Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1935, p. 8

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.Wcdneschiy, November 13, K)35 THE FLEvSHERTON ADVANCE 's 4 Feversham Fair Result t FRVn •Talman Sweet apples. Jno. Brown, E. Buckimrham. 'WeaHhv ai>i)lus. Min- erva Walters, K. Buckimrham. Duch- ess apples, G. Ross. V. Seelev. Alex- ander appU»s. Jno. Bwwn, K. Buck- imrham. Wolf River anitles. Minerva ('altei-s. E. Buckiiielmnu .'^now an- ^.es. Minerva Walters. Jno. Brown. Russet apples. Minerva Walters. Jno. Brown. (Northern Spy apples. Min- erva Walters, Jno Brown. Pewaukee apples. Jno, Brown. Minerva Walters. D.\IRY .\ND OTHER I'RODK E Crock of butter, Mrs. E. Hawton. Mrs. F. JamiesoM. Pound orints .spec- ials, by T. Eaton Co., Mrs. E, Haw- ton; by R. W. SpriniTKav. Mrs. F. Jamie.'jon; bv Chns. K<>rton. Mrs. Alex Mullin: 4th. .Mrs. Wni. F'adden: r)th. Carrit! Kcrnahan. Home rendered lard -Mrs. F. .Seelev. Maple svrun. Mrs. Ruttle. R, Londrv- Maole suL'ar. Mrs. K, Seeley, AllAn McLean. Home made breadi, yeast risintr. Mrs. Wilfred Iiikstcr. Mrs. M. Nicholl. Home made bread. ^brown. Mrs. Alf. Hawton, Mrs. Inkster. Home made bread, fruit. Mrs. Nicholl. Mrs. Alf. Hawt*>n. Date bread. Mrs. E. Haw- ton. M. Walters. Nut bread. Mrs. F. Hawton. ('. Keriiahan. Orantce mar- malade. C. Kernahan. Mrs. Jas. Lone. Bakinjr powder biscuits. Mrs. Nicholl, Mrs. A .Hawton. Douehnuts. Mrs. A. Hawton. Bran muffins. Mrs. Nicholl. Wirs. A. Hawton. Plain cookies. Mrs. Kuckinirham, Mrs. E. Hawton. Oat- Fmeal cookies, C. 'Kemaha" Mrs. E. Hawton. Ginprer cookies. Mrs. F. Jamieson. Mrs. G. Macee. Variety fif tea or drop cakes. Mrs. E. Hawton. C. Kernahan. Tarts. Mrs. A. Hawton Mrs. G. Ma^ee. Jellv roll. M. Walters. Mrs. Wm. Fadden. Apple nie. Mrs. Buckineham .Mrs. E. Hawton. Lfemon nie. Mrs. Buckimrham. Mrs. A. Mull- in. Pumpkin pie. Mrs. Buckinebam. M. Walters. Raisin pie. Mrs. Buckinir- ham, .M. Walters. Meat nie. M-s. Ink- ster. Liirht layer cako Mr P. Jan^- lesf.n. Mrs. Inkster. Chocolate cake C. Kernahan. Mrs. Nicholl. Lt. fruit cake. Mrs. Inkster. C. Kernahan. Dark fnut cake, not iced. Mrs. Nicholls C. Kernahan. Vepretahie salad, M»s F. ."^eelev. Mrs. A. Mullin. One pint Peachps .Mrs. E. Hawton. .Mrs. Victor Hewpill. Pears. Mrs. F. .Seelev, .Mrs. M. Walters. Plums. Mrs. V. Hcwirill. Mrs. F. .Seelev. Cherries red. C. Ker- nahan Mrs. F. .Seelev. .Strawberries fUme). Mi-s. .Seeley, Mrs. Rift tie. Riisnberries. Mrs. J. Lonjr. C. Kerna- han. Annie iellv. Mrs. .Seelev C Kei. nahan Mixed nickles, Mrs. MaL'ee Mrs. J. Lontr. Tomato Catsup, Mrs Ruttle Mrs. .Seelev. Three varieties canned vetretaVjes. M. Walters, C Kernahan. Canned chicken. Mrs .Jam- ieson. Home made camlv. Mable Ross -Mrs. Seelev, Special.sâ€" By Robt. .Simn.^n Co best collection of bakinir. Mrs. Victor Hewpill; by Robt. Halt for best ralv ROCK MILLS Mrs. Jos. Park and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Patton ot£ Owin Somndi ar^d Mrs, Harry Watts of Walkerton were recent visitors with the former's dauKhter, Mrs. Dick Clark and fam- ily. Miss Julia Croft of Tjoronto spent a week at her parental home, Mr. Cat! Atkinson and three child- ren of Victoria Corners, Mr. Levi Betts anil Mr. and Mrs. Chas. New- ell visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and family of Ma.vwell. .Miss Mary Clark has returned home after spending .three weeks in Owen .Sound. Rev. cuul Mrs. True of MarkdaU were recent visitors i.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tllhos, Betts, Mr. D. E. Ritchie spent the week end and holiday at his home neai Durham. Mr. and .Mrs. Herb Betts and fam- ily spent a day recently with Mr, and Mrs. E. Binnington, Maxwell. A number from here attended the .