THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 9, 1935 I. • « .» r. i I 1 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS FEVERSHAM Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckingham recently were, Mr. and Mrs. A. Viclcers of Fairmount, Mrs. Johnston of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Knott and son Alan, of Meaford, Dr. and Mr.s. Johnston of Trenton, and their daughter, Misi Shirely Bucking- ham B. A. of Holtsein. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duncan of Wex- ford of York Township visited with Miss Ella and Robert Alfster re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Fi-ank Curran of Shelbume attended the fair here on October 2nd and renewed old acq- uaintances while here. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Short wiio are holding preaching services up north in connection with the Pilgrim Holi. aess Organization and who have been attending a convention of that body at Proton Station visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Short here last week, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Fordwich who are also running a mission in that village were also visitors with the Short families here laat we«k. Miss Phillips R. N. of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. nd Mrs. J. A. Kernahan recently. Miss McFarland late of Balgeros has purchased the Speer cottage on Mill Street and has taken posesssion. Mr. Laurence Williams has moved to the late Mrs. McKenzie's house. A disgruntled shareholder rose from his seat at a company meeting and shook an angry finger at the chair- man. "Sir, he said fiei-cely. "I regard you as a liar and a scoundrel and the biggest rascal unhung.' The chairman looked at him scom- fully, "you forget yourself." MAXWELL Misses Carrie and Mary Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duncan of Scarboro and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham of Markham visited recently with Mr. Robert and Miss Ella Alis- ter. The United Church observed their Annivei'sary services on Sunday last. Rev. Bushell had charge of the morn- ing service and Rev. Jewett of Sing^ hampton the evening, both preached very fine sermons. The choir sang two very beautiful anthems and the male quartette wa.s much enjoyed by all. The church was tastefully dec- orated with a profusion of flowers and fruit. Next Sunday St. Mary's church is holding "Family Day" ser- vice at 11a.m., all families in the community are invited to attend this service. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison of Toronto visited the former's parents here this week. Mr. Gordon Batchelor and sister. Marguerite and friend visited at Ren Acheson's Sunday. The W. A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. John Step- hen with a good attendance. The President, Mrs. Bushell presiding, plans were completed for the Shanty- mans supper which is to take place on October 17th. PRICEVILLE Anniversary services of St. Col- umba United Church will be held on Oct. 27th when the Rev. Mr. Mercei of Holstein will conduct the services morning and evening. No fowl feed thereafter. Tlie managment to avoid worry work and waste, have decided to allow the congregation to moet the expense that would have been incur- red, by contributing its equivalent, which they are doing nobly and loy- ally. The auction sale of H. B. McLean and John Stothart was attended by some 500 people it was estimated. Good prices prevailed for some 20 horses and cattle. lOie winding up meeting of the Memorial Oi'ganization held last Wed. P.M. settled up all accounts, and re- elected all the officers and sent ex- pressions of thanks to all who assisted in making this the best yet held. Mrs. J. E. Dobson of Toronto, on a pleasant visit to her brother and his family (Mr. A. B. McArthur, town line), returned to her home last week. We would advise the readers of all these items to read the letter by Gayle Powell in the Editorial page last column of the Globe, Saturday, October 3th, where it is expressed that it would be a shame to S. E. Grey to have Miss Macphail defeated I Political Meeting In the interests of Victor Porteous Liberal-Conservative Candidate will be held in Maxivell Hall THURSDAY, OCT. 10 r. S. S. NO. I E. & A. Silk Hose 69c New Fall Shades Men's Shirts fySc. 75 % 79c, 85c Balmoral Wool 4 ply 2 for 25c Betty Brown Candy 50c lb. The Variety Store A. D. Mclntyre. Prop. Flesherton Miss Marion Hawton is visiting her after her fine efforts for improvement sister, Mrs. Wright. throughout, with her sincere and BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilton | clever ability, conceeded by her op- on Saturday October .5th a daughter, ponents here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson and the latter's sister of London, were visiting the Aldcom family an ' other McKinnon connections, over the week end and attended St. Columba church services on Sunday. We and many others were pleased to meet them. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLeod and her sister from Toronto, daughter ot Rev. J. W. Johnston were week end visitors at the Parsonage on Saturday last. The two foiTner going on to Southampton. The movie show advertised for here to commence at 8 o'clock p.m. Addresses will be ^iven by Jas. Jackson, E. N. Cooper, the Candidate, and other speakers. I :^ Music supplied by the Pedlar Orchestra EVERYBODY INVITED TO ATTEND | Fifth Class â€" Harold Rawlings. Laurie Thompson. Sr. 4th â€" Leslie Harbottle. Sr. 3rd â€" Noreen Thompson, Verna Harbottle. Jr. 3rd â€" Elgin Rawlings. Jr. 2nd â€" Lois Thompson, Idyi McCulloch, Marie Harbottle. Sr. Pr. â€" Ivan Thompson, Allen McCulloch. Jr. Pr. â€" Emerson Welsh, Bessie | Monday evening came off successfully Thompson. •A. B. IDLE, Teacher I Congratulation.