Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1935, p. 8

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Wednesday, Deoember 4, 1935 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE . 3 School Reports FLESHERTON I'l BLIC SCHOOL moil, Ted Banks, Mai^aret Meggitt, Eileen McLean absent, EI ma Talbot absent. Sl'UINGHILL . SCHOOL ..KEPOKT 4th Class â€" Aileen Hopkins (H) Ben Bellamy (H) and Iva Brown (H) equal, Alan Chappie, Ruth Tiirney.j Alice Thompson, Evelyn Leavell, Jack Hopkins, Delmar McLean. Thelma Miller, Eldon P^ishcr and Jack Loucke equal, Dorothy Welton, Dorothy Pat- ton. Oly McDonald, Betty Teet«r, Fred Thompson. Sr. 3 â€" Joe Banks, Jim Thurston, Bemico Leavell, Fred Conking, Stew- art McRae, Florence Newell, Marjorie Thistlethwaite. Jr. 3 â€" Diana Goldsborouph (H), Jean Duncan (H), Jean McTavish, Dori.s Loucks, Jean Loucks, Margaret Thompson, Marjorie Newell, Bob Banks. Sr. 2 â€" Earle Thurston, Arlene Taylor, Carman Ixjucks, Ted Mc- Cracken, Ethel Taylor, Evison Wilson, Ruth Leavell absent. Jr. 2 â€" Elmer Clark, Kon Henry, Munroe .Scott, Margaret Turney. Edna Thompson, Jack McDonald Mary Banks, Stan McLean abt^ent. Ist â€" Jean McCracken, Helen Brown, Rob Meggitt, Marjorie Brack- enbury absent. Genevieve Milne ab- sent, Gordon Dungey absent. Sr. Pr. â€" George Potter, Edmund Thompson, George Meggltt, N'orman Dungey absent. Jr. Pr. â€" Evelyn McTavish, Boh Turney, Gordon Miller, Billie Solo- oth â€" Winnifred Pattison. Sr. 4th â€" Roy Best, * Lloyd Allen, Keith Parker, Lorcnu Johnson, Eileen Pattison (absent). Sr. 3rd â€" Bruce Beard. Jr. 3rd â€" Ruth Blackburn, Edna Doupe. Leone Johnson, Grace Parker (absent). 2nd â€" Elgin Waller. Si. 1st â€" *Euiiice .\llen, Bernice Johnson, 'Shirley Hindle, Allister Pattison (absent). Jr. 1st -- Gordon Waller, Shirley Marriot (absent). Pr. â€" Eva Doupe, *Jean Hindle Elmer Best and Ruth Marriott (ab- sent.) * Denotes perfect atteudance. â€"INEZ BROWIN". Teacher S. a. NO. 17. ARTEMESIA DON'T BE MISLED SHII' YOUR Live Stock TO THE OPEN .MARKEl Where it will be sold in coni- Detition by our most capain;' salesmanshio backed up by our lonir experience during the past 42 years. YOU MAY AS WELL HAVE THE BE.ST WHEN THE COST IS JU.ST TJIE SAME. Canada's Leading Livestock Saltsmen. Established in 189.3. Dunn&Levack Ltd. UNION ST(M K YARDS, WEST TORONTO. Sr. 4th â€" Fred BetU. Jr. 4th â€" Hazel Wilkinson, Loreen English, Orval Russell, Laura Pedlar, Ted Croft. i Sr. 3rd â€" Laura Porteous, Eleanor Russell, Harold Clark, Bessie Russell, j Phyllis Partridge, Arthur Betts. Jr. 3rd â€" Edna Partridge, Hilda Betts, Edna Croft, Chester Shier, .Mansell Atkinson. Sr. 2nd â€" Amanda Fisher, Helen Betts, Han-y Fisher, Harold Betts, Lillian Fisher, Jack Porteoue, Evelyn Phillips, Vernon Atkinson, Jean Phillips. Jr. 2nd â€" Russell Shier, Edna Shier. Firstâ€" Edgar Betts, Marie Phil- lips, Betty White, Mabel Chard. Sr. Pr. â€" Billy Smith, Viva At- kinson. Jr. Pr. â€" Billy Clark, Frank Eng- lish. â€"DANIEL RITCHIE, Teacher S. S. NO. 4, ARTE.MESIA Jr. 4 â€" Lucille Cloetz 83, Muriel Talbbt 68, R. J. McNalty 03, Jack Bannon C2. Jr. 3 â€" Alma Atkinson 83, Fred Bannon 82, Winnie Awde 75, Laurine Talbot fiy, Eugene Goetz 62. Jr. 2 â€" Russell Le.e 72. Sr. 1 â€" Christina Duncan 80. Jr. 1 â€" Helen Awde 6.5. Pr. â€" Anne Stinson 89. â€" H. M. HENDERSON, Teacher. Mr. W. J. Stewart spent the past week in Toronto, Mr. W. J. Jamieson of Toronto is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Robt McMaster, in town. Mrs. W. Boyd spent several days in Toronto the past week with her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Cro.ssley. .