Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1935, p. 4

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Wednesday, November 13, 1935 THE FI.ESHKRTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE , PtibliAked on Colli nfwood strMt, i Fleaherton, Wednesday of »*eb I week. CircuUtion over 1000, I Pric« in Canada 12.00 per year, I when paid in advance |1.50. lo ; U. S. A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. Many Refinements in Ford V-8 Cars for 1936 School Reports ( â-  â€" PRICEVILLK SCHOOI. term 2 â€" Janue Suf Marie McLauchlan 66, To i>4, Evelyn McDermid 0-1, Arthur 52. Form 1 â€" Archie Sturrot-k Sr. 4th â€" Laurie Sutherl Tommy Mather 78, Winnifr Conkey 76. Enimcrson Watf Bill McBride 67, Owynncth 65.Garficld Teeter 5.i, Donald SO. Jr. 4h â€" Bobbie O'Dell 70, ^)or- othy Watson 67, Bernice Carson.54, | RoB.s McConkey 5.3, Kenneth Ni^ol j 63, Douglas Weir 4.5, Doreen TJe^r 44. Sr. 3rd â€" Bobbie Sutherland ter McBride. Eleanor Johnston Scheuerman. Kathleen Mc Arthur. Sam Scheuerman, Elmer Turnbull, Lome Mc Arthur. Jr. 3rd â€" Beatrice McDemid. Bettv Watson, Isobel Karstedt Jean -Mather, John McMillan, viola Mc- Dermid, An^fus McVicar, Hector Mc- Lean, Jack McConkey. j 2nd â€" Virginia .McDermid, Donald McMillan, Clarence McArthur, liar- j jrarct Johnston, Mabel John.ston, i Mabel Scheuerman, Percy Stone- 1 house. , ,_ Sr. 1st â€" Jane Karstedt, Isobei Weir. Sarah McMillan, Lawrence McArthur, Mack Watson. Jr. 1st â€" Laurie McKechnie, ven. Primer â€" Shelah Weir, Marie Weir Jimmie McArthur. â€" E. B. FROOK and E. L. MATIIIER Teaches. fleeter i. \Wl- 1, Juua S. S. FORO V-8 CARS for 1936 feature a completely new exterior treatment with new hood and fender styling, new grille and headlamps, new wheels and many detail refinements. Interiors are new with the style and color of instrument panel and mould- ings to harmonize with upholstery, trim and ap- pointments. Quiet helical gears are now used In ail forward speeds and reverse. Steering effort is estimated to be reduced more than 2S per cent. ABOVE â€" The Tudor touring sedan, with commo- dious built-in trunk. Note the new wheels with 121/2-Inch hub caps and the longer body lines. INSET â€" The redesigned front end. Streamlining steps ahead. Fenders have a sweeping inward flare and horns are now carried behind grilles In the fenders. Hood louvres are newly styled. r LONGER NIGHTS MEANj MORE LIGHT COLEMAN AND ALADDIN LAMPS MAKE YOUR EVENINGS BRIGHT AND PLEASANT \\f also have Electric Lamps 25, 40 and 60 watt bulbs. Stable Lanterns, Wicks and Chimneys Fix up those ci-acks around windows, doors, etc., with Calking Compound. Caulking gun for rent. ROOFINGâ€" Heavy, Medium or Light Tar Paper, liuildinj? Paper, Roof Coating:, Glass, Nails, I Cow Chains and everything for fixing up for winter. PAINT SPECIAL Again we are offering for a short time Flat Wall Paint, Gloss Paint. Quick-Dri Enamel and Porch Floor Enamel, quarts onlv, each 49c RANGES, HE-\TERS, PIPES, ELBOWS FRANK W. DUNCAN 'Phone 54 -:- FLESHERTON, Ont. .>^««*««*«>.X'<'<~>«><M-*«**<">'>*><>*X":~v:-«<-:~:~>«M~>«>'M"!~x~£~M»**<><» EUGENIA NO. 13. AKTEMESLV 4ttj .^ â€" . Klward Campbell, W in- Tieta Martin, Evi'lvn Campbell, Car- mel Martin, Ke^'Kie b awcctl, Jean Tudor, • Macel Duckett. B â€" ,ji-an Proctor, Don.s Kawcctl. 3rd A â€" .'\rleon Benson. Dorothy Falconer, Marsrarot McMulli-n. Gladys Uuckett. B â€" norland Campbell, Jim Tray- Tior. Huth Craham, Murray Williams, tJtanchf Williams, .'Vithoi- i-'roctor, XS'ora Turner, Kldridire Boyce. 