Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1935, p. 8

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^Vodnesdav, October 9, 1935 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TO THE SPECIALIST- SOUND IS ALL-IMPORTANT TfUOI^PH ^A/z Aum o^ihe nwtyi ^ '^><:> n > AS i^ml SPECIALISTS ^ET US LISTEN TO l/oWl^^d^ ^^l J^' ^^/ DOWN «& BOYD Flesherton, Ont. -^ SALES aSERMCE AUrHOWZED DEALER y Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Mc-Intyre were at Dornoch over the week end. Mrs. P'reil McTuvish of Retina is spending a few weeks with relatives in Fleshciton and Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Tor- onto spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mrs. Wm. Wilcock i.s visitinR with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Griffin, in Toronto. Mis. .1. G. Coleridge of KiuKsville is visiting her parent.-*, Mr. and Mrs. D. Me Tavish. Mr. Robt. Hannah of Toronto spent a couijle of days tltis week with friends nn town. Mr. and .Mrs. Leii Hill and son. Marvin of Leaside spent the w'eek end with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Benthani. Visitois with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caswell over the wtek end were, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Snyder and fam. ily of Waterloo. Dr. Seielgrove, Mis. Mable Kairey and daughter, Eleanor, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Field. Several Flesherton la(fe assisted! the Markdale junior lacrosse team in the Tri-County .series last week, but Were eliminated in the race in two games. The last game played in Markdale against Owen Sound was won by Markdale, but they were one goal down on the round. Harold Ellis Died From Pneumonia Just as We were going to press word was received of the death of Mr. Harold Ellis of Meaford at the Blind River hospital early this Wednesday morning. Harold had been on a cattle buying trip to the north and was stricken with penunionia Friday last and taken to the Blind River hospital. His condition became ser- ious on .Sunday, and gradually grew weaker, death resulting Wednesday morning. The late Mr. Ellis was a son of Mr. Wm. Elli.s and the late Mrs. Ellis and was born at Kimberley about -10 years ago. He was married and leaves his wife and one son, besides his father and three brothers and two sisters: Victor of Owen Sound. Elmer and Russell of Kimberley, Stuart, at- tending pharmacy in Toronto, Mrs. Robt. Chard and Mrs. Leslie McMullen of Kimberley. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. VANDELEUR THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd, CHAIN STDRBS Markdale, Ontario OIR BUYING I'OWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Hill's Big Display of Women's New Fall Coats aid Dresses Every Garment a Masterpiece of Style & Workmanship Women's SMART CREPE DRESSES In llif lu'st tall shades; all dresses made 11(1111 excellent (|tialily crepes. A varietv of styles from which to choose. .\I1 are exceptional values---.... $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 MILLINERY! MILLINERY! .\ laif^e ran^e of the newest in fur fell and velvet hats in a ran^e of itrices t<i suit every pocket. See these bet'ore you huv elsewhere. .special at $L69, $1.95, $2.45, $2..95, $3.50 EXTRA SPECIAL IN WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Women's Hosiery â€" !,()'[' 1 â€" A larj^e lahle of l.,idirs' Hosiery, silk and wool, also Rayon and wool; W) dozen in the lot. X'alues up to a dollar a pair. While they last, i)er pair 25c Children's Hosiery â€" I.ot 2 â€" 50 dozen Children's Hose in \\w\\' cashmere; a hose made to .sell for 2'A- and A'-k; all the want- ed shades and sizes. Special, pair 25c 24 in. Cretonne at 5c per yard S.OtX) yards of h'ancy Cretonne, some .slif^htly water stained. .\ variety of j)at- terns from which to choose. Kxtra Special, per yard 5c 24 in. Wool Jerseys at 33c yard 5(X) yards pure wool Jersey Cloths, just the tiling tor children's clothing"; many .shades from which to choose. .Special l)er yard 33c GROCERY SPECIALS Rose l)akin,n Towdt-r, 1 Ih. size 15c Lifebuoy Soap 3 for 23c llaiianas doz. 15c Dates .S.jbs. for 25c Japan F^ice .^ lbs. 25c lilack Tea in bidk jiound 35c White IJeans 7 Ib^. 25c Can I'eas. Corn. Tomatoes for 25c Crosse i<i lilackwell vSoup 3 for 19c. Canada Matches }> for 23c HoncN, 5 lb. pail 39c Honey, 10 lb. pail 75c I An interesting social event took i place at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. ' C. B. Boland on Thursday evening of I last week when a large number of •friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. ; Harold Thoniposn, who were recently : married, gathered and spent a few plea.^ant hours together during the i course of which the bride and groom i were present with an address and I a fine pair of chairs. Mr. Thompson who is the local public school teacher ' made a suitable reply. A pleasant ! evening was spent by all. j Mrs. James Cargoe underwent an 1 operation in a Toronto hospital dui-ing tlie past week. Ilope to hear of her recovery. j Anniversary sen'ices will be held in the chui>ch here next Sunday after- noon and evening. Rev. VV. J. ScoU. of rie>hertoii win be the preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Beit Graham of Eu- genia spent the weetc end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston. t*- Season's Smartest Coats at $18.50-$22.50 Here is a Coat made by the best Can- adian makers; chanxjis lined with heavy fur collors. Special ....