â- Vrmistice service in Flesherton on Monday. (Intended for Last Week) The annual fowl supper which was held in the Baptist Church here on Tuesday evening of last week was a real success. IPe ladies provid- ed a bountiful supper witb plenty of fowl for everyone. A good program in and apple nie. Mrs. W. Fadden. LADIES' WORKâ€" -LSEFL'LL Crochet quilt. M. Walters. Quilt, cloth niece<l. Mrs. Ruttle. Mrs. Buck- ingham. Quilt, cotton pieced, Mrs. Mullen, M. Walters. Crazv nuilt. Mrs. Buckimrham. M. Walters. Comforter, wool filled. Mrs. F. Jamieson. Bed- spread, cotton, Mrs. Inkster. M. Walt- res. Hemming on table linon, Mrs. Chamn. Mr.s. Ruttle. House dre.ss. Mrs. Ruttle. Mrs. Nicholl. Child's dress, from old L^amicnt. Mrs. Ruttle. Mrs. Fadden. Child's coat from old gai-ment. Mrs. Ruttle. M. Walters. Flannelette pvi\ima suit, adiult, C. Kernahan. Mrs. Nicholl. Man's shirt. Mrs. A. Hawto- Mrs. Nicholl. Men's Wool socks, coarse. Mrs. E. Hawton, Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Men's wool socks fine. C. Kcrnahan. Men's mitts, coarse Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Wm. Fadden. Mitts, fine, M. Walters. Hooked rue. Mrs. Bert Porteous. Mrs. Ruttle. Hooked rug. wool. Mrs. F. Seelev. Mendinir torn cloth garment. Mrs. E. Hawton. Mendinir woollen hose, fine Mrs. A. Hawton, Women's Smock, Mrs, Nicholls. Special by W. I. fr.~ best work apron. C. "Kernahan, Mrs. D. Stephens Mrs, W. Fadden. was given wnen Eugenia Young t'eople presented tneir play "I'lain Sister ' which was well given and en- joyed by all. The orcnestra pro- vided splendid music for the evening. Hallowe'en passed off cpietly in this neighborhood a number of the young folks were out in costutne call- ing on me nouse noiders for the usual treats. We are pleased to report Mrs. John Kohcitson and Mrs. Art Porteous bom able to be home and doing nicely alter their recent operations tor goitre. (Jounceilor Robt. i'urvis had a num- ber of men employed a few days last week making repairs on Russell's hill widening and giavelling it. Mr. Uyrii I'roctor of Owen .Sound, spent a few days at the home of Mr. Ili'k CIpiU Miss Marguerite Croft ^^sited a lew days with her friend, Miss beila <./iarK. A social afternoon was held at the school on J hursday when a short program was given, followed by a geograirny match, after which games and contests were played. The teacher, Mr. Kitchie treated all to nuts and candy. A numner of vis- itors were present and thoroughly enjoyed tne afternoon. SAUGEEN JUNCTION ^ Mr. Tom and Joe Watson have fgone north to hunt. Mrs. Sandy Hopkins of Durham renewed acquaintances in this burg last week. Mi-s. Clark of Brampton accom- panied by her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Goodfellow is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Horn Watson, We are sorry to hear Miss Maggie Dow is sick, we hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Alma White underwent an operation for Goitre in St. Michael's hospital in Toronto last week, she is improving nicely. Mi.ss Mary John.son is visiting with Miss Maggie Dow. Mrs. Robt White visited last week in Toronto. A STEADY JOB Small Advcs. Bring Results Judge: "How long is it since you were in court before?" Prisoner: "Twenty years, your wor- ship." Judge: "And what have you been doing all this time?" A request for help in the search for a mi.ssing girl relates that when last seen she was a blonde. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Lt(l. CHAIN 8TDRB8 MarkdaliC, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Showing Seasonable Lines of New Merchandise AT PRICES THAT WILL MEET ALL COMPETITION MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS \ heavy Wliitc Rubber Hoot that will ffive lonj? wear. Extra vSpeeial, jKiir $2.15 CHILDREN'S RUBBER BOOTS 50 pairs only, sizes S lo 11, in Maek rubber; rej,'. $1.75. Special, pair .. $L00 MEN'S MONITOR RUBBERS Men's 6-eyelct Monitor Mij^h (irade Rubbers at money-saving prices; KX) prs. only of heavy imported .Monitor Rubbers that will iJ^'wi' jj^iMid wear. Special .... $1.69 Men's Monitor Rubbers, Canadian Made 500 pairs Men's extra heavy fall balast tongue Kubbers in a well-known Canad- ian make; sold regularly at $2,45 a pair; sizes 6 to 11. I'^xtra Si)ecial $1.89 DR. LOCKE SHOES FOR LADIES \Vc have added the well known line of Dr. Locke Shoes for Ladies. These arc â€" all hij;H K^ade shoes and conic in lasts A to i'*K. 'Hbcfse shoes are sold in the city from $7.50 to $10 a pair. To introduce them here we arc offerinj? them at, i)cr pair..... $4.95 Women's Wool and Plated Hose W^mien's Wool and I'lated Hose at a low price; .50 doz., some all-wool and .some wool and rayon mixed; all sizes and colors in lot. Ertra Special, pair .... 25c. Children's Pure Wool & Cashmere Hose At a low price. .