Flesherton Advance, 2 Oct 1935, p. 3

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f t c r X Â¥ â- .ym /^ /^ EVERY DAY LIVING A WEEKLV TONIC by Or. M. M. Lappin THE FEAR OF BEING ALONE Fear Is one of the most disintegra- ting forces in the uuiver.-e. It is also one of t^e most common. There are many kinds of tear. Some folks are afraid of the future, others fear the dark, others tear that they miglit be- come tlie victims of disease, otliers llear the company of tiielr fellows, while there are still others who fear themselves. The last mentioned are generally afraid of being alone. They 'like to have isomeone beside them all the time and they only feel safe W'iien there are other people around. Mrs. George B. is such a person. When she is In the company of others she is perfectly all rlgbi, but when- ever she is left alone for a time she begins to Imagine that something la going to happen and her nerve gives Bway. This is a common complaint. A great many letters come to my desk, particularly from women who are in or around the forties.^'^rhtch voice the same complaint. Of course It is easy to say "Don't be afraid" or "There is nothing of which you need to be afraid." That, however, does not help the sufferer. Usually the trouble lies deeper and it Is nece-sary to get at the cause of the fear and remove that before we can iiope to effect a cure. To do that It is often necessary to probe deeply Into the past life. Indeed, very often one finds that the cause of tear lies away back in some early experience of childhood. In the absence of de- tail it is almost impossible to say just exactly what the cau e is. I would like to ask my correspondent to go back over her life as well as she can and try to recall any experiences that might possibly have created in her the fear of being alone. When she discovers any such experience she will probably find if she trios to examine it in the light of cold reason that, wthile at the time it seemed a dreadful thing, it now seems trifling and foolish and that really, after all, there is nothing to fear. The only way to control the mind is to practice controlling it. Determine _that you are not going to let your mind dwell on anything that is likely to be mentally disturbing. Lift your thoughts above yourself and. when you are alone, busy yourself with some kind of work in which you are deeply interested. Read a book â€" not one of the modern thrillers, but a [book that is mentally stimulating 'and tihat will command your atten- tion. You might even have one or two of the many fa-cinating puzzles that are going the rounds nowadays and give yourself to the solving of one of these to while away your lone, ly hours. It you have muoh spare time on your hands, why not interest yourself in some kind of philanthro- pic or charitable work? There is noth- ing like doing sometliing for ot-hers to take your mind oft yourself. Try it. for it is true that we only ''flnd" life by '"lonng" it in service for others. Such head noises and irregular heart beats as you complain of are very probably purely imaginary and duo entirely to your own self con. CASH FOR yOUR( SPARE TIME Dignified Agents Wanted Full yr part tlmi; wmk i\ir nnj, imd wonu-ij who need extni money tor Christmas â€" selling high yuality 'Im- perial Art" and â- Windsor'' iiersonal Christinas cards to IrlenUs, ntiglibours and relatives. Kaat year an accaantant made $80.00 In 4 week* â€" A scbool teacher earned 9S0.00. No money to In- vest â€" nothing to buy. No sales experi- ence necessary. Liberal commLssions. Special prize contest, sample book and bvisiness cards supplied free, also box- ed assortments. Write â€" British Can- adian Publishing Co. Limited, Room 4B0, 61 Wellington St. West, Toronto. BURLEY TOBACCO j Another view MARKETING SCHEME! 0n_Aby8sinia I With correspondents writing dally The Burley Tobacco Marketing (ieir impressions of Abyssinia, the Scheme has been officially approved ,,^5^(5^^ has collected a more or less upon the recommcda ion of the Do- jumbled picture. Therefore, it 13 wltii minion Marketing Board. The scheme j^ jiatinct sense of relief that one lelates to the marketing of burley j ^^^^,3 the first-hand testimony of "A centipede was happy quite, until a frog in fun Said: 'Pray, which leg comes after which? This raised her mind to such a pitch, She lay distracted in the ditch con. siderlng how to run." • • • Girl â€" Ah, let me drink my fill of tie e.