Wednesday, October 2 1935 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE KIMBERLEY friends Joy Ellis is visitinR with in Powa.ssan, Miss Doroth> is taking: her place in the store this week. We extend our longnatulations to Mr, and Mis. Fred Ellis, they being marricil Saturday. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Colquette have re turned home after a week's visit with their son and family in Owen Sound and friends in Flesherton. Mr.s. Josiah Crawford and little son of Whittby were visitors with Mrs. ("rawftird'w parents, Mr. and/ Mrs Mis.s Geraldino Weber, <Mr. Aat William Moffat on the 8th line near Warchnan and Mr. and Mrs. Ken here for a month. with M r. and : Bftts spent Sunday .Mn«. 1). L. WoIhjc. Thi- W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Uut^sei Ellis, Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was wet but did not hinder the ladies from turning out. 21 were present a uood committee was appointed to i)rovide a (jood program for a hollowe'en masquerade party In the hall, also fl5 was voted to the library for new Iwoks. The roll <-aIJ was answere<l by a PUBLIC AUCTION SALE At PRICEVILLE un Saturday, October 5, 1935 Sale at I o'clock sharp HORSESâ€" 2 Clyde mares, 5 and 8 fiivourite' ^'^'"'•'^ "''' ^^'''^^ ^"^''' ^^ ''''^®- desserts. A readinjr by Mrs. MoMullen, one by Mrs. S. S. Burritt, "Home" by Edgar Guest. The principal theme of interest this Week wa.s the aiini\'ersary sendee in the church, -Sunday. Rev. Bush- fll of Ma.xwell taking; it moriiintr and evenintr also the Rally Day in the S. S.. Mr. Bushell gave us two beau- tiful and well thought out sermons. Mrs. Bell of Toronto, tiruest of Mrs. Myles .santr a beautiful solo at the fv<|nin»r wrvicel which we believj will be long remembered by those who heard. Mf^o the choir service of .N'ew Kiisland in the mornintr and Kupenia th )ir in the evening. .\1I enjoyed the .S. S. service. We ap- preciate Mr. Bushell and the choirs help. The ladies aid will arrange for the annual fowl .<upper on Tue.';- day. We arc sorry to report Mrs. Ed. Baker having her right arm broken at the wrist. It was broken by a falling fence rail knocked off by the horses iumpinn over it, tinping the rail and and striking her aim. <jeneral purpose mare 6 years old with foal by side. Clyde mare, 5 years old. Team, che,stnut Belgian mares. 2 •ind .'i years old. Team Blach Percherons Purpose, 'i years old. Mrs. W. c;. Uand and sons Gordon and llcrb^ and daughter Helen of Long Branch motored up and spent the weck_end with Mrs. Dand's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Mr. Gordon Mclnlyre of Toronto ami lady friends of Dundalk were cal- lers at ColquettH on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross I.-ong of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monlgbm- ery of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Long and Mrs. John Paul here. Mr. Gordon Henderson and Mis.'» Hazel Arnott of Orangeville and Mi.i.s Ooiothy Robinson of Toronto spent Sunday at Miss Robinson's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Fordwich were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Short. Mrs. Gordon's parents, this week. TRUCKS .MOVE HISTORIC HOUSE When Col. John Graves Simcoe, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada was enroute to Niagara for the open- I ing of the first provincial legislature General in 1702, he paused in Kingston long ' enough t) meet members of the Leg- Team Roan Belgians, general liose, -1 and 5 years old. "Team Grey Percherons, 2 year .3 â€" 3 year old Clyde mares. 3 year old Percheron Geldings. General Purpose mare, 4 years old pur- islative (Viuni il and arranged detail? for the experiment in representative old. i government. The historic conference I was held in a house at the corner of [Queen and Bagot Streets. The build" ing remained on the same site for RADIO REPAIRS John E. Bushell, Maxwell will be in Flesherton on each Wednes- day, Phone 9 W. Black Percheron mare, general pur j pose, 2 years old. i Grey Percheron mare, 2 years old. Belgian Stallion, 4 years old, reg- I istered. j Tlerms to suit purchasers on Stal- ] lion made known day of sale. CAJTCILEâ€" Yoke of white oxen, 3 years old, well broken. Yoke of Hereford oxen, 3 years old, broken. 