f d >r id M h IB ): iir }': 4 MOTOR SHOW Ie. CORA HIND PUTS CANADA FIRST MM THIS YEAR '" '""" '"^ ^^^ '°°'^''' ^"^^'^ 1936 Models Will Be On Display In November Announcement has Just been made A7 the Canadian Antcmiobile Cbamb- •r of Commerce that tbe National Motor Show will be held in Toronto NoTember l-K, Instead of In Jan. â- ary as in paat years. This new move by the Motor In. tfnitry has been undertaken with a Tlew to lerelllng off peaks and Talleys 9t employment in Ma leaaonal in. '.do* try. "All m&nufacturers are co.operat. tDc enthusiastically In this plan," de- «iared J. L. Stewart. General Man- ac«r of the Canadian Automobile Chamber of Commerce, today. 'It Is onr belief that, by advancing the be. ;flnnlng of r w model production from tbe first of the year to the fall more •onetant employment, spread over â- lore months, for workers directly nr Indirectly dependent upon automobile manufacture will result." New 1936 models of ail makes of •ntomobiles will be presented at tfae National Motor Show, and the public may be arsured of a brilliant and dramatic presentation.'* Influence is exerted by every hu- man being from the hour of birth to that of death. â€" Chapin. You have only to watch other ill- natured {leople to resolve to be un- like them. â€" Charles Buxton. Do You Ever Wonder Whether the"Pain" Remedy You Use is SAFE? Ask Your Doctor and Find Out (By E. C<.ra Hind, in the Begina Leader- Post.) LONDON. Througrh the courtesy ot Sheed and Thomson, of Kibemia Chambers. London Bridge, I had the opportunity <rf making a blind test on the tend- erness and flavor of Canadian bacon aa compared with Danish and Poiiji;. Eleven o'clock was just far enough away from an 8.30 breakfast for an appetite keen enough to appreciate a meal and not ravenous enough to make just anything caste good. The ba«on was brought in on a big side dish, piping hot and just crisp enough, smelling invitingly. Which was which? I sampled first, Mr. Sheed second. We tasted and favore.J each piece in turn very thoroughly and carefully. The bacon waa cut from the loin, that portion that comes at the end ef the ham and the beginning of the ribs, called ir. England "the coffee house cut' â€" with us merely loin. After Mr. Sheed had finished, the expert who had brought the bacon in said: "Wei!?" and looked at me. I pointed my choice, first, second and third; Mr. Sheed followed and the choice duplicated mine. Non- it was our turn to look at the ex- pert and say, "Well?" He laughed and said, "your iirst choice is Can- >adian, your second Polish and the third Danish." I am free to confess there was not any great spread between the Canadian and the Polish, but to my taste, the Canadian was a little the sweeter. The Danish was distinctly inferior to both. This is considered by the trade the best form of test. Next we visited the sides from which the cuts had been taken and here Mr. Sheed pointed out the place wheie Canadian sides naoally lacked, namely â€" the cushion of !«•â- on th« back that should be deep and flam. This particular side waa b«tter in this respect than the aver- age of Canadian, Mr. Sheed claim- ed, but even 10 it was noc qnite so Jeep as either the Polish or Danish. This being back bacon, which is so much eaten in England, this ia a very important point. We next went down to Thames side, where a lot of bacon had been ; unloaded that morning and had ' several bales opened. Some of these I sides had been badly butchered and ' two had actually a piece gouged out I of the cushion, just wher« depth waa most to be desired. Other sides ' showed a fair depth of cushion bat â- not one of them quite so good as the I ^'''^- .. C^ptd s visit to the farm ia Cupid On Tbe Fann Tli« Btunber of narriages and ! prospective marriages in Went- ' worth county \a exciting comment â- â- in this rural area. Not for a loagj time have there been so many show, era, luch frequent publication ef banns, and so many fluttering con- ferences over trousseaus. District news is frequently concerned with the doings of Cupid, w'no is shoot- ing his arrows with speed and ac- curacy. The fact is that the weddings which are causing such a bustle around the farms are a symptom of the times. Young farmers are still living up to their proverbial reputa- tion for caution. They are noe prone to take great ciiances like their city cous ns, nor are they mar- r>ing to get on