THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, March 11, 1936 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS MAXWELL The Woman's Association of the United Church met at the home of Urs. C. Long on Thursday, March B, with a good attendance, Mrs. Bush- . ell presiding. It was decided to hold a concert on April 3rd. The ladies are preparing a play. No men ad- mitted, which aught to be interesting. The roll call was answered by a verse with the word aervice in it. The concert under the auspices of the library board, was a decided success. Jhe play put on by the men was much enjoyed as all took their parts EUGENIA Last Sunday was the second Sun- day of the Lenten season. Rev. Mr. Bushell preached a very impressive sermon. The Y. P. S. met on Wednesday of week with Miss Irene Dinsmore, the Christian fellowship convenor iit charge. Scripture passages were read by Miss Evelyn Campbell, Gen- esis, Chapter 1 and 2 were read, al- ternatively by the convenor and mem- bers and Psalm 23 was sung. Miss Dinsmore discussed well, the topic, "God and Ourselves". A couple of well as colored gents and ladies, also | choruses were sung after which each •others taking- part in the program. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. J. T. Morrison on Thursday, : March 12th. SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mrs. Bert Badgerow visited her brother at Markdale last Sunday. Mr. Earl Blackburn is home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Park attended the funeral of their grandson in Toronto this week. Mr. Joe Sewell was at Feversham this week working in the bush. Miss Winnifred Pattison visited at Mr. Wm. Haliday's. Mrs. Sam -McDonald of Dundalk vis- ited her niece, Mrs. Joe Park on Tuesday. one was asked to write five Biblical names using the first five letters of the alphabet for the beginning of each viz. A â€" Adam, and tell something about each name written. Miss Din- smore, Evelyn Campbell and Marjorie Benson sang a hymn with Hazel Turner accompanying on the organ. The Mizpah Benediction was used to close the meeting. The village unit of the Woman's Association are preparing for a social evening to be held in the L. 0. L. Hall on Tuesday evening, March 17. Master Billie Jamieson of Flesher- ton visited a few days at the home of Mr. Fred Jamieson, 8th line. Mrs. W. Benson attended the fun- eral of her uncle. Mr. .\lex. Foster of PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Park and daughter, Margaret were in Toronto last week attending the funeral of their grandson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elzer Park. Sympathy is ex- teinied from this community to the young parents in the death of their little four year old boy. Mr. Robt. White of this village is still very ill with Dr. Lindsay of Dundalk in attendance. Mr. Wm. Moore who is convalescing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bert Hodgins, following a serious operation in Orangeville hospital is able to be out and around this fine weather. Mr. John Irish of Toronto was a recent visitor with his parents here. Congratulations to Miss Ruth M. Shearson on her success in the Theory examinations which took place in Owen Sound recently. Mr. Milton Hutchinson of Kimberley visited at the home of his uncle, Mr. R. G. Acheson. The Proton hockey team suffered a severe defeat at the mercy of the Flesherton team last Thursday night on the Flesherton rink, when the scores went against them all the way from 2â€"6. On Monday night of this week the Bears nobly redeemed them- sfives when they won a 2 â€" score SWINTON PARK Everything is very quiet in the Park with the weather very good, the roads excellent, health also fair, and the children all at school with the ex- ception of Wesley Porter, who has had the mumps. Kitchener Flood and Leslie Watson are practising ski-ing and are now able to jump into the gravel pit. Watch out for next wintier's races. Archie Clark is, we hear, going out from the good old home nest to start farming on his own near Ventry. We wish you every success, Archie. Just follow in your parent's footsteps and you have nothing to fear. On February 29th Mrs. Heard Snr. celebrated her 19th birthday, she being born on February 29th, 1860. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heard gave a surprise for mother and had in a number of girls of the years gone by. Present were: Mrs. Geo. Wright, Mrs. George Black, Mrs. Neil McMillan. Mrs. Alex. Richardson, Mrs. .John Lane and Mrs. .Tohn .