" ^o" "^ paper will be utilized appointment time between late! to P""* '^e millions of ballot forms town as the new postma.ster of Flesh- T da night and early Wednesday â-  wters will use to register their man- erton, succeeding the late W. W. ed him to write about his e.xperience, ] Cars, trucks and buses scld in the n^rning when the plate glass in the date at the polls. Hundreds of other Trimble ^ho held the office for a for the benefit of Advance readers. ' seven months totalled 75,095, valued at door of the bank was removed. It i^ foâ„¢f "", ^'-^^ prepare- as required great number of years. H. kindly consented and the followins iT4,507.44«. compared with 57.491 at ! ^ot knov^r. whether or not they gained ! by the Election .\ct. In all. some was received f'^^V^'' is the answer to our request. $59,103,193 in the corresponding per- entrance but nothing in the bank was 1 ^^ ^^>^^«' P^.^^' ^^' ^'^\ ^° f"* ^^'f "^'-^-^^ f ?'L^Z% ne, â-  J , .t „ ,.,,,-• u ui • • to the Returning Officers tor dis- ! Banki e-xpects to take over his new Dui-ing the past summer, in com- , 'od last year. disturbed, the thieves PJ^^ably oeing | ^^^^^^.^^ ^^ ^^^^^^_ Returning Ofiic 'duties the fii^t of next week. ML«s pany with Bun-ows Heard and Harold: Sales during the month of July tot- scared away while at their work. , ^^^ .^ ,^^^^^ ^^-^^^ ^^^.^^ stations. Gertrude Lever has been acting post- Cook of Toronto, I had a very enjoy- jailed 7,358 at $7,468,362, an increase The attempted break was discovered; j^ ^^^ ^.^,^ ^^^^ ^j_^^,^ ^^ Ben.nett mistress .ince the first of the year able motor trip from Toronto to of 10.9 per cent, m volume and _9.o_ per . by Mrs. Robt. Alexander, and >he ^ ^^^.^^^^^^^j. j_^-^^ ^jfj^^ ^^^^^ jj^^, beer, and will Hkeiy continue as assistant increase in the number as -she was under Mr. Trimble. , „. persons eligible to vote. Today the . The new postmaster is well known investigated but did not find anything j ^^^^^ contain in the neighborhood of . in Fle-herton and surrounding dis- was out of place or missing. The i ^j^ mjnion names This year there trict as he has been a resident in town glass of the door was neatly piled , ^jj ^^ between 33,000 and 35,000 poll- for a number of years. Before that he outside the building beside the step i -^^^ stations compared with 28.000 in wa.s farming at Ceylon, having come as though it was laid there to prevent | ^ggg Which makes the coming el- there after the war from his home Dr. Bryce Honored Ull His UfiDSrtUrfi Vancouver, B.C., southward along the cent, in value against 6,632 at $6,818,- j immediately notified the manager. Mr. ' ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ VU tllO &/l^pailUlW p^^j^j^ ^^^^^ ^^ Tijuana. Mexico, re- 566 in July, 1934. R B. Heard, Mr. Heard immediately j ^^ person-! eligi turning by way of death valley. A most interesting event was held Bonlder Dam, Salt Lake Citv and p C .-*„ U»-. in St. John's United Church follow- Chicago. In all we passed through breV tOUDty HaS mg the evening service on Sunday ; f ^^^ provinces of Canada and 15 states when the congregation paid tribute to „f ^^^ ^t^jj^j gtates of America, the outstanding work of Dr. W. D. , and Mrs. Bryce, who are leaving town ; Good Accident Record Vancouver, B.C., crossing Western jg^t^ ai^\onoerned. according to a'^"^"'^'^^ «« """ Professional would ,^f Leaving Toronto on July 4th we I Grey county is in the most favour- !an>' ""^'^e of the robbery attempt I ^.j^^^^ ^^^ biggest Usk ever tackled near Durham . George was overseas travelled a distance of i,460 miles to ' ^ble class as far as motoring acci- ! '^'^e â- '"''' '^^^ apparently the wo^k of ^^^ ^j,^, j-hief Electoral Officer and his and served in France with the I3th " ' "' ' " ' "' "'" Roya! Highlanders and was wounded in action. He is married and has a fine young family of five boys and one girl. Congratiriations are extended tc George on his securing the appoint- to locate in Zurich. iThe gathering was held in the Sun- 'Canada, via the southern route. ;;ar a"i^n-Vd"b7"thr Ontario 'be' '''^â- '^'>' ^>' t^^^ ^^^ Postcards will be sent out to a!! day School room and was pres'ded >jj^ty miles east of Regina I visited partment of Highwa>-s. showing the and then the heavy safe inside the ^.