relief. They have seen a change come over agricnl- the one seen upstairs. Otherwise, the sides were good and well set up. Discussing the whole subject with Mr. Sheed, he again emphasize-; the great need of Canada getting her hogs on the market at, say, six months, but well finished at that age. He very properly took the view that if one firm couid turn out bacon on a blind cooked test that was found superior to both Polish and Danish, others could Jo the same; and it waa highly important for Canada's standing in the trade that it should be done. coincident with the return of pros- perity. â€" Hamilton Spectator. pirrriNG trees to sleep Am sorry to say that the bacon we both thought the best did not come from Western Canada but from Kitchener. Ontario. These remarks by Mr. Sheed should 'oe considered carefully by hog raisers in Western Canada, as 'ix> is regarded as not ... ,„ . , . only a high authoritv on the subject i ^7' ' ;^'.'^"\i'« ^^ lather.? of bacon, but as a fair and impartial ^ ^'â- ^â€"^r'.. this game 13 between judge of the product. Sir W. Beach Thomaa cailed in tJie London Spectator for Information ccncerning Induced dor- ; aiancy la vegetation. While traveling I In nerthera India one of his corres- ' pondents found that the native gar- ' deners balf exposed the roc:s o: t their rcses to the air In the hot. dry i season, thus ciiecking their growth. ! whlCih otherwise would wear them oat. Sir William recalled that !n I Africa rose hushes are du* up and laid in dark places for considerable periods. Not only does this give the busiies rest, but It is asserted that j It strengthens them against certain fungi. The notes on this topic brcugit prompt response from an authority Echo â€" I heard someone yell!'*'^ ^^'^ subject. Ronald Q Hatton. Many of -.is have found out that there are a great many things that we thought were absolute necessi- ties a few years ago are now luxur- ies. Jim â€" Oh. this two picked teams. Don't Entrust Your 0\\'n or Your Family's Well - Being to Unknown Preparations THE person lo ask whether the preparation you or your family •re taking for the relief of headaches is SAFE to use rejjularly is your family doctor. .\sk him particuiariy about "ASPIRIN." He will tell you that before the itscoivry of "Aspirin" most "putu" remedies were advised asuinsl by physicians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, tafe relief. Scientists rate ".\spirin" among the ntstest methods yet dtstvrered for the relief of headaches and the paius of rheumatism, neuritis and neural- gia. .\nd the experience of niilUons of users has proved it safe for the average person to use regularly. In l/our own interest remembtr this. ".\spirin" Tablets are made in €^nada. ".\spiriii" is the registered tracie-iuark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross ou every tablet. Demand and Get "ASPIRIN" SOIL mVEY Economic Phases Of The Prairie Farm Hehiibilitiition PRigrainme. 'A comprehensive study to lend utilization in Saskatchewan and Alberta i,^ being conducted as a part of the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation programme inaugurateti by the Do- minion Government. The Economics Branch of the Dominion Depart- ment of Asrriculture is responsible for the project which is being car- ried on in Saskatchewan in co-oper- ation with the Department of Farm Management of the University of i'askatchewan. In Alberta, the Pro- vincial Department of .Agriculture is actively assisting in the study. Joseph Coke, Chef of the Fann Management Division and Assistant Commissioner who is supervising the Dominion Government's partici- pation in this undertaking, has just returned to Ottawa and reports that field work for this year is already completed. Detailed information has been secured from S50 farmers in seven municipalities in South VV'est- ern Saskatchewan, including such points as Chaplin, Coderre, Sham- rock. Gravelburg, Lafleche. Wood Mountain and Glentworth. In .Al- berta, the area surveyed is in the south centra! part of the province and sun-ounds Vulcan. Lomond. Wheat Centre, Ketlaw, Barrens. Carmangay and Champion. Five hundred and thirty-four fiirmers in this district have co-operated in this study, hi addition to data obtained from farms still in operation, con- siderable information has been se- cured regarding a'oandoned farms and municipal reconls are being used to provide