Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1935, p. 4

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.Wednesdav, December 18, 1935 THK FI.KSHF.RTON ADVANCE Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTavish were in Toronto on Monday. Miss MintTva Whcwtll spent the wt-ek cnH .with her sister, Myrtle in Toronto. Mr, Waiter Saigeon of Forward, Sasl<,. is visitiiijT with Mr. and Mrs. Jiobt. Aiexaiitler and family. We were pleased to see Mr. Rich- ard Porteous down town on Satirr- dav for the first time since his ser- ious illness several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and Miss Aleda left on Saturday to sjiend the winter in Toronto. Mr. Mitchell has improved nicely after sufferinc a fractured rib from a fall two weeks ago. The best wishes of The Advance is tendered Mr. Joseph Blakeley. who celebrated his 80th birthday on Fri- day of last week. May he continue in jfood health for many more years to come. The Woman's Missionary Society of St. John's Church will meet in the schoolroom on Thursday (tomorrow) at •'( P.M. for election of officers; a Christmas i>roKram has been pre- via red to which we invite ladies of the village. Owini: to the aerious illness of Rev. W. J. Scott last Sunday, Mrs. E. C. Murray took the morning ser- vice in St. John's United Church, and spoke on the threefold watchword of the W. M. S.. "The World fo» Christ." "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts," and "Whatsoever lie saith unto you, do it." It was a wQnder- fully fine addr«ss, delivered in a clear Voice and was most convincinR. Many expression? of api)recialion of the special Christmas shopping edition of The Advance were express- ed to the editor last week. It was the first time in the history of this paper that ten pages, all printed in this office were produced It was a tremendous undei-taking for our small staff and was off the press to catch most of the mails on Wednesday. We thank all those who spoke kindly of the special edition, at the same time hoping that the advertising of the merchants in Flesherton will assist materially in satisfying the demand of the Christmas buyers who patron- ize the stores. Come to Flesherton and be a satisfied shopper. Beautiful Tribute In memory of the late Mrs. A. D. llhurston. nee Blanche Walker, form- erly of Kugeiiia, the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of Moivlreal VVest United Church nresented her husband with nil "In Memoriam" certificate and the following letter of tribute, which will be of interest to her many friends at Kugenia, Toronto, Mon- treal and other centres: "In presenting this "In Memoriam" of Mrs. IVurston to the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada, we feel that we are honoring the memory of one who was dear tQ all. who knew her. Her faithful and willing service in every department of our church's activities was giveji graciously and unstinting- ly. "Her very face revealed the beauty of her character, and the .ioy she felt in service ffy others. "It might be said of her, as the ideal WQCjan described in Proverbs. 'In her tongue was the law of kind- ness. " "Passing away suddenly last sum- mer she has left with us precious memories of life joyously and un- pj-udgingly given to the work of the Master, whom she loved so well." Taxes Were Paid Saturday was the last day for the extracting of th_e l'J35 taxes from property owners before the extra a- mount is added for non-payment. Tax- es have been coming in very well during the past couple of weeks, with the big rush taking place on Saturday. Flesherton' Village taxes are pay- able half by December 14th and the other half before April 1st. 11)3G, but the December instalment has to be naid if the property owner does not wish interest to be added and desires the privilege of having three and a half months extra to pay the remain- der of his taxes. Artemesia Uxes are due to be paid in one lump sum with no privilege of any instalment provision. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Frank Stoddarl of Markdale, visited the P»st week with his brother, Norman, wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson left on Friday to spend the winter in Toronto. CEYLON MBS ROBINSON INJURED llhe icy condition o\ the roads was responsible for several accidents last Friday on the Orange Hall Hill. A car containing Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daughters, Mt. Forest, went over the embankment near the foot of the hill, Mrs Robinson sus- tained a broken arm, while the others W'.'ie severely shaken up and med- ical aid was necessary. Although the car was badly damaged, it was able to proceed home under its on power, 'ivie same morniug a truck load of bolts overturned at the opposite side of the road at the foot of the hill. Sanding had been done the day prev- ious, but a slight fall of soft snow completely covered it and made travelling vci-y dancerous. been removed giving greater floor space for dancing, and the purchase of a piano has been decided improve- ment for the pleasure of all those who attend. Lunch was served at midnight. Another par>y is being phmned for Dec. 27th, wh^n the vis- itors in the community will be able to attend. A good time is anticipated. Miss Mclnnis and pupils are busy preparing for their Christmas con- cert which takes place Friday even- ing of this week. "rtie Ladies Aid will hold their elec- tion of officers and Christmas ex- change at Mrs. A. C. Muir's, on Thurs. evening, Dec. 19th at 8 p.m., at their conclufiion the institute will hold their meeting. The roll call to be an.swered with "Childhood memories of Christ- mas,'" discu-^ion or my t/avourite vegetables and how I like it cooked. Social committee, cak;-, â€" Mesdamea Earl McLeod. Pattison and Collinson. Sand. â€" Mesdames F. D. Cairns, Geo. Mathewson and Harry Piper. The gentlemen are invited. Miss Agnes Macphail M.P. was in Owen Soujid over the week end and was guest speaker at the Rotary Club luncheon on Monday. School Concert will be held, in CEYLON SCHOOL on Friday, December 20th, 1935, at 8 p.m. Admission:â€" 20 & 10 cents Mr. and Mrs. Bradv Irwin returned last week from their post-nuptial trip Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family, Oshawa spent the week ejid with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. Miss Alice Muir, who has been visiting in Oshawa re- turned with them. Master Archie Huston will remain for the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair, mot- ored to Harriston, T^wsday, to at- I tend the funeral of the . former's I grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart are in Paisley owing to the serious ill- ness of Mr. Stewart's sister, Mrs. Bell of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and fam- ily, spent Friday with Mrs. A. C. Macphail and Miss Agnes Macphail M.P. Mr. Archie Sinclair was called to Harriston Friday, owing to the death of his mother. We sympathise with Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair ia their sor- row. Mr. Geo. Melrose, Tjbronto. is vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns. Sunday se^^â- ice in the United church here were withdrawn owing to the illness of Mr. Scott. The Hall Committee held a very Jolly evening in the community Hall last Friday. The old platform has f l I: anta;^ iUnpinqPlace l^^v ^\ Children's Sweaters Christmas Candy 49c., 55c. 16c 18c 20c 23c Silk Lingerie Boxed $1.00. Silk Stockings 69c. & 95c. General Mixture 6 lbs. for $1.00 SATURDAY SPECIAL 10c bay of catidy with every dollar purchase. VARIETY STORE A. D. Mclntyre, Prop. Flesherton, Ont. I X <~XK«<~>«MK~><X~>'XKKK'"XK'*<KKK»**X"X'<><K~X~;~>*XKKKKK*<*<"I*<"X«<'<~X»«X*^ AXXU.VL Christmas Dance in the Fraternal Hall, FLESHERTON Christmas Night LikKt the au.spices of the ll.ill 'I'nistt'c Hoard Music >,ii])i)lie<l 1)\- ail 1 1 \)\vvc ( )rclK'slr;i WILLIS TIPPING AND HIS BLUE DRAGOONS .