$18.50 and $22.50 Lot 2 â€" 2.T only. Ladies' lli^h C.rade coals in heavy .tweeds an^. blanket cloths; a coat made to sell for much more than wc are asking. h'.xtra value at $12.95 and $14.95 LADIES' RABBIT HAIR DRESSES \ smart dress for fall wear, different colors from which to choose. IaIim Si)ecial, each $4.95 (Intended for Last Week) The mid-week meetings have re- opened for the coming year. \ meet- was held in the church recently and was conducted by the Pastor, Rev. H. S. Warren, who gave a fine ad- dress aft«r which the following of- ficers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Miss Lillian Buch- anan, Vice Pres, Mrs. II. Thompson, Sec'y. Miss Violet Fitzsimmons, Treas. Mr. John Boland; Fellowship conven- or, Mr. H. "niompson. Missionary Con. Mis. W. J. P Hutchinson, Citizen- ship convesor, Mr. H. I. Graham; Lit- erary and social convenor, Mr. Geo. Buchanan. An executivie meeting was held at the home of the Pre.s. one evening last week when com- mittees were ch.)sen and plans made for the meetings. TIhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker was the scene of a pleasant event on Thursday evening -of last week when a large number of friends ind neighbors cf Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, two former highly respected residents of this community gathered to spend a few pleasant hours with them previous to their departure for their new home at Fergus. During the course of the evening Mr. Chas. Roland read an address and Messrs. Frank Davis and Dane McGec pres- ented Mr. Baker with a pnnse of money and Mrs. Baker with an elec- tric parlor lamp. ,Mr. an| Mrs. Baker have many friends and well wishers in this district ^vho wish them every success in their new home. Mr. Albert Buchanan and -Mr. Fred Mitchell of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. Mrs. Gilbert is spending a few days in Toronto. Miss Frances Buchanan is home from Owen Sound Hospital after un- dergoing an operation for mastoids. A large number from here attended the Artemesia .School fair at Flesh- erton, last Friday. A good .showing was made by pupils from this school, they having secured 54 prizes. The teacher and pupils are to be congrat- ulated upon their success. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham spent the first of the week with friends in Shrigley. The mid week meeting will he held in the church on Wednesday evening of this week when a good program will be pi-ovided. Your friend Mrs. Strong CaUedYou!" Do you occasionally get personal messages relayed through your neighbor's telephone ? Have you con- sidered in3:alllng a telephone in your own home.* Its cost is moderate â€" only a few cents a day. It is so much more convenient to talk direct with your friends. And there is no bother for your neighbors. In addition to making life more enjoyable because it brings your friends so near, the telephone is a business asset. It helps you sell your farm prod- ucts, it enables you to get the best prices. There is hardly a thing you can think of which gives so much for so little. â-  .j..:.mx*.;..x~x~;..:~:~x~xk~wkk~mkK''X":«<k~xkkk«<kkk~kw^ Small Advts. I \ POK SALE FOR SALE i) young pigs ready to wean. â€" Hog chop, |1',).00 per toii, sacks Ellwood Stevens. Flesherton, R. R. 3. 1 included. Special allowance for grain in exchange. One ton or more FOR SALE 1 yearling driving colt, sired by W. W. Belwin. â€" Everett Blackburn. FOR SALE 18 young Yorkshire pigs, 5 weeks old.â€" Wm. McCormick, R.R. 1, Proton. I-OST ' Purebred Oxford Down ram, label on right ear with a YIN marking. â€" R. Allan, Flesherton. SHEEI' WANTED Wanted at once about 12 breeding Oxford Down ewes. â€" John Williamson, K. R. No. !!, Pricevillo. FOR SALE Fresh lime for sale. 50 bus and over, 30cents, under that amount, 35 cents.â€" Phone 4 R 24, Levi Duck- ett, Maxwell. delivered fr«e. Phone 38 r. 3.- C. Muir, Ceylon. HINTING LICENSES Get your gun licenses, trappers, deer, and special camp an dog lic- ense for your trip north this fall from. â€" Fred Brown, Feversham, Ont. FOR SALE Rubber tired buggy, and cutter, both in good repair, also two hay forks and one manure fork. â€" Mrs. R. Stew" art, Flesherton, Ontario. NE;WS HELD OVER WRflSHS! This week we arj forced to hold over several budgets of correspondence due to last minute election advertising. The results of the Feversham Fall (•'air are also being held over. The average woman can bury her ti'ouibles, says a lady v.'riter. Sure and then start hunting for more trouble. RADIO REPAIRS John E. Rushell, Maxwell will be in Flesherton on each Wednes- day, Phone il W. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice for cash. â€" Thomas Owler 40 Doel Ave. Toronto. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a large barn with cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Two hundred acres, good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, steel staun- chions, windmill, water in pasture, 170 acres under cultivation, on the Fourth Line of Osprey, one mile east of Mc- Intyre. â€" Apply, K. Rinn, Singhampton P.O., R. R. No. 1. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- mem inspected. Tesms $1.00 if paid within 2 month.s, over that time |2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: casb 75c.; charged $1.00. -^WES. SMITH. Rock MilU. BUSINESS CARDS DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69 DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate of Torono Uni- versity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance at northwest side of residence, Toronto Street, Flesh- erton, GOOD FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres of good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, windmill, never failing well, 80 acres i.nder cultivation balance hardwood. I.ot 37 c^n. 4 Artemesia. anply tr> Albert Blackburn, R. R. No. 1, Max- well P.O., Ontario. F. M. EAGLESON ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR Registered. Profession*! Engineer, Surveys, Repo.ts, Estimates. Plans. Telephone, 31, ORANGEVILLE, Ont. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Ale«. Cameron; Secretary, H. A,' McCauley.

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