10 â€" a year old steers. 3 â€" 2 year old Heifers. " •-' 3 young' feeding cows. 20 yearling steers. 10 yearling Heifers. These cattle are all nood color and real yood (luality. McLean & .Stothart, prop. Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. I nur-'^'*'' y'"'^ 3"'' t*^^" ^^*^ KIwanis Club Miss Laura Boyd of Toronto spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best and Mr. Earl Ottewell of Pickerisg spent the week end in town. Keep October the 22nd open for the fowl supper at St. John's United Church, Flesherton. Miss Georgena McDonald left on Tuesday for Toronto where she has accepted a position. Dr. A. E. Little has moved into apartments above his office in the corner block. Misses Kate MaoMillan and Helen Robertson of Toronto spent the week end at their parental homes. Miss Marguerite Kennedy of Thed- ford spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Alex. Kennedy. Mr, ani Mrs. John Latimer of Tor- onto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. STEAKS ROASTS STEWS Cur meats are of the highest grade that we can secure. We aim to give perfect satisfaction to our customers in order to keep them and gain new friends. Try our better meats. FULL LINE OF COOKED MEATS J AS. E. WILSON Phone 47 w We deliver. FLESHERTON in order to preserve the structure had it removed to Kiwanis park, .Sim- coe and his colleaKues, could they j have returned to see the moving in progress, would have noted the method of transportation not even thought : of in their day. Two trucks were : hooked to the house, which was placed on lolleis, anil pulled it quite easily down the thoroughfare. BELIEVE IT OR NOT .'some men smile in the evening, .Some men smile at dawn. But the man worth while Is the man who can smile When his two front teeth are gone. Advance "Small .\dvts." give results THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. COAIN 8TORB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING I'OWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Showing of New Fall Merchandise IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT PRICES BELOW TO-DAY'S MARKET. All lines of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Ready-to- Wear will be much higher in price in the near future. Buy now and Sav e Money. satisfactory results have been obtain- ed, because the general needs of the patient, rather than one part of his body, have received consideration. A number of faddy diets have come into existence because of their sup- posed value in some particular con- dition. Nearly all of these are faulty they fail to provide for the general welI4)eing of the per- sons concerned. Tfiis does not mean that proper Mrs. Chas. Winters is moving into ' C'lre and attention are not being given apartments in Mrs. McKee's residence.] to the treatment of disorders of func- Mrs. Winters has been residing with ! ''""s and to disease. All that is her daughter, Mrs. Ken Wright, at ' implied is that, together with such Berkeley. j treatment, there should go an equal , . . amount of care and attention to all Insist on Stafford's Aleo-Borine the phy.sieal and mental parts which Lotioi, lor chapped skin. Send 5c Liake up the individual requiring at- (coiii) for trial size bottle, to J. E. tention. Staffonl, Manufacturer, Flesherton. I Mr, and Mrs.^ Royden McDonald spent the week end with friends at Meaford. Georgena McDonald returned home Sunday after sjiending a month with Dr. and Mrs. Bryce of Zurich and was accompanied by Mr. Wilfred Klopp of Zurich. MEN'S WEAR DEPT. SPECIALS Men's Two Pant Suits in line (|u;ility, jjine wool wiir.steds, tlie newest piitlenis and clesij;'iis; all size.s M) lo 44. l'',xti'a Special $14.95 Young Men's Two-Pant Suits in sizes M lo .?