^O.MKTIIIXC, \1",\\ TIMS \\:.\\< FLOOR SHOW 1)\ taU'iU of the orclu'sira, .'issisted l)y Piert i'clcli. a I'lolierluii old bi>y, I'hyllis lleiiiie, iMed Da\\sun and local talent. . I)anciiij4' III I'onnncnce at IS. 30 o'clock p.m. .Admission: 4.t cents, lunch extra. Grand Concert In the TOWN HALL Bert Petch, l-'.mci-taincr. Phyllis Henne, tlic l.idy with the double voice, soioi-,1 iu pi.iuo woik; Fred Dawson, Scotch C(Mnedian; Anna McVicar, Scottish Dancer. Concert at S p.m. â-  Admission: 35c and l.^c A pleasant Evening Assured for Everybody The best assembly of talent that has been in Flesherton for some time. •x~x•<•.x•<~x•<•♦•>.^•x•x~x~^•M"X•<K~x••x~x~x~X"X~x~XK~x~X"XK~^<~>•>^•••^^ Christmas Shopping Suggestions This Store Offers a Wonderful Selection of Entirely New Seasonable | Goods at Very Reasonable Prices LADIES' SILK SCARFS 59c to $1.95 LADIES' KID GLOVES Imported Flare cuffs $1.50 to $1.95 Ladies' SUEDE GLOVES Pull-on style; all colors 50c to $1.00 Ladies' Rayon PAJAMAS One of two piece styles $1.49 and $1.95 Read the Ne\ys of your district through the columns of The Advance Special rate offered until Christmas 14 Months for $1.50 The Advance Flesherton, Ont. Ladies' NIGHT GOWNS Crt'pe and crepe Kayon; white ami colors $1.50 to $1.95 Ladies' DANCE SETTS Crepe and crepe Rayon, white and colors $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' CREPE HOSE jN'ewe.st .Shades; all .sizes 69c and $1.00 LADIES' HOSIERY Full Fashioned: silk and silk wool 75c tp $1.25 Men's FANCY HOSIERY New designs 39c to 75c MEN'S MUFFLERS Reefers and Squares 50c to $1.95 MEN'S NECKWEAR All New Patterns 25c to $1.00 WOOL SWEATERS New Color Combinations $1.25 to $4.50 MEN'S SHIRTS Collar Attached or Separate 79c to $2.50 . Men's CLUB BAGS Black or Brown Leather $4.95 to $8.95 MEN'S PAJAMAS Broadcloth or l-'lannelette $1.49 to $2.50 HANDKERCHIEFS In Fancy Box 19c to $1.00 Men's Lined KID GLOVES | Grey, Tan and Cream Cape V $1.00 to $3.50 t LADIES' GOLOSHES Plain or Fui- Trim $2.25 to $3.00 LADIES' FOOTWEAR Pumps or Ties $2.75 to $4.95 MEN'S SUSPENDERS Carters or Sleeve Holders 25c to 75c Men's WINTER CAPS Entirely New Choice Special $1.00 LADIES' STAPACKS The newest in Baggage $6.75 to $8.95 Ladies' Wool Pullovers ^ & SWE.^TERS; Big Selection X $1.75 to $2.95 « Linen LUNCH CLOTHS ^ With colored border; some with Y napkins X 79o to $2.50 I RAYON BED SPREADS jj White and Colors X $2.75 to $4.50 ^ Jacquard Bath Towels New Smart Designs 39c to 89c BEDROOM SLIPPERS i Big Range of New Styles ^ 49c to $2.25 I Ladies' HAND BAGS New iShapcs $1.00 to $1.49 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DISCOUNT ON I 'I •Men's Overcoats and Windbreakers All this season's selections are included in this Special Christmas Offering Toys For The Kiddies WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S TOYS ON DISPLAY ON OUR SECOND FLOOR Just what you have been looking for at Reasonable Prices. Christmas Groceries Kaisins. Currants. Prunes, Candied Peels and Cherries, J icings and Iciny Sugar, Shelled and Whole Nuts Or- | ang-e.s, Lemons. Grape Fruit, Figs, Dates. Grapes Jellv I Powders, Cranberries, Candy. All new purchases. ' i; General Merchant F. H. W . HICKLING FLESHERTON f China and Glassware Al.l, Xl'.W PL'KCH.ASKS. Thi Setts, Dinner Setts. llerry Setts, Cups and Saucers, Hon I'on Dishes, IJridge Prizes, (^rvHital Goblets, Tumblers, Sherbet Glasses, Fancy (^dassware. Flower Vases, Jardinieres. fl At »«â- â-º »/» <& f *- V.V

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