^^^^, „„j.,f,,i„g them that their name. over by Mr. W. A. Hawken In a , ^y fathers brohers, Xeil and Archie extent to which motor fatalities have ' ^'^"'t- -^'^- ^^- «oldsborough re- â-  ^^^ ^„ ^^^ ^olls and where to vot.. few words Mr. Hawken told of his ; McDonald, who live at Froude. This occurred during the years 1932 1333 ^'t**^ '" ^^^ appartment dire?tly ovei p^^. jj,;, purpose 6,500.000 cards have association with the departing mem- ,^^^^^^ „f ^^^ province had no crop and 1934. I the bank and she wa.< not aware of t,een provided, bers of the church, and then called ...... i upon various others of the congrega- tion to say a few words. Mr. Joseph Blakeley, a veteran in the service of the church, spoke of his pleasant association with Dr. and Mrs. Bryce, and voiced his heart-felt appreciation of all that they had done in the congregational work, and the work of the various organizations with which they were identified. Mr. George Cairns spoke on behalf of the members of the choir and thanked the whatever last year, but looked ver>- ; ^^.e showing is based on the nuni- anything out of the usual occurring. | j^ j^ interesting to note that while ment over a large list of applicants, promising in early Jnly of this year, ber of persons killed per 100,000 of ,^' *'a^ J"st '^^o years ago that a sue- 1 ^^^ government furnishes all voting The citizens are assured of real ser- ....--.-..I „kv, .u^. u...!. .._ I ... vice in the conduct of the local post office. I I found the Flesherton Advance a population and the grouping gives the I '^'^*«f"' '^^^'">' at this bank was stag- , ^yppjie^^ ^u^-h as pencils, stationery. ! weekly visitor here and read the news! result. , I*** ^"'^ ^^^ thieves have not yet beenj telegram blanks and sealing wax for j Five to 9 -- Grey, Perth, V ictoria, brought to justice for their deed. The ^^j^ poUJng station, the Deputy Re- froni back home. While camped at Banff, .\lta., I met i Lanark, Russel. Stewart also rose a school teacher. Mr. TtinibuU, from' Ten to 14.9 - Lambton, Huron. , of the attempted breaking and made New Westminste-. B.C.. who was bom! Elgin, Bi-ant. Wentworth. Waterloo. â-  an investigation but ..n.formation a? at Durham and recalled mar.;; people j Wellington. Hamilton. York. Ontario.; to who were the guilty parties is not with whom I was acquainted. We Pe:ei';oi-ough, Haliburton. Hastings. , a^'lable. were very fortunate in -jjing the Renfrew, Carlton. j annual Indian parade of over six Fimteen to 19.9 â€" Bruce. Essex, hundred Indians, men. women and | Middlesex, Norfolk, Haldimand. Duf' , Simcoe. Parry Sound. Muskoka. many ol them decKed in war paint. Heeds. Grenville. to speak for the .j^^y presented a colorful spectacle. Twenty to 24.9 â€" Kent, Oxford- police at Owen Sound were notified, turning Officer must provide himself with ink and the Bible with which to administer oaths. Teachers In School BOWLINC NEWS guests of honor for their work in the children. dres.5ed in tribal costume, ! ferin. musical end of the services. \ emon ^^^^^ ^^ j^^ ^^^^^ -^ ^,.,,. p^i^t. ;ieeds. The following former pupils of Flesherton High School have taker schools for the coming term and oth- ers from outside sections have taken schools in this district: young people's organizations. He g^^„ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^-^^^ ^^^^ ve :.'orthumberland. Welland. Herman Carl DietZ ' Fl^^herton Lades Bownng Club i| n- IP 11 IT 1 i holding a doubles tournament on the, ^^ g.^^,^.