Wodncsaay, October 30, 1035 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I Published on Collingrwood street, [ Flesherton, Wednesday of eacli I week. CizcuUtion over 1000, i Price in Canada f2.00 per year, I when paid in advance $1.50. In { JU. S. A. $2.60 per year, when I paid in advance $2.0U. EDITOKIAL NOTES The whys and wherefores of .some of the defeat.-; at the recent election lire still being discu.ssed. With the myi-aids of wild geese travelling south the past few days it must be that winter cannot be far behind. • • • Twins were born on a C. N. R. train tvhile it was sjjeediiig between Wa- ehago and Richmond Hill. We wonder What place of birth will be inserted on the birth certificate? • • • World affairs are in a measure indentical with local politics. People allow one or two people in a town to do all the boosting and any hard â- work that is to be done. Britain has been carrying the brunt of the hard work at the peace conferences St the Leasrue of Nations meetings end it is foreign policy that has kept that League in existence. The na- tions today expect Great Britain to police the world. • • • The la-'t three days of the past week was oi)en season for partridge . huntcr.i and some were able to secure their alloted number. Black Rquirrel sea.^on was also in for one day and one hunter was able to enjoy B black scfuirrel dinner, which he stated was very appetizing. Mr. Cordon Wauchope moved last Week to apartments in Mrs. Mc- Donald's residence, While on .Monday Mr. Alex. McKachnic moved to Mrs. H. Paton's residence on Toionto Street. PRICEVILLE The Mission Band of the United Church met at the home of Miss Lizzie Mather on Thunksgiving night where the young people, many not yet in their 'teenK, gave a fine program of recitation.^, solos, ducts and choruses very creditably. The second of the union prayer meetings was held in St. Columba chui-ch on Wednesday night last. Hitherto the attendance has not been very inspiring. We all need ' the benefits of prayer, as also does the town and country as a whole. Mr. Joe. Ferris, having I'ecently sold his farm to the Messrs. Odell opposite, has bought the house in town, known as the late Mrs. Graham's. Mr. J. C. Harrison bought the house owned by the late Mrs. McConkey, occupied by Rev. A. Sutherland, who ha.s moved into part of the Manse. Mr. Jas. McDougall moved from there to the one vacated by Mr. Han-ison. The Anniversary services of the United Church proved very successful by way of attendance. Rev. Mercer of llolstein exchanged pulpits with Rev. J. W. Johnston for the occasion very acceptably. The choir, we are informed, did very creditably in four anthems. The special collection, taken in lieu of the usual fowl sup- per, has so far "panned out" well, with more on the way. The average attained during the last ten years will be surpassed, with .all the work, waste and worry eliminated, "what- ever that means!" The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon, November 7, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. P. McMillan. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. MAXWELL Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. I Wm. Kerton on the birth of twin I daughters, born on October 2'lth. I Miss Ayers is visiting with Mrs. I Angus Morrison. • • • i Mr. Waltei- .Saigeon of. Sask. is A meeting was held at Owen Sound' ^''â- '^'^'"'^ '" ^'"'^ locality and renew- on Tuesday of lust week when re- ' '"^' "'*' f'iendships. presentatives </f the Flesherton Board' .'''''^' '''â- 'â- ^' "'"' ''""^â- '' "i"''-i' the aus- of Trade was invited to join the Owen .•"'â- •'*' "f 'he library board was well Sound Board of Trade in discussion!"'.'''"'''''' ""'' ^"'^ " ^''â- â- > mjo.vable on the problem of attracting more of'""^"'"'" the tourist traffic to Grey Countv. While many were of the opinion that advertising should be carried out in the L'nited States others believed that advertising throughout the province of Ontario would bring more business than from foreign tourist, greai. though that business is. Grey County has many natural advantages to at- tract tourist trade that many counties are unable to duplicate and it would be the height of wi.sdorp to capitalize on the many attractions available. An organization has been formed to Ko into details on the formation oi an association to attract the tourist E N G A (; E M E N T Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Weber of Kimberley announce the engagement of their daughter. AlberU, to Dr. Gordon N. Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Patterson of Edmonton, Alta., the marriage to take early in November. place Optometrist and EYE SPECIALIST R. M. McKay R. 0. of Kincardine at Wm. F. Potter's Jewellery Store FLESHERTON for consultation - on - Mon., Nov. 25th from 10 o'clock a.m. and monthly thereafter. Com- plete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phase make your appointment. BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. William Kerton, twin girls. Congratulations, Ml-, and Mrs. Samuel Grumniett and daughter, Noreen visited with .Mrs. John Arnott on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ducketl and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bin- nington spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Atkinson and family. Mr. and Mr.s. William O'Brien from the West are visiting here. Mr. iind Mrs. Joseph Metcalfe and Mr. anj Mrs. William Spill^er of Shelburne spent Tliank.sgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Binnington. We are very glad to report that Mrs. John Robertson has returned home from Toronto Hospital and is feeling much improved in health. Miss Ethel Wright of Toronto vis- ited with her cousin, Mrs. E. Buck- ingham last week. Miss Merlie Buckingham of Tor- onto and Miss Shirley Buckingham of Holstein vi.stied the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Buck inghnm. W are .sorry to report that the teacher of Tryon school. Mr. IVUtek^ enzie, is on the sick list at present We hope that he will soon be abh to take up his duties The Late Harold Ellis! Ijhe funeral of the late Harold K. Ellis whose sad death occurred in the Blin<l River Hospital on Ootobei 8th was held on Friday afternooi^. October llth. Service was conduct* ed at his late residence, Trowbridge .Street, Meaford by Rev. Sidney Mai- tin Pastor of Ti-inity United Church assitsed by Rev. J. S. Veales of Scv- ei'n, formerly of Kimberley. The late Mr. Ellis was a son of Mr. W. Tt Ellis and late Mrs. Ellis of Kimberley, where he was born 42 years ago. His wife and son, Ken- neth mourn the loss of a loving hus- band and father. Besides them are his father, two sisters. Mrs. R. Chard and Mrs. Les. McMullen of Kimberley, also four brothers, Victor of Owen Sound, (Stuart, attending Pharmacy in lloronto, Russel and Elmer of 'Kimiberley. Among the many in attendance at the services were: representatives of Toronto Stock Yards, Gladstone Hotel Toronto and Messrs. Dunn and Levac, and Shields and other firms, Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart, Mr. Henry Ellis and son Mervin and Mr. Ross Ellis of Pawasson, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. 'Stuart, Burks Balls, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stuart, Kingston, Mrs. Mowat and daughter of Campbellford. Mr. Fred Stuart of Bracebridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Knalt of Toronto, also a great uncle, Mr. Thos. Fawcett and Mr. and Mrs. MusenheimerJ Parry Sound. Many friends from Owen Sound, Thornbury, Kimberley and Markdale and other localities were present. The many beautiful floral tokens ofl condolence included tho.so from wife and son. Ellis brothers and sis- ters. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knott, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Knott, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Stuart and family, Mr and Mrs. Don Butchard, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stuart. Miss Selina and Joy Ellis, Mrs. Wilbert Artloy, Mr. and Mrs. McLean, Blind River. Dunn & Levack and Shields, Toronto, Ryan Brother.-?, at Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. McGlenning, Mitchell, Owen Sound Transportation Co., Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie. Sault St. Marie, Mr. E. E. Stanford, New Liskoard, .Mr. and .Mrs. Wallace, New Liskeard, Lottie Stuart, Sudbury, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Toi-^nto, Section 20 Shoe Dept. of T. Eaton Co. Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Haniill and Dr. Frank Hamill, Blind River. Trinity Church choir, Meaford culling club, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Londiy, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brown, Trinity Church Mi.ssion Circle, Mr. and Mrs. Kiank Seeoid, Meaford Live Stock Shippers, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McKay, Trinity Church Auxiliary, Dr. and Mrs. Eagles, daughters of the Empire, Tiinity Church Ladies Aid, Scout Mother's Guild, Meaford Boy Scouts, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cassels. Seas onable Offe rings Fall and Winter Overcoats OUR NEW SELECTIONS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY. SMART STYLES FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN IN THIS SEASON'S MODELS! Tile materials are chosen for warmth and good appearance and lonj? wearing (jualities and inclnded Black. Brown and Grey Silvertones, Tweeds, \Vhitne3^s and Freeze Cloths. Some are half lined, .some full lined with rayon satin and othe'rs half tweed lined for extra comfort. I SPECIALLY PRICED 95 $15 $17.95 $19. 50 This Week's Grocery Specials i Maxwell House Coffee, g-ood to the Kellogg's Bran Flakes, 2 for 23c last drop lbs 45c Good Black Tea lb. 35c Magic Baking Powder lb. tin 29c Crosse & Blackwell Soup, 2 tins of Peas, Cron, Tomatoes .... tin each 25c tomato, 1 asparagus 3 for 17c I R H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont. - H BELIEVE IT OR NOT For 50 year.s. Martha Southwell, who died the other day in Romsey Institution, London, at the ^age of 88, used the lid of what had once been her coffin as an ironing board. She was certified dead after an illness when she was a young woman, plac- ed in a coffin, and the lid lifted on. While she was being carried to the mortuary she recovered conscious- ness and knocked on the coffin so violently the bearers dropped it in ten-or. It bi-oke as it fell. Martha steppe<l out of the wreckage and ran back to bed in her .xhroud. She re- sume<l her work in the institution