Flesherton Advance, 2 Oct 1935, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesduv. October 2 1935 =1; / . --*» * -n '^â- . â- ,,;» A i • LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS i CENTRE LINE (Last Week's Items^ A very pleasant afternoon was spent at Mt. Zion last Tuesday when about 15 of the Eugenia W. A. met with about the same number of the Mt. Zion ladies. The afternoon was spent in readings, instrumental music contests, singing: and social chat. The Mt. Zion W. A. served lunch at the close of the meeting. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr, Cyril Beard (nee Nellie Arnott) who " were married on September 21st Some severe storms passed over this vilinity the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Callahan and son Wesley and Mrs. Robt. Crane all of , Chatsworth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne and family. Mrs. W. H. Little, Stanley and Gert rude spent Sunday with Mr. Edwin Little, Clarksburg. Rally Day was observed at Mt. Zion church on Sunday. There was a good attendance and a splendid Kally Day service. Mr. Jack Arnott. Gordon Jackson, Bert Morton, Kingsley Gallagher and Roy McMolIen have been up north on a two weeks holiday. Emerson C^llagher ^ost a good Work horse recently. SWINTON PARK WHY BOTHER? The weather is very chilly this 30th of September, even snow has fallen, yet we are hoping and expecting fine balmy days to lift those precious potatoes. While last year potatoes were a nuisance this year they are valuable. Without the aid of any chief cause of rise and fall in prices, chief cause of rise and fall is price*. Progress is being made on Hardy's barn and Aldcom house, but cold disagreeable weather is a hindrance. John Lane and Delbert Haw spent some days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Hardy Sr. has gone to Strat- ford for a short visit with Mf. and Mrs. W. J. Blakeston, and other re- latives, we are sorry to hear that Mr. Blakeston is not enjoying good health at present. Miss Dorothy Tressider, teacher In Toronto spent the week end at her home here. Accompanied by a friend, Mrs. Mc- Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds and Mr. Galloway of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mrs. Tresidder and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Tunstan of Cedarville were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. James Hardy attend- ed anniversary services at Inistoge, Sunday. On Friday evening last, a meeting in the interests of Dr. Campbell, Conservative Candidate, was held in CEYLON The little guests at a party were being arranged in a group for a flash- light photograph. Seeing one little ' ^^^ ''^^'' ''• ^^*^ followed by a dante. fellow who appeared rather awed the photographer spoke to him kindly. "Cheer up, Sonny," he said. "Smile •t this little girl over here." "Why should I?" he asked indig- nantly. "She's my sister." Small Advxs. Bring Results Silk Hose 69c New Fall Shades Men's Shirts «9<:, 75r. 79c, 85c Balmoral Wool 4 ply 2 for 25c Betty Brown Candy 50c lb. The Variety Store A. D. Mclntyre. Prop. Flesherton which was well attended. Excellent music was supplied by the Haw orch estra. The next morning we had a very hard frost. Should Dr. Hall hold a meeting in the Park, we will expect a blizzard, but in two weeks many things will clear up. Anniversary services next Sunday in Swinton Park church at 2.30 p.m.. and S o'clock in the evening. Rev. Mcintosh of Dundalk will be the speaker for the day. Special mustc â- -•*â- . each service. Oil Monday evening a play by the Droniore young people. (The Antics of .Andrew) will be given in the hall in the interests of the church. SAUGEEN JUNCTION Miss Millie Cook returned Friday to Toronto after an extended visit with Mrs. Harry Piper and othei friends. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Munroe, Dundalk and Mrs. Munroe (Sr.) were vi.sitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Whittaker. Mr. Archie Burnett accompanied by Mrs. Cameron Smellie, Margaret and Mrs. Anna McMillan, motored to Hamilton, Thursday, where they vis- ited Mrs. Wm. Burnett. Mr. Bob Lawrence, Kimberley, at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Andrew Rutledge last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Knox, Toronto, visited Sunday with the former's mother. Mrs. J. Knox. BORN â€" At Feversham, September 24th 1935 to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright(nee Rita Hemphill) the gift of