data on municipal receipts, expenditures, tax arrears and assessment of farm properties. , Well. I swanl ! Providence. R.I. â€" John Swan and Elizabeth Duck, both of this city, i were married by A.nhur Bill. Justice of the Peace, at Killingly, Conn. â€" I Pennsylvania News. I Police Sergeant â€" Have you caught ; that burglar? i Patrolman â€" No. but so scared that he doesn-t dare showi himself while we're around. Dry Shampooâ€" Try UI A WTNr>SOR SALT we«kly Mimroo •timuUtes cin-ula- tk>a, cleaiueii «iid givve •atural lu*ti« to th« hair. WEDDING (USTOH When wishing happiness to the bride, many Russians still present bread and Salt. thiaiut and strange custuma like this are told in picture and story in our new booklet for children: "^Su^t all over the World". A gripping story of many lands. You would like to read it, of course, so j»ist send the cv>upon now. The book is free. Protect Your ChiMrenI CioUrw is wiili'ly prsvaWntl Vau WtNUSOR K>t>lZiu) SAH'd.HiIy for cookmg and table. l'r\-vent» Koitn*. ApurovtfU by board* of hfuath. In carrying on this subject, eco- nomic analysis is being related to the soil survey which has been car- ried on in these provinces in pre- vious years. Data are being secur- ed on size of buildings, land tenure, crop yields and Uve stock produc- tion, farm receipts and expenses, cropping practices, live stock carry- ing capacity, indebtedness, opera- tor's history, settlement of the area and farm abandonment. \Mien these data have been analysed tne information obtained snould be a . guide to the future policv of uti-'^'f ^''â- °«' '-"^ "Continue lization land in these areas. ! Landlordâ€" \V hat do you This stu.iv is the first of its kind >''^*» weather prophet' ; to be carried on in Canada and it *V "en a t>oy gets to be 15 or 16 is anUcipated that other areas will ; >"<^»-'s o" be ^uits quoting his father • be included ne.« year. Information •'^'"^ °^«^ criticizing him. regarding the economic returns on farms located on different soil types the effi Director of the Imperial Bureau of Fruit Production, who wrote to the Spectator a letter !a which he said in many parts of the Britiah Expire "the successful establishment ot commercial orchards of such temper- ate fruits as appies sad pears Is seriously hampered by the difficulty of Inducing tjie trees to rest suffi- ciently to produce a sizable crop" The Imperial Bureau ot Fruit Pro- duction, which is situated at the East Mailicg Research Station. Kent. , . j is now collecting Information on the r*..„.v_i general subject c( artiflcal wintering of plants j Mr Hatton adds that ia Banga- \ lore, the capital of M.vsore, In south- Tenant-The f«of is so bad that ,„ j^^j^ ,j ;, -.coniidently afflrx- t rams on my head. How long is , ,^.. ^^^^ ^j,^ ,^.,.,.^3, „, ^ppj^ ^^v,. think I Jellybean â€" Darling. does your va-ion Is entirely due to induced dormancy in which exposure of tiie roo s is practiced. He describes ttie recently procedure thus: In the months ol October-November and April-.viay, when there is no risk ot rain, llio sol! around tiie tree ia remove! to a. distance of from two to four feat from the stem until the main later- al roots are exposed These roots aro left uncovered, all wa:«r being w.tiu held the leaves with and are removed by hand-stripping Oae to two weeks later a compost ot well-powiered dung or artiflcal manures and red loam in equal proportion is pttcke4 into tie excavation above the r.'ota. If there Is no rain the trees are sub- sequently well Irrigated abotit twice a week. Blossom appears in a fort, night and the fruit ;= ripe in IIto months. Four weeks after the har- vest the treatment is repeated for the next csop. The usual life of a tree under this treatment is under twelve years but two crops of ap. pies are obtained every year or fourteen montihs. The marvels that have been wrought by cattle breeders in in- creasing the weight of steps fed tor market and in bringing milch cows to high productivity have attracted wide attention. Not less marveloue triumphs have been won in the vege- table world. The greens grocer of today, thanks to modern transport- ation and scientific treatment oX seed, seed bed. plants, blooms and fruit, can offer at all seasons of the year an array of delicious foods that far surpass those which his prede^ cesser offered only a generation ago. â€" New York San. is essential to an appraisal