2nd A â€" Burton Campbell, Selena Uuckett. B -â€" Kred Boyce. Sr. 1st A â€" Ella kfllar. Jr. ist A â€" Lois Williams, Uouk- las Kalconor. B â€" Joyce Cenoe, Marge Martin, Alice Tudor. i'r. â€" Lyle Short. (A) above T.', per cent. (B) below 7f> per cent. * denotes absence for one exam. No. on Roll 31. Av. Att. ^^». â€"1. E. UI.N.SMUKfcJ, Teacher S. S. NO. 9, O.SI'REY Charlie Rohert Sr. 5th â€" Jean Bushell Winters, Kenneth Gordon, Fenwick. J. A. Loughecd. Sr. 4th â€" Norcen Grummett, Vio- let Duckett, Katie Benirosc, Nellie Alli.son. Bill Stenhen.s, Mahel Fen- wick, Ruth Londry. Sr. .3rd â€" Patricia Bemiose. Jr. 3rd â€" Thelma Morrison, Julia Priestly, Jim Brownridtro, Harold Brownri<^)fe, Jetmy Guy, Ernest Loujrheed. 2nd - Lura Londry, Eddie (luy, •Gladys Sly, Harry Pallister, Umeen Pedlar, George FenwicH Lois Mc- Ilmurray, Goorge Bemrose. Allison, Mervyn Sceley, Hazel Fen- wi<<k, Armand Sly, Lauru Allison. Sr. Primer â€" Janet Louphpcd Rela Duckett. Jr. Primer â€" Oival Cairns, Russel Seeley, Margaret Bemiose, Percy Loufrhced. Gertie ,S!y, Riley Sly. --G. E. MlUlX)N ^HOtlLDICE. S. S. NO. 4. ABTEME8IA . â- Ith â€" Lucille Goetz, R. J. Mc- Jr Nalty, Muriel Talbot*, Jack Bannon. Jr. 3rd â€" Alma Atkinson', Kugene Goetz, Winnie Awile*. Fred Bannon, I.,aurine Talbot*. 2nd â€" Ru«sell I^e. Sr. 2nd â€" Christina Duncan*. Jr. l.st â€" Helen Awde. Pr. â€" Anne Stinson*. denotes perfect attendance. â€" H. M. HENDERSON Teacher Rev. Mr. Bushell preached a fine sermon on Sunday, quite suitable for Armistice, hoping that world peace would enhance. Eighteen members of the Y.P.S. here attended the South Grey Y.P.S. rally in the United Church, Fle.sh- erton and enjoyed it very much. The address given by Rev. Graham of Toronto, on "Holiness unto the Lord" was very interesting. The solos and quartettes by Hanover boys were well received. The Y. P. S. held their annual meeting on Wednesday evening of last week . Rev. Bushell presided and took the worship period. The discussion topic "Is Chirstianity, Christian" was taken by Miss Anni- eta Turner, devotional convenor. During the business period, election of officers took place. Each member of the Y. P. S. wrote down 5 names of persons, whom they wanted to have as officers for the following year, then the ballots were counted. The five leading name.s were Miss Irene Dinsmore, Mrs. C. Martin, Miss Annieta Turner, ^r. Ted Campbell and -Mr. Fred Winfield. The follow- ing evening these five met together with Rev. Bushell and were each al- loted an office. The officers are as follows: Pres. â€" Mr. Ted Campbell. 1st Vice â€" (Christian Fellowship) Miss Dinsmore. 2nd Vice. â€" (Missions) M's. C. Martin. 3rd Vice â€" (Citizenship) Mr. Fred Winfield. 4th Vice â€" (Literary) Miss An- nieta Turner. Organist â€" Miss Hazel Turner. Sec. Treas â€" Miss Hazel Turner. There are 40 membera on the roll at present. Each convenor was given a committee. It was moved by Mrs. Martin and seconded by Annieta Turner that the Y. P. S. give the caretaker of the chuTch a suitable remuneration for the extra caretak- ing on account of Y.P.S. meetings being held. Carried. We wish the .'«)cicty success. Mr. Roy McMillan has returnctt home after working for the past three weeks near Owen Sound at road con- slriK'tion. Miss Rowena Magee Iras returned "!<>me from Kiinberley and has secur ed a position at Flesherton for I few weeks. ' Miss Gerliude Lever a nephew, Mr. Argyle Martin of Flesherton visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. We ftie pleased to hoar that there is cnntinued improvement in the con- <lilion of Mr. James Porleous' father, Mr. Kichanl Poiteous who is in Owen Sound hospital where he'undei-went a serious operation. We wish him a complete recovery. Mr. Sam MacDonald and friend, Miss M. Davis, of York County were visitors at the former's home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson and family, 12th line were Sunday vis- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and Irva. Mrs. James Fawcett is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. T. Ilazzard, near Stone'.s Line. Mrs. Wm. Hislop spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Magee 8lh Line. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawlor spent a few days in Toronto recently. 1 Visitors over the week end with Postmaster and Mrs. Richard Park and family were, Mr .and Mrs. H. Luck of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lome (ioodfellow of Nobleton, Mr. and Mrs. •lack Beaton from near Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park of Flesherton, Mrs. H. Shaw of Markdale, Mr. Har- old Shank of Toronto and Miss Jose- l)hine Mcl..achlan of Thorolt^, Miss McLachlan is a niece of Mrs. Park's, her home is in Vancouver and she is teaching school at Thorold. Mr. Robt. Jewett of Singhampton visited a fey days with Mr. Arthur T.4»wlor, 8th line. Mrs. Well Graham visited a few 4ays with Her sister, Mrs. Morgan, Flesherton. Miss I. Dinsmore spent the week end and Armistice day at her home near Thornbury. Miss Edith Fenwick visited a few days with her sister, Mrs. Russell Linton, at Victoriia Ciori|ers,| near, Dnndnlk. Mr. Willie Fenwick .spent the past few days in Owen Sound where he underwent an operation on a car- buncle near his eye. A numlier from here attended the Armistice service at Flesherton on Monday. Mi.ss Donalda Sloan was home from Ayton over the week end. Mr. Essland of Rob Roy visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Short. iai in the scnool nouse on Thursday evening of last week. A very pleasant time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker and little daughter oi Heathcote spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and family. They attended the cnurch service here in the morn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker and t5ianchc visited friends at Travei-s- ton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie; and Master Jack Laseelles and Miss Dorotny damieson of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's parents and at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Da\^es of Tor- onto were recent visitors with the latter's father. Mr. Jake Williams. Mr. I has Martin is recovering from an attack of erysipelas in the face, trom which he has been suffering the past week or so. On Friday ovening, a prayer meet- ing of the Gospel Holiness Workers was held at the home of Mr. Jonn Magee, Rev. Dean gave a fine address on "Prayer", Rev. Dean. Miss Dins- more and Mr. Hemphill led in prayer. Several gave testimbmals. The meet- ing was enjoyed by all present. On Monday evening the members of the caste of the play "Plain Sister" and their director, Mrs. C. Martin, enjoyed a fowl supper at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Will Walker. The evening was spent in games, music and social chat. MiBs Bernice Campbell has return- ed 'hom» atrter spending the pa«t week at Markdale. Messrs. P. Munshaw and E. Proctor nave gone north on a hunting excur- sion. Success. Mrs. Geo. Proctor of Kimberley and grand-daughter. Miss Marjorie Proctor were visitors with Mrs. E. t'roctor and children. Miss Gladys Williams was home from Markdale over the week end. THE REASON A young man walked pensively into the village post office. "Any letters for me today?" he asked the postmistress. "No, Harry*," she replied rather sharply. "Thats strange," he muirmured, half to himself. "Nothing strange about that, young man," replied the postmistress. "Yon haven't answered her last letter yet!" Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. Security is an insipid thing, though the overtaking and pos- sessing of a wish discovers the folly of the chase. SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE The Manchester (Eng.) Guardian drove its readers to the dictionary with this one: The small boy's teacher had asked her pupils for a sentence containing the word "veil". Amid numerous written replies one stood out above the remainderâ€" "The lady wore a veil on her deuterogamy." "Deuterogamy!" exclaimed the teacher. ",Where did you get that word, Johnny?" "Crossword puzzle, mum," replied Johnny, glibly. "But what does it mean?" The teacher turned to the diction- ary and found Johnny was correct. Rubber Footwear "Baby is born in farm well," says headline. Well, well isn't the stork a queer bird? ^^♦â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦<"C~X"i'<«.:»<>.x..:..