-: to Mr. Jack Carson and Miss Bernice Harbottle of Van- (ielour who were married Wednesday NOTICE TO CREDITORS I in Flosherton I Ml-. David Hincks left on Thursday IN THE MATTER of the estate of j for Invermay. Sask. to visit his sister Mary .Tane Rutledge, late of the Vill- Mrs. D. McKinnon. age of Ceylon in the County of Grey, | Recent visitors at .Andrew Hinck'?! widow, deceased. | were, Mr. and Mrs. G. .V. Black ami TAKE NOTICE that all those hav- i Helen and Mr. Andy Black of Swinton ing claims or accounts against the Park, Mr. Elmore Xeun, Mr. and Mrs. above noted deceased are required to â- Oscar Ough. Mrs. Roy Ough and send full particulars thereof to the I'-'^Uffhter .lurie of Toronto, Mr. and; undersigned solicitor to the Adminis- j Mrs. Harvey Farrow. Elvin and Jas trator on or before the Nineteenth ''"'' ^^^'- ^"^^e' Fa''>o^v of Chats day of October. 19.35. After *at flate the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice at that time shall have been received. D.ATED this Thirtieth day of Sep- tember, 1935. C C. MIDDLEBRC Barrister & C. OWEN SOUND. Ontario. ^**<<'hX«*<«.X"X««X»^«<>«X~X»X~X»«X«X«<~X":~X"X"!«4m>»x~!'^^^ Fall Sheep Dipping Cooper's Dipping Powder has stood the test since 1843. It was the first, and is stiU the best. Small package 75c. Large plachage $2.50 For the Pullets Bij^- 50 to mix with your own grain iiuikin;;- a balanced ration. 1 cwt. mixed with 700 lbs of grain makes the Ideal Laying mash. Price per. cwt $4.00 For the Hogs Shur Gain Hog Consentrate, the cost is trifling. the results are, shorter feeding period, reduced feed bills and more' selects. Price pe!r. cwt $2.75 Bull's Cod Liver oil. - Why feed cripples Price per gal â€" • $1.00 For the Cattle Bone meal and Cattle mineral. Bette'r than Boards and Bones. For the Whole Family CLEAN FRESH GROCERIES i worth. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKenzie of Oromore were recent guests at his parental home. The W. M. S. and Willing Helper.^ will hold their monthly meeting, Tuesday October 15th, Topic. Mrs. Jno. Nichol, "The Ideal Home". Rolf call guess the weight of the Sec. and Treasurer, prize given. Lunch Com. Mrs. H. R. McLean and Mrs. Allie McLean. Mr. Harry Pedlar of Toronto spent last week end with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Fisher and other friends. The funeral of the late Jas. White â- was held Monday of last week from his brother-in-laWs, Lou Prook, when Rev. N. MacDonald had charge of the service. Deceased was married 17 years ago to Mary Prook and rp-| sided in Toi-onto. He died very suddenly from heart failure, at the % ' breakfast table. The pall bearers were: Jno. and Neil McLean, Robt Parslow,, Wilf; Watson, Walter .A.ldcorn, Eli Os-j trander. Interment was made in' McNeill's Cemetery. , Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Niclil, Mr. ami' Mrs. D. L. McArthur visited friends ' in Owen Sound, Thursday. | Miss Marjorie Everest retuined to Toronto after spending two months at her parental home. I I I I 1 Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. I FLESHERTON | Card of Thanks We Wish to express deepest ap preciation to the many neighbors and \ friends who so lavishly showered such I a variety of kindness on us by sym- pathetrc words, expressive handclasps and kind acts, also for treats and flowers presented during the illness and death of our dear husband and father, the late T. R. McKenzie. â€"WIFE AND FAMILY A meek little man had taken his; wife to the movies. Suddenly she ] gripped his arm: j Wife (whispering)â€" Bill,< is your! seat comfortable? Manâ€"Quito my dear. ' Wifeâ€" And you have a good view of ] the screen ? Men â€" I can see perfectly. Wifeâ€" Then c4iange seats with me, you selfish little worm. Bennett CANNOT WIN Agnes Macphail herself says: Mackenzie King will be the Next Premier of Canada Then Why Elect a Member for Grey-Bruce Who Will Only Sit In Opposition? The Liberal iikHcv. as laid douii by Mr. l\in,u- in 1*^3.5. and restated many times durinii- the canii)aiL;"n is simple and straightforward. li reads: The LibersJ party believes that unemployment is Canaca's most urgent national problem. It would deal with the present emergency condition through a representative national commission which would co-operate with the {Provinces and nnunicipalities in the administration of unennployment relief, and in an endeavor to provide work for the unetnployed. As permanent measures the Liberal party is pledged to introduce policies which will serve to provide emplloyment by reviving industry and trade; and to introduce a national system of unemployment insurance. In other words, the Liberals will call lo^eiher as soon as possible alter the election, representatives of provinces, niuii- icipalities, connnunity welfare urjitinizations. labor bodies, employers and all interested parties, and an attempt will be made first of all to see how jobs can be provided for as many 'as possibe, and second ln>w those imable to j^et work can be maintained as ,:oinfortably as p<issible w ithout burdeninj>- the community with an impossible relief load. I'he present lack of ])olicy leads to hit-and-miss methods which are waste- ful and extravagant without being compi-ehensive. .\ con- stitutional method i)\ unemployment insurance be workeil lOtit. and considerable given to other social reform measures, such as health insurance at an interprovincial conference. That would not be all. The Ijberal trade ])olic\ would ;iittciupt to start the wheels of industry moving again, and provide the basic remedy for unemployment â€" i)utling men back to work. This combination o\ long-term and short- term methods offers substantial of ending unem])loy- ment. It is the only constructive ])ro|H>saT in this field before the Canadian ]ieople at the ])rcsent time. The Issue Is King or Chaos VOTE LIBERAL KING HALL II II