^ ^^ ^,^^^^^^„ Died Sudden y Tuescay^ '""â-  ^'"'""^ °'- '' -"'^ ^^- -- i>--'^ ^^^-- ^^ •^^«"- declared that the younger element ol the church would miss Dr Bryce very much. Rev. W : enjoyed a swm in one of them. The ! Twenty-five and over â€" Peel, Dur-| _ Death came suddenly and Mrs. .^.j^ter was so hot that no one was ham, Lennox and -Addington ! allowed to remain in more than tw-enty , When accidents happen. We also visited beautiful week, commencing at j $1..50 Herman! W. F p.m. Entrv i to Herman i W. F. Potter and W. .\kitt attend- jCarl DietZ at hi.- home on the Colling-' ed the annual doubles tournament at wood gravel, on Tuesday afternoon, Waikerton on Labour Day He hadi Mr. and Mrs Graham Beard to Townshend Lake. Isobel McMuIlen to Lily Oak. Doris Bannon to Harkaway. Eleanor Mather to Priceville. his first introduction to Dr. Bryce and of his subsequent encouragement as he watched the fine work of the young doctor in the congregration. He hop- ed that Dr. and Mrs. Bryce would have plenty of opportunity to show their worth in the town to which they were going. He concluded by calling upon those present to join him in presenting to Dr. and Mrs. Bryce a small token of the esteem in which they will always be held by the members and adherents of St. John's church. The honored guests were then pre- : sented with a fine set of three floor rugs. 1 Dr. Bry;e, m.ived with emotion,' thanked his friends. If only one- tenth of all the fine things that had been said were really earned, , , Miss Densmore of Thornbury to Eu- Potter 'attended s genia. 11 to Rock Mills, near Berkeley. Edith Heitman to near Collingwood. Bert .Armstrong of Meaford to Fever- sham. Marion Bibby to Minnie Hill. Inez Brown to Springhill .Mrs. C. J. Bellamy to Flesherton. Madeline Moore to Irish Lake. Florence Mclnnis of Ehindalk to Cey- ~ Ion. Alexander-Reeve J. Scott, pastor, then re- mj^utes. We also visited beautiful ; Most accidtnt.^. according to the re- after only a short illness. ,.-"•». ferred at length to the work of his Lake Louise. .Moraine Lake, crossed port, happen between the hours of 5 suffered a heart attack on Sunday! tournament at Shelburne on Frida>l ^^ Ritchie of Durha two staunch supporters. He told of the Great Divide and followed the land 6 in the evening. During this per- j and remained in bed. Tuesday, he last and on the same day Mr. andl ^.^^j^j^^^ ^^^^.^^^^^ Kicking Horse Pass as far as Field, ii^d 9.6 of accidents occur. In Ontario apparently was feeling much improv- : Mi-s. McCauIey and Mr. and Mrs.; In order to reach Vancouver we 'at large the rate begins to rise in July ed but an.>ther att.ick occurred anJj Dargave! olayed in a tournament a crossed the Rockie and Coast Ranges Ito reach a i^ak of 10.7 during October, j death followed in a few minutes with-. Chesley. by means of the Simpson Pass, February, traditionally the month of , out him regaining coiisciousne<s His, â-  through Cranbrook. along the Koot-^ â-  snow and ice. when one is prone to ob- passing came as a great shock to his| enay Lakes, to Nelson. Trail and i serve and shudder "Heaven help the , family and many friends. ] Princeton, following the Nicola, i motorist on a night like this." is actu-, fbe late Mr. Dietz was born in Ger-' Thompson and finally the Fraser aly the safest month, the i-ate being ^any and v.-as in his 66th year, an J River to Vancouver. 