-squisito beauties of this starry night! Boy Friend â€" O.K. There's both the Big Dipper and Little Dipper. grown in the Province of tobacco Ontario, axil la. In most similar to the Flue.Cured Tobacco Marketing Scheme. one who is, so far as cau be Judg- respects, p,j ^ truth.seeking witne.'is. Mr. Dud- There has been a lack of coordin- Never do men look quite so help- less and harmless as when they ap- pear in a flashlight of a banquet. « « « Friend â€" My mothei"-in-law has visited my house only once since 1 got married. Friend â€" Man, you're lucky. Friend â€" Lucky? She's never left. Three men were arguing over whose wa, the oldest profession! Said the Surgeon â€" The Bible says that Eve was made by carving a rib out of Adam. 1 guess that makes mine t'he oldest profession. Said the Engineer â€" Not at all. An engineering job came before that. In six days the Earth was created out of chaos. Said the Banker â€" Who created chaos? • • « The only women who make good wives are those who get angry en- ough to ;^eek a divorce, but who are too proud to take alimony. • » • Man â€" Does he know her very well? Friend â€" He must. I overheard him te'l -her she is getting real fat. • • • CONCLUSION This is to remind you, one and all, That summer's riding for a fall. « « » Ethel â€" Nancy gays that she likes the tone of Jefferson's voice. Mary â€" Yes, she thinks there's a ring in it. Mrs. Long Married â€" Never ask your husband for money, dear. Bride â€" I don't have to. George sleeps like a baby at night. • • • All men are born free and equal But when they grow up, get married and pay taxes. • • • A girl never tells you how ticklish she i; unless she's anxious to get acquainted. iclac Farago, a young Hungarian i journalist, was asked by his chief If he could be ready to leave at ten ated action in marketing wdich has j^^.g „„t,gg ^^ ^^t ^g ^^^ corrcspond- led to m<:st unsaU l^actory returns g,jj j^ y^^ oi,vi„sly imminent war. to the producer, according to the Do-| jjg arrived at the capital settling In minion Marketing Board, and it is ' ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^e the bathroom contam- ^!!'.!',rl."i^^ Improved conditions wUl ; ^^j ^^^^y possible re<iuisite for a bath except water. He writes of his first visit to the law courts: "Executioners entered and held a glowing iron on the thief's foreihead. the swindler was bound hand and foot and laid on the ground. Then result from the operation of the I scheme. By a system of crop apprais- 'al and the providing for negotiations between producers and buyers It is contemplated that price stabilization will be achieved. The local board will consist of fit- HANDIEST BOOKLET 0? '^"^' teen members representing Burley , ^^^ ^.^^j ^^^^ ^^^.^^ Brandishing hlp- Aisociations, packers and manulact-| urers. There is a Provisional Board named to iiold office until the Local Board is elected in October. The Head Office of the local Board will be in Chatham, Ont. Queen Victoria's Voice Survives in Message to King 5,966 Novels Library At Wallacebiirg Presents Report For | Two Months i Wallaceburg â€" During July and ! August Wallaceburg book readers , took out a total of 5.966 novels from the public library, Miss Delia Gibb, lil?rarian, reported at a recent meet- ing of the library board. The two months saw 4,987 fiction editions removed. Fifty-four books on general arts were taken; 23 on 'philosophy; H on religion; 268 on sociology; 234 on natural science; 45 on useful arts; three on line artff; popotamus whips, a metre long, they | came down once, twiceâ€" twen:y-five times, until full justice 'had been done. The liar's ankle i were tied loosely together with a chain, and so he had to stay until the end of his sentence.. Hundreds of these offenders are to be ^V'ites the Manchester Guardian: seen in the stree s. hopping along. -"Some time in the eighties a Mr W'hen bandits become particularly Gouraut, agent of the Edison.Bell active in the provinces, a punitive Company, introduced the first phono- expedition mav be dispatched to the graph into England. Queen Victoria infested area to hang everyone it can consented to allow her voice to be catch, regardless of guilt or tnna- recorded, and chose for the subject I of her speech a message of goodwill cence. Everywhere, with one im.mensely important exception, Mr. Farago found corruption, laziness stupidity, obstruction, ignorance and delay. The exception was the Emper- or himself, Halle Selassie, King of Kings, Lion of Judah. He is cultured and enlightened, the personification of the modern Abyssinia that he Is urying, against