H; Rural Schools SYHOFSIS Dan PrescuU and Gordon Westerby find eold in the arid bush of Australia. They stake their claim and start tha Ion? lourney to the coast. Westerby has a tlancee. Oladys Clem- ents in England, but when they arrive in Sydney he marries a pretty blonde. Gordon forwards a iihoto of Dan to former tiancee. Gladys Clements, In London and when Uan arrives she be- lieves he Is Gordon. Kve Gilchrist, a typist, obtains work In Medlicotts oi- flce. the broker »ho is floatlnit the mine. "He doe.,n't like the role assign- ed to him," Eve observed. "He's quite unsuited to it." "That's nonsense, Eve." Medlicott said impatiently. "He is not asked to mislead anybody by as much as a word. He has only to be himself and tell the truth. Instead of that, h° hands out a string of yarns that wouldn't deceive a baby in arms. Ask him to be him>c:f, will you?'' Eve got no chance on that day; and at breakfast ne.xt morniu?:, when she picked up her newspaper, the "Re- cord Courier," she realised that Med- licr.tt's apprehension was only too we l-grounded. The first Ihinss that cauaht her eye were the headlines: â€" SHAREPUSHERS ACTIVE AGAIN BEWARE OF AN AUSTRALIAN DESERT GOLD MINE " 'Then you are not investing in his mine?' " 'Having made Inquiries from of- ficial sources, I was told that no such place as Dandong was known. It does not appear in the latest Australian gazeteer. That was enough tor me.' ''For the present, no further infor- mation is forthcoming about Dandong. It is the place wtiere the flying wom- bats nest end the young buyips are tamed; but is there any gold there- until more reliable Information is supplied by Mr. Milton Medlicott or Mr. Prescott it may be assumed that the gold is real as the mythical ani- ma's mentioned. There is much of that sort of gold â€" at the foot of the rainbow." Eve's first emotion after reading the article was one of furious anger at the injustice of it. But when she read it a second time, and more care- fully, anger gave place to a very deep apprehension. On the face of It, a very damning r.ttaek had been made upon D:;n and upon Metllicott; but how was it to be answered? S'le worried over that all the way to the office. TO BE CONTINUED Air Hostess Picked Like Actresses In an address recently delivered at Queen's University Dr. Duncan MacArthur, deputy minister of edu- cv,a \t..ri- d^ v^...,^, ck.^-!^^ cation for Ontario, openly deplored She MuSt Be ^Olin,?, Slender Seek 2A0O Plcnes Fr U.S. Air Force •WHERE IS DANDONG?" "During the past few days (Eve rerd) we have received countless let- ters aboLt the activities of Mr. Miitcn JlcJ'icott, who describes himself as an 'outsi'e broker'. The writers of thise leUers are all heavy los'"rs. rs the result of following the advice so lavish y dispensed from the ofilce o'. Mr. Medlicott, and some of th" mat- ter.s revcaied to us are now under in. ves'.i'ation. ".\mong the Medlicott activitit^s tcrcmost, at the present moment, is an eifort tn sell shares In the Dan- dorr;; Ci-'d Mining Coa;')any. Inquiies show i-hat the so'e source qf inforraii- tlon about t\iU allo'-tod gold mine U a p:'»-'phlet, wid-ly circulated by Jli- tou M'diicott. This brochure is vivid- ly written, evi.lentiy by somebody with a real gift for literary work, and te! ' a fascinating story in an al'ur- In;: wry. "From it we gather that a gold m'n^. rich as Kldor;'do. was disc -vor- ed in tho h'-ait of the Australian de- sert by two dis-ers. Their adventures, ani the fabulous treasvre they un- enrhel, are set out in delail. The paflinhlct hoh's its sting, like a seorp. Ion. in the tail; for on the b-JCk page Is tiie customary form of application lor s'.K'.res." "Medlicott, foliowing the custom of 'out.ide brokers,' employs a staff of per.niasive â- solicitors.' whose mission is to induce the public to sell their hc'.dinjcs in syund securities and to in vest the procoods in such wild vc'.- tur'"s as the Dandong Goid Mine. It should be St Hicient for our reade.s w'lca we inform them that shares tn this mine are not listed for Stock Exchange dealings, and they wili have thcms'-lves to blame if they are lure i into any loss by liie specious lun- gu:T;Te of the pamphlet. "Ai; Hig the 'solicitors' we have been able to 'â- > ^'tify a man named Pres- cott. who 1 ims to bo on" of the a-1- vouturers \mu> discovered this so'd i't the foot of tho lalnbow. A gontlemai wh:i has had i;()od re;ison to regret his co-moction wi;h Medlicott recently entertained Prescott, his Intention be- ing to find out what he could about thi.