'I'his was a very (6.2 for the province. This, of course, is j^,„e to the United States with his dangerous, yet scenic route, the road partly due to the fact that fewer cars parents when a boy and to this dis- leading up and down the sides of are on the road and people are more trict three years ago. He was married mountains, in some places reaching | careful when it is slippery and dan-jj,, 1916 to Miss Ella Phillips of Cleve , an altitude of 5,400 feet. For the â-  gerous. ; land, daughter of the late Mr and I most part it was only the width of j When pavements are dry 69.3 perpir^. Tucker Phillips, who survives, i the car. and guard rails were out of H'ent. of all accidents occur; only 18.36 1 He is also survive*! by one daughter, the question. On Friday. July 26th, | when pavements are wet: 3.75 per i Mrs. Car! .Marrow from a former mar- we left Vancou%-er and one week later, cent, when pavement are snowy and riago. He also leaves th-ee brothers' were in Tijuana. Mexico, a disUnce,8-44 when icy. While most P«ople phe«>dore and John of Clev.-land and of 2.200 miles. .At Seattle, Wash., j have a fear of night driving, figures , Robert of Minneapolis, we saw 27 battleships and several | reveal that only 38 per cent, happen, ^.^^ funeral of the late Mr. Dietz submarines which were taking part in | during this time with 56 per cent, m ^^..j, ^^^^^ ^^^^_^^ ^^ Fri<lay, Septembo • I Other Papers' I . Opinions . CORN ON THE COB then he and his wife would leave with ; an annual celebration, known as "The the greatest of happiness. ! Potlatch." During the evening a number of the' g^^^ j^fter entering the State of guests' favorite hymns were sung. California we came to the great red- ^ ,- j o- ti,.> and the choir quartette rendered "The ^.„^ f^^3t^ T^^ mlwoods ^.re P^r cent, are b,nv.een lo ^ud S^.lhs Old Rugged Cros.." More than 60 ^^^^j ^..^ ,„j ^p^^ ,„tering the j bracket 36 to oA is next with 20.. per members of the congregation were,; . , .., ^, „....„„., ,i,„ k„.„ „f cent.: 6o and over, 1- per cent.; tnen the daylight and 5.5 per cent, at twi- g^^ ^^.j^ light. A study of the ages of those who die in motor accidents shows that 32.3 wood giant ti-ees and upon entering *'^''^ ; forest I stepped around the base oi ^ present at this enthusiastic tribute to ! „„g „f them. To my^ surprise it was en service will be held at hi< late home at 2 o'clock p.m.. internien' to take place in Maxwell cenietei â-  Rev. F. Dean of Feversham will cf fioiate at the home and ecmeterv children 5 to 14 get their inning in "Dr and Mrs. Bryce. 23 paces in ciix-umferen^e. but w<? were soon to see a much larger ti-ee, . than this, which was 250 feet high. I "f 'hem pensh 101 feet in circumfereiK'e and its »ge • was estimated at 4,000 years. The Mrs. .Arthur Gamble of Langdon, ' base was hollow to a height of 40 Mrs. Arthur Gamble this game of death with 12 per cent. Even babies don't escape for enougli ] oeneath the wheels j ! of motor cars to make up 6 per cent, i North Dakota, died very suddenlv on; feet and was fitteil up as a store with of all deaths. Lower Hydro Rates A slight reduction has been mac'o , 'in the Hydro rates for the village cl. J Flesherton. taking effect on the first i I ,>f January. While the reduction is .A quiet but nretty wedding was i solemized in Owen Sound on Satur- day. .\ugust 31st at 3p.ni. at the honu | l.f'Mr .and Mrs. J. T. R"ve, when i ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I their second daughter. Elda Louiot j X _^ . ...^ , i was united in marriage to Harold i > Ivan, only sen of Mr. and Mrs. Henry | fAlexanderof Feversham. Ont. I The hr:de wa^: given in marriage ' by her father and looked lovely in a j «**«**<-»->^HXXVM-><^X-.>.><^ flixvr length g.)wn of brown chiffon j velvet, with turban, shoes and other I ! 3 -cessories to match. She carried a : j bouquet of .American Beauty roses. I ,The ceremony was performed by i i the Rev. Gordon Donim of Knox Un- i tted Church. Following the marriage i I ceremony, the gu?sU ni.Hjred to Mor- | I rison's Inn. where the wedding din- I ner was served. "^he rooms were i verv attractive with garden flowers. ! Later Mr. and Mrs. .Alexander left I by motor for Fair.v Lake, near Hunts- I ville and Buffalo. The bride travel- I led in a coral knitted suit with cor- '• vf-oonding accessories. ' The groom"; gift to the bride was â-  a cheque. Out of town guests at , ,. , 1- . the wedding included. Mr. and Mrs the greatest dam in j "ot large, every htUe bit helps and jj^^,.y Alexander of Feversham. Mr Rae Perigoe of Tc>ronto and Mr .m tne -Mie Kiver in| •â€"-•"• -..v .........rov.v v.v,„.