^0 doz. fine wool hose in fawn and black, sizes A to 8^'. regular y)r value. K\t ra Special, pair 25c Children's Black Cotton Bloomers .\t a low price. 15 doz. fine (luality black collon bloomers, sizes 6 to 14 years of a^e; a ^ood wcarinj.? jjfarnient. Kxtra Sjjecial 18c; 2 for 35c Quilt Size Cotton Batts 72x90 .•\ fine (piality bat at a low ])rice. Kxtra Special 49c Table Oilcloth at Less than Market Price .^00 yards fine (piality Hable Oilcloth in 54 in. width; a K'ood raufje of patterns from which to choose. Special, yard 49c HILL'S GROCERY SPECIALS I'Ve.sh Soda I'iscuits in 1 lb. pk^s. 2 for 25 Choice Mince'mcat 2 lbs. for 25c 5 lb. Pail Clover TToney .39c 10 lb. Tail Clover Honey 75c Sunlij.,dit vSo.'ip 3 for 19c 1 larj-e pk^, Chipso and 1 cake Calay vSoap for 23c jewel or Stiowflake .Shorteninp; ,... 14c lb. ]"rebli Dales 5 lbs. for 25c Ilif;h r.rade Japan Rice .......i'.'.'.: S lbs. 25c 6 Jelly Powders for 25c 1 can Peas, 1 Corn, 1 T(unatoc,s 25c Larjj^e bar Castile Soap for 10c MAXWELL Miss Oonelda McDonald spent last Sunday at her parental home here, Mrs. P. I'hibaudeau visited on Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Stew- art. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller were vis- itors with Dr. and Mrs. Bryce at Zurich on Sunday, also at Lucknow. .Miss Marion Miller is under the Doctor'.s care with a case of tonsil- itis. Miss Marion Shaw of Lions Head was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'fl. J- Fisher over the holiday week end. Miss Hattie McRae of Toronto si)ent the week end with her mother here. Keep in mind the St. John's Ladies Aid bazaar on Saturday, November 30, 11135. Mr. and Mrs. Huctwith of Forest moved last week and will reside with the letter's mother, Mrs. Sam Mc- MuUen. Mrs. P'red McTavish of Regina who has been visiting in the east for the past few weeks will return to her home in the west this week. Visitors with Mrs. Donald McLeod wei^ Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and daughter Isobel and Mrs. P. T'.iibaudeau. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cammadge and daughter, Noreen, and Miss Evelyn .Schultz of Mt. Forest ;-pent the week end w'ith Mr. and Mrs. % J. Fisher. Miss Margaret Robertson of Tor- onto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. James and Mrs. Robert- .son, in town. Miss Georgina Blackburn is visit- ing with her aunt, Mrs. C. White, at Waubaushene and is improving from her recent serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson and fam- ily spent the week end with Mrs. Watson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Craven^ Mrs. Jos. McMullen and daughter, Isobel, Mrs. John McMullen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ben- tham. Miss Alice Heard, w-ho is attending the Ontario College of Education in Toronto was home for the silver an- niversary of her parents, as was Mi.'^s Helen, who teaches at Vamey. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Neilson, Miss .Marjory and Murray Neilson of Wes- ton and Mrs. A. McLean of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. John .McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fawcett, Mr. Clai'ence Fawcett of Collingwood and Miss Edna Pringle of the Colling- wood hospital staff were vjjlcome visitors in town on Monday. Visitors with Mrs. A. Gilchrist were: Mrs. P. Thibaudeau, Mrs. J. Thibaudeau, Mi'. Gordon IJhibaudeau Miss Edna Thibaudeau, Miss Wells and Mrs. H. Beard. St. John's United Church W.M.S will present a Bibical drama entitled "He Came Unto His Father" at the evening service in. the church on Sun- day, November 24th, Mr. G, Griffcn, .Aliss Ruby Aiken- hcad and JVliss Betty Keith of Tor- onto were the guests of Mr, and Mrs,} B'. H. W. Hickling over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigoe and two <laughters ijf Delhi, Mr. Ray Perigoe and Miss Elsie Alton of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alexan- der of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stew- art, The Ladies Aid will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, .'VIex. English, on Wednescday, Nov. 20th. Lunch Com.: Cake Mrs, Wal- lace Fisher, Mrs. Sam Fisher. Sand,: Mrs. Chas Hanlcy, Mrs. Ned