Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1936, p. 3

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'. c 1/' ir "At c :^ Trial BofHe of KRUSCHEM 3 • GET YOUKS NOW Aak your druggist for a 7fc Kru«chen Giant Package. It con- tmnm a regular buttle and atrial size bottle. Ua«i the trial aiz« first and if not aatiafied return the regular bottle unopened. Your money will be cheerfully refunded. I Youth And Music The way to h.tL.ve a musical people k to have people make music. A good deal U talked about the educv tlT« effect of listening to radio and VhoBo graphic records, and there la iomething in it (albeit most for those who know music already), but to make an actor you do not sit and watch plays. In Springfield the hotels are full of Mpeclally appetizing guests. Who â- hould they be but (iOO boys and girls BUfeiciaus in the orchestras and bands from High schools In New England towns and cities? And all rehearsing like a house afire for the festival on Saturday afternoon. The public •ehools are the life-savers of Ameri- can music from the drowning of too Bucb passive listening at radio and the asphyxiation of vulgarian jazz. Here children are taught to know the â- oble music from rubbish that is of- t«Q filthy and vile, and being taught to love the good. As for their rehear- •ala and concerts here in this bosom ia nothing but the most whole-heart- ad envy of their good time, for If anything has ever been found that is more fun for a musical child than a BiHTlng Festival of amateur players ao one knows what it Is. A family party at the vilia of Dr. Jaan Sibelius In Finland, was debat- ta( this question â€" whether passive Hatenlng to radio and phonograph will sterilize music-making. One of tka composer's daughters, a pianist, â- aid, "I like both preserved fruit and tt<Mh fruit. Each has Its distinctive flavor." But her father spoke as com- foaer and with austerity. "The dilettanti will continue to lUten to machines and the great tai- nts will continue to create." During the last 10 rears, the popu- lation oi Southwark, London, Eng., kaa decreased by 122,764. MRS. SMALL Has Cure Of Cancer Been Discovered? Instances Cited as Proof of Serum's Results. â€" Hopeless Cases are Aided. ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, MOTHER Before Yoy Give Your Child an Unltnown Remedy to Take Ever>- dav,_ unthinkingly, mothers take the advice of unqualiiied persons â€" instead of their doctors' â€" oa remedies for their children. If thev knew what the scientists know, ttey would never take this chance. Doctors Say PHILLIPS' For Your Child When it comes to the frequently-used "milk of magnesia," doctors, for over 60 years, have said -'PHILLIPS' Milk of Maijacsiu â€" the safe remedy for your child." Remember this â€" And AIwuijs Say "Phillips' " When You Buij. Your child deserves il;'.fti'' your own peace of mind, see that you cet it â€" Gen- uine Phillips' Milk of Alagnesia. Also in Tablet Form: . Phillips' Milk of Magncsi.i Tab- Mis are now on sale at all drug â- tores everywhere. Ench tiny tab- Utis the equivalent of ,^:^:^ â-  teasiiOGnful of Gen- .^^--o^s. ulne Phillips' Milk of ^^i-V> V M«gnesia. (j^»-' ' Phillips' A/ilk (J /l/faaneS^icu MAOe IN CANADA hp STOP ITCHING AND TO 1 â- IHiCLEAR UP^^HH ECZEMA AND SKIN RASHES- USE Dr. D. D. DcDiiis' Li<|uiJ Prescrip- tioo, made and warranted bv the makers of Canipana*! Italian 6aliu. Trial bottle 35c at your druggist. t4 Dr. J. E. Hett, of 607 Sherboiiine St., Toronto, and 223 King Street E., Kitchener, Ontario, who has been In- terested in cancer since hla^ graduat- ion In medicine from the University of Toronto, in 1891, has devoted near- ly all of his spare time to research work and intensive study of this great problem. He toured Europe on different oc- casions and visited the laboratories and cancer clinics in London, Paris, Berlin, Heidelberg, Vienna, Prague, Padua, Bolonga and Rome. For years In his own laboratory In Kitchener he worked away quietly, taking no time off for sports or other diversions but devoting every spare moment, after the hard day's work at his profession of medicine and sur- gery. On many occasions he worked throughout the night. Eventually he became convinced that germs were the actual cause of cancer and that Irritation alone was not sufficient. He pursued this theory steadily and four and one-half years ago reached the conclusion that he had developed a «eruui, wliii.'h. It given Intravenously would obtain the long looked for re- sults. At first his patients were very few but gradually they have Increased In numbers so that now he is very busy treating patients every week in Tor- onto. Kitchener. London and Windsor. For bomo mouths past, records have been compiled of a largo number of cases. These records are scientifically prepared with the clinical histories and biopsies (pathological reports of sectious removed tor diagnosis). As time goes on more and more records are added and progress noted. In the Toronto Evening Telegram of November IGth last, the following appean i! : Doctors Surprised "A number of very prominent me- dical men have examined these re- cords and are very greatly surprised at the results. The profession as a whole, however, knows but little of this work which has been going on So quietly. Dr. Hett up to the present time has not given bis formulae to the profes.sion and for that reason there has been but little publicity. Dr. Hett declares that It- is his in- tention to give his secret to the pro- fession when the time comes. "I am entirely convinced myself, but I do not wish to be considered premature and declaring It. I have a Catarrhal Deafness May Be Overcome If you have catarrhal deafness or head noi.ses go to your druggist and get 1 oz. of Parmint (double strength) and add to it Vx pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take 1 tablespooiiful four times a day. Thi.s will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath- ing become easy and the mucous itop dropping: into the throat. It is dasy to prepare, costs little and i.s pleasant to take. Anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. FOR SALE eo CYCLEâ€" 110 VOLTâ€" C. G. E. MOTOR IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, 2 HORSKroWER, 8 PHASE Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto number of cases that have been cured one, two, three and four years who had been given but a few months or weeks to live," he told the Telegram. "And the remarkable part of it is that these patients have kept well and ad- ded more weight than a year ago, and are carrying on their usual occupa- tions, some of them the heavy burd- ens that fall on farmers' wives. "There was no selection of these cases and a large percentage of them were looked on as hopeless, and the only thing that could be done for them was the administration of mor- phine to relieve their pain. I am no longer experimenting; that 6tage of the treatment was passed four years ago. I am now obtaining results such as have never been obi.iined before anywhere," he says. Remarkable Results During the past four years Dr. Hett has carefully watched each patient, and has acquired considerable new knowledge. The subject ot cancer Is still a very great problem, and there are different forms of malignancy. Some cases are slow lu growth â€" and others very rapid. His senim gives a definite reaction when first admin- istered, and during all the times he has used it not a single accident has happened to a patient, and he has treated some with very high blood pressure; lu oUiers, a very low blood pressuie with heart disease and other complications. He has discovered that where Ciincers are slow growing, he cannot obtain a high degree ot re- action, whilst with those of rapid growth the reaction is very strong. Some of these palieiiU iire livius i!i Toronto and others outside. The Te- legram last year, and early this year had the opporiuuity of seeing several of them, and recently checked up on their progress following the appar- ent cure. Records recently made show remarkable gains in weight and add- ed strength by some; and the others continue in ijood health. Curability of Cancer In 1927 the Department of Health of Detroit established a cancer divi- sion as a registry of the cancer cases treated In all the Detroit hospitals. The attempt has been made to follow the cases treated there surgically or otherwise in 1927, '2S. '29, for five years. No case was Included unless the pathological diagnosis was record- ed, but the attempt was made to in- clude all cases treated lu 13 hospitals. The result Is an exhibition of the work In attempting to cure cancer In the hospitals of a large city. The figures show the terrible mort ality of the disease, despite all that haM.Ucpn uccompllKhed lo date by surfii-ry oi- r::(iium or other treat- ment. Total Living at end Organ cases of five yr«. Sioniuch uoO 1 lutestiue . : W 5 Rectum 8t « Uterus ItR, 34 IJreust 385 93 Dr. Hett's Success A couipari.soii of these records with the recorls that Dr. Hett has at this time would ceriainty give the medical Iirofessioii an ide.-i of the remarkable results obtained in the treatment ot tile disease similarly located by Dr. Hett with his serum. The records were examined by the Telegram, and they are available to members of tho medical profession who desire to examine them. The doctor says he realizes the many difficulties which cau arise be- fore ihe medical world can be con- vinced. A number of local medical men who have attended his clinic and examined his records have declared themseives convinced that his proof ib ample, but he declares some time must elapse before he lay., his cards all on the table. Four years ago, when he had only a few patients to show, he was urged to announce what he had, but he declined on the grounds that it would he unwise to create any false hope if such should be the case. "Time la always needed and essen- tial to prove permanency of results," he says, "but I can now say that my studies and observations of many pa- tients prove to me beyond the shadow of doubt that permanency will be