/ in tine worsteds, the newest on the market ; a limited (|iianti(y only at tin .Special I'lice. per suit $14.50 Men's Pure Wool Tweed Pants UX) pairs only, pine wool Tweed Pants in {.jrey and lirown colors, all sizes 32 to 44. ivKtra, pair 5i^2.45 Men's Doeskin Work Shirts 2(J doz. extra heavy (piality doeskin work Shirts, size.s 14^2 to 17, in colors Krey. hhie and tan; a shirt that will jjfive real wear. I'.xtra Si)ecial, each 95c RUBBERS! RUBBERS! RUBBERS! At Money-Saving Prices 2(J() i)airs oidy, .Men's Monitor Rnhhers six eyelet, ;i real stmdy rnhher that will ^rjve jfood service, sizes 6 to 11. ivxtra S|)ecial $1.69 (iet your supi)ly early; these will n(jt last ]n\\fr at the price. 2(X) pairs Men's Monitor Canadian made l»y one of our hest rnhher compan- ies; all sizes to 11, re^idarly priced ,'it :^2.iS. Ivxtra Special, pair $1.89 Youths' in same quality at $1.39 Wiunen's Monitor 6-eyelet, .i real sturcly rnhher that will hard sizes 3 to S. Si)ecial .., $1.69 Misses in same size's 11 to 2 at ..... $1.49 Women's Rnhher I'oots â€" Real luavv (piality, in fan simde. only. Canadian madi- will (.five extra wear, pair $1.69 $2.15 r)Oi)ls â€" .so prs. only, .Men's Rnhher I'oots â€" 50 pairs only, men's heavy rnhher hoots in white only. J\xtra Special, i)air . C'hildren^s Uuhhei Canadian made. Children's over-the-knee ndihei- hoots, sizes S to 13. A real har- j^ain, per pair $1.29 SPECIAL SHOWING IN LADIES' HIGH GRADE DRESSES This week we are I'eatnrinji hetter dresses at a h\^ savinj;, I'ln-e Silk Crei)es, and they are real smart. LOT 1-12 only I'ure Silk Crei)e Dresses ill the newest desij^iis, patent leather li ininnn}4s. Si)ecial, garment $9.75 LOT 2 â€" 25 only. Pure Silk Crepe Dresses in the newest shades, something' dill'erent from the average showin)^. I'.xlra Special, each $7.95 WOMEN'S TWEED DRESSES AT A BIG SAVING 2.S only. New 'l\veed Dresses in real smart cloths; a dress that will jfive real service; many colors from which to choose. Special, e.ach $4.95 GROCERY SPECIALS Rolled Oats S Ihs. 19c Ciolden I'anlam Ccmmi 2 for 23c I41X 2 small pk|;s. for 19c Ready-cut .Macaroni \ Ihs. 14c Ciosse (.^ Hlackwell's Tomato, Chicken ;\si)ara^"i]s S: Celery .Soup .... 3 for 23c r.nlk Cocoa, real (piality 2 His. 25c .S Ihs. for 25c S Ihs. for 25c IVanut I'ufter, M oz. size .\c\\ I lipiiey New 1 lone\- Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blackburn, Don and Violet of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. N. Leader and Lee. and Nathalie Pat ton of London spent the week eno with relatives here. Mrs. R. (;. Holland fell down the cellar steps on .Monday. Fortunately no bones were broken, although she was severely shaken up and bruised by the fall. Mrs. T. .Scully of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston, and in company with Dell mot- ored to Mitchell and spent the weeK end with Mr. and Mrs. Durrant and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher, Mrs. Thos. Fisher Sr. and Miss Winnona Patton attended the funeral of the former's uncle, Mr. John McComb. who passed away at Port Hope on .Saturday. ,The funeral was held on Monday. Interment taking place in Port Hope cemetery. CRY AND CRY AGAIN Dad â€" Say. why all the racket. Son â€" Mother said if I kept on cry- ing a big dragon would appear, spit- ting fire. I've done my best, but it hasn't come yet. Order Your Counter Check at The Advance Office Prices as low as any other place >!~:":~:~c~>'M-:-:~>-;~:~x~X":~w~>'»;-M~>->':~x-;":~X":~:~M"K«* ♦<KK*<~:~:~:~:« ! FOR SALE FOR SALE !• young pigs ready to wean.â€" Brood sow for sale. â€" C. Ellwood Stevens. Flesherton, R. R. -I.Flesherton, R. R. 1. Small Advts. Monairhan, FOR SALE) \OXIPP 1 yearling 'I'iving colt sired by The Artemesia Council will tneet OH W. VV. Belwin.-Everett Blackburn. Monday. October, 7th. in place of the â€" â€" llth. Sair Dates japan Kict 28c' 10 Ih. pail 79c .=^ 11). pail 40c A HEALTH SERVICE Or THE CANADIAN MEDICAL .