almost overwhelm- ing odds, to create. Be Is unique. And he is desperately, and tragically, 69 on literature or philology; 36 on ^,^^g Nothing can happen without â-  sciousness. Why should you feel "blue''? You are really very fortun- ate â€" comfortably situated with a good home and a considerate tons- band in a good position. Supposing you think from now on of your favor- ed position^of the things you have rather than of the things that mig-ht happen and most likely never "Will happen. You will then see that you have much for wiich to be thankful. Think! How many of the things you have feared iu the past have actual- ly happened? Probably none! Then f'hould not that be enough to show you how silly it is to go on in that state? After all. it Is so foolish for. If you give yourself to fear and worry you are only sapping your energy and. If anything should come, then you will be without reserve with which to meet it. I am sure If you will only try to look at It like tiia:, you will come to the conclusion that your present attitude toward life Is foolish and change it for a better. I hope you will and I shall be inter- ested to know how you are getting along. history 71 on travel; 16 on bi- the Emperor. Everything must be ography, and 146 books of reference. | p,anne(;_ organized, and carried out The total receipts for tho two months amounted to $22.01. Twenty- eight new applications were grant- by him. Amidst the thousands of screaming beggars, servants, parasites, soldiers. ed; 76 applications renewed, and 102 | ^„j jg^y minis ers. amidst decaying cards cancelled. During July there , ^^jijjjjgg j^„j gorgeous gilded halls, were .1276 borrowers, and during August 2,179. The books kept in cir- culation through repair totaled 314, and the books added to the library, i 13. COOW"? BloV» '° Canada's Priurie Provinces Ottawa, Canada â€" Great progress in agricultural development has been witnessed in the Prairie Prov- inces of Canada during the last 35 years. During the years 1901 to 1931 the area of occupied farm land in the prairie region increased from 15 million acres to 110 million acres, or more than sevenfold. In 1901 the Prairie Provinces contained 24.3 per cent of the total occupied farm acreage in the Dominion and by 1931 this acreage had increased to 67.3 per cent, of the total. In the same period the improved farm acreage increased from 18.5 per cent, to 69.8 per cent, and the field crop acreage from 18.2 per cent, to 69.1 per cent. The decade 1901 to 1911 witnes.sed the greatest expan- sion, due to the rush of homestead- ers into Saskatchewan and Alberta. Occupied farm land increased from 15 million acres to over 57 million acres. Of the improved land in the Prairi* Provinces in 1931, 67 per cent, was in field crops. Farming in the Prairie Provinces comprises four more-or-less distinct types â€" wheat growing, mixed farm- ing, dairying (usually associated with mixed farming), and ranching. Wheat growing predominates in southwestern and central Alberta, throughout the whole of Saskat- chewan except the northern and eastern fringe and the dry belt, and in southern Manitoba, although in the latter area, the proportion of other cereals and forage crops is growing rapidly. Mixed farming i.s found in northern and western Al- berta and in the northern and east- ern parts of both Saskatchewan and Manitoba â€" in other words over pra- ctically the whole of the park belt. Mixed farming is also the dominant . type in the irrigated districts. The | "^-^ surroundings live fierce men and greatest development in dairying has w''d ^beasts. There is ample opportunity for am- bush among the rocks and cactus and the whole province is ideal for the Emperor of Abyssinia leads a lone- ly life. He is the most hard-working citizen in the country, rising at 4 a.m. and receiving the first interview, ers of the day an hour later. And he has several powerful ene- mies. The first of these is the Force of Tradition which, in every country and in every century, is a deadweight of Inertia. There are always diehards who believe that what was good enough for their fathers will be good enougii for their children. There Is a strong Conservative wing among the lesser Abyssinian chiefs who regard the Emperor, with his new-fangled ideas and his dangerous desire to abolish slavery, as a sort of home- grown Bolshevik. Then there is the Church. And as if that wa.s not enough for any man to face, a new enemy Is massing all the blessings of civiliza- tion â€" bombs, gases, tanks, chemicals, and shells â€" upon his frontiers. Mr. Farago in sizing up the chances of the two armie; has some very clear cut views: Italy's capacity to defeat the Abys- sinlans Is aided by tile lack ot rifles and ammunition at tile dlspo al ot the Negus and the appalling difficult- ies of transportation owing to the al- most complete absence of roads. There are also a number of chieftains who win undoub.edly go over to Italy, leaders of tribe j which are not, strict- ly speaking. Abyssinian ar all. Again the Emperor has no medical equip- ment and no doctors. "We are all going out to die." said a cultured .