Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1936, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, February 12, 1936 K :..:» LOGALDISTRIGT NEWS CENTRELINE PRICEVILLE I The Late Thos. Genoe Daring the past week we have ex-| The monthly meeting of the U. P. perienced a real old time storm such â-  ^- 0- Holdfast Club, will meet on as we used to have some years ago. Wednesday, February 12th at the Heavy snow falls, high winds and very home of Mrs. Peter Moir. cold; results, roads blocked, mail car- 1 The W.M.S. and Willing Helpty.* riers could not come, children could j of the Presbyterian Church, Priceville not get to school. | ^ij be held Tuesday, February 18th. Our teacher had a holiday from I at the home of Mrs. McMeekin, when Tuesday till Friday, as there were ' all the Ladies are cordially invited, not enough children at school to teach, j Mrs. Ray McLean and son Glen, A few »ot there on Tuesday, but visited last week with her parents, came home at noon. ] in Shelbume. Our faithful mail carrier, Mr. Robt. Miss Beatrice Watters of Markdale, Lee could not make his trip from i visited recently at her brother's, Mr.' 'Monday till Friday, when he came [ E. Watters. through over loaded with mail. EUGENIA To be with Christ, oar riaen gloriona Saviour, In yon bright land of never f«ding day. Why should we mourn for those who sleep in Jesus? j ^Tiat we call death is but the gate of bUas, Ours is the loss but theirs the gain eternal, pioneer "WTiiie here on earth the dear ones oft we miss. Thus mid our tears our hearts can .\nother of our esteemed residents has answered the last roll call in the person of Mr. Thos. Genoe, who passed away about 10 o'clock Thursday morning, January 30. The o"'? nraiae Him. i.ate Mr. Genoe who was in his Slst ^""^ !°^^*i ^"^ ^ ^^ '^"P"'^ *" '^ was a son of the late Mr. and _.5,"t' , ,, Tdl he shall year, Mrs. Wm. Genoe. He had been crit- ically ill a couple of months ago but overcame this and seemed to be re- gaining his health again. A few days prior to his death he did not seem Master Jackie McMeekin spent last ! quite so well again and passed sud- A shower was held at the home of ' week with his aunt, Mrs. Brady Irwin. ; Jenly and peacefully away. iB.vi Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Talbot, on FVi- > Miss May Stewart returned home ' wife whose maiden name was Miss day evening, Jan. 31, when a large i Wednesday after spending the past Maggie Hislop, prede»:eased him a- number of useful articles were re- i week in Paisley and attending the bout two years ago. They resided ceived. A pleasant evening was [ funeral of Mrs. Wm. Bell. [ nearly all their lives in .^rtemesia spent in music and dnncing. We wel- 1 iMiss Jessie McDonald returned ^ with the exception of a year or so tome Mrs. Talbot to our community. ' home after spending 3 weeks visiting ^ when they lived in United States. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ' friends In Toronto. ! Together with patience they met the week in Xottawa with his parents. Charles Weatherall (nee Olive Gott) j Miss Sadie Oliver has gone to Tbr-j trials and troubles of pioneer life, re- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKee. His who were married on February 1st. onto for the winter. ! siding for a number of years on the : mother, who has been in failing Mr. Joe Little and Jack Little of! Miss Minnie Simpson is ill withtCrth Line. farm, later movin? to the | health passed away on Saturday Maxwell spent Sunday with Mr. and pneumonia. Dr. Sneath, Durham, and ^ .v-inage. They raised a family of : morning, the funeral bei.ng held or. Miss Marjorie McLeod R.N., Swinton j five children, viz. â€" .A.dam of Meaford. Monday, we extend our sympathy to Park are in attendance. Her many llhos. of Ceylon. Dave of Eugenia, , ,|..