-. glittering proposition. "He describes Prescott as a tall, bronzed man, of engaging appearance, who wore faultless evening clothes, and talked glibly and convincinglyâ€" for a time â€" of -his gold-seeking ex- periences. Unfortunately for him, his host, with a view to testing him thoroughiy, had been at p-ins to ac- qui.e some accurate Information about certain sides of besh life in Australia. " 'He tix)k me for a preenhorn," our informant chuckled. "And I led him on from one tall story to another. by pretending to take it ail in. In the end lie was gravely telling me yarns that would have turned D.» Kou^emont green with envy.' â- 'Can you supply a sample?'' ask- ed the -Reoord Courier,' •â- "Weil, I asked him if he had ever se- n a luiyip; and he told me, with all (he assuiance in the world, that he had almost succeeded in ta'inin„- one which he cauRht young. Only gome caiek'ss person fed it with pea- nuts, and It died. I could have told him that the buyip was a purely my- thical monster, and a superstition of the aboriginal tribes. He might as well tell me he had tamed a young hanshee. But I pretended to believe him, and he thought he was impress- ing me. You remember, de Rougeniont was detected when he talked about flying wombats. This man was more Ignorant of Australia than deRouge- mont.' Washington. â€" Decision to seek funds to give the United States an air force "second to none" emerged recently from a conference between General Malin Craig:, army chief of staff, and Chaiminn M^-Sv.-ain, South Carolina Democrat, of the House military committee. McSwain arranged to go before a House appropria'J.ons sub-committe.' to press for inclusion of money for SCO up-to-the-minute fighting piar.es in the war department's appropria- tion for the ne.xt fiscal year. At a cost of around $70,000,000 annually, including accessories and ground equipment, he said, SCO plan- es would have to be provided year- ly for three years to meet what the war department considers minimum needs. 'Nations are like men. If they let the poison of hate run through their systems, they pick up a gun and kill. but if they restrain this motion, t»he bkod coo's." â€" Sir Gerald Campbell. "It isn't f:ishion;!ble any more to keep the same husband too long.'' â€" xnnette Kellerman. the fact that the boys and girls of the country had not the opportuni- ties of receiving as good an educa- tion as those in urban centres. In speaking as he did he undoubtedly pointed out the great weakness in the educational system of this prov- ince. It is, of coarse, impossible to impart the same quality of instruc- tion in isolated rural schools with poor equipment as is given in the towns and cities. Perhaps in some instances the people of those dis- tricts are themselves to blame be- cause of their desire to procure cheap teachers. Th's is unquestion- ably a very short-sighted policy, in- asmuch as the boys and girls in the couiAry, because of their meagre op- portunities, deser^'e to have the very best teachers that can be had. The remedy for this state of af- fairs !3 the establishment; of consol- idated schools. It is not reasonable that these individual schools, with only a small number of pupil."!, should be maintained to the detri- ment of the instruction offered. In these days of good roads and motor j buses it would be ' " collect the ch and Attractive, Says Plane Line's Cliief Stewardess She must be attractive, she must be young, she must be slender. She must be able to turn down propos- als without offending â€" and she must think only of her career. Movie actress? Wrong. Air transport hostess. "I often think it would be much easier to qualify for the movies," Miss Lena Kraft, chief stewardess for one air line said with a sigh re- cently. '•We have t» watch our pounds just as much as Joan Crawford ever did. We can't weight over 118, you know." That is a requirement met by thirty-two pretty young women who were trained in Kansas City for positions as hostesses on one of the big commercial air lines. Xone is over 5 feet 4 inches tall. Xone is more than CiJ years old. .\!I are registered nurses. is delicious 90f DOCTOR TELLS HOW PEOPLE ARE FOOLED Dr. Rabinowitcli Debunks Some '-Pure Olive Oil" As Cotton Seed Oil MONTREAL â€" "So-called pare olive oil, packed in Italy and in . . . , , , cotton seed oil," declared A rigid three weeks course was , Rabinowitch, M. D- C. M., pain are in many cases made of .ia,o,i Dr. L M. i a simple matter j ^^ven the first group of hostesses- : -^cp.; ' dTre'ctor of the"depar'tment ilJren and convey se.ected from hundreds of applicants : ^j c,etaboIism at tlte Montreal Gen- them to larger schools supplied with the nation overâ€" who will be placed ' g^ai Hospital, and assistant profe^s- the best teachers and all the neces- on T\\ A transport planes. 