â- Vbysslnian to Mr. Farago. On tJie other side of the picture are some of the difflcul;les which the Italians will encounter. Grim, water- less places. Mr. Farago took a trip to see these two provinces for him. self and here is his description: "Ogaden looks as it It had already been rent by war. There are deep ruptures n the ground t/hat look like natural trenches, bul are only the result of the perpetual drought . . . sand desert follows on stony desert, hush on steppeland ... In these pltl. to tie Emperor Menelik of Abyssinia. This was dispaiched to Abyssinia by crafty ' special courier, with the instruction ' that when the Emperor had heard it it was to be destroyed. A few days ago a record of this message was discovered in tiie store, rooms of the company in London. It was covered with fungus, and so far only the words "the goodwill of my people" can be heard. It is hoped, however, that by a careful system ot cleaning and electrical amplitication the whole message will be audible. It tills is achieved the sound will then be transferred from its old-fashioned cylinder to a modern disc record. An official of the Edison-Bell Com- pany said last week: "Three cylin. ders of every speech were always made on the old phonographs, and we thought that all three of Queen Victoria's message had been destroy- ed. However, one has been found â€" presumably the one which Gouraut kept in his possession, since all trac- es of the one sent to Abyssinia and Queen Victoria's copy have been lost. We are waiting now to hear what the whole message reveals. We canno: say whether the record will be sold to the public, in view of the Queen's command that it siiould be destroy- ed when the Emperor had heard it.'' There could not be a more appro- priate moment than the present to hear an English Sovereign's 'message to .-Vbyssinia. In Ulie same old record-box In which Queen Victoria's record lay records of the voices ot Florence Nightingale, Disraeli, and Gladstone ihave also been found. Florence Nightingale is speaking on nursing and on cancer. It is recorded In the official docu- ments of the Edison.Bell Company that Mr. Gouraut Introduced the piionograph at a dinner in London at which many celebrltes were pres- ent. Among o.hers, Gladstone and Disraeli were asked to record their voices. Disraeli spoke of "the possi- bilities of this marvellous speech- carrier," but Gladstone was so elo- quent In his prefactory remarks that before he had begun his set speech for recording the cylinder on the phonograph was seen to be finished. Mr. Gouraut, however, was not put off by this, and called on him the next morning. He found him in bed, whence Gladstone recorded a message of thanks to Mr. Edison-Bell tor enab- ling him to record '"the reltc of an organ the employment of which has been overstrained.' Records have also been discov- ered of the voices ot General Booth and Lord Rosebery, alfiiough It Is not yet known that these are In good enough condition for amplify- ing and recording. The company hope that they may flnd other records made late last century, as there are still parts of their storerooms unexplored. occurred in eastern Manitoba, north eastern Saskatchewan and north- western Alberta. Ranching is practi- cally confined to the dry area in southwestern Saskatchewan and southeastern Alberta and to a strip of land extending from the inter- national boundary northward along the foothills to beyond Calgary. It is not fit the should be lodged in public trusts the hands of Protect your children? Windsor lodbadl Salt prevpntu goitre: also "purest ana best" for table, cooking and oral health. Tear Off and Mail Today CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED SALT DIVISION mt i ,, WINDSOR, ONT. LL. Wltbont obligation pl«««e Bend special Child- ren's Booklet, "HALi: all over the World". AddrttA -,•> MAGNETOS All Makes Sold and Repaired Generator