^ McKee family in their sad ber- north and Rav of the home in the ! eavement. come, then glorious, grand re-union A blessed home so certain and so sure. Th<;re was no church service last Sunday, and also no Y.P.S. meeting last Wednesday evening cwing to the stormy weather. Mrs. Edgar Betts spent a couple of weeks in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Hoaden and other friends. Mr. Thos. MeKee spent the past Mrs. Gilbert Little. Miss Hazel Osborne and friend. Mr. Cudmore visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badgerow on Sunday last. Mrs. Florence Lyons and Jean spent Superior Store Where your money goes farthest * Bee Hive Syrup 2 lb. tin for 17c I Ready cut raaccaroni 5 lb for - 25c I Blue Ruse Rice, fancy 4 lb. for 25c I Minute Tapioca with free ?lass 15c I Broken Sodas 3 lbs. for 25o ? Best prices on Meats of all kinds * Roasting beef 12c. B<.Mling- Beef 10c •> Hambun.- steak 2 lbs for 25c * i 10 per cent, off all men's Overcoats â€" Specizds eure ^ Cash only. I C. J. KENNEDY t Phone ^7 Flesherton We Deliver t <KKK~><K~:~:~!-:-&->->-K-:-:->-:~>-}-v:->->-:~x->^->«^-:~:~:-:~:-:-:->-><KK->-^-><->* \-i!Iage. .-V daughter. Belle. (Mrs.! i;Ve are sorry ti report Mrs. Garnet friends wish for her a speedy recov- ery. I Little Elaine Cook, who is at het Fred Wickens) predeceased him over Mairee on the sick list. a few days the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kich- 20 years ago. In religion Mr. Gen- ;, speedy recovery. c;«fo- \t-.- r. Mno."'. ! al's. has been seriously ill with pneu- ! oe was a member of the Cedarville Mr. Thos. Tudor of Wd are pleased to report Mrs. Wil- we wish her ^or. improving, having almosc recoV' ered from a severe attack of pneu- Toronto is' monia. We hope that her CEYLON M.r Mr. Wm. Collins spent the week j monia. with Miss Mable Moore R.N. ( Mission. Toronto, but often attended ' spending a while with his brother, ailments will soon clear up again. pnH -^f r:;iKo-t T.:rtio'« .and Dr. Jamieson of Durham in at- â-  the Baptist church at Rock Mills and Mr. Henry Tudor, wife a.nd family. Miss Gertie Irish who was one of Mr. Clinton Magee spent Sunday ' tendance. We are glad to report, j Flesherton. Mrs. James Leppard has not been rhe nurses in atendance upon Mrs. with his aunt. Mrs. Lyons. i she is much better at time of writ- On Saturday afternoon the funeral enjoying very good health the past Wilson, has returned to her home in John Osborne spent Sunday with'ing. (was held from his late residence to week or so. We hope she is soon' Proton. , ..ii. Howard Elliott of Toronto via- other; Ved over the week end at the home Harry and .Arthur Wright. KOCK ivULLS Inspector Pentland paid an official visit to the school here on Monday morning. Quite a number around here have had the measles. School attendance was small the past week owing to the very severe weather, but Mr. Ritchie was able to hold school every day. We are sorry to report Mrs. J. A. Foster ill and under the doctor's care. We hope that she will soon be feeling better again. Mr. Jack Foster of Toronto was a recent visitor at his parental home her^. We are pleased to report Miss Ettie Radley feeling better, after being laid up with a severe cold. The Ladies' .\id will meet at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark on February 19th. Lunch Committee â€" Cake, Mrs. f Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall. Mr. Jack White of Toronto visited his mother. Mr^. W. White on Satur- day and Sunday. Mrs. White is eradaally improviajj. Mrs. .AJlie McLean \-isited friends i I Flesherton cemetery. Rev. Wolsten- -^vell again. ' a number from here attended the j jf„ j,,jjj, Williamson had the mis- Tcronto first of the week. 