a son. *• Mr and Mrs. Roy Gibson and Mlss Helen, Oakville spent Sunday with Mr. and JJrs. John Gibson. The ladies aid meeting was with- drawn last Wednesday owing to the death of Mrs. Andrew Rutledge and will not be held this month. Mrs. Anna MacMillan visited with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Holmes, Sun- day. Mrs. Adams, Toronto was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. W. White last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Foster Mark- dale, Mrs. Fulton and Miss Janet Patterson, Mulock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson. Mr. John McCallum and his daugh- ter. Miss Bella, R.N. of Port Elgin were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McFayden. A good representation from this locality attended the nomination in Durham. Monday. The two anniversary services at Ceylon United Church were very well attended, with Rev. Jewett of Sing- hamptoii taking both services. The Flesherton church .service was with- drawn in the evening, and the choir assisted in the service at Ceylon. PRICEVILLE (Intended for Last Week) Born on Sept. 17ih to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard .McKeown, a daughter. Dr .and Mrs. J. E. Milne and family ,Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. i Stanley Harrison and Beth were j guests, Sunday at the home of A. L. . Hincks. Mrs. Archie McMillan and son of; Montana and Mr. Colin McMillan ' of Holstien visited last week at the home of Mr. Hector McLean. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Sam McLean also Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Milliner of Swamp College were Sunday visitors at the home of John Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbertson of Hope- ville visited on Sunday at Mr. Bert Badgerow's. Mrs. Joe Park is at present t. patient in Markdale hospital. Sorry to say Miss Alma White is at present under the Dr's. care. Mr. Wilfred and Bob. Batchelor motored to Guelph and were accom- panied home by their sister, Mrv Lloyd Cooper, last week. Mr. Cephus Hindle visited recently at Mr. John Colgan's, Corbetton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown of Price- ville visited at Mr. Bert Badgerow's, Tuesday evening. Fall Sheep Dipping Mr. Albert Stevens accompanied by his daughter-in-law, Mrs, Ellwood Stevens and babe spent this week end in Detroit. Mrs, Hugh Hodgins who has been nursing Mrs. Best spent her birthday at her home in Proton Station. inistiogvi church celebrated their anniversary services on Sunday. Des- pite the very unfavourable weather they had a fair sized crowd. Mr. Petrio delivered two .soul stirring sermons in the morning and the even- ing. Mrs. Petrie certainly pleased her hearers with her simple sweet and very direct sermon in the afternoon. The choir rendered beautiful music assisted by Mrs. Stanley Aeheson, Bethel, Mrs. .\lex. McLean and Miss Lillian Hemphijl Tlbronto and also Mrs. Petrie. Mrs. Will Duncan is spending a few days with Mrs. Earl Waltort, Hopeville. A number of the neighbors are taking in the nomination and banquet at Durham today. (This week's Items) Mr. and M*s. Geo. McLellan and Miss Brown, returned to Niagara Falls after spending some time visiting friends here. Miss Donalda McLeod spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McBride and family spent the week end in the North. A presentation was held in the hall on Friday night, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill (nee Catherine Mc- Millan) who were recently married. The evening was spent in <!.-.:• -ing. Good music was supplied by the Irwin Bros, and Bill McKechnie and Colin and Innis MaL<ean., Mr. Mujrray Nichol called on the young couple to come forward, when an address was read by Mrs. D. Campbell and the presentation of a sum of money was made by Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Mr. Hill replied very fittingly in a few well chosen words on behalf of him- self and wife, thanking them kindly for the gifts. .All joined in a circle and sang for they are jolly good fellows." Lunch was served to all. -Miss Florence McEachern came home from Toronto and had her ton- sils removed in Durham hospital. -Mrs. Eliza Burt return -d home from Markdale hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and fam- ily visited on Sunday with friends at Chatsworth. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Mcintosh of Dundalk will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian church. There will be no .service m the evening dUe to anniversary services at Swinton Park Rov. \. McDonald will take the ser- vices in Dundalk. Congratulations to Dr. Milne on winnig Simp.sons special prize, a beau- tiful silver cake dish, for best roa.lstei at the Priceville fair. EUGENIA I Cooper's Dipping Powder has stood the test since 1843. It was the first, and is still the best. Small package ..,. 75c. Large piachage $2.50 For the Pullets 5 nig- 50 to mix with 3'our own grain nuikin^ a balanced ration. t cwt. mixed with 700 lbs of grain make.s the Ideal Laying mash. Price per. cwt. $4.00 For the Hogs 1 ; Shur Gain Hog Consentrate. the cost is trifling, the results are. shorter feeding period, reduced feed bills and more" .selects. ^ Price pet. cwt $2.75 Bull's Cod Liver oil. - Why feed cripples Price per gal $1.00 For the Cattle Bone meal and Cattle mineral. Better than Hoards and Rones. For the Whole Family CLEAN FRESH GROCERIES Osprey & Arfemcsia Co-operafive Co., ltd. FLESHERTON PROTON STATION The annual Fall convention is In ^i I progress at the Pilgrims Holiness Xj Bible School. There are several X . guest speaker. Rev. Mansell McGuire iJ was present on Sunday. i The United Chuivh sJervlce was i withdrawn last Sunday night and the' J congregation attended the anniver- 1 sary services at Inistioge. | Our public school and their teacher, Mr. Littlejohns were again successful in securing first prize at the Artem- esia school fair which was held in Flesherton on Friday. September the 27th. Congratulations No. 15. Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Delaeore and three children of Los. .\ngeles, Cal. were guests of Mi's. Delacore's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville. Several from Proton and vicinity attended the nomination at Durham on Monday. Miss E. E. .AchesoM of Wardsville accompanied by Mr. L. NichoUs of St.. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. A. MacLean of Toronto visited at the parental home last Sunday. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. .Tos" eph Park is in Markdale hospital be- ing treated prior to an operation for goitre. We wish for her a successful j operation and a good recovery. , 'v* BARLY * ^^♦♦%>«^c>**c>^^<><e><' •^<^X^s^^^^^^^"^^^«"^^>^%^%^^^.>.>..>.^<MK>«^^^ ^^jj, y^^^^,. "Has Sir diaries asked for your hand yet," ^ I "Not .vet, mother but th* knight is There was a fair attendance at church, Sunday. Rev. Mr. Siia.s Mc- Auslan occupied the pulpit and preaciicd a very ii]ipressive sermon Rev. Bushell took anniversary services at Kimberley, There will be no service in the church here, Sunday. On Wednesday evening of last week the Y.P^S. met with Miss Phyllis Grahant; Literary convenor presiding. Scripture passages were i-ead by Miss Annieta Turner, Ida Benson and the di.scussion topic was taken by Phyllis and recreation was provided by Mrs. Martin after which the meeting was dosed in the usual way. The Hanley family received the sad news of the death of Mr. Wm. Wads- worth Sr. who passed away in Tor- onto Hospital, Saturday. September 2S after receiving the third paralytic stroke. The late Mr. Wadswoith who waci a man of eighty years, was a former resident of Ceylon, and was employed with the C, P. R. Company while there. He was a cousin of the late Mr. Wm. Hanley. His fun- eral took place on Tuesday afternoon in llpronto. We extend our sym- pathy to the sorrowing relatives of the deceased. Mr. WiJl Martin of Owen Sound, was a caller on Monday at Mr. C. Martin's. Mrs. H. Foerster spent a day in Toronto i-ecently. The Misses Vera McMaster and Violet Arnott of Hatherton and two friends, Mr. Norman lonston and Mr. Walter Summers of Toronto were Sunday visitors with the Hanley fam- ily. Quite a number from Eugenia at- tended anniversary services at Kim- berley. Sunday evening. .A quartette composed of Mr. Jake Willams. Miss Marjorie Park. Mrs. Charles Park and Mr. Alex Carruthers, rendered two beauiful anthems with Miss Mur- iel Carruthers accompanying on the organ. Mr. Richard Park had the misfor- tune to lose one of his work horse on Saturday. Mr. and M»*s. Fred Graham and daughters of Walkerton vi.sited one day last week with relatives in the village. " ^ • » ' » • - Miss Georgina Smith visited a few days with friends in Flesherton. The Misses Dorothy and Mary Whitehead from near Mawkdalo spent | the week end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgrar Betts. Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears For Taxes . Municipality of the County of Grey PROVINCE OF ONT.VRIO To Wit: By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Warden under the seal of the Corporation of the County of Grey to me directed, having date the Four- teenth day of August, 193.'), commanding me to levy upon and sell the landa mentioned in the following list for arrears of taxes and costs due thereon. I herebv give notice that unless such arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell by public auction the .said lands, or as much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the said taxes and costs, at the council chambers. Court House, Owen Sound, on the TENTH day of DECEMBER, 1935, at the hour of TEN o'clock in the forenoon. â€"J. C. MERCER. County Treasurer. Owen Sound, Ontario, Date, August 15th, 1985. N.i^ N.Mi Pt. W% S.^ N. Pt. Pt. Lot 137 77 78 5 1 2 3 4 14 72 73 74 7 8 5 34 19 20 17 18 30 31 9 12 TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESI Concession 2 S.W.T.&SJl. 1 S.DJl. 1 S.D.R.. S.D.B. N.D.R. iN.DR. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. 13 N.D.R. 12 N.D.R. 13 N.D.R 14 N.D.R. 3 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 6 6 11 11 Acres 50 42 42 80 31 20 21 47 83 50 50 94 50 100 100 38 38 86 100 100 100 If Pat4inted Patented Not Patented Patented Patented Not Patented Not Patented Not Patented Not Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Pate)ited Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patenteii Patented PRICEVILLE (Artemesia) James St. North ^ Patented James St. North 'â- a Patented Pt. W.Pt. 26 36 37 38 .39 40 31 32 51 42 43 44 61 35 74 75 28 Pt. 12 W.Pt. 21 S.W.Cor.31 S.W.Cor.32 W. Pt.'s S. Pt. 16 17 S. Pt. 29 N.Pt. 30 N.Pt.'27 28 11 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 o 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 6 7 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 l.T 14 M S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. S.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.P. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. N.D.R. TOWNSHIP 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 % 60 26 50 104 1^ 50 2"-] 100 50 47' -J 100 37 38 100 IM OF OSPREY Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patenteii Patented Patenteii Not Patented Not Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patenteii Patented Patenteii Patented PatoiiUni Patented Patented Patented Patented Patenteii Youll .«5t. Youll St. SINGHAMI'TOX ^^ Patented ''I Patented \ Taxes $175.40 50.59 50.59 122.42 37.00 37.00 37.00 24.24 59.78 94.12 50.59 50.59 229.56 46.20 105.60 220.04 34.88 34.89 78.15 104.37 78.26 56.89 12.01 23.56 57.02 21.84 21.84 25.59 24.98 23.09 20.89 20.89 61.87 11.2!t 19.53 19.53 18.61 25.47 46.26 71.22 725.64 8.89 84.46 10.42 10.50 255.25 147.09 145.19 309 .0."* 05.76 131.14 143.43 80.60 10.09 12.21 Costs $6.00 2.86 2.86 4.66 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.21 3.09 3.95 2.86 a86 7.34 2.76 4.24 7.10 2.47 2.47 3.55 4.21 3.56 3.02 1.90 2.19 3.02 2.15 2.15 2.23 2.22 2!l8 2.12 2.12 3.15 1.88 2.09 2.09 2.06 2.24 2.75 3.38 19.74 1.85 3.71 1.86 1.86 7.98 5.28 5.22 11.59 3.90 4.88 6.18 3.81 1.85 1.00 Total $181.40 53.45 53.46 127.08 39.53 39.53 39.53 26.75 62.87 98.07 53.46 53.45 236.90 48.96 109.84 227.14 37.35 37.36 81.70 108.58 81.81 59.91 13.91 25.76 60.04 23.99 23.99 27.82 27.20 25.27 23.01 23.51 65.02 13.17 21.62 21.62 20.67 27.7: 49.01 74.60 745.38 10.74 88.17 12.28 12.36 263.23 152.37 1.50.41 411.22 99.75 136.02 148.61 03..=i3 11.94 14.14 VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON 20 Durham .St. South 'i Patented 10.«7 21 Durliam .^t. South '* Patented 10.67 .S.W.pt.l.')! Con. 1 S.W.T.&S.R. T Patented 26.1." Pt. 151 Con. 1 S.W.T.i.'5.R. V2 Patented 17.00 (Cabinet Factory Plot^ (Published in the Ontario Gazette Sept. 7th. Oct. 5th and Nov. 2nd, 1935) 1.87 1.87 2.20 2. SO 12.,54 12.54 2S..53 "0.70 Are They Invited ? The telephone means n-.-Jch to the farmer's family, especially the younger people. With a telephone' in their home, friends arc .ilways within reach. But without it they are cut off from many enjoy- able functions. Telephone service is moderate in cost â€" only a few cents a day. Is there anything you can think of which gives -SO much for so little? It keeps every member of the family in touch with the world outside, it summons aid in emergencies, it is a tireless mes- senger that is always ready. â- â- <•i*'^ ^<

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