Wedncsdav, Octobc-r *^>. H'35 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE .y THE FLESHERTON ADYANCEi Pobluhed on CoIIinKwood street. Plesherton, Wednesday of eacn week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada |2/.)0 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor ». J. THURSTON, - Ai,soc. Editor Electors of Grey-Bruce: The Liberal Policy â- â„¢!!^^!% For fourteen year.s I have repix-.s- Tq leftard unemployment an Can- eiiteil the coii-stituciicy of Soulh-Kast- ada's most urgent problem, to deal Orey in the House ol Commons. Dui- ^ith unempl lymeiit a.s a national, and inp that time 1 have sourIu earnestly Lj^|.jjj,^,(, jj^j. ajjency of a reprcKcnl- to serve my constituency and the 'n-ljitjvo national commiKsion to co-ener- terests of the rank and file of Can- 1 .^^^^ ^^,â- ^^]^ the provinces and muiiicip- adians. The i)arty game vvith l^^ower ] ^^j^^j^,^ j^ ^^^^ administration of un- employment lelief and in an endeavor Field Meet (Continued from Pag'o 1) erton; 8 ft. 4 inches. Discus throw â€" M. Hawton Diin- ilaik; J. Hammer, Hanover; A. Mar- tin. Flesherton; 100 ft. 8 inche.s. 100 yard dash â€" Veitch, Hajiover; Tumey, Fleshertbn, Saunders, Dur- ham: 11 4-5 seconds. 220 yardsâ€" Tumey. Fiesherton; Veitch, Hanover; Sau':i(lers Durham' 26% seconds. Relay race â€" Gilberdt, Laidlaw, Veitch, Girodat, Hanover; Saund- ers Seabrook, Glass, Hunt. Durham; Tumey Smith, Clark, Dixon, Fiesher- ton; 1 min. 58^2. Senior Girls Soft ball throwâ€" A. Cutting, Mark- dale; Gladys Miller. Chat-sworth; M. McDonald, Durham; 154 ft. 8 inches. as the Koal has never interested me. I want, rather, to aid in secuiinic con. fortablc living conditions for the pro- ducers and vk'oikers who create the v.calth of this country. I am particularly interested in Ag- ricultural and Labor j)rob:cms anu possibly at the moment esneciallv in the monev (luestion, since I believe, that a i)rivately controlled and scarce money policy i.s a root cause of our difficulty. So indeed is the strivinj; after self contained units on the part of most countries of the world. I have consistently worked -oi peace and ajraitist war and now stand ayainst participation in the European or African war;*, uidess, and until a vole ol all people twenty-one years of ajre and over should decide other- wise. In which case I urire that all Canadians should receive the same pay as the private in the trenches. The mercantile class in a constit- \ uency such as this has also been hav- ; injr difficult times. They have been crushed between, the monopolistic I corporation from which they buy and I the sriant distributive agencies, their I competitors, which largely determine their selling: price. As important as either of these is the lack of purchas- ing: power on the part of the farm and labor jxipulation. Professional people have also felt the lack of buoy- â- incv in Agricultural and Labor cir- 3-leggred race â€" Huber and Surges, Hanover; Wiery and Green, Dundalk;| <les Semple and Boyd, Markdale. | The business of government is iry yards â€" J. Lowe. Durham; M. 'â- '*'^"K''"»? and after having giveTi Hnber, Hanover; B. Hamilton, Chati;- ;''*''""' Pvn-ilege^ to the Big Fellow , lor more than a generation the gov- "1!, • |ernment finds it must now prevent Catch ball â€" Murdock and Lee of, the small man (farmer, labor, mer- Markdale; Huber and Burbe, Hanover ''^^''t- small manufacturer) from bo- Murdock and Firth, Durham. ^^^, '^"t'|''e'l "n entirely by the finan- cial, industrial and distributive mon- sters of to-day. I do not claim never to have made Hiph jump â€" S. Bell, Durham; E.I liOckhart, Dundalk; A. Cutting, Mark-j ilale; 4 ft. â- '! inches. Broad jump â€" E. Loikhart. Dun- «1alk; J. Lowe, Durham; M. Huber,! Hanover; l.T feet i Relay race â€" Rowe, Bell, McDon- ald, M. McDohald. Durham; V. Hu-i ' er, M. Huber, .Schoob, I'lucs, Han- - ver; Hamilton. Miller, McFarlane, ricElheiane, Chatsworth. I