ot rather know- that I wnte poetry T | ficiency of methods ana nrac- I-^abell-Not yet. dear. I ve told, idonted bv farmers and" the ^'"- . ^''*'"' -''^"'^ drinkm- and your tices adopted by farmers and the possibility of obtaining a .satisfactory gambling and your debts but I living from farms located in sucli | ^•°ul"n"t tell hi m every thing at once, areas, together with the practices London Doctor Has New Theory Doesn't Beii>;ve in Loading Child L'p with Fats in Autumn Classified Advertising urrssToss : which might enable farmers to con- tinue to farm such lands. --Vs yet. no conclusion can safely be .irawn i '»''« "'^ "''"-''^ t-^'^^ a^, '^ .s for old from observation made. It is re- : '"*"'«^ [°^^' ,'•> '<'"!' '''kt i'nde and cognized too, that any policy whic'a : ^^'^"^ ^'^^^ ^ney are ott on a tnp. might arise as a result of such ( studies would largely be put into ' effect by provincial governments. | but before any policy is possible. | facts regarding tiie situation are es- â- sential. The study is to provide ; such information. ' ,..,,, . . , , I There is a most mteresting new It IS hard for a bnde and a groom .^eorv out about autumn feedinj for while on their honeymoon to look , ! young children. A Harley street (Lon- don. Eug ) doctor has expressed the opinion that there is absolutely no ground for the belief that one should start loading up a healthy young child with fats immediately the autumn be, gins. His theory is that as In the spring the diet should now be llgbt and not pt bulky. .\ porch swing may sta.nd still anal His Ideal diet for children of from nine months to five or six years Is a whole cerealâ€" either Scotch oatmeal. Johnnyâ€" Say. Dad, the sea ever tiry up? Daddy â€" Because its can't. w'ny doesn't ' like you â€" it , o â- . !. .1. I ;... >'^t go a long way toward catching a In Saskatchewan, the work IS oe-jj^^^^^ J j.^^^ ^ ^.j^, * I ing directed by Dr. W. AUen of tne | J j ^,^^^^ ^^ „,aiz^plus plentv ot Department ot Farm Management, j Would-Be S.-enario Writer-Why I milk, vegetables and fruit. Iniyersity of baskatchewan Mrhile ; i ^.^„ „^^^ „,^^^ ^,^„^y .^ ^^^ ^^^< ^^ .^ particularlv empiiatic about in Alberta. (...H. Craig ot the t-':<^- [writing scenarios th.in I can in a a proper amount ot Vitamin B plus noraics Branch. Dominion Depart- : „.j,„i^ ^^^^ pitching hav. I mineral salts for the child at this time ment of Ajnculture '.s in cnar.re. Skeptical Hiramâ€" What are you of year. Vitamin B is the anti^neurot. pitching hay for. then? j ic vitamin, and is one of the most dit. I Would-Be Scenario Writer â€" .<.in*t ; ficult to retain i:i cooked foods. New York Publisher ' ^ Si>tta have money to buy stamps ! It is present in whole.graiu cereals 117 J CI" C'J with? i â€"if thev are healthily grown and verv Weds Sylvia Sidney: caretul'y prepared and cooked, and it , A minister says every man should 1* -''so present in all vegetables, milk Phoenix, .A.iiz. - - Sylvia Siduey, pe- be a hero to his wife. , and egss. tite, dark-haired film star, and Ben-' That's ea.<y â€" like building a! 1' '« entirely destroyed by over- iiett Cerf, New York publislier, were bridge across the ocean or taking a ' cooking ot vestt-tabtes and tibe addit. married by Superior Judge Marvin T. i trip to the moon. i i*^"' ol soda and some salts. A very Phelps in Cerfs hotel suite. : great number of modern town child- After a wedding luncheon, the bri- 1 Haroldâ€" What's the trouble. Jes- i '^*" suffer from a deficiency of this dal couple planned to leave by air-jsie? You look worried after last ^''i'amu. A N OFfEK TO EVEKY INVE-NTOR List of wsBJCeU i.'uenf.or.s !i;:d :\iU iarori::A-.:on »en: frte. Tba »tuaamj Coapttay, World Fate.-:: .\t:-'rntfvs. iTJ Bajiit S'.r>.'et. Ottawa. Can.ida. ASEITTS WAJtTED pKKK S.\Mi'Lh: OF LAl^V M-Viilil-NNA ^ lovelv -ace powder will be sent to those ime.-ested In a prottuiSU agenc.v. Novei. interesting pla.". ma.-tes i^Jy sales. Send no money. .VJdress Lady Marienna Studio. K"rTitn:e L;uilJi--'-i5. To- ronto. Ontario. WOMA9t R EKINEP. .\ •,OHi::~JlVi:. KELl.VBL^ woman, represent us In thU seouon: ocpcrtunlt.v build ;^rn-.aaent bustnes* connection selUtiK. lltitns poi'ular .ine CIIVRIS foundation Garments. «riw all about ycur«elf flrst tefer. cnaria Ltd. Nsw T.-r/.-.i â- . sAiiSsacBir wasTEo pOK .X. CLIK.NT. CITY. TOWN .