1 ^^ medicine and leeturef in Pathol- sary equipment. It is not a sufflc- 1 'Mnst of them, said L. A lent answer to ^ay that many of the | Rniney, a pilot and "professor" oi be based in Kansas brightest students in the universities | the class, started in these isolated schools. If i City. the advantages were greater, thej "These going on eastbound liners number would be vastly increased. ' will work two days and then have ogical chemistry at McGill Lnivsr- sity, in a recent address here. "If any public health repre- there are sentatives in this city I may tuy without fear of libel, that I could name tiieni 22 products of allegedly olive oil that are sold on tlie market that contain no olive oil or a very ,1 .._. , , , . , ^.» , , »'"»" pereentaie, but all contain cation, recommended a scneme of: Ihe schedule is for 110 hours of eotton ^eed oi'.'' townsMp schools, but owing to the; flying monthly. In that way. the: Dr. Rabinowitch di-^pelled a 'ot opposition, raised against it nothing young women can h.ive time between ' was done. Dr. MacArthur will prove ! trips to enjoy a normal social life," himself to be a real benefactor if he : says The Associated Press. can successfully carry out a scheme' There's often roirance on a plane, that will provide better facilities for too, take it from Miss Kraft, Some years ago the Hon. G. How- 1 two days' rest. Those going west ard Ferguson, when he was Prem-iwill make the round trip in two days ier of Ontario and Jlinister cf Edu- and then rest three days." of the education of the children in the| "Proposals? You bet we get pro- communities at a reasonable i pcsals," she said. "Still, having been rural cost. -Brantford E.\positur. t< Streamline Girl 7» Title is Awarded ^v nurses, we are used to it. About the first (juestion we are asked is '.\re ! you married?' and the answer to hat one is easy. If we were married .•!i di.-peuea a ideas which housewives have in re- gard to the imnortance of such well- advertised words as standard, prime. first grade and so on. "How many people know that eggs bearing the word "standard" are the lowest grade on the market?" he asked. "Or that 'fancy California first graiie ' u-paragus' is the lowe'^t po-sib!e â- doubt of their sincerity, but there ia no doubt in my mind that this high and laudable practice has led to di» aster." SCIENCE OF NUTRITION After pointing out t..at the human system was continually breaking uown ana building up tissuea through the demands made on it. Dr. Rabinowitv-h said tiiat in order to keep healthy this breaking down and building up of constituen.s must be kept ba.aneed â€" if t".e breaking cown e.xceeded the building up a per son lost weis'nt and ii tne building up exceeded the breaking down a person gained weight, and tha science tliat dealt with that was known as nutrition. There wera other factors besides energy, and even if two people of the same age, weight and se.x were given the same food and the same number of callor- ies they would differ, lor caliories were not the only consideration la construction of diet- There were other constituents in fjod essentia to life and promotion of growth, and tiiese he listed as vita.mins, and their efficient absorption through the gastro-intestinal tract. "Som^ people are naturally fat and ionie naturally ti-in,'' declared the speaker, "and it is a tragedy to see people who are naturally over- weight, according to standard, at- tempting to diet, when ti'.ey are healtry in every other respect. They nay lose weight but tiiey end up in P"'''''^*^ ' si.x months or a vear in a -anatar- grade. and fat extra fancy, select â- :„„, ti..-<.. nrj „.,- ....,.;,i„ e couldn't hold cur jobs.' . Not long ago a stewardess ci: Chicagoâ€" \ow it's the "streamline Miss Kraft's staff Jronped of \K6" and the "streamline | tion for matrimsny. thinking it over now. g'r; matron." The hjldcrs of the titles are Miss Helen Bell, daughter of the Laird Bells, of suburban Winnetka, and Mrs. James Getz, daughter-in-law cf George Getz, treasurer of the Re- publican National Committee. They were chosen from scores of| smartly dressed women attendinT the annual Emmerson House benefit ; 'eail last night by Mrs. Helen Hugh-j es Dulaney, creator of new effects; in modern art, and Walter Frazier. j ar^-hitcct. The judges' def'nition cf "stream- 1 line" was "sin>plificaticn of every- 1 thing, absence of non-essentials in I dress, and good carriage." avia- -â- Vnother is and extra se'ect go ahead of it'! PUBLIC'S GULLIBILITY .\s an illustration of th.e gulli'oilitv These are not accidents or easi.ins but (iii;e the common // Yoa Want Your Family To Like Vegetables Change the Ways in Which They Are Served and Add Variety im. rare oe ending. It is important to recog- nize that the standar i w'f.ich w-e use of tiie public t'no speaker in.nanced ! '" determining whetlier a person is salmon, neciaring th.at the psvcl'.olo- j normal, over-weight or underweight gical efioct of advertising was faat | '^""^ height are statistical, they are people ti-.ought salmon to be good Upon the sales ability of the cook and her ingenuity hangs the prob- lem -- "Ot her family gets ( of ve all t' to scr sugar-coats n.. cook must do, figuratively spt-.......