Junior Boys '• 8 lb. shot put â€" Whitmore, Dur- ' am; M. Burnsides. Markdale; I!. • agelewski. Hanover; ;i7 ft. 1 in. i Pole vault â€" K. Schaefer, Hanover; <•. Cardiner. Chatswc-vth; D. Hunt, 'larkdale; feet. High jumj) â€" D. Sc'ott, Fiesherton; "•'. Schaefer, Hanover; W. Burke, 'undnlk, 4 ft. 10 n. Running broad jump 'Durham; D. .Scott. Fiesherton; G errors but I do claim never to have made them intentionally. I have always put the interests of my con- stituents before my own and should 1 be elected on the fourteenth of Oct- <ber as member for Grey-Bruce I wil] continue to serve the new constitu- ency !<- r did the old. Your very sincerely A(;\ES C. MACI'HAH, CEYLON .Mrs. P. W. Hamilton and son, \'eni. on, of Toronto were visitors Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson. .Mrs. Haxton is visiting friends in Ushawa. Mi.-is Dorothy Snell has returned Wn.itmore ""''""' Southampton. •Mrs. Marshall spent the week end I I in Toronto. Mr. and .Mis. Muid. Kaney and .lean, of Southaninlon visited on Sunday] with Mrs. D. Macphnil and Mi-.s Agnes 'l'h„rsdav Mac!)hail. l Mr. Frost Purdy made a business] trip to Toronto last w'eck. i Mr. Allie .Muir has returned home! f Gardner, Chatsworth; 18 ft. 4 in. 100 yard dash â€" Granliy, Hanover; T:orinsky. Markdale; T. Banks, Flesh- < -ton; 12 .3-5 sec. 220 yards â€" Granby, Hanover; Bor- 'â- isky, Markdale; Stamford, Chats- • orth. Relay race â€" Schaefer, Granby, ' ines, Hoffman, Hanover; Whitmore, M'""' â- V'S'<-i"S his mother and sister | 'rcCallum, Smith, McDonald, Dur-^ '" T'oronto and the judging of stock I »im; Burke. McDonahl. Moody, Rob-;',',' ^'"'th Bay. Sudbury, Bondfield and ' ;.-.^on Dundalk; 58 1-2 sec. to provide work for the unemployed, To the enactment of a constitutlor.. ally valid system of unemployment insurance and as raoidlv as the fi- nancial position of the country war- rants, its expansion into a general .-.cheme of social insurance, including health insurance as well as old ag6 pensions; To Dolicies which will liberate and expand our external trade, upop whicji depends industrial! and commeroial recovery; To the liberation of internal trade, by ending artificial price control and price fixing, which restricts and hampers trade internally; To the development of orimai-y in- du.stries, by reduction in the costs of instruments of production; To the restoration of control by the State over currency and credit, through the reconsti-uction of the Bank of Canada. To the establishment of an in- vestment control board; To the maintenance of the integrity of the Canadian National Railways; To the democratization of industry. through policies which will seek to give to the workers and consumers a large share in the government of industry; To the restoi-ation of responsible government; To the re-assertion of personal lib- erty and the right of free speech and free association. To measures of electoral reform, to ensure a true parliamentary repre- sentation of the people, and to reduce the cost of election campaigns; To a balanced budget; To retrenchment of public expend- itures; To reduction of the principal and interest on the public debt; To an inquiry into federal, provin- cial and municipal costs of govern- ment; To a furtheiance of international ncace and the work of the League of Nations; .And to a more ei|uitable distribution of wealth, which will have regard to human needs, tn the furtherar!:e o} so<-ial justice, and the promotion ot the common good. VOTE ' IHKRALâ€" VOTE DR. HALL I THREE BIG 3 Millionaires N I (; H T IN THE ClKLINt; RINK SHELBURNE FOR COOL - WEATHER Entirely New Stock. Exceptional Value*. A Wide Choice of Colors and New Color Combinations. FOR MEN Priced from $1.29 to $.450 Var.sity vStitch S\vcatfr.s Jumbo Knit Coat.s \'-Neck Pullovers 'J'urtle-Neck Pullovers Zipper {""rout I-*ullover.s v^lccveles.s Pullovers y Heavy Work Svveater.s Fancy Heather Coats AU-VVool Windbreakers FOR BOYS Priced from 89c to $2.75 \'arsity Stitch Pullovers -. â€" Crew Neck Pullovers \'-Neck Pullovers Zipper Front Pullovers FOR LADIES Priced from 98c to $2.95 Turtl(; Neck Pullovers Fancy Pullovers \'-Neck Pullovers Sweater Coats STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR Full Assortment of Sizes & Qualities This Week's Grocery Specials Clark's vSoups, vejictable and tomato .. 