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badgerow and (luughtcr of Toronto visited their many friends over the week end. Dr. and Mrs. Ern Armstrong of Cobalt were visitors over the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Mr. John C. Craven of Holland, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mc- Mullen and Isobel of Holland Centre, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bentham. The bazaar which was held by the Woman's Association in St. John's United Church on Saturday was quite successful; tea was .'lervud and a pleasant social time was spent over seventy dollars was realized. Miss Ann Jane Wright, who has been ill for some time with pernicious anaemia, was removed last week to the home of her niece, Mrs. Laura Hopkins, at Meaford. Miss Wright is rapidly recovering from her illness. The annual Christmas dance of the Fleshetron Fraternal Hall Committee will be held in Flesherton, Christmas night. High class orchestra and special features for the big event. Full paiticulars will be given later. Carnation Lodge No. 54.'), L.O.B.A. Flesherton, will pack a box of fruit on December 10th for the L. O. L. < rphanage at Richmond Hill. If any friends wish to assist in this good work, jars of fruit may be left at F. W. Duncan's hardware store, or it more convenient may be left at the home of Mrs. T. J. Fisher. EUGENIA >•>*>•>•: MUSICAL? "But madam. I'm afraid you've made a mistake. I'm a doctor, cer- tainly, but I'm a Doctor of Music." "I know that," replied the old lady, "and that's why I came to you, I've a terrible singing in my ears." THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN VTOBBa Markdal€, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Showing Many New Lines of Winter Merchand' at a Big Saving on Regular Prices e READY TO WEAR DEPARTMENT AO only, ladies' Winter Coat.s in all the newest (lesiji'iis. J'hese coats wen- rc- f>ularly i)riceci from $12. % to SU.^S. Sp*sial November Clearance $9.85. DRESSES! DRESSES! LOT 1. 50 only, Roii^h Crepe Drosse.s, made to sell at $3.9.S and $4.95, all brand new. Extra Special at $2.95 LO'l' 2. 25 only, new silk Crepe Dresses of llie better tpialily, values in the lot up to $14..S(). All the newest shades. Extra Special $8.95 MEN'S DEPAKTMENT Overcoats for Men and Boys We have a lull ranj^e of Winter Over- coats in all the new tube effects. Pure Wool l<"nf,dish Cloths, and the values are more than ri^-ht. Sec the new range at $14.95 RUBBERS! RUBBERS Men's Monitor, 6 eyelet Rimi Kubbers. Kxtra special at $1.69 and $1.89. Hoys in 6 eyelet for $1.69 Youths in si/e 11â€"13 for $1.39 You save money when you btiy your Rubbers at IliU's Women's Velvet Goloshes for $2.95 pr. Tust around .SO prs. of Women's r.l:uk (Ivet C.oloshc's, fur trim, a golosh that SPECIAL 25c SALE ' 100 i)airs Women's Oxfords and strap slippers at a ])r 25c 100 pairs of C.irl's lli^di Top T.oots. at per pair 25c 500 i)airs of Women's and Children's Wool Hose, per pair ..*•. 25c 5(X) yards extra heavy I''*lannelette. 3f) inches wide per yard 25c 500 i)airs, Men's Wool Work vSocks. a j^ood heavy weipfht, per pair 25c 200 pairs. Women's Celanese Silk Hose, i)er i)air 25c These lines are all extra special, be sure and get your share. . . • V' wi rood .service. Extra Special, pr *^»=» GROCERY SPECIALS | r.ood black pepper a lb 25c MAiny flowers soap, 4 cakes and wash | cloth for 25c Mixed cut pCel, per lb 20c vSoda biscuits .. 2 lbs. for 25c Canned numokin 2 for lO*- Dates 5 lbs. for 25c Clarke's Pork & Beans, 16 oz .... 4 for 25c Japan Rice . 5 lbs. for 25c 10 lb pail, lUtckwheat llono\ for 60c | Choice Mincemeat .2 lbs. for 25c 1 I.aruc l>ottle' Orange Marmalade for 21c | Jellv Powder, all flavours . 