^ Here are a few hints for making vegetables popular. If they are that kind, cut them invitingly and serve ] ; raw like radishes. In this list eonie Total Assets Have Crossed the Eight Hundred MiUion Mark carrots, turnips, cauliflower hearts.' â€" During Year Deposits Increased Over $50,000,000 â€" i kobJrabi and beets. j Liquid Assets at $423,673,881 Are Up From $382,172,- 1 ADD CELERY AND NITS 287 ard Are Equal to 58 Per Cent, of Total Liabilities I Shredded and mixed with celery to the Public. I '""'' ""*^ '"' ^''^^ "^''^^ ^'""'•* ^""^ I salad, you may use many vegeta- I bles that would be refused if serv- had to be pink. "Wl-.ite salmon is just as good as pink salmon, but the difficulty as to get people to think of saimon in any other terms than pink salmon until an advertising a- !;ent thougiit up the phrase "Tids salmon is guaranteed not to turn pink.' Dr. Rabinowitch gave some examples of te-ts made in his laljor- atory at t'le General Hospital of soaps that conta r.ed from 'Jt! to '>! ^,^„t n-9 <jay, of butler supyose- The Royal Bank of Canada Presents Strong Statement or height averages based on large groups of people. Th.e mere fact that you aio not avoia','e may not and need not necessarily imply you are over- weight â€" in other words the phy- sieian does not deal with averages but the individjal, and t'-at alone points out the harmful effects of iniiiscriminate diet- "The rro'>lcnis of food and nutri- tion are not simple There is no one â- iiet wliioh is suitable or all people v.'jT is tile sane d'et suitab'e for the «â- «»>• Dcrson at all times. Pr-per ad- 'â- « knowledge Reflecting the definits improve- ment in financial conditions through- cut the large field it serves. The Royal Bank of Canada is issuing to its shareholders a s itciient that shows very substantial growth dur- ing the year. .\s a result, total assets have eri ssed the eight hundred million mark. Deposits have again duplicat ed the remarkable gain of the pre- vious year by increasing more than $.">0,Oo6.000. .\t the same time, hold- ings of high grade Government bonds have increased to $209,453,208, up from $150,708,385. Of special im- portance is. the tendency of current loans to move upward, as a result of the gains that have been evident in many lines of business. Shareholders will note with sa- t'sfaction the high esteem in whieii the Bank is held as reflected by an increase of more than a hundrel million in deposits over the last two year.^. Strong Liquid Tosition The general statement, which is for the year to November 30, shows total assets of $800,919,700, up from $758,423,904 in the previous year. Of this large total, liquid assets have reached $423,G73,88l, as com- pare<l with $382,172,287 and are equal to 58 ^ of total liabilities to year. Of this large total, liquid as- sets are cash on hand and deposits in other banks of $157,030,042. The outstanding change in liquid assets is an increase in the holdings of Government securities of $58,744,823. Commercial Loans Up Current loans of $328,821,4U;. against $326,782,534 at the end of tho previous year, show a moderate increase which is encouraging when it is taken into consideration tnat as against increased demands froi-i industry on account of improved business. Liquidation of slow loam carried during the depression has continued and the general experience on this Continent is that commercial loans of banks are still decreasing.!,' ,,. . ,i,» ,^ ,, , . ^ 1 1 u I ed straight. Ca I loans in Canada also show a â- ,> . , . ,. , \ , , 1- 1- I Care. ess cooking is often the rea- movement in an upw^ard direction , ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ unpopularitv of vegeta- ""^ "'';,?r',-'* "' ^.-'^-^f'V^' "Pi bles. Boile<l just right, according to trom *2.!,13tU4o, a gain of close to ; ^^^ ^j^.j ^j vegetable and served hot $3,000,000. Call Loans outside oi- -^^ ^ ^j ^ ^,„,^^j ^^ ^.^. Canada at $lV),2Ui,8u7 are down' per cent. ?.. .â- .. ing. Tlien he came on to tiie question of nutrition and dieting, and warned his audience about following an\ general dieting plan without con- sulting physicians, declaring that no two people Were alike in the effect that certain foods had on them, and that those women whu went in for indiseriminate dieting and perhaps lost 20 or 30 pounds found them- selves within a year or so !n the sanitarium suffering from tuber- culosis. Also you may disguis» them in meat stews, pot roasts, and soups. Souffles, scallops and casseroles offer unlimited possibilities. So do gelatin dishes and loaves. USED IN DESSERTS. TOO $10,090,196. This is likely due to the very low rates of interest obtainable in the leading financial centres of the world, mainly London and New York. Large Gain In Deposits Of interest to the general public, as well as to the shareholders, is the showing made in deposi's. These now stand at $688,366,512 and are up $51,000,000 during the year. This follows on an increase in the previous year of over fifty millions, which makes the gain for the two years over 17 per cent. .