\ND ~ countv salesmen. Writ* to .VJvertlS- '.njr Counsel. Might rireotories Limited. T4-:i> Churoh S: . Toronto. plane for Hollywood, where Miss j night's poker game. Sydney will complete a film. Tliey ex- 1 Jessie â€" Who wouldn't be? I Provided, however your cereals •j-jjgy are whole, fresh, and lightly cooked. pected to take their honeymocia later, j invited Johnny Octopus, and he held The wedding was the culmii r»;ju eight straight winning hands. of a romance which btgau at a Hi. !y. wood party a year a.no. Neither had I The hardest job any clerk ever been married previously. 1 tackles is trying to sell a woman Cerf_ a wcaltihy book publisher ' something that can't be exchanged. came here from New York by air- 1 â- plane. Miss Sidney, granted a two- j Fi-ank â€" Is your wife still trying your vegetahles are conservatively cooked and the child receives lightly cN'oked eggs and au abundance ot fres<h raw milk there Is no reason wlia! soever to add an extra allowance ot this vitaniiu. day leave of absence from the Walter;'" keep up with the Remington's? Wagner Production â- ; lot. also came by 'plane. â- . WINDSOR SALT TtmOffand Mail ToJay CANADIAN INDUSTRIES UMITCO SALT DIVISION [I." WINDSOR. ONT4 Witltovt obU^tion pie*** tend trvcial CtuU- na'i Booklvt. "SALT «U ovw Um World." A The Longer Evenings ot Kttll and Wnuer aiTord op- portunity for mental Improve- ment. Yovi can overcome Inferi- ority Complex, develop â- power- ful memory, learn the secret of Buooess, and Improve your mvntui calibr« by fascinating correspondence courses which you can study in yosr spare time and In the quiet of your own home. Vo;- lull partUulars. writo to Tb« Institute of Practical and Applied P*ycholog:y •10 Conttdrration Balldlss MONTSEAI.. QUEBEC Jerry â€" Heck, ton's had triplets last week. f No man is a confirmed failure un til he begins to hate those aren't. I'orLinvo p. ,1:1 11.4S of splendid results UVE STOCK MARKETING Shipiuiij: ^11 at been rroduotive no. The Reming- ' ***"'â- "* â- •'" '*'* open market m-un» real , varue for ttie ow tuts. Oet In loui.h with us. Writ* â€" Wir« â€" or Telaphoaa LYndlinrst 11*3 THE UNITED FAK.VEKS who CO-OPEAATITS COMPANY. lOJCITSO LIVK .<Ti.'OK v.-OM.Ml.<SI0V Pbtrr, Valoa Btoek TAids, Wtat Toronto anv •heet NOWTAi£ HEALTH from LITTLE MANITOU SPA FAMOUS MiNEHAL SALTS BROUGHT TO YOU I Woman â€" Have you I music at home? i j Neighborâ€" Hvery night: my hus- \ band snores as soon as he gets under the covers. Issue No. 43 â€" 35 Son â€" Daddy, what part of speech is woman? Paddy â€" Woman ain't a part of speech, aon. She's all of it! Correct this sentence: "Now that I'm broke and sick." said he. "my old friends never seem to avoid me." /Jjt CHAPPED Sm jU^ L>ilut« Minani's with on«-haIt ^^ •««« oil or CTVdiH. .Apply ' â- I oa«-« « dav. For FnMt I5il« 11 iM« th« tiniin«ot ft««tv «o«i ' â- I undtlucvd. V 2; No trevble. Very hMlInq Life is ofti-n what someone else M makes It. Carlsbad. Vichv and other rtsor-.s In Kurope are famous for their mineral springs. c'unaau. too. has its Carlsbad, tor Lit- tle .\laiiitou Lake in Saskatohewan U an ania»ins lake â€" ii hike of woiuirou* vtrtuois -yielding medicinal salts ol pvuent curati\e properties, riiese powerful health-suing saits ar« e.\trao;ed from the waters <^t itie lake. cleaned and prepared, with the addition of Iodides, by expert chemists. They are then available to you as sJaskasal" â€" a veiv rtttmg name for these niedi- olnal Spa Salts of Saskatchewan. Sas'fiasal is a ncn-eiTer\ osoent vail highly rov'cnuiivno.ed in all aiinienti arising from over-aciduy of the blovMl If voa suffer from Kheumatisiu. Neuri- tis." Mt'.d Stom.ioh disorders. Kidnej and l.lver troubles. Impure Wood. Skii; Ktupiions and Constipation. a short course of SasfeaAUl will soon put you In the chorus singing Its praises. U you are drifting alonj: in indilerenl health, one bottle of SiiskKsa! will Slve yo-- a new e.xperience of what It ieels lit- to be In real good health. It vou think voa alseady enjoy goo« healtii. take a sample 'tt Sa»ka»vl SJxa then Judv< If your stomach. kldn«y« and boweu needed the Hushing Sa»ka.«ii; gav« them. On sale at yoyr Jrugsis's â€" enough tot 10 weeks' treatment â€" 8S0 a bottle. W.VIL THIS COl'WN TOP.W SASKASAL LIMITED. Sales Office; 102 Atlantic Ave.. Toronto. I would like to try SASK.VS.VL. Tleasf â- <«nd me a TREK Sample as offered U this advertisement. Name . Address Town . I'rov. Ml I • â- mikgsiisMilft,