Exchange Service AUTO STARTER LIMITED 18 Breadalhane St., Toronto THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FELLOW. SHIP found fit for the business they are to be entrusted with. â€" Mathew Henry. guerrilla warfare of the savage and j,„y till they are first proved and merciless type that the Spanish peas- antry employed with such deadly ef- fect against the French invaders In the Peninsular War. And if the Abys- sinians can be persuaded by tJieIr shrewd military adviser. General Virgin, of the Swedish Army, to adopt this form of tac.ics, Italy's task will be Impossible. The contemplation of celestial things will make a man both speak and think more sublimely ^nd mag- nificently when he descends to human affairs. â€" Cicero. Canada's Fisheries Show Improvment OTTAWA, Canada. â€" Iu common with others, Canada's extensive fish- ing Industry suffered as a result ot the recent world-wide trade reces- sion, but statistics for l!t3-i indicate that the tide had turned and some be.terment wus under way. Persons amployed In the fishing Industry in 1934 numbered 83.396 compared with 79,548 in 1933 a gain of 5 per cent. Capital investment in plant, gear, and equipment in use in the industry rose from $40,914,057 to $43,377,531, an in- crease of 6 per cent. Marketed value of the production from inland flsh- eries showed an increase of about 18 per cent., amoun.ing to $4,7SU,bS5 compared with $4,063,353 in 1933. Marketed value of the sea flshene* production was 20 per cent more thaH in 1933, amounting to $29,341,386 com- pared with $23,433,588. The biggest single gain in market, ed value in 1934 was $3,166,600, re- corded by the salmon fishery. Most of this gain, or $2,998,000 was account- for by the increased output of can. ned salmon iu British Columbia. The cod fishery, mainly an Atlantic coast fisihery, contributed an additional $728,800 to the marketed value. Lob- sters accounted for an extra $'45.- 400 and the returns from Britisli Columbia's pilchard Indus jy were greater by nearly $472,500. Many other varieties in both sea and m. land fisheries also made substantial gains in marketed values. Veteran Tram Driver Says Women Are Bad Pedestrians Halifa.x â€" After watching traffic from street car cabs for 42 years, grey-haired Thomas McLaughlin has come to the conclusion that women make worse pedestrians and auto- mobile drivers than men. "The men are better drivers," he says. ".-v. woman gets ail muddled up when anything goes wrong." About women pedestrians: "They will go across the street re- gardless. Men are more cautious. The women seem more independent. But, of course, children take the cake. You have to watch for them every minute.'' The veteran tram driver should know. Since 1893 he has travelled 2,2500,000 miles to nowhere in parti- cular, averaging around 150 miles a day. He does considerably less than that now on Route No. 2 hereâ€" 8'2.72 miles a day. Classified Advertising MIVE»TOBS : *N UKKKH TO EVERY INVli.NTUlt List ot wunlc'd iintiitions ami lull InlDt iiuiiiuii sent free. The Kamaay Company, World Patent .Attorne.vs, ::T3 Hank Sti'fet. Ottawa, Caiiaila. AQEVTS 'WANTED <•>! (-1.^ AND VV DAILY, UEb'lLVKH- ^O.UU j,jg minors, malilng gUwss signs, platlnR auto i>arts, etc. Opportu- nlty to travel. Ml. ruiiiit't, Hox Ii04, V'aiicou\'or. H.r. Caked Udder Cleared Expwinnced dairymen ftn.1 Mln«r<l'« r«rticulariy good tor tr<«Unil cikcnl udder, lump*. bruiM«, colic, etc. Ke*p buttlca in stable and house. •! 19 Issue No. 39 â€" '35 For those with grievous troubles the friendly atmosphere opens tie | gata« for relieving mental pres-l sures.' It gives men a chance to get ! problems "off tflieir chests'' and j thereby obtain a new grasp on them- ' II selves. We have all seen this work I out: we seldom. If ever, stop to real-; _i Izo how psychologically sound and i'!iow humanly important It is. â€" Dr. . ' .\mos O. Squire, former chief physi- cian »t Sing Sing prison. MONTHLY PRIZE CONTESTS For Amateur Artists (That is any- one who is not earning a living from Art). l!K.\N"l.i KIH.ST ritlZK (if a Com- iiierclal .\i't Course or a Water Col- our Laiidst?npe Courso A'liluod at J5O.0O for the best copy, four Inches wide, made from this portrait of the most i)opular yo'jni; man In the Hrltlsh Kinpire. Entry Fee: Twcnty- flve conts for each entry submitted. A valuable prize for everyone who ontei'8 ihl.-f contest, whUh L-loxc.i October 31. IH.I.'.. GIFF BAKER 39 LEE AVE., TORONTO, ONT.

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