-Mdcom, also Mrs. Heard's only daughter, Mrs. Thos. Weh-. husband and daughters. The other members of the family all remembeced mother hy telephone or by a reognition of some kind. A very enjoyable after- noon was spent in chat and music. VICTORIA CORNERS and met a truck loaded with hooae- hold furniture and thought it terrible. She did not realize their motives wer» the same. The truck driver WM carting the fumitiu-e on Sunday t« save time during the week for other work, she was going visiting on Sun- day so ae not to interfere with her week'.-? work. No, we do not think we are straight laced even though we have a large streak of good old presbyterian blood in us. But we like to see Sunday used for better things, and you need- n't point your finger at us and say, •'why don't you do better if thats your ijpinion?" We know even better than We wera pleased t» know that Grey County has some noted places as for instance the ski meet. But we were sorry Sunday was used for it We have been hearing some funny arguments about it. One of the funniest is, "Well anyway its no more harm than â€" ", naming some other unneceseary evil. We wondfer if these people went to the store and bought a peck of potatoes and taking them home found them spoiled, and' on returning- them, the groceryman would say, "Oh I knew it was not right to sell you those rotten potatoes, . , , , i. _t _ but I did not think it was any worse ""'' "e'B'^bore how very short we than for the grocery man across the' '""^e ^"-om what we should be but like road to sen you a peck of rotten! '"^^ '^/^^ preacher we say, do what anples "^ '"''^ **'' y"' ""*â- ^"^^ "8 'I"- "'^^ '^® ' wonder if the 2nd groceryman selling rotten apples would make the Ist irroceryman's potatoes more eatable. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gamble (nee RooZella Stevens) Sudbury, Jan. 29th, a daughter, Cleo Patricia. The ladies of the W. M. S. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Stevens, laying out their work for their bale. The topic was triven by Mrs. Robt Lee. Temperance talk was given by Miss Mina Scott. .Some people returning from vis- iting friends on Sunday passed a place where a family was indulging in sports and were they horrified? They forgot that they themsel-v^s had not been observing the Sabbath. They had kept their host and hostess from doing the same, causing the ho.stess to eook up a beautiful dinner and supper as they told us they had, had that day. Or the lady who was going to visit a brother on Sunday Feversham on Thursday of last week. ! against the same team. This gives CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith are mov ing from apartments in Mr. C. Smith's 1 house to the Jamieson residence in I the suburbs. Mr. Harold Falconer is busy these days taking orders for wall-paper. He has some excellent samples of sunworthy papers. Little Miss Jean Lyons of the The regular dance will be held in the hall, Friday night. The W. I. -will meet at the home ot,^ ^ ,. , Mrs. Marshall next Thursday, March i Centre Lme hag returned home after 19th, at 8 p.m. Lunch Com.â€" Mrs. I "}. ^"'"'^ with her aunt, Mrs. Garnet Smellie and Mrs. C. Williams. i Magee. Mrs. Thos. Genoe and Eddie made L ^^^^'^'' '^"',""'« Campbell spent a a business trip to Swinton Park on ^^^ days with his cousin LiUlo Miss • juegday Daloras Betts, Rock Mills, Mrs. Ha.xton has returned home after spending the winter -with Post- master and Mrs. Banks in Flesherton. Mrs. Hugh Bailey of Shrigley -vis- ited Friday with her mother, Mrs. D. MacPhail. Mrs. Gibson, with Mrs. George Udell and Jackie, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Hadden Hutchinson at Swinton Park. the Proton team two victories in the i 1*1 required three games out of five, in ' •{• the final contest for the McDougall X trophy. Much praise is being given ' •{• the Proton goal keeper, Eldon Black- X bum for his splendid work in Monday j J* night's game. PORTLAW The New Season's are Now M.:^x..x*<**»*>*>*>*K~> Papers Wall in Stock FEVERSHAM Quite a number of young people attended the shower at the home of Jack Thompson, South Line, Friday fvenlmr. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Luther Love is with her moth- ' er. Mrs. George WiLson, who is ser- ' iously ill. We are sorry to report Mrs. Louis Sheardown is not so well and is under *'â- '^ ' rr's care asain. The funeral of Mr. Alex. Foster. nf Feversham was held on Thursrdav The assortment this season is better and includes the latest designs auid colorings in "Sunworthy" qualities Prices range from 10c to 35c per single roll A large gathering of people, old neighbors and friends assembled at the funeral service of the late Mrs. Geo. Ellis of Collingwood. in the Gospel Workers church here on Wednesday, March 1. Rev. F. Dean officiated at 'VT;i>-f-ti a nt -vrnnnf 7inn Cemetery, the church and grave. The remains j Mr. Foster was a resident of this Were laid to rest in Bethel cemetery ,,eic-hhorhood before he moved to Tlio wor-f Hr,H „f 'Voptof i, tha'"'^'*''" ^^'' '^^^ husband, Mr. George , Feversham. some fifteen vears ago. The wor.t kind of racket is thej r,,;,, ^,,„ predecea.sed her some years i We are .nrry tn hear of the -lines, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis had been res noiseless sort that doesn't stai-d the light of day. SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK Sugar 10 lb. for 50c (with order of $2.00 or over) Figs 3 lbs. for 22c Potatoes, No. 1 per bag $1.00 Large Raisins 2 lbs for .... 21c Corn and peas 3 tins for .. 25c Grapefruit 5 for 25c Matches 3 boxes for 23c PATTISON'S General Store CEYLON ago. idents of this village and locality for a number of years before moving to Collingwood. For a number of years they farmed just west of here on the 10th line, when Mr. Ellis' health ailed he sold the farm and moved into this village, where they lived for some years before moving to Collingwood. They were highly respected and much .>ympathy is expressed for the sor- rowing brothers and sisters. Congratulations and best wishes for many returns of the day to Mr. and Mrs. John Poole, who on Tuesday March 3. celebrated the 50th anni- versary of their wedding day. The Ladies Aid will hold their next meeting at Mr. Chris. Thompson's on March 18th. Mrs. Milton Nicholl and two sons spent a day with her parents near Maxwell, last week. The farmers are drawing logs to the Durham Go's Mill at Rock Mills and have good roads now. The water for power for the Mill is very low and has been quite a handicap. f Mr. Robt. White of Proton Stat- on. yiv. .T'lmes Honp^; ^nent n few davs " F!'>»herton. i Special Wall Paper Bargain To make room in our storage racks for the new spring papers, we place on sale this week, a collection of patterns of which only a few rolls were left after last years selling. The quantities are suitable for smeJl rooms, clothes closets, summer kitch- ens, etc., and are offered without reg ard t;o cost-;. A hangman who had retired from his position tried to hang himself, tt goes hard with some men to give up a life-long practice. No woman can appear in the gal- ' ;•; leries of the Ontario Legislature •;• without her hat. Some of the !•! members talk through theirs so that's f where the idea came of making it "•• unanimous. X F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont. X t •x~>«>»x»^<^ If You Want Results ! Use Master Feeds MASTER CHICK STARTER is built with a whole gram base, rich in high quality protein.s. Builds the proper fouiulation which wil' give you real pullets tor next winter's laving pen. UTTING a Fisher Body on a proved, able and dependable chassis like Chevrolet's is like enclosing a fine Swiss movement in a costly watch caseâ€" it completes the quality. For Body by Fisher is the world's standard of tasteful beauty, roomy comfort, fine furnishings and practical convenience in motor car coachwork. Moreover, it's the only body that has built-in Fisher No-Draft Ventilation to guard youi health as you ride along in luxury. And it's fitted throughout with Safety glass. Drop in today and inspect Chevrolet's Fisher Body, and all the other features that go to make it The Only Complete Low-Priced Car Ask about the greatly-reduced 7% GMAC Plan time payments Prove this for yourself by using master this season. MASTER PIG FEED CONCENTRATE A balanced protein supplement to be fed with your grain. .\sk for folder which tells you what some of the Province's best hog feeders think of this feed. MASTER PIG STARTER A conmlete and balanced feed for suckling and wean- | ling pigs. Helps your litters through the critical | period. Is fast gaining in popuarity among good 1 feeders because it cuts down the hiph rate of mortality X in winter litters. | MASTER FEEDS are practical. They make | profits possible. | WARBLE FLY POWDER. Nows the time | i . I I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | FLESHERTON | 0-246 D. MvTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Tune in every Saturday ni^ht at 9 p.m., Easterr\ Standard Tirtm. to General Motors Coast- to-Coaat Hockey Broadcast. »775 standard Striss 2-pass. Coupt: Master OeLuxe Models from $909 Otilwea » iKlmr. Oilumi, om nii» <!«ii.ii;:d. Friiihl Mid GwMnmni HtliilfJlun fM Mil* iittt