-.u,.. i and Mi-s. J. C. Vance cf Hanover. I vada. This Aug. 21st. Pi-evious to her marnage ! doors and windows. The floor space | t),e world, surpassing in size the j '"<â- ' users a r- grateful for even small j -to Nicholas Irwin in May 187;i her! was 27 feet by 20 feet. ' Assuaii Dam .m the Nile River in mercies. The domestic consum- | name was Jennie Gordon, elder: As we approached San Francisco | 5.^^^,,^^ ^ js 750 feet high and is hate has been reduced from 3 W t« 3 >4 j daughter of John and Kliiabeth l^ng the road le<l close to a lai-ge rockjj^^'ut 30O feet wide at its narrowest [ oents per kilowatt hour, while the -, I f| p â-  iGr)rdon and had lived most of her life called "Black Bart Rock" where early , p^j^t.. The lake forming behind it | charges for all additional clectu?it% ; |3K6n UVET LeillBlery on the 3rd Line of Eni>hrasia South. Ulay highwaymen held up stages "' • • • •••> --•'- > "J •»"« fo<.' I remains thp s.imp t},„ o,,m.vi...-..ui 1 J Mr. Irwin died in iy20 and four years; the days of the gold rush.. While j^j^^pp ^nd will be well over 100 miles later she was united in marriage t»; crossing San Francisco Bay by ferry, ^j^^g ^s it has not yet reached one already 32 miles long and 300 feet i remains the same. The commercial j Mr. Arthur Gamble, who passed away June 7. 19.35. On the day of her death Mrs. Gam- we passed close to the rock upon|jjjjj.j it^i ultimate size. The purpose which is built the greiit San Quentinip, this dam is to- irrigate 2'-k tnillian prison, which is surrounded by at 1 acres of land and supply electric consumption rate was a! o reduced th^ ssrne amount and is now cent- ble was in her usual health and ha..1lle«st a mile of cold ocean water. Tne; pp^y^^. The steel pipe used to con been working about her lawn until the, story is told of one person who made|ypy ^^^^ water to the turbines are 32 "Ko remaii The resolution passed at the la;t while th- power rate has been reducH "^^'^''"^ "*" "'^ plothoUlers of the from 4.3 to 3 5 cents, and all addi- j ^'•^''''"*''" Cemetery was placed be- tiona! juice from 2.S to 2.:? cents The! ^'"â- '^ '*'* 'â- *"*^ ^'â- '""*'' *' ^^^'' "'^*" rate per horse power charged the vl!]. ' '""^ <"' T«e=^day '^^â- ^r.mg and the mo- middle of the afternoon when she | good his escai)e by .swimming safely f^^ ;„ diamter. I horse power. the same at $48.00 per took a weak spell, became uncon- ; to shore. The cnmtry surrounding this damj conscious and died one hour later. Shej Los Angeles is a city of 1.554,000 is desert, whei-e nothing grows butj leaves a son. Russell of Langdon. and fi«ople and has many places of in- sage brush and cactus plants. Gras.; one daughter. Mrs. J J. Gilchrist of terest. such as Hollywood. Beverley is never see except in the little towns j Hills, great ocean bathing beaches along the highway, where one might and the .\ngelus Tenjple of Aimeeisee one or two grassy plots Freak In Corn Owen Sound, her older son, Elmer, dieil in 1909. She also leaves two brothers. James and Will and one sister, Kate, Mrs. J. J. Ashworth of Port Arthur. Mrs. Gilchrist on re^'eiving the news of her mother's death, left at once for Langdjs and was present for the la.«t sad rites. Much sympathy is felt for the daughter, son, sister and brothers BO suddenly bereaved. tions wjio! passed acceeding to the re- quest that the operation of the cem- etery be supei-vised by the council. Ti-ansfer of the property will short- ly be made and all other business ar- rangements transacted ready for. the (Toronto Star) .â- V young man in Grey county sa". down at a meal and ate eight feet .' hot corn on the cob. We have t • ^ on the authority of the editor of t . • Flesherton .