•SSOCIATION AND LIFE .rftSUHANCE COMPANItt IN CANADA NITRIIMON An interesting and instructive de- velopment in medicine has been the diriH'tion of attfivtit)n 'towanls the patient as an individual, rather than to fociLs attention on a diseased part or on a disease. We know Ithat if a per.son is to be healthy ,he must have health in all parts of his body. Health imjvlies the harmonious aiwl efficient working of lall parts of the body and mind. The old idea that, you ate as food for your brain and iron for your nerves is discarded. We have learn- ed that the wh«le bo<iy must be prop- erly twi if any one iwit is to foe adequately nourished. Furthermore no one article of food' goes to make brains or nerves. When something goes wixmg within the 1>ody, even though the ill effects may seem to be limited to one part, it is the whole bixly which is dusordered or diseased. You cannot have dis- eaacd lungs and have a healthy body other than (he lungs. Tlie body is a living functioning unit, not a col- ItH-tion of uiirelate<l parts. | When treatment has to be consid- (•re<l, no longer is it a i|U«stion of what is the right treatment for a diseased stomach, but rather what is the best treatment for a man whose .-(tomach is diseased. .Tlu'se may swm to be the same but it is not so. Some years ago, typhoid fever cases were starved bo- cause it was feared that food misht injure the ulcerntoil bowel. Tliis may have been good treatment for the bowel iTut it was definitely hard on the iiatient. Now that typhoid fever FOR SALE Black coat, fur collar and cuffs, in gowl condition, size 34, reasonable. â€" Mrs. T. J. Stinson. LOST Purebred O.xford Down ram, label on right ear with a YIN marking. â€" U. .'Mian, Flesherton. SHEEP WANTED Wanted at once about 12 breeding Oxford Down ewes. â€" John Williamson, R. K. No. ;!. Priceville. FOR SALE Fresh lime for sale. 50 bus and over. ."{Ocents, under that amount, ;«> cents.â€"Phone 4 R 24, Levi Duek- ctt. Maxwell. FOR SALE Hog chop, $19.00 per ton, sacks included. Special allowance for grain in exchange. One ton or more delivered free. Phone 88 r. 3. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE Rubber tired buggy, and cutter, both in grood repair, also two hay forks and one manure fork. â€" Mrs. R. Stew^ art, Flesherton, Ontario. FOR SALE Good strong democrat, large size, will carry one ton.â€" Russell Flesherton. Park,. NOmCE TO TRESPASSERS Any person found removing fruit from the orchard on lot 147, 2 S.W. will be pi-osecuted.-Roy W. Piper' Ceylon. . FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, lota adjoining the eame, will sacrifice for cash. â€" Thoma.s Owlcr 40 Doel Ave. Toronto. HOG FOR SER^^CE Registered Berkshire hog, govoni. ment inspected. Tewna 11.00 if pajdt within 2 months, over that time »2.00.' â€"Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred an«. government inspected; terms: cadi. 75c.; charged $1.08. -.WES. SMITH, Rock Millt. BUSINESS CARDS PROPBRTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 rotmi house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a largt barn with cement stabling and garage. .\pply to W. J. Meads; R. R. U, Priceville. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Two hun<lied acres, good soil, good Iniildings, cement stabling, steel staun- chions, win<lmill, water in pasture, 170 acres under cultivation, on tho Fourth Line of Osprey. one mile east of Mc- liityre.â€" Apply, K. Rinn, SiuKhampton P.O., R. R. No. 1. <;«H)1) FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres of good soil, irood buildings, cMinent stabling, windmill, never failing well, 80 acres i.ndor cultivation balance hardwood. Lot .'17 eon. 4 .\rteniesia. apply t^ DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST '"' OFFICE-Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone &.) DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate of Torono Uni- versity and Ro>'al College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance at novthwest side of residence. Tbtx>nto Street, Flesh- erton. F. M. EAGL ESON ONTARIO & IWMINION LAND Sl'RVEYOR Registere<l. Professional Engineer, Surveys, Reports, Estimates. Plana. Telephone, 31, ORANGEMLLE. Ont. \lbert Blackhuin. R. R. No. 1, Ma\- patients are being better fed, nvore well P.O., Ontario. I Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333. A.P. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Ttiesday in each month. W.M.. Alex. Cameron; Secretary, H. A. McCauley. I*-