pro- ven. ' Dr. Hett is uot opposed to surgery. X-rays and radium. He claims these ail have their places, but a very large nu.mber of patients are not amen- able to these treatments or have fall- 1 ed to respond to them. Whilst he has been successful In advanced cases ot cancer, he has also been successful in i cases of sarcoma. He believes also that his serum will prevent cancer, but he has uot given it in a single case for the reason that it wouW be impossible to absolutely prove it. He states that the time will certainly come when people will be immunized against cancer, but that will not come until the profes.siou will recognize that the cure of cancer has been discover- ed. Dr. Hett was the first physician in the world to treat an internal fibroid | growth by X-rays. He obtained a com- 1 pleie cure and published hia results ' iu the Journal of Advanced Therape- 1 utics in September, 19U4. He discon- j tiuued using X-rays since then, as he did not gel any results with X-rays ' m cancer. Dr. Hett takes no holidays and lie j works seven days a week. He Is »t ' present traveliiug some SOO miles ev- ery week, covering the province wes- j terly as far as Windsor, in an endea- vor to meet the demands of patients I who are unable to come to Toronto. | j He declares the strain is a heavy one j for a man of his age." NONE FINER . MADE Cnafitee£e^ CIGARETTE PAPERS SCOUTING Here There \ * v-^,' Everywhere ) % A brother lo every other Scout, tvuhoui regara to race or creed That they should stick to scouting until they were eighty years of age was the suggestion to Canadian Boy Scouts contained in a cablegram from Lord Baden-Powell on his recent 79lh birthday. The message, gent from Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, read: "Am entering my 80th year, and I urge all my Canadian brother Scouts to stick to Scouting till they reach the same ago." An appropriate permanent wood- craft reminder of Lord Baden-Poweli's visit to Canada last summer is a growing In Gilwell Park, England's famous training camp for Scout lead- ers. The trees were sent over late last summer. • • • The Canadian maple figures Is an- other bond established between Cana- dian Scouts and those of New Zea- land. These are maple seeds sent "down under" for planting In the "International Circle" of New Zea- land's training camp for Scouters. The New Zealauders hope ultimately to have trees from every part of the British Empire and from all the other Scouting countries ot the world. My Winter Garden The WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed tn th: Morning Rartr* to Go Tb« liver shoulrl pour cmt two poondn oj tlqald bilo into your bowela daily. If thin bilo ts not flowing freely, your fooU doesn't diBrest. It jnit decays in the bowels. Goa bloatB up your stomach. Yoasret constipated. Harmftil Lx>iBon9 go into tho body, and you feel Bour. sank and the world looks pnnk. A m«rebowol movement doeen'tnlwaysfret &t tb« cause. You nettd soinethinp; that worka on the liver as well. It lakes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two iMonda of bilo nowinff freely awl make you feei ' op and np'. Haroilesa and ifentle. they make the bilo How freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercur>* in thofn. Aak for Cartwr'a Little Livor Pilla by oamel Stubbornly refuse anything else. 26c. Issue No. 13 â€" '36 19 Dr. Hett sta-es that he has had ([uito a number of patients, some ot j tUem bedridiieii, who had been con- I sidered hopeless cases and who are now carrying on normal lite again. In tact states the Doctor, "Lhe most of the eases I have treated were far ad- vanced." Tho case of Mrs. Small, 930 Man- ning Ave., Toronto, is the most re- mariiable. Dr. Hett said that he has not, read of sich a remarkable case anywhere in medical literature, and that medical men who have seen and e.\amined her hold the .-am â-  opinion. ••-Mrs. Small was told in June 193-1, that her ca.so was hopeless and noth- ing was left but morphine to ease her. Her family was told three months previously that there was uo hope for her whatever. She had a part of the bowel removed In the Women's Col- lege Hospital in November 1932 and the finding prououuced by microsco- pical e.xaniiualion was adeno card- uoma. X-rays and radium were later given. A number of outstanding med- ical meu and surgeons had given her up -Ln the begiuuing of 1931 and it was uot until July 117, 1934, that Ur. Hett saw her. At that time she was very low. She was iu terrible distress and weighed less than 100 pounds. She had a recurrence and a largo mass of cancer in the pelvis, also cancer In iho bladder and was taking as much as 19 one-half grain tablets of mor- phine daily. On January 13, 1935, she took the last dose of morphine and has uot taken any since. After treat- ment with tie serum she has grad- ually improved and leads a normal lifo again and has been doing all her household work for a considerable time(> Uer weight ia now 11(1 pounds, tho sajue as it has been tho past year and she is the picture of heatth as her photograph taken January 