>.M>.>«:..:.<>«>«>.>.;..!~j4>.><~:..M.«:'':'.:».><"j«.>«:.<5~>i:":««>. DANCE L.'iKler4he aus])iccs of the Hall coniniittec will be held in the FRATERNAL HALL FLESHERTON r Friday, November 22, 1935 1 V Music by the Parker â€" St.John Orcherlra OF OWEN SOUND 'Intended for Last Week) Kev. Bushell preached a fine ser- mon on Sunday to fair-sized audience. ine title of nis sermon was "The Lost Jesus". ^ T'he Kugenia Young People put on their play, "Plain Sister" in the Bap- tist church at Kock Mills on Tuesday ovening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. .). N. McRao and daughter, Miss Isobel and Miss Minnie Sinclair, also Mr. and Mrs. riordon McKinnon of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. H. Foestcr. Mr. and Mi's. Will tlenson and fam- ily visited at Maxwell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft and Everett of Flesherton visited at C. Martin's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin Purvis and family of Toronto also Mr. and Mrs Klwoo(> l'urv;is ^f Meaford visited over the week end with Mr. and iVIr.^ Kobt. Purvis. Mr. Willie Fenwick is spending a few days in Owen .Sound Miss Irene Dinsmore spent Sunday her home near Clarksburg. â€" Teacher: "As we walk outdoors on a cold winter's morning and look about us, whot do we see on every hand?" Pupil: "Gloves." . - FOR - November Weather FOR MEN AND BOYSâ€" Leather Top Rubbers. Rubber Boots. High Lace Rubbers. Lig'ht Rubbers â€" all new lasts. Jersey Overshoes. Cashmerette Overshoes. Heavy Work Rubbers FOR WOMEN AND CHILDRENâ€" Lifjht Rubber.s â€" all new lasts. Rubber Spla.shers. Fur Trimmed Goloshes. Velvet Goloshes. Jersey Cioloshcs. * - Cashmerette Goloshes. Rubber Boots. Full Range of Sizes. Popular Prices. F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont. 1 ).-incinf; commences at 9 p.m. ADMISSION:â€" 35c LUNCH EXTRA. i at at Mrs. C. tJraham visited friends t larksDurg on Sunday. 'I'he V. P. ». held a hallowe'en sdk- nal evening in the ba.'jon'.'nt of the church on Wednesday evening of last week. The meeting was in charge of 'he Literary convenor, Miss Phyllis l.raham. The evening was spent in gamoH and rontests after which all enjoyed themselves with taffy. Hcv eral guests cat?\e masqueraded. Miss Ida Benson as gent and Miss >Viniut(a Mai tin as ladv won first prize as llest couple in the masquer nde, receiving a box of cnndv. Mas- ter •Mniiny 'i'rAynor and Miss Kulh (iraham received second prize, which also was candv. The Hth Line unit of the Ladies Aid held n successful Hallowe'en soc- ...A SELECT LIST OF QUALITY FOODS AND HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS AT| |REAL MONEY SAVING PRICES, YOU CAN DEPEND UPON THE SUPERIOr| ISTORES FOR QUALITY, SERVICE AND ECONOMY. > ; H.\NDY AMMONIA 2 pkgs lie IVe Hive Golden Corn Syrup 2 lb. tin 16c My T. Nice Wheat Berries 5 lb pkg 23c You can depend on the Quality and Price of our sovernme'nt in- spected meats i)rices to continue: Roast Beef any kind 12ctb Boiling Beef lOctb Hamburg Steak fresh ground 2'lb â- â- â€¢ 25c Bologna 2tb 25c Maple Leaf Picnic Hams, .... 20ctb Maple Leaf Pork Sausage 21b 35c Sirloin Steak per lb 17c G. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 Cross & Blackwells .\s so lied SOUPS 3 cans 17c G'ood Quality Corn BROOMS while they last out at 3 for .... $1.00 COFFEE Our specialty Si'oiiiul while U wait 39 and 49c a lb. I t I f t I X I : I --M- i i

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