'croft. Baptist minister of F.esherton. Tjiere have been a few cases of dance in Kimberiey. Monday eveninsr-' fortune to severely burn her arm Mrs. Jim Underbill and niece. Miss i off iciated. He spoke words showing measles in the village the past week Miss Mabel Fawcett of Ducan spent f^,-,„ ,^jj f^ elb<'w, whfle lifting a Flora Xeeley, Toronto, were guests !hi.gh respect for the deceased and was .- !o i j fgw days with Miss Doris Fawcett: '^g^j^ ^f boiling water at the stove, one day last week with Mrs. Ed. Ding- j assured that he had gained !ife eter- Our Eugenia correspondent wishes Miss Donalda Sloan of .\yton spent! SpringhHl honored the recent bride wall. j -a'. iJhe hymns that were sung us to add the following to the extend- ^r^ past week at her parental home. j_^ arcom. Mr. and M.-s. H. Kendall Mr. Murray McMillan returned | were: â€" Jesus, lover of my Soul, and .?d death announcement of the late W. ^ number of the ski-club members jje,^^. with a misceranecc ?hower home after spending some time on the [ Safe in the .Arms of Jesus. T^e ^ South Line cutting wood for his uncle, j pallbearers were: Messrs Fred Wick- Mr. Lauchie McKinnon. ens. John Hislop. Jack Campbell. Wil- The Valentine social which was to | fred Magee. Louis Teeter and Louis he held. Friday. February 14th. in St i tJenoe. .Andrew's Presbyterian church is post- poned until a later date on account of illness in the commiinitv. .After the death of his wife, his son. Ray and wife and family lived "Hie Women's Ir.*titute meet* Thnr«;dav. February 20th at S p.m., at -he home of Mrs. Harrv Piper, when PROTON STATION with him. making life more pleasant f<>r him during his last days. Be- sides his family he leaves in sad ber- j eavement. one sister. Mary .Ann (Mrs. ; Pave Wright^ of Winnineg. Mani- Remember the Sabbath Day to keep, ^^,^^ ^^^ 5^ ^^^, o^ ^^^^ p^ ^^ it holy, reads the fourth Command- : .^^ ^j,^ bereaved friends and relatives ment. .\ ski championship meet on 1 Sunday is getting obeying Sunday schools and sermons. Mr. Swinton. a live stock buyer Sadie Fenwick; his son. Stanley; his :win sister. Sarah (Mrs. Jos. WUliarr-.s Eugenia; his brother. Thos. of Eu- u-tnia and John of Toronto. These .ire all left in sad bereavement ais well as a sister. Maria (Mrs. Ed Legard) 'f Glenside. Saskatchewan, and to ,«•(.> e.vtend our sincere sympathy and them we extend our sincere svmpathy. a long way from. , . it. in this Christian era of! Fenwick of Toronto, which appeared visited over the week end in the vie- „„ FViday night at the home of the iTi The .Advance a couple of weeks, inity. i 'atter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George a^o.â€" Ed. Advance. ! The Y.P.S. met on Wednesday evea-; gTa^.tbani. The chief mourners were: his wife.i -r-.g of last week with only 10 in at- Mrs. Margaret Fenwick: his daagh-| tendance owing to the inclement :ers. Edna (Mrs. .A. M. Sloan): Ger-! weather. • e I Mrs. E. V. Browning); and Miss| Mr. .A. F. Pedlar is spending a couple of weeks in Meaford. The measles epidemic has come into the village, thus causing a couple of families to be absent from schooL Sorry to report Mrs. Garnet Magee :';!. We wish her a speedy recovery. .»" from Caledon has bought a load ofi Leslie Chard, Mrs. B. Field; sandwich, cattle from some farmers in this dis- 1 Mrs. Ned Croft. Mrs. Sam Fisher. j trict. I Will all the scholars please come to! The first play off game in the Sunday School on Sunday, February ; Semi-pro hockey league took place 16th. Testaments will be given to all ' on Saturday, when Proton Bears