6 for 25c 1 Our pastor, Rev. Albert Buahell, Mrs. Bushell and family motored to Toronto last week to attend a double weddinjf, that of their eldest dau^htei Miss Beatrice Bushell, who was un- ited in marriafje to Mr. Fred Wilgua, and their son Mr. Albert Bushell Jr to Miss Betty Harley. The mar- iiufces which took place at the Harley A8side'iu;e< in noi'th Toi'tontbj wiere solemnized by Rev. Bushell, (father of Beatrice and Albert). The happy young couples will reside in Toronto. We extend to them oui- heartiest conKratulations and wish them many hajjpy years of wedded life. There was considerable excitement around the 10th and 12th concessions of Artemesia on Saturday evening, when two Flesherton boys, Jim Thur- ston, 11 year old son of Mr. F. J Thuiston and Delmar McClean, 12 year old son of Mr. Chas. McClean were lost in a swamp or bush while Mr. McClean was working in the bush in the afternoon. In .some manner the boys wandered away. Search parties were organized and groups with flash-lights and lantems start- ed out. Bonfires were lighted to attract the boys. The boys were discovered about 8.30 o'clock and brought safely home, none the worse of their adventure. On their return trip from Toronto, on Saturday night/ R'ev. Mr. and Mrs. Bushell and family met with a nasty accident, their car colliding with a car which was proceeding south of the Elbow Hill. Mr. Bushell's car was badly damaged. The Bush- ell family were taken to the home oi Rev. H. O. Hutchinson of Shelburne who kindly brought the family home to Maxwell. All suffered severe bruises and cuts but nothing of a ser- ious nature. Mr. Bushell was able to occupy the pulpit here on Sunday as well as at his other appointments. We wish the family a speedy recov- ery from their injuries. Mrs. Wm. Hislop and granddaugh- teis, the Misses Melrose and Bernice Campbell spent the past week with the former's brother, Mr. George McKonzie, Ceylon. Congratulations to the members of the .Artemesia Council who have been elected by acclamation for anothei year. The Box Social and concert at the 8th line school on Friday evening cf last week, under the auspices ot the 8th line unit of the Woman's As- sociation was a success. Proceeds amounted to $5.00. .All present had a very enjoyable time. Glad to report Reggie and Doris Fawcett able to be back to school again after a week's illness with the cold. -^ Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hanley spent a few days in Toronto and attended the Winter Fair. Miss Ruby Akitt of Flesherton spent a few days at the Hanley home Mrs. Wm. Benson visited friends near Brewster's Lake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt, Lyle and Ivan were Sunday visitors with friends near Rob Roy. Miss Alma Essland who has speni the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt, returned to Rob Roy on Sun- day. The Fugenia dramatists, Mrs. H. ( 9 r. 42. K. R Foester, Miss M. Benson, Miss H. Turner, Mr. and Mr.-;. W. Walker, Mr. W. Hanley, Mr. J. Hawkins and Ted Campbell and their director, Mrs. C. Martin staged their play, "Plain Sister'' in Heathcote on Tuesday evening of last week. The play was well received. A dainty lunch was served by the Heathcote Women's Institute to the the Eugenia people, after the ylay. Mr. Willie Fenwick has returned home after spending a couple of days at Chatsworth. I Mi.ss Queenie Kaitting of Kilsyth and friend spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Will KaiUing and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar ol Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Fenwick and family. Mrs. Fenwick who has spent a few days in Owen Sound returned home. Miss Edith Fenwick accompanied them back tb Owen Sound