Croft. Mr. A. B. Clark, manager of a Bank of Tbronto branch, in Toronto, and Mr. Guardhouse, also of Toronto, attended the memorial service here and visited with Mr. and Mrs. O, W, Phillips, Mr. Clarkse was formerly employed in the Bank of Commerce here. The Woman's Missionary meetine will be held in St. John's United church, today, (Wednesday) instead of the third Thursday; Miss Ella Led- iard of Kanazawa, Japan, now home on furlough in Owen Sound will ad- dress the auxiliary. Misa I^ediard is of this Pre.sibyterial, is on« of us, so a goo<l attendance is hoped for. Visitors alw'ay.s welcomw. WAY OF ALL HUSBANDS Jones â€" I've come to the condusiori that women are puzzles. Smith â€" ^So have I. I'vp had to give several of them up. The W. A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. E. Betta on Thursday, Nov. 7 with a good at- tendance. The Pres., Mrs. Bushel!, presiding. Considerable business was transacted, the members were divided into three grouas for the next year, the following ladies being captains of their group's, Mrs, E. Betts, Mrs. J. Stephen and Mr.s. R. Acheson. The W. A. purpose c|uilt- ing two quilt.s On Nov. 20th in the church hall. Mr. and Mirs. .Andrew Mjorrison and family of Toronto are visiting relatives here. Mr. Charlie Saigeohn of Northern Ontario visited with his father hert over the week end. Miss Addie Huff of Southampton is visiting hn- sister, Mrs. W. Kerton for a month. Mrs. F. Seeley has returned from Detroit where she has been visiting friends. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. T. Kerton on Thursday, Nov 14th. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Huff and daughter Addie and tnend of ^outnampton visited tne former's daughters, Mrs. N. Cairns, and Mrs. Wm. Kei-ton, on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Whitehead of Mark- dale is visiting her aunt, Mrs. K. iJetts, Miss Mabel Ross left this week for Weston, where she has secured a po- sition for the winter. Mr. Robert Priestly, Jr. has gone north with the deer hunters. We W«fi tnem success. The W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Betts on Thursday, Nov- ember 7. attended and all spent an enjoyable evening. Miss Beatrice Bushell of Toronto visited with l»er parents, Rev. and Mrs. Bustiell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poole. Lillian and Ronald, Mr. Henry Heron, spent a day in "Toronto last week. Mrs. Heron who was visiting in Toronto, returned home with them. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulligan and family of Melancthon were visitors on Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grummett and family. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binnington on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Hei*) Betts and family, Kock Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt of Flesherton and Miss Annie Kobertson. Mr. Milton Shouldice spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Londry and family. Mr. George .^kitt of Flesherton vis- ited en Sunday with nis friend, Mr. Keith Robertson, .'lUe Hallowe'en party which -was held at the home of Mr. anci Mrs John Stephens, fourthline was largely Visitors for the holiday at Milton Bannon's were, Doris Bannon, teacher of Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Port Rowan, John Robinson, Hamilton_ Delbert and George Bannon, Dundalk. Mr. Wm. Guest of Maine is visiting at Mr. Jas. Bests. Mr. Best is not Very well, Mr?. Best is very much the same as she has been. The ladies of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Albert Stevens for their November meeting and election of officers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tali . t arcvmp- anied by Mr. and Mrs. Clem Living- ston were at Orangeville on Sunday to visit Mrs. John Livingston who is in the hospital there pending an operation. Mr. Wm. Ludlow of Woodstock vis- ited relatives in our burg last week. Mrs. Albert Stinson and 'Ann re- turned to Bright with him to visit her daughter, Mrs. Mel Hawe. Miss Marie Cook of Toronto has returned from her trip to California and Alaska and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson. NEW STARLING SCARING STUNT Ornithologists at Belleville the other day were