met God comfort them in their sad hours. It is not death to those that sleep in Jesua, "Tis but to leave the earthly house of clay. â- A brother. Joe. :'-.w years ago. predeceased him a ' (Last Week's Ittir.sl There was no church ser\nce on Sunday. "Have you ever driven a car the lady applxant for a license was asked. "One hundred and twenty thousand the roll call will be answered with a valentine verse. TTse totric. "^ow to remove stains' should be an •'nterest- ing number. Sandwiches. Mrs. Stn- clair and Mrs. Coffnson. .A Valentine party is be'ng held in the eommnnity hall. Friday night. here Washneton is said to be trying to stave off the oay-nent of soldiers. bonuses nn^;^ after the election. They miles." put in her husband who was | â- ^i.t certainly have to stave it off on- standing near by. "and never had a j til they can de<rde whose pockets it I is com.ing otrt of. Ihand on the wheel." those who attended ten and more Sun- days during the past year. REAL MEMENTO "Is that a memento of some kind in that locket of yours?" "Yes; it is a lock of my husband's hair." "But your husband is still alive." "Yes; but his hair is all gone." the Black Hawks, on Black's open air rink and won a few scores to the good the result being 7 â€" 2 in favour of the Bears. The final game between these two teams was played on the Flesherton rink on Monday night, re- sult ;r.g in a 5 â€" 4 score in favour of the Bears. Red Homer, the Toronto defence player, went through three N.H.L. games in succession without drawinjr It is really to bad that th extra | a penalty and thereby looms up as the day in Leap Year doesn't come in first serious contender for the Nobel June or July. peace prize for 1936. I Flesherton is a Village | t nf KonniA/n I Ccm/?Iete± ITS YAIUI TESTS bring facts to light . . . and every test oi Chevrolet performance adds further confiimation to the fact that the Valve-in-Head engine Ls the very best kind for a low-priced car. Two reasons tell why. First, the uiherent design of this type of engine (used on racing cars, eiirpiaaes, speedboats) prcxluces ejcfra power. Second, the sliaping ol the cylinder head forces fuel to bum evenly and completely, saving you money on gas. Conventional engines can't do both these things at the same time; engineers agree you must have a Valve-m-Head engine to get thia matchless power-economy coznhiaation. But let your own driving test furnish the proof. Drop in and drive a Che^Tclet today. Easy 7'7 GMAC time payments. CHEVROLET GIVTS YOU .ALL Si-X • i, 1 1 Perfected Hydraulic Brakes . . . v2l Solid Steel Turret Tc-p Bcov by Fisher ... 3 V .iiive- in -Head Engine . . . , 4' Knee-Action on Mjist^r DeLu.xe Models . . . v5> Fisher No- Draft Ventilation . . . i,6 Safety Glass in wind^Kield and everv window. WITH A STORE THA T OFFERS THE PUBLIC Renown Flour RENOWN FLOUR is put up in clean 49 lb. paper baks ami needs no reconiinend because you "knead" it â€" into tine, li^ht bread. Special price 98 lbs. for $2.69 Ladies' Superior Quality Hose, Rayon plated. Special price, pair 29c "Pick 'Em Out" Sale 9c Bushels of articles that people use every day. reg- ; : ularly priced from 25c down to 10c. Pick out what j; you want at, each 9c Terms: â€" Cash Osprey & Arteroesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON PRICED FROM iStjndart Sanes 2|iKS.CouiW' Master OeLuis Models Iron) S30S Om<«m ]I ']ci«r>. OMtni Oat. fnUf ^? HOCKEY THRILLS Tiuie in every Saturday rught at » p.m.. Easferri Stamiarti Tinie, tv Gentfral Motors Coast -to- Coast HocAev Broadcast CONSIfFR THE COMP.^-NY BACK OF T>*F C.\R C-IM D. MvTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO •

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