3 tins 25c Soa]j Flakes, extra quality .... 2 lbs. 15c Circle Coffee, a real good coffee, pound tins 35c Snow Drift Shredded Cocoanut lb. 23c Kellogfjj's Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. 15c Mother Parker Tea. aluminum pkgs. .. P.lack 25c; Orange Pekoe 30c; >2 lb. "Clothes of Quality" â€" Made to Your Measure MR. M. R. PARK, designers' representative will be here on Tuesday afternoon October 15th presenting the altesl styles and woollens t\)r your approval. suit sale during his visit. Two Trouser F. H. W. HICKLING Fiesherton, Ont. ROCK MILLS Tuesdav Wednesday Oct. 17 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Junior Girls Verner fairs. Mr. Henry .Sarpeant, Mr. OK. ITarri.soii Three lejfgred race â€" Miller and ''^""^''^^" "'"' ^r. .los. Thompson of "cElherane Chatsworth; Cuttiiip and *,'^''''" ^'"""' ""^"'I'l^d the McLean- I'enny, Markdale. Orant and Green-' •''l"thart sale at Prieeville Saturday V od, Durham. | "'"^ "'»" <'''"''d (jii Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hiph jump â€" K. Bannon, Fl«sher-' ^'""'"^o"- I'.n, R. Mclntyre, Durham; E. Chillick ': feet 1-2 in. .'iO yards dash â€" R. Bohnert. Han «v?r; B. Molntyre, Durham; (i. Miller, f "at* worth. Soft ball throw â€" H. Carefoot, Tarkdale; E. Aitken, Hol.stein; (R. f.riller, Chatsworth; 148 ft. 10 in. â- Catch ball â€" McElherane and Kiff, ' aUs worth; Renwiek and Collinson, T' irhanr, Mackey & .Mei-viii, Hanover. "elay Race â€" McGirr, Greenwood, II Ilk, Mclntyre, Durham; Zinz, Den- tin, Litt, Bohnert, Hanover; McCal- J 'r;i. Miller, McElherane, Beattie, < l-.atsworth. *.M{ LiCEN.SK.SALR BEGINS NOVEMBER "The new 1!)36 black and white au- 1 mobile j)lates are jroinjf to 1 on sale at Queen's Park after Nov. 1. officials stated yesterday. Purchaser.s of new cars, the officials fpect, will be the to take ad- '•ntage of the early is.suc of the V .'?8 licenses. Tliese purchasers will l <} able to procure the 1936 licenses 5 f'.er Nov. 1, and the plates will 1 ibably appear on the streets shortly J "'.crward. Rev. and Mrs. Pherrill of Markdale were callers in this vicinity on _ TtmrsHay last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and- family of Oshawa were week end visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter MUir. Little Peter Huston remained to visit his grandparents. Ritchie Brothers of Durham have completed plastering operations at Earl McLeod's residence. .Sunday .School opens at 2 p.m. on •Sunday next, when it is hoped that the pupil.s will all Ije in their classes. The Women's Institute meets at the home of Mrs. .1. Knox on Thursday, [ October 17th at 8 p.m. Mr. Sanfrster Hemijhill and Miss Maud wei(. at Peveishani Saturday attending the weddinf? of their son and brothel-, Percy, to Miss Gertrutre Wripht. Mr. and .Mrs Henry Tucker and family spent .Sunday wih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown at the Glen. Here's where vou'll handle thou- sandsâ€" soead and make thousand.'