quite excited till they learned the black and yellow birds they had seen around were only a farmer's idea of scaring starlings away. As a matter of fact the queer birds are starlings themselves. The farmer caught them in a trap and painted the lower half of their gleam- ing black bodies a brilliant yellow. Other starlings just can't stand the sight of them, and the pariah star- lings are flying miserably about, shunned by their comrades. T'he yellow-black starlings are even caus- ing their more conservatively dressed brethren to seek other climates where such radicalism among starlings is unknown. That was the farmer's idea. Some people are so heavenly mind- ed that they are of no earthly use. j Small Advts. FOR SALE I FOR SALE 24 young nit,s, five weeks old. â€" James L. Irvintr, Flesherton, R,R. 2. Oxford Down ram lamb,. â€" J. A. Lever, Flesherton. FOR SALE House and stable for sale in Ceylon with two acres of land, reasonable; eniiuire from J. D. McLood, Ceylon. "" FOR SALE "Only a few" Aberdeen Angus Bulls, from five to eight months old, terms. â€" Herb Corbett, Pi-oton, Ont. HOUSE FOR RENT Eight room house in Flesherton, all modern conveniences, â€" A, Down, Flesherton. FOR SALE Hupmobile Sedan, will sell cheap, ttt close estat«. â€" Apply to Mr. Jas. Ifc;s, Fevershaitl. FOR SALE OK RENT Registered Dorset ram three yeai-s old, aLso nine roomed house near Kut-enia for rcntj â€" Fied Jamieson, I'Jiigenia, phone, Feversham 5 r 24. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lors adjoining the same, will sacrifice for $250.00 cash.â€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave,, Toronto. LOST y sheep strayed from the farm of Donald Stewart, Kriceville, Reward of $6 as to their whereabouts. Tel- ephone, Oan Campbell, flesherton, IfJ r H\, or write Archie Stewart, Proton R. R. No. 3. PROPERTY FOR SALE~~ In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a largt barn with cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. If this new Act goes through it will cause more unemployment than ever." The crocodile that ajr^Howcd an Ttalinn spy is now in possession of a lot of inside information. So live that the folks in your oom- munity would rather take a bust of you than at you. FARM FOR SALE OR REl^T Two hundred acres, good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, steel staun- chions, windmill, water in pasture, 170 acre.s under cultivation, on the Fourth Line of Osprey, one mile east of Mc- Intyre, â€" Apply, K. Rinn, Singhampton P,0., R. R. No. 1. FOR SALE Young Oxford Dow-n ram, pure- bred.â€" Walter Poole, Maxwell, phone- Feversham 7 r 32. FOR SALE Dressed chickens for sale. â€" F. J. Collinson, Phone, Flesherton, 21 r 3.. HOG FOR SERVICE Regristered Berkshire hog,, govern- ment inspected. Tewns $1.00 if pai* within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred an*^ government inspected; terms: casl* 75c.; charged $1.00, â€" ,WES. SMITH, Rock MilU. BUSINESS CARDS DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr, Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69 DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate of Torono Uni- versity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance at northwest side of residence, Toronto Street, Flesh- erton. Telephone, 20W. F. M. EAGLESON ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND* SURVEYOR Registered, Professional Engineer, Surveys, Reports, Estimates. Plans. Telephone, 31, ORANGEVILLE, Ont GOOD FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres of good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, windmill, never failing well, SO acres under cultivation balance hardwood. Lot 37 con, 4 Artemesia. apply to Albert Blackburn, R. R, No. 1, Max- well P.O., Ontario. WM. KAITTING _ Licensed Auctioneer "^ for the county of Grey. All sales conducted on Business principles all parties requiring work done on the above lines will do well to call at the Advance Office or write Wm. Kait- ting. Eugenia, 'Phone 43 â€" 11 > Prince Arthur Lodge No, 888, A.F. &A.M.. meets in the Fraternal Hall, Fle.^herton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., .\lcx. Cameron; Secretary, H. A. McCauley, ^

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