\s was to be ex- pected. Saving deposits in Canada have continued to gain and the de crease in interest-bearing deposits is understood to be due to a policy of cutting out of the payment of in- terest on a large proporti -n of the bank's deposits outside of Canada. I'roBt and Loss Account With lower interest rates pre- vailing, profits show a slight de- , t d u crease, but were sufficient to provide How To Be Happy for dividends and the usual charges and make a contribution to Profit and Loss .\ccount. Total profits amounted to $4,340,- 552. as against $',398,217 last year, $2,800,000 was applied to dividends, $200,000 transferred to Bank Premis- es account, $200,000 to the Oflicers' Pension Fund and $1,037,772 for Dom- inion and Provincial Government taxes, leaving a surplus of $102,700 to be added to Profit and Loss Account, which now stands at $1,609,554. 1 The statements issued this year by ] leading Canadian institutions have' shown that Canadian banks have • never been in as strong a position as they are at present to meet com- mercial demands as they develop. HARMFUL EFFECTS getables are palatable. j ".Notwithstanding the advice which A good sauce helps. (is jjiven by apparently ethical mcd- An unpopular vegetable served in ical men and which w-e read almost combination with one that every- daily in the newspapers, 1 am going b<idy likes is a good planâ€" carrots to point out the harmful effects of and peas, for instance. thi^ system," declared Dr. Kabino- -A-Ppetizingly browned in butter or wjtoh French fried in deep fat, even pars- ... nips could go to the top of the class! â€" and baking is another aid want to speak against the dis- ' semination of medical knowledge a- mongst those who have not the pro- per training to fully appreciate that knowledge. The medical profession has not and we hope never will hesi- tate to spread that knowledge which by preventing disease w-ill lessen in- ''Advaueiiig years can liavo no ter- rors for those whose minds are oc cupied." â€" Frank H. Vizetelly. Then, of course, there are marm- dividual suftenng and tend to the alade and butters where you use P"â„¢ot'on °i national welfare, but I carrots and tomatoes, and vegetable ' doubt if this has not led to prac- sandwiches with peanut butter orjt'«s not only of no benefit to the mayonnaise. Garnishes and cocktails P"hlic but actual impairment in you have already thought of, no | health. Amongst those who are giv- doubt. But how about puddings, ini? such advice there are individu.J cookies, cakes and breads made with , men whose ability to deal with this vegetable juice or finely chopped â- phase of the health problem cannot vegetables ? be questioned nor can there be any WHERE PAIN TORTURES Don't dope yourself inter- nally to stop pain. Authori- ties say, "Use Omega Oil to break up the congestion that causes it." Omega Oil works quickly and safely to Qbring real relief. At all drug stores, 35c. mega Oil RUB IT IN IT WONT ILlSTERv Though Married Denver, Colo. â€" For a long and happy marriage, F, E. Bush, 85, and Mrs. Busii, 70, celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary advise: "Pay your bills. "Don't argue with your husband â€" or wife. "Don't use liquor or tobacco. "Stay out ot doors as much as pos- sible. 'Lead a simple U(a. "Do some physical labor every day." Issue No. 1 â€" '36 SCRAMBLED SENTENCE CONTEST Th« Moat Unique Profit-Sharing Prize Contest in History There are five Classic Sentence* in the following group of words, find these five sentences, then write them correctly, and legibly. "Trust men, and they will be true to you, a good word is an easy obligation; â€" is better than a years' mere study of books. â€" needs no definition of sin. â€" by the progress of a favoured few. â€" and they will show themselves great. â€" whoever has tasted of remorse â€" treat them greatly; â€" a tingle conversation across the table with a wise man â€" which costs nothing the progress of democracy can never be meas- ured â€" but not to speak ill requires only our silence." Send your result in on or before Jan. 3rd, 1935, with an entry foe of Twenty-Five Cents, no stamps. 10 percent- will be sh->red bd tween those who send in two errors, 15 percent, with one error, 2S percent, for a correct list. All entrants will receive the results. The more entries received, the more PROFIT to SHARE. GIFF BAKER. 39 LEE AVE., TORONTO ^ I \ i i .^ ^ i