to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Chard and little Miss Mabel of Rock Mills were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler and Arthur. Miss Muriel Fenwick has gone to Owen Sound to spend some time. Mr. Geo. Lawler received the sad news of the recent death of his neph- cw, Mr. Harry Porter of Montreal. The late Mr. Porter who was a young man of 17 years of age leaves to mourn his loss his beloved wife and three of a family. His untimely death was caused by a sti-oke. We extend our sympathy to those left in sad bereavement. .At the Y.P.S. on Wednesday even- injr of Inst week, there was a fair attendanre. Rev. Bushell presided for Ml'. Ted Campbell and took the worship period. Scripture passages the di.scussion period, the topic ot which was "Backward Glance," For- eign Missions. .She also read a poem "A Hymn for the New Age," During the business period it was moved by Mrs. Martin and seconded by Miss Irene Dinsmore, that Miss Evelyn Campbell act as assistant secretary- rri<easureri l^iss Irlane 'Dinsmore presided at the organ owing to the ab.sence of the organist. Miss Hazel Turner. Recreation consisted of a fruit contest which was quite inter- esting. The meeting closed in th<? usual way. U. S. S. NO. 15. PROTON Sr. 4th â€" Verna Baker*, Harold Sims, Hilda Sims*, Joe .Stainsby*, Ernie Barker*, Mae Corbett, Ken Sims, Kathleen Barker, Arelene Whyte. Jr. 4th â€" Vern Corbett, Marjorie Bates, Clarence White. Sr. .'?rd â€" Jacqueline Sims, Laurie Sims*. Sr. 2nd â€" Fred Bachelor*, Jack Baiker, Helen Pevey, Zella Lyons*,. Irene White. Jr. 2nd â€" Kenneth Bates, Mar- vella White. Jr. 1st â€" Margaret Mills*, Velma Sewell*, Cecil Barker*, Henrietta Sims*, Mollean McNalty, Bert Bad- gerow*. Sr. Pr. â€" June McNalty, Marion Lyons, Marion Baker. Jr. Pr. â€" Ruth Lyons*. * Denotes perfect attendance. â€" G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher Teacher â€" "Johnny, use the word 'miniature' in a sentence. Johnny â€" "Is Minnie a chewer of AGENTS WANTED Agents wanted to sell Anker- Hoi ths Cream Separ< ators in Flesherton district, â€" â-  Apply to district apfent, J. B. Taylor, Walkerton, Ont. 'XK-: •.»«.:».:».:~>.:~:~:-*-:' Small Advts. t y ♦ WANTED Cattle to feed for winter. Two sows for sale. â€" Apply to J- A. Gow^an- lock, R. R. 3, Proton. * FX)R SALE Quebec heater, in good condition. â€" Ed. Fisher Flesherton. FOR SALE Young pigs, just weaned. â€" Gordon McMullen, Duncan R. R. 1, phone 158 ring 5, Thornbury. FOR SALE "Only a few" Aberdeen Angus Bulls, from five to eight months old, terms.â€" Herb Corbett, Proton, Ont. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 3 h.p. F. â€" M. gasoline engine, will exchange for windmill. â€" Ward Har- rison, Proton Station. FOR SALE Jersey heifer one week old. â€" Wm, Turney, Flesherton. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS Hunting, fishing, trapping or tres- passing in any way on lots 2, 3 and 4, concession 3, Euphrasia, is strictly prohibited. â€" Ralph Harbottle, Prop. â-  ^ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A good Renfrew cooking range, for sale, or exchange for stock, also good extension table. â€" Apply to Mrs. Jos. Thompson, Feversham Ontario. HOUND FOR SALE Purebred Fox Hound, 4 years old, guaranteed to hunt fox or rabbits. $25 cash.â€" H. Best, 112 Carlaw Ave., Toronto. FOB SALE Hupmobile Sedan, will sell cheap, to close estate.â€" Apply to Mr. Jas. Long. Feversham. TRADE Stewart Warner, G tube battery radio, single dial control, with tubes and speaker for rabdel T. Ford, coach or sedan, 192<> or li'27 model, or Chevrolet 1925, 1926 or 1927 model.