24, 193tJ, shows." Ur. Hett believes this is the most spectacular case recorded. Not only i/ecause of the recovery after being so near to death but also because of I lie breaking off of the habit of tak- ' iiig so much of morphine each day. Dr. Hett believes that no record can ^le found in any medical journal or other publication of a ease that ap- jiarently was as hopeless as this and a recovery made, Dr. Hett Is well up in years and re- cognizes the fact that the time is short for the carrying on of his work. He states that he does not want more patients than he can properly treat Boy Scouts are Inclined to be a little boastful these days over the fact that to them was addressed the first message ever delivered "over the air" by ICing Edward. As the Prince of Wales he spoke to thfin by radio in 1922. This also was the first occasion on which a member of the Royal Family faced the microphone. • • • Indicating In a tragic way that Scouting Is not regarded as a military movement In Japan, came news that Viscount Makoio Saito, the Chief of the Japanese Hoy Scouts, wa-s In- cluded among the victims of tho re- cent series of assassinations by Jap- anese army ollleers. Viscount Saito was appointed Chief Scout for Japan In June last, and had been closely associated wilh Uie moveiucnt for some years previous. He was greatly beloved by tho Japanese Boy Scouts, and was freauoiitly seen amongst them in Scout uniform. » • • Master Dewi Jones, the famous Welsh boy soprano who has been touring Canada for the second time, was made an associate member of the 1st Saskatoon Scout Troop. The young singer wore the green and orange troop neckerchief while sing- ins at his Saskatoon concert. « « . "When 1 was Mayor of this city," said ex-mayor W. J. Stewart, C.B.E., at the father and sou banquet ot the 101 h Toronto Trooi), "I had occasion from time lo time to give voice to the debt of grntirudo that the citi- zens of Toronto owe to the Boy Scouts Association. Tonight, not as mayor, or even as ex-mayor, but as the father of a Scout, do I repeat my tribute, and in this all fathers of Scouts will join. If some of the fathers who do not support their sons In this movement knew one-half of the things (hat are going on among young people they would quickly change their attitude." and that it is his hope that the time win soon come that It is generally re- cognized that he has discovered the treatment for cancer for which the whole world has been looking. winter world is wrapped ia white. The fro.-rt is on the pane. But on the sill, the flowers in bloom Defy King Winter's reign. Geraniums in pink and red Bri^^hten the quiet room. And bring a priinipse of summer tim« To scatter winter's gloom. So we may too when sorrow comes Like winter's dark despair. Find summei-time within the heart And roses blooming;; there. â€" Helen B. Anderson. Classified Advertising IirVEMTOBS I \S UFl-'Eii ro liVEltV l.WSi.STOK. List oi warned !nve:::ii'iis ana full iTiforinuiion sent free. THE BAUSAT Company, Wur!u Talent .Miurueys. i7I Bank atieet.- otunva. C.ma.Ja. IiAOISS' CHOXEBS ^KD FOX OK (BLACK, DYED). From Jlj to 425. Your pelts nmdt up Into Chokers for $0.50. Rudolph Cai on, Kipling. Out. INSECT FOWSEB liyEK-VOODOO^ II.VRVELLOVS OR- lental powder conipmind for killing beJbuBs. roaclip-s. Sample ten cents. Teclinleal Products Mfg. Co.. 300 SL .Sai'r:ini.-nt St.. .Montreal. con iupp'v you *».*h 'eai fool comfort and mil lecomrpend CRESS CORN & BUNION SALVES m HOW'S YOUR STOMACH? C"*^?? jgjjUlL you lu^e vital ^^^^^^ uorvc force if |K 7 yo'ii allow your stoin- (bST '^H^ <iSI ach to diftrcfs you, Ac'\d jtoinnch, iiidi- i;eili..n, gas or bil- ioiisiies.-; and "cos- tivenc.ss" cause the iiiijL'd io be poisoned and will eventually destrr)y health and nerve torcf. '1 his L- whM CLirdui: tioiKic of W Main St., â- â- ^.t. C,llh..;ir.tb, Olii.. .sjid: "I b.id no pep, lutl lo'foric my.<itit to r.-it. und after ciiing, I wouM liclcii xas and suifer from indigrsiinii and heaitb-.irn. I ii.id sout 8toni;uii quite .t hit loo, I ukhI Vr. I'icive'A Goturii >It-dic:il Discovcty and it toned up my s;.-te:n ^o that 1 t\U like a diiYeieni man. The '13i.<covery' helped to drive jiway tho stonuieh di.s(ress and gave me an appetite.'* New siic, tablets 5l>c., lieiuid ^l.W and lil.iS, LIVE STOCK MARKETING Shipping on the co-operati\e plan has been pioductive of splendid results. Selling on the open market means real value for the owners. Get In touch with us. Write â€" Wire â€" or Telephone IiYadhiu-st 1143 THE UNITED TAKMEBS CO-OPEBATIVE COMPANY. ItlMITBO Ln'C tf'l-i)CK CC.MMiSSlu.S I.'IJI'T. trulon Stock Yards, Wait Toronto The Perfect Farm Insect Powder Sure Death to Parasites Itld your livestock and poultry of parasites. Prl-Kll kl'ls «very louse, tick and mite and, in addition, i^re- \»'nts inmiodiato rcinfestatlon. Full Information from your local Coopar dealer or writ* C.VXADI.VN CO-Ol^EK.VTIVE 'WOOL GROWERS LTD. ;17 Bay St. Toronto. Branehes in UeKlna, \Vi>ston, I.onnuxvillo DRI* Kl L p:

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