-VdvaiKe, who demands t* know if anybody can better this 1 "^ cord. It is not likely that anyboo.r can. The minister of agricult.; â-  â-  ought to set un a bronze tablet to h » at the Guelph college. It was one of those deeds whic'i. rising to an unusual height, is lik.'l.- never to be equalled. The aver.i ;.» man who eats two feet of hot c.i'i on the cob as a rule feels that he i- t bit of a champion himself. He has • sort of coiitent, a sense of apprc .! of himself and the world at larg- even an approval of the govemnier. and the weather â€" which may be n • .' to him. Corn on the cob gives a man a sense of well-being seld > t otherwise achieved. One has a sort of pity for natio-i . and races which cannot have com ' â- ' the 00b. It may be that no niai except one in Grey county can o " eight feet of it. but quite a few i 1 get away with two fe«t. The preso writer can still do his two feet â€" •â- . at least, his foot and and a quarte". Take a nice young cob of câ- ^ 'i; break it in two. so that it can be '-'i.» nomintion meeting of the village in i '"»re «»*â- â€¢>â-  andled. bathe two r •^ November, when the new cemetery I <>' 't in butter, give it a touch of sa' ITEMS HKLD OVER Semple MacPherson, well known evangelist. From Los Angeles to San Diego, one passes through num- erous orange and lemon groves, and nil wells may be seen in any direc- tion. The "World's Fair" was visit- Mrs. William Campbell of Pricevill .,„,^,„^., „.„„ „..^ „,„ .^ . B^'-aj^lJ^rought to the notice of the .\dvance;commis*^on wilVw Who owns the ear is the chief pivduot of this Death j staff a freak in the nature c>f 8 cobs ' people '^"*'" ^°' f*"" * minute or two. He. Valley, and I secured a small lump. j of corn all coming fi-om the same; stock 98 per cent. pure. On this part of the trip we drove Might and day. changing drivers fre- lll^ently. At one a.m. it w^as 92 de- There ed at San Diego and another .section 1 gi-ees in the car at one place, while of the navy was seen, including an i at another the thermometer register- airplane carrier. Tijuana. Mexico, is a famous racing ng fi-om the same was one large one and around it were growing seven smaller oho's. making 8 in all. CANADA'S PRODUCTS to corn on the cob! It's great. WORKED "LIKE A DOG' LARGE NIMBER Al' SCHOOL I .\ u,<!eful outlet for Canadian dres.»- I ed poultry has been opened up in the, tho ed 102 at 3 a.m. Salt Lake City, Utah, where the early Mmmon and gambling centre, but ihtrinip our 'pioneers settled, is a very interesting ] Tuesday with the .same staff of visit there all was (^liet. a« the great city. Theiv we saw the great Salt | teachers as last year. There is a race track had been ordered closed by You have heard people say British West Indies, 100 boxes having "worked like a dog" all day. If j gone forward during the first week, this is literally true the twenty-fnr- Flesherton high school opened on i of .\ugBst. j hours would be spent thus; one ho,: digging out a uat. two hours grna v- Owing to lack of space we are fore- , the President, ed to hold over several budgets of | Our next stop was Boulder Dam, â- ews this weel?. built on the Colorado Riv«r in Ke- lt is said *hat there is probably ing a bone, one hour waiting for Lake. 75 niilfts lona and 30 miles | considerable increase in the number $100,000 in pennies concealed in the cat to come down out of a tre«. hili" wide. It is almost 22'< salt and i*j attending tkis year and when all are j Pianos of the United States which an hour begging io gjet into tho so heavy that one cannot possibly! finally entered k is expecteil that sound like propagai\da for second ! house and the rest of the tim« slotn- (Continued on page 4) j ther« will be 120 in attendanc*. l^snJ instruments. ing on a mat in front of the doo:-.

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