as if nothing unusual had happ««ed. "Fhe lid of her coffin came in handy as an ironing board. She used it 'till the day she died in the homo where she had been born. â€" Goderich Star. Notice re Tax Sale Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1927, Chap. 238, Sec. 517, Sub- sec. 3, that it is the intention of the iMunicipal council of the Township of Osprey to buy any lots or parts oi lots- which do not sell for at least the amount of taxes irt arrears asrainst such lots or parts of lots at the Tax Sale to be held on Tuesday, Decem- ber 10th at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Court House. Owen Sound. C. N. LONG. T{reasurer. Notice re Tax Sale Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1927, Chap. 238. Sec. 617, Sub- sec. 3, that it is the intention of the Municipal council of the-Iownship of .-Vrtemesia to buy any lots or parts of lots which do not sell for at least the amount of taxes in arrears again- st such lots or parts of lots at the Tax Sale to be held on Tuesday, Dec- ember 10th at 10 o'clock in the fore- noon at • the Court House, Owen Sound. ALEX CAMERON. ' Trea^rer •;~:ij~:~;~: ? "•♦♦•••••-•••••♦••♦.♦VV****** soon again. Another sign of the millenium we sujipose, will be when you can believe everything you hear even when an election campaign i.s on. SHOOTING MATCH on Saturday. Nnvemher 2, 1935 a^ .lohn Oliver. Old Durham Road. There will be a number of fine geese Shot guns and rifles. Ammunition supjilicd for shot guns. Shooting match starts at 1.30. ASK THE FLY An Abcrdonian returned home after a week's holiday in London. His friends in the local hostelry asked him how he had enjoyed himself, and what he thought of the Londoners. "Och!" he said, "they're decent enough chaps, but they've little ima- gination. One afternoon I went into one of those non-stop revuea at half- past one, and at half-past eleven I'd seen the same show five timea over." "My dear fellow, there are two sides to every question â€" ." "Yes, there are two sides to a sheet of fly pai)er, and it makes a lot of difference to the fly which side it chooses." NOTICE TO CREDITORS Fowl Supper will be held in Priceville under '^•<-''-i'i-'^l'i^»l'i^l..lnyi.,l„l..l^l^l,,l.,y^^'„-^^ DANCE / I'ndtT the auspices of the Jlall committee % will be held in the FRATERNAL HALL , | FLESHERTON | Friday, November 8, 1935| Music by the ' % - St.John Orchertra I Parker OF OWEN SOUND Dancing comnicnce.s at 9 i).in. ADMISSION:â€" 35c LUNCH EXTRA. I IN THE MATTER of the estate of .John Arthur Hale, late of the town ship of Osprey, in the County ol Grey, farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to .Sec. 51 of the Trustee Act, R.S.O. li)27. Chap. 150 that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said deceas- ed, John Arthur Hale, who died on oi about the 19th day of Septembel- 1935, at the town of Gollingwood, in the County of .Simeoe, are required on or before the l.Mh day of Novem- ber, 1936, to send by post prepaid or delivered to I. B. Lucas & Co, solici- tors for the Administrators of the estate of the said deceased their Christian names and Surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full Iiarticulars in writing of their claim'.. a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, accompanied by a statutory declaration to prove same. AND TAKE NOTICE that aftei such last mentioned date the .said .Administrators will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of 'vhich they shall then have notice, and that the said Administrators will not -be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Markdale this 9th day ot October. A.D. 19.35 â€"I. B. LUCAS & CO., Solicitors for Administrators \ '" Markdu'.o, Ont. nusijices of the Presbyterian Church, on FRIDAY, NOV. 8, ^35 A Pageant will be given entitled: 'THE SHINING EARS" i)nd other musical numbers. ADMISSION :- 35o ami 2.c We Have a Large Stock of Fall Hardware I i ? 5! COW TIES, HALTERS, ROPE TIES,, STALL FIXTURES, ROOFING, GALVANIZED IRON ROOFING I L-\NTERXS. FL-'\SHLTGHTS & BATTERIES. ^ COLEMAN LAMPS & LANTERNS! 4 A X Axes,Saw8, Files, Rat & Mouse Draps, Shovels, Wash- t I ing Machines, Hammers, Glass & Putty, Stove Pipes, ^ X Dampers, I STOVES, RANGES & HEATERS, SOVE BOARDS. i See IKS before yt)u Buy I PAINT PRICES SLASHED, A GOOD TIME TO I BRIGHTEN UP AT LOW COST. j FRANK W. DUNCAN I 'Phone 54 -:- FLESHERTON, Ont. »*|8H>0CM^<~>4"^•^•x~><~:"K^•>.>4~^.:~:~x~^.^.x•4~M~:"X~^<~^•:.<~:-:~x Don't forget to take advantage of our lowest prices on ^ A SELECT LIST OF QUALITY FOODS AND HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS AT^ |rEAL MONEY SAVING PRICES, YOU CAN DEPEND UPON THE SUPERIOr| |STORES FOR QUALITY, SERVICE AND ECONOMY. ritn-.R HRANl) Red Cohoe SALMON Tall tins 21c Roat-s Beef per lb. 12c Boiling Beef p«r lb. 10c Hamburg Steak 2 lbs. 25c l>oIogna 2 lbs. 25c Picnic Hams per lb. 20c either lines stand comparison. Maccaroni BULK 3 lbs. 14c CAXXED PUMPKIN Clioict' ('lU.ility large size, 2 cans 21c MEATS G. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 lib. Royal York Tea 55c Wc give 1 lb. kiss candies 5c 60c VSlb. Royal York tea 28c J^lb. of kis.ses .... 3c Choice Quality Tomato Juice per tm Sc. EDDY MATCHES 3 boxds ^^ 23c » <^v.j<..W.<.<..>.>*<.C.,x<.,n.><.^.<.<.,vhHX">^<":">sNn^^^