* â€" everybody a .Millionaire! A Riot of Fun and Entertainment! The admission price of 25c buys .vou S2..")00.00 in new money â€" and then the fun starts when you no on a spree of .spending it! All the money you pet must be spent ill the luiildinfi:. It is not redeemable in cash â€" so you just have to spend it. â€" anrl have the time of your life in the doinfr of it. PREMIER ABERHART Of Alberta says his Social Credit plan will give residents of Alberta $2r) a month. These 3 Bijj Millionaire Events in | Shelburne will g-ive you $2,.500 a night with your admission. A BIG MISTAKE "That poor fellow made a big mis- take." •'Whdt was it?" "He thought he could flirt, but the girl married him." I 1 I ANNOUNCEMENT = 4 THE FORD V-8 FUNERAL COACH Purchased by E. J. Bennett, Funeral Director Fiesherton, Ont. is novY on display at our show rooms. DOWN & BOYD Fiesherton, - Ont. OANCIMG Every Niirht Music for round and sciuare dancing (jitney, will be provided by Willis 'Tipping and his Blue Dragoons mul not by Guy Lombardo & Rudy Yallee and the different events will not be Broadcast by »'()STER HEWITT ON MILLIONAIRES' NUillTS You Can Soend Your Money On Dancing, Refreshments, Auction Sale, Live Duck Riiig:ing, Dart Throwing, Crokinole, Fishing, Puck .Shooting, Ball Throwing, Nail Driving, Wheels of Fortune, African Golf, Crown and Anchor, Banker and other nnnisie- ments where there will be PRIZES OF S.IOO.OO UP Auctioneer: Geo. McAlist^r & Son Mrs. Leslie Chard entertained a number of ladies to a <iuilting on Thurs<iay afternoon last. Recent visitor.s at the home of Mr, and Mrs. .Jas. Russell were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cameron and son. Burton, of Ware- ham, .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butcher and son. Nelson, of Maple Grove. Mr. Dan Ritchie was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell one evening last week. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. T. R. McKenzie and family in their re- cent bereavement of their husband and father. The Ladies' Aid held a special meeting at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark on Wednesday afternoon jof last week. Some from here attended the auc- tion sale held at the home of Mr. J. Stothart, Prieeville, on Saturday afternoon. Farmers are busy taking up their potatoes and roots. Many report that their potatoes are very small this year and other roots are also poorer in (luality. •••••**.***'********I**I**»**I»*I**I**I**I**i**I»*I»' We Have a Large Stock of Fall Hardware Small Advts. Bring Results I '4 y COW TIES, ROPE TIES,, STALL FIXTURES, | HALTERS, ROOFING, GALVANIZED IRON ' ROOFING L.\.\Th:R.\.S. FLASHLIGHTS ^\: P..Vr'UERHvS, ? COLI'.MAN LAMPS & I.ANTERNS. ^• :< Axes,Saws, Files, Rat & Mouse Traps, Shovels, Wash- i ing Machines, Hammers, Glass & Putty, Stove Pipes, k. Dampers, | STOVES. RANGES & HEATERS, SOVE BOARDS. I See us before you Buy }. PAINT PRICES SLASHED, A GOOD TIME TO I BRIGHTEN UP AT LOW COST. | I FRANK W. DUNCAN 'Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. <~x~><&<">«X"X"X'<«<«<»<«<~x~X"X'«x»<~X"X~x~x~:~>«x~>«X"j^^ JITINEY DANCING (round and square) only paid for with Million- aire Bills. Doors Onen Each Nicht at 8 o'clock Closed at ? ADMISSION Each Night. 2.")c. (Tax included') And for your 2.'ic in real money you receive ^B.-SOO in Millionaire Nights currency to go ahead and have fun with. If you finish with a big roll the fiist ninht, it can be used the other nights, but admission must be paid each night. SHELBURNE HOCKEY CLUB O. Norris. Sec. F. Chridgc, Pres. HARVEST SALE IS ALWAYS AN EVENT OF OUTSTANDING IMPORT ANCE TO FOOD BUYERS AND WE URGE YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF | THESE "CASH" OPPORTUNITflES. in';h: hue c;oi(ion Corn Syrup 2tbtin 17c Eancv Pink CLOVER LICAE SALMON Lge. tins ....2 for 2Sc Soap Chips I'.esf Ouatitv Stbs ' 23c PRRSH AND CURED MEATS Why pay more whcti you g-et all jc:oveniincnt ins])ectc(l meats at the best prices. YES WE HAVE a Qood assortment of sweaters, winclhreakers, hats, caps, under- wear, everythino- for the fall needs. It will pay you to look these over. G. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 P.IvUE LOY TEA •? RED PLUM JAM Lge. jar 23c | X CHASE and vS.\NDBORN'S COFFEE Oronnd while '"U" â- .$ wait 39â€" 49â€" 59c. tb f I . <â- , 1 r^