â€" William Lionel Osborne, Box 17. Phone 17 r. 2 Feversham. FOR SALE One five year old grey cow just freshened, also others about due, good cutter with doors. Sam Grummett, Flesherton, R. R. No. 1. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice for $250.00 cash.â€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. STRAYED From the Commons, about last of August, red steer, two years old. Any information, please phone Feversham, W. Hawkins. FOR SALE Guelph cook stove, almost new, with ci-e»ni enamel finish, (wood). Cost $00, will sell for $40.â€" H. Best, 112 Carlaw Ave., Toronto, or see Geo. Johnston, Rock Mills. LOST 9 sheep strayed from the farm of Donald ."Stewart, friceviUe. Keward of $5 as to their whereabouts. Tel- ephone, Oan Uampbell, flesherton, 2*J r 31, or write Archie Stewart, Proton R. R. No. 3. LOST OR STRAYED On November 16th, 1935, there strayed from my place, one mile east of Wareham, one small short hair yellow dog, with white ring around neck, also white tip on end of tail; all four paws white. Any informa- tion of his whereabouts would be ap- preciated by Wm. Wilson, Proton Station, R. R. 2. FOR SALE OR RENT Good house and lot in Flesherton with good barn and about two acres of land for sale or rent; drilled well; will sell at low price for quick sale; also brooder house 12 xl4 feet anJ two electric incubators both 60O egg capacity.â€" Apply to Earl or Roy Best, '^ *^ 3, Priceville. R. R. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog,, govern- ment inspected. Te»ms f 1.00 if pai<J within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. were read by Mi.ss Ida Benson and iMiss Jean Tudor. Mrs. Martin took PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a largt barn with cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Ptaceville. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Two hundred acres, good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, steel staun chions, windmill, water in pasture, 170 acres under cultivation, on the Fourth Line of Osprey, one mile east of Mc- Intyre.â€" Apply, K. Rinn, Singhampton P.O., R. R. No. 1. GOOD FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres of good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, windmill, never failing well, 80 acres under cultivation balance hardwood. Lot 37 con. 4 Artemesia. apply to Albert Blackburn, R. R. No. 1, Max- well P.O., Ontario. CAMK ASTRAY Came to the premises of the under- signed on lot 24, Con. 13, Artemesia, on or about the latter part of June one yearling heifer. Owner provt property, pay expenses and take tht .-am^ away.â€" J. J. Hislop, Maxwell. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cask 75c.; charged $1.00. -,WES. SMITH, Rock MilU, BUSINESS CARDS DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST "" OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69 I DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate of Torono Uni- versity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance at northwest side of residente, Toronto Street, Flesli- erton. Telephone, 20W. F. M. EAGLESON ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR Registered, Professional Engineer, Surveys, Reports, Estimates, Plans. Telephone, 31, ORANGEVILLE, Ont WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer "^ for the county of Gray. AH sales conducted on Business principles all parties requiring work done on the above lines will do well to call at the Advance Office or write Wm. Kait- ting. Eugenia, 'Phone 43 â€" 11 Prince Arthur Lodge No. 833, A.P. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday it each month. W.M., Alex. Cameron; Secretary, H. A. McCauley. ) i?S5C"

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